TOTM :: Volume #10

#921: Chance

After killing that will make to lead, Nangong outstandingly has not stayed for a long time, the direct flight departs. 杀了那将令领之后,南宫杰也没有久留,直接飞行离去。 After all he has exposed the trail, slaughters these mortals not to help matters. 毕竟他已经暴露了踪迹,杀戮这些凡人也无济于事。 And, the slaughtering words, may attract these prestigious family honest knight-errant swordsman Sword Immortal! 并且,大开杀戒的话,或许会将那些名门正派的剑侠剑仙吸引过来! Only the other these soldiers and Zhao Family person, a face collapses 只余下这些兵卒与赵家人,一脸崩 Burst expression. 溃的表情。 Female monster... monster!” “女妖…妖怪啊!” Finally, a maidservant's scream, broke this 终于,一个丫鬟的尖叫,打破了这 Plants tranquilly. 种宁静。 The soldiers who loses the senior official were chaotic, has 许多失去长官的兵卒混乱了,有着 Trend of collapse. 崩溃的趋势。 Even if they quite have the courage, cannot fight tooth and nail with the monster! 哪怕他们相当有勇力,也不能跟妖怪搏命啊! Lets Li remote actually with the official who behind catches up with, made many efforts, stabilizes the aspect. 倒是让李遥跟后面赶来的官员,花了不少心力,才将局面稳定下来。 When are not many, an old man of brocade clothes magnificent dress does calmly, goes forward to salute: „ Obsolete many thanks the benefactor rescues 过不多时,一名锦衣华服的老者强作镇定,上前行礼:“老朽多谢恩公救 The graciousness of life, if not for the benefactor, obsolete does not know that this Nangong Steward unexpectedly is a monster! ” 命之恩,若不是恩公,老朽都不知这南宫管家竟然是妖怪!” Although Li remote has a mind to search the treasure of Zhao Residence, but is not good to open the mouth at this time, can only first bear, with this Zhao Family Family Head polite several. 李遥虽然有心探一探赵府的宝贝,但此时也不好开口,只能先忍住,跟这位赵家家主客气了几句。 Suddenly , the scream transmits from the mansion. 忽然,又有一声尖叫从府中传来。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The Zhao Family Family Head anger shouted. 赵家家主怒喝道。 A young male servant ran over, called out: „ Was not good the young lady to say oneself did not have the face to see the person, jumped into a well the suicide! „ 一个小厮跑过来,叫道:“不好啦小姐说自己没脸见人,跳井自杀了!“ When Nangong walks outstandingly, perhaps is receives the stimulation extremely, before Zhao Feifeng recalls all sorts, want seriously ashamed and resentfully, direct selection committing suicide! 当南宫杰一走,或许是受到刺激太过,赵飞凤又回忆起之前种种,当真羞愤欲死,直接选择了自尽! Zhao Family Old Man comes to the family/home in hastily, sees 赵家老爷子连忙来到家中,就见到 Own daughter was lifted, the whole body clothing is completely wet, fortunately tone. 自家女儿被人抬了出来,浑身衣衫尽湿,所幸还有口气。 Li remote does not know what idea, follows, accidentally glances, sees above Zhao Feifeng neck to hang 李遥不知什么想法,也跟着进来,偶然一瞥,望见赵飞凤脖子之上挂着的 The remnant jade, the pupil shrinks slightly. 残玉,瞳孔略微一缩。 This side Canyu, unexpectedly on that with his daughter neck extremely similar, possibly is the other half of losing! 这方残玉,竟然与他女儿脖子上那块极其相似,可能就是失去的另一半! Late at night. 深夜。 Zhao Residence was in chaotic situation on the 1st, everyone is exhausted, rested. 赵府鸡飞狗跳了一日,人人疲惫,都睡了过去。 Li remote actually puts on one to travel by night the clothes, touches directly into 李遥却穿着一身夜行衣,直接摸入 Qi dream institute. 了绮梦院。 Displays nimble art, he while was still recalling: ‚ 一边施展轻功,他一边还在回想:‘ Today probes Zhao Old Man... he unexpectedly as if really not 今日试探赵老爷子…他竟然似乎真的不 Knows one have what treasure. 知道自家有什么宝贝。 Was, if his really knew, had been taken by the sorcerer, the severe punishment interrogated and tortured, under Miki, what can't ask? ‚ ‘是了若他真个知晓,早就被妖人拿下,严刑拷问了,三木之下,什么问不出来?