TOTM :: Volume #10

#940: Mount Luofu( 6200 make up)

Amituo its Buddha, the lesser monk feared that made the mistake a matter “阿弥陀它佛,小和尚怕是做错了一件事“ When the vertical land rent light shuttle departs far away, Yang Xumi some called one startled. 等到纵地金光梭飞出老远,杨须弥才有些愕然地叫了一声。 What wrong thing? „ “什么错事?“ side Xiaolong somewhat asked curiously. 方晓龙有些好奇地问道。 That several tigresses, are not right, female donor, what displayed is strange Huagang the ghost... seems like the Flower Goddess mansion person, Flower Goddess mansion, Elder is actually better with Master, hope just now in that several female donor, not that Elder disciple disciple...... „ “那几位母老虎,不对,女施主,施展的是奇花罡煞…似乎是花神府的人,花神府也就罢了,其中一位长老却是与师父要好,希望方才那几位女施主中,并无那位长老的门人弟子吧……“ Yang Xumi painstakingly face reply. 杨须弥苦着脸回答。 Even if goes back at this time again, is without enough time „: Two “纵然此时再回去,也是来不及“:二 Aaron sighed, sat cross-legged to sit in meditation. 亚伦叹息一声,盘膝打坐。 Actually, Flower Goddess mansion with some of his also causes and effects, but that Shen Xuehang Flower Goddess mansion is intimate, only feared that the bone did want to become dust? 其实,花神府跟他也有些因果,不过那位沈雪行的花神府相好,只怕骨头都要成灰了吧? This is also evading of Aaron tribulations secret method, hid from the foe dead, natural causes and effects. 这也是亚伦的避劫秘法,躲到仇敌死亡,自然因果就了了。 He revolves «Hundred Yang Record», this mudra he has studied skillfully, and eye bright road, while hurrying along, cultivates in the day and night. 他运转《百阳图录》,此部法诀他已经研究得滚瓜烂熟,并目过了明路,在赶路的同时,也是在日夜修炼。 This time sits in meditation, immediately broke some mountain pass, innumerable blazing such as in air/Qi of fire along 12 walks randomly properly, passed through strange again after eight lineage/vein final, no matter what supervises two lineage/vein, operates the world bridge, felt coming in waves world essence qi. 此次一入定,顿时打破了某个关隘,无数炽烈如火的内气沿着十二正经游走,再一次贯穿了奇经八脉最后的任督二脉,开天地桥,感受到了滚滚而来的天地元气 Originally violent is really air/Qi and world essence qi unifies, the grave however metaplasia has one pure incomparabledoes Yang Zhenqi becomes instead ordinary just like morning sun, is mild. 原本暴烈的真气与天地元气相结合,墓然化生出一口精纯无比的‘乾阳真气反而变得宛若朝阳一般,温润下来。 Finally breaks Early Heaven! „ “终于又破先天!“ Third time Aaron that breaks through Early Heaven is quite sigh with emotion. 第三次突破先天亚伦颇为感慨。 Especially... 特别是… „ Is this three doing Yang Zhenqi? „ “这就是三品的乾阳真气么?“ Feels real air/Qi that within the body turbulent is chilling with ice, Aaron, even if has experienced its might on Li Rubi, but observes and emulates others, begins with oneself, is entirely different. 感受着体内汹涌涉湃的真气,亚伦纵然早就在李如壁身上体验过其威力,但观摩别人,跟自己亲身上手,还是截然不同的。 He only felt that this was really air/Qi once hundred poisons really air/Qi tyrannical far more than ten times? 他只感觉此真气比自己曾经的百毒真气强横何止十倍? And, is extremely tenacious, receives and dispatches by the heart! 并且,极其坚韧,收发由心! At this time opens eyes, such as day silk close is really mad departs air-splitting, sneaks into the sea. 此时睁开眼,一道如天蚕丝般细密的真气就破空飞出,窜入大海之中。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! A common National People's Congress's small silver back white shark was fished, pounds layer on layer/heavily in the deck. 一条寻常人大小的银背白鲨被钓了出来,重重砸在甲板上。 In years past Li Rubi was really air/Qi major accomplishment, can hang a fish , about ten jin (0.5 kg), definitely are unable to compare with this shark, let alone above rapid flight magic boat? 昔年李如壁真气大成,能吊一尾鱼儿,也不过十斤左右,与这鲨鱼完全无法比拟,更何况还是在疾飞的法舟之上? Some people, even if realized did Yang Zhenqi, was a waste! „ “有的人,纵然练成了乾阳真气,也是个废物!