TOTM :: Volume #10

#943: martial charm( 6600 make up)

cultivation method pavilion. 功法阁。 Mount Luofu was known as that has three thousand Great Way. 罗浮山号称有三千大道 In fact, ten tenths 99 are some tattered goods, like snake flood dragon who side Xiaolong studies like that can only cultivation the congealing ghost, outside astral, the advance is then roadless. 实际上,十成九九都是一些破烂货色,如同方晓龙所学的蛇蛟手那般,只能修炼到凝煞、外罡,便前进无路。 However Aaron actually does not discriminate against them. 不过亚伦却并不歧视它们。 To him, even if incomplete dao method, can send the predecessor not to think, tries another method, may take to him the inspiration, made the inheritance crashing collisions of two world, burst out the radiant spark. 对他而言,纵然是残缺的道法,能发前人之未想,另辟蹊径,也可带给他灵感,令两个世界的传承激烈碰撞,迸发出璀璨的火花。 Even, even if some lectures practice the mixed book, he is not willing to let off. 甚至,纵然一些讲修行界的杂书,他都不愿放过。 At this time, in the hand even turned the method of building up the gu. 此时,手中甚至翻到了一本炼蛊的法门。 Gu insect is the small technique, is regarded as heresy the giant in standard configuration even Mount Luofu this type of heresy, does not think highly to play the insect “蛊虫本来就是小术,被视为旁门左道的标配甚至罗浮山这种旁门左道中的巨擘,都不太看得起玩虫子的” But the good and evil also collected several gu technique ancient books, the talent talents of including two people, are not under ten thousand gu Daoist immortals “但好歹也收藏了几部蛊术典籍,其中有两人的天赋才情,不在万蛊真君之下” Aaron puts down hand «Five harmful things Secret and important», closes a book to sigh. 亚伦放下手中的《五毒秘要》,掩卷叹息一声。 He closes the eye, all sorts of cultivation method and inheritance that these date and time see change into together the trickle in the heart, flows slowly. 他闭上眼睛,这些时日所见的种种功法、传承就在心中化为一道涓涓细流,缓缓流淌而过。 Some passing difficulties, untie unexpectedly! 过往的一些疑难,竟然就此解开! I am unable to refine nine to refine to develop a day of gu, is not the life invests insufficiently, but was it also missed a key material, is unable to use the life alternative material!” “我无法炼成九炼演天蛊,并非寿元投入得不够,而是它还差了一件关键材料,无法用寿元替代的材料!” Although own life is the refinement develops a day of gu principal, is actually not only. 自身寿元虽然是炼制演天蛊的主材,却并非唯一。 But this material, does not have the substitute! 而这件材料,却没有替代品! Gu insect what?” “蛊虫何物?” Said that with poison, is a track!” “说是用毒的,都是小道!” In fact, the gu insect is not only solidification magic technique, is together divine ability!” “实际上,蛊虫既是固化的法术、也是一道神通!” So-called refining up the gu, offers a sacrifice to refine magic technique with Ascetic, cultivates divine ability, and no difference!” “所谓炼蛊,跟修士自身祭炼法术,修炼神通,并无什么区别!” Has this to become aware, Aaron even had confidence that all sorts of cultivation method divine ability of previous generation, all in the form of gu insect, 11 reappears this world! 有着此悟,亚伦甚至有把握将前世的种种功法神通,俱都以蛊虫的形式,一一重现此世! Eight refine the beforehand gu insect also to calculate that nine are the number, the world finally, wants the gu insect that refining up nine to refine, but must join- World rule! Perhaps can also be called the essence of Great Way!” “八炼之前的蛊虫还算罢了九乃数之极,天地之终,想要炼出九炼的蛊虫,还需加入一点--天地规则!