TOTM :: Volume #9

#897: Bai Family

Bai Family. 白家 Bai Family is also illustrious in the Guangnan mansion, Family Headwhite metaplasia ‚, is good at operating, for Guangnan Chamber of Commerce Union Leader. 白家在广南府也算赫赫有名,家主‘白化生‘,擅长经营,为广南商会会首 Not only like the ratio, his wife people leaves with the 5 B famous elder aristocratic family, martial art leads into Bai Family to flow together with the Bai Family handed down in the family martial arts, on inheritance 不仅如比,其妻子民出与5B个名宿世家,特自身武学带入白家之与白家家传武功合流,传承更上一层 Building. 楼。 By the present, Bai Family also calculated Guangnan mansion local bully- kind of role. 到了如今,白家也算广南府地头蛇—类的角色。 If given time, perhaps is also the class/flow of aristocratic family business and military hand down from generation to generation. 假以时日,或许也是一个商、武传家的世家之流。 by Business sets up the itself/Ben, is the Bai Family ancestor teaches by martial Hucai this. 以商立本,以武护财这是白家的祖训。 However in recently, Bai Family also was Old Huang tiger the matter of arena worried. 不过在最近,白家也在为黄老虎的擂台之事而烦恼。 Bai Family great hall. 白家大堂。 white Huasheng is about 40 years old, puts on a black bottom to embroider the copper coin long gown, in the hand wears emerald eight precious jades to pull refers, looks at very somewhat the riches and honor aura. 白化生四十岁左右,穿着一件黑底绣铜钱长袍,手里戴着一个翡翠八宝玉扳指,看着很有几分富贵气息。 But if regards the pure merchant him, that was completely mistaken. 但如果只是将他当成纯粹的商人,那就大错特错了。 The footsteps are steady, the eye pupil is mild, shines faintly, contains does not reveal, obviously is also a martial arts world famous expert. 其脚步稳健,眼眸温润,隐隐放光,内含不露,显然也是一位武林名家。 An inner strength, entered a day of position impressively! 一身内力,赫然入了天位! At this time in the great hall, is entertaining the guest of visit. 此时正在大堂,招待着上门的客人。 These guest actually non- rich merchants, but is in rivers and lakes the person, looks at the appearance, is old Fist Master in dojo, follows several disciples to take care. 这些客人却非富商,而是一个个江湖中人,看打扮,都是武馆中的老拳师,身后还跟着几位弟子服侍。 white virtuous nephew in the past the Bai Family dojo was the supporting roles featuring acrobatic fighting leader, nowadays has this matter, you have no alternative but to manage!” “白贤侄当年白家武馆乃是武行魁首,现如今出了这事,你不能不管啊!” A forehead is living the flesh tumor old man whole face resenting said/tunnel: „The Old Huang tiger goes too far, this was the northerner rides south us the head/number of people!” 一名额头生着肉瘤子的老者满脸愤恨地道:“黄老虎欺人太甚,这是北人骑到我们南人头上来了啊!” This is the senior manager in city culmination Black Turtle hall, has the friendship with the fathers of white metaplasia, is his uncle generation of person. 这是城中天玄武馆的老馆长,跟白化生的父亲都颇有交情,算是他叔叔辈的人。 Yes the present Old Huang tiger said that not only this hits our faces, hits the face of your Bai Family!” 1 “是啊如今黄老虎放出话来,这不仅是打我们的脸,也是打你们白家的脸啊!”一 Other Martial Master also backed up. 其它武师也纷纷帮腔。 The white metaplasia is the self-control is excellent, is smiling slightly, invites fellow elders and peer tea: „ The Bai Family dojo has closed, now little brother is only a businessman, really has a mind to be incapable, if the little brother supports some money, the little brother nature is bounden, but handed down in the family martial art, has left uncultivated for many years, oh... „ 白化生却是涵养极好,微微笑着,请各位长辈与同辈饮茶:“白家武馆早已关了,如今小弟只是一介商贾,实在有心无力啊若要小弟支持些钱,小弟自然义不容辞,但家传武学,早已荒废多年,唉…“ Other Martial Master listened, is worried, mused that your white metaplasia market, has had tito slide vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered does not keep the given name of hand, today sees, really lives up to reputation. 