TOTM :: Volume #10

#928: Nine revolutions of magic treasure( 4600 make up)

Six internal organs, for guts, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, urinary bladder and triple burners! 六腑者,是为胆、胃、小肠、大肠、膀胱、三焦! Since Aaron since the triple burners practice, is the guts and stomach...... 亚伦自三焦练起,然后是胆、胃…… When the triple burners finished concise, his incarnationside Tianzealso over 30 years old, heard the news of local products inscription death. 三焦凝练完毕之时,他化身的‘方天择‘也三十多岁,听到了方物铭逝世的消息。 Then courage major accomplishment, entire odd/surplus Kangzhen has no important matter, besides his once again finding a wife fresh female...... 接着胆气大成,整个余亢镇并无什么大事,除了他又一次娶妻生女之外…… When stomach air/Qi concise to minor accomplishment, he is50advanced age! 当将胃气凝练至小成之时,他已经是‘五十‘高龄! Li Family. 李家 In the past Li Rubi left to seek the immortal, from the beginning also has come back several times, left behind a son. 当年李如璧出走求仙,一开始还回来过几次,留下了一个儿子。 By the present, this sons were long the major accomplishment person, marriage and having child. 到了如今,这儿子都长大成人,结婚生子了。 But Li Rubi instead makes an appearance fewer and fewer, at this time has been close for ten years not to make an appearance. 而李如璧反而露面越来越少,此时已经接近十年没有露面。 Even if the son gets married, has not come to see one. 纵然儿子成家,都没来看过一眼。 This lets Li Family and Zhang Family people is extremely discontented, thought that this person has sought the immortal to seek the demon to be startled. 这让李家张家的人都非常不满,觉得此人已经求仙求魔怔了。 Aaron has no idle talk actually, he had seen one side Li Rubi before from afar, only thought that this person quite brings the vicissitudes, immediately knows to seek the immortal is not easy to live, cannot extremely castigate. 亚伦倒是没什么闲话,他之前远远见过李如璧一面,只觉得此人已经颇带沧桑,顿时就知晓求仙也不是个容易活,不能太过苛责。 Was good also very has because of him drank Li Rubi son's celebration drink patiently, then continued to cultivate every day, the cultivation entertainment... 好在他也挺有耐心喝了李如璧儿子的喜酒,然后继续每日耕作、修炼娱乐… In peaceful room. 静室之内。 Aaron spouts malignant influences, is offering a sacrifice to refine own Profound Valley bead magic tool. 亚伦喷出一口煞气,正在祭炼自己的玄牝法器 He has arrived at the congealing ghost peak now, simply enters did not have to enter, every day sits in meditation Qi Refining magic power, basically invested above the Profound Valley bead and golden snake hook, refine these two treasure further sacrifices. 他如今已经到了凝煞巅峰,根本进无可进,每日打坐炼气法力,基本都投入在了玄牝珠与金蛇钩之上,将这两件宝贝进一步祭炼。 The gu insect has nine to refine! 蛊虫有九炼! flying sword also nine refine similarly! 飞剑同样也有九炼! Is tall Lian flying sword is rare, even the sword cultivator first treasure! 越是高炼的飞剑越是难得,甚至可谓剑修第一奇珍! In practicing in Sword Immortal, under chain of contempt, that is six refining up flying sword, is not flying sword, calculates an sword-shaped at most magic tool! 在修行界剑仙之中,还有一个鄙视链,那就是六炼之下的飞剑,都算不上飞剑,顶多算一件剑形的法器! Six refine above, is proper dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword! 只有六炼以上,才算正经的仙家飞剑! The Profound Valley bead is magic treasure, has nine revolutions of division. 玄牝珠是法宝,有着九转之分。 Various various factions, the sacrifice refining up the magic tool technique quite to have the difference, cannot be generally spoken, therefore discussed...... magic treasure also to cultivation by the might to result in the relationship of form and spirit to be all wonderful, was started by one revolution, nine revolutions highest! „ “各门各派,祭炼法器的手法都颇有不同,不能一概而论,因此都是以威力论……法宝也要修炼得形神皆妙,由一转开始,九转最高!“ Aaron is stroking the Profound Valley bead, slightly somewhat sighed. 亚伦抚摸着玄牝珠,略有些叹息。 Treasure that this gold/metal Daoist working wholeheartedly sacrifice refining up, in fact also four revolutions. 这件金道人呕心沥血祭炼的宝贝,实际上也就四转罢了。 The magic treasure function is different, the Profound Valley bead happen to can immobilize gold/metal Cangu, is every man has his master. 