TOTM :: Volume #10

#915: Old Daoist

Walks, walks away...... to be good to me to you.” “走吧,都走远点……对你们对我都好。” Looks at several fast horses to vanish beside village, the Aaron matter becomes flicks the sleeve, the deep concealed merit and name, returned to half idle hall. 望着几匹快马消失在小镇之外,亚伦事成拂衣去,深藏功与名,回到了半闲堂。 This development , under is he intends to promote the result. 这种发展,也是他有意推动之下的结果。 Managing his Li Xiao is the child of what tribulation transporting, if oneself do not want to walk, that compels the opposite party to walk! 管他李逍是不是什么劫运之子,若自己不想走,那就逼对方走! The opposite party left, young odd/surplus Kangzhen, is peaceful, can free and unrestrained a long time. 对方离开了,小小的余亢镇,也就安静下来,又可以逍遥自在很长一段时间了。 The following days, above village was in chaotic situation. 接下来一段日子,小镇之上着实鸡飞狗跳了一回。 Although stretch/open Chengxiang keeps the promise, put Zhao Jianchen, but this son of upper-class family by this great shame, was pledged must retaliate, even has vented anger, burnt down the Li Family inn! 虽然张成翔遵守诺言,将赵剑尘放了,但这位贵公子受此奇耻大辱,发誓要报复回来,甚至有所迁怒,将李家客栈都一把火烧了! Is good because, Li Xiao paternal aunt, wife and sons were taken away by him together, otherwise fate how, but also did not say seriously. 好在,李逍的姑姑、妻子、儿子都被他一起带走,否则下场如何,还当真不好说的。 After all in the ancient times, the crime pulled the including the family talent is the normal state. 毕竟在古代,犯罪了牵连家人才是常态。 Li Xiao may be mixed-up, but stretch/open Chengxiang was a worldly-wise person, how also to make this mistake? Let Li Xiao family member be retaliated by great anger Zhao Jianchen? 李逍或许会头脑不清楚,但张成翔是老江湖了,又如何会犯这个错误?让李逍家人被盛怒的赵剑尘报复? Naturally is to make Li Xiao carry off the family members, death ends all troubles. 自然是让李逍将亲人都带走,一了百了。 Is good also knows because of Young Master Zhao Da, Li Xiao and the others general this whole life do not dare to come back. 好在赵大公子也知晓,李逍等人大概这辈子都不敢回来了。 Therefore, after burning the Li Family inn , can only depart indignantly, then makes feudal official also include to issue a warrant for arrest Li Xiao one. 因此,在烧了李家客栈之后,也就只能愤愤离去,然后让官府将李逍一家也列入通缉。 But all these, with Aaron already not many relations. 但这一切,与亚伦已经没有多少关系了。 In after feudal official the person leave, on village fell into the tranquility. 等到官府中人都离开之后,小镇上又陷入了久违的平静之中。 Before Li Family inn . 李家客栈前。 ? 6? 7 Aaron are looking at the burned black stretch of ruins, sighed: Really unexpected disasters!” ?六?七亚伦望着焦黑一片废墟,不由叹息一声:“真是祸从天降!” What method oh...... can have? This is the Li Family life not good......” “唉……能有什么法子?这是李家命不好……” A money storekeeper aggressive statement does not dare to say much, after all people not with standard dou-measure! 钱掌柜连一句狠话都不敢多说,毕竟民不与官斗啊! If said the language of what enmity, was held feudal official by the villain, that is disturbance. 若是说了什么怨怼之语,然后被小人捅到官府,那又是一场风波。 Also is......” “也是……” Aaron nods, holds the Fist Dao: Next month has the happiness of getting married below, but also asks the storekeeper to drink one glass of celebration drinks.” 亚伦点点头,抱拳道:“下月在下有成亲之喜,还请掌柜来喝一杯喜酒啊。” „? Can Doctor Fang get married finally?” “哦?方大夫终于要成亲了?” A money storekeeper strange, then holds the Fist Dao slightly: Certainly! Certainly!” 钱掌柜略微一奇,然后抱拳道:“一定!一定!” Getting married that Aaron said that pouring is not false. 亚伦所说的成亲,倒也不是假的。 But was a clear keeper of the emperor's carriage had a liking for his talent, bought freedom voluntarily later with him. 而是一位清倌人看上了他的才华,赎身之后自愿跟了他。 However, Aaron does not want to leave behind the bloodlines actually, only prepares to adopt a child in the future, then made the opposite party bloom a loose leaf then. 