TOTM :: Volume #10

#951: Old Ancestor

„ Did a good Little Bai mouse, die? Strange! " “一只上佳的小白鼠,就这么死了?才怪呢!" Blood god gu that Aaron is shaking hand. 亚伦握着手上的血神蛊。 This gu and Ding Xiadong shares the same roots, if Ding Xiadong body dies, this gu definitely will also destroy. 此蛊与丁夏冬血脉相连,若是丁夏冬身死,此蛊也必然会自行毁灭。 But now...... it has not had an accident! 而现在……它并没有出事! His mind plunges in the middle of the gu insect, immediately saw another secret secret room 他心神浸入蛊虫当中,顿时就看到了另外一处隐秘密室 Here also has Blood Pond, was only the scale was smaller than far more than hundred times before! 这里同样有一个血池,只是规模比之前小了何止百倍! Crash-bang! 哗啦! A white and shiny arm, solicited however stretches out from Blood Pond, crawled along the basin edge, impressively was meticulous Ding Xiadong! 一条白花花的手臂,募然从血池中伸出,沿着水池边缘爬了出来,赫然是一丝不苟的丁夏冬! „Was here arrangement stimulated...... me dead one time?” “这里的布置被激发……我已经死了一次?” His nan makes a sound, the expression on face becomes fainter: „...... Died died...... father's blood nerve most to excel, maintained life! Under the blood god egg by father arrangement, must kill father a lot of times, can kill the father truly! " 他喃响一声,脸上的表情变得更加淡漠:“也罢……死了就死了吧……老子的血神经最擅长的,就是保命!以老子布置下的血神卵,必须杀老子千百次,才能真正杀死老子!" Omei...... Li Yingyun...... our enmities, deeper.” “峨眉……李英云……咱们的仇怨,更深一层了。” He muttered one, put on the black long gown. 他喃喃一声,披上了黑色长袍。 Demon Way is Demon Way, lies in all sorts of strange peerless abilities...... " 魔道之所以为魔道,就在于种种奇诡绝伦的能力……" Aaron is looking at this, in the heart is sighs one 亚伦望着这一幕,心中却是叹息一声 sea of blood Demon Way most is good at maintaining life, he can live to Ding Xiadong, is not surprised. 血海魔道最擅长保命,他对丁夏冬能活下来,并不感到吃惊。 What he sighed was...... the opposite party cultivates demon art, the sword has walked the slant gradually, before even drew support from the purple azure sword, cuts to kill the part of mortal, thus urged a round of demonic nature, refine the blood shadow marvelous ability truly! 他叹息的是……对方修炼魔功,已经渐渐剑走偏锋,之前甚至借助紫青剑,来斩杀自己凡人的部分,从而催发魔性,真正炼成血影神功! " This inconceivable operation, only has true demon or the lunatic thinks...... Ding Xiadong, you turned ripe...... ’ "这种不可思议的操作,唯有真正的魔子或者疯子才想得出来……丁夏冬,你变成熟了啊……’ You were cut to kill every time one time, the emotion became fainter...... to finally, had no difference from the robot simply, if not for revenge Omei held to read is supporting, I do not know that what appearance you will turn into? " 只是你每被斩杀一次,情感就会变得更加淡漠……到了最后,简直跟个机器人没有什么区别,若不是还有复仇峨眉的执念撑着,我都不知道你会变成什么模样?" Pouring is also an extremely good sample, records , to continue to observe...... “倒也是一个极其不错的样本,记录下来,继续观察吧…… In an instant, time in a hurry, past more than 20 years. 转眼间,时光匆匆,又过去二十多年。 The world is more chaotic! 天下更乱! Even because Mount Luofu the disciple is numerous, during involved central lands to transform much, sparred to suffer a loss after the person, could not bear call the person. 甚至罗浮山由于弟子众多,不少都牵扯到了中土变革之中,与人斗法吃了亏之后,就忍不住回来叫人。 Even if two Senior Sister martial charm, three Senior Brother sighed not have called Aaron, went to such and such fencing to help, but was rejected by Aaron. 纵然二师姐武媚、三师兄莫兮叹都来叫过亚伦,前往某某处斗剑助拳,但都被亚伦拒绝了。 This also causes martial charm almost to break off with him, the reputation in the gate also gradually becomes general. 这也导致武媚几乎跟他决裂,在门中名声也渐渐变得一般。 Others said, Fang Yu lived in the turtle immortal palace, the character is like the old tortoise, only waits for Old Ancestor to go out to inspect true inheritance, lost the heart of went fearlessly ahead. 