TOTM :: Volume #10

#906: Murders the master

Intrudes the person of gold/metal Daoist cave mansion, lives dignified in appearance, young, the look is handsome, hand held golden color flying sword, just like what Daoism authentic disciple. 闯入金道人洞府的这人,生得仪表堂堂,年纪轻轻,相貌英俊,手提一柄金色飞剑,宛若什么玄门正宗的弟子。 In fact, is actually local another loose cultivator, named Shen Xuehang, is one failed an examination distinguished talent, does not try repeatedly, afterward the accident of sorts, resulted in several pages of book remnant from the old book, therefore treads the becoming a lay priest way. 实际上,却是本地的另外一个散修,名为‘沈雪行’,原本是一个落第秀才,屡试不中,后来机缘巧合,从古籍中得了几页道书残篇,因此踏入道途。 This Shen Xiaxue seems like the elegant bearing, most likes confusing the respectable family female by magic technique actually, went bad the opposite party pure and chaste again. 这沈夏雪看似风度翩翩,实则最喜欢以法术迷惑良家女子,再坏了对方贞洁。 The gold/metal Daoist comes this place, because in deceiving the wealthy and powerful family, at the matter of taking by force and deceiting, has many discord to come with the opposite party, gradually, became the foe unexpectedly! 金道人来此地,由于在蒙骗大户,巧取豪夺之事上,与对方生出许多龃龉来,久而久之,竟然成了仇敌! On realm, both sides are the congealing ghost, the malignant influences quality general inferiority, is it may be said that well-matched, but the gold/metal Daoist is good at urging the gu insect, making Shen Xuehang suffer a loss ruthlessly, escaped. 境界,双方都是凝煞,煞气品质一般的低劣,可谓旗鼓相当,但金道人擅长驱使蛊虫,让沈雪行狠狠吃了个大亏,逃了出去。 This person somewhat fate, does not know obtained spirit medicine from where, solved the poison of oneself gu insect, then learns from a painful experience, the sacrifice refine one golden snake hook, comes to seek revenge! 此人也有几分运道,不知从何处求得灵药,解了自身蛊虫之毒,然后又痛定思痛,祭炼了一口‘金蛇钩’,前来寻仇! This world Daoism sword technique unparalleled in the world! 此世玄门剑术天下无双! Regardless of said the demon, besides basic cultivation method, took the sword technique as first true inheritance. 不论道魔,除了根本功法之外,都是以剑术为第一真传 Other are one's turn, formation method, demon fire true fire wait/etc inheritance. 其余才轮到雷法、阵法魔火真火等等传承。 Even if in the side door, these have to refine the law of inheritance sword, is compares no many. 纵然旁门之中,那些有炼剑之法传承的,就是比没有的强出许多。 But demon both sides spar, often did not call to spar, but was the fencing, this atmosphere then can be inferred. 而正魔双方斗法,都往往不叫斗法,而是斗剑,这风气便可见一斑。 Shen Xuehang inheritance not entire, only then half sacrifice refining up the method of side door flying sword, he studies nondescriptly, but under the accident of sorts, killed several hundred years of gold/metal scale Great Serpent, takes its hundred years of crucial moment the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality, combines by the essence of hardware, performed the snake bone and snake scale of same bloodlines...... to refine crooked flying sword reluctantly, below these, oneself was quite actually contented, refine the semblance sacrifice like a golden snake, was called golden snake hook! 沈雪行所得传承不全,其中只有半篇祭炼旁门飞剑之法,他学得不伦不类,但机缘巧合之下,杀了一条数百年的金鳞大蛇,取其百年火候的内丹,混杂以五金之精,加以同一血脉的蛇骨、蛇鳞……勉强炼就了一口歪歪扭扭的飞剑,实则等而下之,本人还颇为自得,将外表祭炼得如同一条金蛇,称为‘金蛇钩’! At this time a hook in the hand, has to kill off the world foe, pleased feeling always. 