TOTM :: Volume #10

#927: Raises

Xiaonanshan. 小南山。 Aaron incarnationside Tianze ‚, is brandishing the hoe farm. 亚伦化身的‘方天择‘,正在挥舞锄头种地。 Has saying that made that long spirit farmer, he comes ordinary crops, is completely a sure thing, regardless of the rice wheat and even the vegetables, is long quick and good. 不得不说,做了那么久的灵农,他来种普通庄稼,完全是手拿把掐,不论稻麦乃至菜蔬,都长得又快又好。 Let the farmers in nearby areas commend that „ Fang Family boy, does not farm badly! „ 让十里八乡的农夫都纷纷称赞“方家小子,种地不差!“ First when hears this appraisal, the Aaron complexion somewhat is really black. 初次听到这个评价之时,亚伦的脸色着实有些黑。 However thinks also to endure. 不过想了想也就忍了。 He prepares when these people enter the tomb, goes to above their tomb to tell the water again. 他准备等到这些人一个个都进坟墓之时,再去他们墓地之上吐口水。 Really grave mound jumps JPG 真・坟头蹦迪・JPG Although Xiaonanshan is common, but geomancy as if also good, the above tomb are very many. 小南山虽然一般,但风水似乎还不错,上面的墓地挺多的。 When let Aaron carries the hoe each time, always has a hand itchy feeling. 亚伦每次扛着锄头经过之时,总有一种手痒感。 ‚...... this eminence will not have the style, transferring the duty becomes touches gold/metal Xiaowei...... ‘不过……本座可不会那么没有格调,转职成为摸金校尉…… What does the grave of mortal have to be good to pull out? Must dig must dig Ascetic even Immortal Person! ‘凡人的墓有什么好掏的?要挖就得挖修士甚至仙人的! Outside Aaron carries the hoe, gets home, since daily fixed two double-hour cultivation link. 亚伦扛着锄头,回到自己家,进入每日固定的两个时辰修炼环节。 At this time, his progress had arrived at the triple burners in six internal organs! 此时,他的进度已经到了六腑中的三焦! The six internal organs do not have the specific order actually, can cultivation as one desires, and progress slightly is also difficult. 六腑倒是没有特定顺序,可以随心修炼,并且进度也略加艰难。 Probably about 22 years, can cultivation one fully, but six internal organs. 大概十一二年左右,才可以修炼满一但六腑。 Aaron calculates sketchily, oneself cultivates major accomplishment the breathing one's last of number Five Viscera and Six Bowels, at least must consume more than 150 years of time. 亚伦粗略一算,自己将五脏六腑之气尽数修炼大成,起码得耗费一百五十多年时光。 This grade of life, congealing ghost Ascetic does not eat life-extending spirit pill, died early especially, the bone must melt...... „ “这等寿元,凝煞修士不吃延寿灵丹,早特么死了,骨头都要化掉……“ However expenditure more than 150 years, close to three sixty-year cycle time, to let me can promote outside astral...... „ “而花费这一百五十多年,接近三个甲子的时间,也只是为了让我能晋升外罡而已……“ Changes into the gu insect, but four refine the level, must know that gold/metal Cangu have five to refine! „ “换成蛊虫,不过四炼层次,要知道就连金蚕蛊都有五炼呢!“ Initially, the gold/metal Daoist is its cultivation base is too low, cannot control gold/metal Cangu, conceived a plan to cultivation Profound Valley bead magic tool, to tame this gu. 当初,金道人就是本身修为太低,驾驭不住金蚕蛊,才起意要修炼一颗玄牝法器,以驯服此蛊。 If gave him really to tame gold/metal Cangu, that also calculated in the middle of the side door, the illustrious expert, may call one one- gu immortal! 若给他真的驯服了金蚕蛊,那也算旁门当中,赫赫有名的高手了,可称一声一-蛊仙! The mortals are ignorant, see profound light/only Ascetic to be able the mortal body flight, the governing sword across the sky, called it on by Sword Immortal! 