TOTM :: Volume #10

#919: Chance( 3400 make up)

Although Zhao Jianchen in the past was held under duress by stretch/open Chengxiang, but 赵剑尘当年虽然被张成翔挟持,可 Has not really liked many maltreatments, but ate slightly- point suffering. Returning 真没爱到多少虐待,只是稍微吃了—点苦头罢了。回 The bonus is so, but also chases down Li Xiao more than one year. But when his father falls from power, actually drops the silt from the clouds truly, does not know that was suffered by many, was destroyed including the original facial features. 饶是如此,还追杀李逍一家多年。但等到他父亲倒台,却是真正从云端跌落淤泥,不知受了多少折磨,连原本的面容都被毁去了。 These enemies, are waiting to me, when father completes study magic technique, necessary retaliates ruthlessly! ‚ “那些仇家,都给我等着等到老子学成法术,必要一个个狠狠报复回来!‘ He gets hold of the fist secretly, had pledged that must retaliate. 他暗暗握紧拳头,早就发誓要报复回去。 But Zhao Jianchen also calculates to have the chance, unexpectedly during is meeting misfortune, knew a demon sect Daoist. 而赵剑尘也算有机缘,居然在落难之中,结识了一位魔门道人。 Handyman in buddhist temple from numberbat Duke ‚, person who truly has magic technique, but also received several disciple. Returns to Eldest Disciple, was in the past by the roaming the four corners of the world Daoist who the knight-errant swordsman cut! 那道人自号‘蝙蝠公‘,却是真正有法术的人,还收了数个徒儿。回其中的大徒弟,便是当年被剑侠所斩的游方道人! Two apprentices, were this Nangong are outstanding. 二徒弟,就是这位南宫杰了。 Arranges bat Duke to make both apprentices come Zhao Family, naturally has an enormous scheme, he knows that Zhao Family has treasure, actually doesn't know the Daoist priest to the appearance? Also was hidden by Zhao Family where? Therefore sends out the apprentice to investigate one after another. 编蝠公让两位徒弟都来赵家,自然是有个极大的图谋,他知道赵家有件宝物,却不知道长得如何模样?又被赵家藏在何处?因此接连派出徒弟探查。 Even spent dozens years of time, the painstaking care of investment is big. 甚至于花费了数十年功夫,投入的心血不小。 Inquired after this smoke news, Zhao Jianchen then volunteers, is a helper. 打听到这烟消息之后,赵剑尘便自告奋勇,也来做个帮手。 Also he after all is very familiar, after disfiguring one's face, no one with Zhao Residence can recognize him to come again, and some of oneself also martial skill, with the Nangong outstanding help, pour also successfully mixes in Zhao Residence, did protected the institute. 他毕竟对赵府十分熟悉,毁了容之后也没人再能认出他来,并且本人还有些武艺,在南宫杰的帮助下,倒也成功混入赵府,做了护院。 At this time in heart, only then helps hobby bat Duke complete this important matter, oneself can do obeisance into the opposite party hanger-on, completes study dao method to revenge the thought that! 此时心中,只有帮癖蝠公完成这件大事,自己得以拜入对方门下,学成道法报仇的念头! Hears Nangong to order outstandingly, immediately mind one cold, 听到南宫杰命令,顿时心神一凛, Pursued along the bloodstain. 沿着血迹一路追了出去。 But pursued to the Yuanjia city outside, this bloodstain was then cut off in river, did not have the trail again. 但追到元嘉城外,这血迹便在一条大河处断掉,再也没有了踪迹。 Zhao Jianchen found the dawn in neighbor continuously, returns resentfully, by Nangong is not known scolded many waste. 3 赵剑尘在附近一直找到天亮,才悻悻而回,被南宫杰不知道骂了多少句废物。三 Nangong has a guilty conscience outstandingly, even more thought that last night the strict person possibly discovered his secret, from, the gathered rivers and lakes experts will send immediately, the strict order must catch last night that person! 南宫杰心中有鬼,越发觉得昨夜严人可能发现了他的秘密,当即将自,招揽的江湖好手都派了出去,严令务必更抓到昨夜那人! In addition Zhao Residence disappeared without a trace by the small clever news, the entire Yuanjia city, became lived it up. 再加上赵府遭了小贼的消息不胫而走,整个元嘉城,都变得热闹了起来。 That Nangong Steward, unexpectedly is congealing ghost Ascetic! With my same step... ‚ ‘那个南宫管家,居然是个凝煞修士!跟我同阶啊…‘ Although Aaron polishes for many years in the congealing ghost boundary, regardless of is really air/Qi magic power, the sword technique to go far beyond that person, even had confidence that a sword hacks to death the opposite party, really will not actually act. 