TOTM :: Volume #10

#925: Extermination( 4200 make up)

Yuanjia city. 元嘉城。 „ It is not good! Decorative band over a curtain! „ „ Zhao Residence entire is burning “不好啦!走水啦!““赵府整个都烧着了“ This fire is seriously weird, your whole family high and low, unexpectedly no escaped life “这火当真邪门,阖府上下,竟然没一个逃了性命“ The surrounding person of some fire fighting, some discuss spiritedly and directs, has not actually discovered ferocious-looking, a pierced three chignons, seemingly nondescript black robe Old Daoist, hears word is sneering, turns around to leave. 周围人有的救火、有的议论纷纷、指指点点,却没有发现一个满脸横肉,头上扎着三个发髻,看起来不伦不类的黑袍老道,闻言冷笑一声,转身离开。 Had/Left the city, he not, the surroundings have dark-red demon light to reappear together, are lifting the mortal body flight, goes to high village. „ This Zhao Residence pit old man two disciple, should have this report! „ This person bat Duke! 出了城池,他也不如何,周围就有一道暗红色的魔光浮现,托举着肉身飞行,前往余亢小镇。“这赵府坑了老夫两个徒儿,合该有此一报!“此人正是蝙蝠公! His recent dozens years by demon sect secret method, about building up malignant influences astral air/Qi, changes into bloodthirsty demon light, to break through profound light boundary! 他最近数十年都在以魔门秘法,合炼煞气罡气,化为嗜血魔光,以突破玄光境! How this breaks through the profound law light/only, is the true secret, in loose cultivator of heresy, is rarer, is called the true dwelling place of celestial beings method. 这如何突破玄光之法,乃是真正的秘传,在旁门左道的散修之中,就更加难得,被称为真正的仙家法门。 After all, once breaks through the profound light. Not can only display magic technique that many malignant influences, outside astral realm is unable to display. Can the mortal body flight, come and go out azure deep and even the long life! Grasshopper bat Duke obtained inheritance from hundred bird temples, only till the profound light. Before, he concerned about closing up to break through the critical moment. Even if the apprentice died. Also has not come to seek revenge. 毕竟,一旦突破玄光。不仅能施展诸多煞气、外罡境界无法施展的法术。更可以肉身飞行,出入青冥乃至延寿!蚂蝠公从百禽庙中所得的传承,也就只到玄光为止。之前,他碍于闭关突破到了紧要关头。哪怕徒弟死了。也未曾来寻仇。 At this time promotes, the first matter was to kill the personal enemy entire family, and looked for that treasure again. 此时晋升,第一件事就是要来杀了仇人全家,并再找那件宝贝。 The bat Duke is also skilled in the demon sect Early Heaven algorithm, at this time calculated secretly, the matter of past years will deduce 7788. After all is only some mortals, only has that treasure to be able the divine object from dark, has not figured out the whereabouts. Calculates during him, oneself two apprentice Nangong are outstanding, is by Zhao Family and Li Family jointlykilling ‚. To Yu, he could not calculate. In the sky, the astral wind is intermittent. 蝙蝠公也精通魔门先天算法,此时暗自推算,就将当年之事推演了个七七八八。毕竟只是一些凡人,唯有那件宝贝能神物自晦,并没有算出下落。于他推算之中,自己的二徒弟南宫杰,乃是被赵家李家联手“害死‘的。至于某人,他就根本算不出来了。天空之中,罡风阵阵。 Not long, village appears at present. odd/surplus Kang! The bat Duke grins fiendishly to change into a Boss blood not to rub 1 in the midair 没有多久,一个小镇就浮现在眼前。正是余亢!蝙蝠公狞笑一声在半空中就化为老大一只未血磨幅一 This demon cadmium body big such as shape. The head is growing the abnormal strange corner/horn. The whole body is twining a scarlet red bloodthirsty polish. Regardless of appearance aura. Exceeds south declares Mubai time thousand 此魔镉体大如象。头上长着畸形的怪角。周身缠绕着一圈赤红色的嗜血磨光。不论卖相气息。都胜过南宣木百倍千 Time! 倍! Scarlet Blood Demon bat cries out strangely, dashes to into the Li Family mansion, whole body bloodthirsty demon light departs. 血魔蝠怪叫一声,直扑入李家大宅,周身嗜血魔光飞出。 Everyone, regardless of everybody, even if Brother Li Family, by this demon light photo , the instantaneous essence and blood completely loses, changes into dry corpses, will be extinguished the whole families unexpectedly shortly, the chicken dog did not remain! 