TOTM :: Volume #10

#924: Five internal organs major accomplishment

Time long. 时光悠悠。 The vegetation in mountain valley yellow was also green green, yellow. 山谷中的草木黄了又绿、绿了又黄。 In cave mansion. 洞府之内。 Aaron spouts an essence and blood again, the sacrifice refining up to develop a day of gu ‚. 亚伦再次喷出一口精血,祭炼演天蛊‘。 This time tortoise shell, has reduced several times, turns 此时的龟壳,已经缩小数倍,变成 - Black silkworm chrysalis appearance, superficial also seal cutting innumerable mysterious traces. —颗黑色的蚕蛹模样,表面还篆刻了无数神秘纹路。 This is develops a day of gu the true feature! 这才是演天蛊的真实面目! To develop the day of gu sacrifice refining up hence, Aaron had invested at least 1 million years of life! 而为了将演天蛊祭炼至此,亚伦已经投入了至少百万年寿元! So offers a sacrifice to the law of building up, perhaps only has the Yuan god to disperse the person of extraordinary ability to be able to support?” “如此祭炼之法,恐怕唯有元神散仙才能支撑得住吧?” „It is not right, even if the Yuan god disperses the immortal life to be infinite, according to me plays, must not have! After all once the life the blood sacrifice, the day tribulation will be ahead of time a blood sacrifice 1 million years of life span, that is the innumerable day of tribulations falls together, inevitable ashes.” “不对,纵然元神散仙寿元无限,按照我这么玩,也要没了!毕竟寿元一旦血祭,天劫就会提前啊血祭百万年寿命,那就是无数天劫一起落下,必然灰灰的。” So, my Immortality, disperses the immortal with the Yuan god Immortality, is not a matter.” “如此看来,我的长生,跟元神散仙的长生,并不是一回事。” But the consumption life hence, the harvest is also very gratifying. In the Aaron hand this gu insect, offered a sacrifice to refine eight to refine the situation impressively! 而消耗寿元至此,收获也很喜人。亚伦手中这只蛊虫,赫然被祭炼到了八炼地步! Actual over ten thousand gu Daoist immortals also deduce sixth to refine the gu insect......” “实际上万蛊真君也只是将蛊虫推演到第六炼而已……” Method that this seventh, eighth refining up, is I according to his foundation, to immortal cultivation ten thousand years of vision experiences , to continue to deduce also replaced many materials with the life.” “这第七、第八炼的法门,还是我根据他的基础,以修仙万年的眼光见识,继续推演出来的还用寿元代替了好多材料。” From now, this, can calculate my person or the thing, already extremely rare...” “从此以后,此界之中,能算到我的人或物,已经极其罕见了…” As for does ninth refine? 至于第九炼? Aaron also has refining up the difficulty on gu to need to solve, consumption in life, must rise dramatically. 亚伦还有一些炼蛊上的疑难需要解决,并且,寿元上的消耗,也要暴增。 This has involved the world rule to revolve, is not then the easy good sacrifice to refine. 这已经涉及天地规则运转,并不是那么容易好祭炼的。 However this time eight refine the gu insect, is also sufficient to Aaron. 不过此时的八炼蛊虫,对亚伦来说也已经够用。 He opens mouth immediately, will develop a day of gu to swallow. 他当即一张嘴,将演天蛊吞了进去。 During the next quarter, he feels dark, own fate had some changes. 下一刻,他就感觉冥冥之中,自己的命数有了些许变化。 Aaron swept an attribute column: 亚伦扫了一眼属性栏: Name: Xinchen( Fang Yu and Aaron)】 【姓名:辛辰(方玉亚伦)】 Talent: Immortal and Unaging, not in 【天赋:长生不老、不在算中】 Age: 105 【年龄:105】 realm: Congealing ghost 境界:凝煞】 cultivation method: ten thousand Gushu congealing ghost ( 1000 / 1000 )] 功法:万蛊书凝煞篇] Really were many a talent......” “果然多了个天赋……” Aaron first looks at a talent column, is quite full 亚伦先看天赋一栏,不由比较满 Subsequently saw the age, is somewhat speechless: Even if congealing ghost Ascetic, 105 years old were also about to pass away on me is a baby.” 继而看到了年纪,又有些无语:“哪怕凝煞修士,一百零五岁也快老死了就我还是个宝宝。” At once, Aaron remembered that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 旋即,亚伦又想起了那个幕后黑手。 