不过,亚伦倒是不想留下血脉,只准备日后抱养一个孩子,然后让对方开枝散叶便了。 When boiled the wife sons, did oneself this status also want the longevity completely to perish probably ? 6? 7 then camouflage the great-grandson and great-great-grandson...... to make a debut again! 等到将妻子儿子都熬死了,自己这个身份也大概就要寿尽而亡,?六?七然后伪装成自己曾孙、玄孙……再次出道! Like this with the aid of the mediocre shield, then can cover secret of the Immortal and Unaging. 这样借助凡俗掩护,便可以掩盖自身长生不老之秘密。 And after...... waits till 78 generations, even more than ten generations and dozens generations,...... half idle hall Fang Family is the typical odd/surplus Kang town/subdues indigenous, the status origin is pure, can go to Daoism to acknowledge as teacher authentic...... 并且……等到七八代、甚至十几代、几十代之后……半闲堂方家就是地地道道的余亢镇土著,身份来历清清白白,可以去玄门正宗拜师了…… After all the Daoism orthodox school is this world is legitimate, no matter others do receive, Aaron prepares to try diligently one time. 毕竟玄门正宗才是此世正统,不管人家收不收,亚伦还是准备努力尝试一次的。 He after the worldly affairs, naturally knows that has exceedingly high Great Way not to walk, then goes to the zigzag path, and boasts of being the person of individuality, is stupid! 他历经世情,自然知道有通天大道不走,转而去走羊肠小路,并自诩为个性之人,有多么愚蠢! My Immortal and Unaging, the going astray road also had the opportunity of regretting...... the average person to be possible not to have after all......’ ‘我毕竟长生不老,走错路还有后悔的机会……普通人可就没有了……’ ............ ………… After January/one month . 一月之后。 odd/surplus high town/subdues and half idle hall. 余亢镇、半闲堂。 Is decorated with lanterns and colored streamers everywhere, the common people on town as if also want to draw support from this opportunity, sweeps the beforehand delapidated air/Qi, is actually more excited than Aaron this bridegroom. 处处张灯结彩,镇子上的百姓似乎也想借助这个机会,一扫之前的颓气,倒是比亚伦这个新郎官还要兴奋。 The side had come this to settle down in several years after all, usually good medical technique, and moderate cost, pours also quite the local will of the people, the people who help voluntarily have many. 方原毕竟已经来此定居数年,平素有一手好医术,并且收费低廉,倒也颇得本地人心,自愿来帮忙的人都有不少。 The Aaron not parsimonious wealth, exhibits the dinner served to guests as they arrive directly, told that any guest who congratulated, regardless of the ritual light ritual were heavy, can eat full. 亚伦也不吝啬钱财,直接摆开流水席,吩咐凡是来道贺的宾客,不论礼轻礼重,都可以饱饱地吃上一顿。 The banquet of person of villages is simple, the needed materials are only solid, the red-roasted pork, the fragrant roasted chickens and seven meat eight elements full of grease, have the becoming known steamed bun...... to guarantee all one wants to eat, the liquor water was the running water general end comes up, pours also ate guests and hosts having a good time. 乡镇之人的宴席简单,唯有一个用料扎实,油汪汪的红烧肉、香喷喷的烤鸡、七荤八素、还有大白馒头……都是管饱,酒水更是流水一般端上来,倒也吃了个一个宾主尽欢。 Aaron wears the clothing of bridegroom, but also in the unstated criticism, this dinner served to guests as they arrive meaning is secretly unlucky. 亚伦穿着新郎官的服饰,还在暗自腹诽,这流水席意味不祥。 Oneself also, when Taize Lake fisherman that meeting, those are so rampant, was basically with one's family broken up and decimated finally...... 自己还在当太泽湖打渔人那会,凡是如此嚣张的,基本最后都家破人亡了…… This read gives birth, his expression slightly somewhat was stiff, but, tables of proposed a toast in the past. 此念生出,他表情就略有些僵硬,不过,还是一桌桌过去敬酒。 When to most surrounding, sees above one table, sits Old Daoist Priest, an apricot yellow Daoist robe does not know that had many patches, does not know how long has not washed and starched, sends out strange taste, the surroundings countrymen deliberately avoid a distance, seems very striking. 