TOTM :: Volume #10

#905: Sudden change( 1600 make up)

Time in a hurry. 时光匆匆。 After several months, Aaron unemotionally bamboo basket 数月之后,亚伦面无表情地将竹篓 Opens, the ear has- only drinks to throw into France No. 2 Middle School poisonously, fed eats to gold/metal Cangu. 开,耳出其中—只毒喝扔进件法二中,喂给金蚕蛊吃了。 This poisonous insect he all over the body black purple, minister- a bead, puts the extraordinary light, obviously is one is extremely also fierce 这毒虫曷通体黑紫,头部长着—颗珠子,放出奇光,显然也是一头极厉害的 Poison. 毒物。 But in the face of the gold/metal silkworm gu, is actually shrinks, the gearing does not dare to move. 但在金蚕蛊面前,却是畏缩至极,连动都不敢动。 gold/metal Cangu is rocking the wing of thin as cicada wing, changes into the flowing light, arrives in front of this poisonous bead scorpion, poisonous bead of under opposite party on biting, swallows down. 金蚕蛊晃动着薄如蝉翼的一对翅膀,化为流光,来到这毒珠蝎面前,一口就咬下对方的毒珠,吞了下去。 This poisonous scorpion tail sagging, died immediately. 这毒蝎尾巴下垂,登时死亡。 But gold/metal Cangu has been disinclined to continue to gobble up the corpse, instead made Aaron see the extremely personification mood on it, as if also frightened the ha-ha several, just like child of loss of appetite, seemed in sayingfather disdains to eat this grade of plain diet ‚! 但金蚕蛊已经懒得继续吞吃尸体,反而让亚伦在它身上看出了极为拟人化的情绪,似乎还吓吓吓了几口,宛若厌食的孩童,又好似在说‘老子不屑吃这等粗食‘! The gold/metal Daoist makes the disciple contribute the five harmful things every day is, 金道人让弟子每日贡献五毒之属, The —— sound minute/share is used to refine the Profound Valley bead, is some, is used to feed gold/metal Cangu. ——音分是用来炼玄牝珠,还有一部分,就是用来喂养金蚕蛊。 gold/metal Cangu is the kings of hundred poison! 金蚕蛊乃百毒之王! How as to refine? gold/metal Daoren knows, but Xinchen actually cannot. 至于如何炼制而成?金道人知晓,但辛辰却是不会的。 After Aaron moves into the gold/metal Daoist cave mansion, every day besides giving the stove looks at the fire, is undertakes to feed gold/metal Cangu the duty. 亚伦搬入金道人洞府之后,每日除了给炉子看火之外,就是承担起喂养金蚕蛊的任务。 Under a nose of congealing ghost evil cultivator, he does not dare to have slightly the unnecessary movement, so has been careless, every day besides the cultivation, processes the odd job for the gold/metal Daoist. 在一位凝煞邪修的眼皮底下,他也不敢有丝毫多余的动作,就这么一直苟着,每日除了修炼之外,就是为金道人处理杂务。 squeak squeak! 吱吱! gold/metal Cangu swallowed the scorpion bead, the air/Qi of body ominous offense increases a point, the both wings inspire, as if strategic place. 金蚕蛊吞了蝎珠,身上凶戾之气更增一分,双翅一振,似乎又要冲阵。 Aaron gave a hand signal immediately in secret, comforted gold/metal Cangu, gold/metal Cangu stopped in the formation method border immediately, appeared the appearance of quite spirit wisdom, probably the naughty child of interest. 亚伦顿时暗中做了个手势,安抚了一下金蚕蛊,金蚕蛊顿时又在阵法边沿停了下来,显得颇为灵智的样子,又好像一个得趣的顽童。 He swept eye oneself attribute column: Gu technique ( 69 / 100 )】 他扫了眼自己的属性栏:【蛊术】 Gold/Metal Daoist how, although has not taught to control gold/metal Cangu, but Xinchen understood some expelling worms refine the technique of gu, in addition my experience, if has thrown feeds gold/metal Cangu, consumes the integer year, even may tame it! ‚ ‘金道人虽然没有传授怎么驾驭金蚕蛊,但辛辰本来就懂得一些驱虫炼蛊之术,再加上我的经验如果一直投喂金蚕蛊,消耗个数年,甚至有可能驯服它!‘ Gold/Metal silkworm gu gobbles up ordinary Ascetic to be easy, most can break the air/Qi of astral ghost! If I manipulated gold/metal Cangu, the gold/metal Daoist must die without the burial ground! ‚ ‘金蚕蛊吞吃普通修士轻而易举,最能破罡煞之气!若是我操纵了金蚕蛊,金道人必死无葬身之地!‘ Pitifully he will not give me this time. ‚ ‘可惜他不会给我这个时间。‘ Aaron sighed, turned the head to enter tool refining room. 亚伦叹息一声,转头进入炼器室 Bang! 