TOTM :: Volume #10

#930: 300 years

Although was rinsed one time by Li Rubi that supercilious look wolf, but the Aaron mentality is very good, scolded one also on the past. 虽然被李如璧那个白眼狼涮了一次,但亚伦心态很好,骂了一句也就过去了。 After all Immortality is so long, always has many unpleasant matter. 毕竟长生这么久,总有许多不如意之事。 This investment is defeated, that trades continues to invest personally is. 这次投资失败,那就换个人继续投资便是。 Recorded in Li Rubi the small book in secret, in the heart sneered, my chance, then can it be that was easy to take? 只是暗中将李如璧记到了小本本上,心中冷笑,我的机缘,岂是那么容易拿的? When dies in a sitting posture to you, sooner or later to your grave mound, hits your descendants, eats your offering! 待到你坐化,迟早到你坟头,打你子孙,吃你供品! Has not thought, I have unexpectedly weed out wool one day. „ “就是没想到,我竟也有被人薅羊毛的一日。“ „, The causes and effects have had , do you walk away can it be that then can repay? „ “不过罢了,因果既已结下,又岂是你一走了之便能偿还的?“ In the Aaron heart comforts oneabout the meat rotten in the pot, does not owe! „ 亚伦心中安慰自己一句“左右肉都烂在锅里,不亏!“ He returns to half idle hall, how many small head melon seeds is only stroking, pondered over secretlyperhaps...... Fang Family should also have immortal karma? I must train their thinking of Immortal Way again, then sends them to seek the immortal? ‚ 他回到半闲堂,抚摸着几小只的脑袋瓜子,暗自思忖‘或许……方家也合该有仙缘?我要不要再培养一下他们的仙道之思,然后打发他们去求仙?‘ Considers as finished, Fang Family is too near to me, although I am insufficient to be calculated, but also has the risk of exposition...... ‚ ‘算了算了,方家离我太近,虽然我不至于被算到,但也有暴露的风险……‘ Today looked at that Li Rubi, the opposite party chance really not 今日看那李如璧,对方机缘着实不了 Not only had flying sword, looks at its sword light, actually had said that entered to be unreliable up! 不仅仅是有了一口飞剑,看其剑光,竟然已经道入玄光了! Aaron, is beyond astral moe newly! 亚伦自己,也才是个外罡萌新呢! Really three product Zhenqi, did not speak the truth...... actually Li Rubi the pit, if did not enter the side door, perhaps its had looking of Golden Pill! „ “果然三品真气,就是不讲道理……其实李如璧将自己坑了,若不入旁门,或许其有金丹之望!“ Has not related, does Yang Zhenqi, sooner or later I can also realize. „ “不过没关系,乾阳真气,迟早我也能练成。“ «Hundred Yang Record» is Aaron for the preparation that own cultivation dispersal recultivation makes, but this promotes outside astral with him by «ten thousand Gushu», has not conflicted. 《百阳图录》就是亚伦为自己散功重修做的预备,而这与他以《万蛊书》晋升外罡,并没有冲突。 Since changed/easy Gugu with collecting the breath gu has built up, next, is positive gu side Feihan who counter refining up the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu: Oneself “既然易骨蛊与敛息蛊已经炼成,下一步,就是将逆炼五脏六腑蛊的蛊方菲涵正:己 The gu is myriad things! 蛊乃万物之用! Aaron this act, does not indulge in fantasy actually, but is a skill, cannot waste. 亚伦此举,倒是并非异想天开,而是自己一身功力,不能浪费了。 In the future when cultivation dispersal, the air/Qi of that Five Viscera and Six Bowels, can definitely counter refine to become a Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, this gu insect treasures, can increase the foundation of person of spiritual cultivation, and even the air/Qi of five phases. 将来等到散功之时,那五脏六腑之气,完全可以逆炼成为一只五脏六腑蛊,此蛊虫十分珍惜,可以增益修道之人的根基,乃至五行之气。 Because of oneself, not the aura of others, got rid of the bamboo fence of heresy slightly, is majestic Righteous Way! 