TOTM :: Volume #10

#909: ten thousand Gushu

A year of time, in a hurry in the past. Half idle hall. 一年时光,匆匆过去。半闲堂。 A young youngster boasts rushes, but also yelled: 一个小小少年咋咋呼呼地闯了进来,还大叫道: Proprietor Fang, I asked you to play „, and is waiting!” 方老板,我又来找你玩了”“且等着!” Aaron to an old farmer bonesetting, after tying up the bandage, looked that the opposite party was really poor, gives back exempted many medical expenses, obtained many thanks. 亚伦正在给一位老农正骨,绑好绷带之后,看对方实在贫苦,还给免了不少医药费,获得了不少感谢。 He fetches water with the brass basin sluggishly, starts to clean both hands. 他慢慢吞吞地拿铜盆打了水,开始清洗双手。 When does these matters, Li Xiao has looked in side, as if quite curious appearance. 在做这些事的时候,李逍一直就在旁边看着,似乎颇为好奇的样子。 The Aaron half idle hall business is from the beginning dreary. 亚伦的半闲堂一开始生意惨淡。 However before several months, displayed the skilled artist to treat and cure one by the farmer who five dragons injured, this promptly opened the fame, had some business gradually. 不过数月之前,施展妙手救治了一位被五步龙所伤的农夫,这就立即打开名气,才渐渐有了些生意。 Li Xiao is with own eyes one of the witnesses. 李逍就是亲眼见证者之一。 After that likes having the matter to be all right runs toward half idle hall, but his can a jealous and domineering wife and half town/subdues simultaneous/uniform Dou paternal aunt not prevent. 从那之后,就喜欢有事没事往半闲堂跑,而他那个能河东狮吼、半镇齐抖的姑姑也没有阻止。 Aaron knows immediately, the Li two mothers feared that does not think Li Xiao serves the rich and powerful by literary hack work, really turned into shop servant. 亚伦顿时就知晓,李二娘怕也是不想李逍帮闲帮闲,就真的变成了店小二 Is the wineshop storekeeper with its future, welcomes and sees off to meet rudeness with a smile, but also really might as well study a professional skill, for example opens the hospital! 与其未来做个酒楼掌柜,迎来送往赔着笑脸,还真不如学个一技之长,比如开医馆! Doing to 奈何 Aaron inspected Li Xiao in secret, discovers not many spiritual cultivation aptitude, and without qualitative, anything studies a liveliness, then the interest shifted. 亚伦暗中检查了李逍一番,发现并无多少修道资质,并且没有定性,什么事都是学個热闹,然后兴趣就转移了。 At this time copes with this and other mischievous children, immediately had the idea, said with a smile: You come, today I teach you real capability, come, first reads!” 此时对付这等顽皮孩子,登时就有了主意,笑道:“你来啦,今日我来教你真功夫,来,先看书!” Introduces in Li Xiao medicine hall, then, «Typhus Various illnesses Theory», «Gold bookcase Outline» wait/etc flung what «Human body Meridians Chart». 将李逍引入药堂之内,然后就将什么《人体经脉图》、《伤寒杂病论》、《金匮要略》等等甩了过去。 Li Xiao looked, immediately big such as fights, but thinks of the paternal aunt, takes up one to look reluctantly, felt like reading the heavenly book to be the same. 李逍一看,登时头大如斗,但想到姑姑,还是勉强拿起一本看着,感觉如同在看天书一般。 Not long, outside transmits a little girl hee hee the laughter, called Elder Brother Li Xiao! 没有多久,外面传来一个小女孩的嘻嘻笑声,叫了声李逍哥哥! Li Xiao on eye one bright, called out: Lanlan is calling me, I first went out!” 李逍就眼睛一亮,叫道:“兰兰在叫我,我先出去了啊!” He likes coming to half idle hall, has a liking for the candied and preserved fruit almond between-meal snack that these can be used as medicine, really does not want to read. 他喜欢来半闲堂,是看上了那些可以入药的果脯杏仁零嘴,可不是真的想来看书。 After all, character who initially his even masters air/Qi ran! 毕竟,当初他可是连夫子都气跑的人物! The Aaron corners of the mouth have a smile, look at Li Xiao to depart, does not pursue. 亚伦嘴角含笑,望着李逍离去,也并不追赶。 Has this, is Li Xiao does not want to study the medicine on own initiative, is not my mistake, the Li two mothers must set the table the banquet to apologize with me 有着这一出,就是李逍主动不想学医,可不是我的错,李二娘还得摆桌酒席跟我谢罪 Saw that outside is patientless, is afternoon, happen to midday nap. 