TOTM :: Volume #10

#901: Green robe( 1000 make up)

Imperial district god continent. 赤县神洲。 Central Plain. 中原。 Five harmful things mountain. 五毒山。 This mountain is not high, but the fog winds around all year long, has the rotten swamp, lives the poisonous insect, the turnover malaria, can eclipse the person muscles and bone, the rhizotomist and woodcutter do not dare to be near, are called certainly. 此山也不甚高,但终年云雾缭绕,有腐烂沼泽,多生毒虫,吞吐瘴气,能蚀人肌骨,采药人与樵夫不敢近,称为绝地。 On mountain in some cave mansion. 山上某座洞府之中。 Wears the green robe, the five senses mediocre youngster forehand of pinches mudra, resembles is exercising martial arts. 一名身穿绿袍,五官平庸的少年正手掐法诀,似在练功。 Suddenly. 突然。 On his face suddenly azure suddenly white, overstated general, face upwarded to spout an essence and blood fiercely: Main body and main body harm me...” 他脸上忽青忽白,走火入魔一般,猛地仰天喷出一口精血:“本尊与本体误我…”“ At once, on faint in the past. 旋即,就昏厥过去。 In the middle of the stupor, remembers one after another, appears in Aaron sea of consciousness, by him- resolution. 昏迷当中,一份又一份记忆,就浮现在亚伦识海,被他—分辨。 The imperial district god continent world five cities Daoism authentic heresy nine big demons pass on Eastern Sea to disperse the immortal gold/metal Daoist! 赤县神洲天下五域玄门正宗旁门左道九大魔传东海散仙金道人! He wakes up spookily, is looking at oneself both hands, sighed: Originally am I also living?” 他幽幽醒来,望着自己的双手,叹息一声:“原来我还活着么?” He is main body second Primordial Infant, but the main body by the main body was forced, to fly upwards Immortal Realm, unexpectedly makes him explore the way! 他是本体的第二元婴,而本体受本尊逼迫,飞升仙界,居然让他来探路! Really wrong behavior! 着实一个个不当人子! But thinks of the tribulation of flying upwards, even if Aaron second Primordial Infant fearful and apprehensive. 而想到飞升之劫,纵然亚伦的第二元婴都不由心惊胆战。 „During so it seems like... considered to fly upwards took the twists and turns, knocked down the flying upwards channel, arrived at this even Primordial Infant to be annihilated, a little wasn't True Spirit only dark, seizes the shed rebirth?” “如此看来…当是飞升之中遇到了波折,被打落飞升通道,来到此界甚至连元婴都被湮灭了,唯有一点真灵不昧,夺舍重生么?” This, when non- Immortal Realm but defers to this person of memory, the generation of immortal cultivation also has many, but advocates, the loose immortal disperses the demon also to have the legend even beyond 33 days, has True Immortal and class/flow of day demon and monster god inevitably seems like, can the energy level compared with beforehand immortal cultivation realm high first-grade?” “此界,当非仙界但按照这人的记忆,修仙之辈也有不少,只是更加崇尚古法,散仙散魔也有传说甚至三十三天之外,必然有真仙、天魔、妖神之流看起来,能级应当比之前的修仙界高一等?” Aaron touches own chin, summoned the attribute column. 亚伦摸了摸自己的下巴,召唤出属性栏。 Un, as Fang Yu second Primordial Infant, he naturally also has main body gold finger. 嗯,作为方玉的第二元婴,他自然也是有本体的金手指的。 Although... this gold finger waste, had with not a type really! 虽然…这金手指着实废物了一些,有跟没有一个样! Name: Xinchen( Fang Yu and Aaron)】 Talent: Immortal and Unaging 【姓名:辛辰(方玉亚伦)】【天赋:长生不老 Age: 17 【年龄:17】 realm: Later Heaven 境界:后天 cultivation method: Hundred poisonous Daoist scriptures ( 77 / 100 )】Skill: Gu technique ( 45 / 100 )] 功法:百毒真经】【技能:蛊术] So is unexpectedly simple? This Old Ancestor Bright Jade Mudra? pill refining tool refining technique? sword mudra? So is big Formless Sword, ok, Formless Sword cannot bring...” “竟然如此简单?本老祖明玉诀呢?炼丹炼器之术呢?剑诀呢?还有那么大一口无形剑呃,算了,无形剑带不上来…” Aaron complained one. 亚伦吐槽一句。 However he also knows, this spirit qi is called world essence qi, immortal cultivation realm is also different from before, is divided into Later Heaven, Early Heaven and congealing ghost, outside astral, profound light, Golden Pill, Yuan god and other realm. 