TOTM :: Volume #10

#918: Zhao Residence

Half idle hall. 半闲堂。 Wears the red clothes lined jacket, the seemingly smart lovable girl walks into hall. 一名穿着红色衣袄,看起来机灵可爱的女童走入堂口之内。 Is lying down on the rattan chair, hair gray Aaron smiled slightly: Radix astragali you gave the father to get medicine, was really filial!” 正躺在藤椅上,头发微微花白的亚伦就笑了起来:“黄芪・・・・・你又来给父亲抓药了啊,真是孝顺呢!” The girls move the mouth discontentedly, called out crisp: Grandpa Fang Jia, I am called Li Qi, is not the radix astragali!” 女童不满地搬起嘴巴,脆生生叫道:“方家爷爷,我叫做李芪,不是黄芪!” Un, comes the person, hasn't given the radix astragali young lady to get medicine?” “嗯呐嗯呐,来人,还不去给黄芪大小姐抓药?” Aaron drank one, immediately the young medicine child comes hastily, brings the radix astragali , is not right, is Li Qi gets medicine. In the entrance, a thirty -year-old couple is waiting with a smile, is Mr. and Mrs. Li remote! 亚伦喝了一声,登时就有一个小药童连忙过来,带着黄芪,哦,不对,是李芪去抓药。在门口,还有一对三十几岁的夫妇笑吟吟等着,正是李遥夫妻! Settles down in odd/surplus Kang from these two, crossed for ten years, under their knees frail, only raised a daughter, regards as the beloved daughter. But Li remote after having female, was not healthy, is half idle hall patron, but he has medical technique, is mainly buys the medicine. 距离这两人定居余亢,也过了十年,他们膝下单薄,只养了一个女儿,视为掌上明珠。而李遥在生女之后,身体就不大好了,更是半闲堂常客,只是他自有医术,主要是来买药。 And radix astragali, restores vital energy constantly the profit blood, frequently was used. 其中一味“黄芪”,补气益血,经常被用到。 Aaron is mischievous, called Xiao Li qi, shipped out a senile dementia the appearance, no one came to haggle over with him. 亚伦促狭,就这么叫小李芪,装出一幅老年痴呆的模样,也无人来跟他计较。 Even his skill condenses both ears, but can also hear the Li remote depressing cough and speaking voice: „ Oh Uncle Li zu was also old, he in the past, was almost older a generation than my father!, if Sir Father, probably is also being his appearance, is many younger 甚至他功力凝聚双耳,还能听到李遥压抑的咳嗽与说话声:“唉・・・・・李叔祖也老了,他当年,几乎比我父亲都还大一辈呢!咳咳・・若父亲大人尚在,大概也是他这模样,最多年轻些 In the spoken language, then quite a lot regretted. 言语之中,便颇多惋惜。 Who was old?” “谁老了?” Aaron touched the person skin mask on face, complained one secretly: To maintain the person supposes, the old man is also insufficient to whiten the black hair daily 亚伦摸了摸脸上的人皮面具,暗自吐槽一声:“要不是为了维持人设,老夫也不至于天天将黑发染白・・” He stands up, shoulders both hands, looks that Xiao Li qi jumping region the medical pouch is leaving, returns to the room without consulting anybody, sits cross-legged to sit. 他站起身,背负双手,看着小李芪蹦蹦跳跳地带着药包离开,径自回到自己屋中,盘膝而坐。 Aaron ponders itself, indistinct, then in regarded a palace, including azure bright young lad production, must become a god appearance of only faintly. 亚伦冥思自身,隐约之间,便内视到了一座宫殿,其中有青碧色的童子生成,隐隐要成为一尊神祇的模样。 Liver wooden palace has practiced half, really my deduction not errors.” «ten thousand Gushu» wants to refine astral, must cultivation Five Viscera and Six Bowels. “肝木宫修炼过了一半,果然・・・・・我的推演并无错漏。”《万蛊书》想要炼罡,必得修炼五脏六腑 Aaron despairs about the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, therefore starts to walk Daoism to be authentic, the way of solid foundation. From the beginning chooses first cultivates the air/Qi of liver wood, has the origin. 亚伦五脏六腑蛊已经绝望,因此开始走玄门正宗,扎实根基的途径。一开始选择先修炼肝木之气,也是有根由的。 Wood, the beginning of five phases, water, five phases finally, this its day of next best foreword! Therefore the five phases mutual promotion of the five elements, according to the order, is the wood lights a fire, hot raw soil, locally born gold/metal, gold/metal unboiled water! Must cultivation a five internal organs palace, first is to cultivate the air/Qi of liver wood, is the pent-up anger and spleen earth and gold/metal Fei, kidney water “木,五行之始也,水,五行之终也,此其天次之序!