TOTM :: Volume #10

#932: Return( 5200 make up)

cultivation method that Yin Mountain sends although is not wise, but regarding some loose cultivator, is long-awaited. 阴山派的功法虽然不怎么高明,但对于一些散修来说,也是梦寐以求的。 After all...... also Golden Pill! 毕竟……还出过金丹呢! The Great Song Daoist does not hate itself to refine on laboriously astral air/Qi, does not hope cultivation dispersal, is thinking we should sharpen ourselves with others'experience, not necessarily cannot obtain the comprehension. 大松道人舍不得自身辛苦炼就的罡气,不愿散功,也想着它山之石可以攻玉,未必不能从中获得领悟。 But the dried rolled bean curd and plum blossom actually depend young, even wants waste merit recultivation. 而腐竹与梅花却是仗着年岁还轻,甚至想要废功重修的。 After all outside astral life or mortal. 毕竟外罡寿元还是凡人。 If cannot refine unreliably light/only, does not have so many lives, can dozens years were also in a hurry old, let their getting used to seeing the generation of dwelling place of celestial beings scenery, how be willing? 若不能炼成玄光,就没有那么多寿命,匆匆数十年也就老了,让他们这种看惯了仙家风景之辈,如何能心甘情愿? As for life-extending spirit pill? 至于延寿灵丹? Although is not very rare, but also is quite rare. 虽然不算特别罕见,但也是较为难得的。 At least... Li Rubi cannot take, otherwise have eaten. 至少…李如璧就弄不到手,否则早就自己吃了。 The barren mountains and untamed rivers arrange the bat hole. 穷山恶水编蝠洞。 The bat in the revolution heart law, the eyelid jumped fairly suddenly, shouts „ the inexorable fate of old man to come...... „ 蝙蝠公正在运转心法,忽然眼皮一跳,喝道“老夫的劫数来了……“ His palm racket, bloodthirsty demon light on job, flies the midair together, looks that forces enemy who came from four directionsLi Rubi? „ 他手掌一拍,一道嗜血魔光就事住自身,飞到半空,看着从四个方向逼迫而来的敌人“李如璧?“ this eminence! Bat Duke, in the past you slaughtered the Li Family ancestors, later killed the this eminence disciple, this report this/should also! „ “正是本座!蝙蝠公,当年你屠戮李家先人,之后又杀本座弟子,此报该还!“ Li Rubi were not many said, put out a hand a finger/refers, the blue water sword changes into sword light to fall together. 李如璧也不多说,伸手一指,碧水剑就化为一道剑光落下。 This sword is sharp, reaches as high as six to refine the level, even if the bat Duke does not dare to meet hardly, can only avoid distressedly! 此剑锋利无比,高达六炼层次,纵然蝙蝠公都不敢硬接,只能狼狈避开! The bat Duke rolls in the midair, changes into a giant scarlet blood bat, the wing kicks, emits innumerable gas cloud demon light, choosing a direction to escape. 蝙蝠公在半空中一滚,就化为一头巨大的赤血蝙蝠,翅膀扑腾,放出无数毒雾魔光,选了一个方向逃去。 He and Li Rubi has sparred many times, naturally knows along with Li Rubi sword technique is skillful, in the proper dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword situation, oneself have been hard to support more and more. 他与李如璧已经斗法许多次,自然知晓伴随着李如璧剑术纯熟,有一口正经仙家飞剑的情况下,自己已经越来越难以支撑。 But runs away or does not have the issue. 但跑掉还是没有问题的。 This escaping, in the heart made a determined effort, called outLi Rubi, you are dying, when you died in a sitting posture, I must kill your Li Family entire clan! „ 这次逃跑,更加心中发狠,叫道“李如璧,你就快死了,等你坐化,我必杀了你李家全族!“ The bat Duke choice selects the life the direction, is the position of Great Song Daoist. 蝙蝠公选择挑命的方向,正是大松道人的位置。 He is situated in above piece of bamboo leaves magic tool, drank one ; 他立于一片竹叶法器之上,喝了一声; Fellow Daoist, dead end! „ 道友,此路不通!“ Bang! 轰隆! phantom of evil spirits cow and part of great bear tiger erupts behind the Great Song Daoist, gathers the a dragon shape faintly. 一道道地煞牛与天罡虎的虚影大松道人背后爆发,隐隐汇聚成一条龙形。 On him, paints black astral air/Qi one point to wrap/sets of one point, by the shoulder to the arm to the fist, blasts out fiercely, its potential overwhelming power is incomparable! 在他身上,漆黑色的罡气一环套着一环,由肩膀至手臂至拳头,猛地炸开,其势威猛无比! Moroccan dragon Xijia astral the deviation refine the body, after building up, a Great Song Daoist astral air/Qi even can contend with ordinary magic technique! 摩龙犀甲罡本就偏向炼体,炼成之后,大松道人一身罡气甚至可以抗衡普通法术! In addition his Titan fist, what walked is similar Buddhism body building roads number, a strength falls ten meetings seriously. 再加上他的大力神拳,走的是类似佛门体修路数,当真一力降十会。 Bang! 