更因为都是源自自身,并无丝毫其他人的气息,就摆脱了旁门左道的藩篱,乃是堂皇正道! Even if in the future will do obeisance into Daoism to be authentic, refining up one, when can save the malignant influences, outside astral does not know many year of painstaking efforts! 纵然日后拜入玄门正宗,炼化一只,都能节省自身煞气、外罡之时不知道多少年苦功! ‚ The cultivation of this, lays the foundation for below first ‘这一世的修炼,是为下一世打基础 ‚ Did I have a reincarnation cultivation flavor? Bah bah bah...... this eminence did not only ask that the previous life, does not strive for rambling at the present next life and only!, ‘我怎么都有一种转世修炼的味道了?呸呸呸……本座只不问前生、不求来世、只在如今逍遥!, Aaron bah several, pondered say/way secretly „ I am as soon as possible the profound light...... the profound light boundary is the true dwelling places of celestial beings, can become friends with loose cultivator of high mountains, and even schemed Daoism to inherit authentic...... „ 亚伦呸了几口,暗自忖道“我还是尽快玄光吧……玄光境才算真正仙家,可以去结交三山五岳之散修,乃至图谋玄门正宗传承了……“ Always condenses the air/Qi of astral ghost, about building up profound light secret method, is true being in direct line, in dwelling place of celestial beings school, is the non- core does not pass on! 历来凝聚罡煞之气、合炼玄光的秘法,都是真正的嫡传,在仙家门派之中,也是非核心不传! «ten thousand Gushu» on realm, only arrives at the profound light boundary high! 《万蛊书》上的境界,最高也只到玄光境! But ten thousand gu Daoist immortals in years past, were gathered hundred poisonous malignant influences, with small five phases profound astral, traditional fortune telling strange astral refine, change into an art of making oneself invisible profound light, named- 35 cut the mortal form profound light! 而万蛊真君昔年,乃是将百毒煞气、与小五行玄罡、六壬奇罡合炼,化为一种奇门玄光,名为--三五斩魄玄光! Hundred poisonous malignant influences can only quenching hundred poisons, Yin person invisible. 百毒煞气只能淬炼百毒,阴人无形。 The small five phases profound astral achievement, can actually be self-taught many five phases small magic technique, for example the earth escapes, the class/flow of sword qi. 五行玄罡成就,却能无师自通许多五行法术,比如土遁、剑气之流。 Traditional fortune telling strange astral besides protecting body, but can also increase Ascetic the technique of calculation! 六壬奇罡除了护体之外,还能增益修士的推算之术! Ten thousand gu Daoist immortals in the past, were a malignant influences pass/test had not hit, missed a foundation, otherwise was also insufficient Golden Pill to be hopeless. 万蛊真君当年,就是煞气一关没有打好,差了点根基,否则也不至于金丹无望。 But 35 that it deduces cut the mortal form profound light, has a mystery, can cut the soul that kills the ascetic directly, opposes the enemy very sharply. 而其推演出的三五斩魄玄光,却别有一番玄妙,能直接斩杀修道者的魂魄,对敌十分犀利。 Is slightly bad in long life, steps into the profound light boundary by this profound light, the life probably in 3500 years. 只是在延寿方面稍差,以此玄光踏入玄光境,寿元大概在3500年之间。 If Daoism authentic profound light Ascetic, that could live 700-800 years, this aspect won by far. 若是玄门正宗的玄光修士,那或许可以活个700-800年,这方面又远远胜出了。 ...... …… Because Aaron at this time incarnationside Bidabrings the life-saving grain to appear. 由于亚伦此时化身的‘方必达‘是带着救命粮出现的。 Even but if the cheap aunt has thousand to be helpless, does not hope, finally actually approved side Bida to be in charge of the senior branch, two became the original senior branch. 