因此五行相生,按照顺序,就是木生火,火生土,土生金,金生水!要修炼五脏道宫,第一步是修炼肝木之气,然后才是心火、脾土、金肺、肾水・” This is also related with Xinchen physique, after all Aaron does not need to cultivate knows, oneself this five internal organs palace cultivates, the kidney water inevitably is the most difficult pass/test. 这也跟辛辰本身体质有关,毕竟亚伦不用修炼都知道,自己这五脏宫修炼,肾水必然是最难一关。 However after the five internal organs cultivation is completed, actually also almost can break through outside astral if, but the foundation is solid, must also cultivation the six internal organs.” “而五脏修炼完成之后,其实也差不多可以突破外罡”“但若要根基扎实,还是必须将六腑也都修炼一遍。” Aaron every day strict according to work schedule, after good merit two double-hour, does not manage. 亚伦每日严格按照作息表,行功两个时辰之后,就再也不管。 Goes out ehm several, dealt with own son wife and grandson granddaughter by starlight goes out, arrived at five views in secret. 出去哼哈几声,应付了自己的儿子媳妇、孙子孙女・・就趁着夜色外出,暗中来到了五通观。 In recent years, he is also paying attention to five views in secret. 这些年来,他也暗中关注着五通观。 That childlike innocence Daoist, grew into an appearance of young Daoist. Only pitifully, after the childlike innocence succeeds to the throne, five views declined. 那童心道人,也长成了一位年轻道人的模样。只可惜,童心继位之后,五通观就更加败落了。 In the past, he young met the position, originally many people refused to accept him, when blind Old Daoist Priest died, the original taoist priest walked several solidly. 当年,他年幼接位,本来就有许多人不服他,等到瞎眼老道士一死,原本的道士又走了好几固。 But the childlike innocence aptitude is really also ordinary, practices the coarse heart laws of five views repeatedly, now also spins in Later Heaven realm. 而童心的资质也着实一般,将五通观的粗陋心法翻来覆去地习练,如今也才在后天境界打转。 He lives the face to be tender, even if the pilgrim asks the person divination divination and solution sign finger-pressing will not look for him, the incense and candles of five views were not many, now almost without. 他生得脸嫩,纵然香客找人占卜问卦、解签点穴・・也都不会找他,五通观的香火本就不多,如今则几近于无。 Even was also visited by strong beam, has bullied. 甚至还被强梁上门,欺负过一回。 Aaron also watches critically, has not made anything. 亚伦也只是冷眼旁观,并未做些什么。 At this time in the view, the new view Lord childlike innocence Daoist, under the oil lamp, is touching in the hand at the same time the jet black tortoise shell, muttered: Master I will certainly carry forward five views, raise my Way Heritage!” 此时观内,新任观主童心道人,正在油灯之下,抚摸着手中一面漆黑龟壳,喃喃道:“师父啊・・・・・・我一定会将五通观发扬光大,扬我道统!” He thinks that Master last words, this tortoise shell is magic treasure that their lineage/vein handed down since old times, but displays each time, must the buckle life, even if blind Old Daoist in the past, has not displayed several times. 他想到师父临终遗言,这龟壳乃是他们一脉自古相传的法宝,但每次施展,都必须折损寿元,纵然瞎眼老道当年,也未曾施展过几次。 Last time, figures out an honored person's father, is thinking if in the future can climb up the relations, then can brilliant this. 最后一次,就是算出一位贵人之父,想着日后若是能攀上关系,便能光大本门。 But according to Master said, on this day the machine change is understanding truly difficult, that honored person's father did not have, when Master visits again, annoyed the matter, moved whole family, making the blind Old Daoist always sigh divine intervention make one. 但按照师父所说,这天机变化着实难懂,那位贵人之父还没有等到师父再次上门,就惹上了事儿,举家搬迁了,让瞎眼老道总是叹息天意弄人。 The childlike innocence Daoist was also compelled not to have the means that is thinking is putting together the buckle life, calculates how own say/way way, may have what chance. 童心道人也是被逼得没有办法了,才想着拼着折损自家寿元,算一算自己的道途如何,可有什么机缘。 