TOTM :: Volume #10

#923: The gu insect nine refine( 4000 make up)

You “你” The youngster sees Aaron to readily agree, departs to money, in the heart is somewhat delighted, some do not abandon, immediately was moved, feels like lost very important thing. 那少年见着亚伦一口答应,给钱离去,心中有些欢喜,又有些不舍,顿时怅然若失,感觉似乎失去了很重要的东西。 He wants to pursue, actually does not know why oneself renege on a promise, in the hand is gripping money stubbornly, mused: Had this sum of money, I can take a wife 他想追,却又不知道自己为什么反悔,手里死死攥着银子,暗想:“有了这笔钱,我就可以娶媳妇了” Read hence, thinks that some pretty appearance, what thought did not have immediately 一念至此,想到某张俏丽容颜,顿时又什么念头都没有了 Business that this your sentiment I hope, compared with picking causes and effects also at the worst many “这你情我愿的买卖,比捡来的因果也大不了多少” Another side, Aaron is actually prepares the spring breeze building to celebrate well. 另外一边,亚伦却是准备去春风楼好好庆祝一番。 And the dumb kid also shouted a high price conceitedly! If I keep prices down intentionally, the owed causes and effects are many, but readily agrees, is money goods both sides settled, is unrelated “并且那傻小子还自以为是地喊了个高价!若是我故意压价,欠的因果就多,但一口答应下来,就是钱货两讫,再不相干” Today the great happiness, deserves congratulates well.” “今日大喜,该当好好庆贺一番。” Aaron arrives at the spring breeze building immediately, called several reddest elder sister, after reckless Tianhu several days, the mountain valley that returns to stay, fishes out that dark tortoise shell, sizes up carefully. 亚伦当即来到春风楼,叫了几个最红的姐儿,胡天胡地了几日之后,才回到栖身的山谷,摸出那枚黝黑龟壳,细细打量。 This tortoise shell is all over the body jet black, above has the innumerable blades to truncate the pitching chisel general trace, does not know that is Later Heaven casts, Early Heaven has. 这龟壳通体漆黑,上面有无数刀削斧凿一般的纹路,也不知道是后天铸就,还是先天就有。 Aaron hesitates, first summoned the golden snake hook and Profound Valley bead to protect firmly, this experimentally input magic power. 亚伦沉吟一番,先召唤出金蛇钩、玄牝珠将自己牢牢护住,这才尝试性地输入一丝法力 Bang! 轰隆! This tortoise shell resulted in helping of magic power, immediately float in the midair, superficial sparkling has the light, reveals a dao method secret art, its named —— fifty god technique! 这龟壳得了法力之助,顿时悬浮于半空,表面莹莹有光,又吐露出一道法诀,其名为——大衍神术! Aaron swept several, comprehends, immediately shakes the head: „The special skills of these five views, are the law of law of but this calculation calculation, although compared with " ten thousand Gushu » in exquisiteness, actually also fault —— displays each time, must the die sooner die sooner!” 亚伦扫了几眼,参悟一番,顿时摇头:“这五通观的看家本事,原来是推算之法但这推算之法虽然比《万蛊书》之中的精妙,却也有一桩坏处——每次施展,都得折寿!” And, this fifty god technique calculates the result, also misses with the technique of Aaron own calculation are not quite many. 并且,这大衍神术算出来的结果,跟亚伦自身的推算之术也差不太多。 Aaron technique of the divination, almost can be as good as the tortoise shell to consume dozens years of life calculation at this time obtained. 亚伦此时本身的占卜之术,就差不多能抵得上龟壳消耗数十年寿元推算所得了。 Weak?” “鸡肋么?” He shakes the head, strokes this tortoise shell, the expression is moving: Actually this tortoise shell, is the shell of turtle monster resulted in antiquity Black Turtle divine beast bloodlines, and has the millennium durations and degrees of cooking.” 他摇摇头,抚摸着这龟壳,表情一动:“倒是这龟壳本身,乃是一头得了上古玄武神兽一丝血脉的龟妖之壳,并且已经有千年火候了。” „Can this thing as if be used to refine the gu?!” “此物似乎可以用来炼蛊?!” Aaron this time fundamental method, is ten thousand gu Daoist immortals «ten thousand Gushu», this Daoist immortal is also talent in the heresy, although cultivation base to profound light, but in building up on some gu together actually many wonderful ideas, in «ten thousand Gushu» on. 