TOTM :: Volume #10

#912: Pirates

Spring last fall. 春去秋来。 In an instant is one year passes. 转眼又是一年过去。 Aaron goes out from the Li Family inn with a laugh, in the hand is also raising a red egg, this is the Li Family wife is actually pregnant, but also lived a boy, is glad to grin with ear to ear the Li two mothers, held the banquet, banquet guest. 亚伦笑呵呵地从李家客栈走出,手里还提着一篮红鸡蛋,这却是李家媳妇有喜,还生了个大胖小子,将李二娘乐得合不拢嘴,又摆了酒席,大宴宾客。 In Li Xiao wife gives birth above this matter, Aaron also figured out vigorously .... This did not certainly say that he is the bridegroom every night, but wrote many preventing miscarriage prescriptions, and when difficult labor, depends on constantly the fetus protection pill, this saved mother and child's life. 在李逍媳妇产子这事之上,亚伦也算出了大力.…这当然不是说他夜夜去做新郎,而是开了不少安胎方子,并且难产之时,也是靠着一味保胎丸,这才保住了母子二人的性命。 This time woman gives birth, is together the Gate of Death. 这时代女人生子,就是一道鬼门关。 This lets the Li two mother and Li Xiao, is quite somewhat deeply grateful to Aaron. 这让李二娘与李逍,对亚伦颇有些感激不尽。 When gratitude, the Li two mothers even also want to say a wife to Aaron, after all the Aaron age, is older than Li Xiao! 感激之余,李二娘甚至还想给亚伦说个媳妇,毕竟亚伦的年纪,可是比李逍还大! Aaron turns down at the same time, had a wishful thinking. 亚伦婉拒的同时,也起了点小心思。 He uses an alias side Yuan, coming odd/surplus Kang to settle down, in fact besides the free world, but also the idea of a little forge status origin. 他化名方原,来余亢定居,实际上除了逍遥人间之外,还有一点伪造身份来历的想法。 Even if these martial arts world major faction, accepting the people are really strict, will also send people to go to the place of birth to nose. 要知道,纵然那些武林大派,收徒都甚为严格,甚至还会派人前往出生地查探一番。 Immortal Cultivation the person, especially Daoism major faction, will be naturally severer. 修仙中人,特别是玄门大派,自然会更加严苛。 Cannot do well will check the ancestor eight generations! But doesn't matter! 搞不好会查祖宗八代!但没关系! Aaron from side this generation, settled down in odd/surplus Kang, perhaps the origin is suspicious. 亚伦自方原这一代,在余亢定居,或许来历可疑。 But when the person of second-generation, third-generation and suspicion was short, this called time will tell! 但等到第二代、第三代、怀疑的人就少了,这叫日久见人心! But with the Aaron patience, naturally did not mind that multiplies 78 generations in this, then oneself pretend to be oneself descendants, going to Daoism is authentic. 而以亚伦的耐心,自然不介意在此繁衍个七八代,然后自己冒充自己的子孙,前往玄门正宗。 Then, that was proper well-born 如此一来,那就是正经的身家清白了 Even if not find a wife to give birth, can make counterfeit goods with some adopted son adopted daughters, then I do not open lineage/vein, first pretends to be the son, then pretends to be the grandson and great-great-grandson ‘哪怕不娶妻生子,也可以弄个假货与一些养子养女,然后我自己别开一脉,先冒充自己儿子,再冒充自己孙子、玄孙 This matter Aaron also has to do in any case, might be called has a familiar task and handles it with ease. 反正这种事亚伦又不是没有做过,堪称驾轻就熟了。 Plans has decided that Aaron will actually not marry what respectable family female, but prepares the chief among flowers little elder sister who buys the smoke to become an honest woman. 算计已定,亚伦却不会去娶什么良家女子,而是准备买烟从良的花魁小姐姐来。 The chief among flowers becomes an honest woman in any case this matter, the opposite party is not willing to open one's mouth obviously, then can be logical. 反正花魁从良这种事,对方显然也不愿意启齿,然后就可以顺理成章了。 Such seems like, is it possible that best or takes belt/bring young me also to work as the taking over a business hero? " 这么看起来,最好还是要一个带小的莫非我还要当个接盘侠?" Aaron wiped a face, the inexplicable some feelings of knowing whether to laugh or cry. 亚伦抹了一把脸,莫名有些啼笑皆非之感。 