其它武师听了,不由都是烦闷,暗想你白化生纵横商场,一直有倜‘滑不留手的名号,今日一见,果然名不虚传。 Virtuous nephew saying said looked on as an outsider, who does not know that your Bai Family Zu Chuanhu crane diphyphyllum fist , some of your wives hit the hard qi art husband to lead into your family there you child Baishu the platoon of like the sound of dragons and tigers gate for the sect of my Nanquan talent different to report since childhood, was born with a strong physique, fought all over Guangnan young one generation not to have the rival young.” “贤侄这话就说得太见外了,谁不知道你白家祖传虎鹤双形拳,为我南拳之宗啊还有你媳妇将龙吟虎啸门的排打硬气功夫带入你家你那儿子白术从小就天赋异禀,生就一副钢筋铁骨,年纪轻轻打遍广南年青一代无敌手啊。” The flesh tumor old man opens the mouth suddenly. 肉瘤老者忽然开口。 In the albinism entertains feelings slightly startled, but reveals to incur at once 白化生心里微惊,但旋即就露出招 Piece sign -type smile: „ This really my disobedient son several years ago then kept the book to leave unfortunately, said that is to make a living as a wandering fortune-teller 片牌式的笑容:“这实在不巧我那个逆子前几年便留书出走,说是闯荡江湖去 Oh did not know recently where, lets me and my humble wife is worried very... ” 了,唉最近也不知在何处,让我与贱内十分担心…” At this moment, a young girl the sound of footsteps that runs outside transmits. 就在这时,一个少女在外面奔跑的脚步声传来。 The people are martial practitioner, the ear move, heard an oriole sound: Mother... heard that the big brother does come back today?” 众人都是武者,耳朵一动,就听到了一个黄莺般的声音:“娘亲…听说大哥今日回来了?” Many Martial Master look at each other one, shows a confident smile, the white metaplasia is the face expression one black. Package 诸多武师对视一眼,露出一个胸有成竹的笑容,白化生则是脸部表情一黑。包 Looks at side chirp the young girl, Aaron is somewhat covering the forehead agitated. 望着旁边叽叽喳喳的少女,亚伦有些烦躁地捂住额头。 Above his forehead, solar symbolic sign that innumerable blood vessel violent composed suddenly has dissipated. 在他的额头之上,那无数血管暴突组成的太阳象征符号早已消散。 Before imprisoned scarlet Creator some wills, when causes my consciousness has the chaos... ‘之前囚禁了猩红造物主的部分意志,导致我的意识时有混沌… Even the subconscious of this body starts to move restlessly... ‘甚至这具身躯的潜意识都开始躁动起来… After I come back, actually became law-abiding many... ‘在我回来之后,倒是变得安分了不少… Actually did big brother your so many years go to where? How do I rarely hear your reputation?” “大哥你这么多年究竟去了哪里?我怎么很少听说你的名声?” But young, the seemingly energetic oval face young girl, is following side Aaron, a face inquired curiously. 而一位豆蔻年华,看起来活力无限的瓜子脸少女,正跟在亚伦身边,一脸好奇地询问。 I can say that I use an alias whiteprofound ‚, joined the universe meeting, handles the big matter, recently also the rebellion attacked the county city, makes a big row gold/metal Hu, day after day does the variation do two likely? ‚ ‘我能说我化名‘白玄‘,加入了乾坤会,做下好大事情,最近还造反攻打县城,大闹金沪,连天变异象都搞出来两个么?‘ In the Aaron heart shows the whites of the eyes, replied reluctantly: I... I greatly was unreliable various places to transfer...” 亚伦心中翻了个白眼,勉强回答道:“我…我就大玄各处转了转…” His following young girl, arrives at the latter dwelling in Bai Family yard, an exercising martial arts field. 他跟着少女,一路来到白家大院的后宅,一处练功场。 Bang! 砰! In exercising martial arts field, is having form together to practice martial arts in the billowing yellow sand. 练功场中,正有一道身影正在滚滚黄沙中练武。 She usually handles gently throws, several hundred jin (0.5 kg) stone-lock dumbbells were thrown, was caught in the midair steadily. Package 她素手轻抛,数座百来斤的石锁就被抛起,在半空中被稳稳接住。