所有人,不论男女老少,哪怕是李家兄弟,被这魔光一照,也瞬间精血尽失,化为一具具干尸,竟然顷刻间就被灭了满门,鸡犬不留! The bat Duke slaughters! 蝙蝠公大开杀戒! After slaughter completely Li Family, still thought that does not satisfy a craving. Immediately shakes the body. 屠尽了李家之后,仍然觉得不太过瘾。顿时一抖身子。 Black wools fall off. Twists the jet black bat that and changes changes into palm of the hand sizes in the midair. Falls starts to slaughter in odd/surplus Kangzhen wantonly! 一根根黑毛自行脱落。于半空之中扭曲、变化化为一只只巴掌大小的漆黑蝙蝠。落于余亢镇中开始大肆屠戮! The bat Duke is in demon sect the person, knows that does evil in the world big city, is very easy to bring in Daoism authentic Ascetic. Therefore in the Yuanjia city, does not dare to be extremely dissolute. 蝙蝠公是魔门中人,知道在人间大城之中作恶,很容易引来玄门正宗的修士。因此在元嘉城中,就不敢太过放肆。 But only several mortal villages and small towns, naturally were said that slaughtered slaughtered, was not the big matter. Everywhere bat dances in the air! 但区区几个凡人村镇,自然是说屠戮就屠戮了,也不是什么大事儿。漫天蝙蝠飞舞! These small bats are bat Duke demon art, calculates that the quite ominous offense was vicious, sees the person to throw, bit open the throat blood sucking! Furthermore it is inborn variation, world of mortals sword difficult wound, even if the martial arts masters are hard to resist. Small odd/surplus Kangzhen, immediately by great misfortune! Half idle hall. „ What matter had/left? „ 这些小小蝙蝠乃是蝙蝠公魔功所化,也算相当凶戾狠毒,见人就扑了上去,咬开喉咙吸血!更兼其乃天生异种,凡间刀剑难伤,哪怕武林高手都难以抵挡。小小一个余亢镇,顿时遭了大劫!半闲堂。“出了何事?“ The local products inscription hears External Realm to make noise, just went out, on every day/sees the sky in the air dense one piece, the sound that the innumerable wings kick falls. Subsequently, picks the medicine young lad to be put the body by a bat, bites to death while still alive! „ Father walks quickly! „ 方物铭听得外界喧嚣,刚刚出门,就见天空中黑压压一片,无数翅膀扑腾的声音落下。继而,一个采药童子就被一只蝙蝠扑在身上,活活咬死!“父亲快走!“ side Tianze grasps a treasured sword, makes a determined effort to wield a sword to cut to the bat. 方天择手持一柄宝剑,发狠挥剑砍向蝙蝠。 Actually only listens to sound of gold/metal Tiejiao the striking, on that bat emits one skewer of sparks/Mars, is entirely still unexpectedly! But more bats were stimulated ominous, threw directly! 却只听一声金铁交击之声,那蝙蝠身上冒出一串火星,竟然纹丝不动!而更多的蝙蝠被激发凶性,直接扑了下来! In Fang and his son hug treats, in the sky, suddenly hears squeak squeak the cry! 就在方家父子抱头待死之际,天空之中,蓦然又传来吱吱叫声! This cry seems the cicada cry, to seem ten thousand Qian Chong footless or legless insects to shout together, does not have the shadow invisible malignant influences along with one. In the sky, bats fall suddenly in the place, changes into the bloody water. „ Un? „ 这叫声好似蝉鸣、又好似万千虫豸一起嘶吼,伴随着一股无影无形的煞气。天空之中,一只只蝙蝠蓦然掉落在地,化为血水。“嗯?“ The giant bat of bat Duke incarnation is just about to throw, sees together the golden flowing light, above the ominous air/Qi is imposing, unexpectedly is also an ominous thing of profound light boundary! „ What Fellow Daoist Fang? Feels embarrassed with me? „ Bat Duke drinks one severely, actually does not see the response. 蝙蝠公化身的巨大蝙蝠正要扑来,就见到一道金色流光,其上凶气凛然,竟然也是一头玄光境的凶物!“何方道友?与我为难?“蝙蝠公厉喝一声,却不见回应。 Only then that such as the precious silkworm is only common, actually grows in a gu of wing. Also does not attack to protect firmly the resident on town. Immediately understandsoriginally does not know loose cultivator where comes, must protect these townspeoples to look at this poisonous insect, competes however has profound light boundary cultivation base. „ 只有那只如蚕宝宝一般,却长出一对翅膀的蛊中。也不进攻只是将镇子上的居民牢牢护住。顿时就明白了“原来是不知哪里来的散修,要护住这些镇民看这毒虫,竞然都有玄光境修为。“ Immediately shouted „, gave a Fellow Daoist face! „ 当即喝道“罢了,就给道友一个面子!