TOTM :: Volume #10

#939: Nine flying sword

So good, the Old Daoist good friend, is Mount Luofu Elder......, so long as said that is Old Daoist recommends, must receive you for the disciple. “如此甚好,老道的好友,乃是罗浮山长老……只要说是老道引荐,必会收你们为徒的。 white Meilv stroked the beard to say. Aaron almost wants to get angry. 白梅捋了捋胡须道。亚伦差点就想翻脸了。 This name of Mount Luofu, he pours has also really heard, the opposite party is famous, is known as the side door's largest sect! 这罗浮山之名,他倒还真的听闻过,对方大名鼎鼎,号称旁门第一大教派! Even if Li Rubi in the past, had heard famous of opposite party! 纵然李如璧当年,都听说过对方的鼎鼎大名! Was known as that has three thousand Great Way, the biography is all predestined friends! Therefore receives disciple the standard to be really low, only has the aptitude, under can do obeisance to cross the threshold, has ten several tens of thousands of disciples in Eastern Sea, the disciple, is known as this first! 号称有三千大道,皆传有缘!因此收徒儿的标准甚低,只要略有资质,便可拜入门下,在东海有十数万门徒,弟子之多,号称此界第一! Does to...... this so-called 3000 inheritance, mostly heterogeneous cannot withstand, mixed numerous heretical sect, even heretical demon External Way, is not really wise. 奈何……这所谓的三千传承,大多驳杂不堪,混杂众多左道旁门,甚至邪魔外道,还不甚高明。 The so-called apprentice, can result in passes on a dao method technique, was good. 所谓的徒弟,能得传一道法术,就不错了。 And...... its sect rule is very sloppy, in the disciple has evil conduct...... Luofu Old Ancestor is also a love harbors the disciple, is practicing very not well the fame...... ‘并且……其门规十分稀松,弟子中多有恶行者……罗浮老祖也是个爱包庇弟子的,在修行界名气十分不好…… In the Aaron heart complained one, pretended the ignorant appearance, swept a person of high skill. 亚伦心中吐槽一句,装作无知的模样,扫了一眼众高人。 . simultaneous/uniform Miao an expression is light, has not changed. Is the bitter mendicant budhist monk, on the face exudes to ridicule the color on the contrary. 。齐妙一表情淡淡,没有丝毫变化。反倒是苦头陀,脸上泛起一丝讥讽之色。 This ridicule not too ridiculed me probably, taunted Mount Luofu seem like? ‚ A little meaning. ‚ ‘这讥讽不太像是嘲笑我,倒像是嘲讽罗浮山的?‘有点意思啊。‘ In Aaron observes in secret, white plum Old Daoist shoutedsuch being the case, Old Daoist...... led you to go to Mount Luofu on laborious one time again then. „ 就在亚伦暗中观察之时,白梅老道喝道“既然如此,老道就辛苦一次……再带着你们去罗浮山便了。“ Such remarks, the bitter mendicant budhist monk shook the headJunior Brother you just to result in the scarlet clam Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality, should go to Guro-dong to close up, breaking through Golden Pill was...... these two youngster, made me help you deliver. „ 此言一出,苦头陀就摇头“师弟你刚刚得了赤蛤内丹,该去九老洞闭关,突破金丹才是……这两个少年,就让我帮你去送吧。“ So... many thanks Senior Brother. „ “如此…多谢师兄了。“ White plum Old Daoist hesitates, feels or concentrates Gold Formation Pill be important, immediately agreed, flicked the sleeve, took away side Jing. 白梅老道沉吟一番,觉得还是凝结金丹重要,登时同意,一拂袖,带走了方镜。 The bitter mendicant budhist monk is taking a look at Aaron and side Xiaolong up and down- eye, shoutedwith me! „ 苦头陀上下打量着亚伦与方晓龙-眼,喝道“跟我来!