TOTM :: Volume #10

#920: Bloodthirsty strange book( 3600 make up)

Li Family inn and this young master?” 李家客栈、本公子?” Li remote is startled, at once also responds, drinks 李遥一怔,旋即也反应过来,喝 Said: You were Zhao! Dies to me!” 道:“你是赵了!给我死来!” The personal enemies meet, particularly eyes are red. 仇人见面,分外眼红。 This time Li remote, does not allow to be forgiving, 32 moves took Zhao Jianchen. 此时的李遥,手下再不容留情,三两招就拿下了赵剑尘。 He selected Zhao Jianchen acupuncture point, throws like the broken gunnysack this person generally on the ground, shouted: If heaven pities me, delivers to front of you me, I will hack you in front of the father grave exactly, was only then pleased!” 他点了赵剑尘的穴道,将此人如同破麻袋一般丢在地上,喝道:“天可怜见,将你送到我面前,我必要在父亲墓前活剐了你,方可快慰!” Remote elder brother “遥哥儿“ Li remote wife is actually a fine person, shouted: First interrogated, asked why he so cared about this dead taoist priest!” 李遥的妻子却是个精细人,喝道:“先审问一番,问他为何如此在意这个死道士!” This word is rational.” “此言有理。” Li remote nods, caught Zhao Jianchen, goes to nearby grove to torture without consulting anybody. 李遥点点头,抓了赵剑尘,径自去旁边的小树林用刑。 Zhao Jianchen has the scheme actually, first scolded several 赵剑尘倒是颇有心计,先骂了几 The sentence, then pretends unable to teach the type of cruel punishment, special in emotion confessed. 句,然后装作教不住大刑的样于,特于情都交代了。 Just, he confesses nine real false. 只不过,他交代得九真一假。 Oneself are employed in Nangong is outstanding, comes Zhao Residence scheme treasure the matter, he said in detail incomparable. 自己受雇于南宫杰,来赵府图谋宝贝的事儿,他说得详细无比。 But to Nangong outstanding here, only said that the opposite party martial arts was immeasurably deep, overpowers itself, was worked for him by oneself, did not raise the opposite party is the matter of gentleman of Taoist skill. 但到了南宫杰这里,只说对方武功深不可测,制服了自己,让自己为他做事,丝毫不提对方是道术之士的事儿。 In the heart makes a determined effort secretly: Goes, to treasure hunt happen to hits in the Nangong outstanding hand, revenges for me!’ 心中更是暗自发狠:‘去吧、都去寻宝正好撞在南宫杰手上,为我报仇!’ Li remote interrogated, suddenly on some interest is wanings, a sword killed Zhao Jianchen, returned to the carriage. 李遥审问完毕,忽然就有些意兴阑珊,一剑将赵剑尘杀了,回到马车。 The wife is coaxing Li Qi to go to sleep, signals with the eyes, two people go out of the carriage together. 妻子正哄着李芪入睡,使了个眼色,两人一起走出马车。 Li remote will press for an answer the information that comes to say. His wife actually frowns: I always thought that this Zhao Jianchen confesses some to be quick too, perhaps not unreality.” 李遥就将逼问得来的情报说了。他妻子却皱起眉头:“我总觉得这个赵剑尘交代得有些太快,或许还有不尽不实之处。” He is the riches and honor playboy, could not endure my iron torture, pouring also reasonably is only the treasure that he mentioned, reminding me of a matter.” “他原本是富贵公子哥儿,熬不过我的铁手酷刑,倒也合理只是他提到的宝贝,让我想起了一件事。” Li remote coughs, opens the mouth saying: You may remember, I to you have said the concealed treasure chart?” 李遥咳嗽一声,开口道:“你可记得,我跟你说过的藏宝图?” Naturally remembers.” “当然记得。” This concealed treasure chart, drew out many matters in the past, Li Family moves whole family, is related with this. 这藏宝图,当年可是引出了不少事,就连李家举家搬迁,也与此有关。 Li remote said: Initially my father also looked for a steed with the aid of its picture with Master, had not actually found what dao method to inherit, only resulted in side Canyu!” 李遥就道:“当初我父亲跟师父也按图索骥,却没有找到什么道法传承,只得了一方残玉!” The wife looks immediately to the compartment: Is on the qi neck that?” 