凡人愚昧,见到玄光修士能肉身飞行,御剑横空,就以剑仙称之! The gold/metal Daoist by the gu insect can being a worthy opponent profound light, call a gu immortal also no reason why not. 金道人以蛊虫能匹敌玄光,称呼一声蛊仙也未尝不可。 Did to...... met Aaron this unreasonable goods. 奈何……遇到了亚伦这个不讲道理的货色。 Not only oneself body dies, even inherits with gold/metal Cangu, all cheap Aaron. 不仅自己身死,连传承与金蚕蛊,都尽数便宜了亚伦 At night. 夜晚。 Aaron depending on the air/Qi governing wind, great cultivator is floating, leaps the hundred zhang (333 m) in the midair, in the person by the ordinary martial arts world looks at nimble art that must stare dumbfounded, arrived at Li Family. 亚伦凭气御风,大修飘飘,在半空中一跃百丈,以普通武林中人看了要瞠目结舌的轻功,来到了李家 Li Family family residence, in backyard. 李家家宅,后院之内。 Li Rubi is training hard " Hundred Yang Record » on movements earnestly. 李如璧正埋头苦练《百阳图录》上的动作。 His natural talent is intelligent, naturally can see this «Hundred Yang Record» compared with his Zhang Family handed down in the family martial art exquisite ten times and hundred times...... 他天资聪颖,自然看得出这《百阳图录》比他的张家家传武学精妙十倍、百倍…… Now after ten years of self-torture, has practiced purely this merit is pure. 如今经过十年苦修,早已将此功修炼得纯之又纯。 Today when exercises martial arts, suddenly resulted in an inspiration, within the body walked on air/Qi violent of being ready to make trouble suddenly, across all the limbs and bones, 12 proper, starts to attack strange after eight lineage/vein final, no matter what supervises two lineage/vein! 今日练功之时,忽然得了一股灵机,体内原本就蠢蠢欲动的内气骤然暴走,穿过四肢百骸,十二正经,开始冲击奇经八脉最后的任督二脉! Bang! 轰隆一声! Li Rubi only thinks that in within the body hundred holes sound together, in air/Qi actually no matter what will supervise two lineage/vein body penetrations, intersected with the world, entered the boundary of Early Heaven! 李如璧只觉体内百窍齐鸣,内气竟而将任督二脉一体贯通,与天地相交,入了先天之境! The boundary of Early Heaven 10%, he feels in dantian, were many to do Yang Zhenqi. 先天之境10%,他就觉得丹田之内,多了一股乾阳真气。 This is really air/Qi continuously, if saves, pure incomparable, the revolution obligation to be all pleasant. 此真气绵绵若存、精纯无比、运转驱使无不如意。 He stands up, arrives at a pond, a finger ball. 他站起身,来到一处池塘边,手指一弹。 Is really mad just like extremely tenacious fish line, submerges in the pool of water, not long, fished a 56 jin (0.5 kg) red carp. 一丝真气就宛若极其坚韧的鱼线,没入池水之中,没有多久,就将一条五六斤的红鲤鱼钓了出来。 Congealing air/Qi the silk...... „ “凝气成丝……“ Li Rubi is muttering „, even if Early Heaven Ancestral Master in martial arts world, is not necessarily able to achieve? As soon as I enter Early Heaven to be able so, this «Hundred Yang Record», perhaps is not the martial arts world rare book, but is the dwelling place of celestial beings method! In the past was that person, actually who? Why can give me this chance? „ 李如璧喃喃着“纵然武林中的先天宗师,也未必能做到吧?我一入先天便可如此,这《百阳图录》,恐怕不是什么武林秘籍,而是仙家法门!当年那人,究竟是谁?为何要给我这机缘?“ In fact, Li Rubi does not know, oneself refining up «Hundred Yang Record», has laid the vigorous incomparable foundation, does Yang Zhenqi, enters three! 