此时一钩在手,颇有杀尽天下仇敌,快慰平生之感。 Since previous time ate the gold/metal Daoist after owing greatly, Shen Xuehang also becomes discrete, has not flaunted the prestige to kill to visit directly, but inquires secretly, then knows the gold/metal Daoist must refine the Profound Valley bead the matter. 自从上次吃了金道人的大亏之后,沈雪行也变得谨慎起来,并未直接逞威杀上门,而是暗自打探,然后知道了金道人要炼玄牝珠的事儿。 He endures patiently secretly, will be dormant silently, plans the gold/metal Daoist today soon achieved success, this will kill to visit. 他暗自忍耐,默默蛰伏,算计到金道人今日即将功成,这才杀上门来。 Shen Xuehang is a fine person, when launch, direct sword light winds around, first circles mountain one week, kills off the disciple of gold/metal Daoist. 沈雪行是个精细人,等到发动之时,直接剑光缭绕,先绕山一周,将金道人的弟子杀尽。 First trims off the enemy branches and leaves boost, this sword punctures gold/metal Daoist cave mansion restriction. 先剪掉敌人枝叶助力,这才一剑刺破金道人洞府禁制 Although the gold/metal Daoist plants the gu insect in disciple within the body, once died must warn, but was the sword light murder so quick? If snaps fingers thunder fire, only shortly! 虽然金道人在弟子体内都种有蛊虫,一旦死了必有示警,但剑光杀人何等之快?如弹指雷火,只在顷刻之间! When the gold/metal Daoist responded, Shen Xuehang the rumbling broken cave mansion front door, has intruded outrageously! 等到金道人反应过来,沈雪行已经轰破洞府大门,悍然闯入! The personal enemies meet, particularly eyes are red! 仇人见面,分外眼红! Shen Xuehang drank one, no longer the many words, puts out a hand a finger/refers golden snake flying hook! 沈雪行喝了一声,就不再多话,伸手一指‘金蛇飞钩’! Always the usage and flying sword of flying hook are quite similar. 历来飞钩的用法与飞剑就颇为类似。 However the heresy, envies the technique of Daoism authentic building up sword, actually does not know the proper way, often refining up nondescript some flying hooks, flying needles and other constructions. 不过旁门左道,羡慕玄门正宗的炼剑之术,却又不得其法,往往就炼出一些不伦不类的飞钩、飞针等形制。 Although Shen Xuehang a golden snake hook refining up nondescriptly, but his sword technique actually came from dao method true inheritance! 沈雪行虽然一口金蛇钩炼得不伦不类,但他的剑术却来自道法真传 Although only studied a fur/superficial knowledge, but this point fur/superficial knowledge, actually also quite fearsome formidable! 虽然只学了一点皮毛,但这一点皮毛,却也颇为可怖可畏! At this time magic power thrives, the golden snake hook changes into together the golden flowing light, spectacular, the die young was nimble and resourceful, toward gold/metal Daoist burr! 此时法力勃发,金蛇钩就化为一道金色流光,气象万千,夭折灵动,向着金道人飞刺而来! Although the sword potential is not majestic, actually also quite sees the time in exquisite, place of in Xundi the flaw has ingenious conception. 其剑势虽然并不大气磅礴,却也在小巧之中颇见功夫,于寻敌破绽之处更是别有一番巧思。 Aaron is seeing this person of sword technique at the same time, in the heart complains one: This swordsmanship has delicately, firm insufficient, how also to resemble with the swordsmanship of woman?’ 亚伦在一边见得这人剑术,心中就吐槽一句:‘这剑法秀气有余,阳刚不足,怎么跟个娘们的剑法也似?’ Although he is only a Early Heaven young mixed soldier, but the vision experience of main body also. 他虽然只是一个先天小杂兵,但本体的眼光见识还在。 Is the sword technique of main body wise? 本体的剑术何等高明? That gathered a essence, there is reach a high degree of proficiency of ten thousand years of self-torture! 