‘ Some Zhao Family high and low do not only know, can in the gentleman of subordinate Taoist skill, hide so many years ‘也唯有赵家上下自己都不知道,才能在道术之士手下,隐藏这么多年 He turns in hospital wall, submerged Zhao Feifeng boudoir. 他翻入院墙,潜入了赵飞凤的闺房。 This suicided a fierce young girl, was being used the calming the nerves medicine by the doctor, heavy goes off, in room actually also maidservant women of several attendances. 这位寻死了一回的烈性小妞,正被大夫用了安神的药,沉沉睡去,房内倒是还有几个照顾的丫鬟婆子。 Li remote smiles, in the hand is buckling several pebble, 李遥笑了笑,手中扣着几枚石子, 11 depart, hits the mark their resting holes. 一一飞出,点中她们的睡穴。 His judge pen martial art is unparalleled in the world, recognizing the hole is extremely accurate, this type of matter nature is easy. 他一身判官笔武学独步天下,认穴极准,这种事自然手到擒来。 Only listens to pū pū several, that several solid maidservant women by wall by the wall, falling to the ground of falling to the ground, performs all goes off obscurely. 只听噗噗几声,那几固丫鬟婆子靠墙的靠墙,倒地的倒地,尽皆昏昏睡去。 Li remote shoves open the door, enters in the room, arrives at Zhao 李遥推开房门,进入屋内,来到赵 Before flying phoenix bed, said the sound offends, lifts the brocade quilt, saw the remnant jade on Zhao Feifeng neck. 飞凤床榻之前,道了声得罪,就掀开锦被,看到了赵飞凤脖子上的残玉。 Really... this is the other half.” “果然…这就是另一半。” Li remote is the upright gentleman, but this piece of remnant jade related to hoping of Master lifetime, possibly is he continues the hope of life, has to break a bottom line. 李遥原本是方正君子,但这块残玉涉及师父毕生之愿,又可能是他延续生命的希望,不得不突破一回底线。 Even when unties, the palm is shivering. 甚至解开之时,手掌都在颤抖。 When he takes that side Canyu in the hand, suddenly feeling wrist/skill one tight. 当他将那一方残玉拿在手上之时,忽然感觉手腕一紧。 His surprise looks, saw that Zhao Feifeng opens the eyes, coldly is staring at him: „ Good... another obscenity 他诧异望去,就见到赵飞凤睁开双眼,冷冷盯着他:“好啊…又一个淫 The thieves, I fought you! ” 贼,我跟你拼了!” Zhao Miss must misunderstand, I am not the obscene thief. Li remote argued subconsciously, somewhat is ashamed “赵姑娘莫要误会,我不是淫贼。李遥下意识辩解了一句,就有些惭 Ashamed, although he is not the obscene thief, is actually the young thief who steals the thing! 愧,虽然他不是淫贼,却是偷东西的小贼! This ancient jade Zhao Residence does not know, therefore not necessarily is ‘这古玉赵府也不知晓,因此未必是 The thing of his family/home that roaming the four corners of the world Daoist stole away half in the past, but also remains half in this... ‚ 他家的东西当年那游方道人偷走半块,还剩半块在此…‘ If I resulted, unties the mechanism/organization, in the future will compensate a Zhao Family point, and that's the end. ‚ ‘若我得了,解开机关,日后补偿赵家一点,也就是了。‘ - Read hence, Li remote must work loose to leave cruel-heartedly, actually unexpected Zhao Feifeng extracted a from the bed on suddenly —念至此,李遥就要狠心挣脱离开,却不防赵飞凤忽然自床上抽出一柄 The short-sword, the cold glow like the star, the burr comes! 短剑,寒芒如星,飞刺而来! Her temperament is extremely fierce, in secret concealed sword on bed, from 她脾气极烈,暗中在床上藏剑,自 However is thinking, if that Nangong comes outstandingly again, must puncture his sword at risk of life! 然是想着若那南宫杰再来,拼死也要刺他一剑! As for can become, even can injure to the opposite party, actually does not think. 至于能不能成,甚至能不能伤到对方,却是根本不想的了。 Has not actually thought, this short-sword and end is used right 却没有想到,这口短剑并末用来对 Paying Nangong is outstanding, instead first opened profiting on Li remote. 付南宫杰,反而在李遥身上先开了利市。 How Li does remote think of this female unexpectedly also the concealed sword on the bed? 