实际上,李如璧并不知道,自己炼成《百阳图录》,已经奠定了雄浑无比的根基,一身乾阳真气,直入三品! Can let do side door loose cultivator, even the demon two ordinary disciples, looked to be jealous, envy to want. 能让一干旁门散修,甚至正魔两家的普通弟子,都看了眼红、嫉妒欲死。 Moreover, this does Yang Zhenqi also to transform any to be really mad, therefore then regardless of transfer and cultivate any cultivation method, is smooth, is not slightly the time-comsuming. 不仅如此,这乾阳真气还能转化成任何真气,因此接下来不论转修任何功法,都是流畅之极,不费丝毫功夫。 Naturally, looks like in Aaron, so-called «Hundred Yang Record» can link up with any dwelling place of celestial beings method, somewhat is slightly exaggerating. 当然,在亚伦看来,所谓《百阳图录》能与任何仙家法门衔接,略有些夸张。 Essentially, the use does Yang Zhenqi to reach as high as three characteristics, if goes to transfer and cultivate these less than or equal to three product Zhenqi cultivation method, naturally has nothing disadvantageously. 本质上,还是利用乾阳真气高达三品的特性,若是去转修那些低于或等于三品真气的功法,自然无有不利。 But if frequently refining up with these on one and two product Jue takes seriously the demon true inheritance engagement of air/Qi, in fact beyond one's reach. 但若要与那些动辄炼就一品、二品绝顶真气的正魔真传衔接,实际上还是力有未逮的。 This is really air/Qi the quality the disparity! 这就是真气品质的差距! At this time, Li Rubi breaks through, actually without discovering Aaron stands on the roof, calmly looks at him to install to compel. 此时,李如璧突破,却没发现亚伦就站在房顶上,静静望着他装逼。 Really, I days before saw this person, even must break through to him...... ‘果然,我前几日见到此人,就算到他应当突破了…… Now, Li Rubi in martial arts, has exceeded the ancestor comprehensively, even when exceeded Early Heaven me ‘如今,李如璧在武功上,已经全面超越了祖先,甚至超越了先天之时的我 The heresy, really said the way difficultly...... 旁门左道,果然道途艰难…… Aaron sighed secretly. 亚伦暗自叹息一声。 Hundred poisons are really air/Qi many Ninth Grade, even if refining up the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, by the accumulation foundation, selects for promotion is really air/Qi the magic power quality , can only in next three spin, high seventh! 百毒真气最多九品,纵然炼成五脏六腑蛊,以增厚根基,拔升真气法力品质,也只能在下三品中打转,最高不过第七品! But does Yang Zhenqi, the casualness has three! 而乾阳真气,随随便便就有三品! Li Rubi just achievement Early Heaven, can concise Early Heaven be really mad for the tenacious filament, fishes the big fish. 李如璧刚刚成就先天,就能凝练先天真气为坚韧的细丝,钓起大鱼。 Changed into Aaron just to break through Early Heaven that meeting, killed him unable to achieve! 换成亚伦刚刚突破先天那会,杀了他都做不到! Really...... this world has good cultivation method, quite heavy hat: Oneself “果然……此世有个好功法,相当重帽:己 Entry-level cultivation method was so, do not say the later inheritance. „ “一本入门级的功法都是如此,更不要说之后传承了。“ I should do obeisance into Daoism to be authentic. „ “我还是应该拜入玄门正宗。“ Li Rubi, you should. „ “李如璧,你该出发了。“ Aaron muttered one, suddenly the figure moved, just like a big bird, swooped under. 亚伦喃喃一声,忽然身形一动,宛若一只大鸟,飞扑而下。 He has covered up the figure, at this time also only used the real air/Qi of Early Heaven rank. 他早已遮掩了身形,此时也只动用了先天级别的真气。 The bonus is so, does he fight the experience to be rich? 