虽然亚伦在凝煞境打磨多年,不论真气法力、还是剑术都远远超过那人,甚至有把握一剑砍死对方,却也不会真个出手。 What hidden trump if did hide? If by some chance others division commanders do walk in? Sparring extremely to be really dangerous. 万一人家藏了什么底牌呢?万一人家的师长找上门来呢?斗法着实太过危险。 Can not hit, does not hit to make as far as possible. He follows to look that silently the childlike innocence Daoist was infiltrated the shoulder by the black glow, 能不打,还是尽量不打约好。他就这么默默跟着看着童心道人被一点黑芒打入肩膀, The road is struggling escaping 路挣扎着逃出 Outside the city, jumps into the river to escape. 城外,跳河逃生。 ...... …… Niu Village. Group 牛家村。团 A cowherding shepherd boy in the riverside, is feeding to drink water, saw that on the river surface is floating a corpse. 一名放牛的牧童正在河边,喂上喝水,就见到河面上漂着一具死尸。 He has a scare, that floating corpse also happen to floated his front, revealed young facial features, but also coughed. 他吓了一跳,偏偏那浮尸还正好漂到了他的面前,露出一张年轻的面容,还咳嗽了一声。 The shepherd boys drag to come ashore this person hastily, even this person is not heavy, still spent the strength of nine Niu’er tigers. 牧童连忙将这人拖上岸,即使这人不重,也是费了九牛二虎之力。 Good child......” “好孩子……” The childlike innocence Daoist opens the eyes, induces slightly, smiles bitterly. 童心道人睁开双眼,稍微感应一番,就是苦笑。 He by Nangong with extremely evil and cruelmourning nailhits a target, this mourning nail is not magic tool, most is ordinary with the five harmful things needle that Aaron once refined, is an end product, actually also sinister and ruthless. 他被南宫杰用极歹毒的‘丧门钉‘射中,这丧门钉也不算法器,最多跟亚伦曾经炼制的五毒针一般,乃是一件成品,却也阴毒非常。 - Law enters Wound -1 o the needle, drills into the heart and lungs unceasingly. —法入伤-1o针,不断钻入心肺。 By this time, childlike innocence Daoist already: The dawn, oneself Divine Immortal is difficult to rescue. 3 到了这时,童心道人已经:晓,自己神仙难救。三 He is looking at the young shepherd boy, asked the foot reluctantly: „Do you name?” 他望着小牧童,勉强问足:“你叫什么名字?” I... my name was Aniu!” Group “俺…俺叫阿牛!”团 On the shepherd boy face is hanging, if the nasal mucus, suppresses replied gruffly. „ Oh I can the body die, five view inheritance not 牧童脸上挂着若鼻涕,憋憨地回答。“唉我能身死,五通观传承不 Can extinguish. ” 1 能灭。”一 The childlike innocence Daoist sighed, took the tortoise shell, gave the shepherd boy: „ This gadget, gave you... you to remember, I was dying, when I died 童心道人叹息一声,将龟壳取了出来,交给牧童:“这玩意儿,送给了你吧…你记住,我就要死了,等我死 After you thrust in me the river as usual, today the matter, cannot tell anybody, understands what is heard? ” 后,你照旧将我推入河中,今天发生的事儿,不能跟任何人说,听明白没有?” Said that Kui final- when sentence, his palm grabs Aniu's wrist/skill stubbornly, frightens this young child resembles with anything. 说奎最后—句之时,他的手掌死死抓着阿牛的手腕,将这个小枚童吓得跟什么也似。 But the childlike innocence Daoist completes all these, under the king the concern, passed away finally immediately! 而童心道人做完这一切,也终于王下心事,登时气绝身亡! In Aniu hand takes the tortoise shell, suddenly called one, as if finally came from some nightmare China , Soviet Union surface, rode the cow to depart hastily, the injunction of childlike innocence Daoist forgot. 阿牛手上拿着龟壳,忽然之叫一声,似乎终于从某个噩梦中苏面过来,连忙骑着牛离去,就连童心道人的嘱咐都忘了。 After the moment, the Aaron leisurely however » water comes, to sigh: „ Oh treats as the woman matter.. 片刻后,亚伦施施然》水而来,叹息一声:“唉就当做妇事。。 His palm has not moved, the corpse of shore returns to the river , to continue Shun clear wing. 他手掌并未如何动化,岸边的尸体就又回到河中,继续顺清翼荡。 After all if the corpse of childlike innocence Daoist dies in these two, perhaps will bring in demon sect the person, brings the total destruction to Niu Village and shepherd boy Aniu! 毕竟若童心道人的尸一死在这二,说不定就会引来魔门中人,给牛家村与牧童阿牛带来灭顶之灾! Five views are really miserable, this inheritance must be finished “五通观真惨,这传承是要完蛋了 Aaron looks at the back that the shepherd boy is leaving, touches the chin: Wants...... to trade with one candied fruits?” 