TOTM :: Volume #10

#933: Shu Shan Residence

This flying sword my Li Family cannot covet...... in addition “这口飞剑李家不能贪……除此之外 Li Rubi coughs, looked that „ this volume is Yin Mountain that I copy out sends a book to several magic tool and say/way books, demon sect secret scroll, several loose cultivator that dao method some stories, as well as seize...... other, Yin Mountain sends a book to be better to live to read...... 李如璧咳嗽一声,看向几件法器与道书“这一卷是我手抄的阴山派道书,还有一些见闻,以及夺来的魔门秘卷、几个散修道法……其它都还罢了,阴山派道书务必要好生研读…… As for that «Bloodthirsty Wonderful Book», he does not hate to destroy. 至于那本《嗜血奇书》,他是舍不得毁去。 Personally remaining magic tool, to be honest, Li Rubi sacrifice refining up are not many, majority snatches, for example that Yin-Yang jade tablet...... 剩下的法器,说实话,李如璧亲自祭炼的不多,大部分还是抢来的,比如那件阴阳圭…… Also confessed carefully several, Li Rubi then smiles bitterly. 又仔细交代了几句,李如璧便苦笑一声。 He originally on life not many, before a war, was sneak attacked by the three cold-resistant friends of winter, is seriously injured, had been in the oil completely lamp dry situation. 他原本就寿元无多,之前一番大战,又被岁寒三友偷袭,身受重伤,已经到了油尽灯枯的地步。 At this time is supporting the one breath completely. 此时完全是强撑着一口气。 After confessing all things, a frame of mind loosen, then from air/Qi certainly. 等到交代完所有事情之后,心气一松,便自气绝。 Old Ancestor... „ 老祖宗…“ Li Family Family Head kisses the ground to cry, is looking at a front blue water sword, some greedy meanings not being able to bear. 李家家主伏地大哭,望着面前的一口碧水剑,又有些忍不住的贪婪之意。 He obviously also clear, in the middle of these treasure, is best by this flying sword! 他显然也清楚,这些宝贝当中,以这口飞剑最好! To put out a hand to trace in the Li Family Family Head whole face greedy color, when his lifetime is also hard to touch to second flying sword. 就在李家家主满脸贪婪之色地想要伸手去摸一摸,这一口他毕生也难以摸到第二次的飞剑之时。 ! 噗! The ground splits suddenly, the gold thread departs together, dashes to Li Family Family Head! 地面忽然裂开,一道金线飞出,直扑李家家主! Although Li Family Family Head obtains Li Rubi to cultivate vigorously, actually one can congealing ghost, how deal with the gold/metal silkworm gu that reaches as high as five to refine? 李家家主虽然得到李如璧大力栽培,却不过一个凝煞,如何能够应对高达五炼的金蚕蛊? Immediately by the breaking by biting heart, was fallen down, instantaneous air/Qi certainly! 登时就被咬破心脏,倒在地上,瞬间气绝! Subsequently, this gu insect ominous sends greatly, inflates fiercely, spouts payment for shares fog, changes into a beach wealth with this Li Family Family Head Li Rubi body. 继而,此蛊虫又凶性大发,猛地膨胀,喷出一股金雾,将李如璧的尸体与这李家家主都化为一滩脓水。 Even Li Family Family Head was killed, oneself body changes into the wealth not to revolt, it seems like really died...... “连李家家主被杀,自身尸体化为脓水都没有反抗,看来是真死了…… Only then, Aaron however comes leisurely. 直到此时,亚伦才施施然现身。 Small five phases profound astral protects the body, he grasps the law of earth escaping naturally. 五行玄罡护体,他自然而然就掌握土遁之法。 But to seek insurance before, lets gold/metal silkworm gu, in the front explores the way. 只不过之前为求保险,还是让金蚕蛊在前方探路。 Now these two die, Aaron feels relieved, a hand move. 如今这两者都死了,亚伦才放心出来,手一招。 That blue water sword also some do not seem willing, to send out to thunder, but because and without owner person operates, 35 was cut the mortal form profound light to receive eventually, several magic tool and books fall into the Aaron sleeve together. 那一口碧水剑似乎还有些不愿,发出轰鸣,但由于并无主人操纵,终究还是被三五斩魄玄光收了,连带着几件法器与书卷一起落入亚伦袖中。 