However in his heart also knows, oneself is very old, 27, looked at 28, to round up quickly in the bystander opinion solid 25, empty 26, wools 30, did not marry in the modern age has the idle talk, in ancient times so. 不过他心中也知道,自己年纪已经很大,在外人看来实二十五、虚二十六、毛二十七、望二十八、四舍五入快三十了,在现代不结婚都有闲话,在古代就更加如此了。 On this day. 这一日。 Aaron opened half idle hall in the same old way, bustled about the big half day. 亚伦照样开了半闲堂,忙碌了大半日。 After all for these years later, the people on town know that his medical technique is wise, has the kind-heartedness, even also has outside coming with admiration occasionally. 毕竞这几年下来,镇子上的人都知道他医术高明,颇有仁心,甚至还偶有外地慕名而来者。 This makes Aaron ponder, oneself was this/should belt/bring several apprentices. 这让亚伦在思考,自己是不是该带几个学徒了。 Otherwise, day of time uses, in giving the person sees a doctor on, is very senseless. 否则的话,一天时间都用在给人看病上,也挺无趣的。 When to close to dusk, he stands up, stretches oneself, has a yawn, is preparing to close the door, a brow suddenly wrinkle. 到了临近黄昏之时,他站起身,伸个懒腰,打个哈欠,正准备关门,眉头忽然一皱。 However, in his hand movement not slow, turned off the door as before, subsequently thought aloud: " Well? How to have smell of blood? „ 不过,他手上动作并没有迟缓,依旧关了房门,继而自言自语道:"咦?怎么有一股血腥味?“ Finishes speaking, he appears at present a person. This person of stature is big and tall, wears a black hand-to-hand fight in tights vigor attire, grasps a golden light shining judge pen, seems like about 30-40 years old, the face is upright, in the eye none sparkles, most critically, the body has a wound, the almost deep obvious bone, the two sides flesh spills over decayed air/Qi. 话音刚落,他眼前就浮现出一人。这人身材魁伟,穿着一身黑色短打劲装,手持一根金光灿灿的判官笔,看起来不过30-40岁,脸庞方正,眼中精光闪闪,更关键的是,身上有着一道伤口,几乎深可见骨,两边血肉泛出一股腐臭之气。 „! „ “啊!“ Aaron has a big shock calls one: Who are you?” 亚伦大惊失色地叫一声:“你是何人?” Who I am do not need you to manage, you are a doctor, cures me, I must have thank again!” “我是谁不用你管,你是大夫,将我治好,我必有重谢!” Takes the middle-aged person of judge pen to lose silver ingot on the table: .... Remembers that cannot anybody tell I have come news, this also for hello/you good, otherwise must have the catastrophe!” 拿着判官笔的中年人将一锭银子丢在桌子上:“还有.…记得不能跟任何人说我来过的消息,这也是为了你好,否则必有大祸!” Catastrophe? ‚ ‘大祸?‘ I must be worried about you to act unreasonably, overturn my five harmful things cauldron, when the time comes walked so many precious poisons to scatter in all directions, entire odd/surplus Kangzhen must die certainly this are the true catastrophe! ‘我还要担心你们乱来,打翻我的五毒鼎,到时候走了那么多珍奇毒物四散,整个余亢镇都要死绝啊这才是真正大祸! In the Aaron heart complained one, the surface actually put out makes the calm color: I am the doctor, the medical practitioner kind-heartedness, you first sit down, I show you 亚伦心中吐槽一句,表面却拿出强作镇定之色:“我是大夫,医者仁心,你先坐下,我给你看看” He makes this person sit above the sickbed, cuts the clothing with the scissors, suddenly sighed: „ What weapon were you by injured? Above also quenched the poison! „ 他让这人坐在病榻之上,用剪刀剪开衣物,忽然叹了口气:“你这是被什么兵器所伤?上面还淬了毒!“ Takes the middle-aged person facial expression of judge pen to be slightly low-spirited, replies: " Is my Third brother's flying swallow turns! He likes with the snake venom, heard that you are good at treating the poison of snakeworm, therefore I seek medical help ........ 拿着判官笔的中年人神情略微黯然,答道:"是我三弟的飞燕轮!他喜欢用蛇毒,听说你擅长治疗蛇虫之毒,因此我才来求医.…….” Why hits with the Third Brother as for him, the life and death wrestles, not agrees said. 至于他为何与自己三弟打起来,还是生死相搏,却又不肯说了。 It looks like in Aaron, or is the emotion dispute, either is the benefit moves the will of the people, did not have the third possibility. 