TOTM :: Volume #10

#941: Acknowledges as teacher( 6400 make up)

Actually, after attempting this time to mix in Omei, Aaron also thought that wants takes «Purple Azure secret lu» somewhat troublesome. 其实,尝试过这次混入峨眉之后,亚伦也觉得想将《紫青秘箓》弄到手有些麻烦。 After all looked that white Mei knew. 毕竟看白梅就知道了。 Not much disciple, Omei examines strictly, and actually cannot learn what true inheritance. 不怎么样的弟子,峨眉都审查严格,并且也其实学不到什么真传 The disciple of that true talent, must check incomparably severely, careful demon two in every way possible are truant the dao method matter also to have after all mutually, has the deeply grieved lesson. 那真正天才的弟子,必然要查得无比严苛,细致入微毕竟正魔两道互相偷学道法的事也不是没有,都有惨痛教训在。 This examination, but also calculates that is not quite strict, Aaron felt that almost leaked something that gives one away. 此次审查,还算不太严格的,亚伦都感觉差点漏了马脚。 Camouflages any peerless talent again, he feels somewhat unreliably. 再去伪装什么绝世天才,他感觉有些玄。 side Jing inherited was inferior enough, does obeisance into Omei again, learns his inheritance also really not necessarily to compare favorably with Yuan god true inheritance of Mount Luofu! ‘方镜本来传承就够低劣了,再拜入峨眉,学到他的传承还真未必比得上罗浮山的元神真传呢! ‚, Does the side door teach dao method as one desires some? ‚ ‘算起来,还是旁门传授道法更加随心一些?‘ Is it possible that does my destiny need to be ancestor of the side door? ‚ ‘莫非我天命要做一个旁门之祖?‘ Actually side door and Daoism authentic biggest difference, missed the last step, is unable to fly upwards to become an immortal, but I do not want to fly upwards to give the main body main body to work ‘其实旁门与玄门正宗的最大区别,也就差了最后一步,无法飞升成仙罢了但我又不想飞升去给本体本尊打工‘ Thinks of the bitter mendicant budhist monk, and countenance of opposite party, Aaron read the world to be wide suddenly. 想到苦头陀,以及对方的嘴脸,亚伦忽然就一念天地宽了。 Also was the opposite party also owed my causes and effects, waited for the time to make them come also! Was counted the interest almost to compensate trump card cultivation method that nine extremely flying sword in addition to me that 's the end of it ‘也是对方还欠了我的因果呢,等时机让他们来还吧!算上利息差不多将压箱底功法外加那九口绝顶飞剑赔给我便罢了‘ In Aaron indulges in flights of fancy, Yang Xumi leads them, flew into the Mount Luofu deep place. 就在亚伦一路胡思乱想之时,杨须弥已经带着他们,飞入了罗浮山深处。 In this Mount Luofu, bans the law everywhere, do not say Yang Xumi, even if his Master bitter mendicant budhist monk came to dread. 这罗浮山内,禁法处处,不要说杨须弥,纵然他师父苦头陀来了都要十分忌惮。 Therefore, Yang Xumi does not dare to show off flying sword, for fear that by this Mount Luofu receiving, flew outside the entrance honestly. 因此,杨须弥也不敢卖弄飞剑,生怕被这座罗浮山给收了去,老老实实地飞到外山门。 Although Mount Luofu only then a mountain peak, but was built up many universe to ban the law by Luofu Old Ancestor sacrifice, inside has the innumerable spaces, merely is outside the entrance, are extremely general. 罗浮山虽然只有一座山峰,但被罗浮老祖祭炼了许多乾坤禁法,内里有无数空间,仅仅是外山门,就极其广大。 side Xiaolong steps on dull in together warm Yupu on floor, is looking at that golden bridge, waterfall and rainbow 方晓龙呆呆踩在一块温玉铺成的地板上,望着那金桥、飞瀑、彩虹 And spirit mushroom and sealwort everywhere 以及遍地的灵芝、黄精 The surrounding like spring all year round, has white deer to take a walk occasionally, the innumerable spirit bird the scene that dances in the air in the midair, the person was silly. 周围四季如春,偶有白鹿散步,无数灵禽在半空中飞舞的场景,人就傻了。 This riches and honor, have surpassed the world, is the scenery of dwelling place of celestial beings riches and honor! 这种富贵,已经超出了人间,乃是仙家富贵之景! Yang Xumi actually as if becomes accustomed, but raised the real air/Qi to shout: Omei Yang Xumi, is ordered to pay a visit nine really Elder!” 杨须弥却似乎习以为常,只是提了真气喝道:“峨眉杨须弥,奉命来拜见九真长老!” Among the moment, mist dispersing of golden bridge end, the young lad rides Bai He to fly, said with a smile: Originally is Omei tall younger brother, but also please enternine real peaks to serve tea! ” 须臾间,金桥尽头的雾气散开,有一位童子骑着白鹤飞来,笑道:“原来是峨眉高弟,还请入“九真峰”奉茶!” Yang Xumi must just like the maitreya buddha, having the Aaron two people to step onto golden bridge with a laugh, arrives at a emerald green small mountain peak. 