李遥如何想到这女子竟然还在床上藏剑? The bonus is his deal with changes is extremely quick, the body illness/quick will be supine in the future, felt that chest front one cool, was cut the clothes by the short-sword, almost came to open up the stomach. 饶是他应变极快,身子疾往后仰,也感觉胸前一凉,被短剑划开衣服,差一点就来了个开膛破肚。 Even so, his chest front also appears a bloodstain. 即使如此,他胸前也浮现出一道血痕。 Even along with the bloodstain, a hemp itchy meaning proliferation, made Li remote facial expression big change: „ On sword has 甚至伴随着血痕,还有一股麻痒之意扩散,令李遥神情大变:“剑上有 Poisonous? ” 毒?” „!” “正是!” Zhao Feifeng sets out with a smile, does not care about the spring scenery to release for the first time, said with a smile: This is my special spoiled vicious, can you know the taste?” 赵飞凤笑吟吟起身,也不在乎春光乍泄,笑道:“这是我独门的腐心毒,你可知道滋味了?” Li remote smiles bitterly, lags behind the mask: „ Zhao Miss, I really am not obscene very this time come, completely for this ancient jade, in this jade has a big secret, possibly is the reason of that sorcerer ambush. „ 李遥苦笑一声,拉下面罩:“赵姑娘,我真不是淫贼此次前来,完全就是为了这块古玉,此玉上有一个大秘密,可能就是那妖人潜伏之原由。“ This jade? „ “这玉?“ Zhao Feifeng sees the Li remote handsome facial features, first yes 赵飞凤看到李遥英俊的面容,先是 One dull, somewhat is at once vacant. 一呆,旋即就有些茫然。 This jade she has worn personal, what secret also there is? 这玉她一直贴身佩戴,又有什么秘密? Young lady , if not believe that please look!” “小姐若不信,请看!” Li Yaolian transports/fortunes three internal strength, is unable to prevent the poison 李遥连运三遍内功,都无法阻止毒 The air/Qi launches a psychological attack, worries to get angry, takes out the remnant jade that takes down from the daughter neck from the bosom. 气攻心,不由着急上火,从怀中取出从女儿脖子上取下的残玉。 Unexpectedly so? “竟然如此? Zhao Feifeng sees the other half of remnant jade, the eye was straight. 赵飞凤看到另外一半残玉,眼睛就直了。 „ Can young lady believe below? „ Li remote smiles bitterly- sound: „ Handed down in the family also has the half remnant jade below, if about “小姐是否能相信在下?“李遥苦笑-声:“在下家传也有一半残玉,若合 But is one, explains secret, is willing to share with the miss below... ” „ 而为一,解读出其中秘密,在下愿意与姑娘分享…”“ Zhao Feifeng does not know to think of anything, on the face is somewhat crimson, throws a jade bottle, shouted: „ Such being the case, this miss letter/believes your for the time being, this is the antidote of three days share! „ 赵飞凤不知想到什么,脸上有些绯红,抛过去一个玉瓶,喝道:“既然如此,本姑娘暂且信你一回,这是三日份的解药!“ At this moment, the mutation lives suddenly! 就在这时,异变突生! Low laughter, is common just like the night owlet, transmits from the room. 一个低低的笑声,宛若夜枭一般,从屋外传来。 When only! 唯当! The window and door open wide, one group of black qi intrude! 窗户与门扉洞开,一团黑气闯入进来! Zhao Feifeng just wants the sword straight thrust, by black qi 赵飞凤刚刚想挺剑直刺,就被黑气 Confused the mind, falls down straightly, only the pair of eyes bead can also move. 迷了心神,直挺挺倒在地上,唯有一双眼珠子还能动弹。 Even if Li remote the skill is higher than compared with Zhao Feifeng, 李遥哪怕功力比赵飞凤高出许多, Also ends up the same fate. 也是落得同一下场。 Malignant influences restraining, appears one of them, is Nangong is outstanding! 煞气收敛,现出其中一人,正是南宫杰! This demon sect disciple, has not actually walked 这位魔门弟子,其实根本就没有走 After circling one, sneaked Qi dream institute! 远,绕了一圈之后,又潜回了绮梦院! At this time, his big hand opens, takes up two pieces of remnant jade from Li remote honestly immodestly, mutters: „ Originally the treasure is this 此时,他大手张开,老实不客气地从李遥身上将两块残玉拿起,喃喃道:“原来宝贝是这个 He swept Zhao Feifeng, annoying, 他扫了眼赵飞凤,不由大为懊恼, Scolded: „ This thing on you, father looked not 1000, how also 800... walked 骂道:“这东西就在你身上,老子看了没有一千遍,也有八百遍…怎么就走了 Eye? Considers the divine object from dark...... ” „ 眼?