轰隆! Heat wave heads on, in stone chamber four sides red light twinkle, middle human cauldron, middle innumerable poison vicissitudes, a faintly visible bead, this bead big such as baby fist, middle seems the innumerable five-colors fog transpiration, changes into scorpion, centipede, spirit snake and other of five harmful things. 一股热浪扑面而来,石室之内四面红光闪烁,中间一口炉鼎,当中无数毒物浮沉,隐隐可见其中一珠,此珠大如婴儿拳头,当中似有无数五彩云雾蒸腾,化为蝎子、蜈蚣、灵蛇等五毒之属。 gold/metal Daoren is sitting above a tenant farmer rush cushion, recites incantations with bent fingers, changes into incantation restriction itself magic power, the sacrifice refining up in the Profound Valley bead. 金道人正坐在一佃蒲团之上,掐诀念咒,将本身法力化为一道道咒语禁制,祭炼于玄牝珠上。 Sees Aaron, the eyelid does not lift: „Can gold/metal silkworm gu feed?” 见到亚伦,眼皮都不抬一下:“金蚕蛊可喂好了?” Opens reports Master, has fed to complete.” Aaron bows the reply. “启禀师父,已经喂养完成。”亚伦一躬身回答。 Also presses you, can look for that to treasure the poison, feeds this little animal.” “也难为你,能找来那许多珍惜毒物,来喂这小畜生。” gold/metal Daoren laughs, subsequently sets out: You continue to look at the fire, must sit in meditation to control one's breathing for the master.” 金道人哈哈一笑,继而起身:“你继续看火,为师要去打坐调息一番。” The gold/metal Daoist after all is only the congealing ghost, the malignant influences quality not, magic power is really furthermore mean, the sacrifice refining up the consumption of Profound Valley bead somewhat to exceed his imagination. 金道人毕竟只是凝煞,更兼煞气品质也不如何,法力着实低微,祭炼玄牝珠之消耗有些超出他的想象。 Therefore, once in a while must sit in meditation Qi Refining, restores the skill. 因此,每隔一段时间都要打坐炼气,恢复功力。 Aaron cold Yang Pangguan, the gate is clear to these matters, replaces the gold/metal Daoist to look at the fire to the stove. 亚伦冷杨旁观,对这些事儿已经门清,接替了金道人给炉子看火。 The scarlet flame shines his cheek, Aaron seemingly is taking undivided attention, in fact actually in secret the tool refining technique of gold/metal Daoist, before studies verifies mutually, observes a mark above ground. 赤红的火光照耀着他的面颊,亚伦看似心无旁骛,实际上却在暗暗将金道人的炼器手法,与自身之前所学相互印证,又观察地面之上的阵纹。 This tool refining method, really is quite different I to observe from Great Qian immortal cultivation realm for a long time, is seen a way finally.’ ‘此界炼器手段,果然与大乾修仙界极为不同不过我观察这么久,终于还是被看出一点门道。’ This gold/metal Daoist is attentive, likes being opportunistic, the sacrifice refining up the Profound Valley bead last, feared that wants blood sacrifice several boys and girls, or is disciple of Xinchen this Early Heaven boundary... ‘这金道人用心不善,又喜欢投机取巧,祭炼玄牝珠的最后一段,怕是要血祭几个童男童女,或者是辛辰这个先天境的徒儿… Xinchen has brought forth air/Qi of pure Early Heaven, if by the Demon Way method blood sacrifice, the effect is also possibly better than the boys and girls! 辛辰已经练出一口精纯至极的先天之气,若以魔道手段血祭,效果可能比童男童女还要好! This gold/metal Daoist in letting Aaron is coming to see since that day of furnace fire, feared that is not having this idea! 这金道人在让亚伦来看着炉火的那一日起,怕不就是打着这个主意! Is good because of me is not whatever butchers... ‘好在我也不是任凭宰割… This period of time, under the pretext of giving gold/metal Cangu seeks for food, quenchings the essence of five harmful things, refine achievement and other that day to arrive the five harmful things needle, looked that our two who can laugh last. ‚ ‘这段时日,以给金蚕蛊寻找食材为借口,淬炼五毒之精,将五毒针炼成就等那一日到来,看咱们两个谁能笑到最后吧。‘ Aaron is thinking, while sits cross-legged to sit, under the body Early Heaven is really air/Qi the secret movement, tampered with a mark in the extremely subtle point! 亚伦一边想着,一边盘膝而坐,身下先天真气暗暗动作,在极细微之处篡改了阵纹! Old Yin is not right as one, an attitude steady person. 作为一位老阴不对,一位作风稳健之人。 