TOTM :: Volume #10

#942: cultivation method

What? The azure smoker big courage of!? „ “什么?青烟客好大的胆子!?“ Nine True Immortal mothers startled and anger, in the heart mused that „ azure smoker is one of the Profound Heavens Cult five side envoys, Golden Pill, if not Master is closing up, dares so to act unruly, was a finger run over and died he...... to seize the person outside my Luofu entrance greatly, Daoism authentic then? 真仙娘又惊又怒,心中暗想“青烟客乃玄天教五方使者之一,也不过个金丹,若非师父正在闭关,敢如此撒野,一根手指就碾死了他……在我罗浮山门外掳人,玄门正宗便了不起么? After she has gotten angry, responded how called outOmei to annoy the heaven Heavenly Dao? „ 她怒过之后,也反应过来,叫道“峨眉怎么惹上玄天道了?“ That running over disciple smiles bitterlydisciple also to listen unclear, seems like the Flower Goddess mansion matter... „ lip lip:: 那名跑过来的弟子苦笑一声“弟子也听不大清楚,似乎是花神府的事儿…“唇唇:: Hears here, Aaron coughs. „ disciple did have what must say? „ Nine True Immortal mothers asked one. 听到这里,亚伦不由咳嗽一声。“徒儿有何要说?“九真仙娘问了一句。 Aaron is not good to conceal, says the matter that Yang Xumi saw somebody in danger and did nothing directly. As for him? 亚伦也不好隐瞒,直接将杨须弥见死不救的事情说了。至于他? Is the Early Heaven ants, wants to rescue also has a mind to be incapable, this does not have many responsibility, does not fear to investigate. „ Flower Goddess mansion? „ 才是个先天蝼蚁,想救也有心无力啊,这就没有多少责任,也不怕追究。“花神府?“ Nine True Immortal mothers think that say/wayalso thought for the master, how many illegitimate daughters the azure smoker as if had, raised in the Flower Goddess mansion, so won't be skillful? „ 真仙娘想了想道“为师也想起来了,青烟客似乎有几个私生女,就养在花神府,不会如此巧吧?“ , The expression is actually relaxes for several pointsso- come, is only Omei, Profound Heavens Cult and Flower Goddess mansion three matters , there is nothing to do with our Mount Luofu, I send a letter/believes symbol, goes to Omei to explain one to white Mei, and that's the end... 顿了顿,表情却是放松几分“如此-来,只是峨眉、玄天教、花神府三家的事,与我们罗浮山无关,我发一枚信符,去峨眉跟白梅解释一句,也就是了・… Aaron felt inexplicably, matter so will not be simple! „ How somewhat familiar flavor? 亚伦却莫名觉得,事情不会如此简单!“怎么有几分熟悉的味道? Just like me when Great Qian, that great change soon the feeling of arrival? “宛若我在大乾之时,那种巨变即将到来之感? He is thinking secretly, hears nine True Immortal mothers to say with a smilethis is your Senior Brother, sighed...... not always also confiscates many for the master, several but was not has not promoted unreliably light/only, the life exhausted dead in a sitting posture, went out to spar and look for a beautiful and serene place the exploration dead, now is also living, three, were counted you, just collected four Eldest Disciple Eldest Senior Brother profound dust and two Senior Sister martial charm, three Senior Brother then sighed not! „ 他暗暗想着,就听得九真仙娘笑道“这位是你的师兄,莫兮叹……为师平生也没收多少徒儿,又有好几但不是未曾晋升玄光,寿元耗尽坐化,就是外出跟人斗法、寻幽探秘死了,如今还活着的,也就三个,算上你,刚好凑齐四大弟子大师兄玄尘子、二师姐武媚、三师兄便是莫兮叹!“ Pitiful side Xiaolong, is not regarded one's own disciple to look by nine True Immortal mothers. „ Has seen Senior Brother! „ 可怜方晓龙,已经不被九真仙娘当成亲生徒儿看了。“见过师兄!“ Aaron saluted upon meeting to the person of notification a moment ago, sighed not seems like an appearance of azure garment student, grasped a folding fan, seemed like quite natural loose, but an eye brings suffering the traces left by time of worldly affairs, had lived probably many years. 亚伦向刚才来通报之人见礼,莫兮叹看起来就是一个青衫书生的模样,手持一柄折扇,看起来颇为潇洒风流,只是一双眼睛带着饱经世情的沧桑感,大概已经活了许多年头。 Small Junior Brother, what treasure what a pity has not hello built up for the brother on hand... to what gift on first meeting, not, if another day, how goes to the common custom to drink the flower together...... the flowered difference flower difference? „ “小师弟你好,可惜为兄手头也没炼什么宝贝…给不出什么见面礼,不若改日,一起去世俗喝花……花差花差如何?