当是神物自晦……”“ Saw that Zhao Feifeng wishes one could to nip his meat 看到赵飞凤恨不得咬下他一块肉的 The expression, Nangong laughs outstandingly: Master likes riding the high-spirited horse... you, and is waiting, when attains this buried treasure, the master fights 300 rounds with you again!” 表情,南宫杰又不由哈哈大笑:“爷就喜欢骑烈马…你且等着,等到拿到这宝藏,爷再跟你大战三百回合!” Said, while two side Canyu gap 一边说,一边就将两方残玉的缺口 Crowding together. 凑在一起。 Mentioned also strangely! 说来也怪! When these two side Canyu about after the same place, fit together perfectly unexpectedly, shines a white light gradually, in seems like some innumerable snail material general writing to hover! 当这两方残玉合在一起之后,竟然严丝合缝,渐渐亮起一层白光,内中似乎有无数蜗料一般的文字游动! Well?” “咦?” The roof, Aaron calmly sees a play. 屋顶,亚伦正静静看戏。 His magical skill is more outstanding than Nangong also wants high, big s0N 他道行比南宫杰还要高一点,大s0N Nangong could not discover him outstandingly. 南宫杰根本发现不了他。 Even, initially when Nangong began outstandingly, he has not acted. 甚至,当初南宫杰动手之时,他都没有出手。 After all, he with the Li Family friendship, mainly in Li Xiao and Li two mothers, and before had acted one time. 毕竟,他跟李家的交情,主要还是在李逍与李二娘,并且之前都出手过一次。 Time what even if these encounters the danger is Li Xiao, he will not act again. 哪怕这一次遇到危险的是李逍,他都不会再出手了。 Is good because , before Nangong attacks, actually quite 好在,南宫杰之前袭击,倒是颇为 Shows mercy, wants to leave behind Zhao Feifeng to play with probably. 手下留情,大概还是想留下赵飞凤玩弄。 As for Li remote, but adds the head. 至于李遥,不过一个添头罢了。 But Aaron at this time, saw change that Fang Yu wears, looking pensive: „The chance of childlike innocence Daoist, indeed should but the divine intervention make one probably here, without the strength, the chance is the trap of losing one's life.” 亚伦此时,也看到了那一方玉佩的变化,不由若有所思:“童心道人的机缘,大概的确是应在这里但天意弄人,没有实力,机缘就是送命的陷阱啊。” Read hence, he was more discrete. 一念至此,他不由更加谨慎。 Although the golden snake hook in the sleeve, ponders by the technique of flying sword, is with the colorless tasteless hundred poisonous malignant influences sneak attacks, has big chance, but Aaron chooses to watch changes quietly. 虽然金蛇钩就在袖子内,自忖不论是以飞剑之术,还是用无色无味的百毒煞气偷袭,都有很大赢面,但亚伦还是选择静观其变。 After all this hiding away, has not known that is what chance? 毕竟这个秘藏,还不知道是什么机缘呢? The next quarter, has five-colors radiance together, from room in 下一刻,有一道五彩光华,自屋内 Blow out! 爆出! Li remote is looking at this dumbfoundedly, seeing only o that sorcerer makes two pieces of jade pendants body-fusion wild with joy, stimulates to movement the law 李遥目瞪口呆地望着这一幕,只见o那妖人狂喜地让两片玉佩合体,催动法 Strength, subsequently...? 力,继而就…化了? In the jade pendant emits five-colors to be unreliable light/only, but- circles, Nangong changes into beach bloody water outstandingly. 玉佩之中放出一圈五彩玄光,只是—绕,南宫杰就化为一滩血水。 At once, that jade pendant on static float in the midair, the raspberry however changes, projects the innumerable writing 旋即,那块玉佩就静静悬浮于半空,莓然又是一变,投射出无数文字 When first line, impressively is onemy inheritance, 当先一行,赫然是一‘吾之传承, It is not evil way demon sect obtained ‚! 不为邪道魔门所得‘! Aaron counted on the fingers, immediately clear(ly) became aware: „ This jade 亚伦掐指一算,顿时明悟:“这玉 In, there is restriction together, once the opener will be the side door, and even Demon Way is really mad will counter-attack immediately? This restriction is really sinister and ruthless! ” 佩之中,有一道禁制,一旦开启者是旁门、乃至魔道真气立即就会反击?