TOTM :: Volume #9

#893: Acts( 600 make up)

Carves the insect small technique!” “雕虫小技!” Nangong not victory angrily roared, flood dragon above clothes robe just like living came general. 南宫无胜怒吼一声,衣袍之上的蛟龙宛若活了过来一般。 His both hands brace, the body week appears together the dragon shape qi energy, the flying needle will blow all. But at this time, southeast the regulation has jumped other- on ship. 他双手一撑,身周浮现出一道龙形气劲,将飞针尽数吹开。而此时,程东南已经跳到了另外—艘船上。 Evildoer rests!” “贼子休走!” Several black clothes health/guard render meritorious service cherished, pursued, saw that in the sky several flying needles dodge, these people of instantaneous forehead presented a red point on the complexion azure black but actually. 几名黑衣卫立功心切,追了上去,就见到天空中几根飞针一闪,这几人瞬间眉心出现一颗红点就面色青黑地倒了下去。 „!” “靠!” Yang Kui and other recruits near the bottom, frighten directly lies on the ground, almost grasps does not stop the weapon. „ That... is that a person? „ 杨魁等几个靠后的新兵,吓得直接趴在地上,差点握不住手中兵器。“那…那还是人么?“ In the youngster heart, was full of an anxiety, even frustrates. 少年心中,充满了一种疑虑,甚至挫败。 martial arts that he is proud, in front of such Inhuman Existence, calculates what? Bang! 他引以为傲的武功,在这样的非人存在面前,又算的了什么呢?轰隆! While Yang Kui suspected life, another black awning boat was detonated. 就在杨魁怀疑人生的同时,又一艘乌篷船被引爆。 This is southeast the regulation sentences the point of descent that Nangong not won again in advance, attracted a gunpowder ship position him. In the middle of the flame, south officer not wins goes out again, clothes were burnt down most, even the eyebrow so, appears the wolf similarly. 这是程东南再次预判了南宫无胜的落点,将他吸引到了一处火药船位置。火光当中,南官无胜再次走出,身上的衣服都被烧掉大半,甚至眉毛都同样如此,显得十分狼。 You... disappointed me.” “你…太让我失望了。” Nangong victory is not looking at southeast the regulation, in the pupil has the obvious disappointed color: «Shocking Book» should not, only then so the prestige can the different technique can only show, you are a weak one!” 南宫无胜望着程东南,眸子里带着明显的失望之色:“《惊世书》不该只有如此威能的异术只能证明,你是一个弱者!” I only challenge the powerful enemy my entire life, but today, I can make an exception the —— different technique for you wyvern star! „ „ “我一生只挑战强敌,但今天,我可以为你破例——异术・飞龙点星!““ The next quarter, Nangong not wins with the finger has selected the acupuncture point fast. 下一刻,南宫无胜用指头飞快点过自身穴道。 In an instant, his whole body muscle inflates, the figure raised both to continue suddenly! Bang! 转眼之间,他浑身肌肉膨胀,身形骤然拔高了两个头都不止!砰! Nangong not victory gets hold of the fist, gently- wields! 南宫无胜握紧拳头,轻轻—挥! The air seemed compressed a brick, instantaneously medium-range southeast in deck.! 空气仿佛被压缩成一块砖头,瞬间正中程东南所在甲板。啪! The deck just like bombed general, blasts out a large cave/hole directly, the innumerable detritus dance in the air. 甲板宛若被炮击一般,直接炸开一个大洞,无数碎屑飞舞。 The regulation southeastern distressed retreat, centipede was blown off innumerably. 程东南狼狈后退,身上的蚰蜒被炸飞无数。 At this moment, he sees Nangong not victory to tread the water to skice, the speed rose dramatically unexpectedly several times compared with before! Almost was in an instant, arrived at his front, a fist rumbled! 就在这时,他看见南宫无胜踏水疾行,速度竟然比之前暴增了数倍!几乎是转眼之间,就来到了他的面前,一拳轰出! ! 咔嚓! Southeast the regulation holds up two arm standards to keep off reluctantly, the result body puts on the grating bone split sound, bangs into black awning boat ruthlessly. 程东南勉强举起两条手臂格挡,结果身上穿出刺耳的骨裂声响,狠狠撞入一条乌篷船中。 