只是法宝功能不同,玄牝珠正好能钳制金蚕蛊,乃是一物降一物。 As for golden snake hook? 至于金蛇钩? This Shen Xuehang refining up on laboriously side door flying sword, four refine! 这口沈雪行辛苦炼就的旁门飞剑,也才四炼! This is because of that variation golden snake Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality and scale, the skeleton refining up into reason, otherwise, the big probability comes, be only three refine! 这还是因为将那头异种金蛇的内丹、鳞片,骨骼都炼入其中的缘故,否则的话,大概率出炉只有三炼! This regardless of flying sword or magic treasure, the sacrifice refining up, needs the levigation time of person of spiritual cultivation, every day consumes magic power...... „ “这不论飞剑还是法宝,祭炼起来,都需要修道之人的水磨功夫,每天消耗法力……“ And, is closely linked with realm. „ “并且,也与境界息息相关。“ Golden Pill Ancestral Master, consumes dozens years and even hundred years of painstaking effort, collects the material laboriously, can always refine flying sword that six refine! „ “一位金丹宗师,耗费数十年乃至百年苦功,辛苦搜集材料,总能炼出一口六炼的飞剑!“ Changes into Sword Immortal of profound light/only boundary, which uncle is the same material with building up the swordsman law, perhaps takes several hundred years of time, but may also not the achievement six refine..., „ “换成玄光境的剑仙,哪伯是同样的材料与炼剑手法,或许就要数百年功夫,还不一定能成就六炼…,“ As for the congealing ghost with outside astral...... basically flying sword or six revolutions of magic treasure that is unlikely the sacrifice to refine six to refine...... their life is too unexpectedly short, only if school masters and disciples relays, but must gathering numerous Ascetic collaborate the sacrifice to refine, consumption over a thousand years, can offer a sacrifice to refine over six revolutions town/subdues faction magic treasure! „ “至于凝煞与外罡……基本是不太可能祭炼出六炼的飞剑或者六转法宝的……竟他们寿元太短,除非是一个门派师徒接力,还要集合众多修士联手祭炼,耗费个上千年,才能祭炼出一件六转以上的镇派法宝来!“ gold/metal Cangu has five to refine, is ten thousand gu Daoist immortals tries another method, a gold/metal Daoist luck. 金蚕蛊有五炼,已经是万蛊真君另辟蹊径,还有金道人一点运气。 Develops a day of gu to have eight to refine, is completely the Aaron blood sacrifice a oneself 1 million years of life, was the exceptional case in exceptional case cannot be generally spoken. 演天蛊有八炼,完全是亚伦血祭了自身百万年寿元,都是特例中的特例不能一概而论。 But even if is only left over gold/metal Cangu, Profound Valley bead and golden snake hook... Aaron this congealing ghost Ascetic, can be possible be called rich and powerful people in loose cultivator. 而纵然只剩下金蚕蛊、玄牝珠、金蛇钩…亚伦这个凝煞修士,也能堪称一声散修中的富豪了。 Just, Aaron is unsatisfied. 只不过,亚伦还并不满意。 He results in Shen Xuehang say/way book now, the golden snake hook may also the sacrifice refine unobstructive, is thinking refining up slowly these two magic tool sacrifices. 他如今得了沈雪行的道书,金蛇钩也可祭炼无碍,就想着将这两件法器都慢慢祭炼上去。 After all his side door magic power, does not amount to something, in the future must say that the rejection discards. 毕竟他这一身旁门法力,着实不上台面,日后也是要说舍弃就舍弃的。 Reason that does not discard now, doesn't idle is being all right? 之所以现在不废掉,不是闲着没事么? Let alone, has one point of strength, is good. 更何况,拥有一分力量,也是好的。 When without this side door magic power, previous time deceives the bat Duke slaughter more than several is high, he is unable Yin to keep off, can only look on that entire village turns into the world certainly, the car(riage) from the mouth must really unlucky! 若是没有这一身旁门法力,上次骗蝠公屠数余亢之时,他就根本无法阴挡,只能坐视整个小镇都变成人间绝地,甚车自口都要连带着倒霉! And, in the future the skill can discard, but magic treasure may own. 并且,日后功力可以废掉,但法宝可都还是自己的。 If the sacrifice refining up a level higher, that value was bigger. 若是祭炼得更上一层楼,那价值就更大了。 Aaron shot a look at an attribute column 亚伦瞥了一眼属性栏 Age 139 【年龄139】 In an instant, did I offer a sacrifice to refine these two magic tool to have hundred years? The feeling also was almost the time. „ “转眼之间,我祭炼这两件法器都有百年了吧?感觉也差不多是时候了。