TOTM :: Volume #9

#900: Gou immortal flies upwards

North, really decides the mansion. 北方,真定府。 As a result of the day before yesterday variation shape, as well as profound knocked the bone to attract the oppression of marrow, the rebel continuously. 由于之前天变异象,以及玄廷敲骨吸髓的压迫,造反者此起彼伏。 Really decides in the mansion, biggest rebel army, rebellion said that ‚ Han king ‚, took over nine cities on the 1st. 真定府中,就有一支最大的乱军,起事者自称‘韩王‘,一日攻下九城。 The Imperial Court army cannot the enemy. 朝廷大军不能敌也。 But profound also knows this matter, therefore sent out the strange people directly! 而玄廷也知晓此事,因此直接派出了异人! Kills the thief, to kill the thief!” “杀贼、杀贼啊!” Imperial Court is wicked, the profound emperor wrongdoing, fought them!” 朝廷无道,玄帝失德,跟他们拼了!” Several tens of thousands of chaotic has Justice Army is not unified the armor and banner, but the morale is very exuberant, is pursuing Imperial Court remnants to pursue to the end and hit hard. 数万乱糟糟的起义军连盔甲与旗号都并不统一,但士气十分旺盛,正追着一支朝廷残兵穷追猛打。 Suddenly, sky one dark. Strong winds sway. 忽然间,天空一暗。一阵狂风吹拂。 The Han kings raise the head, as dubhe martial practitioner him, saw immediately a person's shadow bases the person's shadow in void! 韩王抬头,作为天枢武者的他,顿时看到了一道人影立足于虚空之中的人影! Strange people?” “异人?” On his face appears to wipe the fear, subsequently said loudly: Ji Shengshi is cruel, why and others must help him, but can also help Ji the family/home? I pledged, if I resulted under this day, must enfeoff various king, each strange people may row is a king, perpetual hereditary rank!” 他脸上浮现出一抹恐惧,继而大声道:“汲盛石残忍暴虐,为何尔等还要帮他,还要帮汲家?我发誓,若我得了这天下,必分封诸王,每个异人都可划地为王,世袭罔替!” It looks like in the Han kings, the person all has the privacy! 在韩王看来,人皆有私! But profound treats the strange people really common, even if Pingyang king that and other ruler, in fact also empty nobility, but is saying of pleasant to hear. 而玄廷对待异人着实一般,哪怕平阳王那等王者,实际上也不过虚爵,只是说着好听罢了。 In the face of benefit, even if will betray to own flesh and blood, itself has the strange people of strength let alone? 在实打实的利益面前,纵然至亲骨肉都会背叛,又何况本身拥有力量的异人乎? However, he was quickly disappointed. 然而,他很快就失望了。 Because that strange people are looking at them, the expression has not changed, suddenly beckons. 因为那一位异人望着他们,表情没有丝毫变化,忽然一招手。 Whistling! 呼呼! The strong winds howl, azure wind edges fall, although light piece, actually sharply. 狂风呼啸,一道道青色的风刃落下,虽然薄薄一片,却锋利至极。 Even if the steel armor, was easily cut! 哪怕是钢铁盔甲,也被轻易切割开! In a flash, this strange people to control the wind different technique to kill hundred people continually! 转瞬之间,这位异人就以控风异术连杀百人! Kills! Killed him to me!” “杀!给我杀了他!” The Han king eyeball is red: Flintlock team!” 韩王眼珠通红:“火枪队!” Bang bang! 砰砰! One team of fire gunman lift up high the flintlock, the strange people fire in aiming midair. 一队火枪手高举火枪,瞄准半空中的异人射击。 The innumerable lead balls stagnate in the midair, was prevented by the light cyan wind wall together, is unable the little advance. 无数铅弹在半空之中凝滞,被一道淡青色的风墙阻挡,无法寸进。 But this wave is only the deceptive attack. 但这一波只是佯攻。 After the flintlock team, promoted several cannon unexpectedly, was attracted by the flintlock when the strange people attention, opens fire fiercely! 