TOTM :: Volume #10

#922: Eats at a banquet( 3800 make up)

Outside half idle hall, pure white, actually turned into the mourning hall ornaments. 半闲堂外,一片素白,却是变成了灵堂摆设。 side Xi made the appearance of worthy progeny with an adopted son daughter, son-in-law and wives, to spirit tablet chirp sob. 方希与一干儿子女儿、女婿、媳妇都做了孝子贤孙的打扮,对着灵位嘤嘤哭泣。 side Yuan also calculates to be in the majority the year in this town, has integrated the local area, medical technique is wise, but also often abandons the medicine, has the good name. 方原在这镇子上也算定居多年,早已融入本地,又医术高明,还时常舍药,颇有善名。 odd/surplus high town/subdues resident thinks of gratefully his benevolence, many people come to see off for him. 余亢镇居民感念他的恩情,有不少人前来为他送行。 Aaron changed the appearance, mixes in person, in one worships dry/does, oneself see off oneself, pouring is also quite interesting. 亚伦改换了容貌,混在一干拜祭的人中,自己为自己送行,倒也颇为有趣。 He worshipped to look pretentiously at will after the remains that had corpse changed appearance, dealt with side hope, accepted the loyal son to return a courtesy, then walked went out to eat at a banquet. 他装模作样地拜祭了一番自己随意找了具尸体易容的遗体之后,又跟方希应付一番,接受孝子答礼,便走了出去吃席。 side Xi somewhat is quite scared witless at this time, is thinking the father secretly just before the end the beforehand urging: The father also is really unexpectedly is near always enters the flowering shrubs, outside also illegitimate child, even also kept the faith token, making me pledge, the necessity makes him find roots 方希此时颇有些魂不守舍,暗自想着父亲临终之前的叮嘱:父亲也真是的居然临老入花丛,外面还有一个私生子,甚至还留了信物,让我发誓,必要让其认祖归宗 This was actually Aaron changed the plan, felt that this son not necessarily was also credible, fitted out own grandson with it, might as well fit out the son directly. 这却是亚伦改了计划,感觉这个儿子也未必靠谱,与其装成自己的孙子,不如直接装成自己儿子。 So long as stays behind this room, in the future naturally can find roots. 只要留下这个伏笔,日后自然就能重新认祖归宗。 But Fang Family in fact two, one is side Xi the bloodlines inheritance, another entire evolution only has a person! 而方家实际上有两支,一支是方希的血脉传承,另外一支么整个谱系就只有一個人! Sounds some quite frightened feelings 听起来颇有一些惊悚感 Aaron sits on the seat, drank one glass of inferior wine. 亚伦坐在席上,喝了一杯水酒。 At this time, saw the entrance to be in a tumult, the carriages and horses made noise, originally was household of rich people arrives. 这时候,就看见门口骚动,车马喧嚣,原来是一户大户人家到了。 In the odd/surplus high town/subdues the oldest rich people, naturally are Li Family! 余亢镇上最大的大户人家,自然便是李家 Li remote got down the carriage, is accompanied by a retinue enters half idle hall. 李遥下了马车,在前呼后拥中进入半闲堂。 He resulted in dark green zygote inheritance «Hundred Yang Record», although only takes down most, but shares with Zhao Feifeng afterward , has obtained. 他得了苍合子传承的《百阳图录》,虽然只记下大半,但事后与赵飞凤分享,也颇有所得。 Through cultivating profound art, martial arts has progressive greatly, including the beforehand internal injury good many, successfully continued the life span. 通过修炼玄功,武功大有进步,连之前的暗伤都好了不少,成功延续了寿命。 Moreover! 不仅如此! It still after a series at sixes and sevens things, marrying Zhao Feifeng is concubine! 其还在一系列乱七八糟的事情之后,娶了赵飞凤为小妾 After this concubine crosses the threshold, lived two boys to him, now also arrives can go out hits the age of soy sauce. 这位小妾入了门后,又给他生了两个大胖小子,如今也都到了可以出门打酱油的年纪。 After one worships, Li remote said on the opposite party hope: 一番拜祭之后,李遥就对方希道: Uncle must be extremely sad not, when the grand-uncle is not gets sick without the disaster, the longevity completely goes, goes the descendant circles the knee, is the happy mourning!” “世叔莫要太过悲伤,叔祖乃是无病无灾,寿尽而去,去时儿孙绕膝,乃是喜丧!” My Li Family and Fang Family are the family friendships of many generations, if in the future will have the difficulty, performing to look for me!” “我李家与方家乃是世交,日后若有疑难,尽可以来找我!” These words, many expressions change. 