TOTM :: Volume #10

#934: Fang Village( 5400 make up)

Shu Shan Residence. 蜀山府。 Mount Emei. 峨眉山。 This mountain beautiful scenery, be continuous does not know little, the mountain forest is verdant, the fairyism winds around, is rich in sealwort Poris cocos ginseng and other spirit medicine. 此山风景秀丽,绵延不知几许,山林青翠,仙气缭绕,盛产黄精茯苓人参等灵药 Has the rhizotomist and woodcutter, said with certainty that declared has seen Immortal Person in this mountain, sword light that occasionally obviously soars, attracted many rivers and lakes few hero and writer literati...... to seek the immortal from this to ask. 更有采药人与樵夫,言之凿凿地宣称于此山中见过仙人,偶尔可见飞腾的剑光,由此吸引了不少江湖少侠、文人墨客……前来求仙问道。 Does to... most of them, strolled in remote mountain Old Lin for a long time, then came out dirtily, even was eaten by the dhole evildoers leopard. 奈何…其中绝大多数,都是在深山老林中逛了许久,然后灰头土脸地出来,甚至被豺狼虎豹吃了。 Omei foot. 峨眉山脚。 A mountain village, kitchen chimney smoke raises. „ Brother Yu, goes hunting? „ 一处山村,炊烟袅袅升起。“玉哥儿,又去打猎啊?“ Several Fang Family old men sit on their blue stone stair are smoking the tobacco smoked dry, sees Aaron, is greeting with a laugh. 几名方家老者坐在自家的青石台阶上抽着旱烟,见到亚伦,笑呵呵地打着招呼。 Their this, hundred years ago by the Fang Family ancestorside Leshui is led, to arrive at the Omei foot to settle down, evaded the continuous disasters of war smoothly. 他们这一支,百年前由方家祖先“方乐水带领,来到峨眉山脚定居,顺利躲过了连绵兵灾。 Now, External Realm also has newly toward standing like a tripod, since the prosperous times, Fang Family also population multiplied comprehensively, formed a village. 如今,外界又有新朝鼎立,全面进入盛世,方家也人口繁衍,形成了一个村落。 Fang Yu locally born child in this village. 方玉就是在这个村中土生土长的孩子。 Yes! „ “是啊!“ Aaron wears the clothing that the animal skin tans, at the back of a bull horn bow, is smiling the reply. 亚伦穿着兽皮鞣制的衣物,背着一把牛角弓,微笑着回答。 Since decided that must camouflage the status, he is playing this role very much earnestly. 既然决定要伪装身份,他就在很认真地扮演着这个角色。 After entering the remote mountain, he chose a tenant farmer direction, starts to climb mountains and cross rivers. 进入深山之后,他选了一佃方向,就开始跋山涉水。 Without a doubt 毫无疑问 He seems like that pursues the prey accidentally the choice direction, goes to the way of Mount Emei entrance. 他看似无意中追逐猎物而选择的方向,就是前往峨眉山山门的路径。 Takes root for hundred years in the Omei foot, if said that could not have traced Omei to send the entrance, is a joke. 在峨眉山脚扎根百年,若说还摸不到峨眉派山门,就是个笑话。 After a two days night . 两日一夜之后。 Aaron had seen a mountain peak, its top is reflecting morning sun, casts just like the gold, all around is filling white fog. 亚伦已经看到了一座山峰,其顶映着朝阳,宛若黄金铸就,四周弥漫着一圈白雾。 Faint within, fills the color of blue and purple unexpectedly. 隐隐间,竟然弥漫出青紫之色。 Omei Wanfuding “峨眉万佛顶“ In the Aaron heart talked to oneself, actually knows oneself approached in any event, was impossible to arrive at that entrance truly. 亚伦心中自语一声,却知道自己无论如何靠近,都不可能真正到达那座山门。 Because of that white fog, after being thorough, is Omei 因为那一圈白雾,深入之后,就是峨眉 Made two ten side dust particle great formation! Is known as this first great formation! 造的两界十方微尘大阵!号称此界第一大阵! This was known as that can refine a Yuan god, once the Demon Way giant of bit god rank attacked Omei, was stranded into, refining up! 此阵号称能炼化元神,曾经有一位元神级别的魔道巨擘攻打峨眉,都被困入阵中,生生炼化! Lifetime cultivation base and even Immortality, drain! 毕生修为乃至长生,都付诸东流! Aaron pretends not to have interest —— to Mount Emei fundamentally, starts to go hunting in the nearby. 