TOTM :: Volume #10

#914: Acts( 2800 make up)

Before the moment . 片刻之前。 Li Xiao saw that so many offical mission attendants arrive at the inn, the heart is frightened. 李逍看到有那么多官差来到客栈,不由心头惴惴。 After all, stretch/open Chengxiang also in secret room! 毕竟,张成翔还在密室内呢! Is good seems not sends a punitive expedition because of the opposite party, wantonly raid, but looked for a having a rest place at will. 好在对方似乎并不是来兴师问罪,大肆搜捕,而是随意找了个歇脚之处。 In he and paternal aunt is busy at the foot not moistening the place, suddenly, he heard wife's squeal. 就在他与姑姑忙得脚不沾地之时,忽然,他听到了妻子的尖叫声。 “Ah!” “啊!” In Li Xiao hand the vegetable/dish moves on the ground, after arriving hastily the dwelling, sees the young male servant who a servant dresses up to block the wife to sexually harass, even the clothing pulled half! 李逍手中菜铲掉在地上,连忙来到后宅,就见一个仆人打扮的小厮正拦住自己妻子调戏,甚至连衣衫都扯了一半! He the eyeball was immediately red, drank one: „Do you dare?” 他登时眼珠都红了,喝了一声:“你们敢?” Immediately goes forward, a palm hits to the young male servant back of the head. 立即上前,一掌打向小厮后脑勺。 This young male servant depends Zhao Jianchen influence, always ran amuck, arrived above this village, wished one could to change into the crab simply, rode roughshod. 这小厮仗着赵剑尘的势力,一向横行惯了的,来到这种小镇之上,简直恨不得化为螃蟹,更加横行无忌。 He has not thought, oneself sexually harasses a country countrywoman, the opposite party husband also dares to revolt! 他怎么也没想到,自己调戏一个乡野村妇,对方丈夫还敢反抗! When Li Xiao great anger, acts full power, simply has not thought the consequence. 李逍盛怒之际,全力出手,根本没有想后果。 In this young male servant back of the head a palm, fell to the ground immediately, face like spirit money. 这小厮后脑勺中了一掌,登时倒地,脸如金纸。 „! Do you dare to kill people?” “啊!你敢杀人?” Nearby several servants screamed immediately, making the offical mission attendant come. 旁边几个仆人立即尖叫,让官差过来。 Li Xiao hot blooded, looks to fall on the person of ground, is the four limbs sends coolly, called out secretly: I killed people, I killed people......” 李逍热血过了,看着倒在地上的人,也是四肢发凉,暗暗叫道:“我杀人了,我杀人了……” Saw that the cruel offical mission attendant comes, the peaceful populace were accustomed, does not dare to revolt unexpectedly, whatever the opposite party locked the neck with the iron chain, attains the fore room, kneels with the wife on the ground together. 看到如狼似虎的官差过来,顺民做惯了,竟然也不敢反抗,任凭对方用铁链将自己脖子锁了,拿到前堂,跟妻子一起跪在地上。 Young master, depends on two told the young married woman of this waiter several words, this waiter killed him......” “公子,赖二家的只是跟这跑堂的婆娘说了几句话,这跑堂就将他打死了……” You may probably take responsibility for us!” “您可要为我们做主啊!” Does the young male servant servant to kneel on the ground, the crying day snatches, making Zhao Jianchen not have the reason annoyed. 一干小厮仆役跪在地上,哭天抢地,让赵剑尘没来由得心烦。 He also knows the servant is what goods, knows that most likely (80%) are they first stirs up trouble. 他也知晓自家仆役是个什么货色,知道八成是他们先惹事。 But saw that the corpse was lifted, thinks after opposite party saddle lead horse , the labor that serves, the playboy temperament outbreak, called out: What does that also wait for? Killed!” 但看到尸体被抬了过来,想到对方鞍前马后伺候的辛苦,不由纨绔脾气发作,叫道:“那还等什么?就都打死了罢!” No, the honored person forgives, the honored person forgives!” “不,贵人饶命,贵人饶命啊!” A Li Xiao mind dizziness, actually saw the paternal aunt to throw, knelt bang bang kowtows on the ground, shed bitter tears. 李逍头脑一片晕晕乎乎,却见自己姑姑扑了出来,跪在地上砰砰磕头,不由痛哭流涕。 Li Qing is just about to display before the honored person, does not pass on responsibilities, one step goes forward, the palm presses toward Li Xiao crown of the head on. 李青正要在贵人面前表现,当仁不让,一步上前,手掌就往李逍天灵盖上按去。 Oh!” “唉!” At this moment, the sigh resounds together. 就在这时,一道叹息声响起。 