TOTM :: Volume #9

#898: Shackles

Guangnan mansion. 广南府。 prefectural office. 府衙 The curtain of night is deep. 夜幕深沉。 But governor of prefecture Liu Yong has not rested, instead is raising the lampwick reviews official documents. 但知府刘庸并未休息,反而在挑灯批阅一份份公文。 As the greatly profound governor of prefecture, he achieved doing one's best to Imperial Court, the until my heart stops beating. 作为大玄知府,他对朝廷可谓做到了鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。 Oh...... as a result of the celestial phenomenon reason, the person the thoughts was chaotic recently, the luck of this non- state.” “唉……最近由于天象缘故,人心思乱,这非社稷之福啊。” Long time, Liu Yong puts down the pen in hand, sighed. 良久,刘庸放下手中的笔,叹了口气。 Now the world is meddlesome. 如今天下多事啊。 However, he to has the confidence greatly unreliably, especially your majesty. 不过,他对大玄还是有着信心,特别是陛下。 After all, Imperial Court has the strange people, has the different technique, randomly not! 毕竟,朝廷有异人在,有异术在,就乱不了! Sir.” “大人。” At this moment, the knock transmits. 就在这时,敲门声传来。 Liu Yong brow selects: Comes.” 刘庸眉头一挑:“进来吧。” A middle-aged person of wax yellow face comes, walks has Qi Prestige, has several points of grass roots. 一个蜡黄脸庞的中年人进来,行走之间颇有气势,又带着几分草莽气息。 At this time saw Liu Yong, knees down directly: „The Old Huang tiger has seen Sir Prefectural Governor......” 此时见了刘庸,直接单膝跪地:“黄老虎见过知府大人……” Un, gets up.” “嗯,起来吧。” Liu Yong beckons with the hand, says with a smile: White metaplasia thinks that this officer must search his bottom with you, actually does not know that his libretto officer had known, snort/hum......, if not for must trace that counter- clever list, this officer has selected the simultaneous/uniform soldiers and horses, extinguished the Bai Family whole families!” 刘庸摆摆手,笑道:“白化生以为本官要用你去探他的底,却不知道他的底本官早就知晓了,哼……若不是还要追查那份反贼名单,本官早就点齐兵马,灭了白家满门!” , Also asked: Your this coming, behavior what matter?” 顿了顿,又问:“你这次前来,所为何事?” Sir start/open report/give......” “启禀大人……” The Old Huang tiger kotows said: „The latest news, son —— Baishu of white metaplasia, comes back today.” 黄老虎叩首道:“最新消息,白化生的儿子——白术,今日回来了。” Son who that has been away from home?” Liu Yong not startled counter- happy: Good, happen to catches the whole lot in a dragnet!” “那个一直出门在外的儿子?”刘庸不惊反喜:“好,正好一网打尽!” Subordinate......” “那属下……” The Old Huang tiger raised the head, in the eye has a hope. 黄老虎抬头,眼中带着一丝渴望。 You could rest assured that after the matter becomes, this officer recommends for an official position your person in office!” “你放心,事成之后,本官保举你一个官身!” Liu Yonglv the beard was saying. 刘庸捋着胡须道。 Many thanks the Sir, many thanks the Sir, is thinking below since childhood must be an official, bestows titles on the wife and hereditary posts on the descendants and brings honor to ancestors.” “多谢大人,多谢大人,在下从小就想着要当官,封妻荫子、光宗耀祖呢。” The Old Huang tiger great happiness, kotows the expression of gratitude again and again. 黄老虎大喜,连连叩首道谢。 At this moment, outside transmits a chuckle suddenly. 就在这时,外面突然传来一声轻笑。 Liu Yong immediately the expression changes: Who is?” 刘庸顿时表情微变:“是谁?” But here prefectural office core heavy, has guard layer upon layer, who can so depend near? 这里可是府衙核心重地,有层层把守,何人能靠得如此近? And, so does not know the person of courtesy! 并且,还是如此不知礼数之人! „, Old Huang tiger your north Fist Arts famous expert, in the end is actually a villain.” “没想到,黄老虎你这个北方拳法名家,到头来却是一个小人。” Aaron sighed, pushed the door to enter. 亚伦叹息一声,推门而入。 „...... Are you?” “啊……你是?” The Old Huang tiger keeps off before Liu Yong body subconsciously, the eyeball stares: „Are you child of —— Baishu white metaplasia? I have just seen your portrait today!” 