TOTM :: Volume #10

#913: Honored people( 2600 make up)

Listens to this description, like some big shot......’ ‘听这描述,就像某个大佬……’ Aaron stares at Li Xiao to look right and left, had not looked that on this boy has what strange place. 亚伦盯着李逍左看右看,还是没看出来这小子身上有什么离奇之处。 ‚Becoming...... this boy none who does is not a tribulation transports/fortunes the lead? I have the unconscious body entered the vortex? Now leaves to leave also with enough time?’ ‘莫不成……这小子也是一个劫运之主角?我已不知不觉身入漩涡?现在抽身离开还来得及么?’ As for what blind Old Daoist, and even other concealed treasure charts and so on secret, Aaron does not want to mess with. 至于什么瞎眼老道,乃至其它藏宝图之类的秘密,亚伦是一点都不想沾惹。 He must catch a fish by hand in 1000! 他还要摸鱼一千年呢! Now meddles this matter, rather too early. 现在插手这种事,未免太早了一些。 Read hence, he no longer asked that but drank, after drinking was full, paid the tip, sway went home. 一念至此,他就不再多问,而是自顾自喝酒,喝得酣畅淋漓之后,才付了酒钱,摇摇晃晃地回家。 Li Xiao gazes after the Aaron back to leave, this returns to the inn. 李逍目送亚伦的背影离开,这才回到客栈。 At this time in the inn does not have other guests, he then closes ahead of schedule, sending the wife to see the child. 此时客栈里也没有其它客人,他便提早关门,打发妻子去看孩子。 Oneself took several steamed buns in the kitchen covertly, plate of red-roasted pork, pot liquor, installed with the box, arrived at the inn wine cellar somewhere, raised, presented a channel. 自己则是偷偷摸摸在厨房里拿了几个馒头,还有一盘红烧肉,一壶酒,用盒子装了,来到客栈酒窖某处,又是一掀,就出现一条通道。 In this cellar the secret room is quite covert, is the Li Family ancestors designs for the avoidance disasters of war, abandons early, even if the Li two mothers almost forgot. 这窖中密室极为隐蔽,是李家先人为躲避兵灾而设计,早早废弃,哪怕李二娘都快忘了。 But childhood Li Xiao it, actually as if one had found a treasure, regarded own secret base, is hiding some small gadget. 但童年李逍得之,却如获至宝,当成了自己的秘密基地,藏着一些小玩意儿。 At this time, since not long, sees a lighting a lamp light like the bean. 此时,进入没有多久,就见到一点灯光如豆。 In the secret room, a person, is sitting cross-legged to sit in meditation unexpectedly, the faint trace white clouds evaporate from the top of the head, obviously is practicing an extremely fierce internal strength. 在密室内,竟然还有一人,正在盘膝打坐,丝丝白气从头顶蒸发而出,显然是在修炼一门极其厉害的内功。 Li Xiao does not dare to disturb, places one side the gift box, static waiting. ‚ 李逍不敢打扰,将食盒放在一边,静静等待。‘ Also passed the less than half double-hour, stretch/open Chengxiang opens eyes, sees Li Xiao, smiled one: You came......” 又过了小半个时辰,张成翔才睁开眼,看到李逍,笑了一句:“你来了……” Master......” 师父……” Li Xiao gathers up to come smilingly: You passed on my iron merit before ‚’, some people also puzzled places......” 李逍嬉皮笑脸地凑上前来:“您之前传我的‘铁手功’,徒儿还有许多不解之处……” Do not call me Master.” On stretch/open Chengxiang the face appears a disfavor: I have said that you rescue my life, I pass on your martial arts, everyone two does not owe!” “不要叫我师父。”张成翔脸上浮现出一丝不悦之色:“我说过了,你救我一命,我传你一门武功,大家两不相欠!” In fact, if Li Xiao talent is excellent, he pours is not cannot accept an apprentice. „ 实际上,若是李逍天赋过人,他倒也不是不可以收个徒弟。“ But a being together teaching gets down, stretch/open Chengxiang then knows, this Li Xiao aptitude is really inferior, one set ‚the iron merit tossed about to practice many had not crossed the threshold. 但一番相处教学下来,张成翔便知道,这李逍的资质着实低劣,一套‘铁手功’翻来覆去练了许多遍还没有入门。 If this apprentice in the income gate, can irritate Master while still alive! 这种徒弟要是收入门中,能将师父活活气死! Therefore, certainly the thought of accepting the disciple. 因此,也就绝了收徒的念头。 Even, this ‚the iron merit is not his master gate passes on, but after is stretch/open Chengxiang kills an always archenemy, from the opposite party uncovers martial arts that! 