TOTM :: Volume #10

#952: Closes up( 7800 make up)

Lively banquet, will break up eventually. 再繁华的宴会,也终究会散场。 After the things quiet down . 曲终人散之后。 Nine real peaks. 九真峰。 " Your several get down, Fang Yu stays behind. " "你们几个都下去吧,方玉留下。" Nine True Immortal mothers drank several cups of immortals to ferment, complexion lump of red, waved to lose dispersed other disciples, only kept Aaron. 真仙娘多饮了几杯仙酿,脸色略带坨红,挥手遗散了其它弟子,只将亚伦留了下来。 Her beautiful eye circulation, high and low is sizing up Aaron, suddenly sighed: „The Old Ancestor entire life most loves the disciple...... this time he first to pass on your mudra, is permits your true inheritance, this case of several hundred years do not have...... to indicate Old Ancestor to your what kind of deep affection......” 她美目流转,上下打量着亚伦,突然叹息:“老祖生平最宠爱弟子……这次他先传你法诀,便是许你真传,此例数百年都没有过……足见老祖对你何等厚爱……” disciple is not at all ashamedly... “徒儿愧不敢当… Aaron nods again and again: Thinks Old Ancestor three years later must with the Omei fencing, some worry ......... I and others after all are the side door, is inferior to the orthodox school.” 亚伦连连点头:“只是想到老祖三年之后就要与峨眉斗剑,不由有些忧心………我等毕竟是旁门,不如正宗。” Old Ancestor refining up on Taiyi Yuan god, slightly is not bad a Yuan god who Daoism is more authentic than...... does not have the merit fruit temporarily, is unable to fly upwards......” 老祖炼就太乙元神,并不比玄门正宗的元神稍差……只是暂时没得功果,无法飞升了……” Nine True Immortal mothers drank one: " And Old Ancestor closes up for hundred years, in numerous has built up 12 Sky Sword...... this time to invite the fencing, had the completely safe assurance inevitably, when the time comes arrange/cloth next 12 day evil deity sword......, if Omei refuses stubbornly to repent, then the sword got down the account all! " 真仙娘喝了一声:"并且老祖闭关百年,一直在繁炼一十二口都天剑……此次相邀斗剑,必然是有了万全把握,到时候布下十二都天神煞剑阵……若峨眉死不悔改,便尽数剑下了账!" Originally does Sky Sword after the fiercest method, refine on 12 Sky Sword, arrangement next 12 day evil deity sword? 原来都天剑经最厉害的手段,是炼就一十二口都天剑,布置下十二都天神煞剑阵? In the Aaron heart moves slightly, even has many clue: „ This sword was quite ancient, inherits to the antiquity great antiquity, had the prestige of command world changes countenance...... " 亚伦心中略微一动,就算出不少端倪:“此剑阵颇为古老,传承至上古洪荒,有令天地变色之威啊……" " But under I do not favor Mount Luofu...... " after all destiny to involve, Mount Luofu suffered a loss, enters the tribulation passively, is inferior to Omei to be initiative, this lost offensive ......... "但我还是不看好罗浮山……"毕竟气运牵扯之下,罗浮山太吃亏了,已是被动入劫,不如峨眉主动,这就失了先手……… " Speaking of the reality, the person many mixed, from beautiful woman Master dares to disclose this news to my disciple, then could see that this matter ten tenths 99 have leaked out, hasn't Omei possibly guarded? "从现实中说,人多口杂,就从美人师父敢透露这个消息给我这个徒儿,便看得出此事十成九九已经泄露出去,峨眉怎么可能没有防范? " Even could instigate the disciple who several originally send, went to cheerfully Sky Sword and even a chart...... for example I or side Xiaolong...... "甚至说不定能策动几個原本送来的弟子,去愉了都天剑乃至阵图……比如我或者方晓龙…… Read hence, Aaron raised the head, to nine True Immortal mother faint smile vision. 一念至此,亚伦抬头,就对上了九真仙娘似笑非笑的目光。 He replied immediately: „ disciple hears this secret, the mind vacillates seriously, is secret for insurance Old Ancestor, but also asked Master to deliver me to fill in the ore eye now, did not realize cultivation method, did not go out! " 他立即答道:“徒儿听闻此大秘,当真心神动摇,为保老祖机密,还请师父现在就送我填了矿眼,不练成功法,绝不出关!" Now Mount Luofu and Omei tear to pieces the facial skin, disciple who his Omei white Elder Mei sends, is low-key point good. 