那是汇聚了一界之精华,又有万余年苦修的炉火纯青! If at this time the skill is equivalent, my flying sword in the hand, to your several groups, I only goes, takes the palace, can force you to remove the sword to return to base, but this returns to base in a sword, at least 78 flaws, can make me want to truncate your head to truncate your head, under thinks your big hip of your big hip on below!’ ‘此时若功力相当,我一口飞剑在手,任凭你几路来,我只一路去,直取中宫,就能逼迫得你不得不撤剑回防,而这回防一剑之中,至少有七八个破绽,能让我想削你头颅就削你头颅,想下你大胯就下你大胯!’ But again how exquisite sword technique, no flying sword, without skill, comes to naught! 但再怎么精妙的剑术,没有一口飞剑,没有功力,还是一场空! In the Aaron heart so thinks, a body actually tumbling, hid in the gold/metal Daoist and back of tool refining stove very much honestly, shrank one group. 亚伦心中如此想,身体却很诚实地一个翻滚,躲在了金道人与炼器炉子的背后,缩成一团。 Is good because of Shen Xuehang at this time in the eye full is gold/metal Daoist archenemy, does not care regarding Aaron. 好在沈雪行此时眼中满是金道人这个大敌,对于亚伦根本不在乎。 In his opinion, only Early Heaven, after killing the gold/metal Daoist, is a matter of sword, is not worth losing concentration at this time! 在他看来,区区一个先天,杀了金道人之后,也就是一剑的事儿,根本不值得此时分神! Is good your Shen Xuehang!” “好你个沈雪行!” gold/metal Daoren sees a Shen Xuehang sword to kill, angrily roars, spouts malignant influences that oneself cultivate/repair to hold with hardship from the mouth and nose! 金道人见沈雪行一剑杀来,怒吼一声,从口鼻之中喷出自身苦苦修持的一口煞气! His malignant influences not only jet black like black ink, strongly fragrant fragrant, making one unable to bear the deep breath, then on the Five Viscera and Six Bowels fester, changed into beach bloody pus to perish! 他这一口煞气不仅漆黑如墨,其中更有一股馥郁芬芳,令人忍不住深深呼吸,然后就五脏六腑溃烂,化为一滩脓血而亡! The malignant influences of gold/metal Daoist, named —— five harmful things malignant influences, when exercising martial arts, need to derive the five harmful things essence, quenchings into itself really air/Qi in magic power, refining up on beginning malignant influences when the stench is incomparable, brings violently poisonously, actually low grade. 金道人的这一身煞气,名为——‘五毒煞气’,在练功之时,需要汲取五毒精华,淬炼入本身真气法力之中,所炼就的煞气初时腥臭无比,更带着剧毒,却不过下品 When goes to stench aura, only other strongly fragrant fragrant, that this five harmful things malignant influences major accomplishment, can even the Yin person in invisible. 什么时候将腥臭的气息化去,只余下一股馥郁芬芳,那这一口五毒煞气就算大成,能阴人于无形。 Gold/Metal Daoist compared with Shen Xuehang old, more skill of dozens years of self-torture, at this time malignant influences already major accomplishment! 金道人比沈雪行年长,更多了数十年苦修的功力,此时一身煞气已然大成 At this time facing the life and death crisis, could not allow the least bit to hide one's incompetence by remaining silent, spurted source malignant influences, threw to Shen Xuehang! 这时候面对生死危机,更是容不得半点藏拙,将一口本源煞气都喷了出来,向沈雪行扑去! The black fog tumbles, melts a giant scorpion obviously, lifelike, its hook moves, on hook to Shen Xuehang! 黑雾翻滚,显化出一头巨大的蝎子,活灵活现,其尾钩一动,就钩向沈雪行! Shen Xuehang does not fear imposingly, sword light twists, cuts to kill this scorpion, in the black fog sees only the gold thread to walk randomly together, subsequently gold/metal Daoist on pitiful yell one. 