TOTM :: Volume #10

#944: Fencing( 6800 make up)

Pays a visit Master!” “拜见师父!” Enters the palace, saw that nine True Immortal mothers are lying down above the jade cot lazy, side has eight virgin females to take care. 进入殿堂,见到九真仙娘正慵懒地躺在玉榻之上,旁边有八个童女服侍。 Aaron swept one, does not dare to look again, salutes hastily. 亚伦只是扫了一眼,就不敢再看,连忙行礼。 Well?” “咦?” Nine True Immortal mother eyes looked, is surprised: Clever disciple does not see several months, have you built the congealing ghost unexpectedly? This refining up do the malignant influences actually come from where?” 真仙娘一眼望了过来,却惊疑一声:“乖徒儿数月不见,你竟然已经修成凝煞了?这炼化的煞气却是从何而来?” Looks for with the same side, after all my beginning of the universe profound phosgene, is not fastidious about what malignant influences fit and unfit quality and pure “跟同门淘换的,毕竟我这混元玄光气,也不讲究什么煞气优劣与精纯” Aaron told the facts. 亚伦实话实说。 Present he, has restored congealing ghost realm, can use magic power. 如今的他,已经恢复凝煞境界,可以使用法力了。 Good, good.” “不错,不错。” Nine True Immortal mothers said: This time calls you to come, but wants to ask one, can Omei with the profound Heavenly Dao fencing, you be possible to attend the ceremony along with two Senior Sister together?” 真仙娘道:“此次唤你过来,只是想问一句,峨眉要与玄天道斗剑,你可要随二师姐一起去观礼?” Master appearance/allow report/give, disciple cultivates oneself according to religious doctrine wholeheartedly, does not want to look at this liveliness.” 师父容禀,徒儿一心修道,不想看这一场热闹。” In the Aaron heart complained: This lively can it be that attractive? In immortal cultivation realm watches the fun, finally will look, helps one is a matter that kills the tribulation few?” 亚伦心中吐槽:“这热闹岂是好看的?修仙界中看热闹看热闹,最终将自己看进去,成全一场杀劫的事儿还少么?” Your unexpectedly so way heart is never expected that firm!” Nine True Immortal mother surprise looked at this young apprentice one eyes slightly. “没想到你竟然如此道心坚定!”九真仙娘略微诧异地看了这个小徒弟一眼。 Had not actually seen, nearby martial charm shows the whites of the eyes in secret, the heart said: ‚ Master you do not know, this small Junior Brother also plays has the multi- flowers in the entrance door is my Mount Luofu this, if Daoism is authentic, only feared that must expel entrance 却没看到,旁边的武媚暗中翻了个白眼,心道:‘师父您可不知道,这小师弟在外门玩得有多花也是我罗浮山不禁这個,若是玄门正宗,只怕都要逐出山门” Such being the case “既然如此” Nine True Immortal mothers just must open the mouth to make the young apprentice go back to continue to try hard, listens to Aaron saying: Is only the disciple achievement congealing ghost, wants to go out to seek for the air/Qi of enough astral ghost, in the meantime, wants to return to Shu Shan Residence, visits the family member, but also asked Master to allow!” 真仙娘刚刚要开口让小徒弟回去继续努力,就听亚伦道:“只是徒儿成就凝煞,想要外出寻找足够的罡煞之气,同时,也想回蜀山府一趟,探望亲人,还请师父准许!” Although this does not conform to his attitude, but the treasure in Mount Emei, must take! 虽然这不符合他的作风,但宝贝都在峨眉山呢,必须去取回来! Un, beginning of the universe martial Meiqi, indeed is refining up the air/Qi of astral ghost the more better, visiting the family member is the way things should be, one.” “嗯,混元武媚气,也的确是炼化的罡煞之气越多越好,探望亲人乃人之常情,也一并准了。” Nine Yang Xumi beckons with the hand, somewhat sighed: „ This matter did as early as possible, otherwise you 九杨须弥摆摆手,有些叹息:“这事趁早做了,否则等你 Refining up on martial charm, hundred years, has no person of close relative also to save your magic power to be superficial, has nothing to fly escape method, I make your two Senior Sister take your regulation on the way then am. ” 炼就武媚,过个百年,也就没什么至亲之人还能存你法力浅薄,也无什么飞遁法器,我让你二师姐顺路捎你一程便是。” Many thanks Master.” “多谢师父。” Aaron ships out the color of being overjoyed, to flying sword good a ritual: Thanked Senior Sister to lead by the hand.” 