TOTM :: Volume #10

#902: Profound Valley bead( 1200 make up)

I bah... others that is the Daoism authentic disciple, rushes to a Yuan god to disperse the immortal, then at least is also pays great attention to the foundation that Golden Pill major accomplishment goes especially, you special an evil faction sorcerer, only refine the thin malignant influences, reprimanded my Early Heaven, had no disciple of fierce inheritance, did you match with me? With? ‚ ‘我呸…人家那是玄门正宗弟子,奔着元神散仙,至少也是金丹大成去的这才格外注重根基,你特么一个邪派妖人,只炼成了稀薄煞气,就来斥责我一个先天都不到,也没有什么厉害传承的弟子,你跟我配吗?配吗?‘ Aaron ponders original Xinchen, the aptitude is ordinary, the will perception is also general. 亚伦自忖原本的辛辰,资质一般,毅力悟性也是一般。 But gold/metal Daoist's dao method inheritance also is really coarse, so two superimpose, this can cultivate/repair congealing ghost realm to for a lifetime thank heaven and earth, said that what future way and Golden Pill Great Way, they will match? 而金道人本身的道法传承也甚是粗陋,如此两相叠加,这一辈子能修到凝煞境界就要谢天谢地了,说什么未来道途、金丹大道、他们配么? Even if the foundation harms, but practices beyond the congealing ghost the astral not major problem, this then can free and unfettered the life, is many loose cultivator goals! 哪怕根基有损,但练到凝煞外罡也没多大问题,这便可以逍遥一生,是许多散修的奋斗目标! Naturally, on the face actually reveals the ashamed color: Is the disciple is unfair to Master to have lost/carrying Master great expectations!” 当然,脸上却是露出惭愧之色:“是弟子对不起师父有负师父厚望!” „!” “罢了!” The gold/metal Daoist also finds an excuse to curse at people at will. 金道人也只是随意找个借口骂人而已。 At this time waves, jet black magic power infiltrates Aaron dantian together, ‚ stomach monster gusuppression. 此时一挥手,一道漆黑的法力就打入亚伦丹田,将‘胃妖蛊‘镇压。 Aaron rubbed the belly, immediately turns over/stands up to stand up,- ritual arrives: Many thanks Master!” 亚伦揉了揉肚子,顿时翻身站起,—礼到地:“多谢师父!” The people under the eaves, the truth that has to lower the head, he understands. 人在屋檐下,不得不低头的道理,他还是懂的。 And this gold/metal Daoist is not the kindhearted person, digs the matter that the heart of apprentice ate uncooked to do! 并且这金道人可不是什么良善人,挖了徒弟的心生吃的事儿都做过! Un, happen to I must convene your Junior Brother Junior Sister, walks!” “嗯,正好我要召集你的师弟师妹们,走吧!” The gold/metal Daoist wields the sleeve, immediately cold wind the Aaron package, two people departs the cave mansion together. 金道人一挥袖子,顿时就有一阵阴风将亚伦包裹,两人一起飞出洞府。 This gold/metal Daoist is only congealing ghost realm, although can also control one's feelings the flight, but also can only a hundred zhang (333 m), want the long-range flight, must have helping of magic tool and magic treasure. 这金道人只是凝煞境界,虽然也可以御气飞行,但也只能一次百丈,想要长途飞行,就得有法器法宝之助。 But Aaron knows, gold/metal Daoist lineage/vein are poor, even magic tool few! Usually in gold/metal person hand, did not hate to use. 亚伦知晓,金道人这一脉穷得很,连法器都没有几件!平素都在金道人手中,也舍不得用。 Is good is not big because of hundred poisonous mountains, the gold/metal Daoist is only several plunders, arrives at a platform. 好在百毒山不大,金道人只是几个起掠,就来到一处平台。 This platform is located above a sheer precipice, at the same time protrudes, other are smooth such as the cliff wall of mirror, even if the martial arts masters are also hard to climb. 这平台位于一处悬崖峭壁之上,一面凸出,其余都是光滑如镜的崖壁,纵然武林高手也难以攀登。 At this time, above the platform, several people are waiting early. 此时,在平台之上,早有数人在等候着。 Saw that the gold/metal Daoist returns, immediately kneels on the ground salutes: Disciple pays a visit Master!” 见到金道人归来,立即跪在地上行礼:“弟子拜见师父!” Several people see Aaron and gold/metal Daoist arrive together, even on the face, eye reveals the envy and resenting color. 有几人看见亚伦与金道人一同到来,甚至脸上、眼中流露出嫉妒与愤恨之色。 