包 Mother......” “娘……” The lark just called one, saw that form speeds away to come, both hands like putting on the variegated butterfly are common, various strategic points to Aaron greeted! 白灵刚刚叫了一句,就见到那身影疾驰而来,双手如同穿花蝴蝶一般,向亚伦身上各处要害招呼! Bang bang! 砰砰! The Aaron right hand is motionless, left hand to become Hehui, directs into front innumerable palm shades. 亚伦右手不动,左手成鹤喙,一指点入面前无数掌影之中。 wave! 波! Two people inner strength touches slightly, at once fast dispersing. 两人内力微微一触,旋即飞快散开。 The person's shadow stops, the jade palm that brings the fire coral gem bracelet, has been away from the Aaron chest less than inch to be away from. 人影一停,一只带着火珊瑚宝石手镯的玉掌,已经距离亚伦的心口不到寸许距离。 But is this inch is away from, is ordinary like the natural moat. 但就是这寸许距离,却如同天堑一般。 Because of the crane beak of Aaron, has put up on road which must be taken that in the opposite party went forward. 因为亚伦的鹤喙,已经架在了对方前进的必经之路上。 If goes forward again a point, delivered to own strategic point the enemy hand on own initiative. 若是再前进一分,就是将自己的要害主动送到敌人手中了。 Your this boy...” “你这小子…” Holds the shadow to receive, revealing a maintenance is excellent, the face that suitable happy is angry suitably, having several points erratically to ask surprisedly: How not to see for several years, martial arts is so unexpectedly big, not only entered a day of position, made the mothers somewhat unable to completely understand?” 掌影一收,露出一张保养极好,宜喜宜嗔的脸来,带着几分惊疑不定地问:“怎么数年不见,武功竟然如此大进,不仅入了天位,更让娘都有些看不透了?” This person of Baishu lives a mother- Bai! 这人正是白术的生身之母-白氏! Stems from the like the sound of dragons and tigers gate, is the Sect Master favored daughter, handed down in the family hard qi art husband, there are to put on the variegated butterfly palm, initially was also southern one generation of hero females. 出自龙吟虎啸门,乃是门主爱女,家传的硬气功夫,又有穿花蝴蝶掌,当初也是南方一代侠女。 How as for with the albinism pine resin knowledge, that was another story. 至于如何与白化生结识,那又是另外一个故事了。 Aaron smiles, did not call the person. After all somewhat is really awkward. 亚伦笑了笑,却也不叫人。毕竟着实有些尴尬。 Especially why do I want to send to run like crazy to acknowledge as relatives? Only planned looks at one obviously outside ‘特么的我为什么要发疯跑来认亲?明明只打算在外面看一眼的啊 This was I insane was certainly scarlet you to remember to me. ‚ ‘这一定是我疯了猩红你给我记住。‘ Your this child, how is also shy of strangers, did not know that was mother? Your building up body liquid medicines, but also is mother hand buys......” “你这孩子,怎么还认生呢,不认识为娘了?你的炼体药水,还都是娘亲手置办的呢……” Sips in the Bai lip, some vitality/angry, the albinism was born with. 就在白氏嘴唇一抿,有些生气的时候,白化生就来了。 Master, whom did you have a look at to come?” “老爷,你看看谁来了?” Bai forgot the vitality/angry immediately, moves forward to meet somebody with joy, the lark also called a father crisp. 白氏立即忘了生气,喜滋滋地迎了上去,白灵也脆生生地叫了声爹。 Aaron touches the nose. 亚伦摸了摸鼻子。 Such awkward world, or destruction... ‘这么尴尬的世界,要不还是毁灭了吧… Your this disobedient son, you must irritate the father!” “你这个逆子,你是要气死老子啊!” Is good because of the white metaplasia also simply not to the Aaron opportunity, when first is one gives scolding right in the face, the general idea/careless is to go out for a long time not to have a message, unfilial and so on. 好在白化生也根本没给亚伦机会,当先就是劈头盖脸一顿痛骂,大意就是外出这么久也没个音讯,不孝之类。 This big hat buckles, any. 这个大帽子扣上来,无论是哪个都遭不住。 