TOTM :: Volume #10

#907: odd/surplus high( 1800 make up)

Aaron as a immortal cultivation old bird, most is good at touching the corpse. 亚伦作为一位修仙老鸟,最是擅长摸尸。 He first ground lost the golden snake hook and brocade of master in ascended, could not bear hold appreciatively. 他先将地面上失去主人的金蛇钩与锦帕拾了起来,忍不住把玩一番。 The golden snake hook golden light is radiant, some superficial also innumerable close snake scales, seem like probably a golden small snake. 金蛇钩金光璀璨,表面还有无数细密的蛇鳞,看起来就好像一条金色小蛇。 But on side Jinpa has a female face powder flavor, does not seem like male cultivator magic tool. 而那方锦帕上却带着一股女子香粉味道,不太像是男修法器 If yes, represents Shen Xuehang is mother artillery......” “如果是,就代表沈雪行是个娘炮……” If not, means that he has to be intimate......” “如果不是,就意味着他有个相好……” Aaron looks for one in Shen Xuehang, fished out a magic treasure pouch. 亚伦又在沈雪行上寻摸一阵,摸出了一个法宝囊。 This magic treasure pouch is Ascetic saves the thing to use, just like object-storing pouch, but this quite treasures. 法宝囊乃是修士存物所用,跟储物袋一样,但此界较为珍惜。 Aaron knows, the gold/metal Daoist then does not have this gadget. 亚伦就知晓,金道人便没有这玩意儿。 This magic treasure pouch just like a brocade sack, the bag mouth lived by gold/metal Shengxi, Aaron real air/Qi comes up, just like clay ox entering the sea. 法宝囊宛若一个锦囊,袋口被一圈金绳系住,亚伦一丝真气上去,宛若泥牛入海。 He knows this immediately is the reason that the skill is insufficient, oneself require time, can cancel Shen Xuehang magic power brand mark by patient and persistent work, turns own. 他顿时知晓这是功力不足的缘故,自己需要一点时间,才能以水磨工夫将沈雪行的法力烙印抹去,变成自己的。 „The say/way book of gold/metal Daoist, on bed of concealed...... under bedroom.” “金道人的道书,就藏在卧室之中……床榻之下。” Aaron acts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner, goes into the gold/metal Daoist bedroom, raises the bed, found a book. 亚伦一路旁若无人,闯入金道人卧室内,将床榻一掀,就找到一部道书。 However what this book uses is a shape such as bird seal writing of bird claw, Aaron did not know. 不过这道书用的是一种形如鸟爪的鸟篆书写,亚伦不认识。 He also thinks little, received properly, the preparation looks for the related writing in the future, studying is. 他也不以为意,妥善收了,准备日后再找找相关文字,学了就是。 After all said the book , and even the purple azure immortal article and day demon real seal wrote with Dragon Seal Phoenix Script and say/way gate cloud book, gold and silver seal script, was common. 毕竟道书么,用龙章凤篆、道门云书、金银篆文、乃至紫青仙文、天魔真篆书写,都是寻常。 The average people want to study saying that first tests 46 levels of diplomas of say/way gate writing explanation first! 普通人想要学道,先考一个道门文字解读的四六级文凭先! When Aaron goes out of the cave mansion, discovered that Shen Xuehang starts really the other disciples of ruthless spicy, gold/metal Daoist, is completely all the body dies! 等到亚伦走出洞府,才发现沈雪行下手着实狠辣,金道人的其余弟子,也是尽皆身死! Poured to save a I eliminating a potential informant time......” “倒省了我一番灭口的功夫……” Aaron sighs with emotion one, arranges, had a burden, descends the mountain floating. 亚伦感慨一声,布置一番,就背了个包袱,飘然下山。 Shortly after he descends the mountain, flame curl to raise from various cave mansions, burn down the gas cloud. 在他下山之后不久,一道道火焰才从各处洞府中袅袅升起,焚烧毒雾。 Several days later, nearby woodcutter and rhizotomist discovered, this was regarded as certainly place mountain range by them, has changed into scorched earth unexpectedly. 数日之后,附近的樵夫与采药人才发现,这座被他们视为绝地的山脉,竟尔已经化为一片焦土了。 ...... …… In the mountain forest, Aaron displays nimble art, chose a direction, along with the nature walks. 山林之中,亚伦施展轻功,选了一个方向,就随性而走。 Rushes to line of 1-2 double-hour each time, must stop to sit in meditation, restores the skill. 每次奔行1-2时辰,就要停下来打坐,恢复功力。 Even so, in a day , can go out of several hundred li (0.5 km). 