甚至,这一门‘铁手功’都不是他师门所传,而是张成翔击毙一位平生大敌之后,从对方身上搜出的武功! After all when he acknowledges as teacher once distributed the pledge, cannot the master gate martial art leak. 毕竟他拜师之时曾发下誓言,不能将师门武学外泄。 For all that in my heart, has but regarded Master to regard you.” “虽然如此,但在我心中,一直都将您当成师父看待的。” Li Xiao is smiling, puts out the skill that in the inn welcomes and sees off to discipline, adds the liquor to serve food, serves stretch/open Chengxiang actually comfortably, directed several knack that cultivates the iron-smelting merit. 李逍嬉皮笑脸,拿出客栈中迎来送往磨练出来的本事,添酒布菜,倒是将张成翔伺候得舒舒服服,又指点了几句修炼铁手功的诀窍。 stretch/open Chengxiang is fed up the steamed bun, suddenly said: My injury is much better, after three days, must leave......” 张成翔将馒头吃尽,突然道:“我身上的伤势已经好得差不多了,三日之后,就要离开……” „?!” “啊?!” On Li Xiao face reveals a disappointed color. 李逍脸上不由露出一丝失望之色。 I , if not walk, to feudal official discovered that you give shelter to the thief, immediately is the dreadful calamity!” stretch/open Chengxiang shakes the head, obviously haggles over has decided that is inalterable. “我若不走,给官府发现你窝藏大盗,立即就是泼天大祸!”张成翔摇摇头,显然计较已定,不容更改。 When Li Xiao regrets, is somewhat lucky. 李逍惋惜之余,又有些侥幸。 If endured these three days, this dead tribulation, then did pass? 若是熬过这三天,这场死劫,是不是便过去了? ............ ………… After three days . 三日之后。 Aaron prepares to go to the Li Family inn to drink as usual. 亚伦照常准备前往李家客栈喝酒。 He ponders, thought that extremely frighten itself, this Li Xiao looks right and left, is not the tribulation transports/fortunes the appearance of lead. 他左思右想,觉得还是自己太过吓唬自己,这李逍左看右看,都不是什么劫运主角的模样。 Also, even if must walk, oneself join a gambling game is too deep, only feared also without enough time. 再说,哪怕要走,自己入局太深,只怕也来不及了。 Therefore, remains, continued to wait and see one to say again. 因此,还是留下来,继续观望一阵再说。 In close to the inn, saw that nearby money storekeeper with was pursued by the dog is the same, runs away hurriedly, asked one: „Did Old Qian, what matter have?” 只是在临近客栈之时,就见到附近一位钱掌柜跟被狗追一样,匆忙逃走,不由笑问一句:“老钱,出了啥事?” Doctor Fang!” Money storekeeper cups one hand in the other across the chest, asked: Can go to the Li Family inn? This was really does not need to go to...... today to come a son of upper-class family, has many offical mission attendants, has occupied the inn, caught up with us, was really quite unlucky!” 方大夫!”钱掌柜拱拱手,问:“可是要去李家客栈?这是真不必去了……今日来了一位贵公子,带着好些官差,已经占了客栈,将我们都赶了出来,真是好生晦气!” „!? “哦!? Aaron nods, turns around to walk. ‚ 亚伦点点头,转身就走。‘ However after returning to half idle hall, actually cannot bear, traded one to travel by night the clothes, displayed nimble art, leapt more than ten zhang (3.33 m), covertly surface-to-underwater to the Li Family inn. 不过回到半闲堂之后,却是忍不住,又换了一身夜行衣,施展轻功,一跃十余丈,偷偷摸摸地潜向李家客栈。 The person of this world spiritual cultivation, may be divided into Later Heaven, Early Heaven and congealing ghost, outside astral, profound light, Golden Pill and other realm. 此世修道之人,可分为后天先天、凝煞、外罡、玄光、金丹境界 But Later Heaven and Early Heaven, even if in the martial arts world the person may also touch. 后天先天纵然武林中人也可触及。 Only had the congealing ghost, outside astral...... to include the immortal cultivation threshold! 唯有凝煞、外罡……才算入了修仙门槛! This realm Ascetic, without learning flies specially the escape method technique, or controls magic tool, is hard to rely on the instinct to fly to escape. 只是此境界修士,若没有习得特殊飞遁法术,或者驾驭法器者,也难以凭借本能飞遁。 