沈雪行凛然不惧,剑光一绞,就将这头蝎子斩杀,黑雾之中只见一道金线游走,继而金道人就惨叫一声。 black qi powder, is actually the arm of gold/metal Daoist hooks sword qi to contact with the golden snake carelessly. 黑气一散,却是金道人的一条手臂不慎与金蛇钩剑气接触。 Is sword qi sharp? 剑气何等锋锐? , The entire arm of gold/metal Daoist changes into the fragment powder. 只是一荡,金道人的整条手臂都化为齑粉。 If not for gold/metal Daoist according to the circumstances quick, a six Yang leader must be cut by the golden snake hook! 若不是金道人见机得快,一颗六阳魁首都要被金蛇钩斩了下来! Is intimate, we then perish together!” “相好的,那咱们便同归于尽吧!” The gold/metal Daoist broke an arm, on the face actually appeared the vicious color, called one, pinched finger joints with the thumb fiercely. 金道人断了一臂,脸上却浮现出凶狠之色,叫了一声,猛地一掐诀。 In the cave mansion, four sides is stranded gold/metal Cangu a black flag to collapse instantaneously, that surrounds gold/metal Cangu the black smoke to dissipate not to have the trace immediately. 洞府之中,四面困着金蚕蛊的黑色阵旗瞬间倒塌,那困住金蚕蛊的黑烟立即消散无踪。 gold/metal Cangu cheers one, flew. 金蚕蛊欢呼一声,就飞了出来。 This thing is ferocious, once loses the shackles, definitely meets the violent disposition to send greatly, kills off in the cave mansion everyone! 此物凶顽,一旦失去桎梏,必然会狂性大发,杀光洞府内所有人! Gold/Metal Daoist so, is sees to enter the hopeless situation, wants to barely escape with one's life,...... can also perish together with the personal enemy at least! 金道人如此,也是见身入绝境,想要死里求生,至不济……也能与仇人同归于尽! Has expected you to be able so......” “早就料到你会如此了……” Shen Xuehang noticed that gold/metal Cangu changes into the flowing light to fly together, is actually long smiles one, takes out magic tool from the bosom. 沈雪行看到金蚕蛊化为一道流光飞来,却是长笑一声,从怀中取出一件法器 This magic tool is side Jinpa, is by the giant silkworm silk-weaving, lets fall the faint trace fine lace in the midair, encircled gold/metal Cangu. 法器是一方锦帕,乃是以天蚕丝织就,于半空中垂落丝丝细线,又将金蚕蛊圈了起来。 This gold/metal Cangu most excels at the air/Qi of broken astral ghost, can the bad Ascetic mortal body, in the space, only then few thing can restrain. 这金蚕蛊最擅长破罡煞之气,能坏修士肉身,宇内只有寥寥几物能够克制。 The flag of gold/metal Daoist, and even in this Shen Xuehang brocade, mixes a day of silk, is similar repels one another exactly, can resist gold/metal Cangu one of the several curio! 金道人的阵旗、乃至这沈雪行的锦帕之中,都混有天蚕丝,恰好就是同类相克,能抵挡金蚕蛊的几件奇物之一! You......” “你……” gold/metal Daoren sees this, expression thorough desperate. 金道人见此,表情不由彻底绝望。 Regardless of how he cannot think, after Shen Xuehang since previous time suffers a loss, the character has become fine many, but also borrowed to restrain gold/metal Cangu treasure from good friend there specially specially! 他无论如何也想不到,沈雪行自从上次吃亏之后,性格已经变得精细不少,还特意从好友那里借来了专门克制金蚕蛊的宝物 His mirthless smile, is actually not willing to close eyes to treat, the last source five harmful things ghost blowout, will sweep across to Shen Xuehang, disregards regarding own safety, wants to put together to perish together. 他惨笑一声,却不愿闭目待死,将最后一点本源五毒煞喷出,席卷向沈雪行,对于自身安危则不管不顾,想要拼个同归于尽。 Shen Xuehang has completely the advantage, how is willing to perish together? Even if the severe wound is not willing. 沈雪行占尽优势,如何愿意同归于尽?哪怕重伤都是不肯的。 Therefore the intention moves, the golden snake hook rotates the guard. 