TOTM :: Volume #9

#899: Revolt( 800 make up)

Next day. 翌日。 In the morning. 清晨。 Bai Family ancestral temple. 白家祠堂。 Big brother......” “大哥……” The lark is raising the breakfast box, chirp runs in the ancestral temple: Has a look at I gave you to bring delicious what...... this to be the drunk cloud building four color desserts, Shuangpinai......” 白灵提着个早餐盒子,叽叽喳喳地跑进祠堂:“看看我给你带了什么好吃的……这可是醉云楼的四色点心,还有双皮奶……” Above the rush cushion, Aaron looks up the lark, smiles: Still the owing younger sister you remembers that loves dearly my Elder Brother......” 蒲团之上,亚伦抬头望着白灵,笑了笑:“还亏妹子你记得心疼我这个哥哥……” Also were not many said, took up the dessert to eat. 也不多说,拿起点心就吃。 This cakes and pastries flavor is good, brings, when breakfast, although was bored, but can also accept reluctantly. 这糕点味道不错,拿来当早餐虽然腻味了一些,但勉强还能接受。 Eats, Aaron while asked: Outside situation how?” 一边吃,亚伦一边就问:“外面情况怎么样?” I felt that the father was really angry, mother is roaring, you endure......” a lark face sympathy to look at the big brother: Right, outside came a person in the morning, said that is servant who you disperse, is called the nag, goes for shelter you.” “我感觉爹爹是真生气了,娘亲正在哄,你还是忍忍吧……”白灵一脸同情地望着自己大哥:“对了,早上外面来了一个人,自称是你走散的仆人,叫做老马,来投奔你了。” Un, the nag...... indeed is one that on my road accepts long along with, received him, me do not lack one to eat for free in any case.” “嗯,老马啊……的确是我路上收下的一个长随,就收了他吧,反正咱家也不缺一个吃白饭的。” Aaron beckons with the hand indifferently, after the lark leaves, he is looking at the incantation strength fragment on hand, looking pensive: „Does say/way level, change the rule? Interesting......” 亚伦无所谓地摆摆手,等到白灵离开之后,他望着手上的咒力残片,若有所思:“道级,更改规则么?有趣……” He thinks, felt oneself arrive at this world, can give this world gift. 他想了想,觉得自己来到这个世界,可以给这个世界一点礼物。 For example...... do the strange people work loose the hope of shackles? 比如……异人们挣脱枷锁的希望? If some day, profound suddenly discovered that all strange people broke out of the incantation strength fetter of greatly profound great ancestor, that scene also is quite certainly interesting. 如果有朝一日,玄廷忽然发现所有异人都摆脱了大玄太祖的咒力束缚,那场面一定也相当有趣。 ...... …… Bai Residence entrance. 白府门口。 The lark sized up horse Wangshen up and down: „Are you nag?” 白灵上下打量了马王神一番:“你就是老马?” Villain.” horse Wangshen a face flatters now, does not have ruthlessly last night conquered by killing prefectural office spicy, obsequious said/tunnel: I am the attendant who on the young master road receives, but has the matter to separate temporarily, after this saddle lead horse, takes care of the young master, the young master may be unable to leave my nag......” “正是小人。”马王神如今一脸谄媚,丝毫没有昨夜血洗府衙的狠辣,点头哈腰地道:“我可是公子路上收的亲随,只是临时有事才分开了,这一路鞍前马后地照顾公子,公子可离不开我老马啊……” Resulted in resulted in......” “得了得了……” The lark waves: You first under I live, then studies study rule, the Elder Brother is also, how to perform in the outside hiring?” 白灵挥挥手:“你就先在我家住下,然后学学规矩吧,哥哥也是,怎么尽在外面招人?” She complained one, just about to arranges the nag. 她吐槽一句,刚要安排了老马。 After all this arranges a servant, was she says the words matter. 毕竟这安排一个下人,也就是她说句话的事。 Suddenly, on the outside street transmits the tumult faintly. 忽然,外面街道上隐隐传来骚动。 What matter had/left?” “出了何事?” The lark surprise asked. 白灵诧异地问道。 Young lady, this old servant knows 12 actually, in on the road, heard that last night prefectural office had the case, not only the casualty was serious, the governors of prefecture died......” “小姐,这个老奴倒是知晓一二,之前在来的路上,听说昨晚府衙发生大案,不仅死伤惨重,就连知府都死了……” horse Wangshen respectful say/way. 