饶是如此,他战斗经验何等丰富? An eagle claw grasps, Li Rubi body the place of ruler, has the tornado to sweep across on Wednesday suddenly, by the claw wind noise, was formed a small dragon volume. 一手鹰爪抓出,李如璧身周三尺之地,蓦然就有旋风席卷,被爪风干扰,形成一个小小的龙卷。 Who is? „ “是谁?“ Li Rubi the rehearsal a it was really just mad, from self-satisfied, saw suddenly a black-clothed person swoops, a pair of eagle claw merit, is repeatedly tempered simply, incurs the move not to leave the strategic point, immediately was so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat. 李如璧刚刚试演了一番本身真气,正自得意,冷不防就见到一个黑衣人飞扑下来,一双鹰爪功,简直千锤百炼,招招不离要害,顿时被惊出一身冷汗。 The bonus is he dodges quickly, on the clothes was also ripped open together the opening, appears inside snow white belly, is almost the catastrophe of opening up the stomach. 饶是他闪避得快,衣服上也被撕开一道豁口,现出里面雪白的肚皮,差一点就是开膛破肚的大祸。 Good evildoer! „ “好贼子!“ Li Rubi shouted angrily, the double palm transported does Yang Zhenqi fully, ejected fiercely. 李如璧怒喝一声,双掌运足乾阳真气,猛地击出。 That black-clothed person actually does not dodge does not evade, is the double palm transports/fortunes the merit, a move moves mountains, both sides really contact violent-tempered. 那个黑衣人却不闪不避,也是双掌运功,一招排山倒海,双方真气猛地接触。 Just in a flash, in Li Rubi heart appears a happy intent. 甫一瞬间,李如璧心中就浮现出一丝喜意。 Because he discovered the opponent, although the skill excels, but the inner strength quality is inferior to itself completely, doing Yang Zhenqi simply is general easily accomplished, defeated the real air/Qi of opposite party. 因为他发现对手虽然功力高强,但内力品质完全不如自己,乾阳真气简直摧枯拉朽一般,击破了对方的真气。 While he prepares in one vigorous effort , to continue to urge to get really angry, when along the enemy body destroys, suddenly the feeling is not right. 正当他准备一鼓作气,继续催动真气,沿着敌人身躯破坏之时,却蓦然感觉不对。 He has not smelled what flavor, the four limbs all were soft, at present suddenly one black. 他并未嗅到什么味道,却四肢俱都软了,眼前蓦然一黑。 „ Not good...... was my...... the poison? „ “不好……我这是……中毒了?“ In this person of skill, actually leads colorless tasteless strange poison! „ “这人功力之中,竟然带着无色无味的奇毒!“ Li Rubi retrocedes several steps, turns very quiet, the revolution does Yang Zhenqi silently, only thinks that the stove real air/Qi walks randomly the whole body meridians together, the original uncomfortableness completely all dissipates. 李如璧后退数步,屏住呼吸,默默运转乾阳真气,只觉一道火炉般的真气游走全身经脉,原本的不适感尽皆消散。 Aaron is looking at this, is quite speechless. 亚伦望着这一幕,相当无语。 Does Yang Zhenqi worthily third, is really air/Qi a space with hundred poisons, an underground, when is really Early Heaven, even if I make a move full power, is very difficult to take this person...... even side door congealing ghost Ascetic almost, perhaps by Li Rubi......! „ “乾阳真气不愧第三品,与百毒真气一个天上,一个地下,若真的是先天之时,哪怕我全力出手,都很难拿下此人……甚至差点的旁门凝煞修士,都说不定会被李如璧……了!“ Especially Aaron hundred poisonous malignant influences magic power, had reached the congealing ghost period Ascetic limit, is colorless and tasteless, does not have the shadow invisible. 特别是亚伦的百毒煞气法力,已经到了凝煞期修士的极限,无色无味,无影无形。 