别人都说,方玉住了龟仙殿,性格就跟老乌龟一样,只等着老祖出关考核真传,失了勇猛精进之心。 Nine True Immortal mothers called actually Aaron, raised has selected several times, then also let matters drift. 真仙娘倒是将亚伦叫去,提点过几次,然后也就听之任之了。 Aaron is starts to suspend in any case rottenly, the reputation regarding people like him, is not simply different from the scrap paper. 反正亚伦就是开始摆烂,名声对于他这种人而言,简直跟废纸也没什么两样。 Now External Realm is so chaotic and dangerous, said that demon both are starting to side door loose cultivator, oneself silly went out! 现在外界如此混乱与危险,道魔两家都在对旁门散修下手,自己傻了才外出! Fang Yu Senior Brother, Xiaolong seeks an interview!” 方玉师兄,晓龙求见!” At this moment, outside the palace broadcasts an old sound. 就在这时,殿堂之外传来一個苍老的声音。 Aaron is startled slightly, at once opens the law to ban, saw that silver-haired side Xiaolong had walked. 亚伦略微一怔,旋即打开法禁,就见到已经白发苍苍的方晓龙走了进来。 Has seen Senior Brother. " “见过师兄。" side Xiaolong salutes hastily 方晓龙连忙行礼 Is looking as before just like Fang Yu of youngster, if said in his heart not to envy the envy, that is also false. 望着依旧宛若少年的方玉,若说他心中没有羡慕嫉妒,那也是假的。 But the person is older, his attitude even more is respectful. 但人越老,他的态度就越发恭敬。 After all at this time knows, the weight/quantity of profound light! 毕竟此时才知道,玄光的分量! You were so old...... according to the common sense, you more than 50? But Early Heaven can the life over hundred...... " “你怎么这般老了……按照常理,你才五十多吧?而先天就能寿元过百了……" The Aaron surprise asked one. 亚伦诧异问了一句。 " Junior Brother goes to External Realm, when seeks for the air/Qi of astral ghost, was not careful a nest violated the fox fine say/way, was blotted a lot of aniline blacks, the die sooner die sooner 20...... " "师弟前往外界,寻找罡煞之气时,不小心着了一窝犯狸精的道,被吸去大量精元,折寿二十……" side Xiaolong smiles bitterly a reply. 方晓龙苦笑一声回答。 Originally by seductress damaging......” “原来是被狐狸精给祸害了……” Aaron sighed, is looking at side Xiaolong. 亚伦叹息一声,望着方晓龙。 This person of cultivation base, to outside astral realm, but refining up on the profound light, as if the opportunity is uncertain, 此人修为,也到了外罡境界,但炼就玄光,却似乎机会渺茫, Although Aaron never feels fixed, outside astral, especially refining up on the profound light difficult. 虽然亚伦从来不觉得凝然,外罡,特别是炼就玄光有多难。 But to some people, that is the natural moat! 但对有的人来说,那就是天堑! If inadequate profound light/only, crosses again 20-30 years, side Xiaolong must change into the bleached bone. 若是不成玄光,再过个20-30年,方晓龙就要化为枯骨了。 I cross several days open the furnace pill refining, if can result in several beneficial essence qi pill medicine, delivers you one...... " “我过几日会开炉炼丹,若能得几枚有益元气丹药,就送你一枚吧……" Aaron thinks, opens the mouth to say. 亚伦想了想,开口道。 " Many thanks Senior Brother. ” side Xiaolong salutes hastily, subsequently said: „ Junior Brother old bones, pour have nothing, but also gets married to give birth in sect, the grandson is good, in the future Senior Brother will look after 12, is deeply grateful...... " "多谢师兄。”方晓龙连忙行礼,继而道:“师弟一把老骨头,倒也没什么,只是在宗门中也成亲生子,有一孙子还算不错,日后师兄照看一二,便感激不尽……" He does not want to use so many years, is the meager favor that Aaron runs about trades pill medicine, but wants to shift to own grandson on, was one piece licks the calf affectionate. 他不想用这么多年,为亚伦跑腿的微薄人情换丹药,而是想转移到自己孙子身上,也是一片舔犊情深了。 Aaron is silent long time, opens the mouth at once: „ Even if did not say that senior and junior brothers matter, we are the main family, the you descendants have difficult, how can I not help? " 亚伦又是默然良久,旋即才开口:“就算不说师兄弟的事,咱们都是本家,伱的子孙有难,我又怎么会不帮呢?" Let alone here, even if that side Fang Village, Aaron also has the arrangement. 