“ In Aaron heart one happy, swept an attribute column 亚伦心中一喜,扫了眼属性栏 Name Xinchen( Fang Yu and Aaron)】 【姓名辛辰(方玉亚伦)】 Talent Immortal and Unaging, not in 【天赋长生不老、不在算中】 Age 598 【年龄598】 realm Early Heaven 境界先天 cultivation method hundred Yang Tulu ( 100 / 100 )】 功法百阳图录】 …… ・・ Although is only Early Heaven, but I felt, even if no magic tool, preys on several low grade magic power fixed also easy as pie! 虽然只是先天,但我感觉纵然没有法器,搏杀几个下品法力的凝然也易如反掌!・ Aaron opens the eyes, how says with a smiletonight to eat the shark fin soup? „ 亚伦睁开双眼,笑道“今晚吃鱼翅汤如何?“ „ Did you... break through Early Heaven? „ “你…突破先天了?“ Yang Xumi stares the big eye, is somewhat surprised. 杨须弥瞪大眼睛,有些惊讶。 Such aptitude, is really mad ......... is not quite bad, especially...... this is really air/Qi the equivalent, is not ordinary. 此等资质、真气………已经相当不差了,特别是……这真气等阶,可不一般啊。 Practices «Hundred Yang Record», slightly becomes „:: “修炼《百阳图录》,略有所成罢“:: Aaron shows a faint smile the reply. 亚伦微微一笑回答。 This cultivation method, we three solidify from the cave comes! „ “这功法,还是我们三固从山洞中得来的呢!“ side Xiaolong in side, felt similarly some sent at heartsimilarly are the person, Brother Yu broke through painstakingly, how my also what? ‚ 方晓龙在旁边,同样感觉有些心里发苦‘同样都是人,玉哥都突破了,怎么我还什么都没有?‘ Does cultivation method that „ just resulted, cultivation several days, then have such achievement? „ “只是刚得的功法,修炼数日,便有如此成就?“ In perhaps Yang Xumi heart secretly thoughtMaster this time, was mistaken also... 杨须弥心中暗道“师父这次,恐怕看走眼了也… Also is several days passes. 又是数日过去。 Aaron is sitting cross-legged to sit in meditation, does Yang Zhenqi the nature familiar, suddenly heard Yang Xumi to call oneto! „ 亚伦正在盘膝打坐,熟悉乾阳真气性质,忽然就听得杨须弥叫了一句“到了!“ side Xiaolong takes a broad view to look, sees only in the boundless blue sea, Ge correct/however presented a rainbow! 方晓龙放眼望去,只见无边蓝海之中,葛然出现了一处彩虹! Xiaguangdao say/way and auspicious air-drying strip 霞光道道、瑞气干条 In radiance bright with many colors, a hanging mountain peak, appears impressively before him! 五光十色的光辉之中,一座悬空山峰,赫然浮现在他面前! This mountain peak is quite unreliable different, mountain bottom and mountain peak separate, the middle is empty, made the mountain peak float in the middle of the midair, Wei was wonder! 这山峰颇为玄异,山底与山峰分开,中间空无一物,却令山峰悬浮在半空当中,蔚为奇观! This is Mount Luofu, reason that in one of the three Daqi Shan for the space can be hanging , because the seabed has a Earth Poles Essence Magnetism god iron mineral lode, was banned the sacrifice to refine by Taiyi Essence Magnetism god by Luofu Old Ancestor, consumes several hundred years of painstaking effort, will put in order a mountain peak to refine as one, changes into spirit treasure, the prestige can be infinite, especially restrains of all gold/metal irons! „ “此乃罗浮山,为宇内三大奇山之一之所以能悬空,乃是因为海底有一条地极元磁神铁矿脉,被罗浮老祖以太乙元磁神禁祭炼,耗费数百年苦功,将整座山峰炼为一体,化为一件灵宝,威能无穷,特别是克制一切金铁之属!“ Yang Xumi drank one „, therefore this ship cannot sit, we disembark. „ 杨须弥喝了一声“因此这船不能坐了,咱们下船吧。“ Also were not many said, received the vertical land rent light shuttle directly. 也不多说,直接将纵地金光梭一收。 Aaron only felt that under the body, crane turns over/stands up immediately, the under foot has the real strength, steps on above the sea water, treads the wave the line. 亚伦只感觉身下一空,当即一个鹤子翻身,脚下生出真力,就踩在海水之上,踏波而行。 Rumble... saves me! „ “咕噜噜…救我!“ Nearby side Xiaolong was miserable, in something has been done deliberately or the mountain the child, the river character was unsatisfactory, drank many salty bitter sea water, was proposed by Aaron, has not been drown to death. 旁边的方晓龙就惨了点,偏生还是山里孩子,水性不佳,一口气喝了不少咸苦的海水,还是被亚伦提了一把,才没有淹死。 Walks! „ “走吧!