TOTM :: Volume #10

#916: Mountain valley( 3000 make up)

After witnessing five view inheritance, the weather is late. 见证了五通观传承之后,天色已晚。 Aaron arrived at no one to locate, put on a human skin mask, then arrived at a mountain valley. 亚伦来到无人处,披上了一张人皮面具,然后又来到一处山谷。 Above the cliff wall that in a vine proliferates pressed, appears an mechanism/organization. 在一处藤蔓遍布的崖壁之上按了按,就现出一个机关。 After opening, inside is a road, walks again several hundred steps, actually has a dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 打开之后,里面是一条甬道,再走数百步,竟然别有一番洞天。 A chill in the air raids. 一股寒意袭来。 In this mountain valley, a limestone cave, even if in the summer, in the hole is also cold like the ice, has the faint trace cool feeling. 这山谷之中,还有一处溶洞,哪怕是夏天,洞内也是寒冷如冰,带着丝丝凉意。 squeak squeak!” “吱吱!” In the limestone cave, the prisoner's cage that opens much artificially, closed/pass many monkeys. 在溶洞之中,还有不少人工开辟出来的囚笼,关了不少猴子。 Only has in few prison cells, closes the martial arts world degenerate who several Aaron are bumping into, but is the beard and hair is also long, the appearance of cruel or ugly person. 唯有寥寥几个囚室之内,关着几个亚伦碰到的武林败类,但也是须发皆长,半人半鬼的模样。 At this time sees Aaron to come, regardless of the person or the monkey, keeps silent, does not dare to be boisterous. 此时看到亚伦进来,不论人还是猴子,都噤若寒蝉,不敢聒噪。 Aaron is also disinclined to pay attention to them, arrives at one -and-a-half to enter the dike without consulting anybody hollowly the limestone cave. 亚伦也懒得理会他们,径自走到一处半凹陷进岩壁的溶洞。 In the limestone cave, several tables, a row of bookshelf, above chocked up bottles of cans, in corner also several big jars, including various types rustle the sound, making one hear being afraid. 在溶洞之内,还有几张桌子,一排书架,上面摆满了瓶瓶罐罐,角落里还有几个大瓮,其中有各种沙沙声响,令人闻之不寒而栗。 This raises the jug of gu insect, inside does not know that sealed how much poisons, after swallows mutually, is manic. 这是饲养蛊虫的坛子,里面也不知道封了多少毒物,又经过互相吞噬,最是狂躁。 But when Aaron approaches, with dying generally, has not made the least bit sound. 但等到亚伦靠近,一个个又跟死了一般,没有发出半点声音。 After all on Aaron is carrying gold/metal silkworm gu, this gu is the kings of hundred poison, can make ten thousand Gu bow the head. 毕竟亚伦身上携带着‘金蚕蛊’,此蛊乃百毒之王,能令万蛊俯首。 At this time opens one directly to seal/confer Gutan, takes out a gu insect that takes the form of three pure gold toads. 此时直接打开一个‘封蛊坛’,从中取出一只形似三足金蟾的蛊虫来。 Stomach monster gu!” “胃妖蛊!” Looks the gu insect that this is only seeming to have met before, the Aaron expression has complex. 望着这只似曾相识的蛊虫,亚伦表情不由微有复杂。 These three pure gold toads fall in his hand, immediately moves does not dare to move, the eyes turn white, just like frightened to faint general. 这三足金蟾落在他手上,登时动也不敢动,双眼翻白,宛若被吓晕过去一般。 Stomach monster gu, although refining up, but also immature...... needs implants spiritual cultivation person dantian, derives is really mad, making it become the appetite greatly to open and be not sated, finally will point, four limbs to gobble up, but the stomach monster gu broken body...... is so complete, achieves the sacrifice to refine the standard of six internal organs gu.” “胃妖蛊虽然炼成,但还未成熟……需得种入一位修道人丹田,汲取真气,令其变得食欲大开、从无餍足,最终将自己手指、四肢都吞吃了,胃妖蛊破体而出……如此才算圆满,达到祭炼六腑蛊之标准。” Aaron takes the stomach monster gu, passed by one flock of monkeys, comes to outside a prison cell directly. 亚伦拿着胃妖蛊,路过一群猴子,直接来到一处囚室之外。 This inside is closing a young bookworm, was known as that small obscene insect Zhou Tong, is in the recent rivers and lakes the fame really big caihuaing thief. 这里面关着一位白面书生,号称‘小淫虫’周通,乃是最近几年江湖中名气甚大的采花贼。 