在火枪队之后,竟然还推出了数门大炮,趁着异人注意力被火枪吸引走之时,猛地开炮! Bang! 轰隆! In the midair, one group of flame blast out. 半空之中,一团火焰炸开。 However, when Han king fills with the hope looks, actually the strange people in discovery midair unexpectedly are safe and sound. 然而,当韩王满怀希冀地看去之时,却发现半空中的异人竟是安然无恙。 Whistling! 呼呼! Several azure wind edges fall, make the flintlock team and artillery lose seriously. 几道青色风刃落下,令火枪队与炮兵损失惨重。 „!” “啊啊啊!” The Han kings have hair dishevelled, eye of zi wants to crack. 韩王披头散发,目眦欲裂。 Several tens of thousands of armies, were cut by a person of institute, what way of the world is this? 数万大军,被一人所斩,这是什么世道? Heaven does not have and heaven not to have the eye!” “苍天无眼、苍天无眼呐!” The strange people in sky listened to his final last words and call, lifts the hand slightly, said with a smile: These words are not right, so-called is punished for an offense in heaven , without to pray also the profound emperor is the day! This is not the heaven has eyes, but is you goes against heaven's will the line, must receive may you be punished by heaven!” 天空之中的异人听了他最后的遗言与呐喊,微微抬手,笑道:“这一句话不对,所谓获罪于天,无所祷也玄帝陛下就是天!这不是苍天有眼,而是你们逆天而行,要受天诛!” He does not want with this crowd of counter- clever idle talk, to want the result again they. 他不想再跟这群反贼废话,就要结果了他们。 Suddenly! World one scarlet! 忽然间!天地一赤! This strange people raised the head suddenly, see only that round of big day to change into shortly scarlet. 这异人豁然抬头,只见那一轮大日顷刻间化为猩红。 Meanwhile, his within the body also makes something break general sound. 与此同时,他体内也发出某物断裂一般的声响。 The strange people are startled immediately there, muttered: „- Toward working loose the flood dragon lock, now Japan knows me is I! Hahahaha profound emperor old, Ji Shengshi, you have today!” 异人顿时怔在那里,喃喃道:“—朝挣脱蛟龙锁,今日方知我是我!哈哈哈哈玄帝老儿、不、汲盛石,你也有今日!” He swept under one fatal Justice Army, suddenly falls on the ground, gradually moves toward Han king: „Before feeding you, crack earth that promises is a king, but also is effective?” 他扫了一眼下方死伤惨重的起义军,忽然落在地上,一步步走向韩王:“喂你之前许诺的裂土为王,还有效么?” The Han kings are dumbfounded, at the scene, is directly elinguid for a very long time. 韩王目瞪口呆,直接楞在当场,久久不能言语。 Greatly profound Capital City. 大玄京城。 Nine heavy palace error grading open. 九重宫阙次第开。 When the palatial solemn and respectful imperial palace, the same day variation shape, the red glowing sun flew high, suddenly spread a great roar: 巍峨肃穆的皇宫之中,正当天变异象,红日凌空之际,忽然传出一声巨吼: Ji Shengshi, your Immortal Person board board!” “汲盛石,你个仙人板板!” The giant imperial palace city gate was exploded the smashing directly, two person's shadows also run out. 巨大的皇宫城门直接被炸成粉碎,两道人影同时冲出。 And the person's shadow is together dignified in appearance, look tall and strong, but also wears the military officer armor of palace imperial guard supernatural might army, is the palace guard who the profound emperor most trusts commands, is a powerful strange people stone air-splitting! 其中一道人影仪表堂堂,相貌魁梧,还穿着宫廷禁军神武军的将领盔甲,乃是玄帝最为信任的宫廷侍卫统领,也是一位强大的异人石破空! Another person's shadow wears the nine dragons robe, wears the flat crown, the look is dignified, impressively is greatly profound emperor Ji Shengshi! 