TOTM :: Volume #10

#911: Gets married( 2400 make up)

Crackling! 噼里啪啦 Scarlet firecrackers crack. 大红鞭炮炸响。 In the odd/surplus high town/subdues, only Li Family inn, is decorated with lanterns and colored streamers at this time everywhere, the entrance also hung the scarlet brocade, looks that quite celebrates. 余亢镇上,唯一一家李家客栈,此时到处张灯结彩,门口还挂了大红锦缎,看着就颇为喜庆。 One group of people congratulated toward the Li two mothers: Congratulations, Li Xiao he got married finally.” 一堆人向着李二娘道喜:“恭喜恭喜,李逍他终于成家了。” Aaron also mixes is doing among the guest, delivers 52 money to work as congratulatory gift, this is very heavy, but also made the Li two mothers come to speak a conversation specially. 亚伦也混在一干宾客当中,送上五两银子当‘贺礼’,这已经很重了,还让李二娘特意过来说了一会话。 Cannot think, in the past that fur parka, got married and began a career unexpectedly.” “想不到,当年那只皮猴,竟然也成家立业了。” Aaron said with a smile. 亚伦笑道。 Un, in fact he counted on the fingers, over the past several years, Li Xiao this year is only 16 years old! 嗯,实际上他掐指一算,也才过去数年,李逍今年才十六岁! Does to the ancient people to get married early, 16 years old have grown up. 奈何古代人结婚早,十六岁已经成年了。 Wife who let alone, he marries, was past little girl Lanlan, was only 15 years old! 更何况,他所娶的媳妇,也就是当年的小女孩兰兰,才十五岁呢! Three years start, the death penalty does not owe......’ ‘三年起步,死刑不亏……’ In the Aaron heart complained one secretly, polite several, the Li two mothers reveal the sad color: Oh...... is only my family boy study article practices martial art inadequately, really was also the life of inn storekeeper.” 亚伦心中暗自吐槽了一句,又客气几句,李二娘就露出悲伤之色:“唉……只是我家小子学文习武都不成,果然也就是个客栈掌柜的命了。” Li Xiao these years have also gone to several -and-a-half idle hall scholarship, doing to or cannot calm down, Li two mothers also certainly this prospect. 李逍这些年也去过几次半闲堂学艺,奈何还是定不下心,李二娘也绝了这指望。 Once gets married, the thoughts have the department, more impossible to have an achievement in civil and military two. 而一旦成婚,心思别有所系,就更加不可能在文武两道有所成就。 What does inn storekeeper have is not good? Happen to takes over your duty, two mothers your tired many years, can rest.” “客栈掌柜有什么不好?正好接你的班,二娘你劳累多年,也可以歇一歇了。” Nearby guest said with a smile. 旁边一名客人就笑道。 Said is also......, I am counting on now the son lived a boy to me leisurely as soon as possible......” “说的也是……唉,我现在就指望着逍儿尽快给我生个大胖小子了……” Li Erniang was saying to be saying, on the face exudes the happy expression. 李二娘说着说着,脸上又泛起喜色。 Entered Aaron, carries one glass of celebration drinks, drank one, smiles: Li two mothers were really pull out cleanly...... Zuang-Yuan Hong of these 20 years the family property, I sought several times, never expected that can drink today......” 亚伦入了席,端起一杯喜酒,喝了一口,不由一笑:“李二娘真是将家底都掏干净了……这二十年份的状元红,我可是求了好几次了,没想到今日能喝上……” Bridegroom comes!” “新郎官来喽!” At this time, saw a pair of scarlet rookie to be crowded around coming , the guest stood up to congratulate. 这时,又见得一对大红新人被簇拥着进来,宾客纷纷站起贺喜。 Aaron also does in Rome as Rome does, sees a straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star goal youngster, graceful, throws over the young girl of red veil to enter the great hall with one together, welcomes the guest to congratulate. 亚伦同样入乡随俗,就见一个剑眉星目的少年,与一位身材婀娜、披着红盖头的少女一起进入大堂,迎接宾客道喜。 Is looking the bridegroom who excitedly and coexists shyly, Aaron nods secretly, shakes the head: Also yes, in the world where has that many counterattack growth, vanishing in the people are the normal state! So...... also good, is at least calm and steady!’ 望着兴奋与羞涩并存的新郎官,亚伦暗自点头,又摇了摇头:‘也是,世上哪有那许多逆袭成长者,泯于众人才是常态!如此……也好,至少安稳!’ The mortals are mediocre, isn't seeks a calm and steady life? 凡人庸庸碌碌,可不就是求个安稳一生么? Even if Aaron, force to work by the main body and main body, frame of mind same place, starts to graze sheep to catch a fish by hand...... 