Is used for the Yin person, goes smoothly everywhere, even if bat Duke demon bat, was killed by poison by him. 用来阴人,无往不利,纵然蝙蝠公的魔蝠,也被他毒死了许多。 Just now although does not have to act full power, but high major realm, but also was compelled to use malignant influences by the opposite party, originally lost. 方才虽然没有全力出手,但高一个大境界,还被对方逼得动用了一点煞气,本来就是输了。 Instead looks at Li Rubi, even only depends on the itself skill to revolve, can expel the toxin to a certain extent, made Aaron speechless. 反看李如璧,甚至仅凭本身功力运转,就能一定程度上驱逐毒素,就更加令亚伦无语。 This world side door does loose cultivator, to Daoism authentic Ascetic, this/should despair? ‚ ‘此世旁门散修,对上玄门正宗修士,该多么绝望?‘ Perhaps the demon two outstanding disciples, stretch across major realm to kill the enemy, simply like potluck? ‘恐怕正魔两道出色的弟子,横跨一个大境界杀敌,简直如同家常便饭吧? Temple fierce flying sword, and even dwelling place of celestial beings 寺一口厉害飞剑,乃至仙家 o-( 84 MB, downloading 0) downloading appendix o-(84MB,下载次数0)下载附件 22 before minutes, uploads 22分钟前上传 Does magic treasure, could cross 2-3 major realm? ‚ 法宝,说不定能跨2-3个大境界?‘ ‚, With the person different lives, this was also too miserable ‘靠,同人不同命啊,这也太惨了一些 Aaron is lost in thought that has not begun, opposite Li Rubi does not dare to begin. 亚伦陷入沉思,没有动手,对面的李如璧也不敢动手。 After all, this enemy appears towering, a poisonous merit is simply immeasurably deep, is his entire life only sees! 毕竟,这敌人出现得突兀,一身毒功简直深不可测,乃是他生平仅见! Aaron recovers, counts on the fingers a ball. The golden snake hook changes into the golden flowing light to depart together, the full house walks randomly, occasionally passed over gently and swiftly a rockery, the above several thousand jin (0.5 kg) taihu stones were cut open just like the tofu equally, appears such as the plane of mirror smoothly. 亚伦回过神来,屈指一弹。金蛇钩化为一道金色流光飞出,满场游走,偶尔掠过一座假山,上面数千斤重的太湖石就宛若豆腐一样被切开,现出光滑如镜的平面。 „ Is this...... the dwelling place of celestial beings sword technique? Is it possible that are the seniors Sword Immortal? „ “这是……仙家剑术?前辈莫非是一位剑仙?“ Li Rubi forehead full is the cold sweat, a ritual arrivesdoes not know why can probe the younger generation? „ 李如璧额头满是冷汗,一礼到地“不知为何要来试探晚辈?“ He also calculates that looked, by this person of sword technique, killed him like killing the chicken. 他也算看出来了,以这人的剑术,杀他如同杀鸡。 Before actually also restrained the skill, competed martial skill with him, naturally had to test the meaning of school. 之前却还收敛功力,跟他比拼武艺,自然是有考校之意。 Can it be that...... my immortal karma came, this does Sword Immortal want to receive me to work as a disciple? ‚ ‘莫不是……我仙缘来了,这位剑仙想要收我当个弟子?‘ Read hence, Li Rubi heart bang bang jumped madly, only the difference knelt on the ground is holding the thigh of Aaron, implored urgently. 一念至此,李如璧的心就砰砰乱跳,只差跪在地上抱着亚伦的大腿,苦苦哀求。 The mortals want to look at the heart of immortal, is always so. 凡人想要望仙之心,从来都是如此。 Aaron coughs, replied „ the Li Family boy by the old sound, you good...... very good......, but you may know, you already disaster is imminent? „ 亚伦咳嗽一声,以苍老的声音回答“李家小子,你不错……很不错……但你可知,你已大祸临头?“ Also asked Immortal Person to save me! „ “还请仙人救我!