Shore. In K teahouse. 岸边。K茶楼上。 Here scenery is very good, the line of sight is good. Aaron relies on the column to look, gets a panoramic view the battlefield exactly, takes in everything at a glance. 这里风景很好,视线不错。亚伦倚栏而望,恰好将战场尽收眼底,一览无余。 At once, he turns the head, looks that a face worried the old father expression Nangong is wonderful, is somewhat speechless: „ Your father looks not silly, although a trap, but presses the enemy to hit now, I thought that he was about to win! „ 旋即,他转头,看着一脸担忧老父亲表情的南宫妙妙,有些无语:“你爹看起来不傻啊虽然了一点陷阱,但现在是压着敌人打,我看他快赢了!“ I do not know...” Nangong bites the lip wonderfully, but the tone is very firm: But I know, his time could not win... not won, possibly was also one of prices he needs to pay.” “我也不知道…”南宫妙妙咬了咬嘴唇,但语气很坚定:“但我知道,他这次赢不了的…无胜,可能也是他需要支付的代价之一。” In any event, I should say goodbye in any case.” Aaron sighed, had drew back intent. “反正无论如何,我都该告辞了。”亚伦叹息一声,有了退意。 He is prepares to get rid of southeast the regulation, gathers «Shocking Book» while convenient, has not thought that one step, had Imperial Court to meddle slowly. 他是来准备干掉程东南,顺带收取《惊世书》的,没想到慢了一步,有朝廷插手。 Oneself act unreasonably again, somewhat is inopportune. 自己再乱来,就有些不合时宜。 That Nangong not wins, this Nangong wonderfully seems like not like a fuel-efficient lamp. Perhaps, comes to oneself! 那个南宫无胜也就罢了,这个南宫妙妙看起来也不像一盏省油的灯。说不定,就是冲着自己来的! After all, the different technique is all sorts of strange and unusual, is capable of anything not saying. Un, the Big Brother said goodbye.” 毕竟,异术千奇百怪,有什么能力都不好说的。“嗯,大哥哥再见。” Nangong wonderful wielded the small palm of meat meat very much happily. 南宫妙妙很开心地挥了挥肉肉的小手掌。 Aaron turned from the window in the same old way, looked at a noise wharf, the preparation stride left. One who knows the times great. 亚伦照样从窗户翻了出去,看了一眼喧嚣的码头,准备大步离开。识时务者为俊杰。 He from pay Caishu the level, does not need to go to go all out with law level strange people. How the universe can be out, is unrelated with him. Suddenly, his corner of the eye split vision police, saw one crowd of black clothes health/guard. 他自付才术级,没必要去跟法级异人拼命。乾坤会下场如何,也与他不相干。忽然,他眼角余光一警,看到了一群黑衣卫。 The opposite party deploy troops for defense in most surrounding, really fished net Little Yu actually. Brothers, kill!” 对方在最外围布防,倒是真的捞到了一网小鱼。“兄弟们,杀出去!” The family/home port meets the foothold as the universe, naturally and not only hid southeast the regulation and others, many universe meeting member. 乎家港作为乾坤会据点,当然并不仅仅只隐藏了程东南等几人,还有不少乾坤会成员。 At this time, each one breaks through separately. 此时,就各自分头突围。 Fell into the feudal official trap. 紧接着,就落入了官府的陷阱。 Yang Kui both hands scarlet like blood, displayed Reaching the Peak of Perfection Realm the blood Kui hand impressively! He no longer diverts attention to watch the entanglements of two big strange people, but will start to follow the team to exterminate the universe mixed soldier. By this time, he somewhat like a fish in water feeling. 杨魁双手赤红如血,赫然将血魁手发挥到了登峰造极之境!他不再分心观看两大异人的纠缠,而是开始跟随队伍清剿乾坤会杂兵。到了这时,他才有几分如鱼得水的感觉。 The gate seizing thief, should be right of this appearance. Kills the thief!” 公门抓捕贼人,就应该是这个样子的才对。“杀杀贼!” Opposite of Yang Kui, a universe meeting man whole face is the blood, a fist is still dispatching slowly, as to hit his face.( 在杨魁对面,一个乾坤会汉子满脸是血,一只拳头还在缓缓递出,似乎想要打他的脸。( But is too late! 但已经太迟了! Yang Kui palm, has pressed in the lower abdomen position of opponent! 