TOTM :: Volume #10

#908: Said that book( 2000 make up)

odd/surplus high town/subdues. 余亢镇。 After tossing about half a month, Aaron half idle hall was open for business eventually. 折腾了半月之后,亚伦的‘半闲堂’终究还是开张了。 Although the Li two mothers are doubtful to Aaron, but looked for a facing the street store, the position also calculates, the key is behind the store is linking a small courtyard, has the bedroom and kitchen, to have a small vegetable garden. 李二娘虽然对亚伦半信半疑,但还是去找了一处临街商铺,位置还算可以,关键是商铺后面连着一个小院子,有卧室、厨房、还有一处小菜圃。 Aaron looked at first to like very much, prepares to put down the vegetable garden, planted the fresh flower medicinal herbs and so on. 亚伦看了第一眼就很喜欢,准备将菜圃平了,种上鲜花药草之类。 Started doing business the same day, the Li two mothers also led the person to celebrate specially, is helping the Aaron familiar neighbor neighborhood. 开业当日,李二娘还特意带人来贺,也算是帮着亚伦熟悉街坊邻里。 Again then...... 再然后么…… The business of half idle hall really very idle, basically on no guest. 半闲堂的生意果然很‘闲’,基本就没什么客人。 However Aaron is not anxious. 不过亚伦也不急。 But this bone fracture acute disease, but on this odd/surplus Kangzhen, besides him, only then a medicine hall, inside holding court doctor has been close old with dim eyes. 这骨折可是急症,而在这余亢镇上,除了他之外,就只有一家药堂,里面的坐堂大夫已经接近老眼昏花了。 As long as in the town can go to the city to get medicine, will not go to there him. 镇子上但凡能去城中抓药的,都不会去他那儿。 Which Aaron waited to send one to break the hands and feet on , came a golden touch, with prestige. 亚伦就等着哪一日送来一个摔断手脚的,来个妙手回春,以扬自身威名了。 That night. 这一夜。 Aaron sweeps clear half idle hall inside and outside, is lying down on the bamboo chair, is blowing slowly the night breeze, resembles digestion. 亚伦将半闲堂里里外外清扫一遍,正躺在竹椅上,吹着徐徐晚风,似在消食。 Suddenly, in the hand has the glimmer to flash, is from Shen Xuehang magic treasure pouch. 忽然,手中就有微光一闪,乃是得自‘沈雪行’的法宝囊。 After such long time is really air/Qi the washout to be neat, even if the congealing ghost Ascetic magic power brand mark, as not having a wood, water without a source, was eventually loose. 经过这么多日的真气冲刷洗炼,纵然是凝煞修士法力烙印,作为无根之木,无源之水,也终究是散了。 The Aaron bystander is the same , to continue the level. 亚伦没事人一样,继续躺平。 When quiet at dead of night, returns to the room, sealed up the window, hangs up the cotton thread, this took Shen Xuehang magic treasure pouch. 等到夜深人静之时,才回到房间,封闭了窗户,挂上布帘,这才将沈雪行的法宝囊取了出来。 Mentioning is also strange, that is in the bag mouth, the gold/metal rope that is unable to untie, this time was easily opened, letting Aaron can search into, discovers one surrounding area zhang (3.33 m), high is also the zhang (3.33 m) small void, inside is saving many things. 说来也是奇怪,那原本系在袋口,怎么也无法解开的金绳,这次轻易就被开启,让亚伦可以探入其中,发现一个方圆丈许、高也是丈许的小小虚空,里面存着许多东西。 Aaron the one of the magic treasure pouch on toward the table but actually, appears one pile of junks. 亚伦法宝囊往桌上一倒,就现出一堆杂物。 First sees, is some gold , silver and jewelries, radiance under the lights is radiant. 首先入目的,就是一些金银珠宝,在灯火之下光华璀璨。 Aaron sees this, actually does not shut out, instead nods satisfied. 亚伦见此,却是毫不嫌弃,反而满意地点点头。 To live in the world of mortals, but must cross well, this yellowish white thing actually must have. 想要在凡间生活,还要过得好,这黄白之物却是少不了。 Savings on own hand, is plunders the gold/metal Daoist with do the cave mansion of disciple to completely come, are not many. 自己手上的积蓄,完全是搜刮金道人跟一干弟子的洞府得来,也不算很多。 Had such money to deposit, next time can go to nearby city to seek the chief among flowers little elder sister to play. 有了这么一大笔钱入账,下回就可以去附近的城中寻花魁小姐姐玩耍了。 