亚伦此时的根本法门,还是万蛊真君的《万蛊书》,这位真君也算是旁门左道中的天才,虽然修为才至玄光,但在炼蛊一道上却有不少奇思妙想,都著于《万蛊书》上。 And, gu insect that Aaron is interested in very much, named- develops a day of gu! 其中,就有一只亚伦很感兴趣的蛊虫,名为—一演天蛊! Refines the raw material of this gu insect, needs for many years turtle class great monster body. 炼制此蛊虫的原料,就需要一只积年的龟类大妖躯壳。 This develops a day of gu, is technique of ten thousand gu Daoist immortal deductions the work of collection major accomplishment, inborn has the effect of technique of skill promotion host calculation! 这演天蛊,就是万蛊真君推演之术的集大成之作,天生就有提升宿主推算之术功力的效果! In addition, it can also provide together the talent for the host, named —— not in! 除此之外,它还能为宿主提供一道天赋,名为——不在算中! Has this talent, then not, but also compile one set of status origin, deceives the law of deduction! 有此天赋者,便可不被算中,也可自己编撰一套身份来历,糊弄推演之法! So method, if no flaw, that is a comparison day of demon is really authentic, even also wanted the inheritance of terrifying compared with the day demon authentic. 如此法门,若是真的毫无缺陷,那就是比拟天魔正宗,甚至比天魔正宗还要恐怖的传承了。 But in fact, this develops a day of gu, actually only exists in the middle of ten thousand gu Daoist immortal tentative plans, because it has a huge flaw, that is the —— equivalent! 而实际上,这演天蛊,却只存在于万蛊真君设想当中,因为它有一个巨大的缺陷,那就是——等阶! Ascetic has the equivalent! 修士有等阶! magic treasure has the grade! 法宝有品级! The gu insect naturally also has the quality high under division! 蛊虫自然也有品质高下之分! From low to high, can be divided into one to nine to refine! 从低到高,可以划分为一至九炼! For example the sleepy gu and stomach monster gu and so on, can only calculate the gu insect that one and two refine, the might also spins in Later Heaven and Early Heaven. 比如瞌睡蛊、胃妖蛊之类的,只能算一、二炼的蛊虫,威力也就在后天先天之中打转。 Meets true Ascetic, wants numb claw. 遇到真正修士,就要麻爪。 If the stomach monster gu promotion, becomes the five internal organs gu, that can three that helps congealing ghost Ascetic break through refine to treasure the gu! The six internal organs gu is three refining up similarly! 若是将胃妖蛊晋升,成为五脏蛊,那就是能帮助凝煞修士突破的三炼珍惜蛊!六腑蛊同样是三炼! As for the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, that is the gu insect that four refine, very treasures rarely, endured ratio magic treasure. 至于五脏六腑蛊,那就是四炼的蛊虫,十分珍惜罕见,堪比一件法宝了。 The final gold/metal silkworm gu, refining up the number also to surpass the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu to plan, is five refining up the gu insect, is known as the kings of hundred poison, is only the gu insect that the aura can shock one and two to refine! 最后的金蚕蛊,炼数还要超过五脏六腑蛊一筹,乃是五炼蛊虫,号称百毒之王,光是气息就能震慑一、二炼的蛊虫! As for developing the day of gu biggest flaw, is the quality is insufficient, in addition promotion difficulty! 至于演天蛊最大的缺陷,就是品质不够,外加晋升困难! First, two refine develops a day of gu to be extremely easy to refine, but has no egg to use. 一、二炼的演天蛊极其容易炼制,但并无什么卵用。 Arrived level that three and four refine, can resist the congealing ghost, outside the calculation of astral Ascetic! However if meets the profound light and Golden Pill Ascetic Bo regard as, or the opposite party drew support from what magic treasure promotion calculation ability, must divulge the ins and outs! 到了三、四炼的层次,就可以抵挡凝煞、外罡修士的推算!不过若遇到玄光、金丹修士卜算,或者对方借助了什么法宝提升推算能力,还是要泄露老底! Ten thousand gu Daoist immortal biographies offer a sacrifice to refining up the highest quality develop a day of gu, five refine the level, can make him guard against Ascetic with realm to calculate, but Golden Pill Ancestral Master acts, cannot conceal! 