This world Ascetic, beyond congealing ghost the life span of astral or normal person, but Sword Immortal of profound light/only boundary can live several hundred years old, did the Golden Pill Ancestral Master life millenniums so scheme- mortal, must not be fierce Ascetic, perhaps also pass away? „ “此世修士,凝煞外罡还是正常人的寿命,但玄光境的剑仙就能活几百岁,金丹宗师寿元千年如此图谋—个凡人的,应当不是什么厉害修士,说不定也老死了?“ Naturally, in the dwelling place of celestial beings method, has pill refining, could refine to lengthen the life spirit pill wondrous medicine? This life-extending spirit material, Ascetic that are more than Great Qian depends upon magic technique or pill medicine, frequently prolongs life for hundred years, did not call to dry up the matter...” “当然,仙家手段之中,就有炼丹,说不定能炼出延长寿元的灵丹妙药呢?此界的延寿灵物,还是比大乾多的修士依靠术法或者丹药,动辄延寿百年,也不叫涸事儿…”“ But I came out to hide was so long, that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator has not acted, must not come again......” “但我出来躲了那么久,那个幕后黑手还未行动,应当也不会再来了……”“ Aaron sighed, the right hand referred to the secret art pinching, revolvedfifty god technique. 亚伦叹息一身,右手指诀掐动,运转‘大衍神术。 Next quarter, his within the body develops a day of gu to move, immediately gives bolstering, making his technique of deduction a level higher. 下一刻,他体内的演天蛊一动,顿时给予加持,让他的推演之术更上一层楼。 Quick, this matter's causes and effects, at present clearly present in him, such as easy view mark. 很快,此事的因果,就在他眼前清楚呈现,如反掌观纹。 Demon Way rebel bat Duke?” 魔道叛徒蝙蝠公?” «Bloodthirsty Wonderful Book»? The technique of change? ” „ This person... has not as if died, but has the single layer disaster, said can not probably should on my body? „ ”《嗜血奇书》?变化之术?”“此人…似乎还未死,但却有一重劫难,说不得要应在我的身上?“ Aaron calculates matter of odd/surplus Kangzhen and Li Family again. Because calculates the mortal, is smoother, quick deduced 7788. 亚伦再算余亢镇与李家之事。由于是推算凡人,则更加顺利,很快就推演了个七七八八。 He sets out, sighs. 他起身,叹了口气。 odd/surplus high town/subdues. 余亢镇。 Half idle hall. 半闲堂。 side Xitang on the bed, the whole face wrinkle and age-spots, had arrived obviously at point of death. 方希躺在床上,满脸皱纹与老人斑,显然已经到了弥留之际。 Sir Father!” 父亲大人!” His son also has the senile, accompanies before the bed, but bursts into tears. 他儿子也颇有老态,陪在床前,只是流泪。 Does not want sadly...” “不要伤心…”“ side Xi opens the mouth reluctantly: „ Dying to live is the destiny..., but has a matter unable to put down for the father! „ 方希勉强开口:“死生乃天命…但为父有一件事始终放不下!“ He made sonlocal products inscriptiongo forward, puts one's mouth close to another's ear spoke a few words. 他让儿子‘方物铭‘上前,附耳说了一段话。 The general idea/careless is the old father has outside private lives child, just before the end before , told oneself look after well, since the result many years, others surface has not revealed that oneself also sought, does not have the slight clue. 大意就是自家老父亲在外面有私生孩儿,临终前吩咐自己好好照顾,结果多年以来,人家连面都不露,自己也寻找了一番,却没有丝毫线索。 This person one old, something easy rigid. 这人一老,有些事就容易执着。 When side Xi has not completed the old father to entrust, to be young perhaps has not been serious, when to old soon died, particularly keeps thinking. 方希没有完成老父亲嘱托,年轻之时或许还不当回事,到老了快要死之时,就分外惦记。 The local products inscription is wiping tears, called out: Father you could rest assured that if the grandfather really leaves behind uncle lineage/vein, I certainly looking, making them find roots! Properly attendance!” 方物铭抹着眼泪,叫道:“父亲您放心,爷爷若真留下叔叔一脉,我一定给找回来,让他们认祖归宗!妥善照顾!” At this moment, his sonside heaven lookscomes , the expression is somewhat strange: Father and grandfather outside came one person, said that ‚ side Tianze ‚, said that is our relatives!” 