看到外面无病人,又是午后时分,正好午睡。 Aaron lies down above the rattan chair, covered oneself face with the book, shakes the chair, while the finger in the gesture, seemingly is still carefree and content, is actually training the spirit snake swordsmanship secretly! 亚伦就躺在藤椅之上,拿本书盖住了自己脸庞,一边摇动椅子,一边手指还在比划,看似悠然自得,其实是在暗自演练一路灵蛇剑法! This swordsmanship is fastidious flexibly, did not advocate that spells with the enemy hardly. 这一路剑法讲究灵活多变,并不提倡与敌人硬拼。 Aaron from Shen Xuehang say/way book middle school, and simplified 37 groups of swordsmanship, finally the fining was nine moves, was the spirit snake has the hole, to dial the grass to seek the snake and plant ash snake line and yurlunggur camfieldensis respectively to howl moon/month and plate snake to wait the enemies and ten thousand pythons to be encumbered, thousand snakes to be uneven and last move of snake python dragon ‚! 亚伦从沈雪行的道书中学了过来,并将三十七路剑法简化,最终精炼为九招,分别是灵蛇出洞、拨草寻蛇、草灰蛇线、天蛇啸月、盘蛇待敌、万蟒缠身、千蛇齐出以及最后一招蛇蟒化龙‘! By this sword mudra, refining up the golden snake hook, then can have at one's command. 以此剑诀,炼化金蛇钩,便能如臂使指。 Only waits Shen Xuehang the magic power brand mark to refine the golden snake hook in all, can begin the sacrifice to refine this flying to hook, henceforth were many an opposing the enemy sharp method! 只等将金蛇钩内沈雪行的法力烙印尽数炼化,就可以上手祭炼了这一口飞钩,从此多了一门对敌的犀利手段! In addition, Profound Valley bead, was built up incomparably skillfully by the Aaron sacrifice, but has scruples gold/metal Cangu, for a while has not dared to put it. 除此之外,还有玄牝珠,也被亚伦祭炼得无比纯熟,只是顾忌金蚕蛊,一时还不敢将它放出来。 In stomach monster gu as for belly? 至于肚子之中的胃妖蛊? Aaron after stabilizing, subdues it on by Profound Valley bead thoroughly, then spat, stamps, calculates that reported the initial enmity. 亚伦早在安定下来之后,就以玄牝珠将其彻底收服,然后吐了出来,一脚踩死,也算报了当初的仇怨。 When closed/pass the shop at night, he locked half idle hall conveniently, shoulders both hands, arrives in Li two mothers' inn to drink. 等到夜晚关了店,他随手将半闲堂锁了,就背负双手,来到李二娘的客栈中喝酒。 Doctor Fang, you come!” 方大夫,你来啦!” At this time in inn, but also sat several tables of people, perhaps is nearby countrymen and storekeeper, the person has a sick time, therefore is greeting warmly. 此时客栈之中,还坐了几桌人,都是附近的乡亲与掌柜,人都没准有个生病的时候,因此都热情打着招呼。 Un, Aaron arrives at odd/surplus Kangzhen, used alias, is side Yuan! 嗯,亚伦来到余亢镇,用的化名,乃是方原! He shows a faint smile, bows in salute to return a courtesy all round, this looked for a spatial table to sit down. 他微微一笑,团团作揖回礼,这才找了一张空桌坐下。 Not long, the Li two mothers come, grasp a white enamel wine pot: This is south 20 years of sword burns, calculates that I apologized to Doctor Fang, the boy is really good-for-nothing, I have hit his Doctor Fang you to be willing the settling down and getting on with life craftsmanship to teach him ruthlessly, he actually did not appreciate kindness rendered 没有多久,李二娘过来,手持一把白瓷酒壶:“这是二十年的剑南烧,算我给方大夫赔罪了,那小子着实不成器,我已经狠狠打了他一顿方大夫你愿意将安身立命手艺教给他,他竟然还不领情” Five animal-shaped hardware for door knocker attachment money storekeepers is a prosperous-looking middle-aged person, said with a smile: Indeed, no wonder has not seen that young clever and resourceful person to be hit being able to get down bed by the Li two mothers. I come to ask for leniency for him, the Li two mothers you forgave the nephew 五金铺钱掌柜是个富态中年人,就笑道:“我说呢,难怪没看见那个小机灵鬼原来是被李二娘打得下不来床了。我来替他说个情,李二娘你就饶了侄儿吧” Bah, does my nephew, why make you beg for mercy?” “呸,我的侄儿,凭什么让你来求饶?” The Li two mothers ridicule one, said to Aaron: Today the Doctor Fang seat opposite the host, calculates my two mother atmosphere.” 