亚伦装作根本对峨眉山没兴趣——般,在附近开始打猎。 After several double-hour, in jungle. 数个时辰之后,密林中。 Whiz! 嗖! His bow and arrow round, hit a target immediately a hare. 他弓箭一发,顿时射中了一只野兔。 In Aaron collected the prey in the past, he raised the head suddenly, sees two rays in tandem, entered Omei. 就在亚伦过去拾取猎物之时,他豁然抬头,就见到有两道光芒一前一后,又入了峨眉。 Is Immortal Person yo!” “是仙人呦!” He stupidly opens wide the mouth performance, in the heart talks to oneself: „ Saw one time, today the luck is good 他傻傻张大嘴巴表演,心中却自语一句:“又见到了一次,今日运气不错“ In the Aaron heart, the statistical table, is displaying these year of seeing Omei sword light early! 亚伦心中,早有一张统计表,罗列着这些年见到的峨眉剑光! Calculates the frequency, Omei about every sansishi years, will recruit a group of disciples, now also when the time comes? „ “算算频率,峨眉大概每隔三四十年,就会招收一批弟子,如今也到时候了?“ But, wants me on now personally?” “不过,现在就要我亲自上么?” „ The insurance, how many that still calculates can the Fang Family child finds the way to deliver, first searched to explore the way to say other again? „ “还是保险一点,将那几个尚算可以的方家孩童想办法送进去,先探探路再说其它?“ Aaron thinks, does to decide secretly. 亚伦想了想,暗自做下决定。 Several days later, having the full harvest, Aaron to return to Fang Village. 数日之后,带着满满的收获,亚伦回到了方家村。 Brother Yu...... just right, in the clan must open the ancestral temple, goes quickly! „ 玉哥儿……正好,族里要开祠堂呢,快去吧!“ A washing clothes woman, shouted one hastily. 一名正在洗衣的妇女,连忙喊了一声。 Many thanks!” “多谢!” Aaron stopper- only in gave the bird in the past, first going home side release/place the prey, this however went to the ancestral temple leisurely. 亚伦塞了—只里予又鸟过去,先回家方放了猎物,这才施施然前往祠堂。 Fang Ancestral Hall! 方氏祠堂! Several clans old look dignified, the scarlet cloth on stele will tear at the same time. 几位族老神情凝重,将一面石碑上的红布扯开。 Above the stele, inscribes impressively names of the Fang ancestors, most starts, impressively is side Leshui! 石碑之上,赫然铭刻着一位位方氏祖先之名,最开始的,赫然是“方乐水”! Salutes! „ “行礼!“ A clan Boss sound announced. 一名族老大声宣布。 Burns incense to oneself each time, feels not Saint “这么每次给自己上香,感觉不廷奇圣的“ Aaron mixes when the clansman, sandbank Yuan Area 1 times sacrifice, when breaking up, had two tiny tots with 亚伦混在族人当中,汀元了1区次祭,等到散场之时,就有两个小不点跟了 Coming up. 上来。 Fang Yu is 77 youngster, these two are younger, in 14 or 15-year-old left has, facial features are slightly thick, the look is simple and honest, named side Jing. 方玉不过是个十六七的少年,这两人更小,在十四五岁左有,一个眉眼稍粗,相貌憨厚,名为方镜。 Another eyeball chaotic revolutions, has a smart vigor, named side Xiaolong. 另外一个眼珠溜溜乱转,带着一股机灵劲,名为方晓龙。 At this time is entangling Fang Yu, is calling the Elder Brother earnestly. 此时都缠着方玉,热切地叫着哥哥。 Two small gourmands, was this in the meat that was greedy I to roast?” “两个小馋鬼,这是在馋我烤的肉了吧?” Aaron laughs, bringing home two people, roasted a hare, receives cordially these two children. 亚伦哈哈一笑,带着两人回到家中,就烤了一只野兔,来款待这两小孩。 side Xiaolong is gnawing a lead leg, eating the full hand is the oil, called out: „ Together how Brother Yu...... do I go hunting with on your orography? You teach me to go hunting, I am filial piety you at the Later Heaven day 方晓龙啃着一只前腿,吃得满手是油,叫道:“玉哥儿……我跟你一起上山学打猎如何?你教我打猎,我以后天天孝敬您 Haha... in mountain, but is very dangerous, did not say that tiger wild boar with the wolf... also many some things of talking clearly, for example...... monster! „ “哈哈…山中可是危险得很啊,不说那老虎野猪跟狼…还有许多说不清的东西,比如……妖怪!