TOTM :: Volume #10

#926: Adopts the chance( 4400 make up)

In bedroom. 卧房中。 Aaron sits cross-legged to sit. „ Develops a day of gu! „ „ Way plum blossom changed/easy number/count! „ 亚伦盘膝而坐。“演天蛊!““方式梅花易数!“ The Aaron finger flutters unceasingly. His Bo Caibai family/home manager. Revolves in light of law of the deduction the fifty god technique creates. 亚伦手指不断翻飞。将他博采百家所长。结合大衍神术所创出的一门推演之法运转起来。 Moreover, in the wink of an eye, burnt several hundred years of life. „ Other did not result matters, pass? „ „ Li Family also has a slim chance of survival actually..., but I, if becomes the bat Duke inexorable fate on own initiative, his hanger-on can suffer a disaster? „ Read hence, Aaron sighed, received magic technique. 不仅如此,更是瞬息之间,燃烧了数百年寿元。“并无其它结果这件事,就这么过去了?““倒是李家还有一线生机…而我若主动成为蝙蝠公的劫数,他门下都要遭劫?“一念至此,亚伦不由叹息一声,收了法术 Regarding the gentleman of spiritual cultivation, the common custom is so the thing of sparing a glance? The news is extremely unenlightened, the world of mortals, this grade of village tragedy, hasn't basically heard unexpectedly? „ “对于修道之士而言,世俗就是如此不屑一顾之物么?还是消息太过闭塞,基本不来凡间,这等小镇惨剧,竟尔都没有听闻?“ Aaron ponders, if Daoism authentic Ascetic, hears to have such tragedy, definitely will chase down the bat Duke, to save external work. Long-time does not have news that has not really heard. ‚ This world immortal cultivation realm ill-informed also simply 亚伦自忖,若是玄门正宗的修士,听到有这样的惨剧,必然会追杀蝙蝠公,以积攒外功的。长久没有消息那就是真个没有听闻。‘此世修仙界的消息闭塞也简直了‘ Aaron shakes the head, thinks Li Family a slim chance of survival, sighs with emotion onecausal circle, retribution uncomfortable this eminence should also mix one, when makes good friends 亚伦摇摇头,又想到了李家的一线生机,不由感慨一声“因果循环,报应不爽本座也该去掺一手,就当结个善缘吧“ Although Li Family extinguishes, but the Tian Residence family property still causes countless people to hope for the jaw in the nature. 李家虽灭,但田宅家产还在自然引得无数人觊颌。 Does the talk of the town compared with Li Family, naturally was Yuanjia city Zhao Family, a Zhao Family night perished, then does not know that emitted many illegitimate children and distant relatives to slice. 李家搞得更加满城风雨的,自然是元嘉城赵家,赵家一夜而亡,然后不知道冒出多少私生子、远房亲戚都想来分一杯羹。 Then paper official documents, considered feudal official completely, daily began school to rip to compel to make Aaron wait/etc. eat the melon people to watch the good plays actually. 然后一纸公文,全部告上了官府,日日开学撕逼倒是让亚伦等吃瓜群众看了一场又一场好戏。 Same day several do not need the divination to calculate that evenly Aaron knows resultofficer character two yawns finished eating on the family/home to eat up the family/home. When probably these people want wasted effort finally, the Zhao Family wealth, must carves up a cleanness by the masters and petty officials 并日几平不用卜算亚伦都知道结果“官字两张口吃完上家吃下家。等到最后或许这些人都要竹篮打水一场空,赵家的财富,要被官老爷与胥吏们瓜分个干净“ So thinking, Aaron is arriving in another families. 如此想着,亚伦又来到另外一户人家中。 This person lives in Qinglong Town, is the scholarly family, the ancestor has advanced scholar, the later generation descendants has studied does not make every effort to succeed, only paces back and forth between distinguished talent and recommended man. Before Family Head was selected young, might be called for a while the merry person of extraordinary ability, then married Li remote daughter. If that hero Emperor king also, could advanced scholar. 这家人居住于青龙镇,乃是书香门第,祖上出过进士,后世子孙读书不争气,只在秀才举人间徘徊。之前一位家主年少中举,堪称一时风流俊彦,然后就娶了李遥之女。