黄老虎下意识挡在刘庸身前,眼珠一瞪:“你是白化生之子——白术?我今日刚刚见过你的画像!” Unexpectedly is you?” Liu Yong is actually mad to seethe with rage, roars: In only rivers and lakes the person, dares to excel at rushing to prefectural office, acted against heaven seriously, your does Bai Family want to confiscate family's property to exterminate the clan?” “竟然是你?”刘庸却是气得七窍生烟,咆哮道:“区区一个江湖中人,就敢擅闯府衙,当真反了天了,你白家想要抄家灭族么?” Right, Bai Family was counter-, what a pity your governor of prefecture could not see.” “没错,白家就是要反了,可惜你这个知府是看不到了。” Aaron goes forward one step, the tiger demon refining up the body fist to wield at will. 亚伦上前一步,虎魔炼体拳随意挥出。 Void, just like having the fierce tiger shouts. 虚空之中,宛若有猛虎嘶吼。 The Old Huang tiger was known as that northern fist sect, at this time the mind seizes unexpectedly completely, does not understand the resistance. 黄老虎号称北方拳宗,此时竟然心神完全为之夺,根本不懂得反抗。 From recovers, sees a big hand to fall fully, center his forehead. 等到从恍惚中回过神来之际,就见一只大手铺天盖地般落下,正中他的脑门。 At once, Old Huang tiger at present one black, anything does not know. 旋即,黄老虎就眼前一黑,什么都不知道了。 Your martial arts......” “你的武功……” After Liu Yong anger, has one startled to accommodate: Dubhe?!” 刘庸愤怒过后,才生出一丝惊容:“天枢?!” Also only has the dubhe, even is the fierce character in Ancestral Master, can a move destroy completely the Old Huang tiger, making him revolt cannot achieve! 也唯有天枢,甚至是宗师中的厉害人物,才能一招灭掉黄老虎,令他连反抗都做不到! Good, good , did this officer look down on Bai Family...... you is the Bai Family subsequent hand?” “好,好啊,没想到,本官还是小瞧了白家……你便是白家后手?” Liu Yongzhi Aaron. 刘庸指着亚伦 If the day of extermination, left out so dubhe Ancestral Master, definitely will bring the enormous variable. 若是剿灭之日,漏掉如此一位天枢宗师,必然会带来极大的变数。 Is good because of...... this officer does not have the preparation.” “好在……本官也不是全无准备。” On Liu Yong face appears a self-satisfied color: How even if you can sneak? Begins!” 刘庸脸上浮现出一丝得意之色:“纵然你能潜入又如何?动手!” Swish! 刺啦! Finishes speaking, in small room on thermal shock, freezing cold. 话音刚落,小小的房间中就温度骤降,滴水成冰。 Meanwhile, hoar frost spreads. 与此同时,更有一层白霜蔓延。 This is not the strength that ordinary human can obtain, but is the different strength! Different technique! 这并非普通人类能够获得的力量,而是异力!异术! Liu Yong has requested reinforcements to Imperial Court unexpectedly! 刘庸竟然早已向朝廷求援! Moreover, profound also sends out the strange people reinforcements! 不仅如此,玄廷还派出异人为援兵! Different technique frozen ten thousand li (0.5 km)!” “异术・冰封万里!” Giant ice pyramids appear in the room. 一根根巨大的冰棱锥出现在房间中。 And a sturdy icicle, as if together person's shadow. 其中一根粗壮的冰柱内部,似乎还有一道人影。 His facial features are old, the long hair is sparse, in the hand is pinching a law seal. 他面容苍老,长发稀疏,手中正掐着一个法印。 Imperial Court strange people! 正是朝廷异人! The next quarter, the innumerable ice edges are through just like ten thousand swords, passes through from the Aaron body. 下一刻,无数冰刃宛若万剑穿心一般,从亚伦的身躯中穿过。 Whatever you are common custom Ancestral Master, under strange people different technique, as before like ants.” “任凭你是世俗宗师,在异人异术之下,依旧如同蝼蚁。” Liu Yongwang this, is actually being in the heart the great happiness. 刘庸望着这一幕,却是心中大喜。 However the next quarter, his expression becomes stagnates gradually. 然而下一刻,他的表情就渐渐变得凝滞。 Because that rebels the form of Baishu, empty, vanishes in the midair unexpectedly slowly does not see. 因为那逆贼白术的身影,竟然缓缓虚化,在半空中消失不见。 The innumerable ice edges fall in the place, sends out a resounding. 无数冰刃掉落在地,发出一声脆响。 