另外一道人影穿着九龙袍,戴着平天冠,相貌威严,赫然是大玄皇帝汲盛石! These two still discussed official business with the whole body of ministers in the palace together. 原本这两人还在殿堂中与群臣一起议事。 Why does not know, the stone walks on suddenly the violent air-splitting, makes a move to sneak attack Your Majesty the Emperor. 不知道为何,石破空就忽然暴走,出手偷袭皇帝陛下 Is good because of Your Majesty the Emperor is also powerful strange people, blocked the sneak attack, two people even make outside the palace, arrives at the summit of purple banning. 好在皇帝陛下也是一位强大的异人,挡住了偷袭,两人甚至一路打出殿外,来到紫禁之巅。 Was painstakingly the surrounding whole body of ministers and guards, was affected to enter fights the circle, the casualty was serious. 就是苦了周围的群臣与侍卫,被波及进入战圈,死伤惨重。 Stone your family...” “石卿家…”“ Ji Shengshi shoulders both hands, naturally has a bearing of direction landscape: „ Was it seems like your great ancestor incantation strength relieved? On this day the arched scarlet day, was really my Ji family/home great misfortune... „ 汲盛石背负双手,自然有着一种指点江山的气度:“看来你身上的太祖咒力被解除了?这天穹赤日,果然是我汲家大劫…“ Ji Shengshi.” “汲盛石。” Stone air-splitting both eyes like electricity: Father handles affairs his entire life, most hates to be forced, actually since you force, does many matters of being contrary to convictions, is huge joke matter I should look for your ancestor simply, did to your ancestor dead early , can only you withstand, father debt recompensed, ancestor debt Sun pays, was perfectly justified! When the governing six dragons, are infinite by the roaming!” 石破空双目如电:“老子一生行事,最恨被人胁迫,却被你胁迫至今,做下许多违心之事,简直就是天大的笑话这事我本该去找你祖宗,奈何你祖宗早死了,也只能你来承受,父债子偿,祖债孙偿,原本就是天经地义!啊时御六龙,以游无穷!” On him has six flood dragon phantom to reappear, controls the wind and cloud thunder and lightning and other celestial phenomenon different strength, every strikes has the prestige of command world changes countenance! 他身上有六道蛟龙虚影浮现,驾驭风云雷电等诸多天象异力,每一击都有令天地变色之威! Hehe...” “呵呵…” Ji Shengshi sneers: Ancestor, since dares to make you work as the dog, how also not to have the law of counterattacking? Different technique myriad things turn over to the ruins!” 汲盛石冷笑一声:“先祖既然敢让你们当狗,又怎么会没有反制之法?异术・万物归墟!” His both hands brace, a dusky light on spread. 他双手一撑,一层灰蒙蒙的光就蔓延而出。 The different strength of that wind and cloud thunder and lightning, by a dusky photo, was only extinguished without the trace instantaneously. 那风云雷电的异力,被灰蒙蒙的光一照,就瞬间消弭无踪。 Even, this illumination to the stone, he feels the whole body to feel weak air-splitting suddenly, that terrifying different strength, vanishes unexpectedly without a trace! 甚至,这光照到石破空身上,他就蓦然觉得浑身乏力,那一身恐怖的异力,竟然消失得无影无踪! Our strongest different technique, can extinguish all different strength!” “朕之最强异术,就是可以消弭一切异力!” Ji Shengshi crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 汲盛石负手而立。 Without the different technique effect, that had him in landscape, naturally can assemble the strange people who the continuous manpower besieges to lose the strength, Early Heaven bases on the invincible position! 一旦没有了异术效果,那坐拥江山的他,自然又可以调集源源不断的人手去围攻失去力量的异人,先天立足于不败之地! Our attendant soldier where? Takes this person to Us, the chaotic blade dismembers!” “朕之亲兵何在?