Li Rubi, you owed me before, at this time, but also in taking along interest...... now, our two clear. „ “李如璧,你之前欠了我的,此时都还了,还捎带上利息……如今,我们两清。“ To the wealth that Li Rubi is turning into, Aaron said lightly, a big sleeve move, receives these wealth, then penetrated the trace of ground also to cancel gold/metal Cangu, coming to destroy the corpse and leave no trace. 对着李如壁化成的脓水,亚伦淡淡说了一句,大袖一招,就将这些脓水收起,然后将金蚕蛊穿透地面的痕迹也抹去,来了个毁尸灭迹。 After he also leaves, in this secret room, as if always no one comes to be excessively common. 等到他也离开之后,这密室之中,就仿佛从来没人来过一般。 Several days later. 数日之后。 Several person's shadows are controlling magic tool, arrived at the Li Family mansion together. 几道人影驾驭着法器,一起来到了李家大宅。 Li Family at this time because just the Li Family Family Head missing incident makes noisily, sees these people, is startled. 李家此时正因为李家家主失踪一事闹得沸沸扬扬,看到这几人,不由还是一惊。 Come person, is Li Rubi disciple- in a Kunming person! 前来的人,正是李如璧的弟子-一大昆上人! This person has built up on astral air/Qi, the skill is doing in the same side to be deepest, won over several Junior Brother Junior Sister, was stood by Li Rubi smoothly is the Sect Master disciple. 此人已经炼就罡气,功力在一干同门中最为深厚,又拉拢了几个师弟师妹,顺利被李如璧立为掌门弟子。 How on does the person come this? „ “上人何以来此?“ Li Family Elder sees in Kunming the person facial expression is not cheerful, asked hastily. 一位李家长老见到大昆上人神情不愉,连忙问道。 I come this, is to inform your matter, my Master had died, starting today, I then am Yin Mountain send the palm to teach! „ In Kunming the person facial expression is light. “我来此,是要通知你们一件事儿,我师父已经死了,从今日起,我便是阴山派掌教!“大昆上人神情淡淡。 What? „ “什么?“ Li Family that Elder in great surprise, but looks that in Kunming follows how many solid Yin Mountain after person to send Elder, immediately knows this matter has been a foregone conclusion, looks deathly pale, mutterswe not to know? „ 李家那位长老大惊,但看着跟在大昆上人身后的几固阴山长老,顿时知道这事已成定局,脸色惨白,喃喃道“我们怎么不知?“ Snort, I must ask you! Treasure that my Master hands down from generation to generation? „ “哼,我还要问你们呢!我师父传下来的宝贝呢?“ In Kunming the person facial expression is stern, shoutsespecially that blue water sword, must know this is the thing of sect, is not your Li Family! „ 大昆上人神情严峻,喝道“特别是那一口碧水剑,须知这是宗派之物,不是你们李家的!“ This “这个 Li Family Elder hesitation say/waywe do not know before...... our Family Head, was missing...... 李家长老踌躇道“我们也不知……我们家主之前也失踪了…… Hateful! „ “可恨!“ In Kunming the person cursed angrily one, the relic that then did not have demeanoris it possible that your family Family Head to curl , the palm taught before seriously, ran? Damn...... „ 大昆上人怒骂一声,这下当真是没了风度“莫非你家家主卷了前掌教的遗物,就这么跑了?该死……“ Where usually has no experience Li Family young juniors to be able so to see Yin Mountain that this does not know completely to send disciple, overbearing heart outbreak, shoutingyou, and puts more respectable, my Li Family to is not affable! „ 一个平日没什么见识的李家年轻子弟哪里能见得这个完全不认识的阴山派弟子如此器张,骄横之心发作,喝道“你且放尊敬些,我李家可不是好惹!“ Hehe! „ “呵呵!“ In Kunming the person coldly smiles, shoutspasses on me to hold to teach the law, before has not recovered the Sect Master relic, Li Family is a suspect, safeguards quite, cannot bleed off one person! „ 大昆上人冷冷一笑,喝道“传我掌教法令,在未追回掌门遗物之前,李家都是疑犯,好生看管,不能放走一人!“ Compliant! „ “遵命!“ His behind Yin Mountain sends the palm to teach to not exposed to Li Family depend Li Rubi influence domineering and tyrannical in the gate early, the idea of even also somewhat appropriating public property to private use, at this time is should loudly under. 