妻子顿时看向车厢:“就是芪儿脖子上那块?” “Exactly.” “正是。” Li remote sighed: „ My Master comprehends for many years, has not had obtained, is only thinking, if can complement, can perhaps appear the mystical..., but under this day big, where should the other half remnant jade go to look? Today this Zhao Jianchen, gives me to inspire actually, that jade perhaps in the middle of Zhao Residence,... „ 李遥叹了口气道:“我师父参悟多年,未有所得,只想着若能补全,或许就能显出神异…但这天下之大,另一半残玉该去哪里找?今日这赵剑尘,倒是给了我启发,那玉或许就在赵府当中,咳咳咳咳…“ He was sick, before began on loss essence qi, at this time the mood surged, has a bad cough, even on the handkerchief full was the blood. 他本来就有病,之前动手就损耗元气,此时心情激荡,咳嗽得更加厉害,连手帕上都满是鲜血。 Li remote wife called out: Our not corrupt anything, only strove, if resulted in magic technique, can cure your sickness, do not leave behind our orphan widowed mothers to be then good!” 李遥之妻叫道:“我们也不贪什么,只求若得了法术,能治好你的病,不要留下我们孤儿寡母便好!” one a一 Remnant jade?” “残玉?” Aaron hides in one side, hears clearly, when except for sighing with emotion this pesters two generations of bad karma settled finally, came the interest. 2 亚伦躲在一边,听得真真切切,除了感慨这纠缠了两代人的孽缘终于了结之余,也来了兴趣。二 On Li Qi neck brings jade pendant, he also has to see, but only thought at that time general. 李芪脖子上带着的玉佩,他也不是没见到过,但当时只觉一般。 Now wants to come, feared that is mistaken, not this dries up the chance. 现在想来,怕是自己都走了眼,并无这涸机缘。 He thinks so that silently Mr. and Mrs. Li remote plans, they first send home appropriately the daughter to place, at once nonstop, arrives at Yuanjia city feudal official. 他就这么默默看着李遥夫妻算计,他们先是将女儿送回家妥善安置,旋即就马不停蹄,来到了元嘉城官府 Before Li remote arrives at feudal official, does not wait for the yamen runner to drink to scold, pulls out a gold medal from the bosom at will, lost. 李遥来到官府之前,也不等衙役喝骂,就随意从怀中掏出一面金牌,丢了过去。 The time B play service swept- eye,- ” meets to kneel on the ground. 期B剧役扫了—眼,-”接跪在地上。 Not long, officer comes out, invited Mr. and Mrs. Li remote respectfully. 没有多久,一个官儿出来,恭敬至极地将李遥夫妻请了进去。 Also passed the less than half double-hour, rode the fast horse to transmit orders along with the number, guarded several battalions of soldiers and horses of city to be transferred, encircled Zhao Residence. Society 又过了小半个时辰,伴随着数骑快马传令,驻守城池的几营兵马都被调动,将赵府团团围住。社 This operation, even Aaron looks expresses admiration: Then right so-called wrestles with wits does not fight the strength, managing him what is vicious the enemy, adjusts the Imperial Court army to encircle directly, even if were defeated, in any case death is not oneself!” 这操作,连亚伦都看得啧啧称奇:“这才对嘛所谓斗智不斗力,管他什么凶狠敌人,直接调朝廷大军围剿哪怕失败了,反正死的也不是自己!” The sound, the nature has so alarmed Zhao Residence. Under Mr. Zhao in the clansman crowds around, comes out to ask why disturbedly. 如此动静,自然早就惊动了赵府。赵老爷就在族人簇拥之下,忐忑地出来问个究竟。 The military officer who commands troops how saw the gold medal that now your majesty bestows, how does not care about Zhao Family, shouted: Your family has the pirate to give shelter, we are also ordered to encircle, Nangong where?” Mouth 奈何领兵的将领见到了当今陛下亲赐的金牌,根本不在乎赵家如何,喝道:“你家有江洋大盗窝藏,我们也是奉命围剿,南宫杰在何处?”口 This drinks greatly, makes the Zhao Family person empty a stretch of open area instantaneously, staying behind still somewhat is dull Nangong. 这一声大喝,瞬间就让赵家人清空出一片空地,留下依旧有些呆愣的南宫杰。 Good, you are that pirate, puts the arrow!” “好啊,你就是那个江洋大盗,放箭!” The commanding troops military officer is not silly, for fear that Nangong outstanding martial arts excels, fires on the order ten thousand arrows directly. Mouth 领兵将领也不傻,生怕南宫杰武功高强,直接就命令万箭齐发。口 As for injuring accidentally the Zhao Family person? That could not control this many! 