这禁制着实阴毒!” But at once, there are dense and numerous writing, is ordinary just like the projection, was thrown above the wall in the room, lifelike villains, make various movements. 而旋即,又有密密麻麻的文字,宛若投影一般,被投在屋内墙壁之上,其中还有一个个活灵活现的小人,做出各种动作。 In end, one line of writing- 在末了,还有一行文字-— Hundred Yang records, lay the foundation first, waits to be predestined friends ‘百阳图录,奠基第一,留待有缘 A dark green zygote! ‚ 一苍合子!‘ Aaron looks to these villains, immediately knows, 亚伦看向那些小人,顿时就知道, Is quite wise cultivation method, and is Daoism authentic first-class. 是一门相当高明的功法,并且乃是玄门正宗一流。 He remembers instantaneously, the photographic memory, remembered the entire 365 movements, as well as heart law mantra of more than ten thousand characters. 他瞬间记忆,过目不忘,就记住了全篇三百六十五个动作,以及万余字的心法口诀 Thinks slightly with rapt attention, somewhat changes countenance: „ This «Hundred Yang Record», although after only then, 稍微凝神思索一番,就有些动容:“这《百阳图录》,虽然只有后 Day and Early Heaven twofold realm, but the foundation is solid, is the Daoism orthodox school, after breaking through Early Heaven, what refining up is 天、先天两重境界,但根基扎实,乃是玄门正宗,突破先天之后,所炼就的是 Does Yang Zhenqi ‚, this is really mad in Ninth Grade is really air/Qi it 一口‘乾阳真气‘,此真气在九品真气之 Is third! ” 中,位列第三品!” Not only that it can with any cultivation method perfect engagement, even if some Daoism authentic major faction, foundation laying cultivation method of disciple not necessarily has it to be good, really to lay the foundation worthily the first method.” “不仅如此,其更可以与任何功法完美衔接,纵然一些玄门正宗的大派,弟子的奠基功法都未必有它好,果然不愧为奠基第一法门。” My hundred poisons are really mad most calculate Ninth Grade, with third doing Yang Zhenqi, the days leaves simply badly. Seriously a little waste merit recultivation heart movement...” “我的百毒真气最多算第九品,与第三品的乾阳真气,简直天差地别。当真都有一点废功重修的心动了…” However, Aaron does not prepare to abandon the merit now. 不过,亚伦并不准备现在就废功。 After all, if the foundation flaw can abandon the merit to complement, 毕竟,若根基缺陷可以废功补全, Why can so many people of high skill transfer first? 为何还有那么多高人要转上一世? This majority is because, the life is insufficient “这大部分都是因为,寿元不足以 Waste merit recultivation , and waste merit, the foundation has a damage even if! ” 废功重修了啊并且哪怕废功,根基还是有所缺损!” But, regarding the childlike innocence Daoist, five view heart laws is coarse, if can result in «Hundred Yang Record», the actually extraordinary big chance, at least entered step Early Heaven, did not have the issue!” “不过,对于童心道人而言,五通观心法粗陋,若能得了《百阳图录》,倒是了不得的大机缘了,至少进阶先天,毫无问题!” In the rooms, Li remote tries hard to remember, actually can only remember 50%-60% the graph writing. 房间内,李遥努力记忆,却只能将图形文字记得50%-60%。 Suddenly, he felt that the body can move, first swallowed the antidote hastily, then looks to Zhao Feifeng. 忽然,他感觉身体能够动弹,连忙先将解药吞了,再看向赵非凤。 This young girl, is also remembering diligently the jade pendant puts 这位少女,也在努力记忆着玉佩放 The left writing and graph, do to the aptitude unable to withstand, only remembered few 2-3 tenths, but also is forgetting unceasingly. 出的文字与图形,奈何资质不堪,只记下了寥寥2-3成,还在不断遗忘。 Li remote picks up the jade pendant, the discovery did not have again beforehand profound different. 李遥将玉佩拾起,却发现再也没有了之前的玄异。 Also does not know that is the disposable thing, lacked was really air/Qi magic power to inject the reason 也不知是一次性之物,还是缺了真气法力注入之缘故 He the jade pendant in the hand, is looking at Zhao Feifeng, said: This thing is our two altogether has, how?” 