马王神恭敬道。 What? Governor even/including?” “什么?连知府也?” The lark stares the big eye, runs back the mansion fast, wants to tell the parents this astonishing news. 白灵瞪大眼睛,飞快跑回大宅,想要将这个惊人的消息告诉父母。 The albinism takes root this to be disinclined to see her. 孰料白化生根本懒得见她。 In the study room, the albinism returns since birth paces, the facial expression rouses, opponent evil ways: Liu Yong died, the mansion politics must chaotic previous a while, this is the best opportunity...... I had decided, tomorrow will sanctify an oath by smearing blood, dispatches troops into battle counter- unreliably!” 书房之中,白化生来回踱步,神情振奋,对手下道:“刘庸死了,府政必会乱上一阵子,这是最好的机会……我已经决定,明天就歃血为盟,起兵反玄!” ...... …… Greatly profound 92 years. 大玄九十二年。 Guangnan mansion Bai Family dispatches troops into battle to revolt officially, on the same day seized Prefectural Seat, overawes the Jiangnan! 广南府白家正式起兵造反,当天就夺了府城,威震江南! Quick...... walks.” “快……都走吧。” Wharf. 码头。 Massive Bai Family and like the sound of dragons and tigers disciple is moving the baggage. 大量白家与龙吟虎啸门弟子正在搬着行李。 A white metaplasia military garb , has Aaron to detain to embark Bai, lark: Guangnan mansion revolt, Imperial Court suppresses the army shortly then, if the both armies open and aboveboard battle, I do not fear anybody, but Imperial Court also has the strange people to assist after all, good that the everybody lose in war, you leave earlier.” 白化生一身戎装,将白氏、白灵、还有亚伦都押上了船:“广南府起义,朝廷镇压大军顷刻便至,若两军堂堂正正交战,我不惧任何人,但朝廷毕竟还有异人相助,兵凶战危,你们还是早点离开的好。” Master......” Bai chokes with sobs: I must remain, is accompanying the master, let spirit and technique walks is......” “老爷……”白氏泣不成声:“我要留下来,陪着老爷,让灵儿与术儿走便是了……” Nonsense, spirit technique is young, how can few your mother?” “胡闹,灵儿术儿年纪还小,怎么能少的了你这个娘亲?” Even if the white metaplasia has the heroic air/Qi, at this time also unavoidably deep love between man and woman, many gloomy mood well up, looks to the son: Baishu...... you must the filial mother, take care of the younger sister in the future well...... as for the Guangnan city, remembers that never come back , do not depend the martial arts to cause trouble fiercely everywhere, especially do not provoke the strange people, remembers?” 纵然白化生有英雄气,此时也难免儿女情长,诸多愁绪涌上心头,又看向儿子:“白术……日后你要好好孝顺娘亲,照顾妹妹……至于广南城,记得永远都不要回来,还有,不要仗着自己武功厉害就到处惹是生非,特别是不要招惹异人,记住没有?” I remembered.” “我记住了。” The Aaron grave nod pledged, nearby nag grins, shows the big smile, several Old Huang teeth. 亚伦庄重点头承诺,旁边的老马咧开嘴,露出大大的笑容,还有几颗老黄牙。 Regardless how Bai earnestly advised, the albinism livelihood has decided that the direct order set sail. 无论白氏如何苦劝,白化生计较已定,直接命令开船。 The river water slowly, the ship's sail ate the wind, the ships navigated completely fast. 江水徐徐,船帆吃满了风,船只航行得飞快。 In cabin. 船舱中。 Master!” “主人!” The nag kneels on the ground, the manner is respectful and prudent: „Do you have what instruction?” 老马跪在地上,神态恭谨:“您有何吩咐?” Has to tilt the strength of the world regarding this master obviously, actually must play the role of the pig to eat the tiger, even conceals the wicked interest of family member, he too does not understand. 对于这位主人明明有着倾覆天下之力,却还要扮猪吃老虎,甚至隐瞒家人的恶趣味,他是不太理解的。 Even but if did not understand, at this time cannot speak at a venture. 但哪怕再不理解,此时也不能乱说话。 Meeting deceased person! 会死人的! I prepare to cancel the incantation strength in all strange people bloodlines thoroughly.” “我准备彻底抹去所有异人血脉中的咒力。” A Aaron opens the mouth, is earth-shaking! 亚伦一开口,便是石破天惊! This...... the inevitable worldwide chaos, profound tilts, good, good!” The nag claps. “这……必然天下大乱,玄廷倾覆,好,好啊!”