亚伦看来,要么是情感纠葛、要么就是利益动人心,没有第三种可能了。 In fact is also so. 实际上也正是如此。 The middle age that this causes the judge pen, named stretch/open Chengxiang, for Northern Sichuan Martial arts world Dahao, excelling at causes a pair of judge pen, can hit the person acupuncture point, makes a move not to have nothing, the rivers and lakes person delivers nicknameiron mask judge! 这位使判官笔的中年,名为张成翔,为川北武林大豪,擅使一对判官笔,能打人穴位,出手无有不中,江湖人送外号‘铁面判官! He has two sworn brothers, big brother ‚the Huo Fa ghost Tang hero, Third Brother swallow Li Qing. 他有两个结义兄弟,大哥‘火发鬼’唐雄、三弟燕子李青。 Three people of righteousness tie the sworn brother, the walk rivers and lakes, are very merry. 三人义结金兰,行走江湖,好不快活。 But recently, arrived at the Yuanjia city, was involved in a martial arts world case .... 而最近,更是来到了元嘉城,更卷入了一桩武林大案中去…. Before for several years, Zhao Family is haunted, has the roaming the four corners of the world Daoist to come to govern the ghost, afterward was called the broken plot by the knight-errant swordsman of another game world, immediately begins, whole city all heard, Li Xiao saw that dwelling place of celestial beings method, came back to boast enough for several years! 数年之前,赵家闹鬼,有游方道人前来治鬼,后来被另外一位游戏人间的剑侠叫破阴谋,当即动手,满城皆闻,就连李逍都见到了那仙家手段,回来吹嘘了足足数年! Afterward, does not know that the both sides sparring victory and defeat how, the roaming the four corners of the world Daoist has not appeared in any case again, the marketplace then passed on a message is beheaded by that knight-errant swordsman flying sword, the body dying say/way disappeared. 后来,也不知双方斗法胜负如何,反正游方道人再也没有出现过,市井便传言是被那剑侠飞剑斩首,身死道消了。 Also quite attracted in a number of rivers and lakes the person and wealthy family juniors, gathered in the Yuanjia city, wanted to find the inheritance of roaming the four corners of the world Daoist, or acknowledged as teacher that knight-errant swordsman. 还颇吸引了一批江湖中人与富家子弟,汇聚元嘉城,想要找到游方道人的传承,或者拜师那位剑侠。 Aaron is also excited in the past- flickers, then did not have then 亚伦当年也曾经心动过—瞬,然后就没有然后了 After all he for the objective of person, to troublesome will not go looking for trouble by far. 毕竟他为人的宗旨,就是离麻烦远远地更不会去自找麻烦。 In the past this matter made imposingly, shocked the martial arts world, many people's open fight between factions near the Yuanjia city, died probably several illustrious chivalrous people, finally was the wool has not actually seen one. 当年这件事闹得轰轰烈烈,震动武林,不少人在元嘉城附近火并,一口气死了大概数十个赫赫有名的大侠,结果却是毛都没见到一根。 In these rivers and lakes the person also diverges gradually. 那些江湖中人也就渐渐散去。 Until recently , the legend has the concealed treasure chart that in the past the roaming the four corners of the world Daoist left behind born, above has his legacy inheritance! 直到最近,又传说有当年游方道人留下的藏宝图出世,上面有他的衣钵传承! And, this concealed treasure chart goes through hands over, finally fell in the brothers three people the Huo Fa ghost Tang hero's hand! 并且,这幅藏宝图几经转手,最终落到了兄弟三人中火发鬼唐雄之手! Tang hero is also a fine person, after attaining the concealed treasure chart keeps secret, only told two sworn brothers, the preparation excavates the Daoist canon in secret, when the time comes the brothers three people step a way together, studies the dwelling place of celestial beings method, prolongs the life, makes in free and unfettered Divine Immortal the person, how could it not be quick? 唐雄也是个精细人,拿到藏宝图之后秘而不宣,只跟两个结拜兄弟说了,准备暗中去发掘出道藏,到时候兄弟三人一起踏上道途,学个仙家手段,延年益寿,做个逍遥神仙中人,岂不快哉? Doing to .... Swallow Li Qing new student/life read evilly, wants to be all swallowed by a single person the concealed treasure chart, launched an attack in secret, first poison turned Huo Fa ghost Tang hero, iron mask judge " stretch/open Chengxiang also caused heavy losses. 