“ Grandmaster...... „ “大师……“ Three people left together felt relieved the palace, side Xiaolong askeddoes not know that Mount Luofu where, who our new were Master? „ 三人一起出了息心殿,方晓龙就问道“不知罗浮山在何处,咱们的新师父是谁?“ What new Master and old Master? ‚ Bitter mendicant budhist monk looks to shake smart side Xiaolong, the innermost feelings were very unhappy, drank onedisciple! „ Nearby grinning young buddhist priest does not know where braved, asked that „ Master does have what instruction? „ 什么新师父、老师父的?‘苦头陀看着抖机灵的方晓龙,内心也十分不喜,喝了一声“徒儿!“旁边一个笑嘻嘻的小沙弥不知从哪里冒了出来,笑问“师父有何吩咐?“ On him has an invisible profound light, hides away invisible, actual situation mutual promotion of the five elements, quite profound different. 他身上有一层无形玄光,隐遁无形,虚实相生,颇为玄异。 Is this mendicant budhist monk apprentice? ‚ 这是这头陀的徒弟?‘ Had said that entered to be unreliable up, seeming like was quite young, Omei. ‘已经道入玄光了,看起来还颇为年轻,峨眉果真了得。 Aaron looks, in heart secret sigh. At this time, heard the bitter mendicant budhist monk to shoutdisciple, gave you for the master an assignment, took away Mount Luofu these two, gave nine really Elder, said that is apprentice who Priest white Mei recommended... „ 亚伦看得,心中暗暗叹息。这时候,就听得苦头陀喝道“徒儿,为师交给你一件差事,将这两人带去罗浮山,交给九真长老,就说是白梅道长推荐的徒弟…“ Si cold: 司冷: The young buddhist priests complained of hardshipI to build immediately unreliably light/only, in the flight did must stop to sit in meditation, restores the skill, but the Eastern Sea Tien Chau was apart from this far more than 100,000 li (0.5 km), but must take two people, you forgave me! „ „ Also said is. „ 小沙弥立即叫苦“我才修成玄光,飞行不过干里就得停下打坐,恢复功力,而东海仙洲距此何止十万里啊,还要带上两个人,您就饶了我吧!““说得也是。“ The bitter mendicant budhist monk hesitates, throws a golden boat to young buddhist priestthis vertical land rent light shuttlefirst bestows you to use, incantation, you, and puts one's mouth close to another's ear. „ 苦头陀沉吟一番,将一只金色小船丢给小沙弥“这纵地金光梭‘先赐你用用,还有一句咒语,你且附耳过来。“ Immediately passed on the young buddhist priest to take and put away incantation of this boat, this big sleeve wielded, went floating. 当即传了小沙弥收放此舟的咒语,这才大袖一挥,飘然而去。 Two, please! „ “两位,请吧!“ The young buddhist priests throw the boat, silent profound art, the mouth mumbled, that golden boat grew perceptibly against the wind, shortly will change into more than ten zhang (3.33 m) three mast steamships, above hull, dense and numerous, impressively was the golden scales, was seemingly glittering, making side Xiaolong the instantaneous eyes unable to move. 小沙弥将小船一丢,默玄功,嘴里念念有词,那只金色小船迎风见长,顷刻间化为一艘十余丈长的三桅大船,船身之上,密密麻麻的,赫然是一片又一片金色鱼鳞,看上去金光闪闪,让方晓龙瞬间眼睛都挪不开了。 He looked at the ship, is looking around young buddhist priest, what treasure calling outgood Elder Brother...... was this? „ 他看了看船,又望着旁边的小沙弥,叫道“好哥哥……这是什么宝贝?“ Thanks for the compliment, this treasure named vertical land rent light shuttle! Is my Master usually conveniently refinement magic treasure, can protect and sustain us, goes everywhere, omnipotent, one day ten thousand li (0.5 km). „ “好说好说,这件宝贝名为纵地金光梭!乃是我师父平时随手炼制的一件法宝,能护持我们,上天入地,无所不能,一日万里。“ Young buddhist priest grinning say/way. 小沙弥笑嘻嘻道。 