TOTM :: Volume #10

#910: Early Heaven complete( 2200 make up)

„? What Divine Immortal?” “哦?什么神仙?” Aaron slightly feels curiously, asked one. 亚伦略感好奇,问了一句。 Is previous time goes to that roaming the four corners of the world Daoist who is Zhao Family expels evil spirits, was recognized by a passing by knight-errant swordsman, originally that stealthy is also that Daoist puts, cheated the wealth...... two people to hit intentionally, knight-errant swordsman flying sword, a sword emitted, half city can see sword light, heard dragon to recite the common sword to howl......” “就是上次去为赵家驱鬼的那个游方道人,又被一个路过的剑侠认出来,原来那鬼祟也是那道人放的,故意来蒙骗钱财……两人就打了起来,那剑侠有一口飞剑,一剑放出,半城都能看到剑光,听到龙吟一般的剑啸……” Li Xiaolian said the belt/bring gesture, delighted, dancing with joy, the end is envies seriously: Does not know when...... can have Immortal Person to receive me for the disciple, studies the Sword Immortal dwelling place of celestial beings method?” 李逍连说带比划,眉飞色舞,手舞足蹈,端是羡慕得不得了:“也不知道……啥时候能有仙人来收我为徒,也学个剑仙的仙家手段?” Forget it, depended on your boy the human body meridians recognized not entirenatural talent, other Ascetic only feared to be blind, will receive you for the disciple. ’ ‘得了吧,就凭你小子连人体经脉都认不全的‘天资’,别的修士只怕要瞎了眼,才会收你为徒。’ In Aaron heart unstated criticism. 亚伦心中腹诽了一句。 This world cultivates, the martial arts with immortal cultivation do not divide family property. 此世修炼,武道跟修仙不分家。 Before immortal cultivation, twofold realm —— Later Heaven and Early Heaven, have in the mortal. Even if the expert in secular martial arts world, so long as the natural talent can also pass, self-torture dozens years, can have Later Heaven realm. 修仙前两重境界——后天先天,在凡人中也有。纵然世俗武林中的好手,只要天资还过得去,苦修数十年,也能有后天境界 But wants that aptitude thousand one in a hundred cream of the crop, Early Heaven cultivation method, in addition a little chance, the military enters Early Heaven is not not possible, that is the character who in the martial arts world the non- world has, is known as class/flow of Ancestral Master and Great Ancestral Master, but also performed in this. 而要那资质千百里挑一,又有一本先天功法,再加上那么一点机缘者,武入先天也不是不可能,那便是武林中不世出的人物,号称宗师大宗师之流,但也就尽于此了。 Does not get immortal demon side door immortal cultivation cultivation method, does not understand the congealing ghost secret, is for a lifetime impossible to refine on the malignant influences, truly has the dwelling place of celestial beings method! 不得仙魔旁门的修仙功法,不懂凝煞秘诀,一辈子也不可能炼就煞气,真正有仙家手段! Does, with Li Xiao this aptitude, even if a Later Heaven rivers and lakes expert, is not necessarily able to have a liking for him! 奈何,以李逍这资质,纵然一个后天的江湖好手,都未必能看得上他呢! At this time also wants immortal cultivation? 此时还想修仙? Only if there is Aaron so big backstage, has such 1-2 points of possibilities. 除非是有亚伦这般大的后台,才有那么1-2可能。 No matter Aaron also this fur parka, but is thinking lightly: Only Yuanjia city, had such many matters unexpectedly, it seems like recently cannot go to Myriad Flowers Building, was really regrettable......’ 亚伦也不管这只皮猴,只是淡淡想着:‘区区一个元嘉城,居然就有这么多事,看来最近不能去万花楼了,甚是遗憾呐……’ Zhao Family does not know that but actually what mildew, stared by that roaming the four corners of the world Daoist, but pouring forth of palm readings some knight-errant swordsmen help, the luck is good......’ 赵家也不知道倒了什么霉,被那游方道人盯上,不过又有剑侠之辈出手相助,运气还是不错的……’ But in order to the insurance, be wonderfully few to recently......’ ‘但保险起见,最近还是少去为妙……’ After sending Li Xiao, he duplicate/restores starts to sit in meditation Qi Refining. 打发走李逍之后,他又复开始打坐炼气 This body arrived at the boundary of Early Heaven, afterward fell the boundary, was practiced by Aaron, and his vision experience may be higher than Xinchen, hundred poisons are really mad, was built up purely is pure. 这具身体原本就到了先天之境,后来落境,又被亚伦重新修炼回来,并且他的眼光见识可比辛辰高多了,一口百毒真气,被炼得纯之又纯。 