轰隆! The fist vigor air-splitting, bumps into with bat Duke bloodthirsty demon light, sends out to make the sound of person of tooth acid. 拳劲破空,与蝙蝠公的嗜血魔光相撞,发出令人牙酸的声音。 The quality that jet black astral air/Qi is inferior to demon light, naturally blasts out again and again, but bloodthirsty demon light was also vacillated, the huge strength will make the scarlet blood bat fly upside down in the future dozens zhang (3.33 m). 漆黑罡气的品质不如魔光,自然连连炸开,但嗜血魔光也被动摇,巨大的力道令赤血蝙蝠都往后倒飞数十丈。 Death! „ “死!“ The heaven-sent opportunity, Li Rubi will so let off? The blue water sword burr, bumps into with bat Duke protecting body bloodthirsty demon light. 如此天赐良机,李如璧怎么会放过?碧水剑飞刺而下,与蝙蝠公的护体嗜血魔光相撞。 Only listens to one just like the sharp voice sound. 只听一个宛若裂帛的声响。 Bat Duke bloodthirsty demon light cut off, even the flying sword trend has not reduced, sword qi twists, twists all over the sky the flesh a bat Duke wing. 蝙蝠公的嗜血魔光就被斩断,甚至飞剑还趋势不减,剑气一绞,就将蝙蝠公的一只翅膀绞成满天血肉。 Good dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword! „ “好一口仙家飞剑!“ The plum blossom Daoist sees this, licked the lip. 梅花道人看到这一幕,不由舔了舔嘴唇。 Six refine above flying sword, even if stems from the side door, quite treasures, is Yin Mountain sends the first most precious object! 一口六炼以上的飞剑,哪怕出自旁门,也相当珍惜,为阴山派第一至宝! Two haven't Fellow Daoist acted? “两位道友还不出手? sword light collects, appears Li Rubi figure, drinks one coldly. 剑光一敛,现出李如璧的身形,冷喝一声。 The dried rolled bean curd and plum blossom look at each other one, departs a black white both sides jade respectively, forms the Taoism primal chaos style in the midair, the bat Duke is one of them sleepily. 腐竹与梅花对视一眼,各自飞出一黑一白两面玉璧,在半空中形成道家太极样式,将蝙蝠公困在其中。 This treasure is one refining up the demon most precious object, most can break the Moroccan air/Qi! 宝物乃是一件炼魔至宝,最能破摩气! By primal chaos chart, is also wanted to display demon sect secret method, the blood escapes the bat that goes to Duke, suddenly discovered, own escaping technique...... does not work unexpectedly! 被太极图一圈,原本还想施展魔门秘法,血遁而去的蝙蝠公,就忽然发现,自己的遁术……居然不灵了! Subsequently bright sword light fell together, took the bat Duke severed head! 继而一道煌煌剑光落下,取走了蝙蝠公的首级! The big enmity must report! 大仇得报! Li Rubi cried loud and long carefree, saw the bat Duke hair to remove, changed into one old man corpse of arm, dropped from the midair, a human skin demon volume fell, above also blood character wrote scrip­tures. 李如璧畅快长啸,又见蝙蝠公毛发褪去,化为一具断臂的老者尸体,从半空中跌落,一张人皮魔卷就掉了出来,上面还用血字写就了一篇经文。 Bloodthirsty strange book? w “嗜血奇书?w The Great Song Daoist sees, the eye greatly is immediately bright, looks at each other one with the Second Brother Third Brother, nods in secret 大松道人一见,顿时眼睛大亮,与二弟三弟对视一眼,暗中都点了点头 Northern great territory. 北巨域。 Actually sees that grandson traveler/ascetic body to swing, appeared the three heads and six arms mixing world demon ape true body, how fights...... to know the things to do after death with Erlang Shen, and listens to be resolved! „ “却见那孙行者身体一摇,现出了三头六臂的混世魔猿真身,与二郎神大战起来……欲知后事如何,且听下回分解!“ Aaron pats the gavel, finished today explaining the Chinese classics. 亚伦一拍惊堂木,结束了今日说书。 His teahouse business is good, sometimes on oneself interest, meeting reorganization «Demon Ape Biography»! 他的茶楼生意不错,有时候自己兴致上头,也会来说一段改编的《魔猿传》! He explained the Chinese classics all looks at the mood, although the story was splendid, actually broke frequently, making the guest of listening to storytelling very discontented. 只是他说书全看心情,虽然故事精彩无比,却经常断更,让听书的客人十分不满。 Side storekeeper... you acts charitably, said one again. „ “方掌柜…你就行行好,再说一段吧。“ „ After that monkey ? Do the gifted generals catch? Has not listened, I cannot sleep in the evening... „ “那猴子之后怎样了?天兵天将抓到没有?没听完,我晚上睡不着觉啊…“ High-rising that storekeeper, but dislikes money less/small? If you said this, before sprinkling the family/home immediately again 0.3 pot most expensive rain, Longjing tea! ‚ “兀那掌柜,可是嫌钱少?你若将这一段说完,洒家立即再点三壶最贵的雨前龙井!‘ I am the Li Family Eldest Young Master, you did not say, this Young Master smashed your broken teahouse! „ “我可是李家大少,你再不说,本少爷就砸了你的破茶楼!