杨须弥笑呵呵得宛若个弥勒佛,带着亚伦二人走上金桥,来到一处翠绿的小山峰。 On the small mountain peak cultivated/repaired the innumerable fine palaces, during lots of people of great strength and maids walk, the person of great strength wears profound armor, the look military might is solemn, the strength can shoulder the mountain, the maid is also beautiful, if the angel, the movement is moreover light and lively, can step on the flower petal and magpie grazes. 小山峰上修了无数精美的宫殿,大量力士、婢女行走其间,力士一个個身披玄甲,相貌威武堂堂,力能扛山,婢女也是美若天仙,兼之身法轻灵,能踩着花瓣与喜鹊飞掠。 Saw that side Xiaolong cannot move the appearance of eye, Yang Xumi shouted: Must look not, these dwelling place of celestial beings servants and others you became true inheritance disciple, Luofu Old Ancestor will also grant you a mountain peak, over a thousand servants!” 看到方晓龙又是挪不开眼睛的样子,杨须弥喝道:“莫要看了,这些不过仙家奴婢等你成了真传弟子,罗浮老祖也会赏赐你一座山峰,还有上千奴婢!” Over a thousand servants? A mountain peak?” “上千奴婢?一座山峰?” side Xiaolong opens the mouth, only has a thought at heart: I must become true inheritance and true inheritance 方晓龙张大嘴巴,心里只有一个念头:“我要成为真传真传 Three people enter a palace, immediately has the frown and smile to offer spirit tea on the graceful female. 三人走进一间宫殿,立即就有一颦一笑就风姿绰约的女子过来奉上灵茶 This spirit tea also has tasteful, the used teacup is an entire jasper carving, is fine makes the person of not being cruel enough end opening, the tea just like clear water, the middle have several pieces just like the tea leaves of lotus leaf, as well as wipes the lotus flower, sends out the delicate fragrance. 灵茶也颇有讲究,用的茶杯乃是一整块碧玉雕刻而成,精美得令人不忍心下口,茶水宛若一池清水,中间有几片宛若荷叶的茶叶,以及一抹莲花,散发出清香。 Also several carps, the color varies, gathers round the lotus leaf and lotus turns circle. 又有几条鲤鱼,颜色各异,围着荷叶与荷花转圈。 When delivers to the mouth, discovered that the carp is the tea aroma, refreshing. 等到送到嘴边,才发现鲤鱼不过是茶香所化,沁人心脾。 Yang Xumi drank one, is the body and mind one crisp, secretly thought: Really these side doors will enjoy Omei this mountain to be fastidious laboriously cultivate/repair clear, various types enjoy are well below!” 杨须弥喝了一口,都是身心一爽,暗道:“果然还是这些旁门会享受峨眉本山讲究辛苦清修,各种享用就远远不如矣!” Three people drank the tea, listens to copper bell Yugu to sound together, a palace clothing beautiful woman after the screen walked. 三人喝了茶水,就听铜钟玉鼓齐鸣,一位宫装丽人自屏风后走了出来。 This female stature is beautiful, wears nine phoenix ornamental hairpins, wears a scarlet palace clothing, beautiful incomparable, making side Xiaolong look dull. 此女身材婀娜,头戴九凤钗,穿着一袭大红宫装,妍丽无比,让方晓龙又看得呆了。 Pays a visit nine True Immortal mothers!” “拜见九真仙娘!” Yang Xumi advanced a ritual. 杨须弥先行了一礼。 Nine really Elder that this Luofu sends, have a given name in immortal cultivation realm, calls is nine True Immortal mothers, is Golden Pill Ancestral Master! 这位罗浮派的九真长老,在修仙界有个名号,唤作“九真仙娘”,乃是一位金丹宗师 Let alone the opposite party and Omei white Elder Mei are on good terms, therefore also calculates his elder. 更何况对方与峨眉白梅长老交好,因此也算他的长辈。 How is your young buddhist priest I also to have no friendship with that Grandmaster painstakingly, said that what matter has?” “怎么是你这个小沙弥我跟那苦大师也没什么交情,说吧,有什么事?” Nine True Immortal mothers satisfied by above the jade place, the lazy sound, making side Xiaolong the bone crisp several points. 真仙娘惬意地靠在玉座之上,慵懒的声音,令方晓龙骨头都酥了几分。 Actually was my Master receives white plum Martial Uncle to hold, must introduce Luofu these two youngster “却是我师父受了白梅师叔所托,要将这两个少年引入罗浮” Yang Xumi said the cause and effect, nine True Immortal mothers ridicule one: „The apprentice who good white Mei, oneself unable to accept, pushed toward my Luofu, where when my Luofu was?” 杨须弥将前因后果说了,九真仙娘就笑骂一句:“好个白梅,自己收不了的徒弟,就往我罗浮推,当我罗浮是什么地方了?” Although is scolding, but her vitality/angry, the Mount Luofu broad person with outstanding ability, some quite good friends will not have really wiped after all does not remove the fine hairs from face the surface, disciple that does not want to receive toward here stopper, special be used to it 虽然在骂,但她也并未真个生气,毕竟罗浮山广纳英才,颇有一些好友将抹不开脸面,又不想收的徒儿往这里塞,都特么习惯了 At this time shouted: You two, go forward to give me to have a look!” 