Even if the mediocre Early Heaven expert, is really air/Qi and world essence qi docks, was known as that from having nothing is really air/Qi the deficient risk. 纵然凡俗中的先天高手,真气与天地元气相接,也号称从无有真气匮乏之虞。 But Early Heaven that dao method realm cultivates, has the single layer to be mysterious, can display some small magic technique by the real air/Qi. 道法境界修炼到的先天,就更有一重玄妙,能以真气施展一些小小法术 However this time magic technique, without the malignant influences support, the essence is delicate, was restrained very much easily, for example Black Dog blood and ox Yanlei, young lad urine and firm qi and blood and so on. 不过此时的法术,没有煞气支持,本质柔弱,很容易被克制,比如黑狗血、牛眼泪、童子尿、阳刚气血之类。 Mediocre, these were broken the magic technique class/flow of god stick and rivers and lakes technique master very much easily, mostly also in this realm, if the luck is not good, but may also be hacked to death by martial practitioner, loses the Ascetic face countenance greatly. 凡俗之中,那些很容易被破去法术的神棍、江湖术士之流,大多也在这个境界,若是运气不好,还有可能被武者砍死,大丢修士颜面。 Aaron also understands this, never practices what magic technique, is only nine type spirit snake swordsmanship, training ripe is ripe, refine the golden snake hook by the spirit snake sword mudra sacrifice, in the future will oppose the enemy, only need emit the golden snake hook, world 99% Early Heaven martial practitioner must give the head immediately! 亚伦也明白这点,就从来不练什么法术,只是将一路九式灵蛇剑法,演练得熟之又熟,又以灵蛇剑诀祭炼了金蛇钩,日后对敌,只需将金蛇钩放出,世间90%九的先天武者都要立即授首! After good merit several, Aaron felt that within the body is really air/Qi amply, floods all the limbs and bones and dantian meridians, when has arrived entered does not have to enter, swept an attribute column: 等到行功数遍之后,亚伦感觉体内真气盈满,充斥四肢百骸、丹田经脉,已经到了进无可进之时,不由扫了一眼属性栏: Name: Xinchen( Fang Yu and Aaron)】 【姓名:辛辰(方玉亚伦)】 【Talent: Immortal and Unaging】 【天赋:长生不老】 Age: 18 【年龄:18】 realm: Early Heaven 境界:先天 cultivation method: Hundred poisonous Daoist scriptures ( 100 / 100 )】 功法:百毒真经】 Skill: Gu technique ( 90 / 100 ), spirit snake swordsmanship ( 77 / 100 )】 【技能:蛊术、灵蛇剑法】 ............ ………… «Hundred Poisonous Daoist scripture» is the gold/metal Daoist passes on, to not the popular goods of apprentice, cultivated Early Heaven realm...... I to brush completely skilled at most, cultivated the Early Heaven complete boundary, can attempt to break through congealing ghost realm......” “《百毒真经》是金道人所传,给徒弟的不入流货色,至多就修炼到先天境界……我刷满了熟练度,就修炼到了先天圆满之境,可以尝试突破凝煞境界了……” At this time on Aaron, on two books, but Shen Xuehang dao method cannot withstand, although the malignant influences boundary is very convenient, but also arrives at the congealing ghost, was roadless on the advance. 此时亚伦手上,也就两本道书,而沈雪行的道法更加不堪,虽然煞气境十分便利,但也就到凝煞,然后就前进无路了。 Aaron some plans, must walk the promotion system of this world early, cultivation native place cultivation method. 亚伦已经早有打算,要走本世界的晋升体系,修炼本土功法 Although I do not abstain from waste merit recultivation, but Shen Xuehang say/way book is extremely incomplete, but «ten thousand Gushu» at least can cultivation the profound light boundary......, although hundred poisons are really air/Qi extremely the waste, are most in the Ninth Grade real air/Qi can only arrange to Ninth Grade, even is not popular...... but ten thousand gu Daoist immortals are unconventional, if can refine the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu, pours can also wash after cutting down the marrow, the promotion is really air/Qi the quality and Early Heaven root bone......” “虽然我并不忌讳废功重修,但沈雪行的道书太过残缺,而《万蛊书》至少能修炼到玄光境……虽然百毒真气太过废物,在九品真气之中最多只能排到第九品,甚至是不入流……但万蛊真君别出心裁,若能炼成五脏六腑蛊,倒也能洗经伐髓,提升真气品质与先天根骨……” Dwelling place of celestial beings is cultivation method precious? 仙家功法何等贵重? Although Aaron is not cannot rob, but makes the causes and effects and trouble for this reason, is unworthy greatly. 亚伦虽然不是不能抢夺,但为此惹下因果与麻烦,就大是不值。 