TOTM :: Volume #10

#929: Comes to naught( 4800 make up)

Time long. 时光悠悠。 In an instant, is 40 years of winter and summer. 转眼间,又是四十载寒暑。 Aaron has feigned death to withdraw, now hides in Xiaonanshan, opened a covert cave mansion cultivation, once in a while observes odd/surplus Kangzhen the situation. 亚伦早已诈死脱身,如今躲在小南山上,开辟了一处隐蔽的洞府修炼,间或观察余亢镇情况。 In these 40 years, External Realm really had the change of overturning the heavens summer place. 这四十年中,外界倒真是有了翻天夏地的变化。 20 years ago, the royal government collapses, rebel army rises from all directions, even besieged the Yuanjia city! Many rebel army and soldiers carved odd/surplus Kangzhen washed repeatedly, was the Capital great wild goose is seriously vast, everywhere white bones. 二十年前,朝政崩坏,乱军四起,甚至还有一支围攻元嘉城!不少乱军与兵雕将余亢镇洗了一遍又一遍,当真是京鸿遍野,处处白骨。 Regardless of Fang Family or Li Family, in these war disasters, died many people. 不论方家还是李家,都在这一场场兵乱当中,死了不少人。 Aaron calmly thinks so, has not lent a hand to assist. 亚伦就这么静静看着,并没有出手相助。 Now passes along with the years, after separating did not know many generations, his to these two family members being intimate with hearts are getting fewer and fewer. 如今伴随着年月过去,隔了不知道多少代后,他对这两家人的亲近之心已经越来越少。 If the thoroughly exterminated an entire family dreadful calamity, he does not prepare to act, has the world is not unkind, the mentality of myriad things dogs and hay worthless thing. 如果不是要被彻底灭门的惨祸,他都不准备出手,颇有天地不仁,万物刍狗的心态。 The world is benevolent, regards as the equality to regard the myriad things. 天地是仁慈的,将万物都视为平等看待。 It looks like in Aaron, Fang Family Li Family person, with other townspeoples, has no too big difference. 亚伦看来,方家李家的人,跟其它镇民,也没什么太大区别。 Since old times the chaos had the great order, now should worldwide chaos 20 years of similar tumultuous times also end, have newly toward the rise? „ “自古大乱才有大治,如今天下大乱二十年差不多乱世也该结束,有新朝崛起了吧?“ But, what matter does that close my? „ “不过,那又关我什么事呢?“ Aaron continues to sit cross-legged to sit, cultivates six internal organs last pass/test the air/Qi of urinary bladder. 亚伦继续盘膝而坐,修炼六腑最后一关的膀胱之气。 These sits in meditation time, how long does not know. 这一次入定,又不知过去多久。 Suddenly, Aaron opens the eyes, the air/Qi in within the body internal organs emits one after another. 忽然,亚伦睁开双眼,体内一道又一道脏腑之气冒出。 First is the air/Qi of five internal organs, forms the five colors, brings the wonder of five phases mutual promotion of the five elements, subsequently is the air/Qi of six internal organs, is the ray circulation, one brings, finally air/Qi of also concise major accomplishment urinary bladder! 先是五脏之气,结成五色,带着五行相生之妙,继而是六腑之气,也是光芒流转,一圈带着一圈,最终将膀胱之气也凝练大成! Aaron drinks one lowlyFive Viscera and Six Bowels completely all major accomplishment, today when enters outside astral! „ 亚伦低喝一声“五脏六腑尽皆大成,今日正是入外罡之时!“ He the congealing ghost realm cultivation to the peak, will have built up on Five Viscera and Six Bowels at this time, takes the extremely solid foundation, the breakthrough is successful. 他早已将凝煞境界修炼至巅峰,此时又炼就五脏六腑,扎下极为扎实的根基,突破不过水到渠成。 Drinks gently, within the body five internal organs shake, production strange astral air/Qi together. 只是轻轻一喝,体内五脏一震,就生成一道奇异的罡气。 This field of endeavor astral air/Qi the light of circulation five colors, is extremely mysterious, is small five phases profound astral! 此道罡气有五色之光流转,极其玄妙,乃是小五行玄罡! In Taoism Daoism, there is a big five phases god astral, but that needs special cultivation method and knack, Aaron not. 道家玄门之中,有大五行神罡,但那需要特殊的功法与诀窍,亚伦并没有。 Therefore although is refine on laboriously the air/Qi of five internal organs five phases, comes out concise, as before is small five phases profound astral! 因此虽然是自己辛苦炼就的五脏五行之气,凝练出来的,依旧是小五行玄罡! This astral air/Qi proliferates the five internal organs, infiltrates the body surface, forms a slightly not obvious defense. 这罡气遍布五脏,渗透体表,形成一层微不可见的防御。 From now, even if unexpected under was sneak attacked, so long as cannot break this astral air/Qi, Aaron is also safe and sound. 