或许也可以叫做大道之精!” I special only congealing ghost, where goes to look for the world source and Great Way essence to refine into the middle of the gu insect?” “我特么才区区一个凝煞,上哪里去找天地本源、大道精华炼入蛊虫当中?” „ The Ascetic spiritual cultivation, Golden Pill then with the world cross coupling, had the unusual change, if “不过修士修道,金丹便与天地交感,有了不同寻常的变化,若是 The Yuan god grasps principles, the Heavenly Dao that oneself will comprehend is shattered succinctly unceasingly, only stayed behind jolts not the broken thing also to can be the essence of 1 Great Way probably? ” 元神悟道,将自身领悟的天道精粹不断破灭,只留下一点颠簸不破的东西大概也能算得上一点大道之精了吧?” Therefore wants to open, so long as refining up for many years Yuan god, invests ten million/countless, and even over a hundred million years of life again, develops a day of gu to promote nine probably to refine?” “所以想开一点,只要炼化一头积年的元神,再投入千万、乃至上亿年寿元,大概演天蛊便可晋升九炼?” In the entire Mount Luofu, the most suitable goal, feared that is only then Luofu Old Ancestor hehe, I think luckily at heart, otherwise Old Ancestor must infiltrate the nether world the disciple grandson of my treason and heresy, always can not be reincarnated!” “整个罗浮山中,最适合的目标,怕是只有罗浮老祖了呵呵,幸好我只是心里想想,否则老祖必然要将我这个大逆不道的徒孙打入幽冥,永世不得超生!” Aaron goes out of the cultivation method pavilion, looks out the Mount Luofu highest place. 亚伦走出功法阁,遥望罗浮山最高处。 In the hearsay, that Luofu Old Ancestor, then lives in Mount Luofu highest bluish green Yougong. 传闻之中,那位罗浮老祖,便居住于罗浮山最高的碧幽宫内。 „Does a Yuan god disperse the immortal and card on Immortality? What a pity, this eventually is not real Immortal and Unaging!” “元神散仙、证就长生?可惜啊,这终究不是真的长生不老!” Watched many chats, and vision experience has changed high Aaron, naturally knows a so- called Yuan god Immortality fruit, is a red herring. 看了许多杂谈,并且眼光见识已经变高许多的亚伦,自然知晓所谓的元神长生道果,就是一个伪命题。 „A Yuan god disperses the immortal, although does not have the life to exhaust the risk, but then the inexorable fate, crossed every several hundred years continued Immortality to ramble, crossing does not pass away the dying say/way to disappear this inexorable fate not necessarily is a day of tribulation, may be the person tribulation, the life tribulation and even tribulations of the most terrifying 11 revelation!” “元神散仙虽然没有寿元耗尽之虞,但每隔数百年便有一次劫数,渡过了继续长生逍遥,渡不过身死道消这劫数并不一定是天劫,也有可能是人劫、命劫乃至最为恐怖的一一天启之劫!” A card on the Yuan god, already again also Inhuman, but is the immortal! 一步证就元神,已经再也非人,而是仙! Immortal, can sense the Heavenly Dao! 仙者,能感悟天道! The Heavenly Dao is very vast, not good not wicked, the chaos are limitless, when had the Yuan god to disperse the immortal grasps principles overstates, subsequently dies in a sitting posture, this also does not have any. 天道无比浩瀚,无善无恶,混沌无极,原本多有元神散仙悟道之时走火入魔,继而坐化的,这也没有什么。 But when does not know from, the Heavenly Dao had the inexplicable change. 但不知从何时起,天道就有了莫名的变化。 Becoming does not keep aloof, starts positive and Ascetic cross coupling! 变得不那么高高在上,开始积极与修士交感! It is not a Yuan god disperses the immortal sensibility Heavenly Dao, but is Great Way is pursuing the Yuan god loose immortal! 并非元神散仙感悟天道,而是大道追逐着元神散仙! This said 11 revelations! 此之谓一一天启! The Zhiyuan god dispersed the immortal, so long as static comprehended, then some innumerable wisdom dropped from the clouds, enlightens itself, can increase the profound art deduction to inconceivable realm! 甚至元神散仙只要静中参悟,便有无数智慧从天而降,启迪自身,能将玄功推演增益至不可思议的境界! However, if they are unable to grasp itself, often in the revelation, according to different cultivation method, became any fearful monster by the disassimilation, did not have looking of flying upwards again! 然而,若是他们无法把握住自身,往往就在天启之中,根据不同的功法,被异化成了什么可怕的怪物,再也没有了飞升之望! This is practices, making the Yuan god disperse the dwelling place of celestial beings for it look changes, was known as above keeping off the irreversible life tribulation, tribulations of the most terrifying 11 revelation! 这就是修行界中,令元神散仙都为之色变,号称更在挡无可挡的命劫之上,最为恐怖的一一天启之劫! These Yuan gods disperse the immortal, often will be crashed by own wisdom “那些元神散仙,往往会被自己的智慧所压垮” „Does the revelation Heavenly Dao inspire Ascetic on own initiative? Interesting and interesting “天启天道主动启发修士?