别说这里,哪怕是方家村那边,亚伦都还有着布置呢。 After all Fang Yu this status, which day could not do well to lose. 毕竟方玉这个身份,搞不好哪天就丢了。 Many thanks Senior Brother! " “多谢师兄!" side Xiaolong is moved to tears directly: „ Junior Brother no other strong point, but is Senior Brother inquires the news with running about this minor matter, can accomplish. " 方晓龙直接热泪盈眶:“师弟别无长处,但为师兄打听消息与跑腿这种小事,还是能办到的。" So good, what matter recently can sect have to involve to go? " “如此甚好,最近宗门可有牵扯进什么事去?" Aaron spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. 亚伦随口问了一句。 side Xiaolong direct reaction: „The biggest matter, is in disciple Su Zixuan, was confirmed dozens years ago...... the villain on the falling from the sky open sea, possibly with Omei related......” 没想到,方晓龙直接回答:“最大的事,就是内门弟子苏紫萱,被确认早在数十年前就陨落外海……凶徒,可能与峨眉有关……” Su Zixuan?” “苏紫萱?” Aaron thought that this name is a little familiar-sounding, the memory of photographic memory, recalls immediately: " Wasn't this that in the past by Mount Luofu that in the water clan encircled kills the disciple? She dies of the hand of sea-nymph obviously, how to turn into the pot of Omei? 亚伦觉得这名字有点耳熟,过目不忘的记忆力,立即就回忆起来:"这不是那个当年被水族围杀的罗浮山内门弟子么?她明明死于海妖之手,怎么就变成峨眉的锅了? " Some this people frame by planting stolen goods on, selects to pull out intentionally? " "这是有人栽赃,还是故意挑拔?" Even if the must know Mount Luofu has hundreds of thousands disciples, but overwhelming majority are the entrance doors. 须知纵然罗浮山有十几万弟子,但绝大部分都是外门。 True in disciple, only then several hundreds, each has ties of kinship, passes the relations...... to pull to several Golden Pill Ancestral Master on finally. 真正的内门弟子,也只有数百,每一个都沾亲带故,通着关系……最后都能扯到几位金丹宗师身上。 Died in the disciple, matter is big. 死了一个内门弟子,事情还是不小的。 This Su Zixuan is disciple that the amethyst worthless person most likes......” side Xiaolong for fear that Aaron does not know, supplemented one “这苏紫萱是紫玉散人最喜欢的徒儿……”方晓龙生怕亚伦不知道,补充了一句 The amethyst worthless person, Aaron knows actually, is Mount Luofu true inheritance, with Golden Pill Ancestral Master that nine True Immortal mothers share the honor! 紫玉散人,亚伦倒是知道,乃是罗浮山真传,与九真仙娘齐名的金丹宗师! A few words, has Mount Luofu started to join a gambling game? 一句话来说,罗浮山已经开始入局了? Really the divine intervention makes one...... under such secret, Mount Luofu of ten several tens of thousands of disciples, can always annoy...... the disciple who has an accident to be many, is everywhere the flaw! " “果然天意弄人……在此等天机之下,十数万弟子的罗浮山,总能惹出事来的……弟子多了,就是处处破绽啊!" I knew, pays close attention to this matter! " “我知道了,密切关注这事!" Aaron beckons with the hand, he has the premonition. 亚伦摆摆手,他有着预感。 After experiencing dozens years of evolution, Omei destiny finally formally starts with the Mount Luofu this side door's first major faction conflict. 在经历了数十年的演化之后,峨眉气运终于正式开始与罗浮山这旁门第一大派冲突。 Was...... first finds the opportunity to run? " 是不是……先找机会跑了?" " But if Luofu Old Ancestor has an accident...... my nine to refine to develop a day of gu, how could it not be to have the whereabouts? "但如果罗浮老祖出事……我的九炼演天蛊,岂不就有着落了? " This thought has treason and heresy enough, bullies master Miezu, but I like...... "这念头有够大逆不道,欺师灭祖的,不过我喜欢…… After several months . 数月之后。 side Xiaolong visits again, this time, his expression changed: „ Senior Brother...... the important matter is not good! " „ Said! " 方晓龙再次登门,这一次,他的表情就变了许多:“师兄……大事不好!"