因此心意一动,金蛇钩就回转护身。 But the next quarter, the person's shadow kicks out together, palm method across the sky, a palm on racket on gold/metal Daoist back of the head! 而下一刻,一道人影扑出,掌法横空,一掌就拍在了金道人后脑勺上! This person Aaron! 此人正是亚伦 Saw that the matter changes, the gold/metal Daoist malignant influences exhaust, he wants not to think immediately, a move of five harmful things palm, on racket to gold/metal Daoist back of the head. 见到事情有变,金道人煞气耗竭,他顿时想也不想,一招五毒掌,就拍向金道人后脑勺。 At this time the gold/metal Daoist had arrived at the oil completely lamp dry boundary, where wants to obtain is also sneak attacked by Eldest Disciple? 此时金道人已经到了油尽灯枯之境,哪里想得到还会被大徒弟偷袭? But Aaron to sneak attack him, exhausts the skill seriously, a move goes well, the five harmful things are really mad on the flood that such as dashes about wildly gush out generally, infiltrate the gold/metal Daoist back of the head, hits this person has brains dashed out to perish, including snort/hum not snort/hum one. 亚伦为了偷袭他,当真是穷尽功力,一招得手,五毒真气就如狂奔的洪水一般涌出,打入金道人后脑勺,将这人打得脑浆迸裂而亡,连哼都未哼一声。 The villains die of words many truth, Aaron understand, will therefore not be boisterous with the gold/metal Daoist. 反派死于话多的道理,亚伦还是明白的,因此根本不会与金道人聒噪。 Also, side also had Shen Xuehang this archenemy in! 再说,旁边还有沈雪行这个大敌在呢! Any idle talk, possibly causes the body dying say/way to disappear! 任何废话,都可能导致自己身死道消! Although cannot be in front of gold/metal Daoist to divulge one to murder the master feelings, somewhat is slightly regrettable, but the manages can not this many. 虽然不能当着金道人的面宣泄一番弑师感想,略有些遗憾,但也管不得这许多了。 The gold/metal Daoist dies, the five harmful things malignant influences were cut the powder by the golden snake sword directly, Shen Xuehang see this, is one dull. 金道人一死,五毒煞气直接被金蛇剑斩散,沈雪行见到这一幕,也是一呆。 But Aaron will actually not tarry! 亚伦却不会呆住! The homicide the gold/metal Daoist, kicked the opposite party corpse, kicks in the sacrifice to refine the Profound Valley bead in human cauldron! 他杀了金道人,就将对方尸首一踢,踢入了祭炼玄牝珠的炉鼎之内! Flaming! 熊熊! Furnace fire ebullition, corpse burning down completely. 炉火沸腾,将尸体焚烧殆尽。 This blood sacrifice 10%, completed immediately the last step, human cauldron opened loudly, departed a baby fist size, among had the five colors multi-colored sunlight bead. 这血祭10%,顿时就完成了最后一步,炉鼎轰然打开,从中飞出一枚婴儿拳头大小,其内有五色霞光的珠子。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Shen Xuehang eye suddenly/violently Tu. 沈雪行眼睛暴突。 Regardless of how he cannot imagine, was interrupted the sacrifice to refine the process by him, this magic tool can also unexpectedly the entire merit! 他无论如何也想象不到,被他打断祭炼过程,这件法器竟然还能全功! This naturally is Aaron the merit that refining up at side sacrifice covertly. 这自然是亚伦在旁边偷偷摸摸祭炼的功劳。 At this time the Profound Valley bead 10%, are really naturally mad to induce with him, stimulated to movement by him, changes into together the flowing light, middle has the five colors multi-colored sunlight to flash, hits surrounds gold/metal Cangu to the midair brocade! 