TOTM :: Volume #10

#917: Old friends( 3200 make up)

Next day. 翌日。 odd/surplus high town/subdues. 余亢镇。 20 years pass by, in the town has other restaurant. 二十年过去,镇子上早就有了另外的酒家。 Aaron does not like drinking wine now, actually likes the high grade tea gradually, in the village restaurant, various actually kind of drinks sell. 亚伦如今已经不太爱饮酒,却是渐渐喜欢上品茶,小镇酒家之中,倒是各类饮品都卖。 He orders on pot tea once for a while, is joined to the assorted dessert, sometimes the pass time, can mix leisurely and carefree for day. 他时不时就来点上一壶茶,配上各色点心,悠悠闲闲地打发时光,有时候能混上一天。 As for the business of half idle hall? Naturally gives the bastard the son to handle completely. 至于半闲堂的事务?自然全部交给混蛋儿子打理。 Recently this boy was infatuated with a families' daughter, the Aaron actually clear words cannot get married how much money to him, now father is working to accumulate the bridegroom's gift to bride's family in the bitter to oneself...... 最近这小子迷恋上了一户人家的女儿,亚伦却明言不会给他成亲出多少钱,如今正在苦哈哈地给自家老子打工攒彩礼…… Oh...... Doctor Fang you are really the life good...... side Xi is quite good, like me, was not irritated by the son daughter frequently!” “唉……方大夫您真是命好……方希也相当不错,不像我,经常被儿子女儿气死!” Saw that Aaron comes, has the senile money storekeeper on sigh one. 看到亚伦又来,已经颇有老态的钱掌柜就叹息一声。 He now old with dim eyes, does not do the business, left early early, is every day is idling the safe/without matter, collected a pair of old age group with Aaron actually. 他如今已经老眼昏花,做不得生意,早早退了下来,也是每日闲着无事,倒是跟亚伦凑了一对老年组。 Frequently worries for the children, but also complained when oneself are young spends too, accumulates more than several initial capitals. 只是经常为儿女操心,还埋怨自己年轻之时花钱太多,攒不下几个老本。 Haha...... key must be angry not, was all right.” “哈哈……关键还是自己莫要生气,便没啥事了。” Aaron laughs. 亚伦哈哈一笑。 Various world worrying matters, its root is here, so long as does not care, but then the cloud poor business conditions are light. 世间各种烦心事,其根源就是在此,只要不在乎,便可云淡风轻。 Two people sit down, Aaron selected a pot dragon round tea, money storekeeper wanted pot cheapest liquor water, but also always shouts is watering. 两人坐下,亚伦点了一壶‘龙团茶’,钱掌柜则是要了一壶最便宜的酒水,还总是嚷嚷着掺水多了。 Aaron is swaying the tea soup, is looking on the street the bustling crowd, only thinks that looks insufficiently. 亚伦吹拂着茶汤,望着街道上熙攘的人群,只觉怎么也看不够。 At this time, suddenly one team of offical mission attendants dropped from house to house beating gongs and drums, is speaking a news loudly: In Saint has the aim, the exemption hits by disaster three place land taxes......” 这时,忽然有一队官差敲锣打鼓地走街串巷,大声讲着一条消息:“圣上有旨,豁免受灾三地钱粮……” Now this Son of Heaven, actually clear(ly).” “如今这位天子,倒是一位明君啊。” money storekeeper listened, the facial expression moves. 钱掌柜听了,神情就是一动。 Before more than ten years, the nature and man-made disaster was unceasing, Emperor even/including old traded several. 之前十几年,天灾人祸不断,连皇帝老儿都换了几任。 The previous emperor did not have the child, the throne then falls in the current hand. 前一任皇帝无子,皇位便落到了当今手中。 Now this Son of Heaven, when prince quite likes white dragon yu clothing/taking and game world, poured also did many good deeds, had hero king the name. 当今这位天子,当王爷之时颇喜欢白龙鱼服、游戏人间,倒也做了许多好事,有‘侠王’之名。 After being the emperor, makes determined efforts, recalls many national destinies. 做了皇帝之后,更是励精图治,生生挽回不少国运。 Aaron listened to a mouth . 亚伦听了一嘴,也就罢了。 In his opinion, no matter what Xian unenlightened ruler, several hundred years later, in the same old way one handful of loesses, what also there is noteworthy? 