Doesn't know the Grandmaster name in religion? „ Aaron also asked one. “不知大师法号?“亚伦又问了一句。 My Master bitter mendicant budhist monk, I did not have the name in religion, called Yang Xumi ! “我师父苦头陀,我还没有法号,就叫杨须弥!“ Did Yang Xumi jumping up vertical land rent light shuttle, say with a smilehas not come up? „ 杨须弥跳上纵地金光梭,笑道“还不上来?“ He has not led two people to embark directly, as if looks that side Xiaolong climbs up gold/metal Zhou clumsy and fearful and apprehensive, is an extremely interesting matter! 他并未直接带着两人上船,似乎看着方晓龙笨手笨脚、心惊胆战地攀爬金舟,也是一件极有趣的事儿! In the Aaron heart shows the whites of the eyes, actually also has to try hard to climb up, on deck. 亚伦心中翻了个白眼,却还不得不努力攀爬,上了甲板。 . A moment later, side Xiaolong also went to the deck, traces here, steps on there, shouts and wranglesthis...... in the landlord master compared with town to be occupied by fortunately...... Elder Brother Yang Jia, you operate this ship, what incantation used? How also teaches me? „ 。片刻之后,方晓龙也上了甲板,摸摸这里,踩踩那里,大呼小叫“这……比镇子上的地主老爷住得还好啊……杨家哥哥,你操纵这船,是用了什么咒语么?也教教我如何?“ In Yang Xumi heart sneersmy master gate treasure obligation incantation, you empty the words tooth also to feel all right to ask, who gives your face? ‚ 杨须弥心中冷笑一声‘我师门宝物的驱使咒语,你空口白牙倒也好意思来求,谁给你的脸啊?‘ Immediately complexion Righteous Waythis vertical land rent light/only shuttle, if altruism magic power quenchings, must have the sincere gentleman, holds the incantation 108,000 to do, only then obligation pleasant... this incantation, is ‚ kui ni „! „ 当即脸色一正道“此纵地金光梭,若无我本门法力淬炼,就必须有诚心之士,持咒十万八干遍,方可驱使如意…这咒语么,便是‘喹嘛呢叭咪“!“ Aaron shows the whites of the eyes in secret, knows that this lesser monk is deceiving people. 亚伦暗中翻了个白眼,知道这小和尚在骗人。 Looks at diligently memory side Xiaolong, does not want to speak. 看着正努力记忆的方晓龙,又不想说话了。 The fool digging a pit idiot jumps, has various hobbies respectively, along with them goes! 傻子挖坑白痴跳,各有各的爱好,随他们去吧! State, one “州、一 Yang Xumi played tricks on side Xiaolong, the intention moved, gold/metal Zhou changed into together the golden light immediately, came and went out azure deep, such as with lightning speed, among the moment left Omei, went far away swiftly. 杨须弥戏弄了方晓龙一番,心念一动,金舟顿时化为一道金光,出入青冥,如风驰电掣,须臾间离开峨眉,倏忽远去。 Especially the lesser monk injures someone! „ “特么的小和尚害人!“ Aaron only feels the astral wind to head on, immediately knows this Yang Xumi not to start the protection of this magic treasure, leaked astral wind to come in intentionally. 亚伦只感觉罡风扑面而来,顿时知晓这杨须弥并未开启这件法宝的防护,故意漏了一丝罡风进来。 . Therefore after feeling one, hides into the cabin. In this boat cabin, the house quite a lot, to ban the law sacrifice to refine actually, on some gateways radiance is radiant, actually cannot enter, some are ordinary, can pass in and out at will. 。因此感受一番之后,就躲入船舱。此舟船舱之内,倒是房屋颇多,一个个都以禁法祭炼过,有的门户上光华璀璨,却不能进入,有的却平平凡凡,可以随意进出。 Aaron chose one, goes to go right to sleep. After all these days were really also more laborious. On the contrary is side Xiaolong, but also has the will to try to get close to Yang Xumi extremely, does not know oneself have turned into the object who others sought pleasure. 