此时玄牝珠10%,自然就与他真气有所感应,被他催动,化为一道流光,当中有五色霞光闪动,撞向半空中困住金蚕蛊的锦帕! „It is not good, this young demon must perish together with me, this gold/metal Daoist hanger-on, how so ardent nature?” “不好,这小魔头也要与我同归于尽,这金道人门下,怎么都如此烈性?” Shen Xuehang did not shout secretly well, the obligation golden snake hook, blocked the Profound Valley bead in the midair hastily. 沈雪行暗叫不好,连忙驱使金蛇钩,在半空中拦住玄牝珠。 On him, only has this flying sword escape speed to be extremely quick, after can, sends first, blocked the Profound Valley bead. 在他身上,也唯有这口飞剑遁速极快,能后发先至,拦住玄牝珠了。 Young demon, suffers to death!” “小魔头,受死吧!” The golden snake hook changes into together golden light deep Zhan's sword light, a pocket in the midair, surrounds the Profound Valley bead. 金蛇钩化为一道金光湛湛的剑光,在半空中一兜,就将玄牝珠困住。 Shen Xuehang relaxes secretly at the same time, the anger lived gradually, grins fiendishly is plunging Aaron, a preparation palm executed this young demon bastard conveniently. 沈雪行暗松一口气的同时,怒火渐生,狞笑着扑向亚伦,准备随手一掌毙了这小魔崽子。 After all this person of again how machine becomes full, also on the Early Heaven boundary! 毕竟这人再怎么机变百出,也就先天境! His congealing ghost great ascetic, stood there gives the opposite party to hit unable to break the guard malignant influences! 他一位凝煞大修士,站在那里给对方打也破不了护身煞气! Shen Xuehang wielded a palm, the considering everything can execute this boy. 沈雪行挥出一掌,满拟能毙了这小子。 Has not actually thought, an opposite party figure booklet, the movement is very unexpectedly exquisite, the double palm is uneven, although is far less than itself, actually art, own palm strength hauling to one side. 却没想到,对方身形一折,身法竟然无比精妙,双掌齐出,虽然远不如自己,却有一股巧劲,将自己的掌力牵引至一旁。 Even so, the opposite party also receives the palm strength complementary waves institute, spouts a blood. 即使如此,对方也受到掌力余波所及,喷出一口鲜血。 Shen Xuehang prepares to make up a palm immediately again, strikes to kill this somewhat weird boy, marks the successful conclusion for this revenge. 沈雪行立即准备再补一掌,击杀这个有些邪门的小子,为这次复仇画上圆满的句号。 Actually without thinking, in his old strength completely, new strength has not lived, in spy who among this does not allow to send, that opposite party spurts to own dirty blood, suddenly has a light to flash. 却没有想到,就在他旧力已尽,新力未生,这个间不容发的奸细之中,那一口对方喷向自己的污血之内,蓦然有针光一闪。 ! 噗! The Aaron five harmful things needle acts finally! 亚伦五毒针终于出手! He swallowed detoxification spirit medicine beforehand, conceals this flying needle in the mouth, combines the dirty blood blowout, to make the bait by the body, needing must! 他事先吞了解毒灵药,将这一口飞针暗藏在嘴中,混杂污血喷出,就是为了以身作饵,务求必中! Because facing high his major realm Ascetic, the Aaron not second opportunity! 因为面对高了他一个大境界修士,亚伦并无第二次机会! The five harmful things needle ran upon Shen Xuehang protecting body malignant influences, immediately just like puncturing the rubber ball is ordinary, sends out one to titter the sound. 五毒针撞上了沈雪行的护体煞气,立即宛若刺破皮球一般,发出一个噗嗤声。 Subsequently...... passes through without any hindrances, pricks from Shen Xuehang eye socket, submerges the brain! 继而……就毫无阻碍地穿了过去,从沈雪行眼眶中刺入,直没入脑! Bang! 砰! This malignant influences boundary Ascetic corpse one but actually, is killed violently backward immediately. 这位煞气境修士的尸体向后一倒,登时毙命。 In the midair, loses the golden snake hook and brocade who wail his magic power incites, radiance is reserved, falls in the place. 半空之中,失去他法力指使的金蛇钩与锦帕哀鸣一声,光华内敛,掉落在地。 