给朕拿下此人,乱刀分尸!” Ji Shengshi said that this, no longer goes to the manages stone air-splitting, only regards the deceased person the opposite party. 汲盛石说完这一句,就不再去管石破空,只将对方当成死人。 But in fact is also so. 而事实上也正是如此。 When Ji Shengshi returns to the main hall, attendant soldier director hands over the command: Opens reports your majesty, has cut to kill the gangster, the chaotic blade dismembers!” 等到汲盛石回到大殿,就有一个亲兵指挥过来交令:“启禀陛下,已经斩杀匪徒,乱刀分尸!” Very good.” “很好。” Ji Shengshi is looking at this person: You are also strange people, how also to say?” 汲盛石望着这人:“你也是异人,又如何说?” This attendant soldier direction body trembles, at once kneels on the ground: Feudal official pledges to fight to the death to give loyalty to your majesty, gives loyalty to Imperial Court!” 这位亲兵指挥身体一颤,旋即跪在地上:“臣誓死效忠陛下,效忠朝廷!” Even without the incantation strength fetter of great ancestor, but some strange people are tendency Imperial Court, or was attracted by the high office and high pay, either when purely the dog worked as be used. 纵然没有了太祖的咒力束缚,但一些异人本来就是心向朝廷,或者被高官厚禄吸引,或者纯粹当狗当习惯了。 „After today, the world is meddlesome.” “今日之后,天下就此多事。” Ji Shengshi paced fast, gets down decided: Transmitted orders, blocks nine, We bring the governing camp to put down to refuse to accept personally!” 汲盛石飞快踱步,下了决定:“传令下去,封锁九门,朕亲自带着御营扫平不服!” At this time, strange people who the national capital must rebel against, probably instead? 这个时候,京师要反叛的异人,大概都反了吧? Happen to cleans up together completely! 正好一起全部清理掉! The greatly profound 92 years, the strange people rebel, all said that the profound emperor is wicked, the landscape should exchange ownerships. 大玄九十二年,异人反叛,皆曰玄帝无道,江山合该易主。 The profound emperor leads troops to suppress personally, the national capital chaos in March/three months, slaughtering to be miserable. 玄帝亲自带兵镇压,京师大乱三月,杀戮极惨。 Meanwhile, various world groups Justice Army obtains the strange people to support, the influence starts to inflate rapidly. 与此同时,天下各路起义军获得异人支持,势力开始飞速膨胀。 Greatly profound 93 years. 大玄九十三年。 The profound emperor Ji Shengshi royal cart drafts, engages in a decisive battle with the Han kings in falling Mapo, cuts three big strange people, Han king routs, only exempts by the body, runs into the remote mountain not to have the trace. 玄帝汲盛石御驾亲征,与韩王会战于落马坡,阵斩三大异人,韩王大败,仅以身免,逃入深山无踪。 Greatly profound 95 years. 大玄九十五年。 The profound emperor leads 500,000 armies to go south, the place visited, the mansion district all puts down, the world Justice Army strange people bow the head. 玄帝帅五十万大军南下,所过之处,府县皆平,天下义军异人纷纷俯首。 Only the other Guangnan government offices and other places resist stubbornly. 只余下广南府等寥寥几处负隅顽抗。 Greatly profound 96 years, in August 14. 大玄九十六年,八月十四。 The Imperial Court army continuous fighting series of successes, has surrounded Guangnan Prefectural Seat thoroughly. 朝廷大军连战连捷,已经彻底包围广南府城 Above city wall. 城墙之上。 white Huasheng is looking at the dense and numerous Imperial Court armies, looks at each other one with Miao side, smiles bitterly: Has not thought that Ji Shengshi hidden such depth unexpectedly!” 