“ don't sighed speaking of finally, awakened the teacher also in the , changed a statement hastily. Originally is also not a proper person. „ 莫兮叹说到最后,醒悟到师尊还在附近,连忙改口。原来也是个不正经的人。“ In the Aaron heart complained one, nodded again and again. 亚伦心中吐槽一句,连连点头。 Nine True Immortal mothers at the hand-held volume, wield the sleeves, an profound light flash, has sighed not does not know where was lost, her phoenix sweeps, looks to Aaron, asked what dao method issueyou do want to study? „ 真仙娘以手扶额,一挥衣袖,一阵玄光闪过,莫兮叹就不知被丢到了什么地方,她凤目一扫,看向亚伦,又问了刚才的问题“你想学什么道法?“ Aaron thinks, although felt that some are greedy, but asked coming outdisciple does not know this gate has what dao method, but when coming to listen to Yang Xumi small Master saying that the Essence Magnetism profound light of our Mount Luofu was quite wonderful, desiring something greatly, if were not good, disciple in Omei, quite envied these Sword Immortal knight-errant swordsmen, wants to study sword! „ 亚伦想了想,虽然感觉有些贪心不足,但还是问了出来“徒儿也不知道本门有什么道法,只是在来时听杨须弥小师父说咱们罗浮山的元磁玄光颇为神妙,心向往之,若是不行,徒儿在峨眉,颇为羡慕那些剑仙剑侠,也想学一部剑经!“ Nine True Immortal mothers throw smile, scold „ your greedy ghost, Taiyi Essence Magnetism god light/only and Sky Sword after is this five big true inheritance, you want to study, which day wait to become true inheritance to say again... „ 真仙娘扑哧一笑,骂道“你这个贪心鬼,太乙元磁神光与都天剑经俱都位列本门五大真传,你想学,等哪日成了真传再说吧…“ , Also say/wayprice now is in the disciple, besides five Great Yuan god true inheritance, various Fajie passed on actually..., if you really want to go toward true inheritance, that might as well cultivationbeginning of the universe profound phosgeneandephemeral fly nine changes sword mudra... 顿了顿,又道“价现在是本门内门弟子,除了五大元神真传外,倒是诸法皆传…若你真想向着真传去,那不如修炼“混元玄光气“与“蜉蝣九变剑诀 This was actually nine True Immortal mother eccentric disciple. 这却是九真仙娘偏心徒儿了。 The beginning of the universe profound phosgene is Luofu Ancestral Master simplifies to come from the Essence Magnetism profound light, if there is a disciple to build this law , the Master favor, then can ask favor to Luofu Ancestral Master, seals into the Essence Magnetism ore eye hundred years, can try another method, transfers the Essence Magnetism profound light an profound light, has the qualifications to compete with the true inheritance imperial throne. 混元玄光气乃是罗浮祖师元磁玄光中简化而来,若是有内门弟子修成此法,又得师父欢心,便可以向罗浮祖师求情,封入元磁矿眼中百年,也能另辟蹊径,将一身玄光转成元磁玄光,有资格竞争真传大位。 The ephemeral fly nine change sword mudra, although with five Great Yuan god true inheritance not relations, actually is also an extremely fierce side door sword technique, in the disciple has taking as an elective. 蜉蝣九变剑诀虽然跟五大元神真传没有一点关系,却也是一门极厉害的旁门剑术,内门弟子多有选修者。 Nine True Immortal mothers so recommend, naturally treasures this disciple, wants to draw onto the right way him. „ disciple listens to Master. 真仙娘如此推荐,自然是爱惜这个徒儿,想要将他引上正路。“徒儿都听师父的。 Aaron simply does not have a point to display the individuality thoughts. 亚伦根本没有一点想要表现个性的心思。 Does not listen to the old person saying that suffers a loss at present, is very reasonable, after all he is oneold person „. „ So good. „ 不听老人言,吃亏在眼前,还是挺有道理的,毕竟他就是一位“老人“。“如此甚好。“ Nine True Immortal mothers were not many said, suddenly a progress, arrived in front of Aaron. 真仙娘也不多说,忽然一个进步,就来到亚伦面前。 Aaron only feels strongly fragrant smell sharp aroma, the forehead is one cool, was lived by a slender white hands point. 亚伦只感觉一股馥郁香气扑鼻,眉心就是一凉,被一只纤纤玉手点住。 