到了最外围之时,就见到一桌之上,坐着个老道士,一身杏黄道袍不知道打了多少补丁,也不知多久没有浆洗,散发出一股怪味,周围乡人都刻意避开一段距离,显得很是醒目。 Aaron first is at heart one startled, at once sizes up calmly. 亚伦先是心里一惊,旋即不动声色地打量一番。 Seeing only this Daoist five senses is ugly, monkey-like, the pair of eyes place has the fierce scar respectively, at this time is holding chicken buttocks to gnaw crazily, the chest front is hanging a shiny black tortoise shell, is also putting small banner on hand, above the streamer surface, at the same time writes iron gate to break, the other aspect seems like inherited quack remedy, to monopolize traumatic injury ten large characters. 只见这道人五官丑陋,尖嘴猴腮,双眼处各有狰狞的疤痕,此时正抱着一只鸡屁股狂啃,胸前挂着一枚黑黝黝的龟壳,手边还放着一杆小幡,幡面之上,一面写着‘铁口直断’,另外一面则似乎是‘祖传狗皮膏药、专治跌打损伤’十个大字。 This sloppy Daoist, where person also does not know, very early in the morning then came, said several auspicious speech work as the congratulatory gift, I looked that is eats without paying......” “这邋遢道人,也不知哪里人,一早便来了,说了几句吉利话当贺礼,我看就是来吃白食的……” Nearby serving the rich and powerful by literary hack work said indignantly: If not for some Doctor Fang early instruction, the future is a guest, I have driven out him!” 旁边的帮闲愤愤道:“若不是方大夫早有吩咐,来者是客,我早就将他赶了出去!” Today is my red-letter day, pours does not need so.” “今日是我大喜日子,倒也不必如此。” Aaron laughs, the complexion is usual, goes forward to propose a toast. 亚伦哈哈一笑,面色如常,上前敬酒。 When to blind Old Daoist Priest here, Old Daoist Priest opens the mouth to ask suddenly: Bridegroom...... the Old Daoist body does not have the surplus, might as well have a look to the bridegroom, works as the congratulatory gift, how?” 到了瞎眼老道士这里时,老道士忽然开口问道:“新郎官……老道身无长物,不如给新郎官看看相,就当贺礼,如何?” This does not need, the gentleman to believe the life not to believe but actually to transport...... the Daoist priest to eat to drink, must propose a toast below, first does not accompany.” “这倒不必了,君子信命不信运……道长吃好喝好,在下还要去敬酒,先不奉陪了。” Aaron polite, went to other tables to propose a toast, had haggling over in secret. 亚伦客气一声,就去了其它桌上敬酒,暗中却是有了计较。 In fact, if not ten thousand years raises the qi art husband to be deep enough, he may perform a scene escaping marriage. 实际上,如果不是万年的养气功夫够深,他可能会表演一出现场逃婚。 The blind Old Daoist person who after all initially directed Li Xiao appears suddenly, how to see that some are not how right. 毕竟当初指点李逍的瞎眼老道人忽然出现,怎么看怎么有些不对。 Or...... was I extremely has groundless fears? Just now sees, this Old Daoist Priest depth, I can see a point unexpectedly, are most in Early Heaven spins......’ ‘又或者……是我太过杞人忧天了?方才一见,这老道士的深浅,我竟然能看出一点来,最多在先天打转……’ Thinks of here, the Aaron complexion is usual, bows to heaven and earth with the bride, from going to into the nuptial chamber does not raise. 想到这里,亚伦面色如常,与新娘拜了天地,自去入洞房不提。 ............ ………… Next day. 翌日。 He goes to the town to inquire slightly, knew that Old Daoist Priest whereabouts. 他去镇子上稍微打听,就知道了那个老道士的行踪。 Reason that does not make one track, is how because these average people can track a Early Heaven expert? Definitely will expose weaknesses! 之所以不让人跟踪,就是因为这些普通人如何能跟踪一位先天高手?必然会露出破绽! But odd/surplus Kangzhen is Aaron lair, it may be said that everywhere is his informer, wants to know that anything is very naturally convenient. 但余亢镇是亚伦老巢,可谓处处都是他的眼线,想知道什么事儿自然无比方便。 Money storekeeper, you said that yesterday that Old Daoist Priest did go to the ruins in Li Family inn to be grieved? It seems like the Li Family old friend?” “钱掌柜,你说昨天那老道士去了李家客栈的遗址凭吊?似乎是李家故人?” Aaron taking the opportunity of going shopping, chatted several with money storekeeper, looking pensive. 亚伦借着买东西的机会,跟钱掌柜聊了几句,不由若有所思。 