白化生望着密密麻麻的朝廷大军,与苗方对视一眼,都是苦笑:“没想到汲盛石竟隐藏得如此之深!” The world all revolts obviously, the profound emperor can also change the course of events by one's effort unexpectedly, this can only say the greatly profound destiny not certainly. 明明天下皆叛,玄帝竟然还能以一己之力扭转乾坤,这只能说大玄气数未绝了。 white Huasheng turns around, is looking at behind several strange people: Things have gotten to this point, Bai will not want to be buried along with the dead with Bai together, tonight, you as one likes...” 白化生转身,望着身后的几位异人:“诸位事已至此,白某也不会要诸位跟白某一起陪葬,今夜过后,你们就自便吧…” As Justice Army, he also obtained turning of some strange people, mixes Nangong not to win with Nangong is wonderful. 作为一支义军,他也获得了一些异人的投靠,其中还混着南宫无胜与南宫妙妙。 Clever female I thought that this white metaplasia can end your previous time could not settle on certainly?” “乖女我看这次白化生要完了你上次看得准不准啊?” Nangong not wins the lip to move slightly, with only has passes message that Ancestral Master can achieve into densely, exchanges with the daughter. 南宫无胜嘴唇微动,用唯有宗师才能做到的传音入密,与女儿交流。 Father you could rest assured that my discernment looks at this white metaplasia, is most likely to win, and life should not certainly!” “老爹你放心,我的法眼看这白化生,是最有可能获得胜利的,并且命不该绝!” Nangong has grown up wonderfully much, at this time is striking one's chest the guarantee. 南宫妙妙已经长大了不少,此时拍着胸脯保证。 On the same day on the ship, the father and daughter two tenant farmers restored from 当日在船上,父女两佃一恢复自 , Capital killed the ship heaven emperor to send to monitor their people immediately, escaped quietly. ,立即京就杀了船上玄帝派来监视他们的人,悄悄逃了出去。 Then, drifts about destitute. 然后,就是一路颠沛流离。 Until arrives at the Guangnan mansion, Nangong wonderful found the white metaplasia one time accidentally, immediately is startled is the Celestial, invests. 直到来到广南府,南宫妙妙一次偶然瞧见了白化生,顿时惊为天人,加以投资。 Clever female, you do not want the pit father. ‚ ‘乖女,你可不要坑老爹啊。‘ Nangong not wins in the heart to sigh, actually goes forward 南宫无胜心中叹了口气,却是上前 - Step, said fearlessly: „ Please white Army Lord feel relieved, my Nangong not victory lives up to one's words, since is willing to present you for the lord, —步,昂然道:“请白军主放心,我南宫无胜说到做到,既然愿意奉你为主, Does not have two hearts certainly! ” 就绝无二心!” Many thanks Mr. Nangong!” “多谢南宫先生!” When is so the end of hills and rivers, the opposite party never-ending, white metaplasia is quite unexpectedly affected immediately, the eye socket flood was red. 已经是如此山穷水尽之时,对方竟然还不离不弃,白化生顿时极为感动,眼眶都泛红了。 In August 15. 八月十五。 When day dawn, the white metaplasia brings Miao side, Nangong not to win and the others to go to the city wall, prepares to greet the final trial. 天蒙蒙亮之时,白化生已经带着苗方、南宫无胜等人上了城墙,准备迎接最后的审判。 Thump thump! 咚咚! The battle drum strikes the sound, the teams of Imperial Court armies start out. Ji Shengshi sits above the dragon chair, is looking at the Guangnan city indifferently: World Justice Army, remained this last, passed on Our command, after broken city, massacred city! The chicken dog does not remain!!!” 战鼓擂响,一队队朝廷大军开出。汲盛石坐在龙椅之上,淡然望着广南城:“天下义军,就剩这最后一股了,传朕令,破城之后,屠城!鸡犬不留!!!” Your majesty ten thousand victories! Ten thousand victories!” “陛下万胜!万胜!” Three services simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform cheers, the momentum made white Huasheng and the others look deathly pale. 