The albinism produces the temperament is actually pretends, saw Baishu stands there is listening silently, spits in the face the dry/does appearance, instead secretly surprise: ‚ Technique this going out, pouring also was really came out informed and experienced, placed the past, perhaps has talked back, good good... 白化生发脾气其实是假装的,见到白术就站在那里默默听着,一副唾面自干的模样,不由反而暗自诧异:‘术儿这趟出去,倒还真是历练出来了,放在以往,恐怕早就顶嘴了,不错不错… However, on the face is the anger is more abundant, finally roared: Gives me to go to the ancestral temple, reflects on one's mistakes in seclusion, minimum one month!” 不过,脸上却是怒气更盛,最后咆哮一声:“给我去祠堂,闭门思过,起码一个月!” A month later, what Old Huang tiger must walk 一个月之后,什么黄老虎都要走了 Master......” “老爷……” Bai is somewhat surprised, but has not refuted. 白氏有些惊讶,但并未反驳。 After all she also knows that near this pillow the temper of person, had guessed regarding the matter recently faintly. 毕竟她也知道这个枕边人的性子,对于最近之事更是隐隐有所猜测。 The lark looked at a father, has a look at mother, can only spit the tongue, sought the fortunate look to Aaron you. 白灵望了眼爹,又看看娘,只能吐了吐舌头,给亚伦一个你自求多福的眼神。 Bai Family ancestral temple. 白家祠堂。 Above shrine, memorial tablets just like hill, layer upon layer progressive. 神龛之上,一座座牌位宛若小山,层层递进。 Newest that side, seems the grandfather of Baishu. 最新的那一面,似乎就是白术的爷爷。 On below table suspended the incense burner and tribute 下方的桌案上则是摆了香炉、贡品 Aaron sighed, grasped joss stick, lit, inserted in the incense burner. 亚伦叹息一声,手持线香,点燃了,插入香炉中。 But worshipped on bended knees even, if some people are pressing, could not do well him to kill. 但跪拜就算了,要是有人强按着,搞不好他都要杀出去了。 Un... felt that white metaplasia today's attitude leaves undecided very much... ‘嗯…感觉白化生今天的态度很存疑啊… It seems like imprisons the beloved son intentionally, so as to avoid goes out to stir up trouble? ‚ ‘看来是故意将爱子囚禁,免得出去惹事?‘ Method scheme has, no wonder can achieve chamber of commerce Union Leader. ‚ ‘手段心计都有,难怪可以做到商会会首。‘ ‚ The Old Huang tiger, I have not really watched ‘不过黄老虎么,我还真没看在眼里 Aaron thinks, looked for a rush cushion, sits cross-legged to sit. 亚伦想了想,找了个蒲团,盘膝而坐。 At night, naturally has the young male servant to send the lunch box, the meal but actually also sumptuously, the four dishes and one soup, the soup is pearl emerald white jade tang, vegetable/dish has the roasted chicken and soy beef is white 到了晚上,自然有小厮送来饭盒,饭菜倒也丰盛,四菜一汤,汤是珍珠翡翠白玉汤、菜有烤鸡、酱牛肉都是白 The technique likes eating, is full one bowl of cooked rice. Package 术喜欢吃的,还有满满一碗白米饭。包 Obviously, this is Bai prepares specially. 很显然,这是白氏特意准备的。 Aaron all comes are welcome, loudly stuttered, then makes the young male servant take away the lunch box. 亚伦来者不拒,大口吃了,然后让小厮将饭盒收走。 The young male servant winks, as if also wants to let Aaron belt/bring words anything, but he beckons with the hand, being disinclined bird opposite party. 那小厮挤眉弄眼的,似乎还想让亚伦带句话什么的,但他只是摆摆手,懒得鸟对方。 At night. 夜晚。 Silence reigns. 万籁俱寂。 Is sitting cross-legged Aaron that sits in meditation to open the eyes suddenly. 正在盘膝打坐的亚伦忽然睁开双眼。 Was the time!” “是时候了!” His figure flashes, has left from the ancestral temple floating. 他身形一闪,已是从祠堂中飘然离开。 Moreover, above the rush cushion also sat one unexpectedly exactly the sameBaishu ‚, just like twin brothers. 不仅如此,蒲团之上竟然还坐了一个一模一样的‘白术‘,宛若孪生兄弟。 Bai Family person who even if outside is responsible for guarding, cannot see slightly the flaw. 纵然外面负责看守的白家人,也看不出丝毫破绽。 Some are not right ‘有些不对 Slips away the ancestral temple secretly, when Bai Family goes through, Aaron thought that some are not right. 偷偷溜出祠堂,在白家穿行之时,亚伦才觉得有些不对。 These Bai Family male servants, protect the institute, as if extremely elite a point. 