In the mind, were many suddenly two mudra, „ beginning of the universe profound phosgeneandephemeral fly nine change sword mudra „! „ Ephemeral fly nine change sword mudrais the techniques of sparring, is External Way. 脑海之中,就蓦然多了两篇法诀,正是“混元玄光气“与“蜉蝣九变剑诀“!“蜉蝣九变剑诀“是斗法之术,乃外道 Aaron naturally first looks to practice dao method of gain skill. Sweeps sketchily, slightly disappointed. 亚伦自然先看能修行增益功力的道法。粗略一扫,不由微微失望。 This beginning of the universe profound phosgene, only arrives at the profound light high, and is a cheap method, cannot produce the air/Qi of astral ghost! “这混元玄光气,最高只到玄光,并且也是个便宜法门,不能自身产生罡煞之气! Always true profound cultivation method, is fastidious about itself born the air/Qi of astral ghost, so the internal energy blends, the unusual conditions, the side is best. But beginning of the universe profound phosgene, in congealing ghost with outside astral realm, must refine External Realm the air/Qi of astral ghost. 历来真正的高深功法,都讲究自身诞生罡煞之气,如此气机交融,浑然天成,方是最佳。而混元玄光气,在凝煞与外罡境界,还是要炼化外界的罡煞之气。 And is very convenient, does not arrest the air/Qi of what astral ghost, can refine into the real air/Qi, mixes as one, was known as that the beginning of the universe malignant influences and beginning of the universe astral are mad- the malignant influences and astral who...... refine into are mad are more, the skill is stronger! 并且还十分方便,不拘什么罡煞之气,都能炼入真气之内,混为一体,号称混元煞气、混元罡气-・……炼入的煞气与罡气越多,功力越强! This is actually not the way of excellent immortal law, the foundation insufficient..., therefore wants to become true inheritance, must fill the mine tunnel, consumes hundred years of painstaking effort, quenchings the transformation really air/Qi magic power little, has looking of Pill Formation! 这其实不是上乘仙法的路数,根基不足…・因此想要成为真传,就必须去填了矿坑,耗费百年苦功,一点点淬炼转化本身真气法力,才有结丹之望! The Aaron eyesight is profound, sees this cultivation method drawback. 亚伦毕竟眼力高深,一眼就看出这门功法的弊端。 Nine change sword mudra as forephemeral fly, the nature is more profound than the spirit snake swordsmanship, can comprehend carefully. Not refining up the law of sword! 至于“蜉蝣九变剑诀‘,,自然比灵蛇剑法更加高深,可以细细参悟。只是,并无炼剑之法! He thinks, licked the face also to askmany thanks Master granted sword mudra, but did not have flying sword unable to display, does not know that Master can have dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword to bestow? „ 他想了想,舔着脸又问了一句“多谢师父赐予剑诀,只是没有飞剑施展不开,不知师父可有仙家飞剑赐下?“ No! „ “没有!“ Nine True Immortal mothers also light/only, send out this disciple together unreliably far away, scold dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword that six refine low voice, even old ladies one, consumed does not know that many painstaking care also wanted and other old ladies dead in a sitting posture...... I bah the old lady to talk nonsense anything on you 真仙娘同样一道玄光,将这徒儿送出老远,才小声骂了一句“六炼的仙家飞剑,连老娘都只有一口呢,耗费了不知多少心血就你还想要等老娘坐化……我呸老娘胡说些什么呢” After several months . Turtle immortal palace. 数月之后。龟仙殿。 This palace is plain, situated in nine really Yi waists, before the palace, woof Bihu, side is standing erect a stele, above is carving congealing green jadetwo characters. 此殿古朴雅致,位于九真峰山腰,殿前还有一汪碧湖,旁边竖立着一块石碑,上面刻着凝翠’二字。 On the same day, Aaron was been together unreliable by nine True Immortal mothers light/only delivers to here, knows that Master gave him this palace, immediately, started to practice honestly immodestly. 当日,亚伦被九真仙娘一道玄光送至此处,就知道师父将此殿送给了他,当即老实不客气地,就开始修行起来。 At this time, not only beginning of the universe profound phosgene will perceive through meditation thoroughly, weeds through the old to bring forth the new. 此时,就不仅将“混元玄光气”参悟透彻,更是推陈出新。 