就在这时,他儿子‘方天望‘进来,表情有些怪异:“父亲、爷爷外面来了一人,自称‘方天择‘,说是咱们的亲戚!” The local products inscription quickly grasps the meaning of something. 方物铭一个激灵。 Half idle hall Fang Family has the character generation, is from him, but the beginning, Grandpa side Yuan, handed down 16 characters in the past- ‚ Thing day later knows , the body cultivates to intent be honest, Qi Jia governing itself/Ben, world happy peace ‚! 半闲堂方家有字辈,还是从他而始,当年爷爷方原,就传下十六字—-‘物天后知至,身修必意诚,齐家治国本,天下乐太平‘! He is the thing character generation, the son is the day of character generation. Hears the opposite party to be calledside Tianze ‚, side Xi took the lead to call out: Quick... makes him come in... to make me see!” 他是物字辈,儿子就是天字辈。听到对方叫做‘方天择‘,方希率先叫道:“快…让他进来…让我见见!” Not long, Aaron enters the bedroom. 没有多久,亚伦就进入卧房。 Only happy 仅欢的 He sees side Xi, develops the emperor level performing skill to display instantaneously, eye socket one red, called one: Grandfather's elder brother...” 他看到方希,演帝级演技瞬间发挥,眼眶一红,叫了一声:“伯公…” Good child... good child.” “好子…好孩子。” side Xi old with dim eyes, stares the big eye to look at Aaron diligently, sighs with emotion: You really grow look like my father. Don't so many years, why come?” 方希老眼昏花,努力瞪大眼睛望着亚伦,感慨道:“你长得真像我父亲啊。只是这么多年,为何不来?” Aaron replied honestly: My grandfather often said that when the son strove to improve my family to encounter the disaster other day, the family property defeated, has to come......” 亚伦老老实实地回答:“我爷爷常说,男儿当自强只是日前我家遭遇大难,家业败了,不得不来……” Such remarks, side Xi also not, the local products inscription is face one black, just like seeing a black sheep of the family with bottomless pit. 此言一出,方希还不如何,方物铭就是老脸一黑,宛若看到了一个败家子跟无底洞。 Good, good you find roots, the old man can also close one's eyes safely.” “好,好啊你来认祖归宗,老夫也能安心闭眼了。” This chapter had not finished, please the click next page continue to read! 本章尚未结束,请点击下一页继续阅读! Red light on side Xi the face dissipated gradually, closed the eyes. 方希脸上的红光渐渐消散,闭上了双眼。 Father!?” “父亲!?” The local products inscription lies in the bedside cries, in the room cried immediately a piece. 方物铭趴在床边大哭,屋子里顿时哭了一片。 Aaron also accompanied was shedding some tears. 亚伦也陪着流了一些眼泪。 Waited till the evening, after the local products inscription entertained Aaron Jane/simple Can, asks: I was also listen to the father to say today, Fang Family had your lineage/vein, does not know how these years crossed... this reality are I not.” 等到了晚上,方物铭招待了亚伦一顿简餐后,开口询问:“我也是今日才听父亲说,方家有你们这一脉,也不知这些年过得如何…这实是我的不是了。” Aaron what kind of worldly person? One listens to know that this big grandson in the plate his ins and outs, lacked half of Immortality locks to take one immediately: „ My grandfather in the past 亚伦何等人精?一听就知道这大孙子在盘他老底,当即将一枚缺了一半的长生锁取了出来:“我爷爷当年就只 Had this family heirloom to remain, now my in hand, only then this thing... „ 有这传家宝留了下来,如今我手上,也只有此物了…“ The local products inscription sees this half Immortality lock, in the heart 方物铭看到这一半长生锁,心中顿 Only joyful when examines to hand on letter/believes. 仅欣的诊交来时就信了。 But he really does not want again many burdens. 但他真不想再多个累赘。 At this time thinks it over, can only ask: „ Can virtuous nephew understand medical technique? 此时思来想去,只能问:“贤侄可懂医术? Does not understand!” “不懂!” That may trouble, even if my partly idle hall is picks the medicine young lad, must understand medical technique as for you “那可就麻烦了,我半闲堂纵然是个采药童子,都要懂医术至于你 Point of intersection? ” 的的交点么?” The local products inscription thinks, said: „ From the grandfather, my family is a senior branch, your family is two, must look after 12, my family's in Xiaonanshan outside the town/subdues, more than ten mu infertile lands, a house, gave you- 方物铭想了想,道:“从爷爷算起,我家是大房,你家是二房,总得照顾一二,我家在镇外小南山上,有十几亩薄田,一间宅子,就给了你吧- Many thanks uncle!