这句话一出,不少人表情就是微变。 Li Family may be serious! 李家可不得了! Even if to the Yuanjia city, feudal official must receive grandly, it is said the imperial decree transmits, many rewards. 哪怕到了元嘉城中,官府都要隆重接待,据说还有圣旨传来,多加赏赐。 Even if these young common people are not clear weight/quantity, but light/only looked that Zhao half Chengjia is willing to marry off a daughter for the concubine, can be inferred! 这些小老百姓哪怕不清楚其中分量,但光看赵半城家愿意嫁女为妾,就可见一斑! Had the Li Family support, in the future the Fang Family inevitable good fortune will be prolonged, does not have the tribulation without the disaster. 有了李家扶持,日后方家必然福泽绵长,无灾无劫。 After having eaten own seat, Aaron footsteps one deep one shallow, leaves odd/surplus Kangzhen. 吃过自己的席之后,亚伦脚步一深一浅,离开余亢镇。 Then, when other side Xi soon died, goes back to find roots again after all the old person, always somewhat holds to read to this matter 接下来,就等方希什么时候快要死了,再回去认祖归宗毕竟老人嘛,对这种事总有些执念 Then this blank period, can be at will dissolute 然后这段空白期,就可以随意浪荡了 In fact, Aaron this time goes out, hides a meaning of person. 实际上,亚伦此番出去,还有躲一个人的意思。 That person is the —— bat Duke! 那个人就是——蝙蝠公! Although he does not know that the bat Duke name and concrete origin, actually figure out Nangong and roaming the four corners of the world Daoist behind, inevitably true instigation! 他虽然不知道蝙蝠公之名与具体来历,却算出南宫杰与游方道人身后,必然还有真正的主使者! This instigation dozens years plan, a dynasty bamboo basket fetches water, how can give up? 这主使者数十年谋划,一朝竹篮打水,怎能善罢甘休? Therefore these years have watched critically. 因此这些年一直冷眼旁观。 To be honest, has not heard Zhao Family and Li Family exterminates an entire family by mysterious Ascetic, Aaron feels somewhat inconceivable. 说实话,没听到赵家李家被神秘修士灭门,亚伦还是感觉有些不可思议的。 Is it possible that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator was impeded the hands and feet by what matter? 莫非那幕后黑手被什么事绊住了手脚? Also or the time senses and average men of Ascetic are different, dozens years later revenges, didn't that call the matters? 又或者修士的时间观念与常人不同,数十年后才来报仇,那都不叫事儿? Even so, to exempt was brought disaster to the mackerel shad, Aaron is about to leave some time to well. 即使如此,为免被殃及池鱼,亚伦还是准备离开一段时间为好。 Even if Li Family destiny is prosperous, can turn bad luck into good, but affects the flowers and plants, especially I, that may not be good. 纵然李家气运鼎盛,能逢凶化吉但波及到花花草草,特别是我,那可就不好了啊。 He arrives at himself to refine the gu the mountain valley. 他来到自己炼蛊的山谷。 This time mountain valley has undergone cleaning up, that flock of monkeys and small obscene insect Zhou Tong and the others disappear do not see, only lonely. 此时的山谷早就经过一番清理,那一群猴子与小淫虫周通等人都消失不见,唯余寂寥。 Aaron thought little, looked for a peaceful room, started to sit cross-legged to sit, cultivates the air/Qi of five internal organs. 亚伦不以为意,找了间静室,就开始盘膝而坐,修炼五脏之气。 In him regards itself, the discovery liver wooden palace has completed, deep green god, quite majestic atmosphere. 他内视自身,就发现肝木宫已经完成,其中一尊碧绿神祇,颇为堂皇大气。 But heart position, then the flame palaces have formed, is breeding a thing, resembles person Inhuman, resembles the gu non- gu. 而心脏位置,则有一处火焰般的宫殿已经形成,其中正孕育一物,似人非人,似蛊非蛊。 „After liver wood, is pent-up anger “肝木之后,就是心火” Aaron counted on the fingers, pent-up anger palace many five years of then major accomplishment, ponder to say secretly: „ Really with estimate difference not 亚伦掐指一算,心火宫最多五年便可大成,暗自忖道:“果然跟预估差不 Many, builds the air/Qi of five internal organs solely, takes about ten years, but kidney water palace, takes 20 years probably! ” 多,单一修成五脏之气,需要十年左右,不过肾水一宫,大概需要二十年!” This is almost one sixty-year cycle time! 