“说!" Aaron has the preparation early, the day collapses not startled inquired. 亚伦早有心理准备,天塌不惊地询问。 On amethyst worthless person Omei was personally reasonable, the result does not know how to meet the bitter mendicant budhist monk, a both sides word did not gather then draws a sword in opposite directions...... then, the amethyst worthless person was killed by a bitter mendicant budhist monk sword...... " “紫玉散人亲自上峨眉讲道理,结果不知怎么遇到了苦头陀,双方一言不合便拔剑相向……然后,紫玉散人就被苦头陀一剑杀了……" side Xiaolong both eyes absent-minded: Now in gate public sentiment agitated......, but we, we are Omei white Mei recommend .” 方晓龙双目失神:“如今门内群情汹汹……但我们,我们是峨眉白梅引荐来的啊..” Junior Brother must be frightened not, we do obeisance into Mount Luofu, did not have the relations with Omei, is insufficient to be involved...... in the present gate the anger, is to Omei, other minor matters, have our Master nine True Immortal mothers in! " 师弟莫要惊惶,我们拜入罗浮山,就与峨眉没有了关系,不至于被牵连……如今门中愤怒,都是对峨眉去的,其余小事,有咱们师父真仙娘在呢!" Aaron drank one. 亚伦喝了一句。 How long side Xiaolong has not walked, Sound Transmission Talisman comes together. 方晓龙没走多久,一道传音符过来。 Aaron received looked, changes into together the flowing light, flies nine True Immortal mothers' main shrines. 亚伦接过一看,就化为一道流光,飞到九真仙娘的主殿。 In the palace, several Ascetic are his acquaintance. 殿堂之中,几位修士都是他的熟人。 Eldest Senior Brother profound dust, Taoism dresses up, a face is travel-worn. 大师兄玄尘子,道家打扮,一脸风尘仆仆。 Two Senior Sister martial charm, install the red skirt, is arrogant like the phoenix, because of the beforehand matter, sees Aaron to come at this time, did not greet. 师姐武媚,一装红裙,高傲得如同凤凰,因为之前的事儿,此时见到亚伦过来,也不打招呼。 Three Senior Brother sighed disciple that as well as these years nine True Immortal mothers received not, five Junior Brother Yuan child. 师兄莫兮叹、以及这些年九真仙娘又收的一个徒儿,五师弟元元子都在。 Aaron passes immediately, greets 亚伦当即过去,一个个打了声招呼 Not long, sees a flame to fall, changes into the complexion pale nine True Immortal mothers, shouted: „ Omei shame I very! " 没有多久,就见一道火光落下,化为面色铁青的九真仙娘,喝道:“峨眉辱我太甚!" Can let this Golden Pill Ancestral Master that has the Omei good friends air/Qi this, obviously the matter was noisily big. 能让这位有峨眉好友的金丹宗师都气成这样,显然事情闹大了。 How did Master...... that side Omei say?” 师父……峨眉那边如何说?” Profound dust leaves ranks, inquired one. 玄尘子出列,询问了一句。 Bitter mendicant budhist monk said that lets slip for a while, has not thought of the amethyst worthless person so weak......, since a sword had killed, that does not have the means that then protects and sustains its True Spirit to be reincarnated, gets down first to do obeisance into Omei, uses temporarily as the compensation...... " “苦头陀说是一时失手,并未想到紫玉散人会如此之弱……既然已经一剑杀了,那也没有办法,便护持其真灵转世,下一世拜入峨眉,权当补偿……" Nine True Immortal mother whole bodies are emitting the flame, obviously already anger to the extreme: „ Good Omei, Golden Pill does Ancestral Master of my Mount Luofu, only match to work as the disciple? " 真仙娘浑身都在冒出火光,显然已经愤怒至极点:“好一个峨眉,我罗浮山的金丹宗师,就只配去当弟子么?" Unexpectedly was a sword gives to kill...... 居然是一剑就给杀了…… " This side door Golden Pill, enough is weak...... "这旁门的金丹,有够弱啊…… In the Aaron heart complained, at this time lowered the head silently, does not want to provoke the attention. 亚伦心中吐槽,此时默默低头,不想招惹注意。 