亚伦选了一间,进去倒头就睡。毕竟这几日也着实辛苦了一些。反倒是方晓龙,还极有毅力地与杨须弥套着近乎,丝毫不知道自己已经变成了别人取乐的对象。 After one day night . 一日一夜之后。 Aaron sets out, goes out of the room, on square Xiaolong to the cabin, the mouth is also mumbling, is reading that incantation repeatedly, in heart speechless. 亚伦起身,走出房间,就见方晓龙正对着船舱,嘴里还念念有词,翻来覆去地念着那句咒语,不由心中无语。 This chapter had not finished, please the click next page continue to read! 本章尚未结束,请点击下一页继续阅读! He steps onto the deck, at this time Yang Xumi had opened the protection, on this vertical land rent shuttle, was only built up two big magic technique by the bitter mendicant budhist monk sacrifice, first is the vertical land rent light technique, second is five phases greatly Luo Jinfa! 他走上甲板,此时杨须弥已经开了防护,这纵地金光梭上,被苦头陀祭炼了两大法术,第一个就是纵地金光术,第二个乃是五行大罗禁法! Under five phases Luo defends greatly, is known as ten thousand law difficult wounds, only nine days of astral wind, naturally is not anything. 五行大罗防御之下,号称万法难伤,区区九天罡风,自然更不算个啥。 Aaron looks around, sees a deep blue, when originally does not know, oneself and the others had arrived in the vast expanse of water sea! 亚伦举目四望,就见一片蔚蓝,原来不知何时,自己等人已经到了一片汪洋大海之中! escape speed of this vertical land rent light, inconceivable...... mainly magic treasure is really fierce, when six did build up? ‚ ‘这纵地金光的遁速,果然不可思议……主要还是法宝厉害,当有六炼了吧?‘ In his heart talked to oneself, arrives side Yang Xumi who sat in meditation in the deck, askedsmall Master, in my abdomen the hunger, does not know that what can eat? „ 他心中自语一句,来到在甲板上打坐的杨须弥身边,问道“小师父,我腹中饥饿,不知可有什么吃的?“ Also was...... forgets you are the mortal, but also is unable Inedia. „ “也是……忘了你们是凡人,还无法辟谷。“ Yang Xumi laughs, departs one from the sleeve in just like flying sword that the crystal casts. 杨须弥哈哈一笑,自袖子中飞出一口宛若水晶铸就的飞剑 This flying sword long inch, just like a dagger, actually thin as cicada wing, glittering and translucent carving, places under the sunlight, if simply does not have the thing to be the same. 飞剑长不过寸许,宛若一柄匕首,却薄如蝉翼,晶莹剔透,放在阳光之下,简直若无物一般。 Good treasure! „ “好宝贝!“ Aaron acclaimed one unrestrainedly. This flying sword also six refine, good too more than the blue water sword of his side door. 亚伦情不自禁地赞叹一声。这一口飞剑也有六炼,却比他那一口旁门的碧水剑好太多了。 As for golden snake hook? What thing is that? Also with calling flying sword? 至于金蛇钩?那是个什么东西?也配叫飞剑么? Omei not only sword technique world extremely, building up the law of sword is also unparalleled in the world. 峨眉不仅剑术天下绝顶,炼剑之法也是天下无双。 flying sword not necessarily is sword, for example white eyebrows Old Daoist, is a sword pill of refinement, usually fuses together with the real air/Qi, begins, then can urge round of sword qi, the earth-shattering. 飞剑并不一定都是剑型,比如白眉老道,就是炼制的一颗剑丸,平时与真气融为一体,动手之间,便能催发剑气,天崩地裂。 But Yang Xumi this flying sword, is actually both sides holds the front, just like an ammunition clip, thin Ruhan ices. 而杨须弥这一口飞剑,却是两面开锋,宛若一根梭子,又薄如寒冰。 Some Sword Immortal also bring the wind of the world knight, results in the sword hilt and sword E, scabbard to be complete the flying sword refinement, is ordinary just like the world of mortals ordinary treasured sword, has. 