The gentleman of this spiritual cultivation, always keeps thinking can hit a chance, breaks open the bottleneck, then can the light Great Way view. At this time grasps the tortoise shell, first prayed silently, subsequently read aloud mantra, an essence and blood spurted. 这位修道之士,总是惦记着能撞到一点机缘,破开瓶颈,便能光大道观了。此时手持龟壳,先是默默祝祷了一番,继而就念诵口诀,一口精血喷了上去。 That tortoise shell swallowed the essence and blood, pours also float, is released externally trigram shape that various Early Heaven god several compose, quite strange. 那龟壳吞了精血,倒也悬浮而起,外放出各种先天神数所组成的卦象,颇为奇异。 The childlike innocence Daoist opens the eyes, is solving the trigram shape diligently, suddenly well: Originally should my chance, in Yuanjia city Zhao Family?” 童心道人睁大双眼,努力解着卦象,忽然就咦了一声:“原来我的机缘,应在元嘉城赵家?” Immediately the eyes turn, faint. 当即双眼一翻,昏死过去。 When the faint, a wisp of his forehead sends the silk, transfers palely, has actually folded the life greatly. Out of the window, Aaron is looking at this, sighed spookily. 在昏厥之时,他额头的一缕发丝,也转为苍白,却是已经大折寿元。窗外,亚伦望着这一幕,幽幽叹息一声。 Various articles 各文 Even can also —— move of especially this childlike innocence Daoist kill. 甚至还能——招特这童心道人打死。 However, his Tt day from did, since can bear, at this time from 不过,他Tt日自么干,既然能忍住,此时自 However will not do. 然更不会这么干。 Yuanjia city Zhao Family?” “元嘉城・・・・・赵家么?” I gathers closes the day 3 : 00 extensions, starts to calculate silently. After I合关天三时转,默默开始推算起来。继 But, his expression somewhat is strange. 而,他的表情就有些古怪。 Asked i3 third to look that the magical skill, second looked at mudra, third 所请i3第三看道行、第二看法诀、第三 Then must look at the clue! The clue are more, is naturally considered as is more clear and is more accurate! 则是要看线索!线索越多,自然算得越清、越准! The childlike innocence Daoist oneelement, industry pushes love- a Yuan clear(ly), gave to consider as finished immediately 778 童心道人一‘素,业伦推爱-元明,顿时就给算了个七七八 Eight. 八。 Original 4 are Zhang Ren quan follow-up this unexpectedly with Li Family 原来四是张仁全的后续・・・・・・这居然与李家 Also some connections! Close of this world causes and effects, is seriously inconceivable. ” 还有些关联!此世因果之紧密,当真不可思议。” He calculates the causes and effects, were not many said, turned around to depart directly. 他算定因果,也不多说,直接转身离去。 Several days later. Yuanjia city. Zhao Family. 数日之后。元嘉城。赵家 Zhao Family was known as in the past Zhao half city, is extremely powerful and wealthy, will otherwise not have a liking for by that roaming the four corners of the world Daoist. Even if over the past several years, as before family property undefeated. 赵家当年号称赵半城,极是豪富,不然也不会被那游方道人看上。纵然过去数十年,依旧家业不败。 Although faint hearsay, it and Zhao 虽然隐隐传闻,其与赵 The father of gold/metal dust, some ritual sound Shangshu relations of that nephew stage, but Zhao Family does not certainly recognize, said that is although surnamed Zhao, actually yes 金尘之父,那位侄台的礼音尚书有些关系,但赵家当然不认,说是虽然姓赵,却是 Two family members, relations in oneself feudal official are not this. 两家人,自家官府中的关系也不是这个。 Actually when past Zhao Shangshu was prosperous, when Zhao Family also wants to come up to unite the sect anxiously, Young Master Zhao Jianchen Zhao Da came, has the flattery. 其实・・・・・当年赵尚书鼎盛之时,赵家还巴巴地想上去联宗,赵剑尘赵大公子来时,也多有奉承。 If nothing else, is pressing for payment stretch/open to become 别的不说,在追索张成 Flies in circles and issues a warrant for arrest at the matter of Li Family, this local bully gave many strength. After Zhao Shangshu falls from power, is not busy 翔与通缉李家之事上,这家地头蛇就出了不少力。只是在赵尚书倒台之后,就忙不 The repeat pretends non-involvement the relations. 迭地撇清关系。 Aaron has not put on make-up, or removed the person of skin mask, is actually this time best camouflage. 