不过他也知晓,此界的灵气被称为天地元气,修仙境界也跟之前有所不同,分为后天先天、凝煞、外罡、玄光、金丹、元神等境界 The cultivation method is different, cultivates true virtue hundred skills also to be naturally different. 修炼方法不同,修真百艺自然也有所不同。 At this time the attribute column is unable to appear, after but when are familiar with this world slowly the cultivating true virtue technique, can be compatible probably. 此时属性栏无法显现,但等到自己慢慢熟悉此世的修真技艺之后,大概就能兼容了。 According to this impression of Xinchen, this world also some lots of mediocre people, composition secular dynasty and so on, rivers and lakes martial arts world, but so-called knight Ancestral Master mostly spins in Later Heaven and Early Heaven two realm, does not get true inheritance, is unable the congealing ghost to refine astral eventually, the step becoming a lay priest way, but Golden Pill Ancestral Master, can open sect Lipai, the name shakes demon two, as for building up on the generation of Yuan god, was the beginning of Immortality, free and unrestrained, the trail was remote, may call the loose immortal! Does not fear other besides the day tribulation...” “按照这辛辰的印象,此世也有大量凡俗之人,组成世俗王朝之类,还有江湖武林,但所谓的侠客宗师大多都在后天先天两个境界打转,不得真传,终究无法凝煞炼罡,步入道途而一位金丹宗师,就可以开宗立派,名震正魔两道,至于炼就元神之辈,更是得了长生之始,逍遥自在,踪迹渺渺,可称散仙!除了天劫之外再也不惧其它…”“ Aaron rubbed the cheeks. 亚伦揉了揉自己脸颊。 At this time, has the thoughts to size up this body. In the cave mansion has a bronze mirror, he to was illuminating the photo, is somewhat speechless: „ Five senses mediocre, like putting on green 此时,才有心思打量这具身体。洞府内有一面铜镜,他对着照了照,有些无语:“五官平庸、喜欢穿绿 Robe, what personal status is this? i earth machine profit earth...--- in Bei is green robe Old Ancestor, waits... ” 袍,这是什么品位?i土机益土…---于北是绿袍老祖,等等…” Industry mold own small and principle, in heart 1 with changing! 业伦模着自己的小、理,心中一同变! In own dantian position, the thing as if revives, is expressing humming sound the insect cry! 在自己丹田位置,有一物似乎苏醒过来,正发出嗡嗡的虫鸣! With this workman, a —— severe pain transmits, when the abdominal pain such as twists, letting Aaron has to partly kneel in the place 件随着这鸟叫,——阵剧痛传来,项时腹痛如绞,让亚伦不得不半跪在地 On, is biting the lip, stuffy snort/hum makes noise. 上,咬着嘴唇,闷哼出声。 „Was this the gu insect that the gold/metal Daoist planted backlashes?” “这这是金道人种下的蛊虫反噬了?” The Aaron complexion was difficult to see the extreme. 亚伦面色难看到了极点。 The Xinchen horse is practices person year the gentleman of Taoist skill is a master, the Daoist owes inferior (Asia) is > ‚, is good at building up the insect, to put the technique of container, o is T one- first-class. 辛辰马是修行中人・年了的道术之士为师,那道人亏亚是>‘,擅长炼虫、放盂之术,o是T一-一流。 And, manner sinister and ruthless selfish ruthless spicy, reason that receives some disciples, but for some people urges, frequently beats and scolds to suffer to the disciple. 并且,为人阴毒自私狠辣,之所以收些弟子,只是为了方便有人驱使而已,对弟子动辄打骂折磨。 In order to guard against the disciple escapes, even gave back to each disciples to plant the gu insect! 为了防备弟子外逃,甚至还给每一位弟子都种下了蛊虫! Xinchen within the body, was planted of a stomach monster gu six internal organs gus ‚! 辛辰体内,就被种了六腑蛊之一的胃妖蛊‘! Manifests suddenly, the abdominal pain such as twists, making one be in deep sorrow. 一发作起来,腹痛如绞,令人痛不欲生。 This gu insect should not the rebellion, but before hard ‘这蛊虫本来不应该暴动,但之前辛 The counter- embroidery exercises martial arts to overstate, was really air/Qi into the say/way,- labor therefore was defeated and dispersed realm also to draw back by Early Heaven transfers Later Heaven 反绣练功走火入魔,真气入了道,-工都因此溃散了境界也由先天退转后天 Does the stomach monster gu therefore move restlessly? ‚ 胃妖蛊因此躁动?‘ Was finished this gu insect, once the rebellion, must gnaw my Five Viscera and Six Bowels, finally breaks the body ‘完蛋了这蛊虫一旦暴动,就要啃噬我的五脏六腑,最终破体而出啊 North when lives saves ”, Aaron- rubber tooth, arrives at the stone table, takes out places the stone table above bell, 生北存”之际,亚伦—胶牙,来到石桌边上,取出放在石桌上面的铃铛, Swung ruthlessly. 