Beginning of the universe magic power that beginning of the universe profound phosgene cultivates, even if will smelt numerous malignant influences and astral air/Qi...... high also only to the future five, therefore, does Yang Zhenqi actually to transform smoothly, not being blocked place “混元玄光气修炼出的混元法力,哪怕日后熔炼众多煞气、罡气……最高也只到五品因此,乾阳真气倒是可以顺利转化,并无一点滞塞之处“ In the palace, Aaron sits cross-legged to sit above in Minghuang the rush cushion, calculates slightly „, but this is not anything...... undergoes my adjustment, joins the Great Qian world main body had improved Primordial Essence Mudra, so long as smelts the malignant influences and astral who together five phases is air/Qi, can in the profound light boundary, practice successfully the Essence Magnetism profound light directly 殿堂之中,亚伦盘膝坐于明黄蒲团之上,略略盘算一番“但这并不算什么……经过我的调整,加入了大乾世界本体改进过的混元诀,只要熔炼一道五行之属的煞气与罡气,就可以在玄光境,直接修成元磁玄光“ „ The origin is not good to explain, can first suppress, then applied to fill the mine tunnel, when the person column strength...... others took hundred years, my ten years, even one year can break through, the natural talent extremely, was true inheritance! Must give later Taiyi Essence Magnetism god Pill Formation of light/only, was the law of Zhiyuan god! „ “不过来历不好解释,可以先压制着,然后去申请填矿坑当人柱力……别人需要百年,我十年,甚至一年就可以破关而出,天资绝顶,位列真传!得授之后太乙元磁神光的结丹,乃至元神之法!“ Although, Aaron can also deduce the five phases Pill Formation method now slightly. But that this after all is different from Great Qian. 虽然,亚伦如今也可以略略推演出五行结丹的法门。但还是那句,本界毕竟与大乾不同。 Although he operates from a strategically advantageous position as far as possible, but does not practice that realm truly, no one knows when the time comes has the issue. With the Aaron safe temper, naturally must certainly first obtain native profound cultivation method to study one to break through. 虽然他尽量高屋建瓴,但不真正修炼到那个境界,谁也不知道到时候有没有问题。以亚伦的稳妥性子,自然肯定是要先获得本土高深功法研究一番才突破的。 As for astral who ghost air/Qi of small five phases profound astral five phases is 至于五行之属的罡煞之气小五行玄罡便是 Therefore, Aaron only needs to find the excuse of visiting relatives casually, returning to Shu Shan Residence to take own Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, may break into the boundary of profound light in a flash! 因此,亚伦只需要随便找个探亲的借口,回到蜀山府将自己的五脏六腑蛊取回来,转瞬之间就可破入玄光之境! Also refining up together traditional fortune telling strange astral while convenient! The skill is deeper. Not only that the ephemeral fly nine change sword mudra I also to start to cross the threshold......” 顺带还多炼化一道六壬奇罡!功力更加深厚。“不仅如此,蜉蝣九变剑诀我也开始入门……” This Ascetic takes Sword Immortal as first, but in gate also many Senior Brother Senior Sister, even if cultivated an extremely sword technique, actually does not suffer from good flying sword, a sword technique ten tenths might cannot display 10% “本界修士剑仙为第一,但门中也有好多师兄师姐,哪怕修炼了一手绝顶剑术,却苦于没有一口好飞剑,一身剑术十成威力发挥不出10%“ Genuine dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword —— blue water that but my six refine “但我有一口六炼的真正仙家飞剑——碧水” When the time comes a sword in the hand, I was also side door Sword Immortal thinks somewhat to be excitedly small Aaron from calculating, suddenly heard outside the palace a soundBrother Yu and Brother Yu “到时候一剑在手,我也是一个旁门剑仙了想想还有些小激动呢”亚伦正自盘算,忽然就听到殿外一个声音“玉哥玉哥 He sighed, stood up from the rush cushion, arrives at outside the palace, removed conveniently banned the law. 他叹了口气,从蒲团上站起,来到外殿,随手撤了禁法。 This restriction is the banning law of turtle immortal palace bringing, is not outstanding, has Early Heaven to be really mad, understood again several mudra can open. 