At this time, nearby itinerant peddler inserted the tastes: This Old Daoist Priest, I have also seen near the Yuanjia city, which Daoist temple in puts up for the night in a temple probably......” 这时,旁边一个货郎就插口道:“这老道士,我在元嘉城附近也见过,大概在哪个道观挂单吧……” This itinerant peddler depends on a both feet ledger wall, goes all over nearby villages and small towns to sell the goods, is the news's first quick person. 这货郎靠着一双脚底板,走遍附近村镇卖货,乃是消息第一灵通之人。 Money storekeeper had not suspected, is the neighborhood chats in any case: 钱掌柜也没丝毫怀疑,反正不过就是邻里闲聊: How does itinerant peddler open...... the recent business? That Old Daoist Priest matter, do not tell others, after all involves Li Family......” “货郎张……最近生意如何?那老道士的事,也不要跟其他人说了,毕竟牵扯李家……” Oh......” “唉……” Mentioned this matter, three people sighed together. 提到这事,三人就一起叹息。 Long time later, Aaron said one spookily: Li Family is a pity......” 良久之后,还是亚伦幽幽说了一句:“李家可惜……” Does he somewhat think of actually ? 6? 7 Li two mothers' liquor. 他倒是有些想念,?六?七李二娘的酒。 ............ ………… Spring last fall, autumn last winter. 春去秋来、秋去冬来。 The time like the running water, in an instant, is 20 years passes by a hurry. 光阴如流水,转眼之间,便是匆匆二十年过去。 In the odd/surplus high town/subdues, the inscribed horizontal tablet of half idle hall also took the years to be motley, instead some ancient intent. 余亢镇上,半闲堂的匾额也带上了岁月斑驳,反而有些古意。 Aaron is the middle-aged person appearance, puts on azure garment that washes and starches the blanch, have the beard, seems like quite the somewhat elegant air/Qi. 亚伦已经是中年人模样,穿着一袭浆洗得发白的青衫,留着胡须,看起来颇有几分文雅之气。 At this time is holding a basket, inside thinks of many sacrificial offerings, goes out of the hospital. 此时提着一个篮子,里面装着不少祭品,就走出医馆。 Young people who is getting medicine in front leads several apprentices, comes to salute hastily: Father, worships mother?” 一个正在前面抓药的年轻人带着几个学徒,连忙过来行礼:“爹爹,又去拜祭娘亲?” Un.” “嗯。” Aaron not salty did not reply one pale, went out of village. 亚伦不咸不淡地回答一声,自顾自走出小镇 When Eh…… his wife childhood loses money are too many, the body is too weak, even if there are him to help recuperate, does not have too to be exactly long, now had passed away for three years to have. 呃……他那位‘妻子’幼年之时亏损太多,身子骨太弱,纵然有他帮忙调理,也没活太久,如今已经仙去三年有余了。 As for leaving behind this child side hope, only has Aaron yes what's the matter. 至于留下这一子‘方希’,也只有亚伦明白是怎么回事。 Several years ago, the Jiangnan great drought, has the locust plague at once, the bodies of those who starved to death everywhere, the common people do not go on living, sells sells the female, even abandons the wife to abandon the child to flee...... 十几年前,江南大旱,旋即又闹蝗灾,饿殍遍地,百姓活不下去,纷纷卖儿卖女,甚至抛妻弃子地逃荒…… Aaron picked a baby boy to come back in the roadside conveniently, regards the child to raise. 亚伦就随手在路边捡了一个男婴回来,当成自己孩子养大。 Fortunately this child not long remnant, in childhood three bamboo shoots was stir fried the meat to serve by his one day, is not the bear child character, pouring also chatted is relievable. 所幸这孩子并未长残,小时候被他一天三顿竹笋炒肉伺候,不是熊孩子性格,倒也聊可安慰。 Then is waits till for dozens years later, boils this son, can makeside hope...... have my old father's hand-written letter outside night of loose return ancestor ancestral hall in any case is the card, the litigant has to plant from the coffin to jump the opposition! ’ ‘接下来就是等到几十年后,熬死了这个儿子,就可以让‘方希’在外面一夜风流的种回归祖祠了……反正有我这个老父亲的手书为证,当事人有种从棺材里跳出来反对啊!’ Aaron goes out of odd/surplus Kangzhen, on a small hillside. 亚伦走出余亢镇,上了一座小山坡。 Above the hillside, is scattering many graves, some no one handle, has been covered with the weed, some actually also brand new. 