他身后的阴山派掌教早见不得李家仗着李如璧的势力在门中横行霸道,甚至还有几分化公为私的想法,此时都是大声应下。 That young people also refused to accept to begin a moment ago, Yin Mountain sent Elder to send out together the black wind malignant influences directly, his one volume. 刚才那个年轻人还不服得想要动手,一个阴山长老直接发出一道黑风煞气,将他一卷。 After black wind, is only left over a blood red skeleton same place. 等到黑风过后,原地只剩下一具血红色的骷髅。 The Li Family person sees so fierce one, screamed. 李家人见到如此酷烈的一幕,纷纷尖叫起来。 And also has intelligence, finally understands. 其中也有聪明者,终于明白过来。 Li Family Old Ancestor dies, Li Family before, was completely different... 李家老祖一死,李家就与之前,完全不同了… Xiaonanshan. 小南山。 In secret cave mansion. 隐秘洞府内。 Aaron took the thing, did not fear that was traced divination, after all eight refine develops a day of gu, does not crack a joke. 亚伦拿了东西,丝毫不怕被追踪占卜,毕竟八炼的演天蛊,可不是开玩笑。 He first held appreciatively a blue water sword, how many magic tool also inspected other, shakes the head slightlythis harvest, most expensive, on this proper dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword? „ 他先把玩了一下碧水剑,又检查了一番其它几件法器,不由略微摇头“这次收获,价值最高的,也就这一口正经的仙家飞剑了吧?“ The golden snake hook be only five refine, is the art of making oneself invisible modeling, obviously does not enter the proper flying sword ranks. 金蛇钩只有五炼,又是奇门造型,显然不入正经的飞剑行列。 However, in the Aaron eye, this he attains time most has the thing of value, is Li Rubi hand-written letter. 不过,在亚伦眼中,这一次他拿到最有价值之物,还是李如璧的手书。 But he does not have a liking for dao method that Yin Mountain sends. 但他并非看上了阴山派的道法 The trivial side door inheritance, only arrives at Golden Pill high, even is much stronger than «ten thousand Gushu». 区区旁门传承,最高还只到金丹,甚至比《万蛊书》都强得有限。 At least, Aaron estimates from dao method, the feeling that Yin Mountain Old Ancestor talent talent, not necessarily compares favorably with ten thousand gu Daoist immortals. 至少,亚伦只是从道法上揣摩,就感觉那位阴山老祖的天赋才情,未必比得上万蛊真君。 Yin Mountain sends dao method is so, what «Bloodthirsty Wonderful Book», «Demon dragon Xijia Merit» below these. 阴山道法都是如此,什么《嗜血奇书》、《魔龙犀甲功》就更等而下之了。 In the Aaron eye, will send the toys of subordinate or recording a name disciple in the future conveniently. 亚伦眼中,就是日后随手打发手下或者记名弟子的玩物。 Makes him care truly, was Li Rubi these years experiences and sensibility, even once the travelling world, looked for the Immortal Person diary! 真正让他在意的,是李如璧这些年的经历、感悟、甚至曾经游历天下、寻访仙人的日记! Transferred, Li Rubi you still completed your task......, although...... late more than 300 years. “转了一圈,李如璧你仍旧完成了你的任务啊……虽然……晚了三百多年。 Although Aaron have built up unreliably light/only, can definitely go to itself to inquire, but this seems extremely towering. 虽然亚伦自身已经炼成玄光,完全可以去自己打听,但这样就显得太过突兀。 Native immortal cultivation realm does not know the atmosphere to be good, bullies the problem of rookie. 本土修仙界也不知风气好不好,有没有欺负新人的毛病。 Therefore, initial accomplishment is the old bird, at least is the old bird in surface infiltrates the circle again, should be good. 因此,先成为老鸟,至少是表面上的老鸟再混进圈子,应该是有好处的。 At this time, along with reading of Aaron, the picture scroll, launches before him one after another slowly. 此时,伴随着亚伦的阅读,一幅又一幅画卷,就在他面前徐徐展开。 