禁制是龟仙殿自带的禁法,并不如何杰出,拥有先天真气,再懂得几个法诀就可以打开。 Did to...... outside this person really not to open. 奈何……外面这人真打开不了。 The gateway starts, a youngster ran, glances right and left around the turtle immortal palace, mouth still in mumbling Master her old personage really bias, such Boss palace, does not bestow my one, but also hurries to me with the entrance door disciple lives together......” 门户一开,一个少年就跑了进来,绕着龟仙殿左顾右盼,嘴里还在嘟囔“师父老人家真个偏心,这么老大的殿堂,也不赐给我一个,还将我赶去跟外门弟子一起居住……” Depends on your old personage, changes my me is also disinclined to respond you...... ‚ Aaron to show the whites of the eyes. “就凭你这句老人家,换我我也懒得搭理你……‘亚伦翻了个白眼。 This person naturally was side Xiaolong. 这人自然是方晓龙了。 He does not become a useful person , can not nine True Immortal mothers attach great importance, also has no immortal karma. Originally, as the entrance door disciple, can choose magic technique to study. 只是他不太成器,既不得九真仙娘重视,也着实没什么仙缘。原本,作为外门弟子,可以选一门法术修习。 With nine True Immortal mothers' faces, the disciple in cultivation method pavilion also really besides interior door various laws, whatever side Xiaolong chose. Finally side Xiaolong selects, finally elected «Not to have Snake Flood dragon» 以九真仙娘的面子,功法阁的弟子还真就除了内门诸法之外,任凭方晓龙选择了。结果方晓龙选来选去,最终选了一门《无相蛇蛟手》 This magic technique is known as dwelling place of celestial beings martial art, in fact is highest only to cultivation congealing ghost realm! Later Heaven and Early Heaven realm, is ordinary mediocre martial art. 这门法术号称仙家武学,实际上最高只能修炼到凝煞境界!后天先天境界,就是一门普通的凡俗武学 But to congealing ghost, has mantra, refining upboneless snake ghost! 而到了凝煞,也只得一篇口诀,去炼化“无骨蛇煞! This type of malignant influences are also but actually easy to seek, so long as found the snake hole, buries the place of bone in the group snake, may produce. After building up enters the itself real air/Qi, each time makes a move to have the snake shadow to follow, the clever change, can stick out suddenly offends somebody. In mediocre martial practitioner, naturally goes smoothly everywhere. 此种煞气倒也容易寻找,只要找到蛇窟,在群蛇埋骨之地,就有可能生成。炼化进入本身真气之后,每次出手都有蛇影相随,通灵变化,能暴起伤人。在凡俗武者之间,自然无往不利。 But in immortal gate, hehe... 但在仙门之中,呵呵… Instead looks like in Aaron, even if side Xiaolong only practices «Hundred Yang Record», compared with this nuisance snake flood dragon! „ Xiaolong you must try hard, perhaps which day Master favor, bestowed conveniently. 反正在亚伦看来,纵然方晓龙只练《百阳图录》,都比这劳什子蛇蛟手强!“晓龙你要努力,或许哪一日师父欢心,也就随手赐下了呢。 Aaron shows a faint smile, said. 亚伦微微一笑,说道。 Only after looking he resulted in cultivation method, does not have/leave palace one step, this way heart can be inferred, but truly does not need to raise selects side Xiaolong. 光看他得了功法之后,就不出宫殿一步,此种道心就可见一斑,但也确实不需要提点方晓龙。 Even if raised selected, the opposite party also not necessarily appreciated kindness rendered. 哪怕提点了,对方也未必领情。 Let alone...... Fang Family Old Ancestor side Xiaolong the big face wants to instruct earnestly daily 更何况……自己还是方家老祖呢方晓龙多大的脸面要自己日日耳提面命 Regarding Aaron, side Xiaolong thanks him, hates him, is the indifferent matter. 对于亚伦而言,方晓龙感激他也罢,恨他也罢,都是无所谓的事情。 If the opposite party is unable in hundred years the achievement to be unreliable light/only, that hundred years, did not have this person...... 若对方无法百年内成就玄光,那过个百年,也就没有此人了…… side Xiaolong nodded again and againright so...... Brother Yu, I also became friends with many friends in the entrance door, you may probably see 方晓龙连连点头“正是如此……对了玉哥,我在外门也结交了许多朋友,你可要见见“ Although he is the entrance door disciple, but after all is Golden Pill Ancestral Master recording a name disciple, in the clansman of disciple, this grade of relations are very strong enough, is the Luofu disciples is also willing to flatter in entrance door some, where arriving is popular, is seriously awe-inspiring, is somewhat floating. 