在他看来,不管什么贤君昏君,数百年后,照样不过一捧黄土,又有什么值得注意的了? Money storekeeper had the interest actually, said with a smile: Heard now when this Son of Heaven inherits Datong, quite encountered some disturbances, has Imperial Court to deal with other prince to create difficulties deceitfully, luckily when Son of Heaven one crowd of cotton garments good friend help that becomes friends with, this helped him result in the imperial thrones...... quite several have not liked serving as an official, took one's leave the emperors to go, I days before entered a city, heard the storytellers to tell this story in a teahouse, the names are called «Three Hero Seven Righteousness»!” 倒是钱掌柜起了兴趣,笑道:“听说当今这位天子继承大统之时,颇为遇到了一些风波,有朝廷奸相与另外的王爷从中作梗,幸好天子有一群布衣之时结交的好朋友帮忙,这才助他得了帝位……其中还颇有几个不喜欢做官,拜别皇帝而去的,我前几日进城,就在一家茶楼之中听到了说书人讲这个故事,名字就叫做《三侠七义》!” Aaron came an interest immediately: How doesn't here see to listen?” 亚伦顿时来了点兴趣:“怎么这里不见听?” hai, our remote places...... the storytellers are the master teamakers hold a concurrent post, the studied story-telling scripts are also quite obsolete...... must wait for the section date and time, has newly spreads.” “嗐,咱们这偏僻地方……说书人都是茶博士兼任的,学的话本也颇过时……还得等段时日,才有最新的流传过来。” money storekeeper sighed, despised in wineshop with Aaron together the level of storyteller. 钱掌柜叹息一声,就跟亚伦一起鄙视酒楼中说书人的水平。 Aaron ridicule several, making the shop owners take several types of side dishes, suddenly lived it up on hearing outside. 亚伦笑骂几句,让店家又上了几样小菜,忽然就听见外面又热闹了起来。 What matter had/left?” “出了何事?” He pokes head, called one, immediately some people replied: But unusual...... that side Li Family inn, unexpectedly some people bought there place, must have a big house!” 他探出头去,叫了一声,登时就有人回答:“可稀奇了……李家客栈那边,居然有人买了那里的地,要重新起一座大宅子哩!” „? Watches the fun together?” “哦?一起去看个热闹?” Aaron throw down one skewer of copper coin, said to money storekeeper. 亚伦丢下一串铜钱,对钱掌柜道。 Goes together and goes together!” “同去、同去!” money storekeeper eyes one bright, stood up the bodies. 钱掌柜眼睛一亮,站起了身。 Two people go out not far, arrived at the Li Family inn boundary, here had left uncultivated, at this time one group of coolies are actually transporting the crushed stone rubble, once in a while some people take the wood rules to measure, is really the stances that must begin. 两人走出不远,就到了李家客栈地界,原本这里已经荒废,此时却有一群苦力正在搬运碎石瓦砾,间或有人拿着木尺丈量,果然是一副要开工的架势。 By work sites, but also collected many townspeoples, is watching the fun. 在工地旁边,还凑了不少镇民,都是看着热闹。 Also waited for the moments, saw that a carriage comes, used is the good brocade, when curtain arrange/cloth, at this time the car(riage) curtain raises, gets down a young couple. 又等了片刻,就见到一辆马车过来,用的都是上好锦缎当帘布,此时车帘一掀,就下来一对年轻夫妇。 Male straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, lives some indistinct familiars by face, female is actually valiant, is matching long sword, makes the rivers and lakes hero female appearance. 男的剑眉星目,生得隐约有些面善,女的却是英姿飒爽,配着一柄长剑,作江湖侠女打扮。 Looks at these two to act affectionate, should be a little couple. 看这两人动作亲昵,应该是一对小夫妻。 Remote elder brother, is this then your hometown?” “遥哥儿,这便是你故乡么?” The Aaron ear moves slightly, heard female's question in a low voice. 亚伦耳朵微动,就听到了女子的低声问话。 „!” “正是!” Li remote replied, bowed in salute all round: Fellow folks...... below Li remote, have bought this place title deed from the feudal official hand, in the future everyone are the neighbor neighbors, but also looks to live together in peace and harmony, has the matters to be accommodating.” 