TOTM :: Volume #10

#937: Omei( 5800 make up)

E my Meishan. 峨我眉山。 Wanfuding casts just like the by gold, the emit light, the meteorology ten thousand do brightly. 万佛顶宛若以黄金铸就,灿然生光,气象万干。 Feels relieved in the palace. 息心殿内。 The palm teaches the simultaneous/uniform wonderful life to result in the powder to carve the jade to carve, is a suckling baby appearance. 掌教齐妙一生得粉雕玉琢,乃是一个奶娃娃模样。 He cultivates law of the gate baby, even if magical skill tall Jue, figure also as before day forever like young lad. 他修炼道门婴儿之法,哪怕道行高绝,身形也依旧日永如童子。 The appearance is serious, leading a Yuan god to disperse the dignity of immortal! 只是面相严肃,带着元神散仙之威严! This Golden Pill Ancestral Master opens sect Lipai only then, but only has an achievement Yuan god, the card results in Immortality, is true side giant! 此界金丹宗师方可开宗立派,而唯有成就元神,证得长生,才算真正一方巨擘! Even if the palm of demon both sides teaches supremely, mostly in Yuan god cultivation base, this is the demon two people of high skill extremely! 纵然是正魔双方的掌教至尊,也大多在元神修为,这已经是道魔两家的绝顶高人了! At this time counted on the fingers, on the serious face exuded a smilewhite plum Junior Brother second to practice, finally Golden Pill hopeful... „ 此时掐指一算,原本严肃的脸上就泛起一丝笑容“白梅师弟二世修行,终于金丹有望…“ Soon, sword light air-splitting, falls above Omei ten thousand Buddha Jinding together. 不多时,一道剑光破空,落于峨眉万佛金顶之上。 The white plum Old Daoist great cultivator floating ticket, leading three rural youngster to appear the figure. 白梅老道大修飘票,带着三个农村少年现出身形。 This...... is this then the true dwelling place of celestial beings cave mansion? „ “这……这便是真正的仙家洞府么?“ side Xiaolong gets down from Wanfuding, only felt that the eye insufficiently looked. 方晓龙一路自万佛顶下来,只感觉眼睛都不够看了。 The cave mansion, pavilions and stone bridge that winding corridor, immortal herb spirit mushroom and white Yuanfei the crane that fairyism winds around everywhere...... made him have the feeling that a country folk entered a city. 那一处处仙气缭绕的洞府、亭台楼阁、石桥回廊、仙草灵芝、白猿飞鹤……都令他有种乡下人进城的感觉。 side Jinggeng opens the mouth, could not speak. 方镜更是张大嘴巴,说不出话来。 Only has Aaron, does not care. 唯有亚伦,并不如何在意。 He is only the surface is surprised, single layer that in fact this Omei this mountain, might as well just now adopts to himtwo ten side dust particle great formationsplendid! 他只是表面惊讶,实际上这峨眉本山,对他而言还不如方才通过的一重“两界十方微尘大阵‘精彩! In the heart ponders say/way secretlythis formation method and entire Mount Emei sacrifice refining up a body, since birth dead vanishing light and shade six heavy gates, really bad risk......, even if my heyday, once falls into, cannot run away...... „ 心中暗自忖道“这阵法与整座峨眉山祭炼一体,有生死幻灭明暗六重阵门,着实凶险……哪怕我此身全盛时期,一旦落入阵中,也跑不掉啊……“ He even felt like, this destiny and Xinchen, and even gold/metal Daoren, ten thousand gu Daoist immortal lineage/vein repel one another, actually does not know that this feeling came from where, does not have because of seriously being in no position, made him suspect assuredly, after all was own spirit essence intuition. 他甚至隐隐觉得,此阵气数与辛辰、乃至金道人、万蛊真君一脉相克,却又不知这感觉从何而来,当真是无因无由,却又令他笃定怀疑,毕竟是自己的灵性直觉。 „ The top of front mountain peak, was the feeling relieved palace in my Omei, you paid a visit the palm to teach the honorable person along with me! „ “前方山峰之顶,便是我峨眉的息心殿了,你们随我去拜见掌教真人!“ Omei rule is extremely heavy, white plum Old Daoist is not good to bring three people of governing swords to non-stop fly this mountain heavily, but is walking on the mountain road directly, simultaneously saves the thoughts that tested to teach secretly. 峨眉规矩极重,白梅老道也不好带着三人御剑直飞本山重地,只是在山路上径直走着,同时暗暗存了考教的心思。 Aaron looks up, sees the place broad main hall, the crystal is situated in another peaks tower magnificently the top of mountain peak, in the heart complainedlooks at mountain run the dead horse......, if can fly, was moment's matter, but if walked......, today feared that could not see the Omei people of high skill. 