这些白家的家丁、护院,似乎太过精锐了一点。 Generally entered grade martial practitioner, even Aaron also discovered several day power and phecda Martial Master! 普遍都是入了段位的武者,甚至亚伦还发现了几个天权、天玑武师! Although Bai Family by martial Hucai, the clansmen can study the military, this was also excessive a point. 白家虽然是以武护财,族人都能学武,这也过分了一点。 Not to mention, organization is so strict, even during the trainings has the military law has drilled the trace faintly! 更不用说,组织如此严密,甚至训练间隐隐带有军法操练过的痕迹! ‚ ‚ This is its heart mishap. ‚ Aaron sighs with emotion one secretly. However, this. ‘‘这是其心不测啊。‘亚伦暗自感慨一声。不过,也就这样了。 Perhaps the sternness of Bai Family in secret defense, even if dubhe Ancestral Master is hard to intrude, but keeps up with not fortification to be the same regarding the strange people. 或许白家暗中防卫之森严,纵然天枢宗师都难以闯入,但对于异人而言就跟不设防一般。 Aaron however walks above the street leisurely, the male servants of these patrols, hide in guard in secret, is like the blind person. 亚伦施施然行走于街道之上,那些巡逻的家丁、隐藏在暗中的护卫,就跟瞎子一样。 White metaplasia wants to revolt. ‚ ‘白化生想造反。‘ Aaron fishes out a Longyang, made divination.! 亚伦摸出一枚龙洋,做了个占卜。啪! Longyang falls on the back of the hand, the upfront toward on. His position...” 龙洋落在手背,正面朝上。“他的位置…”“ Aaron divination, appears again at present a secret room. 亚伦再次占卜,眼前就浮现出一座密室。 This is greatly unreliable, some actually many hidden rebel original Guangnan government offices have the sound, but instead very hidden sentimental Bai Family or the rebellion aristocratic family too well is coming.” “得这大玄,究竟有多少暗藏的造反者原来广南府不是没有动静,而是反贼隐藏得太好感情白家还是造反世家来着。” Aaron complained one. 亚伦吐槽了一句。 However, no matter how Bai Family prepares dry/does, meets in front of white Xuanbai the big counter- thief in the present universe, is insufficiently looks from afar. 不过,不管白家准备怎么干,在如今的乾坤会白玄白大反贼面前,还是远远不够看的。 The secret room of white metaplasia is located in the study room typical end, if walks, does not know that must touch many dark health/guard and trap. 白化生的密室位于书房地道尽头,如果一路走过去,不知道要触动多少暗卫与陷阱。 However Aaron shows a faint smile, the form becomes blurred, as if hides in light and dark gap, entered a quiet shadow world. 不过亚伦微微一笑,身影就变得迷离,似乎潜藏于光明与幽暗的间隙,进入了一个幽影的世界。 In this world, myriad things all empty! 1 his figure in a flash, is similar to will put on the wall technique to be the same gently, drills into the study room, directly enters the dense say/way. 在此世界之中,万物皆虚!一他身形轻轻一晃,就如同会穿墙术一般,钻入书房之中,直接进入密道。 That single layer heavy trap and guard actually do not have one to discover. 那一重重陷阱、护卫竟然没有一个能发现。 ‚ After imprisoning Scarlet Sun, is a little advantage, at least it in spirit essence that this world saves, entirely turned over to me... ‚ ‘囚禁了猩红太阳之后,还是有一点好处的,至少它在此世所积蓄的灵性,全部都归我了…‘ Aaron is thinking, while came to the secret room. 亚伦一边想着,一边就来到了密室之中。 The secret room is not big, besides stockpiling some valuable cargos and correspondence, only then one table, side sits two people. 密室不大,除了储备一些重要物资与书信之外,就只有一桌,旁边坐着两人。 Just in time, these two Baishu knew. 正巧,这两人白术都认识。 One person is the white metaplasia, another old man, fresh tall and strong sturdy, sonorous voice: „Did my grandchild come back?” 一人是白化生,另外一位老者,生的魁梧壮实,声如洪钟:“我那外孙回来了?” Yes, comes back today, to avoid alerting the enemy, my son-in-law has punished him to go to the ancestral temple to face the wall to think of faults “是啊,今日回来了,为了避免打草惊蛇,小婿已经罚其去祠堂面壁思过 white Huasheng said with a smile. 白化生笑道。 