老马一拍手。 No one is willing to give others to work as the dog, was being pressed on a skewer specially the dog chain. 没有人愿意去给别人当狗,特别还是被按着头串上了狗链子。 Strange people who this time nag, must most be hostile toward profound. 此时的老马,应当是最仇视玄廷的异人了。 You did not need to follow I, later followed my family member, took care of them to be able.” “你就不用跟着我了,以后跟着我家人,照顾她们便可。” Aaron is somewhat saying disappointed. 亚伦有些怅然地说着。 Asked the master to feel relieved.” The nag is striking one's chest the guarantee saying: Must not disappoint the master.” “请主人放心。”老马拍着胸脯保证道:“必不会让主人失望。” Naturally, I had planted another incantation strength in your within the body, you have not discovered.’ In the Aaron heart complained one secretly. ‘当然,我早已在你体内种下了另外一道咒力,你还没有发现呢。’亚伦心中暗自吐槽一句。 However this matter, he naturally cannot say. 不过此事,他自然不会说出来。 Waves, sending the nag to go out, oneself are sits cross-legged to sit. 挥挥手,打发老马出去,自己则是盘膝而坐。 Suddenly, his mind leaps, the whole person has the hole to be common just like the soul, arrives in the extremely high upper air, overlooks the entire greatly profound land. 忽而,他心神一跃,整个人宛若魂魄出窍一般,来到极高的高空之中,俯瞰整块大玄陆地。 The induction of twinkle star, appears instantaneously in the Aaron heart, in big piece firefly general luminous spot just like darkness. 星星点点的感应,瞬间浮现在亚伦心中,宛若黑暗中大片萤火虫一般的光点。 „Are these...... the strange people?” “这些……就是异人么?” Aaron muttered one. 亚伦喃喃一声。 The next quarter, in the vault of heaven, that round of big day changed into again blood red! 下一刻,天穹之中,那一轮大日再次化为血红! Mother!” “娘亲!” The lark is looking at out of the window scenery, suddenly raised the head, is pointing at Sun: Looked quickly...... Sun changed red!” 白灵正看着窗外景色,忽然抬头,指着太阳:“快看……太阳又变红了呢!” ...... …… Guangnan mansion. 广南府。 white Huasheng looks up the sky, subsequently is roaring to below three services: I and others staged a rebellion, has the celestial phenomenon, this indicates the number of days in me!” 白化生抬头望着天空,继而对着下方的三军怒吼:“我等一起事,就有天象,此表明天数在我!” Number of days in me!” “天数在我!” Number of days in me!” “天数在我!” Below soldiers are looking at the world phenomenon, immediately also follows to bellow. 下方的士卒望着天地异象,顿时也跟着大吼起来。 ...... …… North. 北方。 Above a government boat. 一艘官船之上。 Father, you how?” “老爹,你怎么样?” Nangong enters the cabin wonderfully, looks is not wrapped solid Nangong to win. 南宫妙妙进入船舱,望着被包裹得严严实实的南宫无胜。 Fortunately, cannot die...... my daughter to be finally intelligent, this time goes back to be able some people to report on accomplishments to emperor old.” “还好,死不了……总算我女儿聪明,这次回去能有人向皇帝老儿交差。” Nangong not won just praised one, the expression suddenly changed. 南宫无胜刚刚夸了一句,表情忽然一变。 Outside, some people of surprised: „Did this Sun, how suddenly become red?” 外面,正有人惊疑一声:“这太阳,怎么又突然变红了?” But Nangong wonderful is actually instantly absent-minded, absent-minded. 而南宫妙妙却是刹那失神,一个恍惚。 When recovering, on the small face the cold sweat is dripping: Father......” 等到回过神来之时,小脸上已经冷汗淋漓:“爹爹……” Her eye is red, looked that not wins to Nangong. 她眼睛通红,看向南宫无胜。 The facial expression that Nangong not wins is more excited than her, works loose to get out of bed directly, mutters: Greatly profound great ancestor's incantation strength...... completely all dissipated! I and others finally is not a slave, haha, haha, today great happiness, when killed full Chuan to celebrate artificially!” 南宫无胜的神情比她更加激动,直接挣脱下了床,喃喃道:“大玄太祖的咒力……尽皆消散了!我等终于再不为奴,哈哈,哈哈,今日大喜,当杀了满船人为贺!”
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