TOTM :: Volume #10

#931: Nine Niu’er tigers( 5000 make up)

Entrance that Yin Mountain sends, situated in northern Mangshan. 阴山派的山门,位于北莽山中。 Among has pavilions and corridor to return to the bridge, to construct quite splendid, is actually the way of mediocre riches and honor. 其内有亭台楼阁、走廊回桥、修建得颇为富丽堂皇,却是凡俗富贵的路数。 True prestigious family major faction, cannot have a liking for this type certainly. 真正的名门大派,绝看不上这种。 Even, protects entrance formation method, is quite crude, only then the mist, can get up to be crazy the effect of being stranded together. 甚至,就连守护山门的阵法,都相当简陋,只有一道薄雾,能起着迷困之效。 Under the northern Mangshan, a city, named northern great. 在北莽山下,还有一城,名为北巨。 In the city has Li Family, had passed on for more than 300 years, is the local tyrants, hands down from generation to generation by the military, is greatly famous in the rivers and lakes, is only his family/home few and mediocre negotiations. 城中有一李家,已经传了三百多年,乃是本地豪强,以武传家,在江湖中大大有名,只是他家很少与凡俗交涉。 In nearby rivers and lakes martial arts world has the rumor, the successor in Li Family mountain village is not born either, reveals itself is extremely the expert! 附近江湖武林中都有传言,李家山庄的传人要么不出世,一出世便是绝顶高手! In fact, Li Family is low-key, is completely because is conceit, after all they are the immortal cultivation aristocratic families. 实际上,李家之所以低调,完全是因为自矜,毕竟他们是修仙世家。 Li Family Old Ancestor Li Rubi lived for more than 300 years, must choose disciple every several years a time. 李家老祖李如璧活了三百多年,每隔十几年就要来挑选一次弟子。 This rather makes the person of Li Family somewhat have keen eyesight in withstand/top, fostered the heart of several points of proud neglecting. 这未免就让李家之人有些眼高于顶,养成了几分骄傲怠慢之心。 Is good is also defended the instruction of Li Family Old Ancestor because of them, had not indulged in unbridled propaganda this matter. 好在他们还遭守着李家老祖的训示,并没有将这件事儿大肆宣扬。 On this day. 这一日。 Aaron is riding the small donkey, entered in the northern great city. 亚伦骑着小毛驴,就进入了北巨城中。 This demands return the causes and effects, two means that one type raises the sword to visit directly, is simple nimble and efficient...... if, but the opposite party has the dark hand, I must be greatly hapless. ‘这讨还因果,也有两种办法,一种直接提剑上门,最是简单爽利……但若对方藏有暗手,我就要大大倒霉。 ‚ The second type...... is when he passes away, bullied his apprentice and descendants again...... the old man does not have the foot to kick Beihai Kindergarten for a long time. ‚ ‘第二种么……便是等到他老死,再去欺负他徒弟与子孙……老夫已经好久没有脚踢北海幼儿园了。‘ Aaron enters a city, looked for the family/home broker directly, bought within approached the Li Family dwelling, but also opened a teahouse while convenient, made a small-scale business, settled down. 亚伦进了城,直接找了家牙行,买了间靠近李家的宅院,还顺带开了个茶楼,做点小生意,就这么定居下来。 Another side. 另外一边。 Li Rubi horizontal sword in the sky. 李如璧横剑当空。 His sword light is deep green, middle has the profound black meaning, the flying sword that causes, is treasure of —— blue water sword that town/subdues faction Yin Mountain sends! 他的剑光碧绿,当中带着一点玄黑之意,所使的这一口飞剑,乃是阴山派的镇派之宝——碧水剑! This flying sword or past Yin Mountain Old Ancestor, collected the millennium cold irons, hardware essences and other spirit materials, the sacrifice refine six to refine the crucial moment personally! 这一口飞剑还是当年阴山老祖在时,收集了千年寒铁、五金之精等灵材,亲自祭炼到了六炼火候! flying sword six refine! 飞剑六炼! Even if prestigious family major faction Sword Immortal, incomparably earnestly seeks to this true dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword. 纵然是名门大派剑仙,也对此种真正的仙家飞剑无比渴求。 Do not look at Li Rubi is only an profound light/only boundary, cultivation method is also inferior to He Gaoming merely, but the blue water sword in the hand, dares to challenge a magical skill magic technique higher bat Duke! Even gets the winning side! 别看李如璧仅仅只是个玄光境,功法也不如何高明,但碧水剑在手,就敢挑战道行法术比自己更高的蝙蝠公!甚至占据上风! Does to the opposite party to be skilled in demon sect escape method, Li Rubi wants to win is not difficult, strikes to kill on some difficulties. 奈何对方精通魔门遁法,李如璧想赢不算困难,击杀就有些难度。 „ When now I transport/fortune the merit, the silent calculation secret, has the fearful and apprehensive feeling, considering the inexorable fate must be imminent...... I always to help others do well, enemy only then bat Duke, so long as cuts to kill this archenemy ahead of time, when may have no more worries. „ “如今我运功之时,默算天机,颇有心惊胆战之感,当是劫数要临头了……我一向与人为善,仇家就只有蝙蝠公一个,只要提前将这个大敌斩杀,当可高枕无忧也。“ Li Rubi is thinking secretly, sees three pieces of emerald green bamboo leaves magic tool, above is carrying one person respectively, comes. 李如璧暗自想着,又见到三片翠绿竹叶法器,上面各载着一人,呼啸而来。 These three people are outside astral realm, lowered compared with Li Rubi planned, and is unable the mortal body flight, to refine flying magic tool, or studied flight magic technique. 这三人都是外罡境界,比李如璧低了一筹,并且也无法肉身飞行,必须炼制飞行法器,或者修习飞行法术 Three cold-resistant friends of winter, you came finally! „ “岁寒三友,你们终于来了!“ Li Rubi laughs. 李如璧哈哈一笑。 Sees the Yin Mountain palm to teach! “见过阴山掌教! The Boss —— Great Song Daoist in three cold-resistant friends of winter is a body such as the iron tower and dark-skinned robust man, the soundpalm teaches the high price to invite like mighty bell, how can our three brothers? „ 岁寒三友中的老大——大松道人是个身如铁塔、皮肤黝黑的壮汉,声音如同洪钟“掌教出如此高价相请,我们三兄弟怎能不来?“ Although took the year to assist the nickname of three friends, but these three loose cultivator in fact may a point be ungraceful. 虽然取了岁襄三友的雅号,但这三位散修实际上可一点都不雅。 The Boss Great Song Daoist first did not say, the second child dried rolled bean curd, most likes plundering the handsome man to take delight, is not the good goods. 老大大松道人先不说,老二腐竹,最喜欢掳掠英俊的男子行乐,也不是什么好货色。 The final third child plum blossom Daoist, actually once was the caihuaing thief in the world of mortals, afterward resulted in the chance to become a lay priest, cultivates a peach blossom astral ghost time, the magical skill was also ordinary. 最后的老三梅花道人,却曾经是凡间的一名采花贼,后来得了机缘入道,修炼一身桃花罡煞功夫,道行也就一般。 Made Li Rubi settle on truly, was the Boss —— Great Song Daoist in this sworn brothers! 真正令李如璧看中的,还是这结拜兄弟中的老大——大松道人! When Great Song life in common custom, birth different reported on the talent, has the inborn supernatural power, He Family boundary is poor, to quarry transporting rock to live. 大松道人生于世俗,出生之时就天赋异禀,有天生神力,奈何家境贫寒,给采石场搬运山石为生。 Some, he is transporting the big stone in the remote mountain on the 1st, suddenly hears the thunder, a mountain peak intent however crashes, splits the middle channel, spreads the exotic fragrance. 某一日,他正在深山中搬运大石,忽然就听得电闪雷鸣,一处山峰意然崩塌,裂开中间一条通道,其中传出异香。 The Great Song Daoist is unable to tolerate thirst and hunger, to walk, found a steamer, unexpectedly residual heat. 大松道人正饥渴难耐,就走了进去,找到了一个蒸笼,竟还有余温。 He turns on the steamer, total sees nine Niu’er tiger dragon 12 groups of flour dim sums. 他打开蒸笼,就见得九牛二虎一龙共计十二团面点。 He disregards, ate dragon two tiger five cows directly, felt full, saw everything may become vulnerable, the mountain peak will soon close up, then escaped. 他不管不顾,直接吃了一龙二虎五牛,就觉得饱了,又见地动山摇,山峰即将合拢,便逃了出去。 When the escape, has not forgotten to pull a book to enter in the bosom. 在逃命之时,还不忘扯了一本道书进入怀中。 Mentioned also strangely, after eating these flour dim sums, his strength increased day by day , the person the supernatural power of level, had arrived afterward unusually, entered the situation of Saint. 说来也怪,吃了那些面点之后,他的力气就与日俱增,原本不过凡,人层次的神力,后来已经到了超凡,入圣之地步。 Great Song therefore changed professions to rob, was a Fangshan king, tied up several to fail an examination distinguished talent, taught itself to study to be literate, an explanation book, this understood the cause and effect...... 大松于是就改行抢劫,做了一方山大王,又绑了几个落第秀才,教自己读书识字,解读道书,这才明白前因后果…… Originally, in that mountain peak, is several hundred years ago some loose cultivator cave mansion. 原来,那处山峰之中,是数百年前某一位散修的洞府。 That loose cultivator wants to cultivate law of the gate part of great bear supernatural power, made flour dim sum of nine Niu’er tiger dragons with Paradise Valley, puts in steamer magic tool, day and night worships, hauling space the strength of stars. 