- ”多谢伯父!- Aaron sets out. Serious expression of gratitude. 亚伦起身。郑重道谢。 Meanwhile, in the heart also in slightly sighs with emotion secretly: „ Never expected that my big grandson, unexpectedly is a sincere person... „ 同时,心中也在略暗感慨:“没想到我这个大孙子,竟然是个厚道人啊…“ The wheat knows, even if blood brother, to compete for the family property also has mutually under the extreme methods 麦知道纵然亲兄弟,为了争夺家产也有互相下死手的 This clever grandson facing a nephew who goes to visit, can arrive arrogantly so, is quite good. 这乖孙儿面对一个投奔上门的侄子,能傲到如此,已经相当不错了。 So good “如此甚好 The local products honored saw that so easily then solves this matter, is a heart loosen. 方物钧见到如此轻易便解决这事,也是心头一松。 In his opinion, semi-closure hall is the Fang Family true basis. 在他看来,半闭堂才是方家真正的根本。 After all a family members brick and medical technique are all good, and operation appropriate hospital medicine hall, the prosperous several hundred years is not the difficult matter. 毕竟一家口砖、医术皆佳,兼经营得当的医馆药堂,兴盛数百年都不是难事。 These two do not have the vision experience, the day lingering fear was not the life of generations of agricultures- 这二房没有眼光见识,日后怕不是代代农耕的命了- Only 仅的 Xiaonanshan. 小南山。 Aaron carries a hook. Is slowly upward along the mountain road. 亚伦扛着一把钩头。沿着山路缓缓向上走。 In the ancient times the land was the lifeblood of farmer, if not for met the disaster person with the ridge that really could not pass, will not sell, this was must be poked back promote to scold by everyone! 古代土地是农民的命根子,若不是遇到天灾人柄与实在过不去的坎,绝不会卖了地,这是要被所有人戳着脊梁晋骂的! Half idle hall Fang Family also in odd/surplus Kangzhen deep plowing many years, such as local bully one, also taking advantage, if the opportunities of several water disasters early, got so far as the place of Xiaonanshan. 半闲堂方家也是在余亢镇深耕多年,如地头蛇一很,又借若几次水早之灾的机会,才弄到了小南山的地。 The wind, these land parcels are not even so good, but also east together, west- block, scattered about 风即使如此,这些地块也不甚好,还东一块、西—块的,七零八落 Fang Family is at the town, good irrigable land, crosses hundred mu. 方家在镇子边上,还有一块上好的水浇地,足足过百亩。 But the local products inscription is not a fool, how possibly to give two these? 但方物铭也不是傻子,怎么可能将这些地交给二房? Aaron is seizing figure suddenly that thinks the head, before arriving at a stretch of base . 亚伦捉着觉头的身形忽然一顿,来到了一片基地之前。 The platinum grass beast that this tomb knee luxuriously, the stone carves extremely, in the sign article not, records the entire life of bean master. 这墓地膝得极其豪华,还有石头雕刻的铂草兽,莫的的牌文上,记录着豆主人的生平。 Li Tong “李通 Aaron sighed, went to Li birth(day) tomb to select three column delicate fragrances, burnt some joss paper 亚伦叹息一声,去李诞的坟墓上点了三柱清香,又烧了一些纸钱 This Li remote life changes, trembles the lead life in common custom. 这李遥的一生可谓跌宕起伏,颤有世俗中的主角命。 By the body of white clothing, became friends with the past hero king, now this story still spreads in the mediocrity. 以白衣之身,结交当年的侠王,如今这故事还在凡俗中流传。 Is only the non- longevity boudoir, even if achieved success Early Heaven, riches and honor already extremely. After dying, changes into the loess as before... „ “只是不长命闺,纵然功成先天,富贵已极。死了之后,依旧不过化为黄土…“ Did obeisance after this big grandson simply, Aaron thought of Li Family. 简单拜经了一下这个大性孙后,亚伦不由又想到了李家 Present Li Family. Reduces the wind, is on odd/surplus Kangna the landlord of less than half lord place! 如今的李家。减风更甚,已经是余亢钠上小半主地的地主了! , Actually again non- Li Yu first wife wife that lineage/vein, but is Zhao Feifeng bribes. 只是当家的,却再非李盂原配妻子那一脉,而是赵飞凤一赇。 