TOTM :: Volume #10

#938: Accepts the disciple( 6000 make up)

Came! “来了! Did the Aaron heart quickly grasp the meaning of somethingthis to start to inspect the root bone and aptitude? „ 亚伦心头一个激灵“这就要开始查验根骨、资质了么?“ Valuable mirror in simultaneous/uniform Miao a hand, namedsees through discerning „, is an Omei greatly famous treasure, can meet the disciple aptitude and root bone, even to look whether there is the luck transports/fortunes, chance, demon qi...... is always screens the disciple to use. 齐妙一手中的宝镜,名为“洞烛犀照“,乃是峨眉一件大大有名的宝贝,能照见弟子资质、根骨、甚至能看福运、机缘、有无魔气・……向来都是甄别弟子所用。 I first come! „ “我先来!“ side Xiaolong is eager to try, first coming up. 方晓龙跃跃欲试,第一个上去。 simultaneous/uniform Miao one is only the smile, sees through in the rhinocero speculum just like having candlelight together, illuminates inside and outside penetrating side Xiaolong. In the middle of the mirror, presents one to be just the same as side Xiaolong immediately, lifelike person's shadow. 齐妙一只是微笑,洞烛犀照镜中宛若有一道烛光,照彻方晓龙内外。镜子当中,顿时出现一个跟方晓龙一模一样,栩栩如生的人影。 The person's shadow top of the head, has five colors radiance to reappear, the revolution is uncertain, finally changes into pure white rosy clouds, spits slightly red. side Xiaolong is confused, was called by white plum Old Daoist, changed the side mirror. 人影头顶,有五色光华浮现,运转不定,最终化为一片纯白云霞,中吐微红。方晓龙一头雾水,却被白梅老道叫了下去,换了方镜上来。 This time, in the mirror the meteorology of villain is critically different, fog transpiration, has a earth yellow bead faintly. 这一次,镜中小人的气象又大为不同,云雾蒸腾,其中隐隐有一枚土黄珠子。 White Mei Daoren is looking at this, secretly nodthese two, although also somewhat spiritual cultivation aptitude, but is general, the side mirror many, somewhat are wise without appearing to be slightly... „ 白梅道人望着这一幕,暗自点头“这两人,虽然也有几分修道资质,但都是一般,方镜稍稍好些,有几分内秀…“ At this moment, the Aaron complexion was excited, walked going forward. Buzz! 就在这时,亚伦脸色激动,走了上前。嗡! That valuable mirror emits the profound light, him inside and outside according to penetrating. 那宝镜放出玄光,将他内外照彻。 When is going to illuminate arrivesdevelops a day of gu „, this gu insect slightly shakes, the mysterious ripple proliferated, covered many feet. 只是将要照到“演天蛊“时,这蛊虫微微一震,就有一股玄奥波纹扩散,掩盖了许多根脚。 „ This simultaneous/uniform Miao honorable person, looks down upon me? “这齐妙一真人,是看不起我呢? If seven refine to develop a day of gu, but may also be looked through several points, but I eight have built up the gu insect, actually does not fear... Aaron to feel the mirror light to enter the body, if his within the body also has magic power at this time, that indeed will have the conflict, was discovered the flaw. 若是七炼演天蛊,还有可能被看破几分,但我已经将蛊虫八炼,却是不惧了…亚伦感受到镜光入体,若此时他体内还有法力,那的确会有冲突,被发现破绽。 But at this time, is broad and level, imposing fearless. „ Un? „ 而此时,则是坦坦荡荡,凛然无惧。“嗯?“ simultaneous/uniform Miao is looking in the mirror the scene, is spooky sighs, askingaptitude is still permissible, old most important, had you lost Yuanyang? „ 齐妙一望着镜中景象,却是幽幽一叹,问道“资质尚可,年岁稍大・最要紧的,你已失了元阳?“ This broken mirror really could not completely understand that I in the Aaron heart complained one. “这破镜子果然看不透我・亚伦心中吐槽一句。 Since cannot completely understand him, that sees, naturally is the aptitude and root of bone Xinchen. 既然看不透他,那所见的,自然是辛辰的资质与根骨。 This person can be received by the gold/metal Daoist for disciple, the spiritual cultivation aptitude naturally has, even analogy Xiaolong two serve. 这人能被金道人收为徒儿,修道资质自然是有的,甚至比方晓龙两伺都强一点。 At this time hears this to ask, can only make awkward color that blushesthis... to be lascivious to admire the young and good-looking below for a while 此时听到这问,只能做出脸红的尴尬之色“这个…在下一时好色而慕少艾 What? „ “什么?