Pebble departs, hits above Li Qing wrist/skill. 一枚石子飞出,打在李青手腕之上。 Li Qing not startled counter- happy, called out: stretch/open Chengxiang?!” 李青不惊反喜,叫道:“张成翔?!” The person's shadow lightens from the darkness together, is stretch/open Chengxiang! 一道人影从黑暗中闪出,正是张成翔! He hears outside sound, slid, the skill condenses both ears, secretly interception. ‚ 他听到外面动静,就溜了出来,功力凝聚双耳,偷偷窃听。‘ Fore room, actually he knows. 前堂发生的一幕幕,其实他都知晓。 Really at this time must not exposed to Li Xiao one be involved to lose one's life, this jumped. 此时实在见不得李逍一家被牵连送命,这才跳了出来。 Holds him, this young master enjoys layer on layer/heavily!” “抓住他,本公子重重有赏!” Zhao Jianchen called one, Li Qing the flying has thrown, in the hand appears art of making oneself invisible pointed weapons, is the clear blue wheel, above smudged violently poisonously. 赵剑尘叫了一句,李青已经飞身扑上,手中浮现出一柄奇门兵刃,乃是碧油油的轮子,上面涂抹了剧毒。 stretch/open Chengxiang launches the judge pen, two people hit in the same place, shortly will cross dozens moves.! 张成翔施展开判官笔,两人就打在一起,顷刻间过了数十招。! Originally, his martial arts must exceed Li Qing to plan, does to the wound also not completely well, the skill must fall short unavoidably, two people fought well-matched unexpectedly, at heart secret anxious: Continue like this, even I must plant, how also to save others?’ 原本,他武功要胜过李青一筹,奈何受的伤还未完全好,功力不免就要打个折扣,两人竟然斗了个旗鼓相当,心里不由暗暗焦急:‘如此下去,连我自己都要栽了,又如何救人?’ Looks bailiff who is encircling, in stretch/open Chengxiang heart one ruthless, a move separation, a judge pen was regarded the hidden weapon, hits to Li Qing, oneself swoop to Zhao Jianchen! 望着四面包围过来的捕快,张成翔心中一狠,一招‘劳燕分飞’,一只判官笔被当成暗器,打向李青,自己则是飞扑向赵剑尘! He looks at the clear situation, knows that at this time wants to maintain a livelihood and life-saving, only under has to capture this son of upper-class family, treats as the hostage, the side a little grasps! „ 他看得清楚形势,知道此时想要活命兼救人,唯有擒拿下这位贵公子,当做人质,方有一点把握!“ Li Qing sees the hidden weapon to raid, wants not to think, in the hand flying swallow turns wants the standard to fend off. 李青见到暗器袭来,想也不想,手中飞燕轮就要格挡开。 At this moment, why he does not know, an eyelid heaviness, just like hanging the lead ingot, did not have a yawn voluntarily. 就在这时,他不知为何,眼皮一阵沉重,宛若挂了铅块,不自觉地打了个哈欠。 The experts contest, victory and defeat only in the least! 高手过招,胜负只在毫厘! How also to accommodate this yawn? 又怎么容得这个哈欠? His real strength is bad, in hand pointed weapons also slow frontline, looks helplessly the judge pen pricks the nape of the neck, wanted oneself life! ‚ 他真力不济,手中兵刃也慢了一线,眼睁睁看着判官笔刺入自己脖颈,要了自己性命!‘ ! 噗! In the bloody water splash, swallow Li Qing falls down, dies with injustice unredressed impressively! 血水飞溅中,‘燕子’李青倒在地上,赫然死不瞑目! stretch/open Chengxiang has not thought, the optional move, can report the sea of blood deep enmity for the Italian brother, at this time takes undivided attention, in eye only then Zhao Jianchen this son of upper-class family. 张成翔也没想到,自己随意一招,就能为义兄报了血海深仇,此时心无旁骛,眼中只有赵剑尘这位贵公子。 Does to the opposite party as the wealthy and prominent family wealthy and powerful family, accepted many martial arts world experts. 奈何对方作为高门大户,也收容了不少武林好手。 This time Zhao Jianchen goes out, the martial arts master protects personal. 这次赵剑尘外出,就有一位武林高手贴身保护。 Saw that stretch/open Chengxiang kills, has followed in him behind, an old servant who no has the feeling stood, the Early Heaven real air/Qi thrives, school of Ancestral Master! 看到张成翔袭杀过来,一直跟在他身后,没什么存在感的一名老仆就站了出来,先天真气勃发,一派宗师之相! This was in the past martial arts world the illustrious evil faction expert, because itself refine heretical art, needs to drink the virgin heart blood, violated the taboo, was chased down by the innumerable rivers and lakes experts, unavoidablily turned to Zhao Residence, in order to sheltered. 