“ Li Rubi knelt immediately, but also wants to go forward, grasps the thigh of Aaron. 李如璧登时跪了,还想上前,抱住亚伦的大腿。 But does Aaron manage him? 亚伦如何理他? Direct moves sideways to avoid, indifferent the bat Duke will say with the involved legal matter of Li Family ancestors in the past, before end say/way „, slaughter Li Family whole families' demon cultivator namedbat Duke, has built up unreliably light/only, is mediocre Immortal Person first-class..., when which day he recovered, knows that Li Family, you greatly not wonderful...... the old man will not act for Li Family. „ 直接一个闪身避开,淡然将当年蝙蝠公与李家先人的公案说了,末了道“之前屠了李家满门的魔修名为‘蝙蝠公,已经炼就玄光,乃是凡俗中的仙人一流…等到哪日他回过神来,知道李家仍在,你就大大不妙……老夫也不会为李家出手。“ Originally initially passed on the person of my chance, is the senior? „ “原来当初传我机缘之人,也是前辈么?“ Li Rubi feels gratefulalso asks the senior to show the right direction! „ 李如璧大为感激“还请前辈指点迷津!“ If he does not have Aaron, is unable to sneak a peek at «Hundred Yang Record», therefore also has no thoughts. 他若没有亚伦,根本无法窥见《百阳图录》,因此也没什么心思。 At this time harbors intentions, instead is the bat Duke! 此时心心念念的,反而是蝙蝠公! Not only this is the clan deep hatred, will be the future disaster! 这不仅是家族血仇,更是日后的大难! This person does not die, Li Family forever difficult secure. 此人不死,李家永远难安。 The bat Duke had said enters unreliably light/only, the life several hundreds, leave a legacy of trouble simply deeply, frequently must spread the descendants! 偏偏蝙蝠公已经道入玄光,寿元数百,简直遗祸深深,动辄就要遍及子孙! You quite have the aptitude, the old man also work as not to your Master...... “你颇有资质,老夫也当不得你的师父…… Aaron sighed, say/way „, but world had the immortal...... you to go out, hit immortal karma, price does Yang Zhenqi, the foundation was vigorous, if can enter Daoism to be authentic, could have a Immortality fruit! „ 亚伦叹息一声,道“但世间有仙……你可出门去,撞一撞仙缘,价一身乾阳真气,根基雄浑,若能入玄门正宗,说不定能有一个长生道果!“ He speaks side door loose cultivator and difference of Daoism orthodox school emphatically, so as to avoid this Li Rubi entered the pit, then flicks the sleeve, vanishes in the full institute golden light does not see. 他着重讲了讲旁门散修与玄门正宗之区别,免得这李如璧入了坑,然后就一拂袖,在满院金光之中消失不见。 Li Rubi looked again , did there also find the Immortal Master trace? Only can knock several knocks to the airmany thanks the Immortal Master direction...... „ 李如璧再看,又那里还找到仙师踪影?只能对着空气磕了几个响头“多谢仙师指点……“ Today saw really Sword Immortal, his heart is fiery, has decided to go out tomorrow seeks the immortal to ask! 今日见了真剑仙,他心头火热无比,已经决定明日就出门寻仙问道! In farmhouse. 农舍之中。 Is mistaken asSword ImmortalAaron, however is sitting down leisurely, made pot tea to oneself. 被误认为是‘剑仙‘的亚伦,正施施然坐下,给自己泡了一壶茶水。 I may not have half character deceit, all said is the truth! ‚ ‘我可没有半字欺骗,说得全是实话!‘ Bat Duke is the Li Family big trouble, must except for good, if can attract Righteous Way few heroes, does not need me to work as ‘蝙蝠公乃李家大患,总得除了才好若能引来正道少侠们,就不用我去当 The bat Duke inexorable fate, was this good? ‚ 蝙蝠公的劫数了,这多好?‘ How immortal cultivation realm does not know the water depth, first makes Li Rubi search to explore the way. 