This old man, impressively is like the sound of dragons and tigers gate Sect Master- Miao side! 这老者,赫然是龙吟虎啸门的门主—-苗方! Meanwhile, is Bai's father, beside Baishu the grandfather! 同时,也是白氏之父,白术之外祖父! At this time shouted: That only Old Huang mouse, if not for virtuous son-in-law makes the old man endure patiently, the old man may pick its dog head tonight!” 此时就喝道:“那区区一个黄老鼠,若不是贤婿让老夫忍耐,老夫今夜就可去摘了其狗头!” Mount Tai Sir must impulse ten million/countless not. „ White metaplasia both hands swing hastily randomly: „ My son-in-law has inquired clearly, that Old Huang tiger on outwardly is north Fist Master, shoulders the struggle of north and south, is actually standing Liu Dafu!” “泰山大人千万莫要冲动。“白化生连忙双手乱摇:“小婿已经打探清楚,那黄老虎明面上是北方拳师,来挑起南北之争,其实身后站着刘大府!” The white metaplasia gets hold of the fist: Since the day present phenomenon, the world chivalrous person has raised the standard of revolt that Liu Yong is actually loyal to the generation of profound, wants through the Old Huang tiger, touches our Guangnan mansion bottom, at this time must endure patiently! When the time one, immediately starts!” 白化生握紧拳头:“自从天现异象以来,天下义士揭竿而起那刘庸却是忠于玄廷之辈,想要通过黄老虎,来摸我们广南府的底,此时务必要忍耐!等到时机一至,就立即发动!” Skillful... ‘巧了… Aaron in one side, hears to show the whites of the eyes. ‚ Originally incessantly Baishu is the counter- thief, Baishu his father and his grandfather is also the counter- thief, this special is really the counter- clever aristocratic family! ‚ 1 亚伦在一边,听得翻了个白眼。‘原来不止白术是反贼,白术他爹、他外公也都是反贼,这特么还真是反贼世家啊!‘一 Our like the sound of dragons and tigers gate, will fully support virtuous son-in-law...” “我们龙吟虎啸门,会全力支持贤婿…”“ Miao side is striking one's chest saying: When the time comes old man old bones, sold to you but, you must first send off the old man daughter and grandchild granddaughter...” 苗方拍着胸脯道:“到时候老夫这一把老骨头,也卖给你了只不过,你得先将老夫女儿与外孙外孙女送走…” He on outwardly is only phecda martial practitioner, in fact the skill has reached to Transformation Realm, entered the dubhe! 他明面上只是一位天玑武者,实际上早已功力臻至化境,入了天枢! white Huasheng hears word, nods again and again: „ Even if Mount Tai Sir did not say, I they will still pack off the Aaron audit technique quite a while, some suddenly: ‚ Originally some Bai Family also origins, were the previous dynasty imperial guard descendant birds of prey therefore have the martial art inheritance, the like the sound of dragons and tigers gate also had complicated relation both to fit in easily with the previous dynasty. ‚ 白化生闻言,连连点头:“就算泰山大人不说,我也会将术儿他们送走亚伦旁听半天,有些恍然:‘原来白家还有些来历,是前朝禁军后代鸷所以有武学传承,龙吟虎啸门也与前朝有千丝万缕的联系两者一拍即合。‘ Then, because across the world because of the celestial phenomenon rebellion, they could not sit still recently, therefore in the final analysis, is my pot? ‚ ‘然后,因为最近天下各地都因为天象造反,他们也坐不住了所以归根结底,还是我的锅?‘ Draws this conclusion, Aaron somewhat covers the impulsion of face. 得出这个结论,亚伦有些捂脸的冲动。 However quick, his expression becomes tranquil. ‚ Listened to the white metaplasia saying that regarding recently Governor Liu's probe, had a headache very much... 不过很快,他的表情就变得平静。‘听白化生所说,对于最近刘知府的试探,也很是头疼… Such being the case, I helped him solve Governor Liu, was helps Baishu also the benevolence... ‘既然如此,我就去帮他解决了刘知府,也算是帮白术还了恩情吧… Has the expert guard as for Liu Dafu side inevitably, how will make seedling side dubhe Ancestral Master not dare to move Aaron to fear this lightly? 至于刘大府身边必然有高手护卫,才让苗方这个天枢宗师都不敢轻动亚伦又岂会怕这个?
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