Originally, this has five continent and islands, south may be divided gazes the section continent and western ox Hezhou, northern entirely Luzhou, the imperial district god continent and Eastern Sea Tien Chau five cities...... Li Rubi for a lifetime, spins in the imperial district god continent...... “原来,此界有五块大陆与海岛,可分为南瞻部洲、西牛贺洲、北俱芦洲、赤县神洲、东海仙洲五域……李如璧一辈子,也就在赤县神洲中打转…… However world extremely sect, does not calculate nine big demon biographies, only by honest words, profits of the two schools of mountain three say/way: “而天下绝顶宗门,不算九大魔传,只论正派的话,有两派一山三道之益: Two schools are Omei send with south Shanghai school, west one east one, and called in the Daoism orthodox school extremely! Dominates by the sword technique! „ “两派是峨眉派与南海派,一西一东,并称玄门正宗中的绝顶!以剑术称雄!“ Mountain three, refer to Mount Putuo, the beautiful jade-like stone say/way and Cangwu saying, the profound Heavenly Dao, is this great major faction, is the class/flow of Daoism orthodox school. „ “一山三道,是指普陀山、琼华道、苍梧道、玄天道,也是此界一等一的大派,位列玄门正宗之流。“ Discussed truly, was two schools is slightly higher, this was first-class and double first-class difference...... “真正论起来,还是两派稍高一些,这就是一流与双一流的区别…… These two major faction, have the dwelling place of celestial beings secret respectively, the ancestors had once had flying upwards Immortal Person...... the Omei Faction majors in purple azure immortal symbol magic power, south Shanghai school cultivates Tianhe Shui Residence magic power, when this both real air/Qi is one...... to cultivate profound realm it is said that some different wondrous uses, for example Omei sends the sword technique to excel by far the world, unparalleled does not have to...... Tianhe Shui Residence magic power of south Shanghai school, even can refine into Tianhe, during waving to raise the flood to extinguish the world in this......, although these are Li Rubi hearsay, but the rumor, not necessarily does not have, because. „ “这两大派,都各有仙府秘传,祖上都曾出过飞升的仙人……其中峨眉派主修紫青仙符法力,南海派修炼天河水府法力,此两者真气之时都位列一品……据说修炼到高深境界,都有不同妙用,比如峨眉派剑术冠绝天下,无双无对……南海派的天河水府法力,甚至可以炼化入一条天河,挥手间在此界掀起洪水灭世……虽然这些都是李如璧道听途说,但空穴来风,未必无因啊。“ In addition, in the middle of the imperial district god continent, the innumerable heresies and demon sect inheritance...... is only the Immortal Person mostly unhappy bustling place, during is mediocre, although often has the Immortal Person legend, but that mostly is the bustling place refining up Ascetic of heart, once cultivates achieved success, walked immediately, does not annoy the dust... „ “除此之外,在赤县神洲当中,还有无数旁门左道、魔门传承……只是仙人大多不喜红尘,凡俗之中虽然经常有仙人传说,但那大多都是红尘炼心的修士,一旦修炼功成,就立即走了,不惹尘埃…“ Li Rubi say/way book note, it may be said that knocked open the immortal cultivation realm front door to Aaron. 李如璧的道书笔记,可谓给亚伦叩开了修仙界的大门。 And, he also rushed to Daoism to go in the past authentic, therefore also quite a lot inquired regarding that two schools of mountain three entrances, records in detail, can give inferior (Asia) the 4 A area-wide student examination 并且,他当年也是奔着玄门正宗去的,因此对于那两派一山三道的山门也颇多打听,都详细记录下来,可以给亚4A会考 Refers. 伦参考。 Must go to go well, doing to south Shanghai school was somewhat far...... went to the Eastern Sea Tien Chau to go, actually Omei Faction, in Shu Shan Residence! „ “要去就去最好的,奈何南海派有些远了……都跑到东海仙洲去了,倒是峨眉派,就在蜀山府!“ Just in time, this non- dynasty last years, Fang Family nine points? And, can go to Shu Shan Residence to stop over. „ “正巧,这不王朝末年,方家九分么?其中一支,就可以去蜀山府落脚了。“ The first choice of Aaron, naturally is the Omei Faction. 亚伦的第一选择,自然是峨眉派。 Can walk Great Way, do not take the zigzag path. 能走大道,就不要走羊肠小路。 Let alone, he regarding becoming vertical sword round trip, Sword Immortal that the free and unfettered acts alone, is some quite interests. 