即使如此,一日之间,也能走出数百里。 He has real air/Qi the guard, there is Profound Valley bead and other magic tool, the snakeworm mouse ant and dhole evildoers between leopard mountains and plains, and even robs travelers the mountain thieves unable to cause anything to puzzle. 他有着真气护身,又有玄牝珠等法器,山野之间的蛇虫鼠蚁、豺狼虎豹、乃至剪径山贼都无法造成什么困扰。 In addition he never stirs up trouble, saw the troublesome dispute also avoids by far, has not annoyed anyone or the thing, is peaceful. 再加上他从不惹事,看到了麻烦纠纷也只是远远避开,也就没惹到什么人或物,一路太太平平。 After more than ten days, was supposing has run several thousand li (0.5 km) away, even the mountains are along the way rare, the rivers become many, local conditions and social customs traded incessantly one time. 等到十余日后,估摸着已经跑出去数千里远,甚至沿途山川少见,河流变多,风土人情都换了不止一遭。 On this day. 这一日。 Aaron passes through village, place of this village situated in region of rivers and lakes, in the town the red brick green Vanuatu horse's head wall, the house is numerous, various road junctions constructed many stone bridges. 亚伦经过一座小镇,这小镇位于水乡之地,镇子上红砖绿瓦马头墙,房屋众多,各处道口又修建了许多石桥。 In the morning, there is a mist to ascend, the scenery is pleasant. 清晨之时,有雾气升腾而起,风景宜人。 In his heart one happy, prepares to settle down. 他心中一喜,就准备定居下来。 However at this time is not first busy, but looks for the inn that opened the door in the morning, walked. 不过此时先不忙,而是找了一家早上开门的客栈,走了进去。 Customer, is eats while traveling or stays at an inn?” “客官,请问是打尖还是住店?” An years approximately 30 permits, the figure is beautiful, when is young was also the female of distinguished people welcomed, the winning smile asked sweet. 一名年约三十许,身段婀娜,想必年轻之时也是风流人物的女子迎了上来,巧笑嫣然地问道。 Aaron sees this female oval face, is quite plain, has rude and unreasonable makings, knows the female, when the gate opens a bank account to have many is not easy, has many favorable impressions, said with a smile: Eats while traveling, first has pot tea, on then several types of breakfasts.” 亚伦见这女子一张瓜子脸,颇为素净,又带着一种泼辣的气质,知道女子当门立户有许多不容易,不由生出许多好感,笑道:“打尖吧,先来一壶茶,再上几样早点。” Good!” “好嘞!” After this woman returns the kitchen, carries pot tea not long. 这妇人回到后厨,没有多久就端出一壶茶来。 Aaron one, knows that is not the good tea, can only relieve thirst. 亚伦品了一品,就知道不是什么好茶,唯能解渴罢了。 After the moment, one more than ten years old, eye pitch-black, seems like the smart vigor young lad to hold the dinner plate, on several types of desserts. 片刻后,一名十几岁,眼睛乌黑,看起来就有一股机灵劲的童子捧着餐盘,上了几样点心。 In which meat dumpling and cloud Piangao, the actually last pine nut is also crisp, brings pine nut delicate fragrance, making Aaron like very much, cannot bear use a point. 其中的肉包子、云片糕也就罢了,倒是最后一道松子酥,带着一股松子清香,令亚伦很是喜欢,忍不住多用了一点。 While he eats and drinks, that young youngster also stands, staring at the pine nut is crisp, does the eye wink, as if there is small clasp to brave. 就在他吃喝的同时,那个小少年也站在旁边,盯着松子酥,眼睛一眨不眨,似乎有小钩子冒出来。 Haha......” “哈哈……” Aaron laughs, the stopper a pine nut entered in this small youngster hand crisply, asked: „Do you name? Is that female storekeeper your mother?” 亚伦哈哈一笑,塞了一块松子酥进这小少年手里,问道:“你叫什么名字?那个女掌柜是你娘亲么?” A young youngster eyeball revolution, first ate the pine nut crisply, then said: I did not tell you, only if you gave me again together......” 小少年眼珠一转,先将松子酥吃了,然后才说:“我不告诉你,除非你再给我一块……” When the speech, this young youngster had not discovered, a shadow has fallen to him behind. 在说话之时,这小小少年并未发现,一片阴影已经落到他身后。 Suddenly, he called out pitifully, originally was seized the ear by that female storekeeper, scolded one: Li Xiao your young brat, has the thoughts to deceive the guest dessert, how after not to have gone , does the kitchen help work? The old ladies were busy quickly!” 