修仙界也不知水深如何,就先让李如璧探探路吧。 …… This Li Rubi time, even if side door loose cultivator the generation of congealing ghost is also not necessarily able to take. 这李如璧一身功夫,纵然旁门散修的凝煞之辈也未必能拿下。 And by its foundation, if some Daoism authentic Immortal Master saw, having greatly may be very excited, receives disciple. 并且以其根基,若是有玄门正宗的仙师看到,有很大可能会心动,收个徒儿。 Aaron can wait for slowly, sits idle and enjoys the fruits. 亚伦就可以慢慢等待,坐享其成了。 And, a Early Heaven expert, not possible to be plotted against by the rivers and lakes ganef, the probability of buckle is very low. 并且,一个先天高手,怎么也不可能被江湖宵小暗算,折损的概率很低。 How to plant to train a heroic unit, then took away the map regarded the feeling? ‘怎么有种培养了一个英雄单位,然后拿去开地图的既视感? Aaron shows a faint smile, complains one. 亚伦微微一笑,吐槽一句。 Aaron shows a faint smile, complains one. 亚伦微微一笑,吐槽一句。 Subsequently, he starts to study diligently refining up the technique of gu. 继而,他开始钻研炼蛊之术。 Regarding «ten thousand Gushu», he undergoes year after year study and research...... thoroughly cooked in heart. 对于《万蛊书》,他经过长年累月的钻研、研究……可谓已烂熟于心。 Ten thousand gu Daoist immortals can try another method, makes him quite admire actually. 万蛊真君能另辟蹊径,倒是让他颇为佩服。 But now, he prepares to deduce refinement method of brand-new gu insect. 而如今,他准备推演出一种全新蛊虫的炼制之法 This brand-new gu insect, named- ‚ changed/easy Gugu ‚! 这只全新蛊虫,名为--‘易骨蛊‘! By the body of gu insect, carrying/sustaining magic technique and even all sorts of special effect, is ten thousand gu Daoist immortals refining up the gu the essence...... ‘以蛊虫之身,承载法术乃至种种特效,便是万蛊真君炼蛊的精髓…… I, although does not prepare to pick up the Bright Jade Mudra time......, but jade bones divine ability, regarding covering up the skeletal age has the effect, cannot give up, not, if by a gu insect carrying/sustaining...... then, can camouflage the age., ‘我虽然不准备重新捡起明玉诀的功夫……但其中的玉骨神通,对于遮掩骨龄颇有效果,还是不能放弃,不若以一只蛊虫承载……然后,就可以伪装年龄了。、 Aaron deduces, feels quite feasible. 亚伦推演一番,觉得颇为可行。 And, has roughly exploredchanged/easy Gugu ‚ the gu side, only misses begins to refine personally, then learned the lessons in the failure. 并且,已经大体探索出‘易骨蛊‘的蛊方,只差亲自动手炼制,然后在失败中总结经验了。 Then, I mix in the Daoism authentic plan, many a point assurance...... “如此一来,我混入玄门正宗的计划,又多了一点把握…… As for covering skill? „ “至于掩盖功力?“ Bah...... this tattered magic power, what is also worth? Not if all cultivation dispersal, discards considers as finished...... „ “啊呸……这点破烂法力,又值得什么?不若全部散功,废掉算了……“ Aaron was really air/Qi magic power to oneself one, but also was somewhat a pity slightly. 原本亚伦对自己一身真气法力,还略微有些可惜。 But after today fights, he knows that the Ninth Grade hundred poisons are really mad, is waste! 但今日一战之后,他就知道九品的百毒真气,就是个废! For this magic power, but must consume massive thoughts to cover, instead is not beautiful. 为了这点法力,还要耗费大量心思掩盖,反而不美。 After all Daoism authentic dao method, being fastidious purely is also pure, once heterogeneous, disadvantageous magical skill. 毕竟玄门正宗的道法,讲究纯之又纯,一旦驳杂,就不利道行。
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