“ Aaron filled a yellow around the mouth huqin with snakeskin covering household middle peasant day, 1 point scratched the liquor canal. 亚伦灌了一口黄皮胡户中农天,一分了擦酒水道。 In mountain, really has the monster? „ “山里面,真有妖怪?“ side Jing stares the big eye. 方镜瞪大眼睛。 Naturally has...... for example nearby that old dragon pool, the frog, is long equally and millstone is big, I told you, this became the monster inevitably!” “当然有……比如那老龙潭附近,就有一头蛤蟆,长得跟磨盘一样大,我跟你们说,这必然是成了妖!” Aaron seems like the feeling of being drunk to upwell, gesticulates gesticulates: Cannot go!” 亚伦似乎醉意上涌,指手画脚地比划:“可万万不能去啊!” Naturally...... „ “当然……“ side Xiaolong and side Jing like chicken pecking meter/rice. 方晓龙与方镜将头点得如同小鸡啄米。 side Xiaolong also asked one: Since there is a monster, why our village matter doesn't have?” 方晓龙却又问了一句:“既然有妖,为什么咱们村子一点事都没有呢?” „ Haven't this you understood? Because in Mount Emei, there is Immortal Person “这你还不懂?因为峨眉山上,有仙人 You have not listened to the home person to say looked to arriving at male sword light has flown? The Immortal Person Buddhist temple here, what monster dares to put 啊,你们就没听家里人说过看至到男剑光飞过么?仙人道场在此,什么妖怪敢放 Four? „ 肆?“ Aaron said this, rested murkily. 亚伦说了这一句,就昏昏沉沉地睡了过去。 side Xiaolong and side Jing look at each other- limits, each other saw doing that bear child is all connected dies the exciting look. 方晓龙与方镜对视—限,彼此都看到了熊孩子一脉相承的作死兴奋之眼神。 Next day. 翌日。 In jungle. 丛林中。 Xiaolong, I feared! „ “晓龙,我怕!“ side Jingtun a saliva, was looking at the boundless sea of trees, some fears. 方镜吞了口唾沫,望着茫茫树海,有些害怕。 They slip away from home secretly, frog that wants to look at that millstone size, as well as Immortal Person. 他们两人偷偷溜出家门,想看一看那磨盘大小的蛤蟆,以及仙人 Do not fear, old dragon pool I have gone.” “不要怕,老龙潭我去过。” side Xiaolong swallowed a saliva, conducts the back also has from side Brother Yu Elder Brother taking advantage of the bull horn bow that comes: „ Also no danger......, if can bump into Immortal Person, perhaps will also receive us for the apprentice? „ 方晓龙吞了口口水,背上还有从方玉哥哥家“借”来的牛角弓:“想必也没什么危险……并且,如果能碰到仙人,说不定还会收我们为徒弟呢?“ This was Aaron in their ears said that often somebody passed by Sword Immortal, regards as important the aptitude, received for disciple, turban wood 1 A person story that the school base industry and floated. 这却是亚伦经常在他们耳边说某某人被剑仙路过,看重资质,收为徒儿,将门派基业、以及漂完的小巾木者一的a人故事。 Gradually, these two youngster accepted as true! 久而久之,这两少年就信以为真了! If not for there are me to drive away the wild animal for them, died more than ten chapters. ‚ 若不是有我一路为他们驱赶野兽,都死了不下十回了。‘ Aaron hides in one side, in the heart is quite speechless: „...... Also was the time arranges a fortuitous encounter? ‚ 亚伦躲在一边,心中相当无语:“不过……也是时候安排一场奇遇了吧?‘ Thinks of here, he sprinkles fish food secretly, according to Monster Enticing Manual in deduces the driving tiger side that comes! Roar roar! 想到这里,他暗暗洒出一点饵料,正是根据诱妖谱中推演而来的驱虎方!吼吼! side Xiaolong and side Jing are completely muddled, has become lost in the jungle. 方晓龙与方镜晕头转向,在丛林中早已迷路。 Suddenly, the front evil customs raid, big tiger that jumps out of turned-up eyes white E! 忽然,前方一阵恶风袭来,跳出一头吊睛白额的大虎! Old...... tiger!” “老……老虎!” side Xiaolong frightens directly softly falls down, the sound becomes the stutter to get up. 方晓龙吓得直接软倒在地上,声音都变得结巴起来。 Run!” “快跑!” side Jing goes forward hastily, grabs side Xiaolong the arm must drag him, how also to drag? 方镜连忙上前,抓着方晓龙的的手臂要拖他,又如何拖得动?
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