若是那位侠王皇帝还在,或许能中进士 But fickleness of life, after hero Emperor king dies, the new emperor is muddle-headed, did not think of the former friendship, Zhang Family recommended man also worked as for a lifetime recommended man, several years ago got sick to pass away. Present Zhang Family, instead was Li Qi did, when Family Head mother. 但人走茶凉,侠王皇帝死后,新皇帝昏聩,也不怎么念旧情,张家举人也就当了一辈子举人,前几年得病去世。如今的张家,反而是李芪做了当家主母。 Thinks that initial Li Qi, now has made Ancestral Mother, even was once Ancestral Mother, the Aaron quite sigh with emotion time is ephemerus. At this time, in Zhang Family. 想到当初的李芪,如今早已做了祖母,甚至是曾祖母,亚伦就不由颇为感慨时光易逝。此时,张家之内。 Is silver-haired Li Qi the youngest grandson will call. 已是满头银发的李芪将最小的孙子叫了进来。 Her grandson namedstretch/open Rubi ‚, really lives just like the jade, the appearance is excellent , the literary talent is loose. Practicing handed down in the family martial art is also one study can. Exercises the essence. „ Ancestral Mother is well 她这孙儿名叫“张如璧‘,果然生得宛若玉璧,卖相极好,又文采风流。习练家传武学也是一学就会。一练就精。“祖母安好“ stretch/open Rubi does not know that what matter Ancestral Mother called to have him, but did not have stage fright, saluted to send respects gracefully. Li Qi looks at him, more looks is more satisfied, suddenly eye socket one red, cried. This cries, makes Zhang Family seriously is in chaotic situation. 张如璧也不知祖母将他叫来有何事,只是也不怯场,落落大方地行礼问安。李芪看他,是越看越满意,忽然眼眶一红,就哭了起来。这一哭,当真将张家闹得鸡飞狗跳。 After all Li Qi husband dies early, in the dwelling others are her younger generation, Old Matriarch are sad, the juniors can only coax. 毕竟李芪的丈夫早死,宅中其他人都是她的晚辈,老太君伤心,小辈们只能哄着。 stretch/open Rubi coaxed for quite a while, coaxes Ancestral Mother, he is also a fine person, askingAncestral Mother, but is Li Family is sad? Might as well goes to pays respects Cha another day again, the monk in cold chicken temple has magic power, may please go is the person of Li Family chants sutras, prays to calm the spirits. „ 张如壁哄了大半天,才将祖母哄好,他也是个精细人,问道“祖母可是为李家伤心?不妨改日再去拜察一回,寒鸡寺的和尚颇有法力,也可请去为李家之人诵经,祈福安魂。“ Bah! „ “呸!“ Unexpectedly Li Qi scolded oneold body that two younger brothers is that cheap person lives, she irritated my mother in the past, now dies entire family, the old body will be only happy 不料李芪却骂了一句“老身那两个弟弟都是那贱人所生,她当年气死我娘,如今死了全家,老身只会高兴“ stretch/open Rubi touches the nose, does not speak. 张如壁摸了摸鼻子,不说话了。 Gold/Metal Li Qi continues saying that actuallyold body is sad, was sigh Li Family did not have the inheritance, my father my mother in the future, broke incense and candleat this time, Li Qi son, was stretch/open Rubi the father stands on one side, did not suddenly feel wonderfully, sees the old mother, said that did not open the mouth. Really, Li Qi continues say/wayclever grandson, I want to adopt Li Family you, changes surname for Li, to inherit cigarette, how do you feel? „ stretch/open Rubi Boss does not prefer, although Li Rubi this name is of pleasant to hear, but adopted, must recognize others to become the parents, the reputation is not of pleasant to hear. 倒是李芪继续说道“老身伤心,是叹息李家没了传承,我父我母日后,就断了香火“这时候,李芪的儿子,也是张如壁之父站在一边,顿觉不妙,看着老母亲,却又说不开口。果然,李芪继续道“乖孙,我想将你过继到李家,改姓为李,以继承香烟,你觉得如何?“张如壁老大不情愿,虽然李如璧这名字更加好听一些,但过继了,就要认别人当父母,名声也不好听。 Li Qi scoldedLi Family dead certainly, did not have the live parents to want you to serve, instead had the landed property mansion, may turn over to you, did not know profits, haven't this you wanted? „ 李芪就骂道“李家都死绝了,也没有个活的爹娘老子要你侍奉,反而有田产大宅,都可归了你,不知道多占便宜,这你还不愿意?“ stretch/open Rubi also some do not prefer, his father is actually the eye one bright, called out „ to listen to mother to handle. „ stretch/open Rubi the mouth opens slightly , the old father, will sell 张如壁还有些不情愿,他父亲却是眼睛一亮,叫道“一切都听娘处置。