李二娘笑骂一句,又对亚伦道:“今日方大夫的席面,都算我的”“二娘大气。” Aaron thinks highly of one grinningly, knows that the Li two mothers have not lost heart, but he is also indifferent. 亚伦笑嘻嘻恭维一句,知道李二娘还没死心,不过他也无所谓。 Another day comes again several times , is the same. 改日再来几次,也是一样的。 But even if Li Xiao awakens greatly suddenly, turns over a new leaf, comes diligently to study medical technique with him medical technique, studied also study. 而哪怕李逍忽然大彻大悟,洗心革面,来跟他刻苦学习医术呃一点医术,学了也就学了呗。 At this time drinks, while chatted with other guests, the day passed is also quite leisurely and carefree. 此时一边喝酒,一边与其它客人闲聊,日子过得也颇为悠闲。 „Do you hear? In the Yuanjia city, were the big household numbers haunted recently?” “你们听说没有?元嘉城中,最近有一大户家闹鬼了?” At this time, peddler said loudly. Yuanjia city?” 这时候,一个行商就大声说道。“元嘉城?” Aaron was startled was startled, this city he has not been short, but also with a Myriad Flowers Building chief among flowers had the profound friendship. 亚伦怔了一怔,这城他也没少去,还与其中一家万花楼的花魁结下了深刻交情。 Hears this familiar name, asked: Which?” 听到这个熟悉名字,不由问道:“哪一家?” Naturally was city east Zhao Family, his family/home was known as Zhao half city, was not only powerful and wealthy, and in the family/home also some people were the senior official, has not actually thought that also fell to this paddies.” “当然是城东赵家了,他家号称赵半城,不仅豪富,并且家中还有人做了高官,却没有想到,也落到这步田地。” Peddler hehe smiles, as if quite venting appearance. 行商呵呵一笑,似乎颇为解气的样子。 The moods of other alcoholics also came up, discussed the one who is noisy is what Zhonggui, is male is female and other issues. 其它酒客的谈兴也上来了,纷纷讨论闹的是何种鬼,是男是女等问题。 Finally the unified opinion, inevitably is a demoness! 最终统一意见,必然是个女鬼! Aaron drinks finally slightly drunk, has not made the Li two mothers deliver, returned to half idle hall without consulting anybody. 亚伦最终喝得微醺,也没有让李二娘送,径自回了半闲堂。 On after gatekeepers door, his revolution skill, has to mix with the sweat of liquor water to evaporate slightly unceasingly, a feeling of being drunk also vanishes without a trace. 当关上房门之后,他略微一运转功力,就有夹杂着酒水的汗液不断蒸发,一点醉意也消失得无影无踪。 He arrives on the desk, first opens «Shuowen Jiezi», starts to read carefully. 他来到书桌上,先翻开一本《说文解字》,开始仔细研读起来。 This «Shuowen Jiezi», involved the knowledge of some bird seals, was he washes accidentally in the Yuanjia city. 这本《说文解字》,就涉及了一些鸟篆的知识,是他在元嘉城中偶然淘到的。 When studied a bird seal, puts out a white paper, writes to draw above 等到学了一阵鸟篆,又拿出一张白纸,在其上写写画画 Finally, on after the white paper full is the writing, actually them all throws into a stove, visits them to change into wisp of light smoke, fires the ashes 最终,等到白纸上满是文字之后,却又将它们尽数丢入一个火炉,看着它们化为一缕青烟,就这么烧成灰烬 Above these white papers, recorded dense and numerous mudra, is the cultivation method deduction of Aaron to Great Qian immortal cultivation realm. 这些白纸之上,原本记录了密密麻麻的法诀,乃是亚伦大乾修仙界功法推演。 Localization Bright Jade Mudra, at least can practice Early Heaven, not many issues are only, is uneconomical, regardless of said the demon, and even mortal, must do in Rome as Rome does to well “本土化的明玉诀,至少可以修行到先天,并无多少问题只是,不经济啊,无论道魔,乃至凡人,还是要入乡随俗为好” Since entered this, since this practices realm and Great Qian has subtly different. 既然入了此界,既然此界修行境界大乾有着微妙不同。 After Aaron compared one, thought that takes native cultivation method to promote to routinely well. 亚伦比较了一番之后,觉得还是按部就班地以本土功法晋升为好。 Said that anything transforms cultivation method, needs to operate from a strategically advantageous position. 说什么改造功法,也需要高屋建瓴。 