“ How whatever these teashop customers persuaded, Aaron submissively were not many for the ritual said, changed over to the back room. 只是,任凭这些茶客如何劝说,亚伦只是拱手为礼再不多说,转入了后堂。 After all he is only the game world, was not played by the world, naturally must as one desires some. 毕竟他只是来游戏人间,不是被人间游戏的,自然要随心一些。 Teahouse backyard. 茶楼后院。 Aaron to oneself pot green tea, lay down on the rattan chair, the mouth also mumbled, is singing not the well-known folk song. 亚伦给自己倒了一壶清茶,躺在藤椅上,嘴里还哼哼唧唧地,唱着不知名的小调。 Suddenly, he pointed at twitched, opened the eyes, seemed to be none to flash through together. 忽然,他手指抽动了下,睁开双眼,似有一道精光闪过。 Sees with own eyes about no one, makes a bead. 眼见左右无人,就打出一枚珠子。 This Profound Valley bead passes through his several hundred years of painstaking effort, five refine the crucial moment early, is ordinary with the golden snake hook, the sacrifice cannot build up six to refine. 玄牝珠经过他数百年苦功,早有五炼火候,就是跟金蛇钩一般,死活祭炼不上六炼。 The Aaron also two guesses, either are his skill are insufficient. 亚伦对此也有两个猜测,要么是他功力还不够。 Either, is these two magic tool material qualities is extremely ordinary, the mud cannot hold the wall, life that six have not built up! 要么,就是这两件法器材质太过普通,烂泥扶不上墙,没有六炼的命! Has saying that this is also a very helpless matter. 不得不说,这也是一件很无奈的事儿。 At this time the Profound Valley bead departs, middle gold/metal Cangu jumped, changes into together the gold thread, submerges the ground, leaves behind a small pit, turns toward Li Family to go. 此时玄牝珠飞出,当中一只金蚕蛊就跳了出来,化为一道金线,没入地面,留下一个小坑,就向着李家而去。 gold/metal Cangu was the antiquity variation, the life span was prolonged, can live probably endures compared with Golden Pill, even was longer. 金蚕蛊乃上古异种,寿命绵长,大概能活得堪比金丹,甚至更久一些。 However Aaron actually does not care. 不过亚伦对此却不怎么在意。 After all, this gu insect is also must sooner or later by the life that oneself boil! 毕竟,这种蛊虫也是迟早要被自己熬死的命! The hope through feeding for a long time, can give itself actually pleasantly surprised. 倒是希望通过年深日久的喂养,能给自己一点惊喜吧。 Li Family. 李家 Li Rubi escape light is gloomy, falls into a secret room, swung ringing a handbell. 李如璧遁光暗淡,落入一处密室,摇了摇铃铛。 Not long, grasped Li Family Family Head of dragon's head walking stick to walk, saw this, immediately in great surpriseOld Ancestor, was your? „ 没有多久,手持龙头拐杖的李家家主就走了进来,见到这一幕,顿时大惊“老祖宗,您这是?“ „ The Ahem…… year assists the three friends is not a good person, although Old Ancestor had not planned to observe the commitment, but they dare first to intend...... Ahem…… Old Ancestor to laugh last... that Great Song unexpectedly to protect body astral air/Qi finally again fiercely, cannot stand off flying sword to cut to kill... „ 咳咳……岁襄三友不是好人,虽然老祖本来也没打算信守承诺,但他们居然敢先出手……咳咳……最终还是老祖笑到最后…那大松护体罡气再厉害,也敌不过飞剑斩杀…“ Li Rubi coughs several blood, several points of self-satisfied color, thismy family archenemy had died to the Li Family Family Head say/way, when Old Ancestor must go...... just before the end, several words entrust you, this blue water sword, you return to the Yin Mountain faction, should never be greedy, my Li Family could not have taken up. „ 李如璧咳出几口血,略带几分得意之色,这才对李家家主道“我家大敌已经身亡,老祖也要去了……临终之际,有几句话嘱托你,这一口碧水剑,你送回阴山派吧,切勿贪心,我李家已经拿不起了。“ Li Rubi sighed, flicked the sleeve, fell just like blue water flying sword on the front, at the same time, several magic tool and ancient books! 李如璧叹息一声,一拂袖,一口宛若碧水的飞剑就落在面前,与此同时,还有几件法器与典籍! This blue water sword is Yin Mountain sends the inheritance most precious object, is impossible to keep Li Family, only if Li Family has profound light Ascetic again, turns into the clan school the Yin Mountain faction! 这碧水剑乃是阴山派传承至宝,根本不可能留在李家,除非李家再出一位玄光修士,将阴山派变成家族门派! At this time makes the clansman send back, front the new palm teaches to ask for a favor, henceforth obtains the asylum. 此时让族人送回去,也是在新掌教面前讨个人情,从此获得庇护。 Li Rubi is Li Family, it may be said that racked one's brains. 李如璧为李家,可谓殚精竭虑了。
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