TOTM :: Volume #9

#896: Prisoner's cage( celebrates for well-known Alliance Lord!)

Selects point radiance, suddenly rises and rises 点点光辉,蓦然上升、上升 Subsequently, as if with that- wheel Scarlet Sun connects, makes its radiance ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), this is the proper day variation shape! 继而,似乎与那—轮猩红太阳交汇,令其光辉万丈,这是正经的天变异象! But looks that radiance walks to the body, why Nangong wonderful does not know, drop of tears flowed: „ I quite uncomfortable...... the prestige think that as if lost a point very important thing...... „ 而看着那点光辉离身而走,南宫妙妙不知为何,一滴眼泪就流了下来:“我好难受……威觉似乎失去了一点很重要的东西……“ Nangong not wins somewhat was moved, at this time facial expression big change: „ Was wonderful you saying that this luminous spot to the body only feared has may I and others not have to be possible greatly...... 南宫无胜原本只是有些怅然若失,此时则神情大变:“妙妙你都如此说,这光点离身只怕有着大可偏偏我等却无可奈…… Endures compared with the strength of level strange people are unable to conceal, if your majesty knows, the world must have chaotically...” “堪比道级异人的力量啊更无法隐瞒,若陛下知晓,天下就要有乱了…” Nangong not wins is sighing, over 50 -year-old man of side martial practitioner appearance is actually looking at the estuary direction. 南宫无胜正叹息着,旁边却有一位武者打扮的五十多岁男子怔怔望着入海口方向。 He makes an effort to direct to recognize, this seems like the supporting roles featuring acrobatic fighting always a head,- position dubhe Ancestral Master. 他勉引强能认出来,这似乎是武行总把头,—位天枢宗师 Owes I and other military people, an intent self-torture does not decorate, hopes for some day, can contend with the different technique chamotte to see with the martial arts today, knows and knows... „ “亏我等武夫,一意苦修不缀,希冀有朝一日,能以武道抗衡异术熟料今日一见,才知、才知…“ - Word hence, has choked with sobs. —言至此,已经是泣不成声。 Impulsion that even if even the observer, somewhat wants to cry. 纵然连旁观者,都有些想要落泪的冲动。 But nearby several martial practitioner, then shouted: „ Today this war, cannot see the complete picture, the solid heart is hard to take itchy, may have does not fear death, and others went to sea with me observes again...... „ 而旁边几个武者,则是纷纷大喊:“今日这一战,不能见到全貌,实在心痒难耐,可有不怕死的,跟我等出海再观……“ Goes together and goes together!” “同去、同去!” In- when some people are boisterous, sky suddenly- dark! 就在—一干人聒噪之际,天空骤然—暗! Looks quickly!” “快看!” The Nangong wonderful evil is on the rise suddenly, is looking at the sky. 南宫妙妙害豁然抬头,望着天空。 Sees only in the sky, does not know that were also when many- say/way huge person's shadow! 只见天空之中,不知何时又多了—道巨大的人影! The opposite party cage sets in raiding the black robe, cannot see clearly the facial features, under the black robe, the innumerable living creatures seems to be wriggling. 对方笼置在袭黑袍之中,看不清面容,在黑袍之下,似乎还有无数活物正在蠕动。 Is only black robe- corner/horn, blocked scarlet Sun, produces total solar eclipse- scene! 仅仅只是黑袍—角,就遮住了赤红太阳,产生出日全食—般的场景! This what's the matter?” “这又是怎么回事?” Nangong wonderful, although does not look clearly, but also knows, this is the resistance! 南宫妙妙虽然看不明白,但也知道,这是对抗! Two endure compared with the level strange people, even the resistance of higher level “两个堪比道级异人,甚至更高层次的对抗“ Associated to the former luminous spot to the body, anybody is unable to prevent- curtain, the Nangong wonderful forehead appeared to be in a cold sweat 联想到之前光点离身,任何人都无法阻挡的—幕,南宫妙妙额头不由浮现出冷汗 On this day, how?” “这天下,到底怎么了?” She and father looks at each other- eye, in the heart appears- the thoughts of some slightly treason and heresy. 