如今罗浮山与峨眉撕破脸皮,他这个峨眉白梅长老送来的弟子,还是低调一点的好。 Closes up evades the catastrophe, is just the right time! 闭关躲过大祸,正当其时也! Let alone, Aaron does not want to go three years later Mount Luofu and Omei fencing. 更何况,亚伦也不想去三年之后的罗浮山与峨眉斗剑。 Wants not to need to want then to know that is a dangerous spot, went to be not necessarily able to come back, 想都不用想便知道,那就是个龙潭虎穴,去了未必能回来, Therefore...-... this closing up excuse, is really wonderful, may kill two birds with one stone! 因此…-…这个闭关的借口,实在是妙不可言,可一箭双雕也! " Also good, you resulted in mudra, now realizes as soon as possible, becomes true inheritance, is the most important matter...... ” "也好,你得了法诀,如今尽快练成,成为真传,才是最要紧的事儿……” Nine the True Immortal mother waves to make together unreliably light/only, Aaron, toward the underground drill, vanished does not see, 真仙娘挥手打出一道玄光,了亚伦,往地下一钻,就消失不见, Actually transferred entire Mount Luofu the strength of restriction in secret! 却是暗中调动了整座罗浮山的禁制之力! This Mount Luofu numerous was built up many years by Luofu Ancestral Master, has become Taiyi Essence Magnetism spirit treasure, unified whole. 这罗浮山被罗浮祖师繁炼多年,早已成为一件太乙元磁灵宝,浑然一体。 Aaron only felt that the world changes, oneself arrive in a cave mansion. 亚伦只感觉天地一变,自己就来到一处洞府之内。 Various commodities in cave mansion have it all actually, is only the entrance round five colors exposure, is Taiyi Essence Magnetism god light/only restriction! 洞府之中的各种物资倒是一应俱全,只是门口有一圆五色露光,正是太乙元磁神光所化的禁制! Probes slightly, Aaron knows, either oneself magic power can shake Yuan god Old Monster, breaks either the Essence Magnetism profound light that Mount Luofu, builds the common origin forcefully, otherwise is unable to go out, 稍微试探一番,亚伦就知道,要么自己法力能撼动元神老怪,强行打破罗浮山、要么自己修成同源的元磁玄光,否则根本无法出去, " I, if thinks, shortly can refine ......... "我若想,顷刻之间就能炼成……… But at this time goes out to go looking for trouble? " But round trip brings upon oneself Kang emotion at this time? " 但此时出去自找麻烦么?"但此时来去自找康情么?" " At least has towed for three years, after the fencing result comes out, said —— "起码拖过三年,等到斗剑结果出来之后再说吧—— Aaron decided immediately, three years later, the fencing ended goes out 亚伦登时决定,三年之后,斗剑结束就出关 Otherwise the —— Mount Luofu must exterminate an entire family by some chance, oneself do not know, runs does not have the place to run, that was also too sad. 否则的话——万一罗浮山要被灭门,自己都不知道,跑都没地方跑,那也太悲催了一些. What Aaron does not know is 亚伦所不知道的是 When he sent in the bottom of Mount Luofu to work as the person column strength, 当他被送入罗浮山之底当人柱力之时, Nine True Immortal mothers sent off this disciple, on the face expression with a smile flickered to ask that became serious, liquor air/Qi also vanished without the trace, turned around good a ritual: „ Teacher. " 真仙娘送走了这个徒儿,脸上笑吟吟的表情瞬问变得严肃,一身酒气也消失无踪,转身行了一礼:“师尊。" full Shiqing , a pierced three chignons, hands and feet strange Chang Luofu Ancestral Master was only walking. 满室清光之中,头上扎着三个发髻,手脚奇长的罗浮祖师走了出来。 When the original nine True Immortal mothers and Aaron spoke, he in side, 原来九真仙娘与亚伦说话之时,他就在旁边, Fang Yu is good child ——... Old Ancestor, although the divination calculates that he does not have the issue, but in the technique of secret, Daoism must always exceed me and others to plan authentic, cannot do without guarding......” 