Our several Golden Pill true inheritance had decided, the wishing respectfully teacher goes out, upholds the justice for us! " “我们几位金丹真传已经决定,叩请老师出关,为我们主持公道!" Nine True Immortal mothers drank one: " You go to Old Ancestor place of seclusion along with me together! " 真仙娘喝了一声:"你们随我一起去老祖闭关之地!" Immediately wields the sleeves, Man Shisheng light/only. 当即一挥衣袖,满室生光。 Aaron only felt that sweeps across to come vigorously, if insists to work loose, naturally can leave, but is not necessary at this time. 亚伦只感觉一股大力席卷而来,如果硬要挣脱,自然可以离开,但此时就大可不必。 Nine the True Immortal mother brought five own disciple, just like with lightning speed, flying Mount Luofu highest place here is a platform, grew an ancient pine, has the five colors multi-colored sunlight, from the cave mansion in infiltrates , but above platform, had run the dense and numerous disciples 真仙娘带了五个亲徒儿,一路宛若风驰电掣,飞到了罗浮山最高处这里是一处平台,长了一株古松,有五色霞光,自洞府中渗透而出而在平台之上,早已跑了密密麻麻的弟子 Nine True Immortal mothers also join, shouted: „ The disciple met eyebrow the shame, asking Master to go out to uphold the justice! " 真仙娘也加入进去,喝道:“徒儿们被接眉所辱,请师父出关主持公道!" Aaron is not bright , can only follow other disciple grandsons to shout together: " Asked master ancestor to go out! 亚伦无亮,也只能跟着其它徒孙一起喊:"请师祖出关! After three, suddenly a everything may become vulnerable 三遍过后,忽然一阵地动山摇 All colors multi-colored sunlight of cave mansion is defeated and dispersed, la warm Daoist who goes out of hands and feet strange big 洞府的五彩霞光溃散,从中走出一位手脚奇大的邋温道人 „ Is this then Luofu Old Ancestor? “这便是罗浮老祖么? Is looking at the opposite party head three chignons, each chignon with the small sword makes for the appearance, in the Aaron heart complains one ; This closes up is hundred years starts, if not I am profound light/only, perhaps was boiled while still alive...... 望着对方头上三个发髻,每个发髻都用小剑作替的模样,亚伦心中吐槽一句;这一闭关就是百年起步,若非我是玄光,恐怕就被活活熬死了…… What matter had/left?” “出了何事?” A Luofu Old Ancestor eye is shining, looks to the people. 罗浮老祖一双眼睛精光四射,看向众人。 Aaron has by the feeling that this vision completely understands together immediately, develops the day to contract to shake luckily slightly, sends out the ripple, keeping off this together vision. 亚伦顿时有着被这一道目光看透的感觉,幸好演天患微微一震,散发出波纹,把挡了这一道目光。 " Luofu Old Ancestor, those who are known as side door's first Yuan god...... to cultivate is the Taiyi five spirits after...... refining up on Taiyi Yuan god, for the side door's first ingenious method Yuan god, surpasses these white bones Yuan gods, seven to kill the Yuan god not to know many... "罗浮老祖,号称旁门第一元神……所修炼的乃是太乙五灵经……炼就太乙元神,为旁门第一妙法元神,超出那些白骨元神、七杀元神不知多少… In the Aaron heart appears silently the information about Luofu Old Ancestor 亚伦心中默默浮现出关于罗浮老祖的信息 At this time, several Golden Pill Ancestral Master, have gone forward to cry to say the matter 这时候,已经有几位金丹宗师,上前哭着将事情说了 Fu Sheng Old Ancestor is really angry, shouts: „ Dares to kill my Su Zitu, the Omei good courage...... to will them give a confession! Child! " 傅胜老祖果然大怒,喝道:“竟敢杀我苏紫徒儿,峨眉好胆子……必要他们给个交代!森罗子!" disciple in! " “徒儿在!" Saw a whole body gloom dense mendicant budhist monk to jump, impressively was also Luofu Ancestral Master. 就见一个浑身阴气森森的头陀跳了出来,赫然也是一位罗浮宗师 You deliver Omei my post, said that this Old Ancestor makes that simultaneous/uniform Miao one three years later, the shore of Eastern Sea, with the Omei fencing, by causes and effects!” “你将我帖子送上峨眉,就说本老祖约那齐妙一于三年之后,东海之滨,与峨眉斗剑,以了因果!” Fu Sheng Old Ancestor called out. 傅胜老祖叫道。 Really...... is like the hearsay, this Old Ancestor likes hiding shortcomings. “果然……跟传闻一样,这位老祖爱护短。 