At least oneself must obtain a native place to the high classics, then cultivated side high realm of native place, for example Yuan god! 至少自己要获得一部本土至高经典,然后修炼到了本土的极高境界,比如元神! At this time, can say originally the cultivation method transformation issue, and until deep place, has not obstructed greatly. 此时,才可以说原本功法的改造问题,并且直到深处,也没有大碍。 Aaron has the feeling, do not look Bright Jade Mudra that own present deduces, is perfect in Early Heaven realm. 亚伦有着感觉,别看自己如今推演出来的明玉诀,在先天境界完美无缺。 But possibly in congealing ghost, or outside astral realm, the pit! 但可能在凝煞、或者外罡境界,就将自己坑了! And, Bright Jade Mudra that even if oneself deduce, is not perfectly, real air/Qi that can come out concise, most also on 45 appearances 并且,哪怕自己推演出的明玉诀,也算不上完美,所能凝练出来的真气,最多也就四五品的样子 Aaron knows immediately, perhaps this immortal cultivator strength, must surpass Great Qian immortal cultivation realm that oneself have not flown upwards, even also plans incessantly! 亚伦顿时就知晓,此界修仙者的实力,恐怕要超出自己未飞升的大乾修仙界,甚至还不止一筹! So-called Yuan god disperses the immortal, resulted in the wonder of Immortality, although day of tribulation, but also surpassed these Soul Transformation Old Monster there are numerous similar cases not to mention, above the Yuan god, had higher realm faintly, but Xinchen could not contact “所谓元神散仙,得了长生之妙,虽然还有天劫,但也超出了那些化神老怪不知凡几更不用说,在元神之上,隐隐还有更高的境界,只是辛辰接触不到罢了” cultivation method, sword mudra and divination calculate technique 功法剑诀、卜算之术” Aaron is muttering, the issue that needs to face in the future 11 list, then thinks deeply about the solution. 亚伦喃喃着,将日后需要面对的问题一一列出,然后思索解决办法。 Also crossed several days. 又过了几日。 He goes to the inn to drink as usual, knows Zhao Family in Yuanjia city was stealthy, already by the news that a passing by roaming the four corners of the world Daoist stilled. 他照常去客栈喝酒,知道了元嘉城中的赵家鬼祟,已经被一位路过的游方道人平定的消息。 Seeming like, this world stealthy is very common with the Daoist does not calculate that shuns the world at least the mortals to obtain clear anything is the dwelling place of celestial beings method, anything is the vaudeville acrobatics that the rivers and lakes earn living 看起来,此世鬼祟与道人都很常见啊也不算避世至少凡人都分得清什么是仙家手段,什么是江湖卖艺的杂耍把戏 Aaron hears finally, actually in the heart has sigh with emotion. 亚伦听到最后,其实心中颇有感慨。 However at once, he will re-focus in oneself desktop, drinks liquor, eats a side dish, the day passes should not be beautiful. 不过旋即,他就又将注意力转回自己的桌面上,喝一口酒,吃一口小菜,日子过得不要太美。 What roaming the four corners of the world Daoist managing his is good is bad, closes my bird matter? 管他什么游方道人是好是坏,又关我鸟事? I like being so careless 我就喜欢这么苟着 Even if this has anything to calculate greatly, my such salt fish, does not moisten the causes and effects, does not involve any vortex of the key man and in the middle of inexorable fate only feared that must be neglected 哪怕此界有什么大能演算,我这么一条咸鱼,不沾因果,也不牵扯进什么关键人物与劫数的漩涡当中只怕都要被忽略过去 This is resists the divination to calculate that killing of technique incurs- a salt fish big law! 这就是对抗卜算之术的杀招—一咸鱼大法! Always the immortal cultivation great misfortune, sweeps across, spread, to erupt toward the destiny strongest several leads and even several subsequently 历来修仙大劫,都只是往气运最浓烈的几个主角乃至几处席卷、蔓延、继而爆发 So long as hide by far, is insufficient to be brought disaster to the mackerel shad, has no important matter. 只要自己躲得远远的,不至于被殃及池鱼,也就没什么大事。 These can also only deduce the tribulation to transport lead person or the thing greatly, what matter closes oneself? 那些大能也只会推演劫运主角身边的人或物,关自己什么事? This is the say/way of —— level! 