TOTM :: Volume #10

#904: Exposes( 1400 make up)

Junior Brother 师弟 Wei Feiniang entered the cave mansion, sees Aaron to greet, immediately called one prettily, lets some Aaron chills, said hastily: What matter does Senior Sister have? Please speak frankly.” 魏飞娘进了洞府,见到亚伦迎接过来,顿时娇滴滴地叫了一句,让亚伦有些恶寒,连忙道:“师姐有什么事儿?就请直说吧。” This deceased person...’ ‘这死人…’ Wei Feiniang also read some old P: The attitude beside nine, the climate does not hit one. 魏飞娘原本还念些旧P:九利士之外的态度,顿时气不打一处来。 She has thought problem that Xinchen most even/including Chenli vertical machine river handles. Oneself, have the color/look river to have hair dishevelled , the Duke team 3 most fragrant shoulders, throws toward Aaron on. 她早就想过辛辰最连尘利立机河办的问题。自己,有se河披头散发,又将公队三大半香肩,就往亚伦身上扑来。 But has waited in deer plum resulted in the signal, immediately grins fiendishly, brings to do Junior Brother to go into the cave mansion, yelled: What Xinchen are you making?” 而早已等候在门外的鹿梅子得了信号,顿时狞笑一声,带着一干师弟闯入洞府,大叫道:“辛辰你在做什么?” His over the face is favorite, has originally intended, even if Xinchen holds really positively, not by such seduction, can confess under torture. 他满面得意,本拟纵然辛辰持身甚正,不受此等诱惑,也可以屈打成招。 - Smiles, double palm one wrong, does not have I sweeps one Yao-? „ deer Meizi was hitting. —笑,双掌一错,无将姚我扫一--?“着鹿梅子打了过来。 Hand! „- Deer plum sneers, exhibits the Chinese boxing. 手!“—鹿梅子冷笑一声,摆开拳架。 Then, he felt that an opposite party palm point, an ordinary move, does not know how to have many changes, center his flaw. 然后,他就感觉对方手掌一分,普普通通的一招,不知怎么就生出许多变化,正中他的破绽。 Surface- the say/way Early Heaven body air/Qi into the heart BE Capital to be howling. Scatters directly, enabling the deer plum only to fall down wails. 面—道先天身气入出心BE地京嚎。直接打散,让鹿梅子只能倒在地上哀嚎。 Aaron just acts, shock and awe many Junior Brother. 亚伦甫一出手,就震慑诸多师弟 Xinchen Senior Brother... did you restore Early Heaven? „- Junior Brother was sharp-eyed, called out. “辛辰师兄…你恢复先天了?“-名师弟眼尖,叫道。 Another Junior Brother eyeball revolution, looks to fall on ground dead dog two people, called out: „ This is the idea of deer plum, wants to frame Senior Brother, we are willing to testify for Eldest Senior Brother! „ 又一名师弟眼珠一转,看着倒在地上死狗般的两人,也叫道:“这都是鹿梅子的主意,想要陷害师兄,我们愿意为大师兄作证!“ Aaron saw that the deer plum visits, knows that the matter of today is unable to be friendly. 亚伦看到鹿梅子上门,就知道今日之事无法善了。 I only think to be careless, why do you want to provoke me? ‚ In his heart sighed, took out a bell from the deer plum bosom, this bell before him not the slightest difference, but swung gently, the bell sound appeared ‘我只想苟着啊,你们为什么非要来招惹我?‘他心中叹息一声,从鹿梅子怀中取出一枚铃铛,这铃铛与他之前的别无二致,只是轻轻一摇,就有一股铃音出现 This is a five harmful things lineage/vein Eldest Senior Brother privilege, can contact with the gold/metal Daoist! ‚ 这是五毒一脉大师兄的特权,能联系金道人!‘ After the moment, black qi wells up, appears the figure of gold/metal Daoist. Pays a visit Master.” 片刻后,一阵黑气涌来,现出金道人的身形。“拜见师父。” Aaron salutes with other disciples together. 亚伦与其它弟子一起行礼。 You and others disturbed this eminence to close up, if no important matter, can know the consequence?” In gold/metal Daoren the nose spouts two black qi, cold sound said. “你等打扰本座闭关,若无大事,可知后果?”金道人鼻子中喷出两道黑气,冷声说道。 