杨魁的手掌,已经按在了对手的小腹位置! That person fiercely and coughs several blood, poured, several elderly and infirm who will block from expose. This...” 那人猛地又咳出几口鲜血,倒了下去,将身后遮住的几个老弱妇孺展露出来。“这…” Yang Kui turns around, the police a boss, saw that this boss is grinning fiendishly: Grasps, the severe punishment interrogates, this is the rebellion, takes i nine generations!” 杨魁转身,警了一眼上司,就见到这个上司狞笑着:“都抓起来,严刑审讯,这可是造反,要i九族的!” He nods, takes a step to go forward. 他点点头,迈步上前。 Do not come!” “你们不要过来!” In circlet takes a Omei thorn, the small face is pale. 小环手里拿着一柄峨眉刺,小脸惨白。 She naturally knows to fall into the feudal official hand certainly not good end, and has studied martial skill. At this time is only thinking going all out, even if finally failure, must settle itself, so as to avoid suffers hardship! 她自然知晓落入官府手中绝无好下场,并且也学过一点武艺。此时只想着拼命,哪怕最后失败,也要了结自己,免得受罪! Yang Kuiqi body on, without two moves, wiped out the Omei thorn in circlet hand, making it send out a pain to shout.... „ 杨魁欺身而上,没有两招,就打掉了小环手中的峨眉刺,令其发出一声痛呼。…“ Nearby the wharf, the Aaron footsteps stop. „ Is this sound...... a circlet?! „ 码头附近,亚伦的脚步一停。“这声音……是小环?!“ How this woman said that also has taken care of some time, but oneself also comply , if predestined friends, must help one time. 这个女人怎么说也照顾过自己一段时间,而自己也答应若是有缘,必会帮助一次。 „Didn't this fate... come?” “这缘分…不就来了么?” Aaron turns around, the whole body appears faintly the jet black air current, condenses Qi Prestige, leaps, but on the roof, is taking a fast look around the origin of sound. martial practitioner works as the pleased love and hate! 亚伦一转身,周身隐隐浮现出漆黑的气流,凝聚成气势,一跃而上屋顶,扫视着声音的来源。武者当快意恩仇! Roar! 吼! He no longer covers up, tiger four sweep, found the circlet in the position, throws fiercely. 他不再遮掩,虎目四扫,就找到了小环所在位置,猛地扑下。 Teahouse two. 茶楼二层。 Nangong is looking at this wonderfully, the small face roused the steamed stuffed bun: Variable ended, the father must defeat was also all right, defeats is defeating also on be used to it, so long as in any case the person has not died on the line.” 南宫妙妙望着这一幕,小脸都鼓成了包子:“变数啊完了,老爹又要败了不过也没事,败着败着也就习惯了,反正只要人没死就行。” „!” Yang Kui is just about to start to the circlet, suddenly on the hearing following several pitiful yells. When he has turned around, terrified- is startled. “阿!”杨魁正要对小环下手,忽然就听见后面几声惨叫。等到他转过身之时,不由悚然—惊。 Sees only a whole body to twine black qi, the person who cannot see clearly the facial features stands in the middle of pools of blood. Own colleague and boss already but actually place. 只见一个浑身缠绕着黑气,看不清面容的人就站在一片血泊当中。自己的同僚、上司已经倒了一地。 Strange people and different technique...” Yang Kui both legs a little shiver, impulsion that even a little wants to cry. “异人、异术…”杨魁双腿有点颤抖,甚至有点想哭的冲动。 Originally, he shows talent for the first time in the training battalion, settled on and is promoted by six grades is on the speedway of being promoted. 原本,他在训练营中崭露头角,被六档头看中、提拔是上了升职的快车道。 But in an instant, six grades of died, oneself must face strange people! 但转眼间,六档头死了,自己就要面对一位异人! Is it possible that...... can also be ordinary with own colleague, dies here? 莫非……也要跟自己的同僚一般,死在此处么? No, I have big transporting, how haven't I revenged... I to die here? In Yang Kuixin angrily roars, the eye pupil takes a ruthless color gradually. ‘不,我有大运,我还没有报仇…我怎么能死在这里?杨魁心中怒吼,眼眸渐渐带上一丝狠色。
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