这便是差不多一甲子的功夫! Even if the gentleman of Taoist skill, does the inadequate profound light, the life as in about hundred years old, 60 years of time consumption on the air/Qi of cultivation five internal organs, when go to the broken boundary? 纵然是道术之士,不成玄光,寿元依旧在百岁左右,六十年时光耗费在修炼五脏之气上,还有什么时间去破境? Thus it can be seen, this Xinchen spiritual cultivation aptitude does not build up the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu on a wisdom, feared that is this for a lifetime hopeless outside astral! 由此可见,这辛辰修道资质也就一般若不去炼五脏六腑蛊,怕是这一辈子都无望外罡! In the Aaron heart complained one, the mind falls into during the cultivation. 亚伦心中吐槽一句,心神陷入修炼当中。 In the mountain does not have the livelihood! 山中无日月! On this day, Aaron opens the eyes, discovered that not only the pent-up anger and spleen earth palace also cultivates to complete. 这一日,亚伦睁开双眼,发现不仅心火、脾土一宫也修炼完成。 Own within the body, green and red, Huang San color radiance passes, has the wonder of five phases mutual promotion of the five elements faintly. 自家体内,绿、红、黄三色光华流转,隐隐有五行相生之妙。 Naturally, can make him from closing up regains consciousness, is actually not this matter. 当然,能让他从闭关之中苏醒的,却不是这件事。 Aaron counted on the fingers, shows a faint smile: Chance to!” 亚伦掐指一算,不由微微一笑:“机缘至矣!” Read hence, he set out floating, had/left the mountain valley, changed clothes slightly, picked out the beard, as before was few Toshiro, entered the Yuanjia city. 一念至此,他就飘然起身,出了山谷,略微换了一身衣服,剔了胡须,依旧是个少年郎,就入了元嘉城。 Yuanjia city in the past general lively, biggest matter, but was several years ago emperor passed away, the crown prince succeeded to the throne, the nation mourned. 元嘉城跟往常一般热闹,最大的事儿,不过是前几年皇帝驾崩,太子继位,全国服丧。 The street, the two sides set up the stall somewhere, some local products that in the outdoor shop actually no precious antiques and books, are enters a city the farmer who goes to the market to sell. 某处街道,两边摆了小摊,摊子上却没什么珍奇古玩与书籍,都是进城赶集的农夫所卖的一些土产。 Aaron glances right and left, before arriving at a stall of weary youngster . 亚伦左顾右盼,就来到一处惫懒少年的摊位前。 This youngster lives the eye big eyebrow to be thick, on the face has a supercilious color, in front stall suspended something carelessly. 这少年生得眼大眉粗,脸上有着一股玩世不恭之色,面前的摊位上胡乱摆了一些东西。 Aaron were not many said, put out a hand to take up a black tortoise shell, smiled to ask: This thing value how much?” 亚伦也不多说,伸手拿起了一枚黑色龟壳,笑问道:“此物价值几何?” Although he prepares when the tortoise shell becomes the thing of without owner picks the treasure again. 虽然他准备等到龟壳成为无主之物时再去捡宝。 But today is prompted by a sudden impulse, actually knows, the time has arrived. 但今日心血来潮,却是知道,时机已经到了。 The weary youngster eyeball turning round revolution, called out: This was treasure my father who my ancestor handed down from generation to generation said that this was the thing of Immortal Person, at least must sell 12 money!” 惫懒少年眼珠滴溜溜一转,叫道:“这是我祖上传下来的宝贝我爹说了,这是仙人之物,起码要卖十两银子!” The surrounding several vendors, hears word laugh in one's heart: This little elder brother will very go shopping, where one comes up to directly soar the beloved thing to go, this not on exposed hidden trump? Increased price also gets what one deserves!” 周围几个摊主,闻言都是暗笑:“这位小哥好不会买东西,哪有一上来就直奔心爱之物去的,这不就暴露底牌了么?被加价也是活该!” Deal!” “成交!” Aaron have not refuted, flings 12 money directly, took the tortoise shells to walk. 亚伦却没有反驳,直接甩出十两银子,拿了龟壳就走。
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