此之为——躺平之道! Leisurely and carefree middle, is several months passes. 悠闲当中,又是数月过去。 Aaron studied the bird seal, starts to explain the say/way book that word for word searches for from the gold/metal Daoist bedroom. 亚伦学了鸟篆,就开始逐字逐句地解读从金道人卧室中搜出来的道书。 This book material quality is special, does not know that makes with what, quite somewhat the sword and spear does not damage, water and fire the flavor that is difficult to invade. 这部道书材质特异,也不知是用何物制成,颇有几分刀枪不损、水火难侵的味道。 But after reading carefully, Aaron knows, this is one does from Southern Border loose cultivator of number ten thousand gu Daoist immortals. 而仔细研读之后,亚伦才知道,这是一位自号万蛊真君的南疆散修所作。 According to this loose cultivator told, it is the heresy, the itself aptitude is inferior, once admired Daoism, actually can not include, can only depending on dao method that some chance study reckless Pinluan collect, the entire life be willing, to be to set up a Confucianism, fights, the person who makes a side door Ancestral Master level with Daoism authentic 根据这位散修自述,其乃旁门左道,本身资质低劣,也曾仰慕玄门,却不得收录,只能凭机缘学些胡拼乱凑的道法,生平所愿,就是要立一大教,与玄门正宗争锋,做一个旁门祖师级的人 Thing. 物。 This person of also some talent talents, use all might for several hundred years in Southern Border, tried to find out one set of unique gu insect method! 这人倒也有些天赋才情,在南疆摸爬滚打数百年,摸索出了一套独特的蛊虫法门! Practices this method, from the beginning Later Heaven and Early Heaven two boundaries and Aaron study almost, is " Hundred Poisonous Daoist scripture » on contents, cultivates hundred poisons to be really mad! 修炼此法门,一开始后天先天两境与亚伦所学差不多,都是《百毒真经》上的内容,修炼一口百毒真气! Arrived the malignant influences stage, is collects hundred poisonously succinct, the sacrifice refining up hundred poisonous malignant influences! 到了煞气阶段,就是采集百毒精粹,祭炼一口百毒煞气! But to outside astral stage, was quite different! 而到了外罡阶段,就颇为不同! Practices hundred poisonous ghosts Ascetic, wants beyond the breakthrough astral, must train, sacrifice to refine several special gu insects. 修炼百毒煞的修士,想要突破外罡,就必须培养、祭炼出几种特殊的蛊虫。 For example wants to be based on the five internal organs gu breaks through, needs to offer a sacrifice to refine the pent-up anger gu, the water dirty gu and gold/metal Feigu, to mix the earth gus and wooden liver gu five gu insects, completely about building up to become a five internal organs gu! 比如欲以五脏蛊为基础突破,就需要祭炼心火蛊、水脏蛊、金肺蛊、混土蛊、木肝蛊五种蛊虫,全部合炼成为一只五脏蛊! Then congealing ghost boundary complete Ascetic refining up this five internal organs gu, can gather the strength of five internal organs five phases, refining up an art of making oneself invisible astral air/Qi —— small five phases profound astral! 然后凝煞境圆满的修士将这一只五脏蛊炼化,就可以汇聚五脏五行之力,炼成一种奇门罡气——五行玄罡! This astral air/Qi and Daoism authentic big five phases god astral is quite similar, has the wonder of equally good results from different methods, is actually the dishonest ways act, the birth of each five internal organs gu, needs to offer sacrifices at least the people of five quite gifted spiritual cultivation, once the middle has errors, must come again one time. 此种罡气与玄门正宗的大五行神罡颇为相似,有异曲同工之妙,却是歪门邪道的行径,每一只五脏蛊的诞生,起码需要献祭五位天赋不错的修道之人,一旦中间有所错漏,就得重来一次。 If not want to offer a sacrifice to refine small five phases profound astral, can take another six gu insects, corresponds the guts, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, urinary bladder and triple burners six internal organs, refining up the six internal organs gu, then enters beyond the step depending on this astral, astral who refining up air/Qi named traditional fortune telling strange astral, has a mystery. 