在山坡之上,散落着许多坟冢,有些无人打理,已经长满荒草,有些却还簇新。 Aaron stopped before a tomb, simple sacrificial offering. 亚伦在一座坟墓前停了下来,简单祭祀一番。 At once, he then displays nimble art, the figure just like together the black smoke, goes far away suddenly, vanishes does not see...... 旋即,他便施展轻功,身形宛若一道黑烟,瞬息间远去,消失不见…… ............ ………… Outside Yuanjia city. 元嘉城外。 Here Aaron already familiarization, but is actually not looks for the little elder sister today. 这里亚伦早已惯熟,不过今日却不是来找小姐姐的。 His movement several rises, arrive at outside a Daoist temple. 他身法几个起落,就来到一处道观之外。 This Daoist temple is not big, the pilgrim is few, in the walled-in courtyard is blooming several plum trees and peach trees, is having a peach blossom to have the wall. 这道观也不大,香客寥寥无几,墙院内开着几株梅树与桃树,正有一枝桃花出墙而来。 In the twenty years, Aaron polishes the malignant influences besides every day, inquired the news of blind Old Daoist person in secret. 这二十年来,亚伦除了每日打磨煞气之外,就是暗中打听瞎眼老道人的消息。 At this time, swept an attribute column: 此时,不由扫了一眼属性栏: Name: Xinchen( Fang Yu and Aaron)】 【姓名:辛辰(方玉亚伦)】 【Talent: Immortal and Unaging】 【天赋:长生不老】 Age: 45 【年龄:45】 realm: Congealing ghost 境界:凝煞】 cultivation method: ten thousand Gushu congealing ghost ( 1000 / 1000 )】 功法:万蛊书凝煞篇】 Skill: Gu technique ( 100 / 100 ), spirit snake swordsmanship ( 100 / 100 )】 【技能:蛊术、灵蛇剑法】 ............ ………… ‚The aptitude of Xinchen is really ordinary, I cultivated for 20 years, hundred poisonous malignant influences cultivation to peak realm, malignant influences is colorless, most can the Yin person......’ ‘辛辰的资质着实一般,我修炼了二十年,才堪堪将百毒煞气修炼至巅峰境界,一口煞气无色无味,最能阴人……’ ‚Do not the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, unable broken to enter outside astral realm eventually......’ ‘只是不得五脏六腑蛊,终究无法破入外罡境界……’ In addition, Aaron also practices to be pure the gu technique and spirit snake swordsmanship purely, may be called superb Ancestral Master. 除此之外,亚伦也将蛊术与灵蛇剑法练习得纯之又纯,堪称出神入化的宗师 At this time by peak condition, searches the bottom of that blind Old Daoist person again. 此时以巅峰状态,再来探一探那瞎眼老道人的底。 So long as has a mind, is willing to spend the time, how does not need to inquire, Aaron then knew that blind Old Daoist person five views to put up for the night in a temple in this. 只要有心,肯花时间,都不需要怎么打听,亚伦便知晓了那个瞎眼老道人在这家‘五通观’挂单。 However although knew that this news more than ten years, he had not actually begun rashly, but makes a veiled attack is inquiring the information. 不过虽然得知这个消息十几年了,他却也没有冒然动手,只是旁敲侧击地打听着情报。 But recently, this blind Daoist priest, to the limit, soon will as if die in a sitting posture! 而最近,这位瞎眼道长,似乎都到了大限,即将坐化了! Boiled one, well? Why do I want to say?’ ‘又熬死了一个,咦?我为什么要说又?’ Aaron careful thinking: Early Heaven most hundred longevity, that blind Old Daoist person achieved success Early Heaven, the semblance looks compared with actual young, when previous time my wedding, minimum 60-70......’ 亚伦细细思索:‘先天最多百寿,那瞎眼老道功成先天,外表看着比实际年轻,上次我大婚之时,就起码60-70了……’ At this time in 20 years, hundred years old, will have died in a sitting posture about to...... can also understand and can understand but actually......’ ‘此时再过二十年,已经年近百岁,行将坐化……倒也可以理解、可以理解啊……’ When Ascetic Early Heaven, can have about hundred years old lives. 修士先天之时,能有百岁左右之寿元。 But the congealing ghost, outside astral actually does not grow the life. 而凝煞、外罡却不增长寿元。 Must wait till profound light realm, can according to respective cultivation method, have the long life respectively. 非得等到玄光境界,才能按照各自功法,各有延寿。 Arrived Golden Pill, was known as Immortal Way Ancestral Master, may open sect Lipai, living the millenniums is the commonplace! 