从此以后,纵然猝不及防之下被偷袭,只要不能破了这一层罡气,亚伦也是安然无恙。 No, together! „ “不,还有一道!“ Aaron calmly regards itself, discovered that beside small five phases profound astral, astral air/Qi together, is traditional fortune telling strange astral! 亚伦静视自身,发现在小五行玄罡之外,还有一道罡气,乃是六壬奇罡! He at this time, was equivalent refining up to melt the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu to break through, the one breath breathed one's last to refine two astral, the advantage was enormous! 他此时,就相当于炼化了五脏六腑蛊突破,一口气将两种罡气尽皆炼成,好处极大! If nothing else, the body has two astral air/Qi the defense, natural outside astral Ascetic many safeguard compared with common. 别的不说,身上有两层罡气防御,天然就比寻常外罡修士多一层保障。 But in addition, Aaron whole body joint crack, does not know that many silt of spoiled sovereign is combining the butter common sweat, seeps out from the whole body hand holes, impressively is I Ching generation of marrow! 而除此之外,亚伦浑身骨节一阵炸响,不知道多少腐皇的淤泥混杂着黄油一般的汗水,从全身手孔之中渗出,赫然是易经代髓! He only thought that whole body bone light several two, in dantian, hundred poisons were really mad also result in the mysterious change, the quality greatly promoted. 他只觉得浑身骨头都轻了几两,丹田之中,百毒真气也得了玄妙的变化,品质大为提升。 According to Aaron and does Yang Zhenqi the contrast to " Hundred Yang Record » understanding, must arrive at seven levels, is seven top grade! 按照亚伦对《百阳图录》的理解与乾阳真气的对比,应当到了七品位阶,还是七品中的极品! If the common Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, the real air/Qi breaks through such in a big way not......, but I consume hundred years of time, concise Five Viscera and Six Bowels, the foundation is solid, therefore was really air/Qi the upgrading the limit... „ “若是寻常五脏六腑蛊,真气突破都没这么大……但我是耗费百年功夫,凝练自身五脏六腑,根基扎实,因此真气品质提升到了极限…“ Aaron thinks slightly, understood the cause and effect. 亚伦稍微想了一下,就明白了前因后果。 At this time, his attribute column also changed impressively 此时,他的属性栏也赫然发生了变化 Name Xinchen( Fang Yu and Aaron)】 【姓名辛辰(方玉亚伦)】】 Talent Immortal and Unaging, not in 【天赋长生不老、不在算中】 Age 180 【年龄180】 Outside realm astral 境界外罡】 Outside cultivation method ten thousand Gushu astral ( 1 / 5000 )】 功法万蛊书外罡篇】 Practices for more than 100 years, finally the reality broke outside astral! „ “修炼一百多年,终于实破了外罡!“ The Aaron facial expression rouses, but after rousing, such, but decided secretly, must go to the flowered building to congratulate well. 亚伦神情振奋,但振奋过后,也就那样子了,只是暗自决定,要去花楼好好庆贺一番。 At this time the intention moves, fishes out two gu insects from the sleeve. 此时心念一动,从袖中摸出两只蛊虫。 These two gu insect all over the body pure white like jade, has some skeleton traces, is he himself deduces the gu side, the sacrifice refining up, but changed/easy Gugu ‚! 这两只蛊虫一只通体洁白如玉,带着些骨骼纹路,乃是他自己推演蛊方,祭炼而出的易骨蛊‘! Another just like the ladybug, is all over the body dark, the aura is gloomy, is the Aaron conveniently refinementcollects breath gu ‚! 另外一只宛若瓢虫,通体黝黑,气息晦暗,是亚伦随手炼制的‘敛息蛊‘! In these dozens years, the experience failure, he investigated to refine innumerable finally spatially these two gu insects. 这数十年中,经历无数次失败,他终空究是将这两种蛊虫都炼成了。 At this time magic power moves, first summoned some clear water, washed well, then refine to melt two gu insects. 此时法力一动,先召唤来一些清水,好好洗漱一番,然后就炼化了两只蛊虫。 Andchanged/easy Guxu moves to hit the skeletal age, but can also revise the height face skeleton quite dry weight to send height big changed appearance absolutely not to have of trace while convenient newly 其中‘易骨需调撞骨龄,还可以顺带修改身高面部骨骼相当干重新发身长大般易容还是完全没有痕迹的那种 But collects the breath gu besides restraining cultivation base, most important is calculates to change the aura, has to cover up the wonder of one's manner while in office and in retirement. 而敛息蛊除了收敛修为之外,最重要的则是算改气息,颇有遮掩行藏之妙。 The most important thing is, after these two gu insects refine, fuses together with Aaron, is ordinary just like the flesh four limbs, can by Aaron within the body develops a day of gu to regard as a body asylum, simultaneously obtains is not calculating the effect. 