Besides gold and silver, more than ten jade bottles, clothing, correspondence wait/etc...... 除了金银之外,还有十几个玉瓶、衣物、书信等等…… Aaron has no interest in a clothing of men's, takes a fast look around, after confirming does not have the band, took up that pack of letter papers. 亚伦对于一个男子的衣物没有兴趣,扫视一番,确认没有夹层之后,就拿起了那一叠信笺。 After various method confirmations non-toxic are harmless, he disassembles one, read carefully. 通过各种手段确认无毒无害之后,他拆开一封,细细阅读起来。 The letter paper raising the head handwriting is delicate, should stems from a female's hand, spoke disgusting words between many sweethearts. 信笺抬头笔迹秀气,应该是出自一位女子之手,说了许多情人间的肉麻话。 But looks at the inscription, is one Yun character! 而看落款,则是一个‘芸’字! Aaron disassembles several, the discovery is mostly the same except for minor differences, immediately understood: Shen Xuehang really has to be intimate!” 亚伦又拆开几封,发现大同小异,登时就明白了:“沈雪行果然有个相好!” However, when he disassembles the next letter/believes, thought that is not right. 不过,等到他拆开下一封信之时,就觉得不对了。 Although another pure white letter paper is also the female writes, but the tip is critically different, the inscription spent a flower. 另外一封素白信笺虽然也是女子所写,但笔锋大为不同,落款则花了一朵花。 And, end was still urging, making Shen Xuehang handle that important matter quickly, early returns giant silkworm brocade, after all this magic tool is the Flower Goddess mansion altogether has, she also took on the Boss relations for the boyfriend. 并且,末尾还在催促,让沈雪行赶快去办那件重要的事儿,及早归还‘天蚕锦帕’,毕竟此法器乃是花神府共有,她为了情郎也担了老大关系。 Originally Shen Xuehang fell between two stools, deceived Flower Goddess mansion female cultivator, taking advantage of aimed at gold/metal Cangu magic tool...... to say needlessly that important matter, revenged, did to this female cultivator not to know that Shen Xuehang took revenge has not become, but also the body dying say/way disappeared, the giant silkworm kerchief also lost......, once the sudden and violent thunder, ate in the gate necessary ruthlessly a punishment.” “原来沈雪行一脚踏两船,骗了一位花神府的女修,才借来针对金蚕蛊的法器……不消说,那件重要的事情,就是报仇了,奈何这位女修不知道沈雪行复仇未成,还身死道消,天蚕帕子也丢失了……一旦暴雷,必要狠狠吃门中一番责罚的。” The given name of this Flower Goddess mansion, Xinchen also listens to gold/metal Daoren to mention, is practices the famous influence, characteristics, that only receives the girl student. 这花神府的大名,辛辰也听金道人说起过,乃是修行界中有名的势力,还有一个特色,那就是只收女弟子。 Although practices cultivation method to be slightly weak, but relates well with various major faction, therefore also no one dares to annoy. 虽然修行功法稍弱,但跟各大派都关系不错,因此也无人敢惹。 This is a potential trouble, after that side giant silkworm Pazsy, little take to wonderfully......’ ‘这是一个潜在麻烦,那方天蚕帕日后少拿出来为妙……’ Aaron continues to open mail, subsequently broadens the outlook. 亚伦继续拆信,继而大开眼界。 Originally this Shen Xuehang depends a good leather bag, unexpectedly is one practices sea king! 原来这沈雪行仗着一副好皮囊,居然是一位修行界中的海王! By he deceived female, is much more these two. 被他骗了的女子,远远不止这两位。 And an tone tender barbarian, the spoken language must say that Shen Xuehang owes its life, is the little princess of spirit medicine mountain. 其中还有一位语气娇蛮,言语必说沈雪行欠其一条命的,乃是灵药山的小公主。 In the past, Shen Xuehang was plotted against by the gu insect by the gold/metal Daoist, the distressed escape, original ten died not fresh. 当年,沈雪行被金道人以蛊虫暗算,狼狈逃命,本来十死无生。 Was the little princess of spirit medicine mountain passed by to meet exactly, was attracted by its handsome leather bag, stole spirit pill to come specially, saved its life. 灵药山的小公主恰好路过遇见,被其英俊皮囊所吸引,特意去偷了一枚灵丹过来,才救了其性命。 