纵然那但便宜婶婶有千般无奈,万般不愿,最终却还是认可了方必达入主大房,二房成为原本的大房。 As for their senior branch, then became two suffering, both inverted. 至于他们大房,则是委委屈屈地成了二房,两者颠倒了过来。 However Aaron has not been ruthless, instead also receives half idle hall to live two, studies to be literate to these boys together, raises them, but also picked up medical technique... 不过亚伦倒也并未赶尽杀绝,反而将二房也接到半闲堂居住,一起给那些小子读书识字,将他们培养成人,还重新捡起了医术 Because Li Family moved, young odd/surplus Kangzhen also really had no immortal cultivator attention. 由于李家搬迁走了,小小的余亢镇还真没有什么修仙者关注。 Even if still having the disasters of war, some disbanded soldiers, then can solve by Aaron several small magic technique. 纵然还在闹兵灾,一些散兵游勇,则是被亚伦几个小法术就可以解决。 Therefore the life is peaceful. 因此日子还算安稳。 Also passed several years, suddenly spreads the news, newly toward standing like a tripod, the world thinks to decide, the day of this young common people, felt better gradually. 又过了数年,忽然传来消息,新朝鼎立,天下思定,这小老百姓的日子,又渐渐好过了起来。 The most direct-viewing performance, is nearby odd/surplus Kangzhen the land price soars. 最直观的表现,就是余亢镇附近地价飞涨。 Is good is far-seeing in the disasters of war period because of Aaron, purchased many paddies, by the present, half idle hall Fang Family is also odd/surplus Kangzhen...... several three several four landlords! 好在亚伦早在兵灾时期就有远见,收购了不少田地,到了如今,半闲堂方家也是余亢镇……数三数四的地主了! Un, this is actually Aaron does not want to be extremely high-profile, the reputation of second child is also coarse, might as well become ten thousand years of third child! 嗯,这却是亚伦不想太过高调,老二的名声也难听,不如当万年老三! After getting through these matters, side Bida gradually is also old, one day goes with a smile, gave big family property 在办完这些事儿之后,方必达也垂垂老矣,某一日含笑而去,将家业交给了大儿 Toward Kaiyuan 60, the world then entered hold Zuo newly: 新朝开元60年,天下由此进入盛昨: The time in a hurry, just like flowing rapidly to the river water of sea, goes no longer. 时光匆匆,宛若奔流到海的江水,一去不复还。 On this day! 这一日! In Fang Ancestral Hall under Xiaonanshan, a grand ancestor worship is in progress. 小南山下的方氏祠堂中,一场盛大的祭祖正在进行。 Fang Family has been divided into nine now, seriously quite prosperous, the clansman grand total has over a thousand, at this time according to the rank arranges, sacrificial offering generations. 方家如今已经分为九房,当真好生兴旺,族人总计有上千,此时按照辈分排列,祭祀着列祖列宗。 Many god memorial tablets are dense and numerous, the cigarette curls, there are pig cattle three domestic animals to consecrate. 诸多神主牌位密密麻麻,香烟袅袅,又有猪牛羊三牲供奉。 more, the memorial tablet are upward getting fewer and fewer, to final two, was only left over side Xi and original two names. 越往上,牌位越来越少,到了最后两层,就只剩下方希与方原两个名字。 Generations...... reigning dynasty 300 years, there is a turmoil, looks at the generations to bless the descendants, evades this dynasty last years it “列祖列宗……国朝三百年,又有动乱,望列祖列宗庇佑子孙,躲过这王朝末年之 After Fang Jia Clan Head read aloud the oration, subsequently turned around, „ I and various guardians room/house has discussed to the following clansman serious say/way, to hide the disasters of war...... my Fang, branch family the moving senior branch to remain officially partly states the idle hall ancestral legacy of property, two went to the Yuanjia city, 3rd Family Branch goes to green hills mountain Xiaohuang Stronghold... four to move into Sichuan...... from now henceforth, I and others, although was one, but various house-owners, was various Clan Head, shouldered the life of clan revival! „ 方家族长念诵祭文后,继而转身,对着下面的族人严肃道“我与各房家长商量过了,为躲兵灾……我方氏,正式分家搬迁大房留守半述闲堂祖业,二房去元嘉城,三房去翠微山小黄寨…四房远迁入川……从今以后,我等虽为一家,但各房房主,也是各支族长,肩负家族复兴之命!