有趣、有趣” „Because the Yuan god has so many inexorable fates, does not fly upwards will be without limits forever, therefore this Yuan god disperses the immortal, majority that can die could not endure ten thousand years of this threshold!” “正因为元神有着如此多劫数,不飞升就永无止境,因此此界的元神散仙,还是会死的大部分都熬不过万年这個门槛!” If the foundation is slightly worse, perhaps several thousand years must suffer a disaster “若是根基稍微差一些的,或许数千年就要遭劫了” Therefore the Yuan god will die, if can result in its remains, nine refine to develop a day of gu also to have the hope.” “所以元神还是会死的,若能得其遗骸,九炼演天蛊也不是没有希望。” Un, first decides a small target, boils dead Luofu Old Ancestor, the blending Mount Luofu palm teaches!” “嗯,先定一个小目标,熬死罗浮老祖,混成罗浮山掌教!” When the time comes what cultivation method inheritance and flying sword magic treasure, and even the Ancestral Master remains, are not whatever I do use?” “到时候什么功法传承、飞剑法宝、乃至祖师遗骨,不都是任凭我使用么?” Aaron establishes the lofty aspiration secretly. 亚伦暗自立下大志。 The counter- Zhengyuan god dispersed the immortal also on ten thousand years of longevity, but Luofu Old Ancestor already power and prestige several thousand years, remaining also on several thousand years of matter! 反正元神散仙也就万年之寿,而罗浮老祖已经威风好几千年了,剩下也就几千年的事儿! In he walks toward nine real peaks, a menswear female appears in the front suddenly. 就在他往九真峰走之时,一名男装女子忽然出现在前方。 The opposite party wear a azure clothes, a radiance, seems seizes transporting of the world to be common unexpectedly, has the big destiny to add the body, even lets thing one by one dragon qi that the Aaron brow selects? 对方穿着一袭青衣,一身光华,竟然好似夺天地之运一般,有大气数加身,甚至还是让亚伦眉头一挑的东西一一龙气? On female, there is dragon qi?” “女子身上,也有龙气?” In his heart surprise, listens to that menswear beautiful woman to say with a smile: But Junior Brother Fang Yu, I am your two Senior Sister martial charm!” 他心中诧异一句,就听那位男装丽人笑道:“可是方玉师弟,我是你二师姐武媚!” Her attitude is valiant, although conceals vigorously, but in the tone, always has a having absolute power over somebody dignity: Presents the life of Master, summons in you!” 她作风英姿飒爽,虽然极力掩饰,但语气之中,总有一种生杀予夺的威严:“奉师父之命,来传召于你!” My this goes!” “我这就去!” Aaron sincere reply, chitchatted with this Martial Master elder sister. 亚伦正色回答,又跟这位武师姐攀谈起来。 During chatted, he knew startled, this two Senior Sister, have really been the emperor unexpectedly! 闲聊之中,他才愕然知晓,这位二师姐,竟然还是真的做过皇帝的! The Eastern Sea Tien Chau is vast, above has the innumerable islands, some islands area are vast, even endures compared with continent, naturally some innumerable lives multiply, but also established the secular state. 东海仙洲浩瀚无边,其上有无数岛屿,有的岛屿面积辽阔,甚至堪比大陆,自然有无数生灵繁衍,还建立了世俗国度。 In the past the teacher accidental immortal mark let fall my phoenix week country, saw me, although made the king monarch sovereign, actually also yearned for Immortal Way, somewhat the aptitude, then supposed the test, asked that I three asked “当年师尊偶然仙迹垂落我的‘凤周国’,见我虽然做了国主,却还向往仙道,也有几分资质,便设了考验,问我三问” On martial charm the face exudes a recollection: Later I then did obeisance Master, followed returns to Mount Luofu to cultivate oneself according to religious doctrine as for the position of that king monarch sovereign together, then passed to the nephew military six.” 武媚脸上泛起一丝回忆:“之后我便拜了师父,跟随一起回了罗浮山修道至于那国主之位,便传给侄儿武六通了。” Now counted on the fingers, my nephew is only physical body every embryo, only feared that even his grandsons have passed away “如今掐指一算,我那侄儿只是肉体凡胎,只怕连他的孙子都已经老死了”
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