奈何….燕子李青新生歹念,想要一人独吞藏宝图,暗中发难,先毒翻了火发鬼唐雄,就连铁面判官"张成翔也被重创。 Is good because of the critical juncture, Tang hero hobbles Li Qing at risk of life, escapes the opportunity to stretch/open Chengxiang! 好在危急关头,唐雄拼死牵绊住李青,才给张成翔逃命机会! Even, even that concealed treasure chart threw to him! 甚至,连那张藏宝图都抛给了他! Li Qing nature is in hot pursuit to stretch/open Chengxiang, has not known that Tongshen the relations, transferred in feudal official the person help to press for payment! 李青自然对张成翔穷追不舍,还不知走通什么关系,调动了官府中人帮忙追索! stretch/open Chengxiang is helpless, can only be wounded to dash about wildly, then escapes here! 张成翔无奈,只能一路带伤狂奔,然后便逃到此处! But these matters, stretch/open Chengxiang recalled that grieved such as twists, naturally cannot say to Aaron. 但这些事儿,张成翔回想起来就是心痛如绞,自然不会跟亚伦说。 Aaron has not actually begun to treat the wound, instead Moroccan kasaya a chin: I seem to have seen in the feudal official bulletin, you were recently the wanted pirate!” 亚伦却没有动手治伤,反而摩裟了一下下巴:“我似乎在官府告示上看到过,你是最近被通缉的江洋大盗!” Such remarks, stretch/open Chengxiang the complexion changes, the judge pen almost wants. 此言一出,张成翔面色一变,判官笔差点就要点出。 But finally, he has not acted. 但最终,他还是没有出手。 After all he bragged the chivalry, acted to an ordinary doctor, what matter was also? 毕竟他自诩侠义,对一个普通大夫出手,又算什么事儿? Also he has not acted luckily, otherwise Aaron conveniently on- say/way five harmful things malignant influences got down, wanted his poor life. 也幸好他没有出手,否则亚伦随手就—道五毒煞气下去,要了他的小命。 Although this person some fame of martial arts in rivers and lakes, but hits to mix in Later Heaven realm, looks like in Aaron does not compare a chicken young to be tyrannical. 此人虽然武功在江湖中有些名气,但就在后天境界打混,在亚伦看来也不比一只鸡仔强横。 stretch/open Chengxiang the complexion several change, finally is grieved smiles: „ Since you think that I am a pirate, does not treat the wound to me, that also .... My this walks, that money also gave you, but you were sure to remember, must divulge my whereabouts not, perhaps otherwise I was all right, but you, if were grasped by feudal official, the severe punishment interrogated and tortured, but was not worth. „ 张成翔面色几变,最终惨然一笑:“既然你以为我是江洋大盗,不给我治伤,那也罢了.…我这就走,那银子也给你了,只是你切记,莫要泄露我的行踪,否则我或许没事,但你若被官府抓了去,严刑拷问,可就不值得了。“ Since old times petty official deceitful as ghost, to your anything person, so long as into the prison, must press out the dry/does perquisite resourcefully. 自古胥吏奸似鬼,任凭你什么人,只要入了牢狱,就要想方设法地榨干油水。 stretch/open Chengxiang saw the darkness, this matter has really not talked nonsense. 张成翔见多了黑暗,这种事还真不是瞎说。 He turns around to walk, suddenly after feeling brain creates an incident, the right hand grasps subconsciously, held a porcelain bottle. 他转身就走,忽然感觉脑后生风,右手下意识一抓,就抓住了一个瓷瓶。 Aaron sighed spookily: " What in you are five types of the mixing poisons of poisonous snakes, depends entirely on the inner strength to suppress, even the slightest misstep will send dead poisonously .... My thisyurlunggur camfieldensis seizes to assign/life pill, you every day three times, each time a grain, two days later, was all right. " 亚伦幽幽叹息一声:"你中的是五种毒蛇的混毒,全靠内力镇压着,稍有不慎就会毒发身亡.…我这‘天蛇夺命丹,你每日三次,每次一粒,两天之后,也就没什么事了。" Many thanks!” “多谢!” stretch/open Chengxiang does not talk too much, turns around to display nimble art, turned from the courtyard quietly. 张成翔再不多言,转身施展轻功,从院子里悄无声息地翻了出去。 