更何况,他对于成为纵剑来去,逍遥独行的剑仙,还是颇有一些兴趣的。 Who made him just result in dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword? 谁让他刚好又得了一口仙家飞剑呢? odd/surplus high town/subdues. Fang Family four. 余亢镇。方家四房。 The Aaron present name, is calledside Leshui ‚, takes savant Leshan, the meaning of Wise Man happy water. 亚伦如今的名字,叫做‘方乐水‘,取仁者乐山,智者乐水之意。 However, was not in the initial rank. 不过,却不在当初的辈分之中。 After all more than 300 years pass by, the rank used up 毕竟三百多年过去,辈分都用完了 - -- At this time various have various different platoon laws, some continue to arrange from the beginning, some open the new character generation. 此时各房都有各房不同的排法,有的继续从头排列,有的则开辟出新的字辈。 Four are most optional that can, whatever names. 四房则是最为随意的那个,可以任凭取名。 When this status, is the ancestor worship, Aaron at will arrangement. 这个身份,就是祭祖之时,亚伦随意安排的一个。 He also raised some orphans, from small loyal and devoted, then teaches martial arts, forms a secret strength. 他也养了一些孤儿,从小忠心耿耿,然后传授武功,形成一支隐秘力量。 This side Leshui status, is an orphan studied Countenance Changing Technique, maintains for him laboriously. 这个方乐水的身份,就是其中一位孤儿学了易容术,替他辛苦维持的。 Like such status, Aaron also has, is ordinary just like a spider in secret, forms the network, fetters Fang Family firmly. 如同这样的身份,亚伦还有许多,宛若一只暗中的蜘蛛一般,结成网络,将方家牢牢束缚。 After he comes back, naturally inherited side Leshui the status and position overall. 而等到他回来之后,自然就全盘继承了方乐水的身份与地位。 Aaron goes out of the mansion, sees outside one piece to go on a trip in a hurry, is making various clansmen who move the preparation. 亚伦走出大宅,就见外面一片行色匆匆,都是做着各种搬家准备的族人。 After seeing the worldwide chaos symptom, Fang Family prepares branch family to avoid the disaster. 看到了天下大乱的苗头之后,方家就准备分家以躲避灾祸。 As the matter stands, even if one or several destruction, always has to be able under the survival the future , to continue a loose leaf. 这样一来,纵然一支或者几支覆灭,也总有能幸存下来者,继续开枝散叶。 But four this lineage/vein, the decision enters Sichuan. 而四房这一脉,就决定入川。 Le water “乐水 The big miss who is making two braids is grabbing her old mother hen, sees Aaron to come, waves to greet hastily. 一个扎着两条辫子的大姑娘正抓着自家的老母鸡,见到亚伦过来,连忙挥手打着招呼。 Four Clan Head? „ “四房族长呢?“ Aaron asked one. 亚伦问了一句。 In edge...... „ “在田边呢……“ This little clan younger sister is tired pants, but hugs the hen eventually in the bosom, on the face appears the color of satisfaction. 这小族妹累得气喘吁吁,但终究将母鸡抱在怀里,脸上浮现出满足之色。 The Aaron volume head, said goodbye to this younger sister, arrived at the edge. 亚伦额首,告别这个妹子,来到田边。 Sees an old person, is looking at the fertile land, the canal, is bursting into tears silently...... 就见得一位老人,正望着肥沃的土地,还有水渠,正在默默流泪…… Although four can move out, but the paddies cannot move out. 四房虽然可以搬走,但田地是搬不走的。 Hates to leave one's native land, if not for really to the crucial moment, no one could make so the decision. 故土难离,若不是真的到了生死关头,谁都做不出如此决定。 Clan Head... 族长 Aaron walks, called one. 亚伦走过去,叫了一声。 Le water... “乐水啊… Clan Head referred to a cultivating Fang Jia tenant farmer, suddenly askedprice may know who...... he is? „ 族长指了指一个正在耕作的方家佃户,突然问了一句“价可知道……他是谁?“ Side black mole, my family's tenant farmer, how? „ Aaron feigns ignorance. “方黑子,我家的佃户,怎么了?“亚伦故作不知。 ...... In fact, hundred before next year, he is also our Fang Family people on one's own side! „ The Clan Head silent meeting, replied that „ the Ze of gentleman, fifth cuts...... the Ze of villain, but first finally! For these years, the old man is looked that understands...... you look at this present tenant farmer and poor...... dozens over a hundred years ago, home is also a landlord! You must ask why they do reduce hence? Naturally is because the sons of landlord family/home were many, the son lives the son, after several generations, hasn't distinguished with the poor of lowest level really? I dare saying that now on odd/surplus Kangzhen, all poor people trace the ancestor eight generations, is the landlord masters! „ ……实际上,百来年前,他也是咱们方家自己人呢!“族长沉默一会,回答道“君子之泽,五世而斩……小人之泽,一世而终!这么多年来,老夫算是看明白了……你看这如今的佃户、贫民……数十上百年前,家里也是地主哩!你要问他们为何沦落至此?自然是因为地主家的儿子多了,庶子生庶子,数代之后可不就跟最底层的贫民没甚区别了么?我敢说如今余亢镇上,所有的穷人追溯祖宗八代,都是地主老爷呢!“ „ The descendant of poor person? „ Aaron asked one. “那穷人的后裔呢?“亚伦问了一句。 Poor person had no way to have a child, lives could not support...... the landlord fresh, the poor person little lived, to finally, the direct descendant descendant of landlord, the collateral branch descendant who exploited the landlord, or the new landlord, the exploitation former days landlord descendant...... as for the poor person, did not have the descendant! „ “穷人根本没法生孩子,生了也养不活……地主多生,穷人少生,到最后,地主的嫡系后代,剥削地主的旁支后代,或者新的地主,剥削旧日的地主后裔……至于穷人,则没有后代!“ Clan Head somewhat seems to be sigh with emotion, looks to Aaron, laughing at „ you are my four direct descendant, I hope to you very deeply, reason that told you these, did not make you pity, but made you know, the natural selection, the truth of survival of the fittest...... waited till Sichuan Shu, must unable to be softhearted, making my four end up wants for the tenant farmer, but unavailable fate! „ 族长似乎有些感慨,又看向亚伦,笑了笑“你是我四房嫡系,我对你期许很深,之所以告诉你这些,并不是让你怜悯,而是让你知晓,物竞天择,适者生存的道理……等到了川蜀,务必不能心慈手软,让我四房落得欲为佃户而不可得的下场!“ This old Clan Head, understood exactly, these words, seriously whip pioneer/monarch Ruli...... ‘这老族长,也是活明白了,这一番话,当真鞭辟入里…… Aaron sighs with emotion one secretly. 亚伦暗自感慨一声。 As for the natural selection, survival of the fittest this caret-shaped? 至于物竞天择,适者生存这八字? Considers he is side Bida time speaks thoughtlessly a saying, was recorded by these lesser ghost, then generations in Fang Family spreads, almost became the parental instruction. 当是他做方必达的时候随口一说,被那些小鬼头记录下来,然后就在方家之中代代流传,几乎成为家训了。 Asked Clan Head to feel relieved, I led certainly four. „ “请族长放心,我一定带领好四房。“ Aaron nods, makes the fervent stance, replied. 亚伦点点头,做出慷慨激昂的架势,回答道。 Un...... you work always steadily, I feel relieved. „ “嗯……你做事一向稳重,我是非常放心的。“ Four Clan Head smile, at once asksSichuan Shu is rich and populous, where do you feel good? „ 四房族长笑了笑,旋即问“川蜀富庶,你觉得哪里好?“ Although decides to move whole family, but many matters, Clan Head has not made a decision. 虽然决定举家搬迁,但有许多事儿,族长都还没有决断。 Aaron naturally without hesitation, saidShu Shan Residence! „ 亚伦自然毫不犹豫,说道“蜀山府!“ Shu Shan Residence mountainous, is not wealthy. „ Some Clan Head slightly surprise. “蜀山府多山,可不富裕啊。“族长略有些诧异。 Because of mountainous, is coming across the war disasters to avoid well, how could it not be hears Xiaoluan does evade the city, the chaos evades the mountain? „ “正因为多山,遇到兵乱才好躲避,岂不闻小乱避城,大乱避山?“ Aaron replied with a smile, this in fact talked nonsense. 亚伦笑着回答,这实际上是扯淡。 Most essential reason, he must go to the Omei Faction of Shu Shan Residence to acknowledge as teacher, naturally must build the foundation ahead of time. 最关键的原因,还是他要去蜀山府的峨眉派拜师,自然要提前打好基础。
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