这是当年武林中赫赫有名的邪派高手,因为本身所炼邪功,需要饮用童男心头血,犯了大忌,被无数江湖好手追杀,不得已投靠赵府,以求庇护。 By the present, depended on that heretical art, his also success military enters Early Heaven, for martial arts world Ancestral Master first-class! 到了如今,靠着那门邪功,他也成功武入先天,为武林宗师一流! Must take only stretch/open Chengxiang, seriously is the hand with gripping matter. 要拿下区区一个张成翔,当真是手拿把攥的事儿。 On stretch/open Chengxiang the face full is desperate, but also can only urge the valley at this time to 12 success strength, the double palm like moving mountains ejects generally! 张成翔脸上满是绝望,但此时也只能催谷至十二成功力,双掌如同排山倒海一般击出! The next quarter, no one can discover, compared with mosquito small many gu insects, drilled into this to send in the nose of Ancestral Master evilly! 下一刻,无人能发现,一只比蚊子都小了不少的蛊虫,就钻入了这位邪派宗师的鼻中! Was Aaron reads in the past friendship, could not bear make a move. 却是亚伦念在昔日交情,还是忍不住出手了。 His period of time acted according to " ten thousand Gushu » record, the attempt refining up several gu insects, this type sleepy gu to building up on magic power Ascetic, was useless, but brought the mortal under Yin congealing ghost, actually used one. 他这段时日根据《万蛊书》之记载,尝试炼出了几种蛊虫,这种‘瞌睡蛊’对炼就法力修士,根本没什么用,但拿来阴凝煞之下的凡人,却是一用一个准。 Beforehand Li Qing, was entered the brain by a sleepy gu, muddleheaded the account. 之前的李青,就是被一只瞌睡蛊入脑,稀里糊涂就了了账。 This sends Ancestral Master to refine one weirdly to be really mad evilly, at this time actually felt that has the foreign matter to enter the body , is really mad in great surprise also opposes the enemy without enough time, takes back the self-defense completely, then by stretch/open Chengxiang a palm solid seal on forehead! 这位邪派宗师炼就一身邪门真气,此时却感觉到有异物入体,大惊之下,真气也来不及去对敌,全部收回防身,然后就被张成翔一掌结结实实印在脑门上! Immediately hit to have brains dashed out to perish him! 当即就将他打了个脑浆迸裂而亡! You......” “你……” Zhao Jianchen wisdom bead was grasping, does not have to think own expert hand/subordinate so draws the hip unexpectedly! 赵剑尘原本智珠在握,却没有想到自己手下的高手竟然如此拉胯! Li Qing, the ghost is also old, but his father sends to protect his expert, unexpectedly was killed? 李青也就罢了,鬼老可是他父亲派来保护他的高手,居然就这么被打死了? He has thought without enough time, only thinks a throat pain, was grabbed to raise by stretch/open Chengxiang, just like raising a chicken young, is shouting to clear the way: Does not think that he dies, do not come!” 只是他已经来不及多想,只觉喉咙一痛,就被张成翔抓着提了起来,宛若提着一只小鸡仔,喝道:“不想他死的,就不要过来!” stretch/open Chengxiang does not know how oneself enter on martial arts suddenly greatly, at this time in the heart even/including say/way is lucky, noticed that shocked the offical mission attendant of holding the bow and arrow with others, shouted hastily: Prepares several fast horses to me, killed your horses again, delivers us to have outside the town/subdues, I will put your young masters...... otherwise......” 张成翔也不知自己怎么就突然‘武功大进’,此时心中连道侥幸,看到震慑住了持着弓箭的官差与其他人,连忙喝道:“给我准备数匹快马,再将你们的马都杀了,送我们出镇外,我自会放了你们公子……否则的话……” ! ! In his hand makes an effort slightly, Zhao Jianchen sends out the pitiful yell: In a big hurry, illuminates doing that he said!” 他手上略微用力,赵剑尘就发出惨叫:“快快,照他说的做!” stretch/open Chengxiang kicked foot also dull Li Xiao, shouted: What also stares is making? Does not want dead gets up a bit faster, packs the valuables to follow me!” 张成翔又踢了一脚还呆呆怔怔的李逍,喝道:“还愣着做什么?不想死就快点起来,收拾细软跟我走!” Li Xiao quickly grasps the meaning of something, turns over/stands up to crawl hastily, still from somewhat unbelievable: ‚Did my want...... to be on the run?’ 李逍一个激灵,连忙翻身爬起,仍自有些难以置信:‘我这就要……亡命天涯了么?’
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