她与父亲对视—眼,心中都浮现出—个略有些大逆不道的念头来。 Greatly profound 90- year, day present phenomenon! 大玄九十—年,天现异象! The has god person flew high, the big day scarlet scenery! 有神人凌空、大日赤红之景! The world person to for this reason is the profound wrongdoing and profound emperor be all wicked, caution that the heaven brings. 天下人皆以为此乃玄廷失德、玄帝无道,苍天所带来的警示。 The people of lofty ideas, dance with joy all for this reason, the agreement stages a rebellion in abundance, was killed by the Imperial Court strange people scattered about, the crying father shouted mother. 仁人志士,无不为此欢欣鼓舞,纷纷约定起事,然后就被朝廷的异人杀得七零八落,哭爹喊娘。 After all does not have the strength and strength, the good plan is also only the empty talk. 毕竟没有力量与实力,再好的计划也只是空谈罢了。 ............- …………-- In an instant, had arrived the greatly profound 92 years. 转眼间,已经到了大玄九十二年。 Guangnan mansion. 广南府。 This manages a mansion greatly unreliably, situated in the south, the business is developed, the stream of people gathers, its Guangnan cuisine is also the world one certainly. 这是大玄下辖一府,位于南方,商业发达,人流汇聚,其广南菜也是天下一绝。 High noon. 正午时分。 In Guangnan mansion most famous day taste building. 广南府最出名的天味楼中。 - Grey clothes cape person was just about a good private room passenger compartment, is near the window, watches the scenery above street. —名灰衣斗篷人正要了一个上好的雅座包间,临着窗户,观看街道之上的景色。 What does customer want?” “客官想要点什么?” On the servant shoulder is building the towel,- face asked obsequiously. 小二肩膀上搭着毛巾,—脸点头哈腰地笑问。 Gives on me pot best huadiao, comes several Guangnan cuisines again... „ “给我上一壶最好的花雕,再来几个广南菜…“ Aaron ejects- Longyang: This was the tip you may know recently in the Guangnan mansion, there is what important matter to happen?” 亚伦抛出—枚龙洋:“这是小费你可知最近广南府中,有何大事发生?” The Guangnan mansion is the native place of Baishu, he comes to here, naturally must first ask, so as to avoid Baishu home was carried by the pot, oneself also- does not have to know. 广南府就是白术的老家,他来这里,自然要先问问,免得白术家里被锅端了,自己还—无所知。 „ The Guangnan mansion did not have important matter really recently, although each region in noisy rebellious party, but this city governor of prefecture Sir Liu represses efficiently, obstinately uneventful...... „ “广南府最近没甚大事,虽然各地都在闹乱党,但本城知府刘大人弹压得力,愣是风平浪静……“ servant replied with a smile: In addition, the biggest important matter, has the northern sincere sect Old Huang tiger to arrange the arena in Caishikou, invited to fight my Guangnan expert, it is said won can take away his complete net worth, lost must stay behind the life, mounts the stage to sign the life and death shape, now has killed enough 78 Fist Master, awe-inspiring.” 小二笑着回答:“除此之外,最大的大事,就是有北拳拳宗黄老虎在菜市口摆下擂台,邀战我广南高手,据说赢了就可以拿走他全部身家,输了就要把命留下,上台就签了生死状,如今已经打死了足足七八个拳师,威风八面呢。” Old Huang tiger?!” 黄老虎?!” Aaron touches the chin, Baishu remembers that as if has this goods, it is said is the north Fist Arts famous expert. 亚伦摸了摸下巴,白术记忆中似乎有这个货色,据说乃是北方拳法名家。 Why does not know, arrives at the south unexpectedly, but also is so aggressive? 不知道为何,竟然来到南方,还如此咄咄逼人? „, Said carefully...... „ he ships out very interested appearance, making servant continue to recount: „ What killed is which how many people, which how many also there are not to meet head-on? „ “哦,仔细说说……“他装出很有兴趣的样子,让小二继续述说:“被打死的是哪几家的人,又有哪几家还没有迎战?