亚伦装出大喜过望之色,又向飞剑行了一礼:“谢师姐提携。” „.” “罢了。” Although flying sword in the heart the unstated criticism, in the surface the graceful atmosphere complies. 飞剑虽然心中腹诽,表面上还是雍容大气地答应下来。 Several days later, is hanging the innumerable red brocade together, loft of shining, departed from Mount Luofu, went toward the imperial district god continent! 数日之后,一道挂着无数红色锦缎,流光溢彩的阁楼,就从罗浮山中飞出,往赤县神洲而去! The roof, flying sword asked grinningly: Junior Brother, Senior Sister these ten li (0.5 km) red embroidery buildings how?” 楼顶,飞剑笑嘻嘻问:“师弟,师姐这十里红绣楼如何?” Exquisite peerless, escape speed unparalleled!” “精妙绝伦,遁速无双!” Aaron nods again and again. 亚伦连连点头。 flying sword also flatters cultivation base on the military, this flies escape method, is only five revolutions of goods 飞剑也就武媚修为,这件飞遁法器,只是五转的货色 Said the reality, compared with the vertical land rent light shuttle, must miss on many. 说实际,比纵地金光梭来,要差上不少。 However after all rubs the car(riage), is to good of face. 不过毕竟自己是蹭车,还是给点面子的好。 Little smart-aleck, speaks insincerely.” “小滑头,言不由衷。” flying sword ridicules one: When Senior Sister doesn't know? You came to Mount Luofu initially, my red embroidery building that but the True Immortal mother sends with the magic treasure flying boat although some ingenious conceptions, but cannot compare magic treasure by far, refining up vertical land rent light escape method that into the world can be the top position let alone? Asking for it!” 飞剑笑骂一句:“当师姐不知么?你当初来罗浮山,可是真仙娘用法宝飞舟送来的我这红绣楼虽然有些巧思,但远远比不上法宝,更何况还炼入了天下都能排名前列的纵地金光遁法?讨打!” She drinks gently, in the hand has reappeared a scarlet folding fan, selected toward Aaron. 她轻轻一喝,手里已经浮现出一口赤红折扇,向着亚伦点了过来。 Looks at him to act fast, reminded beforehand, must save the meaning of selection and broadcast Junior Brother sword technique. 看其出手飞快,又事先提醒,应当是存了点播这个师弟剑术之意。 Aaron shows a faint smile, takes out a secular treasured sword from the magic treasure pouch, launches the ephemeral fly nine to change sword mudra, finished opening to incur carefully and painstakingly. 亚伦微微一笑,从法宝囊中取出一口世俗宝剑,施展开蜉蝣九变剑诀,一板一眼地结束拆招。 Said the reality 说实际 Although he practiced the spirit snake swordsmanship, really has no opportunity of making a move. 他虽然练了灵蛇剑法,却还真没什么出手的机会。 After all occasionally is discrete, can not intend not to act. 毕竟偶尔谨慎,能不出手就不出手。 But the spirit snake swordsmanship is also inferior to He Gaoming, is side door Sword Immortal remains, but also only kept half! 而灵蛇剑法本身也不如何高明,乃是一位旁门剑仙所留,还只留了一半! Even after a Aaron simplification and refinement is also second-class sword technique in a Sword Immortal. 纵然经过亚伦一番简化、提炼也不过是一门剑仙中的二流剑术。 But the ephemeral fly nine change sword mudra to be different! 而蜉蝣九变剑诀不同! This sword mudra is rare true inheritance in side door, sword light changes complicated, in each move of each type, is doping the countless changes, straight such as the kaleidoscope is special! 剑诀乃旁门之中的难得真传,剑光变化繁复,每一招每一式之中,都掺杂着数不尽的变化,直如万花筒特别! When Cai Chan acts, Aaron knows immediately, originally this Senior Sister, cultivated this sword technique! 等到蔡婵出手,亚伦立即就知道,原来这位师姐,也修炼了这门剑术! As if not only get the knack of pitifully, ephemeral fly, great thing , the ephemeral fly nine change, is the real air/Qi must change in the extremely subtle point, by this revolution light/only this Senior Sister, an exquisite light and lively sword technique, can be practiced unreliably majestic, is really the emperor comes worthily.’ ‘只可惜似乎不太得法,蜉蝣者,伟大之物也,蜉蝣九变,就是真气要在极其细微之处变化,以此运转玄光这师姐,一门小巧轻灵的剑术,都能被修炼得大气磅礴,果然不愧是皇帝出身。’ Although in heart unstated criticism, but Aaron is actually suppressing own sword technique foundation of basic skills, displays rookie who just browsed the swordsmanship probably. 