“张如壁嘴巴略微张开,没有想到,自家老父亲,就这么将自己卖了 As everyone knows, what Mr. Zhang thinks is about changes a surname, his son also several, give up one, has the mountain of money, this business indeed is to do. Also, this son in the past, not necessarily abandoned is not the child, no one broke in tame him, about the meat was rotten in own pot. „ Good. „ 殊不知,张父心里想的是左右不过改个姓,他儿子还有几个,舍得一个,就有万贯家财,这生意的确是做得。再说,这儿子过去,也未必就舍了又不是小孩子,也没人来养熟他,左右肉都是烂在自家锅里。“甚好。“ Li Qi nods, to stretch/open Rubi said that „ my Li Family person is not abundant, does not have the collateral branch to compete for the family property, you went are Family Head do not need to go to be boisterous with feudal official, Zhao Family these idiots, entered the gate including a character, nine ox Zhuai did not return did not know, should lose everything! „ 李芪点点头,对张如璧说道“我李家人丁不丰,也没得旁支来争夺家产,你去了就是家主也不必去跟官府聒噪,赵家那些蠢货,连一字入公门,九牛拽不回都不晓得,合该倾家荡产!“ After January/one month . 一月之后。 stretch/open Rubi, no, Li Rubi is looking at the empty Li Family mansion, is quite sigh with emotion. At this time all things decide, he also got up Li Family genealogical record, changes name toLi Rubi ‚! In charge of Li Family officially. This Li remote inheritance, fell in a hand of Li Qi department finally. 张如壁,不,李如璧望着空荡荡的李家大宅,不由颇为感慨。此时诸事都定,他也上了李家族谱,改名“李如璧‘!正式入主李家。这李遥一支的传承,最终还是落在了李芪一系的手上。 Li Qi harbors intentions, is this, in addition, only told a matter, that migrates from the grave of Li remote the tomb of Zhao Feifeng that cheap person, in genealogical record, records for the concubine room status, cancelled held for the wife's record afterward. 李芪心心念念的,也就是这个,除此之外,只吩咐了一件事儿,那就是将赵飞凤那个贱人的坟墓从李遥之墓边迁移开,族谱之中,也记载为妾室身份,抹去了后来扶为正妻的记载。 Li Family and Zhao Family exterminated an entire family, the External Realm legend is the monster begins, doesn't know for what? „ 李家赵家都被灭门,外界都传说是妖怪动手,也不知是为了什么?“ Li Rubi is extremely bright, had not confused the heart by the family property great wealth, instead brings anxiously, starts to ransack in Li Family. Obviously, he has achieved nothing finally. 李如璧冰雪聪明,并未被家财万贯迷了心,反而带着一点忧虑,开始在李家之中细细搜索起来。显然,他最终一无所获。 When the ponder, books drops from the clouds suddenly, pounds center his forehead! Li Rubi looks hastily to the surroundings, the discovery let alone person's shadow, the ghost does not have one! 就在沉思之时,一本书册忽然从天而降,砸在他的脑门正中!李如璧连忙看向周围,却发现别说人影,鬼影都没一个! He grows the tones, looks the books to the hands, the discoveries are one volume of heart laws, named one- «Hundred Yang Record»! 他长出口气,又看向手中书册,发现是一卷心法,名为一—《百阳图录》! Not far away, Aaron shoulders both hands, before pondering say/way secretlyme, has helped Li Family, in fact has repaid the causes and effects, now presentation copy one volume, considered your Li Family to owe me 不远处,亚伦背负双手,暗自忖道“我之前帮过李家,实际上早已偿还完了因果,现在赠书一卷,当是你李家欠我的了“ I do not want your anything to make your Li Family in the future many to seek the generation of immortal first to search to explore the way for me regarding this immortal cultivation realm, Aaron too not to understand, is thinking first looks for several explorer stones. “我也不要你什么只是让你李家日后多多出些求仙之辈先为我探探路罢了对于这个修仙界,亚伦还是不太了解,就想着先找几颗探路石。 If some Li Family really people sought the immortal to be successful, oneself established the relations as Fang Family later generation again, was introduced a way, was the logical matter. 李家真的有人求仙成功,自己再以方家后人身份搭上关系,被引入道途,就是顺理成章的事情了。
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