他将玉佩拿在手中,望着赵飞凤,却道:“此物算是我们两家共有,如何?” Said it and meant it.” “一言为定。” Zhao Feifeng called good, sees Li Yaoben 赵飞凤叫了一声好,又见到李遥本 Comes the appearance, as well as so the high character and integrity, the heart moves secretly, had some feelings unexpectedly 来面目,以及如此高风亮节,不由芳心暗动,竟然生出了些许情愫 Above roof. 屋顶之上。 The Aaron finger is counting on the fingers fast, long time later, duplicate/restores also sighed: So that's how it is!” 亚伦手指正在飞快掐算,良久之后,复又叹息一声:“原来如此!” This world causal networks are strict, more tasteful is predestined friends. 此世因果网络严密,更讲究一个有缘。 So long as is predestined friends, cultivation method and treasure throw the bosom automatically. 只要有缘,功法、宝贝自动投怀。 If misses, actually must demand that is a child 若是无缘,却又要强求那就是童 The fate of heart Daoist! 心道人的下场! Li Family has the lucky reason, therefore 李家是个有福缘的,因此得了 «Hundred Yang Record»... changes into Nangong to be outstanding, must but actually big mildew 《百阳图录》…换成南宫杰,就要倒大霉“ Even initially, half jade pendant in the front, held appreciatively has not known many, early and not “甚至当初,半块玉佩就在面前,把玩过不知道多少遍,也早而不 Through this matter, his causes and effects lineage/vein to this world 通过此事,他对这世界的因果脉 Winds, and even the revolution rule, had a more profound understanding: „The treasure and inheritance of this world were not that good with, had the causes and effects!” 络,乃至运转规则,不由有了更加深刻的理解:“此世的宝贝、传承不是那么好拿拿了,就有因果!” I killed Shen Xuehang, seemingly is all right in fact causes and effects of his one group of young people, but on me! The spiritual cultivation population ten years, without are so easy dead „ “我杀了沈雪行,看似没事实际上他一堆红颜的因果,可都在我身上呢!修道人数十年,没那么容易死的“ In the future even if will see the treasure at present, must carefully ponder, is the pit!” “日后纵然看到宝贝就在眼前,也得好好思考一下,是不是坑!” Naturally, cannot demand, can actually become a buddhist get to know... for example this «Hundred Yang Record», is the Li Family chance, but I become a buddhist get to know in Li Family, is Li Family has acted, fate that therefore also one peeps? Zhao Family that young lady same “当然,不能强求,却能结缘…比如这《百阳图录》,原本是李家的机缘,但我结缘于李家,为李家出过手,因此也有一窥的缘分?赵家那小姐同样 So...... ” 如此……” It seems like I want to do obeisance into Daoism to be authentic, “这么看来我想拜入玄门正宗, The difficulties were bigger... „ 难度更大了啊…“ Is sighing, Aaron while had/left the Yuanjia city, looked for place remote mountain Old Lin at will, picked an herbal medicine. 一边叹息着,亚伦一边出了元嘉城,随意找了处深山老林,采了一点草药。 Then restores side Yuan the appearance, elected for day 这才恢复成方原的模样,选了一天 In the morning, returns to odd/surplus Kangzhen. 早晨,回到余亢镇。 Father? For serveral days which did you go?” “爹?您这些天去哪了?” side Xi greets, sees the old father's appearance, loves dearly, is the complaint. 方希迎接出来,看到老父亲的模样,又是心疼,又是抱怨。 Old man went to the remote mountain to pick the medicine, became lost on several th , no important matter. „ “老夫去深山采药了,迷路了几日,也没啥大事。“ Aaron, does with a laugh stubbornly, pours the herbal medicine in medicine basket: „ You look at this polygonum multiflorum, 亚伦笑呵呵地,强作倔强,将药篓里的草药倒出:“你看这一株何首乌, At least had 80 years of crucial moment... ” 起码有八十年火候了…” Well? Probably really!” “咦?好像真是啊!” side Xi the vision was attracted immediately, the mouth expressed admiration, by Aaron deceiving 方希的目光顿时被吸引过去,嘴里啧啧称奇,就这么被亚伦给糊弄了
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