亚伦并未化妆,或者说,撤了人皮面具,却是此时自己最好的伪装。 At this time changed azure garment, grasps the folding fan, is ordinary just like intellectual, pouring somewhat is also natural clean. Gives a cursory look and gains shallow understanding, before arriving at Zhao Residence . 此时换了一身青衫,手持折扇,宛若读书人一般,倒也有几分潇洒倜傥。一路走马观花,就来到赵府之前。 The Zhao Residence main entrance constructs extremely luxuriously, the faintly visible internal magnificently decorated building and splendid, were placed two giant stone lions in the entrance. 赵府正门修建得极为豪华,隐隐可见内部的雕梁画栋、富丽堂皇,在门口还摆了两个巨大的石狮子。 Aaron looked for the family/home tea stall, sat to select pot green tea, several types of desserts, observed silently. 亚伦找了家茶摊,坐下来点了一壶清茶,几样点心,就这么默默观察起来。 As the pleasure person of Immortality non- evening, melts is hitting the soy sauce and seeing a play aspect, is 作为长生不夕的乐子人,化在打酱油与看戏方面,可是 Quite has the patience. 相当有耐心的。 By afternoon, along with the sunset glow, one rode just like the dark clouds, racing line/traverse comes, the pedestrian and stall keeper on road is startled scatters in all directions the avoidance and being off their feet. 到了下午,伴随着晚霞,有一骑宛若黑云,奔行而来,将路上的行人、摊贩惊得四散躲避、人仰马翻。 Immediately knight has not actually had scruples, but also sends out euphonious giggle laughter. 马上的骑士却没有顾忌,还发出银铃般的咯咯笑声。 Comes to arriving at X government offices, under the place the famous horse of nX- stock dark cloud stopped- position person it, the love was divides is a difference, obviously equestrian skill also extremely crack. 来至到走X府,座下nX—股的名马“乌云维”停件了—位人之的,爱是分是个差,显然骑术也极其精强。 This female knight discontinues, actually seems valiant, the facial features are charming, bring exciting lump of red, quite somewhat beauty. 这位女骑士下了马,倒是显得英姿飒爽,面容娇媚,带着一点兴奋的坨红,颇有几分姿色。 Who is this female?” “这女子是谁?” A Aaron folding fan finger/refers of this female rider, asked with a smile. 亚伦折扇一指这女骑手,笑着问道。 Young master may want to be lower the sound ----- And 1 L magnificent and expensive stretch/open Banv ——- walks X flying phoenixes, Ji Aiduo lake intent, lives martial arts to excel flatly, Ren river moves hasheavy hand flying phoenix the given name. ” “公子可要低些声音-----・1L华贵张跋女且———走X飞凤,纪爱夺湖意,扁生武功高强,任江动上有个“辣手飞凤”的名号。” The master teamakers smile, pull down the sound reply. So that's how it is 茶博士笑了笑,压低声音回答。“原来如此・” Aaron continues to drink tea, saw that servant does not know which words annoyed Zhao Feifeng is not quick, a horsewhip pulled out, swayed back and forth the pitiful yell on the ground. 亚伦继续喝茶,就见到那仆人也不知哪句话惹了赵飞凤不快,一马鞭抽了过去,在地上打滚惨叫。 The something has been done deliberately surrounding person is not offended 偏生周围人对此见怪不 The Saint, however walks X flying phoenix female ratio, labor 12 days matter. 圣,然走X飞凤女比,个工一两日的事儿了。 After piece twelfth branch, in the mansion passes opening,- extremely young Steward walked, in the technique the ginseng/partake, 1 young lady must lower oneself to the same level with the servant not. ” 片亥后,府中通开启,—个极年轻的管家走了出来,技上参,一小姐莫要跟下人一般见识。” writing living said that surrounds province S to worry. 文活说得,围观省者S捏了一把汗。 After all this Steward lives excellently, 毕竟这管家生得极好, Even if the passer-by, does not endure it to be drawn up a whip by Zhao Feifeng. „ 哪怕路人,都不忍其被赵飞凤抽上一鞭子。“也罢・・・ Since Nangong Steward opens the mouth, then forgave your times. ” 既然南宫管家开口,便饶了你们这次。” Unexpectedly, that rampant domineering heavy hand flying phoenix, really had some smiling faces, really puts down the whip, said with that Nangong Steward some words, two people happy expression recited to enter the mansion. 