三军齐齐欢呼,声势令白化生等人脸色惨白。 You look!” “你们看!” At this moment, Nangong wonderful turns around suddenly, is pointing at a direction. 就在这时,南宫妙妙忽然转身,指着一个方向。 In the middle of the midair, some people tread radiance to come, the stance is leisurely and carefree, regards the battlefield, if strolls. 半空当中,有人踏着光辉而来,姿态悠闲,视战场若闲庭信步。 Technique?” “术儿?” The white metaplasia and Miao side blurted out. 白化生与苗方脱口而出。 „... Nangong looks at this so that's how it iswonderfully, the eye smiles the crescent moon: „ This dependable...” “原来如此…“南宫妙妙看着这一幕,眼睛都笑成了月牙:“这把稳了…” „The universe meets white Xuan, Guangnan city Baishu to invite your majesty dragon Yubin day especially!” “乾坤会白玄、广南城白术特来请陛下龙驭宾天!” Aaron treads the valuable surface 1 line, R north one 5 by changing into to reappear silk threads black qi in issuing the shape of t fierce demon tiger, to what flintlock and fire 亚伦踏宝面一行,R一北五由化为浮现出丝丝缕缕的黑气于于下达t一头狰狞魔虎之形,任凭什么火枪、火 The artillery and different technique are unable to break through. 炮、异术都无法攻破。 But a huge sound, has resounded through inside or outside the city. 而一个巨大的声音,已经响彻城内城外。 „Is my child unexpectedly universe big counter- thief white Xuan?” “我儿竟是乾坤会大反贼白玄?” Will not have the luck to paint black wind stopper P 会无福到漆黑风塞P The claw, toward the military compound most core place, a claw falls! 爪,向着军营最核心处,一爪落下! Light! 光! Inexhaustible radiance overflowing powder. 无穷无尽的光辉溢散。 After radiance, is black qi lingers, as if can corrode the myriad things. 光辉过后,就是黑气萦绕,似乎能腐蚀万物。 Under a claw, the world as if therefore tilts, erosion dozens li (0.5 km)! 一爪之下,天地都似乎因此倾覆,糜烂数十里! After three days, a news bang passes on the world. Profound emperor Ji Shengshi was struck outside the Guangnan city horizontally, not only this person dies, 500,000 armies are also a dynasty clear. 三日之后,一个消息轰传天下。玄帝汲盛石被横击于广南城外,不仅本人身死,五十万大军也是一朝散尽。 Two years later, the Bai Family army is in charge of the national capital smoothly, will succeed will trade another day day, nation-building number more ‚! 两年之后,白家大军顺利入主京师,成功改天换日,立国号越‘! The history opened brand-new one page henceforth! 历史从此翻开了崭新的一页! .........- ………-- Original Great Qian immortal cultivation realm, presently Central Region immortal cultivation realm. Medicine King Sect Soul Transformation Old Ancestor Fang Yu stands above a Qingfeng, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is looking at the Medicine King Sect direction: Fang Lang that small family/home should to cry now haha his life should also a little, I can also in External Realm wave...” 大乾修仙界,现中域修仙界药王宗化神老祖方玉站在一处青峰之上,负手而立,望着药王宗方向:“方浪那个小家现在应该要哭死了吧哈哈不过他寿元应该还有一点,我还能在外界浪一浪…”“ Since this immortal cultivation realm as careless as first under heaven Ascetic, he gets by leisurely and carefree, sect no matter what greatly flung to Fang Lang, oneself worked as the waving the arms about storekeeper, the day passed how free does not know merry. 自从在此修仙界苟到天下第一修士之后,他就悠闲度日,更将宗门大任都甩给了方浪,自己当了甩手掌柜,日子过得不知道多么逍遥快活。 Until recently, the conscience found, calculates the Fang Lang quick life exhausted dead in a sitting posture, this returned to Central Region. 