This person is actually much sillier.” “这人倒是傻得可爱。” Aaron shakes the head, cannot help laughing, this goes back, received money , to continue the bystander the same as be out of business, the reorganization shop. 亚伦摇摇头,哑然失笑一声,这才回去,将银子收了,继续没事人一样关门歇业、整理店铺。 ...- …- Within a few days, has really had the feudal official bailiff to arrive at this little odd/surplus high town/subdues, hunts down the pirate everywhere! 过不几日,果然就有官府捕快来到这小小余亢镇,到处搜捕江洋大盗! Aaron thishalf idle hall ’, was turned inside and outside several. 亚伦这个’半闲堂’,更是被里里外外翻了数遍。 Considered stretch/open Chengxiang initially, therefore the plan of arrange/cloth deploying troops to decoy the enemy expired, was looked by Li Qing eventually. 当是张成翔当初的故布疑兵之策失效,终究是被李青找了来。 Aaron is prepared fortunately early, did the conspicuous matter to install with magic treasure pouch one five harmful things cauldron, is insufficient to make any big trouble. 亏得亚伦早有准备,将五毒鼎等一干惹眼的物事用法宝囊一口装了,才不至于闹出什么大乱子来。 But these bailiffs in the name of raid, extort on village everywhere, is made that a piece complains. 而这些捕快借着搜捕之名,在小镇上到处敲诈勒索,也是弄得一片怨声载道。 Since old times people not with standard dou-measure, these young common people, even if some slight illness, the acute disease of so long as at the scene not dying, is not willing to go out, so as to avoid ran upon the offical mission attendant. 自古民不与官斗,那些小老百姓纵然有些小病,只要不是当场就死的急症,也不愿出门,免得撞上官差。 Without the patient visits, Aaron closed/pass half idle hall simply, arrives at the Li Family inn to drink wine. 没有病人上门,亚伦索性就关了半闲堂,来到李家客栈吃酒。 " Did Uncle Fang come? „ "方叔来了?“ Li Xiao is the father now, poured many several points of calm air/Qi, greeted: „ Old three? „ 李逍如今做了父亲,倒多了几分沉稳之气,迎接过来:“还是老三样么?“ Un, the liquor must double, comes one plate of cooked meat again.” “嗯,酒要加倍,再来一碟卤肉。” Aaron sighed: Recently no business, comes this to kill the time...” " 亚伦叹息一声:“最近没什么生意,还是来此消磨时间罢了…”" He looked at the surroundings, discovered that the inn business is not good, naturally knows what's the matter. 他看了看周围,发现客栈生意也不好,自然知道怎么回事。 Oh does not know that noisily when must arrive.” “唉也不知要闹到什么时候。” Li Xiao answered one freely spoken, seemingly does not have the issue. 李逍顺口答了一句,看起来全无问题。 But looks like in Aaron this Ascetic, its look some twinkles, even walks to sit lies, released a background, as if starts to practice the appearance of excellent martial arts unexpectedly! 但在亚伦这位修士看来,其眼神有些闪烁,甚至行走坐卧之间,泄了一丝底子,竟然似乎开始习练上乘武功的样子! What person was this directed?’ ‘这是得了什么人指点么?’ " Is it possible that was this time stretch/open Chengxiang also wants to play under a lamp black, hasn't run away unexpectedly? ‚ "偏偏是这个时候莫非张成翔也想玩个灯下黑,竟然还没逃走?‘ Aaron to oneself one glass of liquor, then clamped chopsticks cooked meat, pouring is also quite comfortable. 亚伦给自己倒了一杯酒,然后夹了一筷子卤肉,倒也颇为自在。 No matter this Li Xiao chance is stretch/open Chengxiang, actually does not close his matter, can continue to sit quietly fishing platform to see a play. 不管这李逍的机缘是不是张成翔,其实都不关他的事儿,还是可以继续稳坐钓鱼台看戏。 However, after he drank with flies three cups, the front person's shadow flashes, is actually Li Xiao cannot bear sit down, said one: I accompany Uncle Fang to drink...” 不过,在他自斟自饮了三杯之后,面前人影一闪,却是李逍忍不住坐下,道了一句:“我来陪方叔叔喝酒…” Aaron laughs: „ Can it be that you love dearly the good wine, specially drinks my? „ 亚伦哈哈一笑:“你莫不是心疼自家美酒,特意来喝我的?“ How dare so? „ “怎敢如此?“ Li Xiao beckons hastily, the oval face beautiful woman who wears arrange/cloth Qun holds a wooden plate to come, above installs pot liquor with several side dishes, after serving food, luck a luck. 李逍连忙招手,一个穿着布裙的瓜子脸美妇就捧着一个木盘过来,上面装一壶酒与几个小菜,布菜之后又福了一福。 