gold/metal Cangu reveals itself! 金蚕蛊重新出世! squeak squeak! 吱吱! Its ominous air/Qi flashes, must on only living creature —— Aaron toward the cave mansion throw! 它身上凶气一闪,就要往洞府内唯一的活物——亚伦身上扑来! Aaron is actually expected, the hand pinches mudra, the Profound Valley bead in midair emits five colors cloud light, covers gold/metal Cangu. 亚伦却是早有所料,手掐法诀,半空中的玄牝珠放出五色云光,将金蚕蛊笼罩在内。 A gold/metal human sacrifice refining up this Profound Valley bead, was used to subdue gold/metal Cangu, but Aaron watches critically long time, unifies itself to study, can slightly urge greatly. 金道人祭炼这一枚玄牝珠,原本就是要用来收服金蚕蛊的,而亚伦冷眼旁观多日,结合自身所学,也能大略驱使。 After all magic tool magic technique of gold/metal Daoist lineage/vein, takes hundred poisons to be really mad for the base! 毕竟金道人一脉的法器法术,都是以百毒真气为基! When displaying mudra, the Aaron forehead emits the bean big beads of sweat unceasingly, is covering the belly single-handedly. 在施展法诀之时,亚伦额头不断冒出豆大的汗珠,一手捂着肚子。 In his belly, stomach monster gu causes trouble! 他肚子里面,还有‘胃妖蛊’作祟呢! A gold/metal person dies, the gu insect that these he plants walked on the violent immediately. 金道人身死,这些他种下的蛊虫立即就暴走了。 Although Aaron had lulled stomach monster gu by the anesthetic, but also can only resist little while. 虽然亚伦早就以麻药麻痹了‘胃妖蛊’,但也只能抵挡一时三刻。 He each sacrifice refining up at this time, is bearing the incomparably fierce pain. 他此时每一步祭炼,都在忍受着无比剧烈的痛苦。 Finally...... 终于…… The Profound Valley bead takes in gold/metal Cangu completely, falls from the midair, did not have radiance again. 玄牝珠完全将金蚕蛊摄入,从半空中落下,再也没有了光辉 In this translucent bead, the seal a gold/metal silkworm gu, seemed like an amber. 这一枚半透明的珠子之中,封印了一头金蚕蛊,看起来好像一只琥珀。 Aaron picks up the Profound Valley bead hastily, injects one to be really mad, places the lower abdomen position to rub gently. 亚伦连忙又将玄牝珠拾起,注入一丝真气,放在小腹位置磨蹭。 gold/metal Cangu is the kings of hundred poison! 金蚕蛊乃百毒之王! The Profound Valley bead even/including Jincan gu can subdue, other gu insects are naturally a cinch! 玄牝珠连金蚕蛊都能收服,其它蛊虫自然更不在话下! By these two thing threats, in Aaron belly stomach monster gu immediately to dying was the same, did not act again. 被这两物一恐吓,亚伦肚子里的‘胃妖蛊’顿时跟死了一样,再没有丝毫动作。 By this time, Aaron set out, wipes cold sweat of forehead, on the mouth appeared the happy expression: Finally...... finally......” 到了这时,亚伦才起身,抹了一把额头的冷汗,嘴上浮现出笑意:“终于……终于……” Preventing me are careless the person died......” “阻挡我苟着的人都死了……” Can go to the world free and unfettered to play happily......” “又可以愉快地去人间逍遥玩耍了……” He is only one small and weakly, pitifully and second Primordial Infant no use, even Primordial Infant was scattered, is only left over True Spirit. 他只是一个弱小、可怜、又无助的第二元婴而已,甚至元婴都被打散了,只剩下一点真灵 Fish that wasn't rebirth world, first touched him in 1000, excessive? 重生此世,先摸他一千年的鱼,不过分吧? As for spiritual cultivation? 至于修道界? Immortal Cultivation too dangerously, he wants first to mix in the world of mortals...... 修仙太危险,他还是想先在凡间混着…… Read hence, Aaron looked to Shen Xuehang the body and gold/metal Daoist. 一念至此,亚伦不由又看向沈雪行与金道人的尸体。 Even if must go to the world, this touches the corpse unable to be short. 哪怕要去人间,这摸尸还是不能少的。
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