直到近日,良心发现,算算方浪都快寿元耗尽而坐化了,这才回到了中域 For the happy life of Old Ancestor, can only first put in great inconvenience to you.” “为了老祖的幸福生活,只能先委屈你了。” Aaron takes out an octagonal jade pendant from object-storing pouch, toward inputs magic power. 亚伦储物袋中取出一枚八角玉佩,往其中输入一丝法力 Master!” “主人!” Above the jade pendant the ray sparkles, a mechanical sound passed on. 玉佩之上光芒闪闪,一个机械的声音就传了出来。 This is spirit treasure Heaven-Connecting Jade Stele that his sacrifice refining up personally spirits. 这是他亲手祭炼的灵宝通天玉碑之器灵。 „‚ Eternity hatesto take that can prolong life the millenniums, un[ definition exchange jurisdiction Fang Lang does, as for need the meritorious service?” “将那枚能延寿千年的‘千古恨‘拿出来吧,嗯[限定兑换权限者-方浪,至于所需功勋么?” Aaron spoke thoughtlessly to send out astronomical figures. „ Compliant! „ Outside in person eyes unselfish Heaven-Connecting Jade Stele, in fact is the Aaron tool person, why lets do. 亚伦随口报出一个天文数字。“遵命!“在外人眼中大公无私的通天玉碑,实际上就是亚伦的工具人,让干什么就干什么。 Un, my disciple can happy wait by the future, looks at him to display, looked again must prolonging life ten thousand yearsten thousand years spatial Qing Danlets out...” “嗯,我这徒儿可以开心一下了等到日后,看他表现,再看要不要将延寿万年的‘万载空青丹‘放出去…”“ In Aaron muttered, his expression suddenly changed, heard from void deranged speech. 就在亚伦喃喃自语之时,他表情忽然一变,听到了来自虚空的呓语 Long time, Aaron wiped the face: „The war of Fate Manager? The main body is urging me, must try hard must know side immortal cultivation realm true Immortal Realm Lower Realm, then flies upwards?” 良久,亚伦抹了抹脸:“司命之战么?本体在催我,要努力了啊须知此方修仙界不过真正仙界下界,那么飞升么?” This microcosm completely had been controlled by Aaron, can say, whom only then he wants to make fly upwards, who can fly upwards, as for going to the true Immortal Realm path, completely cuts off. 这个小世界已经完全被亚伦控制,可以说,只有他想让谁飞升,谁才能飞升,至于前往真正仙界的道路,更是彻底断绝。 However, Aaron can certainly go! 不过,亚伦自己当然可以去! Was too dangerous? Old Ancestor I continue good of free and unfettered world, fires off the war of Fate Manager to leave the mountain careless best to the main body...” “太危险了吧?老祖我还是继续逍遥人间的好,苟到本体都打完司命之战才出山最佳…”“ Aaron complained one: But the duty of main body has no alternative but to do!” 亚伦吐槽一句:“但本体的任务不能不做有了!” As soon as he pats the crown of the head, immediately the clear light flashes, appears plump and fair-complected Primordial Infant, looked that the appearance is quite similar to him. 他一拍天灵盖,顿时清光一闪,浮现出一只白白胖胖的元婴,看样貌跟他极为相似。 This Old Ancestor sets up Heaven-Connecting Jade Stele, treats both the young and old honestly, many years of prestige has the safeguard always to have such several big destiny “本老祖通天玉碑,童叟无欺,多年信誉有保障总有那么几个大气运 The disciple, the machine green Yuan transports/fortunes the heart o big harvestsecond Primordial Infantsecret technique, is biggest harvest it 的弟子,将机绿元运心o大的收获之‘第二元婴‘的秘术,就是最大的收获之 One. 一。 Aaron finger/refers of own second Primordial Infant: Above has decided that sends you to fly upwards to explore the way!” 亚伦一指自己的第二元婴:“上面已经决定了,就派你飞升去探路!” Second Primordial Infant rolls the eyes: Asked you to be individual...” 第二元婴一翻白眼:“求求你们做个人吧…”
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