万蛊真君生平所祭炼最高品质的演天蛊,也才五炼层次,能让他防备住同境界修士推算,但金丹宗师出手,还是隐瞒不住! In Daoism orthodox school and dwelling place of celestial beings major faction, will not lack Golden Pill Ancestral Master absolutely, are the Zhiyuan god disperse the immortal to guard against their calculations, develops a day of gu at least to need to promote to refine to six, and even seven refining up the level! If there is what antique, and even a dwelling place of celestial beings treasure kind of treasure assistance calculation, that eight refine, nine to refine is safe.” “玄门正宗、仙家大派之中,绝对不会缺少金丹宗师、乃至元神散仙要防备他们的推算,演天蛊至少要提升至六炼、乃至七炼层次!而若是有什么老古董、乃至仙府奇珍一类的宝贝辅助推算,那八炼、九炼才算保险。” „To develop the day of gu sacrifice to refine year after year painstaking effort to be essential, in addition, but also needs the thing of same extremely treasuring, that is the life!” “想要将演天蛊祭炼上去长年累月的苦功必不可少,除此之外,还需要一样极其珍惜之物,那便是寿元!” Recalls ten thousand Gushu the record, Aaron sighs. 回忆起万蛊书的记载,亚伦叹息一声。 This is he to the biggest reason that this tortoise shell never forgets. 这才是他对这龟壳念念不忘的最大原因。 Develops a day of gu to want the sacrifice to refine, one and two refine fortunately, four refine to promote five to refine, needs to offer a sacrifice to a building up hundred years of life!” “演天蛊想要祭炼上去,一、二炼还好,四炼想要晋升五炼,需要祭炼者百年寿元!” This must offers a sacrifice to the building up it life, so the internal energy coincides, can develop a day of gu to cover the fate, if in the Demon Way technique, extracts the blood sacrifice others age, is invalid, aura heterogeneous, will also destroy the gu insect!” “这还必须是祭炼者本身寿元,如此气机相合,才能以演天蛊掩盖自身命数要是以魔道手法,抽取血祭他人寿数,则根本无效,气息驳杂,还会毁了蛊虫!” Five refine to develop a day of gu to promote six to refine, then needs to offer a sacrifice to building up blood sacrifice in 1000 the life!” “五炼演天蛊要晋升六炼,则需要祭炼者血祭自身一千年寿元!” Ten thousand gu Daoist immortals calculate hence, despairs, he is unreliable light boundary Ascetic, killed him not to have in 1000 the life!” “万蛊真君推算至此,已经绝望了,他不过玄光境修士,杀了他也没有一千年寿元!” Developing a day of gu promotes six to refine is so, words that seven refine, feared that does not want the ten thousand years life “演天蛊晋升六炼都是如此,七炼的话,怕不是要万载寿元” Eight refine, nine to refine cannot think that cannot think, my Immortal and Unaging, makes luckily with all one's might “八炼、九炼不敢想啊不敢想,幸好我长生不老,可劲造吧” Aaron is stroking this tortoise shell, said with a smile: „When initially first saw, I thought that you are suit the sacrifice to refine to develop a day of gu, now falls into my hand finally.” 亚伦抚摸着这龟壳,笑道:“当初第一眼见到之时,我就觉得你甚是适合祭炼演天蛊,如今总算落入我手中了。” He hesitates, suddenly opens mouth, an essence and blood spurted. 他沉吟一番,忽然张开嘴,一口精血就喷了上去。 Hundred poisonous malignant influences magic power are mixing with the minimum hundred years of life, pours into the tortoise shell, starts the sacrifice to refine this magic tool. 百毒煞气法力夹杂着起码百年寿元,就注入龟壳之中,开始祭炼这件法器 After blood sacrifice oneself hundred years of life, Aaron actually, the least bit feels as if nothing has happened does not have, obviously this consumption, a drop in the bucket is not even. 血祭了自身百年寿元之后,亚伦却跟没事人一样,半点感觉都没有,显然这点消耗,连九牛一毛都算不上。 In the middle of assorted high-rank gu insect that ten thousand gu Daoist immortals leave behind, only has day of a sacrifice that develops the gu refining up the consumable to be to me easiest to obtain, other was too difficult, or is extremely bloody “万蛊真君所留下的各色高阶蛊虫当中,唯有天演蛊的祭炼耗材对我来说最为容易获得,其它的都太困难、或者太过血腥了” Is good because, had this to develop a day of gu, my plan can complement most “好在,有了这演天蛊,我的计划就能补全大半 When the sacrifice refining up nine to refine to develop a day of gu, even if dwelling place of celestial beings treasure, is not necessarily able to see my origin!” “等到祭炼出九炼演天蛊,纵然仙府奇珍,也未必能看出我的来历!”
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