方玉是个好孩子——老祖虽然卜算他没有问题,但天机之术上,玄门正宗总是要胜过我等一筹,不可不防啊……” Luofu Ancestral Master stroked the beard: „ But Fang Yu invited the seal, within hundred years are unable to go out, although had the heart of ownership to my Luofu, hundred years later, the position of true inheritance, can bestow...... " 罗浮祖师捋了捋胡须:“但方玉自请封印,百年之内都无法出关,虽然对我罗浮甚有归属之心,百年之后,真传之位,可以赐下……" " Many thanks teacher. " "多谢师尊。" Nine True Immortal mothers one happy, expressed gratitude hastily, after waiting till setting out, on the face brought to kill intent: „ Now Omei launches an attack, our Luofu eventually was the disciple heterogeneous, this/should cleaned up one...... Fang Yu not to have the issue well, side Xiaolong not necessarily did not have the issue. " 真仙娘一喜,连忙道谢,不过等到起身之后,脸上就带着杀意:“如今峨眉发难,我们罗浮终究是弟子驳杂了一些,该好好清理一番……方玉没有问题,方晓龙未必没有问题." The disciple who " true Omei sends not many ......... let alone so will not be more flagrant, if Mount Luofu has the spy, greatly possibly is the net worth origin pure disciple...... "真正峨眉送来的弟子并不多………更何况也不会如此明目张胆,若罗浮山有奸细,更大可能是身家来历清白的弟子…… Luofu Ancestral Master sneers: „ You emit the wind to go .........- said 12 deity keen Jianzhen of old man, will also need a chart coordination... that chart to place dead of old age in the cave mansion...... dead of old age will go out to visit friends recently, created the opportunity to these people, only looked that who first could not bear begin...... 罗浮祖师冷笑一声:“你们都放出风去………-就说老夫的十二都天神敏剑阵,还需要一张阵图配合…那阵图就放在老去洞府中……老去最近会外出访友,给那些人制造机会,只看谁先忍不住动手了…… Teacher —— that chart such being the case is important, but also please carry...... nine True Immortal mothers enough to say along late: „ The Omei wonderful honorable person, is a powerful enemy, if the chart has what accident, even if catches the rebel, does not help matters “师尊——那阵图既然如此重要,还请随身携带吧……”九真仙娘迟够道:“峨眉妙一真人,可是一位劲敌啊,万一阵图有什么闪失,纵然抓出叛徒,也无济于事啊 " Under can't the heavy bait, how fish the big fish? " "不下重饵,怎么能钓到大鱼?" Luofu Ancestral Master laughs, touches nine True Immortal mothers' heads: „ Good disciple...... you not to need to be worried is a master, for 12 day evil deity sword of master, has practiced not to need a chart the situation —— " 罗浮祖师哈哈一笑,摸了摸九真仙娘的脑袋:“好徒儿……伱不用担心为师,为师的十二都天神煞剑阵,早已修炼到不需要阵图的地步了——" His look transfers proudly: „ This time ......... then must let the world cultivates ten to know, by delimiting the technique is exquisite, my Luofu does not lose to his Omei! " —— 他神色转为傲然:“这一次………便要让天下的修十都知晓,论划术精妙,我罗浮也不输给他峨眉!"—— Omei this mountain. 峨眉本山。 sword light falls above ten thousand Buddha Jinding together, impressively is side Jing! 一道剑光落在万佛金顶之上,赫然是方镜! This time he, said finally into profound light, achievement Sword Immortal, can enjoy nearly millennium lives! 此时的他,终于道入玄光,成就剑仙,能享受近千年寿元! The one who finishes intent he to cultivate is the twelfth branch gate authentic heart law, is only fiercer than the side door in the twelfth branch boundary long life. 毕意他修炼的乃是亥门正宗的心法,在亥光境延寿就是比旁门厉害。 Present side Jing, the complexion is gloomy, appears worried, 只是如今的方镜,却面色阴沉,显得心事重重, His teacher white plum Daoist, in Omei is not the powerful figure, to him is one small transparent. 他师尊白梅道人,在峨眉就不是什么实权人物,到了他就更是一个小透明般。 Every day refining up the sword and spiritual cultivation —— silently 每日默默炼剑、修道—— Finally was done the new official apprentice easily to compare the past, 结果就是被一干新入门弟子轻易比了过去, Did not say Yang Xumi, even if compared with after him basic Li Yingyun, now on rapid setting Gold Formation Pill! 不说杨须弥,哪怕是比他后入门的李英云,如今就快凝结金丹了! Cut to kill the Golden Pill big demon, overawes the world! 更曾经斩杀过金丹大魔,威震天下! Compares, he just mirror cannot compare the small finger of opposite party, 相比起来,他方镜连对方的小指头都比不上, But makes side Jing despondent truly, is not this matter. 但真正让方镜抑郁的,还不是这事。
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