“ Huge demon bat severe howl, received the innumerable flying bats immediately, demon light that the whole body surrounded was more abundant a point, went far away swiftly. 巨大魔蝙厉啸一声,顿时就收了无数飞天蝙蝠,周身环绕的魔光更盛一分,倏忽远去。 Xiaonanshan. 小南山。 Aaron saw that the bat Duke departs, both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb, the Profound Valley bead departs, received gold/metal Cangu. 亚伦见到蝙蝠公离去,双手掐诀,玄牝珠飞出,又将金蚕蛊收了。 This gu insect five refine the crucial moment, is equivalent to profound light boundary Ascetic. The profound light that the bat Duke just broke through, does not know the depth facing a skill, an profound light boundary gu insectperson of high skill ‚, naturally cannot resist hardly. 此蛊虫足足有五炼火候,相当于一位玄光境修士。蝙蝠公还是刚刚突破的玄光,面对一位功力不知深浅,还有一头玄光境蛊虫的‘高人‘,自然不会硬抗。 His foe tea, other townspeoples were also convenient tea, since had the same step to cultivate/repair ten. Gives a face, lets off gently. If he knows that opposite is a trivial congealing ghost, perhaps the direct tea came. 再说他的仇敌都茶了,其余镇民不过顺手一茶既然有同阶修十。就给个面子,轻轻放过。若他知道对面才是一位区区凝煞,说不定就直接茶过来了。 Aaron actually looks at casualty serious odd/surplus Kangzhen, sighed, somewhat understands why will become the bat Duke inexorable fate. If nothing else, Fang Family own subordinate! Beats a dog must look at the master! 亚伦却看着死伤惨重的余亢镇,叹息一声,有些明白为何自己会成为蝙蝠公的劫数了。别的不说,方家还是自己的属下呢!打狗都要看主人! And the local products inscription to him is also good, depending on this point, Aaron will only choose to become the bat Duke inexorable fate first to boil him, to come to bully his disciple child disciple study heart again 并且方物铭对他也算还行,只凭这一点,亚伦就会选择成为蝙蝠公的劫数先熬死他、再上门欺负他的徒子徒学心 After all he is a fair person, the bat Duke bullies his disciples and followers, he also bullies the bat Duke disciples and followers! At this time after receiving divine ability, takes the hoe, breaks in village. Sees only above the town, a cloud of gloom is dreary. 毕竟他是个公道人,蝙蝠公欺负他的徒子徒孙,他也去欺负蝙蝠公的徒子徒孙!此时收了神通之后,就拿着锄头,冲入小镇。只见镇子之上,一片愁云惨淡。 The grandsons of money storekeeper family/home are holding several corpses, cries pitch-dark. In the Aaron heart sighed slightly, breaks in half idle hall, called outuncle, can you be good? „ The local products inscription and side of Tianwang being saved from death, saw that thisside Tianzedoes not fear the life and death to come unexpectedly, is in the heart one warm, secretly thoughtreally the crucial moment, is one of us is reliable 钱掌柜家的孙子正抱着几具尸体,哭得昏天黑地。亚伦心中微微叹息,冲入半闲堂,叫道“伯父,你们可好?“死里逃生的方物铭与方天望,见到这个“方天择‘竟然不惧生死地过来,都是心中一暖,暗道‘果然生死关头,还是自家人可靠 The local products inscription somewhat regretsif we had known that water pouring field immediately, should die many people to this nephew several mu odd/surplus Kangzhen, especially Li Family all extinguishes, has attended to carry out the information. But after 3 rd, person who long in coming has feudal official. 方物铭顿时就有些后悔‘早知道那水浇田,也该给这个侄儿几亩的余亢镇死了不少人,特别是李家全灭,早就将事情报了上去。但直到三日之后,才有官府的人姗姗来迟。 Finished the matter in intent Yuanjia city also is very big and eye related to the monster. The above masters also fear! If not for related to Li Family, will not make one come! 毕意元嘉城中的事也挺大并目涉及妖怪。上面的老爷们也怕啊!若不是涉及李家,都不会让人过来! But also came several chiefs of police, asked a case, then looks for several monk taoist priests, made several Buddhist ceremonies. Aaron watches critically, discovered that these monk taoist priests do not have magic power, is several god sticks, is speechless! 但也就是来了几个捕头,问了一下案情,然后就找来几个和尚道士,做了好几场法事。亚伦冷眼旁观,发现这些和尚道士也没甚法力,就是几个神棍,不由无语!
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