不料,那嚣张跋扈的辣手飞凤,竟然就有了些笑脸,真的放下鞭子,又与那位南宫管家说了些话,两人笑意吟吟地入了府。 This person some are not right. “这人・・・・有些不对。 Looked at that Nangong Steward back, Aaron was narrowing the eye slightly. 望着那位南宫管家的背影,亚伦略微眯了眯眼睛。 Others think, was this Steward convinced the young lady, but Aaron was actually inducing a slight magic power fluctuation a moment ago. Obviously, this is one has the generation of Taoist skill, even used magic technique that confuses the soul, makes Zhao Feifeng always follow. 别人都以为,是这位管家说服了大小姐,但亚伦却在刚才感应到了一丝细微的法力波动。很显然,这是一位有道术之辈,甚至用了迷魂的术法,才让赵飞凤言听计从。 This Zhao Family, is seriously interesting.” “这赵家,当真有意思。” Aaron showed a faint smile, paid the tip, turned around to depart. At night. 亚伦微微一笑,付了茶钱,转身离去。夜晚。 The stealthy person's shadow, arrives at outside Zhao Residence together, unexpectedly is the childlike innocence Daoist! Chance that tortoise shell calculation, I break through, in Zhao Residence!” 一道鬼鬼祟祟的人影,就来到赵府之外,居然是童心道人!“龟壳算定,我突破的机缘,就在赵府之中!” He transferred several, finally sets firm resolve, avoids to protect the institute, turned from a fence. 他转了几圈,终于下定决心,避开护院,从一处围墙翻了进去。 Childlike innocence Daoist again how disappointing, there is Later Heaven cultivation base, placing in the rivers and lakes is also a expert, outside surrounding protection institute in Zhao Residence, naturally cannot block him. 童心道人再怎么差劲,也有后天修为,放在江湖中也是一把好手,赵府的外围护院,自然拦不住他。 No one had discovered, Aaron also follows in the childlike innocence Daoist behind, however to look at the movement of this Daoist leisurely. 只是谁都没有发现,亚伦也跟在童心道人身后,施施然望着这位道人的动作。 The childlike innocence Daoist delimits by the light king turning over the palm prepares, seven turn eight to turn, in this common person 童心道人去划以光王复手备,七拐八拐,在这寻常人 In the mansions of wealthy families that must become lost goes through, arrives at a courtyard. 都要迷路的深宅大院之中一阵穿行,就来到一处院落。 In courtyard entrance, 在院落门口,还有一个 flat Ke, submits a written statement to Qi dream institute three large characters. According to single Qixiao, place!” 扁客,上书“绮梦院”三个大字。“按照单气小,处了!” The childlike innocence Daoist crossed the courtyard wall, the nose moves, smelled blurred fragrance, is one startled, 童心道人又翻过院墙,鼻子一动,就嗅到了一股迷离的香气,不由就是一惊, Pulls out to pass on H pill medicine from the bosom hastily, swallows into the abdomen, this felt 连忙从怀中掏出传一H丹药,吞入腹中,这才觉得 pure brightness. 清明了许多。 He looks all around, is somewhat surprised 他环顾四周,有些诧 Different: bewildering fragrance? Loving F is heavy, although dragon Yuelai?” 异:“迷香?爱F重虽龙月来?” The childlike innocence Daoist investigates hastily everywhere, the maidservants in woman wives and various rooms that actually the discovery should go on night patrol sleep like a log. 童心道人连忙四处探查一番,却发现原本应该巡夜的婆子媳妇、各处房间内的丫鬟都睡得死死。 But more approaches the master bedroom, more can hear a wisp of hawk as if weeping and complaining to cry, resembling is the female sends, more and more loud. Is it possible that is the obscene thief? Does Miss Zhao Family commit adultery in secret?” 而越靠近主卧,就越能听到一缕如泣如诉的莺啼,似是女子所发,越来越响。“莫非是淫贼?还是赵家大小姐暗中偷汉子?” The childlike innocence Daoist slightly somewhat hesitates, actually approaches the bedroom secretly, stretched out the finger to lick licking, poked a pinhole on the window paper. He puts to look at the eye, immediately tarries. 童心道人略有些犹豫,却偷偷靠近卧房,伸出手指舔了舔,在窗户纸上戳了一个小洞。他把眼睛放上去一瞧,顿时呆住。 Sees only Miss Zhao Family, that is rude and unreasonable, rampant domineering Zhao Feifeng, at this time actually just like dog, wū wū is calling on the ground, curries favor with young people. 