有的剑仙还带着人间侠客之风,将飞剑炼制得剑柄、剑锷、剑鞘俱全,宛若凡间普通宝剑一般,也是有的。 But the law of Daoism authentic building up sword, is sharper than side door flying sword! 但玄门正宗的炼剑之法,就是比旁门飞剑犀利! Naturally, young masterno shadow sword ‚, is according to MasterFormless Swordimitation, my Master Formless Sword is one of the Omei nine great swords, the sword leaves invisible, unparalleled in the world! „ “当然,小爷这一口‘无影剑‘,乃是根据师父的‘无形剑‘仿制,我师父无形剑位列峨眉九大名剑之一,剑出无形,天下无双!“ Yang Xumi favorite say/way. 杨须弥得意道。 Is Aaron in the heart surprised onethis also has Formless Sword? It seems like before me, guessed that good...... perhaps this Way Heritage, somewhat passes to Great Qian, after changing? ‚ 亚伦则是心中惊疑一声‘怎么此界也有无形剑?看来我之前猜测不错……或许此界道统,有些传到大乾,又经过改易?‘ Sees Yang Xumi to howl clear, launches the law of person of sword uniting, immediately changes into together dream blurred sword light, jumps down from the vertical land rent light boat, pricks in the deep sea. 就见杨须弥清啸一声,展开人剑合一之法,顿时化为一道梦幻迷离的剑光,从纵地金光舟上一跃而下,刺入深海之中。 Not long, the sword light breakthrough sea level, duplicate/restores returns to above the deck together, but also brings several joyful sea fish. 没有多久,一道剑光突破海面,复又回到甲板之上,还带着几尾活蹦乱跳的海鱼。 In Yang Xumi heart ponders say/wayto make the young master take extremely the sword technique to string together the fish as you, this is also your huge good fortunes flatter. „ 杨须弥心中忖道“让小爷以绝顶剑术为你们串鱼,这也是你们天大的福分啊阿。“ Aaron has not actually begun immediately, but is goes to the cabin, called side Xiaolong who some demons are startled, renovates this sea fish together. 亚伦却没有立即动手,而是去船舱里,将有些魔怔的方晓龙叫了出来,一起整治这海鱼。 The sea fish is delicious, and is quite clean, almost can eat uncooked. 海鱼味道鲜美,并且相当干净,几乎可以生吃。 But Aaron not good this, to ask that Yang Xumi looked for some cooking utensils seasoning, made pot soup. 亚伦不好这个,就又问杨须弥找了些炊具佐料,做了一锅汤。 The young buddhist priests see this soup color creamy white, greets the nostrils fresh fragrant, the index finger moves greatly. 小沙弥见得这汤色乳白,鲜香扑鼻,不由食指大动。 . Aaron shows a faint smile, signals with the eyes. side Xiaolong becomes smart, abundant the soup flattered Yang Xumi, sees its favor, askedme and other younger clan cousin side Jing, did obeisance into Omei, does not know that Omei did have really fierce dao method? „ 亚伦微微一笑,使了个眼色。方晓龙又变得机灵起来,盛了汤去讨好杨须弥,见其欢心,问道“我等族弟方镜,也拜入了峨眉,不知峨眉有甚厉害道法?“ My Omei dao method, unparalleled in the world, «Purple Azure secret Seal» points to the fairyland, what a pity all previous generations can comprehend on few people... „ “我峨眉道法,天下无双,《紫青秘篆》直指仙境,可惜历代就没有几人能够参悟…“ Yang Xumi is thinking these two have the family member in Omei, is not what bystander, divulged many secretsmy Master cultivation «Revered To win Ming Dynasty king Jing» is also one certainly, «Two Meter Dust particle secret Records», «Too Clear Fine wine Also pill» was the great dwelling place of celestial beings ancient book, in addition, was various road extremely sword techniques. „ 杨须弥想着这两人有家人在峨眉,也不算什么外人,就泄露了好多隐秘“我师父修炼的《尊胜大明王经》也是一绝,《两仪微尘秘录》、《太清玉液还丹篇》都是一等一的仙家典籍,除此之外,就是各路绝顶剑术了。