Is only correct unreliably into light/only, refining up after various immortal light demon light, can the heart along with reading, the mortal body flight. 唯有道入玄光,炼就各种仙光魔光之后,才能心随念动,肉身飞行。 On Aaron the actually golden snake hooks flying sword , the magic tool Profound Valley bead and a magic treasure pouch, did not have one to carry him to fly, must use the movement to hurry along. 亚伦手上倒是有一口金蛇钩飞剑、也有一件法器玄牝珠、一只法宝囊,就没有一件能载了他飞行的,还是必须施展身法赶路。 However he stimulates to movement hundred poisonous malignant influences slightly, changes into one group of black fog in the dim light of night, oneself will hide , has the effect of hidden figure. 不过他略略催动百毒煞气,在夜色之中化为一团黑雾,将自己藏匿其中,也颇有隐藏身形之效。 After the moment, arrives at the Li Family inn, jumped onto the roof, lifts the tile to watch. 片刻后,就来到李家客栈,一跃上了房顶,掀开瓦片观看。 I am buy the soy sauce......’ ‘我就是来打酱油的……’ He talked to oneself, the vision downward. 他自语一句,目光向下。 ............ ………… In Li Family inn, actually quite lively. 李家客栈之内,倒是好生热闹。 The Li two mother and Li Xiao is quite busy, comes up various food running water same ends, is serving one occupied the entire inn honored person! 李二娘并李逍一家忙得团团转,将各种菜肴流水一样端上来,伺候着一位占了整个客栈的‘贵人’! This honored person also has the origin, is the child of Imperial Court Ministry of Rites Shangshu, the name calls Zhao Jianchen, lives handsome and intelligent, is actually , whited sepulchre defeat cotton wool in , the entire life is unhappy studies, has to use violence, idles about. 这‘贵人’也颇有来历,乃是朝廷礼部尚书之子,名唤‘赵剑尘’,生得一表人才,却是金玉其外败絮其中,生平不喜读书,只好舞刀弄棒,游手好闲。 This time is to also hear a turning retainer, swallow Li Qing mentioned in stretch/open Chengxiang the hand to have a concealed treasure chart, above had the Immortal Person inheritance, had the thoughts. 此次也是听到一个投靠的门客,‘燕子’李青说起张成翔手上有一张藏宝图,上面有仙人传承,就不由动了心思。 He feels the white jade wine glass that oneself bring, while ponders saying: If I can result in the concealed treasure chart, extracts the Immortal Person inheritance, gives to the emperor, your majesty must the heart of the Buddha be happy, the glory, splendor, riches and honor, enjoys not......, before then, may the copies, having a look at me to have this immortal karma greatly!” 他一边摸着自家带来的白玉酒杯,一边忖道:“若我能得了藏宝图,起出仙人传承,献给皇帝,陛下必圣心大悦,荣华富贵,享之不尽……嗯,在此之前,也大可抄录副本,看看我有没有这个仙缘!” Young master!” “公子!” At this time, a height length of body, the look was big and tall, the footsteps light and lively man walked, was swallow Li Qing! 这时,一位身高体长,相貌魁伟,脚步轻灵的汉子走了过来,正是‘燕子’李青! He wants to have sole possession of the concealed treasure chart, did to had something go wrong afterward. „ 他原本想独吞藏宝图,奈何后来出了岔子。“ Oneself fully realize that Second Brother temperament, when the opposite party injury was good, definitely wants the heavy hand except for oneself, perhaps must dig out the heart and liver to hold a memorial service for the big brother. 自己深知那位二哥脾气,等到对方伤势好了,必然要辣手除了自己,说不定还要挖出心肝来祭奠大哥。 Alarmed and afraid, threw the feudal official honored person, even/including Cangbao matter said that must drive that once sworn brothers to commit suicide! 惊惧之下,才投了官府贵人,连藏宝图的事都说了,务必要置那位曾经的结拜兄弟于死地! He deeply inspires, reports: Pursues the soul god to catch with Zhuge God catches spreads the news, is harvestless, it seems like that evildoer should not depart...... whether searches for one time this town again?” 他深吸口气,禀告道:“追魂神捕与诸葛神捕都传来消息,并无收获,看来那贼子应该还未离去……是否将这镇子再搜一次?” Zhao Jianchen when answered, suddenly on the hearing rear noisy sounds, frowns: What matter had/left?” 赵剑尘正待回话,忽然就听到后方喧嚣之声,不由皱起眉头:“出了何事?”
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