纵然亚伦自己,被本体与本尊逼迫干活,心气一起,也就开始放羊摸鱼…… Bows to heaven and earth!” “一拜天地!” Two pays respects parents!” “二拜高堂!” Couple exchanges bows......” “夫妻交拜……” In shouting loudly of master of ceremonies, Aaron congratulated with other guests again and again urges to drink, drinks guests and hosts having a good time, until the night, said goodbye to depart. 在司仪的高喊中,亚伦跟其它宾客连连道贺劝酒,喝得宾主尽欢,直到深夜,才告辞离去。 Returns to half idle hall, Aaron to arrive at the rear apartments without consulting anybody, turned on a bronze tripod. 回到半闲堂,亚伦径自来到后房,打开了一个铜鼎。 In the bronze tripod, some innumerable poisons wriggle, was one makes the yellowbelly look wanted the fearful and apprehensive picture. 在铜鼎之中,正有无数毒物蠕动,是一副让胆小者看了都要心惊胆战的画面。 These are Aaron the five harmful things that stresses from the , but the toxicity is not very violent, making him somewhat look down upon. 这些都是亚伦从附近抓来的五毒,但毒性不够猛烈,让他有些瞧不上眼。 Is good in the gu technique, has special makes the poison kill one another, thus contends the winner, urges the step the method. 好在蛊术之中,就有专门让毒物自相残杀,从而角逐出胜者,促使进阶的法门。 Aaron also grasped carelessly, then by magic technique urged that they slaughtered and swallow...... then to choose mutually variation, assisting to cultivate hundred poisonous malignant influences. 亚伦也就胡乱抓了一些,然后以法术催促它们互相厮杀、吞食……然后挑选出其中异种,辅助自己修炼百毒煞气。 By the present, crosses the threshold gradually. 到了如今,也渐渐入门。 Hundred poisonous malignant influences magic power, is a low grade......, if somewhat read to the way thinks, must offer a sacrifice to refine the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, coming changed/easy Jinfa the marrow, the promotion really air/Qi the magic power quality to be possible......” “百毒煞气的法力,也就是个下乘……若是对道途有些念想,还是必须祭炼五脏六腑蛊,来个易筋伐髓,提升真气法力的品质才可……” Before, the gold/metal Daoist most likely (80%) somewhat read thinks, planted the gu insect the disciple, wanting to offer a sacrifice to refine that Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu! 之前,金道人八成就是有些念想,才将弟子一个个种下蛊虫,欲要祭炼那五脏六腑蛊! Sacrifice refining up the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, at least needs to sacrifice 11 to have spiritual cultivation aptitude, extremely troubled a point really......” “祭炼五脏六腑蛊,至少需要牺牲十一个有修道资质者,也着实太过麻烦了一点……” Is good because of my time is enough, even if stares at these pirates and martial arts world degenerates...... ten years to refine one, is 110 years of matter, not anxious and not anxious......” “好在我时间足够,哪怕盯着那些江洋大盗、武林败类……十年炼一个,也就是一百一十年的事儿,不急、不急……” In fact, with the Aaron present vision and experience, can definitely find out a better way. 实际上,以亚伦如今的眼光、见识,完全可以想出更好的办法。 For example...... spreads some ‚the martial arts rare book, cultivates Five Viscera and Six Bowels by the gu insect specially, the advancement is amazingly quick, must be able in the person by the rivers and lakes to be hounded broadly, making these martial practitioner cultivation the prepared medicine person forcefully, waited till the time, can harvest directly! 比如……散布一些‘武功秘籍’,专门以蛊虫修炼五脏六腑,进境神速,必能广受江湖中人追捧,让那些武者硬生生将自己修炼成药人,等到了时候,就可以直接收割! If all goes well, probably ten years 20 years on achievement! 如果一切顺利,大概十年二十年就可成就! This method, even gold/metal Daoist cultivated the disciples to be quick with hardship. 这种法门,甚至比金道人苦苦栽培弟子都要快了。 Doing to...... the risk is a little big, the sound is too big, even if only the secular martial arts world, which Sword Immortal knight-errant swordsman but if by were discovered, I became the demon immediately, was chased by all...... I not to take.’ ‘奈何……风险有点大啊,动静太大,哪怕只是世俗武林,但万一被哪个剑仙剑侠发现,我就立即成了魔头,人人喊打了……我不取也。’ In fact, the martial arts world degenerates are not safe, the trace that after all I make a move the fewer the better......, or...... takes the monkey to try when the time comes? The monkey is close in any case very much, the reagent, refining up the gu not good also not necessarily......’ ‘实际上,武林败类都不怎么保险,毕竟我出手的痕迹越少越好……要不……到时候拿猴子试试?反正猴子跟人很接近,试药可以,炼蛊也未必不行……’ Aaron ponders over has decided that sits cross-legged to sit down before the great cauldron, silent profound art, absorbs the air/Qi of five harmful things. 亚伦思忖已定,就在巨鼎之前盘膝坐下,默玄功,吸纳五毒之气。 Long time later, he opens the eyes, suddenly a finger/refers. 良久之后,他睁开双眼,蓦然一指。 Whiz! 嗖! The stench incomparable and jet black such as the malignant influences of black ink gush out from the fingertip together, penetrate the wall, leaves behind a several cuns (2.5 cm) deep hole. 一道腥臭无比、漆黑如墨的煞气从指尖喷薄而出,穿透墙壁,留下一个数寸深的孔洞。 „Is this Taoism malignant influences?” “这就是道家煞气?” Aaron muttered one: Receiving and dispatching by the heart, the might wonderful big...... protects the body self-defense by this malignant influences actually, commonplace hundred Early Heaven cannot break.” 亚伦喃喃一声:“倒是收发由心,威力奇大……以此煞气护体防身,等闲百来个先天也不能打破。” Meanwhile, he also detected that malignant influences insufficiency, is a driving skill. 与此同时,他也察觉出来煞气的不足,乃是个主动技能。 In other words, if under having a mind, can emit the self-defense the malignant influences, but if unexpected, has not emitted the malignant influences promptly, his body or the Early Heaven rank, were possibly sneak attacked. 也就是说,若是有心之下,就可以将煞气放出防身,但要是猝不及防,没有及时放出煞气,那他的身躯还是先天级别,可能被偷袭。 It is said to outside astral stage, was entirely different, Five Viscera and Six Bowels and body time proliferates astral air/Qi the defense, is permanent opening by the dynamic energy, was not feared the sneak attack, but can also prolong the life......” “据说到了外罡阶段,就截然不同,五脏六腑与身躯时刻遍布罡气防御,乃是永久开启的被动能力,丝毫不惧偷袭,还能延年益寿……” This is also outside astral boundary and congealing ghost biggest difference! 这也是外罡境与凝煞最大的区别! Aaron is crosses the threshold hundred poisonous malignant influences now, even malignant influences thin incomparable, soon exhausted, must control one's breathing to sit in meditation, restores the skill to be possible. 亚伦如今才算将‘百毒煞气’堪堪入门,甚至煞气都稀薄无比,用不了多久就耗竭了,非得重新调息打坐,恢复功力才可。 Only has the unceasing sacrifice to refine, refining up purely this malignant influences is pure, to finally only other one strongly fragrant fragrance, is major accomplishment! 唯有不断祭炼,将这一口煞气炼得纯之又纯,到了最后只余下一股馥郁馨香,才算大成 However a Aaron explanation book, the wisdom gold/metal Daoist even better, felt like, this is also not the limits of hundred poisonous malignant influences. 不过亚伦解读道书,智慧比金道人更胜一筹,隐隐觉得,这还不是百毒煞气的极限。 The limit, must be able to offer a sacrifice to refine to is colorless and tasteless, does not have the shadow invisible boundary, this can truly the virtually impossible to guard against, Yin person in invisible! 其极限,应当可以祭炼至无色无味,无影无形之境,这才能真正令人防不胜防,阴人于无形! I was also march into the spiritual cultivation front door now truly......, although, was only the heresy, does not know that and other Daoism authentic disciples, to my realm, how should be startled certainly colorful, did magic power excel?’ ‘我如今也算是真正步入修道大门了……虽然,只是旁门左道,也不知那等玄门正宗的弟子,到了我的境界,该是如何惊才绝艳,法力高强?’ Aaron slightly somewhat anticipated, at once presses this idea immediately: Worry, all because strong over, were quite many with the strong person, isn't tired? Even if his Daoism authentic disciple is fierce, without grasping the dwelling place of celestial beings treasure, I spans 2-3, 34 major realm to hit him, he also isn't can only the little darling suffer to death? This called by the forcing person......, sleeps!” 亚伦略有些期待,旋即就立即将这种想法按了下去:“烦恼皆因强出头,跟比自己强的人比较多了,不觉得累么?哪怕他玄门正宗的弟子再厉害,只要没有手持仙府奇珍,我跨越2-3个、不、三四个大境界去打他,他还不是只能乖乖受死?这就叫以力压人……嗯,去睡觉!”
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