Afterward it arrived around the Yuanjia city, wanted not to pay money takes away a pureness of chief among flowers wife, Aaron has actually had a liking for the opposite party, pays money...... 后来其来到元嘉城附近,想要不付钱就拿走一位花魁娘子的清白,却偏偏亚伦已经看上对方,付了钱的…… Finally is this Zhou Tong is taken, closes this place directly. 结果就是这周通就被拿下,直接关到此地。 Zhou Tong just came, the temper is fierce, scolds: Stabbing somebody in the back, is what real man? Has to plant to put me to come out...... to fight 300 chapters with the grandfather......” 周通刚来,性子还烈,骂道:“暗箭伤人,算什么好汉?有种放我出来……跟爷爷大战三百回……” Finishes barely the words, Aaron directs, made Zhou Tongpa on the ground, the mouth opening, just like a frog. 话音未落,亚伦就一指点出,令周通趴在地上,嘴巴张大,宛若一只蛤蟆。 At once, three pure gold toads stomach monster gu is swaying from side to side the body, crawled from Zhou Tong the mouth. 旋即,三足金蟾的‘胃妖蛊’就扭动着躯体,从周通嘴巴爬了进去。 Not long, this small obscene insect did not have the strength, can only twist on the ground unceasingly just like a fat insect, at the same time wails: Grandfather forgives! The grandfather forgives!” 没有多久,这位小淫虫就没有了力气,只能不断在地上扭曲着宛若一条肥虫,一边哀嚎:“爷爷饶命!爷爷饶命!” No matter Aaron also he, engraves mudra directly on the wall, shouted: „To maintain a livelihood, cultivates hundred poisons to be really mad as soon as possible, becomes Early Heaven, otherwise...... hehe......” 亚伦也不管他,直接将一篇法诀刻印在墙壁上,喝道:“想要活命,就尽快修炼百毒真气,成为先天,否则……呵呵……” His sneering several, turn the head to leave, in the heart is sighing secretly. 他冷笑数声,转头离开,心中却在暗自叹息。 Refining up the gu also to have the failure rate, before refined the stomach monster gu, failed several times...... then to seek for the appropriate host, was a trouble.’ ‘炼蛊也是有失败率的,之前炼制胃妖蛊,就失败了几次……然后寻找合适的宿主,又是一番麻烦。’ He looks to a rhinopithecus roxellanae, this monkey frightens to roll up one group, sighed. 他看向一只金丝猴,这猴子吓得蜷缩成一团,不由又是叹息。 Before wanted to replace the person with the monkey, somewhat indulged in fantasy. 之前想要用猴子代替人,也是有些异想天开了。 After all the beasts instinct is ignorant, does not understand the cultivation. 毕竟兽类天性蒙昧,不懂修炼。 If wants to refine the gu, that must look for 11 Early Heaven monster monkeys! 如是想要炼蛊,那得找十一头先天妖猴! Did not say that this monster monkey treasures compared with Human Clan Early Heaven martial practitioner, even if found, held the monkey nest, did not fear that what great monster goes all out? 不说这妖猴比人族先天武者更加珍惜,哪怕找到了,也是捅了猴子窝,不怕什么大妖来拼命? Aaron refine 20 years of gu insects, understood a matter gradually: This Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, is really hard to refine, and there is a wound day, brings in the disaster very much easily......’ 亚伦炼了二十年的蛊虫,渐渐就明白了一件事儿:‘这五脏六腑蛊,果然难以炼成,并且有伤天和,很容易就引来劫难……’ He in fact, does not care about what five views the technique of calculation. 他实际上,并不在乎什么五通观的推算之术。 After all this Ascetic, mostly such 12 divinations will calculate the law, Shen Xuehang, can figure out the final moment that the gold/metal Daoist Profound Valley bead will soon build up, launches an attack suddenly! 毕竟此界修士,大多都会那么一两手卜算之法,就连沈雪行,都能算出金道人玄牝珠即将炼成的最后关头,才猝然发难呢! But Aaron was good at spirit essence divination and intuition divination...... plundering many divinations to calculate the law in Great Qian immortal cultivation realm. 亚伦擅长灵性占卜、直觉占卜……又在大乾修仙界搜刮了不少卜算之法。 Now about hundred managers, the technique of calculation, could not say that must count to plan compared with that blind Old Daoist Priest fiercely. 如今合百家所长,推算之术,说不得比那个瞎眼老道士还要厉害数筹。 At this time felt like, even if oneself refine the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, has disaster to be imminent inevitably. 此时隐隐就觉得,哪怕自己将五脏六腑蛊炼出来,也必然有‘劫难’临头。 