After Aaron clears off the clue, from slow Xuehang magic treasure pouch, turns out a booklet, above recorded several female cultivator family backgrounds, origins and hobby in detail...... 等到亚伦理清头绪之后,才从徐雪行的法宝囊中,又翻出一个小册子,上面详细记载了数位女修的出身、来历、爱好…… For example the little princess of that spirit medicine mountain, was labelled —— specially cunningly and unreasonably, is addicted to sweetly, wears the red clothes happily...... the birthday in July 7 th, has delivered the mortal god needleXue clothes to make scarlet underwear several...... ’ 比如那位灵药山的小公主,就被特意标注——‘性情刁蛮,嗜甜,喜穿红衣……生辰七月初七,已送凡人神针‘薛衣’所制大红内衣数件……’ He read the book, quite a while is speechless: Good Shen Xuehang, to eat meal by the face obviously, actually must depend on cultivation base!” 他看了册子,半天无语:“好一个沈雪行,明明可以靠脸吃饭,却非要靠修为!” If Shen Xuehang brings these to be intimate, even if ten gold/metal Daoist, only feared that must extinguish. 若是沈雪行带着那些相好过来,哪怕有十个金道人,只怕也要灭了。 Naturally...... greatly possibly is among them first hits mutually. 当然……更大可能是她们之间先互相打起来。 But before hitting, must first Shen Xuehang flying sword through, then tears limb from limb by five horses! 而在打起来之前,大概要先将沈雪行飞剑穿心,再五马分尸! Our generation model also......” “我辈楷模也……” Aaron sighed, flips, finally found Shen Xuehang say/way book. 亚伦叹息一声,又翻了翻,终于找到沈雪行的道书。 He is fails an examination the distinguished talent family background, said that the book also only resulted in several volumes of remnant pages, and not by what special writing writing, otherwise ordinary distinguished talent cannot understand. 他是落第秀才出身,道书也只得了几卷残页,并且没有以什么特殊文字书写,不然一个普通秀才也看不懂。 Aaron swept one, discovered Qi Refining mantra, what a pity only arrives at the congealing ghost. 亚伦扫了一眼,就发现了一篇炼气口诀,可惜只到凝煞。 In addition, half refining up sword mudra to want, as well as spirit snake swordsmanship remnant. 除此之外,还有半篇炼剑诀要,以及‘灵蛇剑法’残篇。 This is side door Sword Immortal inherits, does to incompletely most, cannot peep the complete picture. 这是旁门一位剑仙传承,奈何已经残缺大半,不能一窥全貌。 Has these secret arts to want, at least refining up the golden snake hook sacrifice again, the issue is not big.” “有着这些诀要,至少将金蛇钩重新祭炼一番,问题就不大了。” Aaron presses down the happy expression forcefully, first looks at the Qi Refining heart law. 亚伦强行按下喜色,先看炼气心法。 This nameless dao method is quite from the beginning coarse, looks like in Aaron, Later Heaven Early Heaven is ordinary, only has when entering congealing ghost realm, needs to collect female Yuan Yin, to refine one type Yin-Yang peach blossom ghost! 这篇无名道法一开始较为粗陋,在亚伦看来,后天先天只是一般,唯有在进入凝煞境界之时,需要采集女子元阴,以炼成一种‘阴阳桃花煞’! Although this type of malignant influences the quality is ordinary, but an advantage, after that is refining up, can make the Ascetic charm increase, especially to female cultivator, the easiest feelings of love to bud! 此种煞气虽然品质一般,但有一种好处,那就是炼成之后,能令修士魅力大增,特别是对女修而言,最容易春心萌动! „Is this that side door disperses the obscene thief talent in immortal, invention cultivation method?” “这是那位旁门散仙中的淫贼人才,发明的功法?” Aaron deduces, is dumbfounded: No wonder this Shen Xuehang also needs to go to badly the pureness of respectable family female from the beginning, to afterward actually some so many female immortal admire, originally also has such reason!” 亚伦推演一番,不由目瞪口呆:“难怪这沈雪行一开始还需要去坏了良家女子的清白,到后来却有这么多女仙爱慕,原来其中还有如此情由!” He thinks, remembers this mudra decisively firmly. 他想了想,果断将这篇法诀牢牢记住。 Even if not use in the future , is forearmed! 哪怕日后不用,也是有备无患嘛!
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