After all, Li remote only had a female, after the daughter leaves is spicy, the Li Family duty she relates is not big. 毕竟,李遥之去只生了一女,等到女儿出辣之后,李家职她关系就不大了。 Aaron actually is also discovers now, oneself are extremely few regarding that rivers and lakes hero female understanding, the base to is disinclined to pay attention to the opposite party to name. 亚伦其实也是现在才发现,自己对于那位江湖侠女了解极少,基至都懒得去关注对方叫什么名字。 After returning to Lhatse, heard some sons. 只是回到拉子上之后,才听说了一些出儿。 Receives the Li remote old age fragrant body, but Zhao Feifeng stems from the rich people, the dwelling fought the skill is full, bifurcation silver dahurian angelica that also one accompanied dry/does did lowly for the skin, 收李遥老年香躯,而赵飞凤出自大户人家,宅斗技能是点满了的,又有一干陪的丫银荟子为皮作低, After having the son, the arrogance on group, made that former nun eat secretly asked the air/Qi air/Qi much. 等到生了儿子之后,气焰就史加群张,哈暗让那原尼吃了不少问气气。 Li transport/fortune first wife, walks compared with Li Yuan also early, some quite stories. The helium said that asked year to year, was irritated while still alive! 李运的原配,走得比李远还早,就颇有一些故事。氦说是常年都问,被活活气死的! After Li Jue also dies, the Li Family excellent family property, and even martial arts inheritance and Saint are passing jump fall on the hand of Zhao Family 等到李掘也死后,李家的大好家业,乃至武功传承、圣着就通迸落在了赵家之手 This makes Aaron hear, the version is the feeling. 这让亚伦听得,不由版为感慨。 The strength of bloodlines, the strength of time, is extremely indeed strong! 血脉的力量,时间的力量,的确极其强大! All the flowers the brocade and raging fire are boiling the oil heart to be mediocre.” “群花着锦、烈火烹油心不过如此了。” But hold Jibi the pouch, this is the world highest good, the stopper ties the horse, knows the non- regulation? One “但盛极必囊,此乃天地至理,塞结得马,焉知非程?一 Aaron feeling regret, found the land parcel, starts to farm, his actually rainbow likes this early rising, the life of resting at sundown, naturally, when leisure, there is fears to add the fragrance red, was more wonderful 亚伦感悔一声,找到自家地块,开始种地,他其实虹喜欢此种日出而作,日落而息的生活,当然,若是闲暇之时,有红怕添香,就更妙了 Aaron tills the fields personally in Xiaonanshan, in an instant past more than ten years. 亚伦躬耕于小南山,转眼又过去十余年。 On this day. 这一日。 Agriculture including. 农含之中。 Aaron is sitting cross-legged to sit, the whole body azure red yellowish white black five gas ring phlegm, the wooden liver and pent-up anger, flicker the earth and gold/metal Fei, the kidney water five Great Way palaces to open together, accompanies the danger to sit the mirror brightly, this was the air/Qi of five internal organs cultivates the pinnacle indication! 亚伦正盘膝而坐,周身青红黄白黑五气环痰,木肝、心火、瞬土、金肺、肾水五大道宫一起打开,其中陪险都有神祗坐镜,这是五脏之气修炼到了极致的征兆! „ A sauce water pass/test, is never expected that more difficult than the imagination. „ “没想到酱水一关,比想象中更加困难。“ Aaron opens double dark, in the eye also has the wonderful light to be released externally: ” Is good because, today eventually became! ” 亚伦睁开双昧,眼中也有奇光外放:”好在,今日终究是成了!” He consumes to exceed a sixty-year cycle time, finally is concise the air/Qi of five internal organs, at this time even felt, can in one vigorous effort, the breakthrough catch up with dried fish, enters outside astral realm! 他耗费超过一个甲子的时光,终于将五脏之气凝练,此时甚至感觉,可以一鼓作气,突破赶鲍,进入外罡境界! Congealing ghost Ascetic only then the mouth however air/Qi, cannot defend oneself on own initiative. 凝煞修士只有口然气,也不能主动防身。 Outside astral Ascetic is the whole body warns arrange/cloth Gangqi, by the ganef is not calculated- an accent, this said is the Aaron five harmful things needle! 