Not being able to do well, was some passing by knight-errant swordsman Sword Immortal, discovered own deal, must cut oneself this demon! 搞不好,就是某个路过的剑侠剑仙,发现了自己的勾当,要斩了自己这个魔头! „In order to be safe...... here after several years, can give up.” “稳妥起见……这里数年后就可以放弃了。” Actually, with the Aaron Ancestral Master level vision, even if world dao method knows not many, only then a Shen Xuehang book can bring the reference, felt like that «ten thousand Gushu» way some are not right, extremely the sword walks the slant. 其实,以亚伦宗师级眼光,哪怕对此世道法所知不多,只有沈雪行的一本道书可以拿来参考,也隐隐觉得《万蛊书》的路数有些不对,太过剑走偏锋。 Human body is the big buried treasure, so-called Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, how is also robs the others' air/Qi of five phases...... to compare favorably with oneself to refine?” “人体乃是大宝藏,所谓五脏六腑蛊,也不过是强夺别人的五行之气……如何比得上自己所炼?” This book the method of Righteous Way, should be cultivates to hold with hardship, crosses the threshold from Five Viscera and Six Bowels random one, follows the principle of five phases circulation, 11 refine the god of five internal organs, then the set breaks through!” “这部道书的正道之法,应该是自己苦苦修持,从五脏六腑任意一处入门,遵循五行循环之理,一一炼成五脏之神,然后再集合突破!” This is Aaron by own experiences, did many experiments, valuable experience that learns. 这是亚伦以自身见识,又做了许多实验,才总结出来的宝贵经验。 After all although his vision is high, but also needs the actual data, can begin to deduce cultivation method. 毕竟他眼光虽然高,但还需要实际数据,才能着手推演功法 My this new cultivation method, is perhaps stronger than ten thousand gu Daoist immortals, but troublesome...... proceeds in an orderly way, sacrifices refine Five Viscera and Six Bowels, extremely consumption time! Perhaps the sacrifice refining up a mind, takes ten years and even dozens years! But has not arrived at the profound light boundary, the life does not have to grow, beyond what congealing ghost astral Ascetic must boil......” “我这门新的功法,说不定比万蛊真君更强,只是有一个麻烦……循序渐进,一个又一个祭炼五脏六腑,太过耗费时间!说不定祭炼一个心神,就需要十年乃至数十年!而未到玄光境,寿元也没得增长,什么凝煞外罡修士都要熬死了……” The Aaron rough estimate, oneself want to proceed in an orderly way, trains air/Qi of the Five Viscera and Six Bowels, at least needs 100-200 years of painstaking effort! 亚伦粗略估算,自己想要循序渐进,培养自身五脏六腑之气,起码需要100-200年苦功! However the dao method gate, is so steady foundation. 不过正道法门,本来就是如此稳扎根基。 Even because Aaron lost Yuanyang, closes in the air/Qi of concise kidney water quite will have the trouble, being probable to consume more than several times other internal organs the skill and time may not, finally quality also not. 甚至亚伦因为失了元阳,在凝练肾水之气一关上还会颇有麻烦,非得耗费比其它脏腑多出数倍的功力与时间不可,最后品质还不如何。 These several hundred years later, the bone of congealing ghost Ascetic only feared that turned into the ash? 这数百年下来,凝煞修士的骨头只怕都变成灰了吧? No wonder many Righteous Way people of high skill, once the foundation harms, immediately must be reincarnated...... really unable to walk......” “难怪许多正道高人,一旦根基有损,立即就要转世……实在是走不下去了啊……” That ten thousand gu Daoist immortals, apparently have to think of this method, but thought that extremely costs the time, therefore can only walk the dishonest ways, robs bystander the air/Qi of internal organs, to benefit itself...... so act, more similar Demon Way.” “那位万蛊真君,显然并不是没有想到这个法子,只是觉得太过耗费时间,因此只能走歪门邪道,抢夺外人的脏腑之气,以补益自身……如此行径,就更加类似魔道了。” Actually mixes Demon Way, does not have nothing well, this world's top nine demon biographies, each is beyond 33 days, the day demon is in direct line authentic, the future is really broad......” “其实混魔道,也没有什么不好,此世九大魔传,每一个都是三十三天之外,天魔正宗嫡传,前途甚是远大……”
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