只见赵家大小姐,那位性格泼辣、嚣张跋扈的赵飞凤,此时竟然宛若一只狗儿般,在地上呜呜叫着,向一名年轻人献媚。 This young people, naturally were that Nangong Steward! Who?” 这位年轻人,自然便是那位南宫管家了!“谁?” This Nangong Steward, in fact is actually a demon sect disciple, was presents the master life to submerge Zhao Residence, must scheme an important matter. In demon sect the person, the conduct is always unscrupulous. 这位南宫管家,实际上却是一位魔门弟子,乃是奉了师命潜入赵府,要图谋一件大事。魔门中人,向来行事肆无忌惮。 He also has congealing ghost cultivation base, magic power rides roughshod in the mediocrity sufficiently. Especially before Zhao Feifeng looked he is not pleasing to the eyes, often creates obstacles. 他也有凝煞修为,一身法力在凡俗中足以横行无忌。特别是之前赵飞凤看他不顺眼,时常刁难。 At night, was actually displayed to confuse soul magic technique by him, plays with seek pleasure recklessly, did not have to think during the daytime, but the feeling rested deeply. 到了晚上,却被他施展迷魂法术,肆意玩弄取乐,偏偏白天还一无所觉,只是感觉睡得深沉了些。 Let this demon sect disciple, simply somewhat too happy to think of home and duty flavor. 让这位魔门弟子,简直有些乐不思蜀的味道。 But how, he is also one refining up on the generation of magic power again, even if the color soul awards at this time, discovered the whereabouts of childlike innocence Daoist! „It is not good!” 但再如何,他也是一位炼就法力之辈,哪怕此时色魂授予,也发现了童心道人的行踪!“不好!” The childlike innocence Daoist starts running away at once! 童心道人拔腿就跑! Nangong just wants to pursue, thought that one cool, the crotch creates an incident , the supreme enlightenment is improper, puts on the clothing hastily, this pursues. At this time sees together the person's shadow, has turned out outside the courtyard, immediately raises hand, several point cold glow let go to depart! 南宫杰刚刚想追,却觉得身上一凉,胯下生风,又大觉不妥,连忙披上衣物,这才追出。此时就看到一道人影,已经翻出了院子之外,当即就是一扬手,几点寒芒脱手飞出! The childlike innocence Daoist called out pitifully, had not actually died, is struggling running away. 童心道人惨叫一声,却并未死亡,挣扎着逃走。 Nangong is just about to pursue outstandingly again, hears Zhao Residence to protect the institute to be alarmed, but in the room, Zhao Feifeng also muttered one, looks at the surroundings at a loss: This I how was this?” 南宫杰正要再追,就听得赵府护院已经被惊动,而房间之中,赵飞凤也喃喃一声,茫然看着周围:“这・・我・・・・・・这是怎么了?” When sees Nangong to be outstanding, before she recalls immediately all sorts, want simply ashamed and resentfully. Young lady, and you look at my eye!” 等到看到南宫杰,她顿时回忆起之前种种,简直羞愤欲死。“小姐,你且看我眼睛!” Nangong smiles outstandingly, in both eyes emits the black glow, makes Zhao Feifeng look vacant, starts to distort the memory of this heavy hand flying phoenix. 南宫杰嘿嘿一笑,双目之中放出黑芒,又让赵飞凤的神色变得茫然,开始篡改这位辣手飞凤的记忆。 After the moment, out of the door transmits several whistlings. 片刻后,门外传来几声口哨。 Nangong wears the clothes outstandingly in an unhurried manner, walked, saw that a middle-aged male protects the institute, the whole face scalds, seemed disfigured one's face, is flattering is looking at him: Senior Brother just now has the wood-boring insect very to intrude, can disturb your aesthetic pleasure?” 南宫杰从容不迫地穿好衣服,走了出去,就见到一名中年男护院,满脸烫伤,似乎被毁容,正讨好地望着他:“师兄・・・・方才有蠡贼闯入,可有打扰您的雅兴?” Might as well, but that person went into Qi dream institute, obviously comes prepared, feared that did not know anything “无妨,不过那人闯入了绮梦院,显然有备而来,怕不是也知道了什么・・“ Nangong is looking at this outstandingly has the face that if ghosts and demons, coldly said: „ Zhao Jianchen, you , to do obeisance into my Master hanger-on, must do one's best, completes this matter goes fast to trace that person to fall quickly! ‚’ 南宫杰望着这张有若鬼魅的脸,冷冷道:“赵剑尘,你若想拜入我师父门下,就要尽心尽力,将这件事做好・・快去速速追查那人下落!‘’
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