虽然心中腹诽,但亚伦却压制着自己的剑术功底,表现得就好像一个刚刚涉猎剑法的新人。 The bonus is so, flying sword is the direction, the eye is brighter: Master this disciple, the aptitude in sword technique, extrapolates seriously, the progress is amazingly quick!” 饶是如此,飞剑越是指点,眼睛就越亮:“师父这个徒儿,在剑术上的资质,当真举一反三,进步神速啊!” Suddenly, she exudes one clearly just like Fengming's long and loud cry, a sword stabs suddenly, like the majestic big day, the sunlight shone, is unable to move aside! 蓦然间,她发出一声清脆宛若凤鸣的长啸,忽而一剑剌出,如同堂皇大日,阳光普照,令人根本无法躲闪! At this time I, so long as inspires the ephemeral fly nine to change third to change the 52 nd change, can easily cut her hand premise to have a good profound light, can cut off protects body martial charm!’ ‘此时我只要引动蜉蝣九变第三变中的第五十二个变化,就能轻易斩掉她的手前提是要有一口好玄光,能斩断护体武媚!’ In the Aaron heart unstated criticism, found that in flying sword this favorite sword, at least has 13 flaws! 亚伦心中腹诽一句,发现飞剑这得意一剑中,至少有十三个破绽! But his cannot kill, can only , whatever flying sword folding fan, in oneself shake in the hand of sword, making long sword let go to depart, called out: Senior Sister good sword technique!” 但他一个都不能去砍杀,只能任凭飞剑折扇点在自己握剑的手上,令长剑脱手飞出,叫道:“师姐好剑术!” Naturally is the good swordsmanship!” “当然是好剑法!” Cai Chan smiles contentedly: Pitifully Junior Brother you do not have Cai Chan, does not loathe to watch the fencing, otherwise can experience me at the appointed time ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) bustling place sword 蔡婵自得一笑:“可惜师弟你没有一口蔡婵,也不厌恶看斗剑,否则到时可以见识一下我的‘万丈红尘剑’” In fact, flying sword has built up on Cai Chanbai year, five refining up the progression by one, is no better the profound light compared with the golden snake hook, pours also rushes out a prestige. 实际上,飞剑已经炼就蔡婵百年,凭借一口五炼级数,比金蛇钩也强不到哪里去的玄光,倒也闯出一番威名。 Was known as that ‚the red Fengxian child, in the Eastern Sea hundred flowers list, ranks 67 th , is illustrious female Sword Immortal! 号称‘红凤仙子’,在东海百花榜上,排名第六十七,也是赫赫有名的女剑仙! This hundred flowers list is the male cultivator gentlemen in Eastern Sea Tien Chau is extremely bored, a discharged list, flatters these military above, Golden Pill following female cultivator according to cultivation base, beautiful appearance, family background and other division of lists, entered the list is the great fairy maiden. 这‘百花榜’是东海仙洲的男修士穷极无聊,排出的一个榜单,将那些武媚以上,金丹以下的女修按照修为、美貌、家世等划分的一个榜单,入了榜的都是一等一的仙子。 Although flying sword already over hundred years old , but to martial charm Ascetic, age, but also is really not the important matter. 虽然飞剑已经超过百岁但对武媚修士而言,年龄,还真不是什么大事。 Cai Chan can be on the list, is the talent talent is naturally good, beautiful unparalleled, at this time is welcoming the sea breeze, shouted: This Flower Goddess mansion fencing, my necessary central lands Ascetic, knows the name of my Eastern Sea flying sword!” 蔡婵能上榜,自然是天赋才情俱佳,又美艳无双,此时迎着海风,喝道:“此次花神府斗剑,我必要中土修士,也知道我东海飞剑之名!” ‚’ ‘呃’ Aaron receives silently long sword, anything did not say. 亚伦默默将长剑收起,啥都不说。 When he secretly martial charm, white Mei with Omei profound light boundary, and even Yang Xumi compares, then shakes the head in secret: If fights white Mei, could support ten moves, if with Yang Xumi fencing, the opposite party sneak attacks, probably is a matter of sword?” 他暗自将武媚,与峨眉玄光境时的白梅、乃至杨须弥比了比,然后暗中摇头:“若是跟白梅打,或许能支撑十招若是跟杨须弥斗剑,对方又偷袭的话,大概就是一剑的事吧?” Not only this is the disparity of sword technique skill, is the flying sword disparity! 这不仅是剑术功力的差距,更是飞剑的差距! Compared with flying sword that five refine with six refining up, simply just like the rubble and pearl, differs cannot the truth idea! 五炼的飞剑与六炼相比,简直宛若瓦砾与珍珠,相差不可以道理计!
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