亚伦抬头望去,就见座恢弘大殿,晶立于另外一座奇峰突起的山峰之顶,不由心中吐槽‘望山跑死马啊……若是能飞过去,就是须臾的事儿,但若走过去……得,今天怕是见不到峨眉众高人了。 His guess is correct, three people climb up along the mountain road unceasingly, walked directly one day night, on the 2nd day morning, before felt relieved the palace. 他的猜测非常正确,三人沿着山路不断攀爬,直接走了一日一夜,才在第二日上午,堪堪到了息心殿之前。 side Xiaolong and side Jing are tired the asthma like the cow, fortunately they are the peasant boys, can endure hardship, one sought the immortal gruff strong, otherwise only feared that has spoken to give up. 方晓龙与方镜早就累得气喘如牛,所幸他们是农家子弟,能吃得了苦,还有一股求仙的倔强劲在,否则只怕早就出言放弃了。 Because Fang Yu of Aaron incarnation gets older, but is breathing heavily, then before entering main hall, first reorganized a clothes correct manners discipline. 亚伦化身的方玉因为年纪长些,只是喘着粗气,然后在进入大殿之前,先整理了一番衣冠仪容。 This action, making white Mei look at Fang Yu and even Fang Family high, mused that beforehand Fang Jia said medical technique to hand down from generation to generation, pours also knows the ritual, could not say that also had the poetry book inheritance. 正是这一举动,让白梅不由又高看了方玉乃至方家一眼,暗想之前方家说医术传家,倒也知礼,说不得还有诗书传承。 Aaron three people of following white plum Old Daoist enter feels relieved the palace, meets such as the jade pendant adorning a hat baby, wears a too clear Daoist robe, after that Daoist robe , the swayed is long, drags on the ground, another mysterious makings. 亚伦三人跟着白梅老道进入息心殿,就见一个面如冠玉的娃娃,穿着一身太清道袍,那道袍后摆长,拖在地上,另有一种玄妙气质。 The week has cloud Qi the transpiration, melts the purple azure two colors obviously, seriously is good bit god loose immortal! 其身周有云气蒸腾,显化紫青二色,当真是好一位元神散仙! Pays a visit the palm to teach Senior Brother! „ “拜见掌教师兄!“ White plum Old Daoist advanced a ritual. 白梅老道先行了一礼。 side Xiaolong several firmly seem awakening from a dream specially, line of big ritualspays a visit Immortal Person hastily! „ 方晓龙几固才如梦初醒特别,连忙行大礼“拜见仙人!“ Junior Brother this goes, but is smooth? „ 师弟此去,可还顺利?“ simultaneous/uniform Miao makes white plum several people set out, the smile is asking. 齐妙一让白梅几人起身,微笑问着。 Has cut doing year of vermilion Ha, took its Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality...... the midway slightly to have the twists and turns, was fortunate enough to these little friends to assist, their chance was great, but must dao method! „ “已经斩了干年朱蛤,取了其内丹……中途略有波折,幸得这几位小友相助,他们机缘不浅,还得了一篇道法!“ White Mei Sumu replied, will store up «Hundred Yang Record» Lingyu together gives the palm to teach. 白梅肃穆回答,将一块储存了《百阳图录》的灵玉交给掌教。 simultaneous/uniform Miao- heard to cut to kill vermilion Ha, in the heart slightly somewhat sighed. 齐妙—听到斩杀了朱蛤,心中略有些叹息。 Although cuts to kill the causes and effects source directly, is evades the tribulation and reduces and solves the causes and effects Righteous Way, actually slightly obviously fierce. 虽然直接斩杀因果源头,也是避劫与化解因果的正道,却稍显酷烈。 That vermilion Ha , with some Omei fates, can make mountain-protecting spirit beast. 那头朱蛤,,原本与峨眉有些缘分,能做一护山灵兽的。 Does to the number of days to revolve, is so, as deep as a well. 奈何天数运转,便是如此,难以捉摸。 At this time divine thought search into Lingyu, saw «Hundred Yang Graphic solution», smiledis dao method of past dark green zygote, this person was also my Taoism senior, inherited from the antiquity wind and cloud sect, in the law of space foundation laying unique... 此时神念探入灵玉之中,看到了《百阳图解》,也是一笑“是当年苍合子的道法,此人也是我道家前辈,传承自上古风云宗,奠基之法宇内独步… Omei sends the special disciple, crosses the threshold the cultivation is foundation dao method and sword mudra, to polish way heart. 峨眉派特殊弟子,入门修炼的都是基础道法剑诀,以打磨道心 After cultivating the real air/Qi, the quality is not necessarily able to surpass dry Yang Zhenqi. 修炼成真气之后,品质未必能超过乾阳真气。 