Also looks to Aaron, light well: „Did you cultivate/repair Early Heaven? Also is... no matter what after all supervises two lineage/vein to pass early, occupied compared with others did not know many small advantage.” 又看向亚伦,轻咦一声:“你修回先天了?也是…毕竟任督二脉早通,比其他人占了不知道多少便宜。” „, start/open report/give teacher...” “正是,启禀师尊…” The Aaron wood the face, just now matter will be saying, he elaborated is quite objective, did not have the personal sentiment. In addition other Junior Brother testified, the deer plum knelt directly: Master forgives, Master to forgive...” 亚伦木着脸,将方才的事情都说了,他论述极为客观,不带一点私人感情。再加上其它师弟作证,鹿梅子直接跪了:“师父饶命、师父饶命啊…” Wei Feiniang has hair dishevelled, just like the malicious ghost, the fierce eye swept: Master... you may know your disciple, how many green hats wore to you? Haha...... haha......” she is the wealthy family daughter of scholarly family, because finally actually the beauty had a liking for by the gold/metal Daoist, seized was the disciple, has hated Master secretly. At this time abandons something as beyond redemption, has a scare other male disciples actually, hands and feet feel cold, for fear that Wei Feiniang referred , was suffered in the cruel method by Master lethal. 魏飞娘则是披头散发,宛若恶鬼,狰狞的眼睛扫了一圈:“师父…你可知你这些徒儿,给你戴了多少绿帽子?哈哈……哈哈……”她本来是书香门第的好人家女儿,结果却因为姿色被金道人看上,强掳了来做弟子,早就暗恨师父。此时破罐子破摔,倒是将其它男弟子吓了一跳,一个个手脚发冷,生怕魏飞娘指了过来,然后被师父以残忍手段折磨致死。 On the contrary is Aaron, at this time the expression is calm, as if has a clear conscience. After all this time is Wei Feiniang frames by planting stolen goods on him, this cleared many suspicions for him imperceptibly. 反倒是亚伦,此时表情平静,仿佛问心无愧。毕竟此次是魏飞娘栽赃他,这就无形中为他洗清了不少嫌疑。 But in addition, who he also saw the gold/metal Daoist is. 而除此之外,他也看出了金道人是什么人。 Wei Feiniang in the opposite party eyes, but toys. ” 魏飞娘在对方眼中,不过一个玩物。” At this time anything compares does not pay homage to refine the Profound Valley bead to be important! 此时什么事都比不上祭炼玄牝珠重要! But Xinchen has restored Early Heaven realm, was very useful! 而辛辰已经恢复先天境界,很有用了! Even if therefore clearly knows Xinchen and Wei Feiniang has a leg, said that the non- advance payment Daoist will endure, after the sacrifice refining up magic tool, calculates the general ledger again together! 因此哪怕明知道辛辰与魏飞娘有一腿,说不定金道人都会忍下来,等到祭炼完法器之后,再一起算总账! Really. 果然。 Gold/Metal Daoist complexion one black, snort/hum: „At death's door, but must climb to nip!” 金道人脸色一黑,哼了一声:“死到临头,还要攀咬!” Immediately pinched mudra. 顿时掐了个法诀 Wei Feiniang and deer plum called out pitifully simultaneously, within the body had the sound of insect cry to get up, brings the rustling sound of gnawing. 魏飞娘与鹿梅子同时惨叫起来,体内有虫鸣之声响起,更带着啃噬的沙沙声。 The gold/metal Daoist hanger-on disciple, performs all the complexion disastrous incident! This is their nightmares! 金道人门下弟子,尽皆脸色惨变!这是他们的梦魇! When are not many, in the ground is only left over two leather bags, there are two gu insect broken bodies. 过不多时,地面上只剩下两具皮囊,有两只蛊虫破体而出。 And just like knowing, is all over the body red, is the type on the deer plum pent-up anger gu! Another is actually a dark earthworm appearance, is the type on Wei Feiniangwater dirty gu! 其中一只宛若知了,通体赤红,乃是种在鹿梅子身上的‘心火蛊’!‘另外一只却是一条黝黑的蚯蚓模样,是种在魏飞娘身上的‘水脏蛊’! The gold/metal Daoist big sleeve wields, received two gu insects, looks to Aaron: Xinchen, you now were Eldest Senior Brother, came with me.” 