Master like Master, manipulating strategically between apprentices was not certainly... ‚ 师父不像师父,徒弟间的勾心斗角也是绝了…‘ Aaron complained one in secret. 亚伦暗中吐槽一句。 Under gold/metal Daoist place disciple not by age observance of senority, but is the strength! 金道人座下弟子并不以年龄论资排辈,而是实力! hard Biao is the say/way enters big person Ss really to be first mad on Early Heaven, naturally is the forcing peer 之辛表乃是道入先大的人Ss尔就一口先天真气,自然就是力压同辈的 Eldest Senior Brother. 大师兄 But now? Hehe 但如今么?呵呵 gold/metal Daoren snort/hum, said: Gets up!” 金道人哼了一声,道:“起来吧!” Is pointing at the hand of —— solid wei group: Factory F, Xinchen walks to take now into, H adding people is defeated and dispersed, could not have made Eldest Senior Brother, you later are 指着——固逶群的手:厂子f,如今辛辰走以入,一H加人式溃散,已经做不得大师兄,你以后就是 Eldest Senior Brother. ” 大师兄了。” deer Meizi is excited the freckle on face to vibrate, said loudly: Disciple is compliant!” 鹿梅子兴奋得脸上的雀斑都抖动起来,大声道:“弟子遵命!” Immediately looked at Aaron complacently, the villain countenance is not covering up simply. 顿时得意洋洋地望着亚伦,小人嘴脸简直不加掩饰了。 But other same side are also so. 而其它同门也是如此。 Steps on holds lowly high, the itself/Ben is the human nature, but in the hanger- on gold/metal Daoist heresy, is intense. 踩低捧高,本就是人类天性,而在金道人这旁门左道的门下,更是变本加厉。 If only some faces the peach blossom, puts on a female of scarlet women's clothing, looks at the Aaron vision to be somewhat different. 唯有其中一位脸若桃花,穿着一袭大红衣裙的女子,望着亚伦的目光有些不同。 Aaron sees the opposite party, a memory appears. 亚伦只是看到对方,一层记忆就浮现出来。 That is the opposite party curries favor the scene under own. 那是对方在自己身下曲意逢迎之场景。 The next many disciples save in March... the opposite party... 下许多弟子省3月…过对方… Aaron facial skin slightly red. 亚伦脸皮有些微红。 The character of T..., the brothel has worked as the character of small family/home, but steals teacher's wife such T家的人物…过,青楼当小家的人物,但偷师娘这么 Exciting matter, but also has not really played 刺激的事儿,还真没玩过 Moves tests azure 动考青 The city electricity is the fire roasts cloud Lizhu, recently the ticket closes up, daily five harmful things contribution essential deer Mei 市电是火烤・云礼珠,最近一段时间都票闭关,每日的五毒贡献不可缺少鹿梅 Your manager matter, must offer enough share in the future every day, otherwise you are only held responsible! ” 子,你总管这事,日后每天都要献上足够份额,否则唯你是问!” Yes!” “是!” deer Meizi has not thought that becomes Eldest Senior Brother to experience this matter, complies distressfully. 鹿梅子没想到一当上大师兄就遇到这事,不由愁眉苦脸地答应下来。 Profound Valley bead?! ‚ 玄牝珠?!‘ In Aaron heart slightly one cold. 亚伦心中微微一凛。 He knows, the gold/metal Daoist was the Southern Border person, the accident of sorts resulted in a book, then arrived at the Central Plain,- thought that must refine in the becoming enlightened book fiercest several gu insects. 他知道,金道人原本是南疆人,机缘巧合得了一本道书,然后就来到中原,—心想要炼成道书中最厉害的几种蛊虫。 And one type, named gold/metal Cangu! 其中一种,名为一金蚕蛊! This gu above Gucci ominous six wing gold/metal Canwei prototypes, once refining up, when the murderer/culprit prestige is unparalleled, gobbles up the ordinary ascetic, if commonplace! 此蛊以上古奇凶六翅金蚕为原型,一旦炼成,当真凶威盖世,吞吃普通修道者若等闲尔! But the gold/metal gu inborn offense, bites the lord happily, day this also needs to offer a sacrifice to refine corresponding magic tool, to surrender it. 但金奎蛊天生戾,最喜噬主,天此还需要祭炼相应法器,以降服之。 This Profound Valley bead is most suitable to be used to subdue magic tool of gu insect! 玄牝珠就是最适合用来收服蛊虫的法器! gold/metal Daoren issues the duty, however walks into the cave mansion leisurely, a dao method secret art sealed up the door. 金道人发布完任务,就施施然走入洞府,一道法诀封闭了门扉。 