那位散修欲修炼道门天罡神力之法,用仙谷做了九牛二虎一龙的面点,置于蒸笼法器之中,日夜拜祭,牵引天上的星辰之力。 Only waited for the crucial moment to arrive, gobbled up to get into the stomach these flour dim sums, can obtain a supernatural power of nine Niu’er tiger dragons! 只等火候到了,将这些面点吞吃下肚,就能获得九牛二虎一龙的神力! The law of this part of great bear supernatural power, what invited was the strength of stars, the cow also extraordinary cow, was the evil spirits cow! The tiger is the part of great bear tiger, the Chinese people not to mention, inborn extraordinary. 此天罡神力之法,请动的乃是星辰之力,牛也非凡牛,乃地煞牛!虎是天罡虎,龙种更不用说,天生非凡。 If finished eating these nine Niu’er tiger dragons all, the part of great bear supernatural power is complete, even can the opportunity of knocking open the Golden Pill front door! 若是将这九牛二虎一龙尽数吃完,天罡神力圆满,甚至能有一丝叩开金丹大门的机会! But this loose cultivator had the matter to go out afterward, came across the inexorable fate, is gone. 只不过这散修后来有事外出,就遇到了劫数,一去不回。 Passing. 通。 The Great Song Daoist was very afterward regrettable, go to that mountain peak excavation several times, actually does not cannot find a proper way, only to give up resentfully. 大松道人后来十分遗憾,几次去那山峰挖掘,却不得其门而入,只能悻悻作罢。 The bonus is so, its foundation was also in the vigorous incomparable situation. 饶是如此,其根基也到了雄浑无比的地步。 Above that book, besides introducing beyond nine Niu’er tiger dragon divine ability origins, mudra, named demon dragon Xijia merit! Is refining up to melt the method that astral air/Qi, most suitable body and spirit astonishment to practice. 那道书之上,除了介绍九牛二虎一龙神通的来历之外,还有一篇法诀,名为魔龙犀甲功!乃是炼化罡气的法门,最适合体魄惊人者习练。 The Great Song Daoist follows to practice, depending the capital is abundant, breaks through Early Heaven and congealing ghost...... like eating meal to drink water general simple, waiting till outside astral was complete, detected that the advance is roadless. 大松道人跟着练习,仗着资本雄厚,突破先天、凝煞……如同吃饭喝水一般简单,等到了外罡圆满,才发觉前进无路。 The bonus is so, its body and spirit, was known as that can fight the profound light, does not counterfeit! 饶是如此,其一身体魄,号称能战玄光,并不作假! But the dried rolled bean curd and plum blossom Daoist have the fortuitous encounter respectively, a Yin-Yang jade tablet that particularly two people grasp jointlymagic tool, after the stimulation of movement, may fight the profound light. 而腐竹与梅花道人也各有奇遇,尤其是两人联手掌握的一件阴阳圭‘法器,催动之后也可战玄光。 This three cold-resistant friends of winter, are two profound light battle strength, is quite famous in nearby loose cultivator. 这岁寒三友,就是两位玄光战力,在附近散修之中相当有名。 Li Rubi also sends cultivation method to be the bait with Yin Mountain, this attracts them to ally, cuts to kill the bat together Duke! 李如璧也是拿阴山功法为诱饵,这才吸引他们加盟,共同斩杀蝙蝠公! The year assists Sanyou, although battle strength is excellent, itself dao method is quite coarse, till outside astral, without building up on profound light secret method. 岁襄三友虽然战力过人,本身道法却相当粗陋,到外罡为止,没有炼就玄光的秘法 Li Rubi takes this as the reward , please move them to act. 李如璧以此为报酬,,就请动他们出手。 Four people change into the flowing light together, flies to the bat Duke new cave mansion that Li Rubi inquired in secret. 四人一起化为流光,飞向李如璧暗中打听到的蝙蝠公新洞府。 On the road, the dried rolled bean curd also hee hee smilescannot think that...... Li Zhangjiao so gives up unexpectedly. „ 路上,腐竹还嘻嘻而笑“想不到……李掌教竟然如此舍得。“ Li Rubi facial expression is desolatebat Duke to have the big enmity with my family, actually has no alternative but to manage, I also only give to refine on profound light secret method, Golden Pill Great Way related to this basic ancient book, actually cannot borrow. „ 李如璧神情冷淡“蝙蝠公与我家有大仇,却是不能不管,并且,我也只给炼就玄光的秘法,金丹大道涉及本门根本典籍,却是不能相借的了。“ The Great Song Daoist laughsyou, if said that even the Golden Pill ancient book can see off, our three brothers instead want not to believe! „ 大松道人哈哈一笑“你若说连金丹典籍都能相送,咱们三兄弟反而就要不信了!“ Is the generation of spiritual cultivation, this vigilant heart has. 都是修道之辈,这点警惕心还是有的。 Li Rubi nods slightly, the eye pupil deep place has the cold light to flash for the first time. 李如璧略微颔首,眼眸深处有寒光乍闪。
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