最重要的是,这两只蛊虫炼化之后,就与亚伦融为一体,宛若血肉四肢一般,可以被亚伦体内的演天蛊视为一体庇护,同时获得不在算中的效果。 This lets be seen flaw possibly was smaller. 这就让被看出破绽的可能更小了。 Aaron refining up to melt changed/easy Gugu, the face skeleton immediately a creeping motion, gradually has changed for several points, turned into a good-looking few Toshiro, aura also fell from outside astral, turned into ordinary ordinary people. 亚伦炼化易骨蛊,脸部骨骼顿时一阵蠕动,已经略微改变数分,变成了一个俊俏的少年郎,身上的气息也从外罡一路下跌,变成了一个普通的凡夫俗子。 After completing all these, he changed homespun cloth clothes, at the back of the package, had/left the cave mansion, arrives at odd/surplus Kangzhen. 做完这一切之后,他才换了一身粗布衣服,背着个包裹,出了洞府,来到余亢镇。 Half idle hall. 半闲堂。 Now is damaged, one group of chaotic soldiers transited initially, the doctor and medicinal herb robbed, understands to select the medical technique young lads not to let off continually, only leaves behind some old, weak, sick, and disabled to support by strenuous efforts 如今早已破败不堪,当初一伙乱兵过境,将大夫与药材都抢走了,连懂点医术的童子都没放过,只留下一些老弱病残苦苦支撑 Under by the present, had eaten on did not have. 到了如今,已经是吃了上顿没下顿。 Aaron walked inquisitively, askingis half idle hall Fang Family? „ 亚伦探头探脑地走了进来,问道“可是半闲堂方家?“ A granny walked, facial features witheredyoung man, who are you? „ 一个老婆婆走了出来,面容枯槁“后生,你是谁?“ I am Xiaonanshan two, my name was side Bida! „ “我是小南山二房的,我叫方必达!“ Aaron touches the head, is puzzled replied thick. 亚伦摸了摸脑袋,惑厚地回答。 Originally is in two person, must the character generation, feel sorry for your brother relatives, is seized by the soldier bandit who that day killed. „ “原来是二房中人,必字辈,可怜你这一干兄弟族亲,都被那天杀的兵匪抓走了啊。“ The grannies listened, is wailscalculates the rank, I am your aunt! „ 老婆婆听了,就是嚎啕大哭“算辈分,我还是你婶婶呢!“ Aunt must be extremely sad not, their heaven protects the good, can always turn bad luck into good. „ “婶婶莫要太过悲伤,他们吉人天相,总能逢凶化吉。“ Aaron saw that several small heads searched from the granny behind, will wrap the matter to open hastily, takes out several dry rations, gives these tiny tots. 亚伦看到几个小脑袋从老婆婆身后探了出来,连忙将包事打开,取出几块干粮,递给那些小不点。 They received immediately, ate greedily. 他们一个个立即接过,狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。 Aaron calmly thinks so, but also is smiling comfortslow point to eat, be not choking...... „ 亚伦就这么静静看着,还笑着安慰“慢点吃,别噎着了……“ He comes at this time, naturally must represent two to bargain-hunt, becomes half idle hall to be authentic. 他此时过来,自然是要代表二房抄底,重新成为半闲堂正宗的。 In any case senior branch like this, but also who can prevent him to be inadequate? 反正大房都这样了,还有谁能阻止他不成? Seriously is four ten years the river goes east, four ten years the river goes west...... 当真是四十年河东,四十年河西…… However this matter is not anxious. 不过这件事不急。 Aaron also exchanged greetings, had/left half idle hall, walked in the ruined town, slowly close to Li Family. 亚伦又寒暄一阵,出了半闲堂,行走于破败的镇子上,慢悠悠靠近李家 Li Family was snatched several times, is ruined, only the several other people also support in the home by strenuous efforts. 李家被抢了几次,也早就破败下来,只余下几个人还在祖宅中苦苦支撑。 At this moment, the Aaron eye moves suddenly, looks up. 就在这时,亚伦忽然眼睛一动,抬头望去。 The horizon hears the sound of sharp voice suddenly, subsequently is together aquamarine sword light. 天际忽然传来裂帛之声,继而就是一道碧绿色的剑光 This aquamarine sword light shook in the midair, falls into the Li Family hotel, then had several people to depart. 这碧绿色的剑光在半空中晃了一圈,就落入李家宅邸,然后带着几人离去了。 He counted on the fingers, suddenly shouted abuseLi Rubi your Immortal Person board board...... to enter the side door in the heart, now made side door Sword Immortal, outmigrated the family members travels? „ 他掐指一算,忽然就在心中破口大骂“李如璧你个仙人板板……到底还是入了旁门,如今做了旁门剑仙,就将家人都迁走跑路了么?“ Although this prevents the good way that the bat Duke continues to seek revenge, but planning of Aaron may on wasted effort! 这虽然是预防蝙蝠公继续寻仇的好办法,但亚伦的谋算可就竹篮打水一场空了啊!
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