狠狠摇了起来。 ! 叮铃铃! This bell surface seal cutting the silver ant general trace, along with shaking, the clear bell sound passed on by far. 这铃铛表面篆刻了银色蚁一般的纹路,伴随着摇动,就有一股清脆的铃音远远传了出去。 When are not many, one group of black qi break in the cave mansion. This black qi nature chill/yin cold, are one group of malignant influences, although is not wise, but also is the congealing ghost realm ascetic, can governing sword hundred, leap the hundred zhang (333 m) and pill refining talisman drawing, during going to be mediocre, can definitely pretend to be Immortal Person, becomes dignitaries', even emperor old guest. 过不多时,一团黑气就冲入洞府。这黑气性质阴寒,乃是一团煞气,虽然不怎么高明,但也算是凝煞境界的修道者,能御剑百步、一跃百丈、炼丹画符,去了凡俗之中,完全可以冒充仙人,成为达官显贵,甚至皇帝老儿的座上宾。 black qi collects, appears a short and stout Daoist, wears a nondescript embroidery gold/metal Daoist robe, is really longer much the eyebrow squint, the look makes one would not venture to give positive comments on. 黑气一敛,现出一名矮矮胖胖的道人,穿着一身不伦不类的绣金道袍,长得歪眉斜眼,相貌着实令人不敢恭维。 This was Master golds Daoist of Xinchen. „ disciple, were you? „ 这便是辛辰的师父道人了。“徒儿,你这是如何了?“ A gold/metal Daoist pair of pea-sized eyeball emits none, sees the disciple so, first responded how does not watch, but sizes up all around carefully, for fear that what trap. 金道人一双豆大的眼珠放出精光,看到弟子如此,第一反应不是观看如何,而是仔细打量四周,生怕中了什么陷阱。 Is the disciple disciple exercises martial arts to overstate, the real air/Qi was defeated and dispersed the stomach monster gu violent to walk...” “是弟子弟子练功走火入魔,真气溃散就连胃妖蛊都暴走了…”“ On the Aaron forehead the pea-sized beads of sweat fall rolling, replied reluctantly. 亚伦额头上豆大的汗珠滚滚而落,勉强回答。 Overstated?” “走火入魔?” gold/metal Daoren holds the wrist/skill of Aaron, magic power submerges rapidly, transferred along the meridians, at once gets angry to scold: Waste! Looked you realized hundred poisons to be really mad, enter step Early Heaven, for the master also thinks that you were the tenant farmer have the good fortune, without thinking of this is corrupt the merit to advance recklessly recultivation to come back in the future even if, damaged the foundation, rose for a lifetime hopelessly!” 金道人抓住亚伦的手腕,一丝法力迅速没入其中,沿着经脉转了一圈,旋即就翻脸骂道:“废物!原本看你练成了百毒真气,进阶先天,为师还以为你是佃有造化的,没想到这就贪功冒进日后纵然重修回来,也损了根基,一辈子上升无望!” This generation of the world practicing, heaviest Dao Foundation is complete, perfect. 此世修行之辈,最重道基圆满,完美无缺。 Daoism receives disciple authentic, the first matter cannot lose the Yuan Yin or Yuanyang, otherwise is hard to practice excellent cultivation method radically. 玄门正宗收徒儿,第一件事就是不能失去元阴或元阳,否则根本难以习练上乘功法 In addition, the spiritual cultivation is also fastidious about a circle to melt perfectly, even if has an oversight on the way slightly, that is also the lifetime regrets greatly, refining up the inadequate Yuan god, is life-long hopeless to become an immortal, must reincarnation recultivation not be possible. 除此之外,修道也讲究个圆融完满,哪怕途中稍微有着一丝疏漏,那也是毕生大憾,就炼不成元神,终生无望成仙,非得转世重修不可。 But reincarnation is recultivation also easier said than done? 但转世重修又谈何容易? Did not say in the embryo the riddle, even if can sober, clear(ly) became aware the previous generation this life, was not necessarily have compared with a last better chance and aptitude. 不说胎中之谜,纵然能清醒过来,明悟前世今生,也未必能有比上一世更好的机缘与资质。 If Xinchen so Dao Foundation harms, will not spend the issue that ten times of hundred times of times can make up for in the future, but was the direct way is hopeless! 如辛辰这般道基有损的,已经不是日后花费十倍百倍功夫可以弥补的问题,而是直接道途无望了!
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