到了金丹,便号称仙道宗师,可开宗立派,活过千年都是等闲! It seems like...... I too looked at this blind Old Daoist person high...... he really am Early Heaven, was not plays the role of the pig to eat the tiger......’ ‘看来……我太高看这瞎眼老道人了……他真的就是个先天罢了,不是什么扮猪吃老虎……’ A Aaron turning around, circumvented into the Daoist temple. 亚伦一个鹞子翻身,翻墙入了道观。 Not long, found the room of blind Old Daoist person. 没有多久,就找到了瞎眼老道人的房间。 However, he has not rushed to enter, but observes silently. 不过,他并未强闯而入,只是默默观察。 This matter, he has made many times. 这种事儿,他已经做过很多次了。 Actually today, is different obviously. 倒是今天,显然有所不同。 Blind Old Daoist person complexion lump of red ? 6? 7 spirits were quite in the past more. 瞎眼老道人脸色坨红,?六?七精神比往常好不少。 But looks like in Aaron, in the heart only has one to appraise —— returning to consciousness just before dying! 但在亚伦看来,心中却只有一个评价——‘回光返照’! disciple!” “徒儿!” Blind Old Daoist Priest passes message into the dense technique by Early Heaven, summoned one. 瞎眼老道士先天传音入密之术,呼唤了一句。 Not long, a young child Daoist novice ran, sees blind Old Daoist Priest so, shouted one: Master...... can your body be excellent?” 没有多久,一个年轻道童就跑了进来,见到瞎眼老道士如此,喊了一声:“师父……您身子可大好了?” Oh......” “唉……” The blind Old Daoist person feels the head of this child Daoist novice, sighed: Silly child, was the age to...... felt sorry for my five view lineage/vein for master this, although was known as the dwelling place of celestial beings school, in fact cultivation method incompletely were too many, built Early Heaven at most, has not actually distinguished with the ordinary rivers and lakes martial arts world school really......” 瞎眼老道人摸着这道童的头,叹息一声:“傻孩子,为师这是寿数到了……可怜我五通观一脉,虽然号称仙家门派,实际上功法却残缺太多,至多修成先天,却跟普通江湖武林门派没甚区别……” After Old Daoist Priest sigh, tortoise shell along will have taken down, gives the child Daoist novice: This is inherited magic treasure, after you offer a sacrifice to refining up, may obtain the law of operation, this gate excels at the technique of deduction , helping one another with this tortoise shell, but is twice the result with half the effort! Was sure to remember absolutely...... this tortoise shell uses every time one time, wants the buckle life, unless it is absolutely essential, unuseful!” 老道士叹息过后,就将一直随身的龟壳取了下来,交给道童:“这是本门祖传的法宝,你祭炼之后,就可获得操纵之法,本门擅长推演之术,以此龟壳相助,可事半功倍!只是万万切记……这龟壳每使用一次,就要折损本身寿元,不到万不得已,不能使用!” When this child Daoist novice complies with tears, Old Daoist Priest smiles one long: Childlike innocence disciple, does not need to be sad, is the master soul roaming universe, is not quick!” 等到这道童含泪答应下来,老道士才长笑一声:“童心徒儿,不必伤心,为师魂游太虚,不亦快哉!” After laughs, his first low, finally the one breath puts out completely, air/Qi impressively certainly! 大笑过后,他头一低,最后一口气全部吐出,赫然气绝! Master!” 师父!” The childlike innocence Daoist crying number gets up. 童心道人不由哭号起来。 Aaron in the separation of one wall, hears clearly all these, has not actually begun. 亚伦就在一墙之隔,将这一切听得清清楚楚,却没有动手。 The mortals fear the fruit, the Bodhisattva fear, because! 凡人畏果,菩萨畏因! He remembers from Xinchen knew, this world causes and effects entanglements, several such as superstitious. 他从辛辰记忆中得知,此世因果纠缠,几如天条。 Oneself make a move to rob treasure and inheritance rashly, is easy to have the causes and effects, in the future will involve in the middle of the inexorable fate! 自己冒然出手抢夺宝物与传承,就容易结下因果,日后牵连进劫数当中! Waits and has a look again...... to endure his Way Heritage to cut off again at the worst, I take over a business again!’ ‘还是再等等、再看看吧……大不了熬到他道统断绝,我再来接盘!’
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