亚伦望着牧童离开的背影,摸了摸下巴:“要不要……用一串糖葫芦去换一换?” The shepherd boys are ignorant, if changes the tortoise shell with one candied fruits, the opposite party said no static ancient time one 牧童无知,如果拿一串糖葫芦去换龟壳,对方说不中静古次出一 Then, is transaction that your sentiment I hope, the causes and effects are also small. 如此一来,是你情我愿的交易,因果也小。 But Aaron thinks, gave up this quite having the plan of seduction. 亚伦想了想,还是放弃了这个颇有诱惑的计划。 Although he knows, this must be winnable. Causes and effects are small, wasn't the causes and effects?’ 虽然他知晓,这必可成功。‘因果小,就不是因果了么?’ And has a look...... unable to do well again several generations later, this tortoise shell must turn into the thing of without owner.” O “且再看看……搞不好再过几代,这龟壳都要变成无主之物了。”O When the time comes takes it, then has no children to think again. „ ‘到时候取之,则再无后思。“ The thinking has decided that Aaron continues to follow the rivers toward walking. 思索已定,亚伦继续顺着河流往走。 Mentioned also skillfully. 说来也巧。 After several double-hour, he discovers some people at the battle. 数个时辰之后,他就发现有人在争斗。 Even, fights both sides, but also his acquaintance! 甚至,打斗双方,还都他的熟人! Said! Are you this partner?” The face causes long sword like Zhao Jiansheng transporting of malicious ghost, one set of swordsmanship displays with raw hate sinisterly, gathering the fever is the face, making Li Qi frighten hides in mother armor prize. “说!你们是不是这同伙?”面部如同恶鬼的赵剑生运使长剑,一套剑法施展得凶狠毒辣,记合烧即面部,让李芪吓得躲在娘亲甲奖。 She cannot think, now only graceful comes out to play to go for a walk with the parents, can patrol such king Poshi! 她怎么也想不到,今只曼跟爹娘出来游玩踏青,就能逻到这么王破事! First sends to see in the river- has the corpse. The strong day wife quite gallant and chivalrous frame of mind supple intestines, rescued, has the discovery 先是在河中发见—具尸体。强天妻颇为侠骨柔肠,更救了起来,出发现 Is a Daoist, has died: When many. 是个道人,已经死:多时了。 But not long, Zhao Jiantu led the people, saw the wound on corpse, the complexion big change, immediately began! 而没有多久,赵剑土就带人民了上来,看到尸体上的伤口,脸色大变,立即动手! I have said that I do not know this person, had not found anything from him.” “我说过了,我不认识此人,也没从他身上找到什么东西。” Li remote movement is excellent, flashes through sword blade one after another, in the heart was also angry, called out: You come again, I may probably hit back!” 李遥身法过人,接连闪过剑锋,心中也是恼怒,叫道:“你们再来,我可要还手了啊!” Immediately takes out a pair of judge pen from the waist, a point, falls several besieging martial arts world expert points to the ground gently. 当即从腰间取出一对判官笔,轻轻一点,就将几个围攻的武林好手点倒在地。 Well? This weapon and stance, are somewhat familiar!” In Zhao sword worldly thoughts surprised, but also sees Li remote martial arts above him, at this time saw nearby mother and daughter, on the chronometer the heart, a long sword revolution, enabling one moveto have the phoenix to come meter „, killed to Li Qi mother and daughter! “咦?这兵器与招式,有些熟悉!”赵剑尘心中惊疑一声,但也看出李遥武功在他之上,此时看到了旁边的母女,顿时计上心头,长剑一转,使了一招‘有凤来仪“,杀向李芪母女! This is attacks the enemy to rescue the idea! Despicable!” 这乃是攻敌必救之计!“卑鄙!” Really, Li remote sees this, immediately greatly 果然,李遥看到这一幕,顿时大 The bright friend strikes , the minute/share shoots at Zhao Jianchen Strategic point, this is killing of his lineage/vein judge pen incurs 11to separate 亮的友击,又分射向赵剑尘要害,此乃他这一脉判官笔的杀招一一‘劳燕分飞 Zhao Jianchen this move is the empty move, a movereturns to the horse swordto knock to fly the judge pen, actually understands that finally familiarity what to come, called out: „ Originally you were surviving member of past Li Family inn! This young master looked for you for a long time! „ 赵剑尘这一招本来就是虚招,一招‘回马剑‘将判官笔磕飞,却终于明白来了熟悉感何来,叫道:“原来你就是当年李家客栈的余孽!本公子找你们好久了!“
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