The next quarter, a white jade palm penetrated the icicle, according to the latter nape of the neck of this strange people. 下一刻,一只白玉般的手掌就穿透了冰柱,按在了这个异人的后脖颈上。 „Are you...... also strange people?” “你……也是异人?” This strange people have not looked back, but in the sound brings unbelievable: Is impossible, all strange people must submit to profound, except for...... except for......” 这个异人没有回首,只是声音中带着难以置信:“不可能,所有异人都必须臣服玄廷、除了……除了……” In his words did not take shivering voluntarily, because thought of that most terrifying possibility. 他的话语中不自觉地带上了颤抖,因为想到了那个最恐怖的可能。 Except for caused havoc gold/metal Hu the universe to meet the rebellious party initially!” “除了当初大闹金沪的乾坤会乱党!” Liu Yong loudly calls out, wants to remind outside person, actually discovery outside deathly stillness. 刘庸大叫一声,想要提醒外面的人,却发现外面一片死寂。 This by the frozen room just like the condition of falling into one type eternal stagnating, cannot obtain the External Realm slight attention. 这个被冰封的房间宛若陷入了一种永恒凝滞的状态,得不到外界丝毫的关注。 Does not need to think requested reinforcements, I made the attraction of this room reduce infinitely, even if the person of entire Guangnan mansion passed by, will only treat as the safe/without matter to happen.” “不用想着求援了,我令这个房间的吸引力无限降低,纵然整个广南府的人路过,也只会当做无事发生。” Aaron is on the one hand grasping this Imperial Court strange people, brings a curiosity: Your name......” 亚伦一手抓着这个朝廷异人,带着点好奇:“你的名字……” Horse...... horse Wangshen!” “马……马王神!” Strange people opens the mouth: Do not presumptuously think, I will not betray Imperial Court.” 异人开口:“你别妄想了,我是不会背叛朝廷的。” Yes, but don't you find it strange? Your this will not betray the Imperial Court thought that is actually your conscience, does the bystander impose on your shackles?” “是啊,但你不觉得奇怪么?你这个不会背叛朝廷的念头,究竟是你的本心,还是外人强加给你的枷锁?” This horse king God Aaron can pinch conveniently. 这个马王神亚伦随手就可以捏死。 But he came the interest, wants to inquire into the root of an incantation strength and say/way level strange people. 但他来了兴趣,想要探究一番咒力与道级异人的根源。 At this time in the double pupil spirit essence flashes, opened the spirit essence field of vision impressively. 此时双眸之中灵性闪动,赫然开启了灵性视野。 Subsequently, he saw, on this horse king God, silk threads incantation strength that twines, that is one after another discipline spoken language the chains of composition, twines on horse king God, even goes down to his within the body, just like grew with the skeleton blood vessel in one. 继而,他就看到了,在这个马王神身上,所缠绕的丝丝缕缕的咒力,那是一条又一条戒律般的言语所组成之锁链,缠绕在马王神身上,甚至深入他的体内,宛若与骨骼血管生长在了一起。 Strange people are divided into the third-level, the technique, law and say/way...... the technique level and law level are mediocre, but say/way level strange people, seriously somewhat uncommon place.” “异人分为三级,术、法、道……术级与法级不过如此,但道级异人,当真有些不凡之处。” Aaron acclaimed one, stretched out the palm, held that incantation strength chains. 亚伦赞叹一声,伸出手掌,抓住了那一根咒力锁链。 Subsequently, entrains gently. 继而,轻轻一拽。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! The incantation strength chains is split up, falls in the place. 咒力锁链四分五裂,掉落在地。 horse Wangshen the manner instantaneously changed, he looks to Liu Yong, in the pupil is no longer intimate with, instead transfers the hatred: Damn profound does, dare so to play a trick on the father?......” 马王神的神态瞬间变了,他看向刘庸,眸子里不再是亲近,反而转为怨毒:“该死的玄廷,竟敢如此耍弄老子?啊啊啊……” During roared, innumerable ice fragments splashes. 咆哮当中,无数冰屑飞溅。 Liu Yong just like by ten thousand burrs, on the back wall was spread a big piece of blood immediately...... 刘庸当即宛若被万针飞刺,背后的墙上涂了一大片鲜血……
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