“ Was killed, is the Eldest Senior Brother of strong wind from afar dojo and ardent sun dojo, has the total dart of prestige brave bodyguard office....... Accepts a challenge, Feng, wind and Bai Family...... it seems to me, was these days things.” “被打死的,是长风武馆、烈阳武馆的大师兄、还有威勇镖局的总镖。头……应战的,还有冯家、风家、白家……照我看,也就是这几日的事情了。” servant brings excitedly: It is said to be fair, Old Huang tiger- day hits, was an iron man.” 小二带着一点兴奋:“据说为了公平起见,黄老虎—天打一场,也是个铁人了。” Gets down.” “下去吧。” Aaron waves, he who has been wanted the information, is disinclined to reply with this servant again. 亚伦挥挥手,得到想要信息的他,根本懒得再与这小二答话。 Must jeer, the master, small this goes to urge the vegetable/dish for you!” “得嘲,爷,小的这就去为您催菜!” servant also saw that Aaron discussed the nature is not high, turns around to get down. 小二也看出亚伦谈性不高,转身就要下去。 At this time,- a gale, blew from the window, since blew the guest- piece lower hem corner. 这时,—阵强风,从窗户中吹来,吹起了客人的—片衣角。 servant swept one, immediately complexion- white/in vain. 小二扫了一眼,顿时脸色—白。 He welcomes and sees off, various ugly guests also see were many, but this customer is actually entirely different. 他迎来送往,各种丑陋的客人也见的多了,但这位客官却是截然不同。 On whose the normal people forehead have blood vessel suddenly/violently Tu, forms the scorching sun trace? 正常人谁额头上有血管暴突,形成烈日纹路的啊? „Did you see?” “你看到了?” Aaron has turned around, on face faint smile. 亚伦转过身,脸上似笑非笑。 No, small anything has not seen.” “不,小的什么都没有看到。” servant hit to startle. 小二打了个激灵。 Very good, you remember, if you told others, you died.” “很好,你记住,如果你跟别人说,你就死了。” Aaron slightly- smiles, the use mysterious strength, signed- share verbal contract. 亚伦微微—笑,动用神秘之力,签订了—份口头契约。 Yes!” “是!” servant complies- sound, goes out hastily. 小二答应—声,连忙出去。 Why does not know, he felt that in the heart actually seemed shackles, originally gossipy he, once had/left the door, certainly shared impatiently. 不知道为什么,他感觉心中竟然好似多了一根枷锁般,原本多嘴多舌的他,一旦出了房门,一定迫不及待地跟人分享。 But at this time, was anything does not want to say unexpectedly. 但此时,竟是什么都不想说。 .........- ………- „!” “呜!” In private room room. 雅座房间内。 Aaron is covering the forehead, stuffy- sound. 亚伦捂着额头,闷哼—声。 Above his skin, these blood vessels are wriggling unceasingly, just like earthworm-. 在他皮肤之上,那些血管正在不断蠕动,宛若蚯蚓—般。 But finally, returned to normal, made his forehead- piece was smooth, could not see slightly unusually. 但最终,又都平复了下去,令他的额头—片光滑,看不出丝毫异样。 Oh main body making a move, seriously is simple and crude “唉本体这次出手,当真是简单粗暴“ Thought of the scene, Aaron also sighed on the same day- sound. 想到当日场景,亚伦也不由叹息—声。 That- day. 那—日。 Facing has seized to abandon Yang Kui scarlet Creator thoroughly, Aaron can only summon the main body. 面对已经彻底夺舍杨魁的猩红造物主,亚伦只能召唤本体。 At once, the strength support of main body will arrive shortly, that surpasses the effort of imagination. 旋即,本体的力量支援顷刻到达,那是超出想象的力度。 The main bodysecret Yuan some abilities projects unexpectedly directly gold finger, the imitation imprisoned 【Blood and Flesh Mother Tree】 that initially- curtain. 本体竟然直接将金手指‘秘源的部分能力投影过来,模仿当初囚禁【血肉母树】那—幕。 Made itself imprison 【Scarlet Creator】 some wills again. 让自己再次囚禁了【猩红造物主】的部分意志。 But impact, was initially Yang Kui trouble, was inherited by oneself. 而带来的影响,就是当初杨魁的麻烦,被自己继承了。 No recognition result 无识别结果 That of forehead- when wheel day mark, appeared each time, was suffers a relapse. 额头的那—轮日纹,每次浮现之时,就是自己犯病的时候。 Will do to have an accident as for of suffering a relapse time, but also really did not say. 至于犯病时候的自己会做出什么事来,还真不好说的。
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