若是不想祭炼小五行玄罡,也可以取另外六种蛊虫,对应胆、胃、小肠、大肠、膀胱、三焦六腑,炼成六腑蛊,然后凭此进阶外罡,炼成的罡气名为六壬奇罡,别有一番玄妙。 Naturally, according to the book said that if must lay the foundation, must gathers the five internal organs gu and six internal organs gu together refining up, beyond astral by the Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu promotion, so enters the step outside astral Ascetic, not only the skill is vigorous, but when will be promoting the profound light boundary in the future, compared with other only with Ascetic that the sole gu insect breaks through, at least must save dozens years of painstaking effort! 当然,按照道书所说,若是要夯实根基,还是需将五脏蛊与六腑蛊一起合炼,以五脏六腑蛊晋升外罡,如此进阶的外罡修士,不仅功力浑厚,更可在日后晋升玄光境之时,比其他只用单一蛊虫突破的修士,起码要节省数十年苦功! What is worth mentioning is, the stomach monster gu in Aaron beforehand belly, is one of the six internal organs gus! 值得一提的是,亚伦之前肚子里的胃妖蛊,就是六腑蛊之一! When sees this, Aaron wants to drink to scold one at that time, initially cut to kill the gold/metal Daoist, was really the extremely cheap opposite party! 当看到这一句之时,亚伦当时就想喝骂一句,当初斩杀金道人,真是太过便宜对方了! If the gold/metal Daoist falls in the Aaron hand at this time, this/should Five Viscera and Six Bowels gu gives the opposite party to take turns to come, asked the opposite party to taste taste! 若是此时金道人落在亚伦手中,就该五脏六腑蛊都给对方轮换着来一遍,也叫对方尝尝其中滋味! Original ten thousand gu Daoist immortals, the lifetime also only arrived at the profound light boundary, hopeless Golden Pill Great Way “原来万蛊真君,毕生也只到了玄光境,无望金丹大道 Aaron closes a book, sighed. 亚伦合上道书,叹息一声。 This world Daoism heavy foundation, is the aptitude and disposition, and even the lucky reason and merit 此世玄门首重根基,然后就是资质、心性、乃至福缘、功德 It can be said that even if missed one, enters step Golden Pill to many difficulties. 可以说,哪怕差了一丝,进阶金丹就要多出许多疑难。 Even if the generation of Yuan god, the external work is insufficient, will have many tribulations baseless, this is this superstition! 纵然元神之辈,外功不够,也会凭空生出许多磨难,这是此界的天条! Immortality is how difficult also 长生何其难也” Aaron is difficult to cover on the face heavy, then patted the cheeks: Fortunately I already Immortal and Unaging also 亚伦难掩脸上沉重,然后拍了拍脸颊:“还好我已经长生不老了也” This time he, some difficulties. 只是此时的他,还有一些疑难。 This world Yuan god disperses the immortal is also known as that the world same longevity, does not have the puzzle of life again, is only each after a period of time, 此世元神散仙也号称天地同寿,再无寿元的困扰,只是每过一段时间,都 Must cross the tribulation. 必须渡劫。 Crossed, the nature was boundless, crosses, but, changed into the ashes. 渡过了,自然海阔天空,渡不过,就化为灰灰。 Although I Immortal and Unaging, but actually by a Immortal essence, rather than an achievement Yuan god is always insufficient every several other hundred years, has the heavenly thunder to divide me? 我虽然长生不老,但却是凭借一点长生者的本质,而非成就元神总不至于每隔个数百年,就有天雷来劈我吧? Read hence, in the Aaron heart somewhat was frightened. 一念至此,亚伦心中不由有些惴惴。 At this moment, noise that out of the door transmits Li Xiao. 就在这时,门外又传来李逍的吵闹声。 Aaron calmly saying the book receives, opens the door: Small plum, you did not say that can go the Yuanjia city with the paternal aunt?” 亚伦不动声色地将道书收好,去开了门:“小李子,你不是说要跟姑姑去元嘉城么?” Yes, I came back Doctor Fang, you do not know, Yuanjia city lively.” “是啊是啊,我回来了方大夫,您可不知道,元嘉城有多热闹。” Li Xiao flees just like only the fur parka, called out: Many delicious, the fun I also saw Divine Immortal to fight!” 李逍宛若只皮猴般窜进来,叫道:“有好多好吃的、好玩的东西我还看到神仙打架了呢!”
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