“ . „ Doesn't know what extremely sword technique? „ side Xiaolong closely examines immediately. 。“不知有何绝顶剑术?“方晓龙立即追问。 Must say that this extremely sword technique, has to raise my Omei to be unparalleled in the world, in space famous nine flying sword! „ “要说这绝顶剑术,就不得不提我峨眉独步天下,宇内有名的九口飞剑!“ Has the purple azure sword, is the Sect Master saber, ittoo refining up demon sword mudra clear, is Daoism sword technique divine ability extremely. „ “有紫青剑,为掌门佩剑,其‘太清炼魔剑诀‘,,也是玄门绝顶的剑术神通。“ Has Formless Sword, coordinates the Formless Sword secret art, escape speed unparalleled in the world. „ “有无形剑,配合无形剑诀,遁速天下无双。“ Had Southern Ming to the hot sword, ‚ displayed to fire sword mudra atSouthern Ming, to be flying sword Yang first. „ “有南明离火剑,以‘南明离火剑诀‘施展,为阳属飞剑第一。“ Has ice mortal form cold light sword one, coordinatesTai Yin ice mortal form sword mudra ‚, to be flying sword Yin extremely. „ „ Has Taiyi part of great bear sword three, coordinatesTaiyi Daoism sword mudra ‚, wonderful with an improper method. „ “有冰魄寒光剑一口,配合‘太阴冰魄剑诀‘,为阴属飞剑绝顶。““有太乙天罡剑三口,配合‘太乙玄门剑诀‘,神妙无方。“ …… ・・・・・ Yang Xumi- introduced, the surface has the smug look. „ Never expected that the mirror elder brother really has such chance, does not know that which flying sword in the future can use? „ side Xiaolong being able not help said/tunnel. 杨须弥-一介绍,面有得色。“没想到镜哥竟然有如此机缘,也不知日后能用哪口飞剑?“方晓龙情不自禁地道。 At once, he hears Yang Xumi laughing, does not know oneself spoke incorrectly what words. 旋即,他就听得杨须弥的嗤笑,也不知自己说错了什么话。 Only has Aaron, secretly unstated criticism in heartwhite plum Old Daoist, although the rank is high, but profound light/only...... the obvious aptitude extremely accomplished before, without teaching what Omei true inheritance, Master is so, apprentice not to mention...... ‚ 唯有亚伦,在心中暗自腹诽‘白梅老道虽然辈分高,但之前不过个玄光……显然资质不堪造就,也没传授什么峨眉真传,师父都是如此,徒弟就更不用说了……‘ However their priest and disciple, this whole life do not want to trace these nine extremely flying sword wools...... ‘而他们师徒二人,这辈子也别想摸一摸这九口绝顶飞剑的毛…… As for other flying sword? Lark sword pill that white plum Old Daoist one six refine, only if dying dead in a sitting posture, will otherwise not pass to the apprentice...... this side Jing in the future, only feared that also wants to collect the material to refine the sword! ‚ ‘至于其它飞剑?白梅老道自己就一口六炼的白灵剑丸,除非是将死坐化,否则也不会传给徒弟……这方镜日后,只怕还要自己搜集材料炼剑!‘ Drinks to heart's content when three people fish soup, once in a while chatted to discuss, the Aaron expression moved suddenly, looked that „ that side... as if had up to distant place? „ 就在三人畅饮鱼汤,间或谈天论地之时,亚伦忽然表情一动,看向远方“那边…似乎有光?“ Not only there is a light, Ascetic spars, we close to have a look! „ “不仅有光,还有修士斗法,咱们靠近些看看!“ Yang Xumi also watches the fun is not afraid of getting into trouble big bear child, at this time the outbreak playing, the operation vertical land rent light shuttle, approaches to the place of sparring. 杨须弥也是看热闹不怕事大的熊孩子,此时玩性发作,就操纵纵地金光梭,向斗法之地靠近。