此时喝道:“你们两个,上前给我看看!” Aaron and side Xiaolong go forward immediately, saw nine True Immortal mothers well, the eye looked that did not look at side Xiaolong, is staring at Aaron. 亚伦与方晓龙立即上前,就见得九真仙娘咦了一声,眼睛看也不看方晓龙,就盯着亚伦 When this is actually Aaron incarnation Fang Yu, revised the appearance with changed/easy Gugu, at this time is one such as the jade beautiful youngster. 这却是亚伦化身方玉之时,用易骨蛊修改了容貌,此时又是一个如玉美少年。 And, he just refine dry Yang Zhenqi, was unable to receive and dispatch by the heart, the hidden is free, immediately was seen several points of root foot. 并且,他刚刚炼成乾阳真气,还未能收发由心,隐藏自如,顿时就被看出几分根脚。 Good the beautiful jade, Omei to receive the standard of disciple so to be unexpectedly high together good?” “好一块良才美玉,峨眉收徒的标准竟然这般高了?” Nine True Immortal mothers take the eye to look at Yang Xumi, making Yang Xumi also face one red, lowers the head does not reply. 真仙娘拿眼睛去瞧杨须弥,让杨须弥也脸一红,低头不答话了。 Aaron is helpless, oneself explained one: My Yuanyang loses early 还是亚伦无奈,自己解释了一句:“我元阳早失” Nine True Immortal mothers are startled slightly, at once elegant face slightly red, scolded a young sex maniac, actually also thinks little. 真仙娘微微一怔,旋即俏脸微红,骂了一句小色鬼,却也不以为意。 After all the Mount Luofu sect rule is loose, female sexual attractiveness, even there are disciple to open the harem, broad beauty. 毕竟罗浮山门规宽松,也不禁女色,甚至有弟子开了后宫,广纳美色的。 My Mount Luofu dao method, many have nothing want young lad's the view of body, your is really air/Qi the foundation to be good, makes my disciple!” “我罗浮山道法,多数都没有什么非要童子之身的说法,你这一身真气根基还算不错,就做我的徒儿吧!” Nine True Immortal mothers referred to Aaron, then shot a look at side Xiaolong at will: As for you, first worked as the recording a name disciple to be good.” 真仙娘指了指亚伦,然后随意瞥了一眼方晓龙:“至于你,就先当个记名弟子好了。” Yang Xumi looks in the heart secretly to sigh. 杨须弥看得心中暗叹。 Nine True Immortal mothers are Luofu Old Ancestor true inheritance disciple, this received the apprentice, the Fang Yu start is an interior door. 真仙娘乃是罗浮老祖真传徒儿,这收了入室弟子,方玉起步就是内门。 Compared with working as the recording a name disciple, side Xiaolong who the treatment compared the Luofu entrance door, surpassed did not know many steps. 比当了记名弟子,待遇比照罗浮外门的方晓龙,就超出了不知多少步。 This side Xiaolong has not known fiercely, seriously speechless. 偏偏这方晓龙还不太知晓其中厉害,当真令人无语。 Nine True Immortal mothers also saw that slightly Aaron is really air/Qi the foundation to be good, as for true several, without inputting magic power looks carefully, looked that does not come out greatly. 真仙娘也只是略略看出亚伦一身真气根基不错,至于真正几品,没有输入法力细瞧,也看不大出来。 And, she actually also thinks little, after all Mount Luofu dao method sea went, studies unable to study, is insufficient to stare at the method of disciple not to put. 并且,她其实也不以为意,毕竟罗浮山道法海了去了,修习都修习不过来,也不至于盯着徒儿的法门不放。 disciple have the fortuitous encounter, has to harbor, is normal. 徒儿们有奇遇,有着私藏,也是正常。 Since various were meddlesome, I said goodbye.” “既然诸多事了,那我就告辞了。” Yang Xumi looks at this palace is the Luofu hanger-on, oneself also feel awkward, said goodbye to depart. 杨须弥看着这一殿堂都是罗浮门下,自己也觉得尴尬,就告辞离去。 Nine True Immortal mothers comply with one, looks at Yang Xumi to go far away, waves, naturally had disciple to come, took away side Xiaolong, looked to Aaron, said with a smile: My Luofu has dao method 3000, does not know that which you do want to study?” 真仙娘答应一声,望着杨须弥远去,才挥挥手,自然有徒儿过来,领走了方晓龙,又看向亚伦,笑道:“我罗浮有道法三千,不知你想学哪个?” Aaron is just about to reply, outside broadcasts a sad and shrill sound suddenly: Master, is not good that Yang Xumi lesser monk, just had/left the entrance, was seized by the Profound Heavens Cult azure smoker! ” 亚伦正要回答,外面忽然传来一个凄厉的声音:“师父,不好啦那位杨须弥小和尚,刚出山门,就被玄天教的青烟客”抓走啦!”
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