外罡修士却是全身诫布罡气,再也不会被宵小第算—一调,这说得就是亚伦的五毒针! If Shen Xuehang refine or the air/Qi in the past, whatever what five harmful things and six poisonous magic tool, are unable to break through the defense. 若当年沈雪行炼或是气,任凭什么五毒、六毒针法器,都无法攻破防御。 * this time my dike, was equivalent to the gold/metal Daoist to refine to melt five internal organs to consider, must break through can break through but the foundation also to come to to bind momentarily to be steady, in the future will promote profound, some are only difficult and anti- code *此时我的堤界,就相当于金道人炼化了一只五脏告,要突破就随时可以突破但根基还来扎稳,日后晋升玄光,就有许多疑难与阻码” Aaron sighed, making the phenomenon of air/Qi of five internal organs completely all hidden, started to cultivate the air/Qi of six brain. 亚伦叹息一声,令五脏之气的异象尽皆隐去,又开始修炼六脑之气。 The Five Viscera and Six Bowels poison, it may be said that is ten thousand gu Daoist immortals the work of painstaking care, outside person the air/Qi of Five Viscera and Six Bowels, increases Ascetic the air/Qi, the sacrifice refining up extraordinary out of the door astral. 五脏六腑毒,可谓是万蛊真君的心血之作,以外人的五脏六腑之气,增益修士自身之气,祭炼出奇门外罡。 Aaron then by own self-torture obtained, in fact the ratio refining up the external gu insect, could not win many, was only the foundation is solid. 亚伦转而以自身苦修所得,实际上比炼化外来蛊虫,也胜不了多少,只是根基扎实罢了。 Suddenly, he shows vexed changes, within the body develops a day of gu to move slightly, twists to extinguish chi inexplicable wave. 忽然间,他表悻一变,体内演天蛊微微一动,就将一遫莫名波绞消弭。 „Does this have Ascetic to calculate me?” “这是有修士在推算我?” e1smS e1smS In Aaron heart an intent. 亚伦心中一意。 Naturally, the technique of that Ascetic deduction is quite coarse, was easily developed a day of gu to gather together to make. 当然,那修士推演之术相当粗陋,轻易就被演天蛊拢弄了过去。 Even, was calculated many details by Aaron reverse. 甚至,被亚伦反向推算出不少底细。 Unexpectedly is arranges bat Duke! „ 居然是编蝠公!“ This person only feared that has practiced to profound light realm! „ “此人只怕已经修炼至玄光境界了!“ Profound light boundary! 玄光境! This realm passes on the gentleman, according to carving cultivation method is different, the life may from 400-500 to 800 and 900 years, be enough to be called one by the generation of common custom- Immortal Person! 境界传士,按雕功法不同,寿元可从400-500至八百、九百年不等,已经足以被世俗之辈称呼一声-一仙人! Moreover, its refining up or the gate profound light, or demon sect demon light, can the ether heart move, the mortal body flight, by all sea, does not know leisurely is comfortable. 不仅如此,其炼或道门玄光、或者魔门魔光,可以醚心而动,肉身飞行,逍逐四海,不知道多么自在。 Always in the side door, without many cultivates the posthumous name aptitude is, finish entertains feelings to punish, breaks through into the profound boundary light/only, then the broad knot good friend, goes to the concubine and descendants to circle the paint tenderly, the free and unfettered merry several hundred years of cultivation is impoverished, originally is not many people can the graciousness receive. 历来旁门之中,没有多少修谥资质之是,毕生心惩,也就是突破入玄光之境,然后广结好友、娇去美妾、子孙绕漆,逍遥快活数百年修炼清苦,本来就不是许多人能恩受的。 Was higher than full two major realm me is a powerful enemy! „ “比我高了两个大境界阗是个劲敌!“ Just now, only feared that is he was calculating the matter of Zhao Residence past years, did set aside the hand to revenge finally?” “方才,只怕是他在推算赵府当年之事,终于腾出手来报仇了么?” He cannot calculate me, therefore the victim is Zhao Family and Li Family? „ “哦他推算不到我,所以苦主就是赵家李家?“ Aaron looks to odd/surplus Kangzhen, the Li Family direction, the expression somewhat is subtle ;Li Family now, but the Zhao Feifeng two son shapes lord... 亚伦望向余亢镇,李家方向,表情就有些微妙;“李家如今,可是赵飞凤的两个儿子当家像主呢…
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