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! The infinite sea water changes into everywhere ocean waves, toward takes away as many things as possible somewhere. 无穷海水化为漫天碧波,向着某处席卷而去。 Under the endless sea, has a whale monster impressively, is using the sorcery, raises the difficult situation, besieges a ship. 在无尽大海之下,赫然有着一头鲸鱼妖怪,正施展妖法,掀起惊涛骇浪,围攻一艘宝船。 Above the ship, several radiance depart, is actually several female cultivator, displays various colorful strange Huagang ghosts to resist, actually gradually weak. 在宝船之上,正有几道光华飞出,却是几位女修,施展各种多彩缤纷的奇花罡煞抵挡,却渐渐不支。 Above the land, the monster most hides into remote mountain Old Lin, even if the mortals are enterable, some massive Ascetic cut the monster to eliminate the demon, therefore the monster influence is not abundant. 陆地之上,妖怪最多躲入深山老林,纵然凡人都可进入,又有大量修士斩妖除魔,因此妖怪势力不盛。 On the contrary is in the deep sea, various water monsters can roam through recklessly, human Ascetic does not build the unique method guard, cannot enter the deep sea. 反倒是深海之中,各类水妖能肆意遨游,人类修士不修成独特法门护身,就入不得深海。 But in deep water, was well below that the water monster has benefits, spars often high realm to have no alternative. 而在深水之中,也远远不如水妖拥有地利,斗法往往高一个境界都无可奈何。 Therefore in the sea, has several monster influences, but also is quite prosperous. 因此海洋之中,却颇有几个妖怪势力,还极为兴盛。 This whale monster, is the patrolling sea great general in Eastern Sea dragon palace, the main body is humpback whale to become monster. Today induces to a ship above, having treasure that can help itself break through, therefore outrageously attack. 这头鲸鱼妖怪,便是东海龙宫的巡海大将,本体乃是一只座头鲸成妖。今日感应到一艘宝船之上,有着能帮助自己突破的宝贝,因此悍然袭击。 Its main body is astonishing, even if only outside astral boundary, the monster strength is also vigorous incomparable, there is a talent monster technique. 它本体惊人,哪怕只是外罡境,妖力也是浑厚无匹,又有天赋妖术。 That ship and female cultivator, under the difficult situation, seriously are in imminent danger. 那宝船与女修,在惊涛骇浪之下,当真是岌岌可危。 In the sky, the golden light passed over gently and swiftly together. „ Small Master? „ 天空之中,一道金光掠过。“小师父?“ Why is Aaron surprised different waynot to intend to save others? „ 亚伦诧异道“为何不出手救人?“ This Human Clan Ascetic sees the monster to eat the person, certainly must make a move, cuts the monster to eliminate the demon. 人族修士见到妖怪吃人,肯定是要出手,斩妖除魔的。 Yang Xumi actually closes the eye, as if in chanting incantations, replied subsequently seriouslyMaster has taught me, the woman under mountain is the tiger, met did ten thousand to avoid! „ 杨须弥却闭上眼睛,似乎在念咒,继而一本正经地回答“师父教导过我,山下的女人是老虎,遇到了干万要躲开!“ ! „ “噗!“ . Side, side Xiaolong tries hard to cover the mouth, actually cannot bear smile to make noise. 。旁边,方晓龙努力捂着嘴巴,却还是忍不住笑出声来。 Aaron suppresses the happy expression, saidsuch being the case, we then walk... 亚伦强忍笑意,说了一句“既然如此,那咱们便走吧… These female cultivator are neither relative nor kin with him in any case, raises- sentence has shown due respect for the feelings very much. 反正那些女修跟他非亲非故,提-句已经很给面子了。 As for life, with his what does/works? 至于死活,与他何干?
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