Aaron shows the whites of the eyes: Also without considering the rights and wrongs, wanted the fencing directly, although this matter, probably was really Omei not to......” 亚伦翻了个白眼:“也不问青红皂白,直接就要斗剑了,虽然这件事,好像真的是峨眉不对……” After handling this matter, purple Jade Mountain chats the banquet, congratulates the happiness of amethyst Old Ancestor going out 处置了这件事之后,紫玉山大摆宴席,庆贺紫玉老祖出关之喜 Immediately entire entrance silent 当即整个山门都寂静了起来 However entrance door disciple , can only entertain. 不过外门弟子,也就只能自娱自乐。 Only some in several hundreds the disciple, can banquet in the Taiyi pavilion 唯有数百内门弟子,才能在太乙阁中饮宴 And, only has few Luofu Ancestral Master personal inheritance disciple, can approach a Fu Sheng Ancestral Master point slightly...... 其中,又唯有寥寥几个罗浮宗师亲传弟子,能稍微靠近傅胜祖师一点…… Aaron is taking quite the bronze liquor nobility of somewhat ancient intent, drinks good wine that Fu Shengshan is collecting, works as one diligently slightly transparent. 亚伦正拿着颇有几分古意的青铜酒爵,饮用着傅胜山珍藏的美酒,努力当一个小透明。 Suddenly, hears nine Fu Shengyun voice: Teacher...... my these years also received a disciple, have realized the beginning of the universe Fang Yu air/Qi, want to ask you to hand down mudra, go to the mineral lode to make......” 忽然,就听得九傅胜云的声音:“师尊……我这些年也收了一位弟子,已经练成混元方玉气,想请您传下法诀,前往矿脉一造……” This Master can locate, has the matter she really to record! “这师父能处,有事她真记着呢! Aaron put down the liquor to chew hastily, leaves ranks to prostrate oneself, called out: disciple grandson pays a visit Ancestral Master!” „?” 亚伦连忙放下酒嚼,出列拜倒,叫道:“徒孙拜见祖师!”“哦?” Fu Sheng Ancestral Master swept one, then counts the operation, immediately is considered as this martial charm origin purely- This naturally is the false material that Aaron gives. 傅胜祖师扫了一眼,然后掐指运算,顿时就将这武媚的来历算得清清白白--这当然是亚伦给的假资料。 Any major faction, receiving disciple true inheritance non- is the minor matter, related to Way Heritage! 任何大派,收徒真传都非是小事,涉及道统! " Some actually fortuitous encounters, is together good the beautiful jade, making you wait painstakingly for 30 years, put in great inconvenience to...... Old Ancestor to make an exception, first passed on your mudra, this said the ore eye, can transform quickly Fang Yu. " "倒是有些奇遇,也是一块良才美玉,让你苦等三十年,着实委屈了……也罢老祖就破个例,先传你法诀,此去道了矿眼,也能将方玉转化得快一些。" Amethyst Ancestral Master laughs, a dao method strength wields, submerges the Aaron forehead, isTrue Immortal mother magnetism god light/onlymudra! 紫玉祖师哈哈一笑,一道法力挥出,没入亚伦眉心,正是“真仙娘磁神光’的法诀! Sees this adore/admire, group however Fu Sheng and the others, on the face also appears to admire the color 见到这一慕,组然傅胜等人,脸上也不由浮现出艳羡之色 Fu Sheng must Ancestral Master pass on the law, has been representing, so long as hundred years later successfully goes out, inevitably is- Fu Sheng true inheritance! 傅胜得祖师传法,已经代表着,只要百年之后成功出关,就必然是--傅胜真传了! In the Aaron heart, without many are excited. 亚伦心中,却没多少激动。 After all...... hundred years later, Fu Shengshan was not, two said. 毕竟……百年之后,傅胜山还在不在,都着实两说的。 However in sea of consciousness this True Immortal mother magnetism god mudra of light/only, made him slightly somewhat pleasantly surprised 不过识海中这篇真仙娘磁神光的法诀,还是令他稍微有些惊喜 " Fu Sheng five big true inheritance, the Taiyi five spirits ban, a Xumi pro and con imperial palace great formation day unboiled water chart...... I also to calculate that , Fu Shengyun magnetism god, Sky Sword went well 1/5...... "傅胜五大真传,太乙五灵经、都天剑经、傅胜云磁神禁、须弥正反九宫大阵天一生水图……我也算得手五分之一了……
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