Above the platform, several disciples you have a look at me and I to have a look at you final, the deer plum goes forward one step, 平台之上,数位弟子你看看我、我看看你最终,还是鹿梅子上前一步, On the face the faint smile is looking at Aaron: „ Xinchen Junior Brother 脸上似笑非笑地望着亚伦:“辛辰师弟 He called intentionally resoundingly the Junior Brother two characters, clarified wants to shame Xinchen intentionally. 他故意将师弟两个字叫得响亮,摆明了是想故意羞辱辛辰一番。 Eldest Senior Brother, has the matter to tell.” Aaron is actually adaptable to the situation, exhibits the smile. 大师兄,有事请吩咐。”亚伦却能屈能伸,摆出笑脸。 Wei Feiniang sees this, in the eye actually flashes through wipes the extraordinary splendor: ‚ How not to know before, this Xinchen is used to is adaptable to the situation? ‚ 魏飞娘见此,眼中却闪过一抹异彩:‘怎么之前不知,这辛辰惯是能屈能伸的?‘ The deer plum was really self-satisfied, called out: Master assigns/life me always to get all things, the Junior Brother price to send five five harmful things every day is, how?” 鹿梅子甚是得意,叫道:“师父命我总领诸事,师弟价每日都要送来五条五毒之属,如何?” This share was very heavy, clarifies intentionally made things hard for somebody. 这份额很重,摆明了就是故意刁难。 This...” “这…”“ On the Aaron face reveals the color of feeling embarrassed, seems struggling. 亚伦脸上露出为难之色,似乎在挣扎。 In Junior Brother think when Xinchen must manifest suddenly, sighed: Good...” 就在师弟们都以为辛辰要发作之时,才叹息一声:“好吧…” Ha haha...” “哈哈哈…”“ Is listening to the back deer plum self-satisfied laughter, Aaron that turns around to depart has not cared. 听着背后鹿梅子得意的笑声,转身离去的亚伦并未在意。 In his long time, what hero, villain and young people saw a lot to finally, wiped the loess, does not need to care! 在他漫长的时光中,无论是什么英雄、小人、红颜都见得多了到了最后,都不过是一抹黄土,不必在意! Pitifully this opening is not good, careless inadequate not, nothing can prevent my careless footsteps! ‚ ‘可惜这开局不好,苟不成了啊不,没有什么能阻挡我苟的脚步!‘ He sighed, the facial expression turns round firmly, returned to the cave mansion along the mountain road. 他叹息一声,神情又复坚定,沿着山路回到自己洞府。 When comes has the gold/metal Daoist to control one's feelings the flight, only walks the time of partly not being able to burn a joss stick, but comes back actually to climb mountains and cross rivers, walked enough half double-hour! 来时有金道人御气飞行,只走了半炷香不到的功夫,但回来却要自己跋山涉水,走了足足半个时辰! The close cave mansions, Aaron sit cross-legged to sit, saves to think that «Hundred Poisonous Daoist scripture», on the face appears a happy expression. 封闭洞府,亚伦盘膝而坐,存想《百毒真经》,脸上浮现出一丝笑意。 Later Heaven wants to promote Early Heaven, must make a connection, no matter what supervises two lineage/vein to be possible! ‚ 后天想要晋升先天,必得打通任督二脉才可!‘ Deer plum is really the idiot I, although the real air/Qi is defeated and dispersed, but no matter what after all supervises two lineage/vein to pass, wants warm Yangnei air/Qi compared with them, the impact acupuncture point, I actually do not need to attack, can get it done in one action. ‚ ‘鹿梅子真是白痴我虽然真气溃散,但毕竟任督二脉已通,比起他们还要一个个温养内气,冲击穴位,我却不需要冲击,可以一蹴而就。‘ So thinking, Aaron was inspecting an own physical condition carefully, defers to the scrip­tures to record, contemplates to save the god, the reassignment within the body inner strength, has the butcher palace, crosses the navel, along the vertebra big dragon upward, opens access unexpectedly, enters the day of spirit hundred meetings! 如此想着,亚伦仔细检查了一番自己的身体状况,就按照经文之中记载,冥想存神,调动体内内力,起胞宫,过肚脐,沿着脊椎大龙一路往上,竟是畅通无阻,直入天灵百会! But at this time, he in one vigorous effort, has not broken through the boundary of Early Heaven. 但此时,他并未一鼓作气,突破先天之境。 After all just overstated, the body has the wound, is not suitable moves greatly, instead in the air/Qi will practice purely is pure, starts to raise various place injured acupuncture points warm. 毕竟刚刚走火入魔,身体有伤,不宜大动,反而将内气练得纯之又纯,开始温养各处受伤的穴位。
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