至于误伤赵家人?那也管不了这许多了! Damn!” “该死!” A Nangong face compels ignorant, he ponders has not shown what something that gives one away, how to be encircled by the officers suddenly 南宫杰正一脸懵逼,他自忖也没露出什么马脚,怎么忽然就被官兵围剿 The bat Duke ishundred bird templesfamily background, his Master must refine magic treasure, needs to refine 100 assorted birds, his disciple is one of the preparation materials! In demon sect, this is the commonly seen matter. Mouth 蝙蝠公是‘百禽庙‘出身,他师父要炼一件法宝,需要炼化一百头各色飞禽,他这个徒儿就是预备材料之一!在魔门之中,这本是司空见惯的事情。口 After bat well-known say/way inside story, immediately revolted master gate, became loose cultivator. 蝙蝠公知道内情之后,立即叛了师门,成了一名散修 But he majors, is lineage/vein changes magic technique, named onebloodthirsty wonderful book ‚! 而他所主修的,就是一脉变化法术,名为一‘嗜血奇书‘!记 Practices magic technique on this book, can change is scarlet blood bat, this thing is variation, when erectness has people to be small, can spurt the toxic smoke, the flight vanishes. 修炼此书上的法术,能将自身变化为一头‘赤血蝙蝠’,此物乃是异种,直立之时有人大小,能喷毒烟,飞行绝迹。 Nangong outstanding malignant influences spout, block to inundate the Tien Chien rain, oneself roll, changes into a red hair bat, but the wing one big is small, monster body several have the bare wool, obviously the technique of change is not proficient. 南宫杰一口煞气喷出,挡住漫天箭雨,自己则就地一滚,就化为一头红毛蝙蝠,只是翅膀一大一小,妖躯几处也有秃毛,显然变化之术还未到家。 The bonus is so, kicks several wings, departs encircles layer on layer/heavily, holds the military officer who shouted loudly a moment ago, gas cloud spurts on his facial countenance, melts his head most, this swaggers away. 饶是如此,也扑腾几下翅膀,就飞出重重合围,抓住了刚才大喊大叫的将领,一口毒雾喷在他头脸上,将他脑袋都融化大半,这才扬长而去。 At this time sees only ten thousand arrows to fire, comes to oneself, sneers, spouts malignant influences. 此时只见万箭齐发,向自己而来,不由冷笑一声,喷出一口煞气。 His acknowledging as teacher bat Duke, but the bat Duke is actually the demon sect inheritance! 他拜师蝙蝠公,而蝙蝠公却是魔门传承! This world demon sect, nine big true inheritance, derives 70 two External Way, 300 supplementary biographies, Demon Way Ascetic always accepts the disciple to be not really rigorous after all, most likes receiving disciple broadly, casual biography several dao method, then raise the gu. Package 此世魔门,有九大真传,又衍生出七十二外道,三百别传,毕竟魔道修士一向收徒不甚严谨,最喜欢广收徒儿,随便传几手道法,然后再养蛊。包 Does finally, this many demon sect inherit, even if in demon sect person could not clarify. 搞到最后,此界到底有多少魔门传承,哪怕魔门中人自己都弄不太清了。 The demon sect big shot who once was skilled in the Early Heaven calculation, died in a sitting posture before the end, once smiled long: Demon Way is not orphaned, exerts a baneful influence infinitely!” Country 曾经有一位精通先天演算的魔门大佬,临终坐化之前就曾长笑:“魔道不孤,流毒无穷!”国 The bat Duke inheritance, is not really wise, is not including 300 supplementary biographies, but supplementary biography passes on again! 蝙蝠公的传承,就不甚高明,连三百别传都算不上,只是别传的再传! In the Demon Way 300 supplementary biographies, ‚ hundred bird temples ‚, are skilled in the technique of change, most is good at changing for the birds offends somebody. 魔道三百别传之中,有一支‘百禽庙‘,精通变化之术,最擅长变化为飞禽伤人。们 Unexpectedly is the gentleman of Taoist skill! “竟然是道术之士! Li Yaochuan the attendant soldier clothing, mixed in this military officer body week, planned to act, at this time was frightened! 李遥穿了亲兵服饰,混在这将领身周,原本还打算出手,此时不由被吓出一身冷汗! If the single alone sword seeks revenge, only fears death horrible to look at that was! 若是自己单人独剑来寻仇,只怕死得惨不忍睹的那个,就是自己了啊!
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