“ Yang Xumi has not used flying sword, invisible does not have the qualitative profound light by the main body directly, pulls up two people, flies to Mount Luofu. 杨须弥也没有动用飞剑,直接以本体无形无质的玄光,拉起两人,飞向罗浮山。 This Taiyi Essence Magnetism god bans, is town/subdues faction divine ability of Mount Luofu? „ “这太乙元磁神禁,便是罗浮山的镇派神通么?“ Aaron as if exclaimed in surprise, asked one. 亚伦似乎惊叹,问了一句。 What in his heart thinks, initially when deduced the beginning of the universe definitely, the main body also from the say/way of five phases, deduced Essence Magnetism divine ability. 他心中想的是,当初推演混元决之时,本体也从五行之道出发,推演出了一门元磁神通 If studied Taiyi Essence Magnetism gods in Mount Luofu to ban again, not only in can do on the 1st, can change external appearances only cultivation method, displayed again, there is a foot. 若是再学了罗浮山的太乙元磁神禁,不仅可以一日干里,更是可以将原本功法改头换面,再次施展出来,也有了根脚。 „ Is this Mount Luofu...... also as if predestined friends with me quite? „ “这罗浮山……似乎也与我好生有缘?“ In Aaron has this idea, listens to Yang Xumi to say with a smileMount Luofu after all is side door's first major faction, although so-called three do dao method to be mostly inferior, but that is entrance door wild disciple goes to study, if entered the interior door, this/should somewhat refining up on the profound light and Golden Pill method, especially its true inheritance disciple, can cultivation in the gate five big true inheritance, it is said each mudra has had the Yuan god loose immortal! This Essence Magnetism magic technique, is one of the five big true inheritance, the profound light/only boundary refining up on Essence Magnetism is unreliable light/only, Golden Pill can cultivation two meter Essence Magnetism, to a Yuan god, can refine to be known as in highest heaven might utmost two meter Essence Magnetism god thunder great divine ability! „ „ 就在亚伦生出这想法之时,就听杨须弥笑道“罗浮山毕竟是旁门第一大派,虽然所谓的三干道法大多低劣,但那都是外门的野生徒儿才去学的,若是入了内门,怎么也该有些炼就玄光、金丹的法门,特别是其真传弟子,能修炼门中五大真传,据说每一门法诀都是出过元神散仙的!这元磁法术,便是五大真传之一,玄光境炼就元磁玄光,金丹就可以修炼两仪元磁雷法,到了元神,更是能炼成号称九霄雷法之中威力至大的两仪元磁神雷大神通!““ These words, said side Xiaolong one's blood bubbles up to the brim, as if oneself have become Immortal Person. 这一番话,说得方晓龙热血沸腾,似乎自己已经成为了仙人 When Aaron leads again and again, in unstated criticismlesser monk you to the Mount Luofu situation, is familiar with actually? „ 亚伦连连领首之时,却在腹诽“小和尚你对罗浮山情况,倒是如数家珍啊?“ He is looking at more and more near Mount Luofu at this time, cannot bear sprout a ideathis Mount Luofu to inherit probably also the good appearance, must first be a disciple, will inherit learns, then endures side Jing to pass away, then fits out his later generation to continue to acknowledge as teacher Mount Emei? „ 他此时望着越来越近的罗浮山,忍不住萌生出一个想法“不过这罗浮山传承好像还不错的样子,要不要先做个弟子,将传承都学会了,再熬到方镜老死,然后装成他的后人继续拜师峨眉山?“ His life is in any case infinite, can withstand the innumerable failure. 反正他寿元无限,可以承受无数次失败。 So long as some Omei Elder is mistaken, that is his success! 但只要某一次峨眉长老走了眼,那就是他的成功! Although lost Yuanyang, but looks in me is in the friendship of side mirror Elder later generation, should also be able to enter the entrance? ‘虽然失了元阳,但看在我是方镜长老后人的情分上,应该也能入山门吧? This lost the matter of Yuanyang, really cannot blame me, Xinchen has stolen teacher's wife... 这失了元阳的事儿,真不能怪我,辛辰早就偷过师娘了啊… This time Aaron, matter that but also really does not know what crowd of immortal great misfortune... 此时的亚伦,还真不知道什么群仙大劫的事… After all what develops a day of gu to be most is defends itself to be calculated, rather than calculation in the future. 毕竟演天蛊最多的是防御自身被推算,而不是推算将来。 Or, what deduces again „ the Yuanyang plategu side? „ ‘或者,再去推演什么“元阳盘“的蛊方?“
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