李遥应答一句,又团团作揖:“各位父老乡亲……在下李遥,已经从官府手中买下此地地契,日后大家都是街坊邻居,还望和睦相处,有事行个方便。” His speaking voice is not high, actually just like in general that everyone ear told, this duty-bound strength cultivation base, may the taking seriously no small matter. 他说话声并不如何高,却宛若在每个人耳边诉说的一般,这份内力修为,可当真非同小可了。 Even if Aaron, secretly one startled: This Li Xiao son...... actually compared with his father......’ 纵然亚伦,都不由暗自一惊:‘这李逍的儿子……倒是比他老子强多了……’ Why dares to come this to settle down as for Li remote, carves the Li Family surviving member four large characters on the difference on own forehead, Aaron is also knowing reasons. 至于为何李遥敢来此定居,就差在自己脑门上刻着李家余孽四个大字,亚伦也知晓其中原因。 And the biggest factors, were...... the Zhao Family downfall! 其中最大的因素,便是……赵家倒台了! The Li Family big personal enemy, the young master of that Shangshu, his father was old, several years ago during the throne alternated stand mistakenly the teams, confiscated family's property to decide on the nature of the guilt. 李家的大仇人,那位尚书家的公子,他老爹原本年纪就大了,前几年又在皇位更迭之中站错了队,被抄家论罪。 That Young Master Zhao Jianchen Zhao do not know the traces. 那位赵剑尘赵公子也不知所踪。 As the matter stands, feudal official pressed for payment the Li Family surviving member matter to the past years , was not really careful, looked for relations then to be able at will the sinking injustice exoneration. 这样一来,官府对当年追索李家余孽的事儿,也就不甚上心,随意找个关系便能沉冤昭雪。 Is the geomancy transfers seriously in turn!” “当真是风水轮流转!” Aaron sighed, complied, when the new homes were completed, then ate one glass of inferior wine, congratulated that Li Family best wishes for your new home, this said goodbye to depart. 亚伦叹息一声,也答应了等到新居落成,便来吃一杯水酒,庆贺李家乔迁之喜,这才告辞离去。 When the streams of people diverge gradually, Li remote bending the waist back, coughs suddenly ruthlessly several, extracts the handkerchiefs, is cleaning the blood of corners of the mouth. 等到人流渐渐散去,李遥忽然弯下腰背,狠狠咳嗽几声,抽出手帕,擦拭着嘴角的鲜血。 Remote elder brother?” “遥哥?” Nearby wife, a face worried is looking at him. 旁边的妻子,不由一脸担忧地望着他。 Li remote is Li Xiao son, since childhood the following father and stretch/open Chengxiang drift about destitute, few years, the Li two mothers also passed away, suffered a hardship, suffering the world changes in temperature. 李遥乃李逍之子,从小跟着父亲与张成翔颠沛流离,没有几年,李二娘也过世了,着实吃了一番苦头,饱经人世冷暖。 His aptitude actually compared with fathers many, the iron merit studies really quickly, afterward was received by stretch/open Chengxiang for the apprentices, devotedly instruction this martial arts. 他资质倒是比父亲强出不少,铁手功学得甚快,后来被张成翔收为徒弟,悉心传授本门武功。 Li remote fulfills the great expectations, results in pupil surpasses the teacher a pair of judge pen cultivation, starts to make a living as a wandering fortune-teller officially, even under accident of sorts, with initial hero king has the friendship, during the opposite party ascended the throne to leave vigorously. 李遥也不负厚望,将一对判官笔修炼得青出于蓝,开始正式闯荡江湖,甚至机缘巧合之下,与当初的‘侠王’结下交情,在对方登基之中出了大力。 Is the imperial authority struggle frigid? His father his master, fell from the sky during the match. 只是皇权斗争何等惨烈?其父其师,都陨落于此役之中。 After the hero king ascends the throne, Li remote on the grounds of wound heavy, rejected the high offices and high pay, leads the wife and father and Master bone ash, returned to the hometowns. 等到侠王登基之后,李遥以伤重为由,拒绝了高官厚禄,带着妻子与父亲、师父的骨灰,就回到了故乡。 At this time is looking at all not the familiar hometown scenery, the eyes one red, almost must cry, is saying to the wife: My safe/without matter...... chooses the tombs as soon as possible, places the ancestors......” 此时望着根本一点都不熟悉的故乡景色,双眼一红,几乎要落下泪来,就对妻子说着:“我无事……还是尽快选好墓地,安置先人吧……”
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