“ …… ・・ Nearby side Xiaolong and side Jing are actually one startled, had not being able to say envying and envy secretlyBrother Yu has tasted the matter of men and women unexpectedly? Is who? The spending elder sister of village east head? Li Guafu who in the town grinds soya beans into bean curd? „ 旁边的方晓龙与方镜却是一惊,暗自有种说不出的羡慕与嫉妒“玉哥竟然已经品尝过了男女之事?是谁?村东头的花姐姐?还是镇子上磨豆腐的李寡妇?“ Thinks that in the village in the dreams of all half big youngster a sweetheart flower was possibly picked by Fang Yu, side Xiaolong at heart acid 想到村子里所有半大少年的梦中情人一朵花可能被方玉摘了,方晓龙就心里酸酸的 Oh... your aptitude was still permissible, although is old, but if cultivates to hold laboriously , a merit fruit, had not actually lost Yuanyang, not only the cultivation progress is inferior to the peer, in congealing on Gold Formation Pill, meets the new difficulties crop up unexpectedly! „ “唉…原本你资质还算尚可,虽然年纪稍大,但若辛苦修持,也未尝没有一番功果,却失了元阳,不仅修炼进度不如同辈,于凝结金丹上,更会横生波折!“ simultaneous/uniform Miao sighed, looked that to white plum Old DaoistJunior Brother...... you were self determined! „ 齐妙一叹息一声,看向白梅老道师弟・……你自决吧!“ These three people of well-born, the aptitude is the general inferiority, simultaneous/uniform Miao one actually knows the white plum Daoist to repay the causes and effects, the necessity receives one or several disciple, makes him self determined. 这三人身家清白,资质都是一般的低劣,齐妙一却知晓白梅道人要偿还因果,必要收一个或者几个徒儿,就让他自决。 The Omei big enterprise has lots of assets, receive 1-2 good-for-nothing disciple also to have nothing in any case, most does not pass on this high deep thought law, and that's the end. 反正峨眉家大业大,收1-2不成器的徒儿却也没啥,最多不传本门高深心法,也就是了。 On the other hand, even if white plum Old Daoist, has not actually learned the Omei many profound inheritance. Pouring is not really important. 话说回来,纵然白梅老道,其实也没学到峨眉多少高深传承。倒也不甚要紧。 Omei cares truly, is destined, is going to do obeisance into Omei, first becomes an immortal, leading Omei to sweep away one, lifts „ an immortal that „ the faction flies upwards! 峨眉真正在意的,是命中注定,将要拜入峨眉,一世成仙,带领峨眉横扫一界,举派飞升的“一仙“! This Oobirakisan gate, in fact is also calculates that the secret revolves, „ an immortal „ was born, sends out many Elder to look for the beautiful jade good, accepts the apprentice broadly. 这次大开山门,实际上也是算到天机运转,“一仙“已然降世,才派出许多长老寻访良才美玉,广收徒弟。 This... “这… White plum Old Daoist glances to the left right to look in three youngster, secret sigh. 白梅老道在三个少年之中左顾右看,暗暗叹息。 In three people, the aptitude is best by Fang Yu, lost Yuanyang how, the foundation lacked. 三人之中,资质以方玉最佳,奈何失了元阳,根基有缺。 Another two, are actually the general inferiority, the side mirror slightly many, is much stronger. 另外两个,却是一般的低劣,方镜稍稍好些,却也强得有限。 He thinks, shot a look at Fang Yu, secretly thoughtthis youngster, although lost Yuanyang, almost impossible achievement Golden Pill..., but Omei disciple, is not everyone can achievement Golden Pill, is rare he to know the book to reach the principle, to be with good intention and also be steadily mature... 他想了想,又瞥了一眼方玉,暗道“这少年虽然失了元阳,几乎不可能成就金丹・…但峨眉弟子,也不是人人都能成就金丹,难得他一路知书达理、善解人意、又成熟稳重…・ White plum Old Daoist thinks of here, already some decision, adept finger/refers of Aaron and side Jing , will open the mouth. 白梅老道想到这里,已经有了决定,拿手一指亚伦与方镜,,正要开口。 Suddenly, goes out of one person from void, shoutedholds on a minute! „ „? 忽然,从虚空中就走出一人,喝道“且慢!““嗯? Aaron looks, sees this person to make the mendicant budhist monk appearance, the head wears one to send the band, resembling is Buddhism Ascetic, technique of the sword escape is elusive, quite somewhat Formless Sword Escape style. 亚伦望去,就见这人作头陀打扮,头上戴着一个发箍,似是佛门修士,一手剑遁之术却来无影去无踪,颇有几分无形剑遁的风范。 