Since must lay cards on the table with the gold/metal Daoist sooner or later, Aaron only will certainly not prepare a method. 既然迟早要与金道人摊牌,亚伦当然不会只准备一个手段。 This refinement five harmful things needles are one. Tampers with a mark in secret is. 这炼制五毒针是一处。暗中篡改阵纹是一处。 , Then while raising gold/metal Cangu, in secret attempt by gu technique domestication! 还有一处,则是在饲养金蚕蛊的同时,暗中尝试以蛊术驯化! Quiet, refined the Profound Valley bead a mark to be modified a point slightly, actually did not affect formation method roughly to revolve. 悄无声息之中,炼制玄牝珠的阵纹被稍微改动了一点,却不影响阵法大体运转。 Saw that this is completed finally, in the Aaron heart exhales at the same time, is sighing: ‚ Does three things at once, actually also not too safe... 看到这一处终于完成,亚伦心中出了一口气的同时,也在叹息:‘三管齐下,其实也并不太保险… Oh..., if Wei Feiniang still, can cooperate actually I am really does not want to kill her... ‘唉…若魏飞娘还在,倒是可以合作我是真不想杀了她的… On this day. 这一日。 The gold/metal Daoist sealed up the cave mansion thoroughly, all day treats in tool refining room, the happy expression on face cannot cover up. 金道人彻底封闭了洞府,整日待在炼器室中,脸上的喜色更是怎么也遮掩不住。 Even if Aaron does not understand way of tool refining, but looks at gold/metal Daoist expression, knows that the Profound Valley bead will soon build up. 亚伦纵然不懂炼器之道,只是看金道人这表情,也知道玄牝珠即将炼成。 Outside the tool refining cauldron, the flame soars to the heavens! 炼器鼎外,火光冲天! gold/metal Daoren is looking at the Profound Valley bead in human cauldron, the whole face greedy color, swept Xinchen this apprentice one eyes, secretly pitifully: ‚ This disciple was really easy-to-use extremely to be a pity, doing to Old Ancestor must refine the Profound Valley bead, must have this final single layer blood sacrifice! Temporarily catches the boys and girls, without enough time... ‚ 金道人望着炉鼎中的玄牝珠,满脸贪婪之色,又扫了辛辰这个徒弟一眼,暗自可惜:‘这徒儿着实好用死了太过可惜,奈何老祖要炼成玄牝珠,少不了这最后一重血祭!临时去抓童男童女,也来不及了…‘ ‚ ‚ The apprentice, dying received again is... ‘‘不过徒弟么,死了再收便是… Read hence, he is looking at the disciple vision, has the gloomy and cold and vicious meaning. 一念至此,他望着徒儿的目光,就带着阴冷与狠毒之意。 Aaron felt that back one cold, hid the hand in sleeve takes away the five harmful things needle secretly, on the face actually feigned ignorance, was joyful: Congratulates Master to refine the Profound Valley bead, subdues gold/metal Cangu, unmatched in the world...” 亚伦感觉脊背一寒,藏在袖子中的手暗暗扣了五毒针,脸上却故作不知,欣喜道:“恭喜师父炼成玄牝珠,收服金蚕蛊,天下无敌…” In the heart supplements one secretly: ‚ Then came beyond my day the enemy! ‚ 心中暗自补充一句:‘然后就来了我这个天外之敌!‘ Good!” “甚好!” gold/metal Daoren laughs, malignant influences spout, making the roaring flame flaming, more black. 金道人大笑,一口煞气喷出,令烈焰熊熊,更多了一层黑色。 His skill surges, refining up the final moment the Profound Valley bead restriction sacrifice, only treats the last step! 他功力涌动,将玄牝禁制祭炼到最后关头,只待最后一步! Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly, when this key, the entire mountain top shakes! 忽然,就在这关键之时,整个山头都是一震! Not only the gold/metal Daoist, even Aaron is the brow big wrinkle. 不仅金道人,连亚伦都是眉头大皱。 He is waiting to lay cards on the table with the gold/metal Daoist, and ponders to get rid of the assurance of opposite party to be very big, is most does not want to see the variable to appear. 他正等着跟金道人摊牌,并且自忖干掉对方的把握很大,也是最不想见到变数出现的。 But next quarter, cave mansion front door loudly shatter, golden light deep Zhan's sword light flushed together, appears one of them, said with a smile: Surnamed Jin, your inexorable fate to!” 但下一刻,洞府大门就轰然破碎,一道金光湛湛的剑光冲了进来,现出其中一人,笑道:“姓金的,你劫数到了!”
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