“ Many clansmen, performing all look serious. 诸多族人,尽皆神情严肃。 The dynasty last years disaster, they have only looked in the history book, must face, unavoidably in heart frightened. 王朝末年的灾难,他们只在史书中看过,如今就要面对,不免心中惴惴。 After the ancestor worshiping ceremony ended, in place that no one sees. 等到祭祖大典结束之后,在没人看见的地方。 Aaron used a camouflage, arrives at the ancestral temple swaggering, takes up an steamed bun above altar, biting onebah...... cold drop was not delicious. „ 亚伦施展了个障眼法,大摇大摆地来到祠堂,拿起供桌之上的一个馒头,咬了一口“呸……冷掉了不好吃。“ Although this Fang clansman crosses thousand, the collateral branch does not know many. 虽然这方氏族人过千,旁支更不知道多少。 But in fact, and no one is his bloodlines, is side Xi multiplies to come. 但实际上,并无一人是他的血脉,都是方希繁衍而来。 Aaron does not have many sentiments to them, at this time just went out to see this, some feelings. 亚伦对他们也没多少感情,此时不过刚刚出关见到这一幕,有些感慨罢了。 How many fruits when took to eat, counted on the fingers that „ had passed for 317 years? „ 等到拿着几个果子吃了,就掐指一算“原来已经过去了三百一十七年了么?“ He essentially is only point second Primordial Infant True Spirit. 他本质上只是一点第二元婴真灵 Before set the catching a fish by hand millenniums great ambitions, now passes half, did not worry seriously. 之前都定下了摸鱼千年的伟大志向,如今才过去堪堪一半,当真是不太着急。 At this time shot a look at an attribute column at will 此时随意瞥了一眼属性栏 Name Xinchen( Fang Yu and Aaron)】 Talent Immortal and Unaging, not in Age 497 realm profound light 【姓名辛辰(方玉亚伦)】【天赋长生不老、不在算中】【年龄497】【境界玄光】 cultivation method ten thousand Gushu profound light ( 10000 / 10000 )] 功法万蛊书玄光篇] Relies on eight to refine to develop covering up of day of gu, in the situation that Aaron does not stir up trouble on own initiative, jumps out of three seriously outside, is not in five phases. 凭借着八炼演天蛊的遮掩,亚伦又不主动惹事的情况下,当真跳出三界外,不在五行中。 He does not look for a job, the matter does not look for him. 他不找事,事儿也不来找他。 Made him catch a fish by hand peacefully for several hundred years, in this period strolled the world brothel, read completely thousand flowers, drank to the dregs loose and good wine good food...... 就让他太太平平地摸鱼了数百年,期间逛遍人间青楼,阅尽千花,享尽风流与美酒美食…… As for cultivation base? 至于修为么? Also refining up on an profound light careless, and cultivates to complete realm. 也才马马虎虎炼就一身玄光,并修炼至圆满境界 «ten thousand Gushu» hence, the advance is impossible. 《万蛊书》至此,已经前进无门。 Also happen to calculates that related itself the matter to have the progress to one, came odd/surplus Kangzhen to have a look, adjusted to arrange, mixes a family background. 又正好算到一件关系自身之事有了进展,也就来余亢镇看看,调整一下布置,混个出身。 Then, then understands the gratitude and grudges! 然后,便是了解恩怨! The Aaron finger flutters, revolves own way plum blossom to be easy! 亚伦手指翻飞,运转起自己的方式梅花易! Not long, even to some features. 没有多久,就算到了一些眉目。 Always the law of calculation, most hates the end is too many... “历来推算之法,最恨线头太多…
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