This made Aaron inexplicable on the association to Grand Pure Formless Sword Mudra, as well as that Spirit Treasure Formless Sword! „ This perhaps with some Great Qian immortal cultivation realm also relations? „ 这让亚伦莫名就联想到了太清无形剑诀,以及自己那一口灵宝无形剑!“此界或许跟大乾修仙界也有些关系?“ I also know, in two schools of mountain three, has- profound Heavenly Dao, does not know that, compared with Profound Heavens Cult, yes- ‘我还知道,两派一山三道之中,就有-个玄天道呢,也不知跟玄天教比,又是-个 What's wrong? In Aaron thinks, white Mei had called 如何?就在亚伦思索之时,白梅已经叫了起来 Originally is bitter mendicant budhist monk Senior Brother, does not know that Senior Brother does have what advice? „ “原来是苦头陀师兄,不知师兄有何指教?“ Omei said Buddha double cultivation, did not arrest in any one teaches, therefore in the disciple also had the monk nun, was not a how unusual matter. 峨眉道佛双修,并不拘于任何一教,因此弟子中也有和尚尼姑,并不是一件多么稀奇的事儿。 Omei supplies Sword Immortal according to falling the flying sword escape light platform, is called ten thousand Buddha Jinding! 就连峨眉供给各位剑仙按落飞剑遁光的平台,都叫做万佛金顶! The bitter mendicant budhist monk appearance was rogue, swept Aaron one, called outthis person of young, did not defend rule, lost Yuanyang, how to endure for my Omei disciple? If according to my seeing, Junior Brother may deliver to the school and loose cultivator hanger-on who are on good terms them, is the disciple child child, and that's the end...... 苦头陀面相凶恶,扫了亚伦一眼,叫道“此人年纪轻轻,就不守规矩,又失了元阳,如何堪为我峨眉弟子?若按我之见,师弟可将他们送到交好的门派与散修门下,做个徒儿童子,也就是了…… This bitter mendicant budhist monk is unruly, cannot get used to seeing Omei to receive the disciple who many aptitude could not withstand, makes fishy. In fact, he is white plum Junior Brother not to want. 这苦头陀性情桀骜,更看不惯峨眉收了许多资质不堪的弟子,弄得乌烟瘴气。实际上,他连白梅这个师弟都不太想要。 An age had not formed Golden Pill, this Junior Brother threw! „ This...... „ 一把年纪了还未结成金丹,这师弟扔了也罢!“这……“ white Mei looks to look at the palm to teach the honorable person with, actually sees simultaneous/uniform Miao to smile not to speak, obviously is not serious. 白梅拿眼去瞧看掌教真人,却见齐妙一笑而不语,显然对此也是不太当回事的。 He sighed, referred to side Jing, shoutedsuch being the case, Old Daoist received your disciple, as for you 44 他叹了口气,指了指方镜,喝道“既然如此,老道就收了你这个徒儿,至于你们二人44 white Mei thinks, asked Old Daoist to have a good friend, dived to cultivate/repair in the Eastern Sea Tien Chau, does not know that you may be willing to acknowledge as teacher 白梅想了想,问道“老道有一好友,在东海仙洲潜修,不知你们可愿去拜师” side Xiaolong wants to do obeisance into Omei eagerly, unexpectedly no one can have a liking for him, disappointed, hears also the path, called out me to want hastily 方晓龙眼巴巴地想要拜入峨眉,不料谁都看不上他,正失望中,听到还有一条路子,连忙叫道“我愿意” Also wants below.” In the Aaron heart sighed. “在下也愿意。”亚伦心中叹息一声。 In fact acknowledges as teacher Omei to be inadequate, white Mei a loose cultivator friend, he also really looks does not glance. 实际上拜师峨眉不成,一个白梅的散修朋友,他还真看不上眼。 But average person immortal karma at present, if declines does not want, instead is somewhat garish, therefore can only comply. „ For the time being is first perfunctory, then finds an opportunity to run away is...... 但普通人仙缘就在眼前,若是推辞不要,反而有些扎眼,因此只能答应下来。“暂且先敷衍一番,然后找个机会逃走便是…… Regarding has not acknowledged as teacher successfully, although in the Aaron heart has regrettable, is not extreme and despairs. 对于没有拜师成功,亚伦心中虽有遗憾,却并不偏激与绝望。 After all in such long life, the disappointed matter he experienced to be many, then can treat with indifference. Is only this account or the small book inscribes, on the day of I become enlightened, demands return again slowly 毕竟在这么漫长的人生中,失望的事情他经历多了,便可以淡然处之。“只是这账还是得小本本记上,等我成道那一日,再慢慢讨还”
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