忽然,他惨叫一声,原来是被那女掌柜揪住耳朵,骂了一句:“李逍你个小兔崽子,有心思骗客人点心,怎么还不去后厨帮忙干活?老娘都快忙死了也!” The young youngster called out pitifully again and again, escaped from the violent treachery with great difficulty, covered the ears hastily, after rolling , the kitchen. 小少年连连惨叫,好不容易逃出毒手,连忙捂着耳朵,滚去后厨房了。 The female storekeeper is smiling to Aaron: My this nephew natural disposition is stubbornly disobedient, the guest should not be offended......” 女掌柜又对着亚伦笑了笑:“我这侄儿生性顽劣,客人不要见怪……” Originally is the nephew......” “原来是侄子……” Aaron sipped a tea, sighed: I recall a old friend actually, is called Li Xiaoyao...... is somewhat similar to storekeeper family/home nephew.” 亚伦又抿了口茶,叹息一声:“我倒是记起一位故人,叫做李逍遥的……跟掌柜家这侄儿有些相似。” „The old friend of guest inevitably is the good luck, oh, what a pity my nephew cruel fate, his parents go since birth early, can only be bound by a common destiny with me......” “客人的故人必然是好命的,唉,可惜我这侄儿生来命苦,他爹娘早去,只能与我相依为命……” The female storekeeper was saying to be saying, eye socket slightly one red. 女掌柜说着说着,眼眶就微微一红。 Looked like...... was a pity, I am not the grandfather...... will not deliver cultivation method.’ ‘更像了……可惜,我不是老爷爷……不会送功法。’ Aaron comforts several, gave several tips, then asked: I am outside area, wins this place Minfeng bonus, good government and united people, then wants to stay a while a period of time, where is a job to buy and sell...... to continue to have the free time house, the best shop to live good for both?” 亚伦安慰几句,多给了几个茶钱,然后就问道:“我是外地来的,见此地民丰物饶,政通人和,便想小住一段时日,做点营生买卖……不止哪有空闲的房屋,最好店住两便的?” The boss in this teahouse wineshop, as the information collection and distribution center, often also holds concurrent jobs the intermediary responsibility. 这茶楼酒肆的老板,作为信息集散中心,往往还兼职着中介的职责。 If there is beauty female, cannot do well also some gray business. 若是个有姿色的女子,搞不好还有一些灰色生意。 This is also the experience of Aaron many years of summary. 这也是亚伦多年总结的经验。 This female storekeeper hears to have the business, the eye pupil shines immediately: Thanks for the compliment, on this odd/surplus Kangzhen, does not have the matter that my Li two mothers do not know...... not to know that the guest does do what business?” 这女掌柜听到有生意,眼眸顿时亮起:“好说好说,这余亢镇上,就没有我李二娘不知道的事儿……也不知客人做何生意?” My no talent, technique of the qi and huang also calculates can pass reluctantly, sets a broken bone in the bonesetting on has the attainments together, regarding the wound of snakeworm poison, there are several proven prescriptions......” “鄙人不才,一手岐黄之术还算勉强过得去,于正骨接骨一道上颇有造诣,对于蛇虫毒物之伤,也有几张验方……” Aaron shows a faint smile, saying. 亚伦微微一笑,说着。 His was calculates modestly, by his medical technique foundation of basic skills, even if the court physicians in imperial palace Imperial Palace were not necessarily able and! 他这还是算谦虚了,以他的医术功底,纵然皇宫大内的御医都未必能及! In addition the gu technique that studies from gold/metal Daoist there, treating some snake venom that is the easy matter. 再加上从金道人那里学来的蛊术,治疗一些蛇毒那是手到擒来的事。 medical technique?” 医术?” The Li two mothers looked at carefully Aaron one carefully, suddenly threw to smile: In this year your discipline, said that can help the person bonesetting I believe reluctantly, but practices medicine the medication, exempted......” 李二娘仔细端详了亚伦一眼,忽然扑哧笑了出来:“以你这年纪,说是能帮人正骨我勉强信了,但行医用药,还是免了吧……” Aaron touches the bright and clean chin, sighed secretly. 亚伦摸了摸自己光洁的下巴,暗自叹息一声。 He suffered this appearance too tender, if changes into a silver-haired old man to come, the treatment will be entirely different. 他还是吃了这面相太嫩的亏,若是换成一位白发苍苍的老者过来,想必待遇就会截然不同。
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