金道人大袖一挥,将两只蛊虫收了,又看向亚伦:“辛辰,你如今又是大师兄了,跟我来。” Immediately controls black wind, is coercing Aaron, arrived above the platform, this gold/metal Daoist brings Aaron to enter the cave mansion directly. 当即驾驭一阵黑风,将亚伦裹挟着,又来到了平台之上,这次金道人直接带着亚伦进入洞府。 squeak squeak! 吱吱! Aaron goes to a hall, the eyelid jumps. 亚伦来到一处大厅,眼皮就是一跳。 He noticed that the golden flowing light dances in the air in the hall together, was actually surrounded by a four sides black flag, cannot rush. 他看到一道金色流光在大厅中飞舞,却被四面黑色阵旗困住,怎么也闯不出去。 Even the stomach monster gu of oneself within the body is seeing this golden ray the flash, appears to shrink, the frightened mood! 甚至自己体内的胃妖蛊在见到这道金色光芒的一瞬间,就浮现出畏缩、恐惧的情绪! This is gold/metal Cangu! gold/metal Daoren really refine it!” “这是金蚕蛊!金道人果然将它炼了出来!” In Aaron heart secretly thought. 亚伦心中暗道。 At this time, the streams light/only stop, appears is similar the precious silkworm, is actually growing a gu insect of wing. 此时,那道流光一停,现出其中一只类似蚕宝宝,却长着一对翅膀的蛊虫。 This gu insect sees the gold/metal Daoist, exudes squeak squeak the shouting sound, the air/Qi of ominous offense flashes, charges into formation method fiercely. gold/metal Daoren sees this, spurted malignant influences on enter in a flag hastily, four area array flags emitted a black smoke, changed into a prisoner's cage, gold/metal Cangu was one of them sleepily. 这蛊虫见到金道人,又发出吱吱的嘶吼声,凶戾之气一闪,猛地冲向阵法。金道人见此,连忙又喷了一口煞气进入阵旗之中,四面阵旗放出条条黑烟,化为一个囚笼,将金蚕蛊困在其中。 You, and is waiting, the grandfather must offer a sacrifice to refine your little animal sooner or later!” “你且等着,爷爷早晚要祭炼了你这头小畜生!” gold/metal Daoren scolded one, the Aaron belt/bring to tool refining room. 金道人骂了一句,将亚伦带到炼器室 Enters, Aaron felt that has the heat wave to head on. 一进入其中,亚伦就感觉有热浪扑面而来。 In this tool refining room, giant bronze cauldrons, the innumerable poison vicissitudes, cauldron body below marks, composed some profound wonderful formation method together. 炼器室中,有一个巨大的青铜鼎,其中无数毒物浮沉,鼎身下方一道道阵纹,共同组成了某个玄奇的阵法 Starting today, you live for the master cave mansion, every day looks at the fire three double-hour, will really be mad so pours into “从今天开始,你就住在为师洞府之中,每日看火三个时辰,将真气如此注入“ The gold/metal Daoist is difficult to cover on the face the exhausted color, passes on mudra that a sacrifice refine to Aaron, although incomplete part, but in the Aaron heart moves, nods again and again: „ Apprentice remembered 金道人难掩脸上疲惫之色,传了一篇祭炼的法诀亚伦,虽然只有残缺的部分,但亚伦心中一动,连连点头:“徒弟记住了“ So good, when refining up the Profound Valley bead for the master, subdued gold/metal Cangu, then receives you to make true inheritance disciple, but also passes on your true dwelling place of celestial beings method. “如此甚好,等到为师将玄牝珠炼成,收服了金蚕蛊,便收你做真传弟子,还传你真正的仙家法门。 gold/metal Daoren sees Aaron, although is not the photographic memory, but extrapolates, mantra that teaches remembers really quickly, on face one happy, drew a pie. 金道人见亚伦虽然不是过目不忘,但举一反三,所教的口诀记得甚快,不由脸上一喜,画了个大饼。 Many thanks Master.” “多谢师父。” Aaron on the face makes immediately wild with joy condition, saluted again and again, pours also performed scene of the master kind disciple filial piety. 亚伦立即脸上做出狂喜之态,连连行礼,倒也表演了一番师慈徒孝之场景。 Is many truth, only then both heart knew. 就是到底有多少真话,只有双方自己心底才晓得了。
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