“ Pitifully, if I am outside astral even am unreliable light/only Ascetic, that most ten years can refine the previous revolution their sacrifice! „ “可惜了,若我是外罡甚至玄光修士,那最多数十年就能将它们都祭炼上一转!“ „ Since is also insufficient to rub to run. „ “也不至于搓跑至今。“ Aaron thinks of here, is magic power, spurts above the golden snake hook. 亚伦想到这里,又是一口法力,喷在金蛇钩之上。 Resulted in this dao method strength, the golden snake hook humming sound sounded suddenly, sends out to spurt the bright sword cry! 得了这一道法力,金蛇钩蓦然嗡嗡鸣叫,发出喷亮的剑鸣! Its all over the body golden color circulation, that golden scales just like living came general, rustle the vibration, changes into a golden small snake suddenly, circles around Aaron. 它通体金色流转,那一枚枚金色鳞片宛若活了过来一般,簌簌抖动,蓦然化为一条金色小蛇,绕着亚伦盘旋一圈。 The sword light air-splitting, concise incomparable , to promote to refine to five impressively! 剑光破空,凝练无比,赫然提升至五炼! Aaron catches the small snake , had the gold thread careful sword silk to be pulled by him conveniently together, brings the sharpness of pinnacle! 亚伦接住小蛇,随手一拉,就有一道金线般的细细剑丝被他扯了出来,带着极致的锋锐! Refining up sword to become trace/strand? “炼剑成丝? Aaron thought in the middle of that half side door sword mudra, some respectable swordsmanship realm. 亚伦想到了那半部旁门剑诀当中,推崇备至的某个剑道境界 battle strength between Sword Immortal, besides cultivation method and realm and flying sword quality, was to look at the sword technique height. 剑仙之间的战力,除了功法境界飞剑好坏之外,就是要看剑术高低了。 But refining up sword to become trace/strand, is profound sword technique realm. 而炼剑成丝,就是一个高深的剑术境界 In addition, the sword moves thunder sound, sword light to split up, person the sword to unite well-illuminated, sword heart wait/etc...... 除此之外,还有剑动雷音、剑光分化、人剑合一、剑心通明等等…… It can be said that each card plants the realm Sword Immortal knight-errant swordsman, is the true swordsmanship talent! 可以说,每一个证就此种境界剑仙剑侠,都是真正的剑道天才! Aaron naturally is not the talent. 亚伦自然不是什么天才。 He has too many vision experiences, understands the spirit snake swordsmanship hundred years, practice makes perfect. 他只是拥有太多的眼光见识,又熟习灵蛇剑法百年,熟能生巧罢了。 „, When promoting flying sword, but can also refine sword to become trace/strand conveniently! „ “没想到,在提升飞剑之时,还能顺手炼剑成丝!“ This sword qi is very sharp, again golden snake hook that coordinates this five to refine, even if the profound light Ascetic profound light guard, could cut broken! „ “此种剑气无比锋利,再配合这口五炼的金蛇钩,纵然玄光修士的玄光护身,都说不定能够斩破!“ Sword Immortal rules by force first , because can jump the ranks to fight! 剑仙之所以器张霸道第一,就是因为能越级而战! Aaron a golden snake hook in the hand, feels side door outside astral Ascetic at this time, did not pay attention. 亚伦此时一口金蛇钩在手,感觉旁门的外罡修士,也不怎么放在眼里了。 Even if these are really air/Qi profound light Ascetic that the quality cannot withstand, might as well be able to fight! 纵然那些真气品质不堪的玄光修士,也未尝不能一战! Good! „ “甚好!“ After holding appreciatively a golden snake hook, he also took the Profound Valley bead, decided that in the future the special sacrifice will build up this broken bead. 把玩了一番金蛇钩之后,他又将玄牝珠拿了出来,决定日后专门祭炼这枚破珠子。 Four revolutions of magic tool promotion to five revolutions, the difficulty are not too actually high. 四转法器提升至五转,其实难度还不算太高。 Real difficult, is five revolutions of promotion to six revolutions, just like carp Dragon Gate. 真正艰难的,是五转提升至六转,宛若鲤鱼越龙门。 flying sword five refine the breakthrough to six to refine, is the peerless treasure, true dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword. 飞剑五炼突破至六炼,就是绝世奇珍,真正的仙家飞剑 magic tool by five revolutions to six revolutions, from the magic tool promotion is magic treasure, may suppress the school destiny! 法器由五转至六转,就是从法器晋升为法宝,可镇压门派气数! Aaron has not thought promotes gold/metal Candu, is this truth, the price is too big, his realm is too low, a lot of years are not necessarily able become! 亚伦根本就没想过提升金蚕蠹,也是这个道理,代价太大,他境界太低,千百年都未必能成!
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