She is Li Xiao wife, in the past the difficult labor, had been rescued the life by Aaron. 她是李逍之妻,当年难产,被亚伦救过命的。 Come, I for Uncle Fang but actually liquor.” “来,我为方叔叔倒酒。” Li Xiaolian respected the Aaron three cups, suddenly sighed: I was stubbornly disobedient in the past, making the uncle be laughed at ....... knew at this time, the uncle is willing to pass on my medical technique, I am not actually willing to study, disappoints the elder to expect seriously, greatly is unfilial.” 李逍连敬了亚伦三杯,忽然就叹息:“我当年顽劣,让叔叔见笑了…….此时才知,叔叔愿意传我医术,我却不愿意学,当真辜负长辈期望,大是不孝。” „The elder brother grew up leisurely, these are not no need to say again.” Aaron beckons with the hand, looks actually, in this Li Xiao bone that fur parka, resulted in the chance at this time, cannot bear show off, is not good to state clearly, in the heart the brain has made up an extremely flustered monkey appearance. “逍哥长大了,这些就不必再说。”亚伦摆摆手,倒是看出来,这李逍骨子里还是那个皮猴,此时得了机缘,忍不住来炫耀,又不好明说,心中已经脑补出一只抓耳挠腮的猴子模样。 Happen when smiles, suddenly listens to Li Xiao saying: Few days ago, I went to the Yuanjia city to stock with goods, ran into a blind Old Daoist person .... He divines according to the diagrams to me, said that my life is mediocre, although recently had the chance, actually also followed a dead tribulation!” 正好笑之时,忽然又听李逍道:“前些日子,我去元嘉城进货,遇到了一个瞎眼老道人….他给我算了一卦,说我一生平庸,最近虽然有机缘,却也伴随了一场死劫!” „? „ “哦?“ If were true in the ancient times, when Aaron only talks nonsense. 如果是真正古代,亚伦只当放屁。 But really has the Immortal Person world in this, he actually does not dare is so negligent, the complexion becomes serious: „ Big nephew .... Did you believe? „ 但在这个真的有仙人的世界,他却不敢如此大意,脸色变得郑重起来:“大侄儿.…你信了?“ I have to believe. " Li Xiao ambiguous. “我是不得不信啊。"李逍含糊一句。 He did not believe that any Old Daoist Priest saying that almost regards the swindler others, clubs randomly. 原本他也是不怎么信那个啥眼老道士所说,几乎将人家当成骗子,乱棍打走。 But after when resulted in that chance, then somewhat believed. 但等到自己得了那个机缘之后,便有些相信了。 Also wants to look for that Old Daoist Priest, the huge crowd is boundless, how can actually find? 只是还想去找那个老道士,人海茫茫,却如何能找到? Especially recently, was often sleepless, sees the lovely wife beloved son, thinks that own death tribulation, was in the heart difficult secure. 特别是最近,每每夜不能寐,看着娇妻爱子,想到自己的死劫,更是心中难安。 At this time sees Aaron, even there are held the this solitary one mentality: My I, if really complied with the tribulation, but also looks at the uncle to look, in many years hand over in the friendship, under attendance my wife and children .... " 此时见到亚伦,甚至有了托孤的心态:“我我若真应了劫,还望叔叔看在多年交情份上,照顾下我妻儿….”" At this point, is the eye socket is red. 说到这里,已经是眼眶通红。 Your body feels Kang Jian, did not want a graciousness saying, your paternal aunt ........ 你身体感康建,不要恩项一说,还有你姑姑呢….….” Aaron comforts two, cannot bear ask: What appearance that blind Old Daoist is long, do I also help you look?” 亚伦安慰两句,忍不住问道:“那个瞎眼老道长什么模样,我也帮你找找?” In fact is actually thinking in secret, this feared that is not immortal cultivation the person, the program of game travel fatigue. 实际上却是暗中想着,这怕不是什么修仙中人,游戏风尘的戏码。 The cow especially another technique of star familiarity calculation o saw, must hide by far. 牛特另星这种精通推算之术的・o见到,得躲得远远。 He .... “他.…” Li Xiao quite somewhat the feeling of being drunk, has been recalling the description: „ Wears an apricot yellow Daoist robe, is hitting the trigram sail of telling fortunes, look, the chest front is also hanging a tortoise shell. 李逍已经颇有几分醉意,回想着描述:“穿着一身杏黄道袍,打着算命的卦帆,相貌奇古,胸前还挂着一枚龟壳。
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