他虽然是外门弟子,但毕竟是金丹宗师的记名徒儿,又有一个内门弟子的族兄,这等关系已经很够硬了,在外门也有的是罗浮门徒愿意奉承,走到哪里都吃得开,当真威风八面,有些飘飘然。 I disappear......” “我就不见了……” Aaron beckons with the hand, is the person of a lot of years of latter handful of earth, what having is good to see? He comprehends cultivation method and cultivation sword technique now also without enough time! 亚伦摆摆手,都是千百年后一捧土的人,有什么好见的?他如今参悟功法、修炼剑术都还来不及呢! And, today after combing completes, he goes out the first matter, is prepares the cultivation method pavilion to read. 并且,今日梳理完成之后,他出关第一件事,就是准备去功法阁看书。 As in disciple, dao method of entrance door disciple, can look actually completely, many immortal cultivation realm mixed books. These are his capital grain, the especially qualify transforms the Great Qian technique as the native place 作为内门弟子,外门弟子的道法,倒是可以全部看一遍,还有许多修仙界的杂书。这些都是他的资粮,特别适合将大乾的技艺转化为本土 Regarding this, Aaron has very great anticipation. 对此,亚伦还是抱有挺大期待的。 Clansman, not, if urged to go faster...... Brother Xie Family to suppose the banquet specially, suspended 108 to treasure the delicacies, it is said Emperor even/including old was not necessarily able to eat, good wine that blue Senior Sister fermented......” “族兄,不若去去吧……谢家兄弟专门设了宴席,摆了一百零八道珍惜佳肴,据说连皇帝老儿都未必能吃到,还有碧师姐所酿制的美酒……” side Xiaolong the smile is somewhat stiff, he has vouched for is the desires of some food and drink......” 方晓龙笑容有些僵硬,他可是已经打了包票的啊“不过是些口腹之欲……” Aaron coldly smiles. 亚伦冷冷一笑。 Aaron coldly smiles. 亚伦冷冷一笑。 But heard side Xiaolong saying that when several want the daughters, nieces and sisters introduced to him, changes a statementto have a look at well...... just me not to have the entrance. 但听到方晓龙说,还有几家想将女儿、侄女、姐妹都介绍给他之时,就改了口“去看看也好……只不过我不出山门。 . Dot 。丶 Un, after all Aaron beforehand loose cultivator custom, careless fate instinct also. 嗯,毕竟亚伦还是之前的散修习惯,苟命的本能还在。 In present Mount Luofu, without whom dares to kill secretly in one disciple, if the status of entrance door disciple, some 在如今的罗浮山中,也没谁敢暗害一位内门弟子,若是外门弟子的身份,就有些 After all are too really many! It is not necessarily able 毕竟实在太多!都未必能 Not too safe-! Remembers! 不太保险了—!记得过来! At that moment, he with side Xiaolong, went to a feast, is enjoying the feeling of many things around a center. 当下,他就跟着方晓龙,去赴了一次宴,享受着众星捧月的感觉。 However Aaron is also the senior Grandmaster, the sugarcoating eats completely, the shell loses completely, a useful commitment does not have, disappointing these others quite...... 不过亚伦也是资深大师,糖衣全部吃掉,炮弹全部丢回去,一个有用的承诺都没有,让那些人家好生失望…… On come back road, side Xiaolong talks endlesslytoday to have the luck to enjoy the delicious dishes as before seriously...... has not thought that also one may look lively, the previous time Yang Xumi matter had the result, Omei must...... the place elect with the profound Heavenly Dao fencing unexpectedly in the Flower Goddess mansion, this lively many senior and junior brothers must have a look, Senior Brother can't you go? „ 回来的路上,方晓龙依旧喋喋不休“今日当真大饱口福……没想到还有一场热闹可看,上次杨须弥的事有了结果,峨眉竟然要与玄天道斗剑……地点就选在花神府,这热闹好多师兄弟都要去看看,师兄你去不去?“ Does not go! „ “不去!“ Aaron is looking at side Xiaolong, shakes the head secretly. 亚伦望着方晓龙,暗自摇了摇头。 Does not practice the profound light, the life as before is a mortal, others cultivation also without enough time, this boy... feared that was incurable!! 不修炼到玄光,寿元依旧是凡人,别人修炼都还来不及呢,这小子・…怕是没救了!!
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