Only has these big destiny, the big lucky reasons and inborn aptitude vigorous true inheritance, can cross the threshold must teach «Purple Azure secret» this and other basic ancient books, builds product Ziqing immortal rune/symbol Zhenqi! 唯有那些大气运、大福缘、天生资质浑厚的真传,才能一入门就得传授《紫青秘第》这等根本典籍,修成一品紫青仙符真气! Reason that is not Omei disciple everyone cultivates the basic ancient book, first naturally to prevent sect secret standard to divulge to an outsider, second is...... the special disciple, special the basis practices inadequate such profound cultivation method! 之所以不是峨眉弟子人人都修炼根本典籍,第一自然是为了防止宗门秘典外传,第二则是……特殊弟子,也特么根本练不成这么高深的功法啊! Therefore this «Hundred Yang Record», may be called the gospel of Omei special disciple. 因此这部《百阳图录》,堪称峨眉特殊弟子的福音。 Omei accepts the disciple to be really strict, even if the special disciple, perhaps in the Yin Mountain faction, can make a palm to teach the seed, for example Li Rubi that by the bat Duke killed the treasure apprentice. 峨眉收徒甚严,纵然是特殊弟子,在阴山派当中,或许也能做个掌教种子,比如李如璧那个被蝙蝠公杀了的宝贝徒弟。 Therefore, most people, must be able to refine dry Yang Zhenqi. 因此,大部分人,应当还是能炼成乾阳真气的。 This is really air/Qi minoring to be convenient furthermore, can actually increase one point of foundation. 更兼此真气兼修方便,却是能增益一分根基。 To Omei, this is quite good. 对于峨眉而言,这已经相当不错了。 In fact, simultaneous/uniform Miao an honorable person also figures out gradually, in the future in fact, simultaneous/uniform Miao an honorable person will also figure out gradually, in the future will have the great misfortune, immeasurable great misfortune that the group immortal great misfortune combines into one with end the tribulation of law! 实际上,齐妙一真人也渐渐算出,未来实际上,齐妙一真人也渐渐算出,未来将有大劫,并且,还是群仙大劫与末法之劫合而为一的无量大劫! Many Omei ancient several discussions, decide to do a big matter- Draws in this spirit treasure, to gather the person with outstanding ability and accumulation destiny, to cut actively to kill the demon tribulation...... finally, before end the tribulation of law arrives, lifts the faction to fly upwards! 诸多峨眉宿老几次商议,都决定做件大事儿--积极收拢此界灵宝、汇聚英才、积累气数、斩杀魔劫……最终,在末法之劫到来之前,举派飞升! Since old times flew upwards difficultly! 自古飞升艰难! Even if some Daoism are authentic, the ancestors not necessarily have flying upwards Immortal Person. 哪怕一些玄门正宗,祖上都未必有飞升的仙人 But Omei is different! 但峨眉不同! Opening of Omei sends Old Ancestor, when the seniority fruit is extremely high, is at the gold/metal Immortal Way fruit flying upwards highest heaven day beyond, flying upwards is gold/metal immortal! 峨眉的开派老祖,当年功果极高,乃是以金仙道果飞升九霄天外,飞升便是金仙! Since old times Tribulation Immortal had the grade, this practitioner can fly upwards by the place Immortal Way fruit is rare, the angel was very few. 自古劫仙就有品级,本界修行者能以地仙道果飞升已是难得,天仙少之又少。 As for the gold/metal Immortal Way fruit? 至于金仙道果? Number of times in the past, except for Omei Old Ancestor, only then few two, one was antiquity gold/metal Xianguang to become Zi, another was South Sea Old Ancestor! 遍数过去,除了峨眉老祖,也只有寥寥两位,一位是上古金仙广成子,另外一位便是南海老祖! Also because beyond 33 days some people receive and instruct, Omei dares to plan thisto lift the faction flies upwards ‚ the important matter! 也正是因为三十三天之外有人接引,峨眉才敢筹谋这‘举派飞升‘的大计! Mountain does not dismiss its earth, can to become Qigao, the sea not dismiss its water, can to become Qishen! ‚ ‘山不辞其土,方能成其高,海不辞其水,方能成其深!‘ Now my Omei just the Oobirakisan gate, prepares to recruit a group of disciples, especially destiny ‚ an immortalputs in the bag... to have these three youngster, delivers the foundation laying method, increases my Omei destiny. ‘如今我峨眉刚刚大开山门,准备招收一批弟子,特别是将命定的‘一仙‘收入囊中…就有这三个少年,送上奠基法门,增益我峨眉气数。 Read hence, simultaneous/uniform Miao one knew the white plum Old Daoist intention immediately, showed a faint smile, the palm turned, were many a shining mirror, shoutedyour three to come and! „ 一念至此,齐妙一顿时知晓白梅老道的心意,微微一笑,手掌一翻,就多了一面精光四射的镜子,喝道“你们三个且过来!“
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