He thinks, feels or continues to defer to the itself Xinchen path, cultivates «ten thousand Gushu». 他想了想,觉得还是继续按照本身辛辰路子,修炼《万蛊书》罢了。 At least, after waiting to cultivate the profound light boundary, realm is higher, is stronger, can scheme a better inheritance. 至不济,等修炼到玄光境之后,境界更高,实力更强,也能图谋到更好的传承。 At that time waste merit recultivation, the performance-to-price ratio was again higher. 那时候再废功重修,性价比才高一些。 At this time the intention moved, an cultivation method column in attribute column had the change: 这时心念一动,属性栏中的功法一栏就生出变化: cultivation method: Hundred poisonous Daoist scripture ( 100 / 100 ) ten thousand gu book congealing ghost ( 0 / 1000 )】 功法:百毒真经万蛊书凝煞篇】 Aaron recalls slowly, the know-how of concise malignant influences ten thousand gu Daoist immortals write, just like a small stream, from flows at present. 亚伦缓缓回忆,万蛊真君所书写的凝练煞气之窍门,就宛若一条小溪,从眼前流淌而过。 Hundred poisons are really mad with hundred poisonous malignant influences are all connected, want the congealing ghost, needs to collect hundred poisonous essence, the sacrifice refining up into its real air/Qi...... to seek the poison more to treasure rarely better......” “百毒真气与百毒煞气一脉相承,想要凝煞,就需要去采集百毒精华,祭炼入本身真气之中……所寻毒物越珍惜难得越好……” This aspect, before Aaron has, tempts the experience and method of poison, did not worry actually. 这方面,亚伦有之前引诱毒物的经验与手段,倒是不怎么担忧。 Suddenly thinks of the incident, is the sigh: Hears the Daoism authentic disciples to cultivate cultivation method directly, the spontaneity malignant influences and astral air/Qi, with its internal energy with meticulous care, incomparably agrees with, does not need to go to look for the world malignant influences and astral air/Qi...... them unable to have a liking for the method that this type of concise external malignant influences and astral are mad painstakingly, but also reprimanded for the heresy...... the heresy...... hehe...... also some really truth.” 只是突然想到一事,又是叹息:“听闻玄门正宗的弟子都是直接修炼功法,自生煞气与罡气,与本身气机丝丝入扣,无比契合,也不需要去苦苦寻找天地煞气、罡气……他们更看不上这种凝练外来煞气与罡气的法门,还斥责为旁门左道……旁门左道……嘿嘿……还真有一些道理。” Aaron also knows, this world inheritance is divided into Daoism authentic, nine big demons to pass on...... this demon two true inheritance, is the unsurpassed methods, points to a Golden Pill Yuan god and even higher realm! 亚伦也知晓,此世传承分为玄门正宗、九大魔传……这正魔两家真传,都是无上法门,直指金丹元神乃至更高境界 But the remaining heresies, wanted below these. 而剩下的旁门左道,就要等而下之了。 And although also has character who can cultivation Golden Pill is the Zhiyuan god, but inherits mostly lacks, or has the enormous flaw. 其中虽然也不是没有能修炼到金丹乃至元神的人物,但传承大多有缺,或者有着极大的破绽。 This type often is the Daoism authentic rebel or abandons the disciple, do not open lineage/vein, but. 这种都往往是玄门正宗的叛徒或者弃徒,别开一脉,还算好的。 Truly pitiful, is such as the Shen Xuehang, gold/metal Daoist side door of so, even inherits incompletely, can only cultivation the malignant influences, outside astral...... life-long hopeless to peep Golden Pill Great Way! 真正凄惨的,还是如沈雪行、金道人这般的旁门,连传承都残缺,只能修炼到煞气、外罡……终生无望一窥金丹大道 Can being exposed bright Great Way, why probably take the rugged alley?’ ‘能走光明大道,何必要走崎岖小路呢?’ A Aaron iron, is not thinking indifferently: When will play in the future enough, finds an opportunity, has a look whether to acknowledge as teacher Daoism to be authentic......” 亚伦并不头铁,淡然想着:“等到将来玩够了,就找个机会,看看能否拜师玄门正宗吧……” However, he is a fine person, once decides to acknowledge as teacher, at least needs first to cover up difference, for example covers the law of age, and technique of distortion calculation, all sorts of BUFF folded completely, will consider issue that acknowledged as teacher. 不过,他是个精细人,一旦决定拜师,至少要先将身上的异样遮掩住,比如掩盖年龄之法、以及扭曲推算之术,种种BUFF都叠满了,才会考虑去拜师的问题。 Otherwise, that is rather free in the country, after all oneself safety compared with huge! 否则的话,那还是宁可在乡野逍遥,毕竟自身安危比天大!
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