TOTM :: Volume #9

#894: Awakening

Bang! 砰! Yang Kui knees kneel, yelled: „ Chivalrous person forgives! The villain is only the young private and black clothes health/guard that rookie the training battalion just came out, meets fellow real men to be bloodless with the universe 杨魁双膝跪地,大叫道:“大侠饶命!小人只是训练营刚出来的小卒子、黑衣卫新人,与乾坤会各位好汉并无血 The sea deep enmity, graciousness Bian Xijiao is anxiously bright now: Ten people put villain greatly- strip way out, the villain has a Yuan health/guard, is loyal by the table! ” 海深仇,如今恩急弁惜狡明:十国人大放小人—条生路,小人起元一卫,以表忠心!” Regarding Yang Kui, revolts against the strange people dead at this time! 对于杨魁而言,此时反抗异人就是死! But even if the following universe will really revolt, at least possibly has the means of livelihood! 而哪怕真的跟着乾坤会造反,至少可能有活路! This is drinks on the zhen thirsty, knows white She to be very big old, has not chosen. 这就是饮鸩上渴,哦旧知白舍很大,也没有选择。 You...” “你…” little king did not look at this just to hit, 2 R strongominous person,- when as if lost the spoken language ability. 小王不望着这个刚刚打,2R强的‘凶人,—时仿佛失去了言语能力。 Is this that vicious Imperial Court falcons and dogs? Also knelt quickly? 这还是那个凶狠的朝廷鹰犬么?也跪得太快了吧? How can you not have the strength of spirit? 你怎么能如此没有骨气? The circlet somewhat is sad the beforehand failure, suddenly 小环有些哀伤自己之前的失败,忽 However, she from light flash, saw that from falls brave that rescues natural: „ Are you... white profound Brother Bai? „ 然,她自光闪,又看到了那个从天面降救下的大英:“你是…白玄白大哥?“ ‚ The white profound universe will become sworn brothers one of the ten brothers, big chieftain ‘白玄乾坤会结义十兄弟之一,大头目啊 Yang Kui hears here, in the same core is startled. And, remembers te to wait for the final trial. „ Interesting and interesting... 杨魁听到这里,同样心中微惊。并且,志忑地等待着最后的审判。“有趣、有趣… Aaron laughs: „ On your mouth was saying must throw 亚伦哈哈一笑:“你嘴上说着要投 Honest, but the whole body muscle tight line, prepares to act obviously at any time! To... does not escape! ” 诚,但全身肌肉紧线,显然随时准备出手!不对…是逃跑!” Yang Kui was said the concern, in the heart sinks fiercely. He raised the head, is looking at the Aaron faint smile vision, suddenly clenches teeth: „ Ants, in addition drags out an ignoble existence, the villain also to protect oneself to ask the Sir to forgive! „ 杨魁被说中心事,心中猛地一沉。他抬头,望着亚伦似笑非笑的目光,忽然一咬牙:“蝼蚁尚且偷生,小人也是为了自保请大人恕罪!“ Haha, you are very interesting! „ “哈哈,你很有趣!“ Aaron gets the head, this knew the 5 : m good and virtuous person, if he in the past met, definitely wanted- Cuts the grass 亚伦领首,这等知进5:m吉人,他往常若是遇到,必然要--斩草 Root! 除根! After all such person grows, is very definitely fearful! 毕竞这样的人成长起来,肯定十分可怕! But does not know why a small inexplicable idea, sees the generation of w lives, no reason why not appearance. 但不知为什么一条小种莫名的想法,见代w命,也未尝不可的样子。 Such being the case......” “既然如此……” The Aaron mushroom corner/horn arranges in order in a big way, Little brother. 亚伦菇角列开大,小弟。 However i departments, his will of the people fills, broadminded one startled! 都然i司,他人心灌,豁然一惊! „It is not right!” “不对!” Why do I have this idea suddenly? „ „ Because looked that this boy is very pleasing to the eyes? But I do not prepare to bring to work as the burden the circlet!” “我为何突然生出这种想法?““就因为看这小子很顺眼么?但我连小环都不准备带着当累赘!” These must have the issue... gold finger! „ Next quarter, a cool feeling, falls like awaking lake doing abhiseka. “这其中必有问题…金手指!“下一刻,一阵清凉的感觉,如同醒湖灌顶般落下。 Aaron quickly grasps the meaning of something, at present appears light screens: 亚伦一个激灵,眼前浮现出一片光幕: Determination withstandsturning bad luck into good techniquepassive influence on determine!】 【判定承受‘逢凶化吉术‘被动影响判定中!】 You exempted from this influence!】 【你豁免了此次影响!】 Is the strange people......... has not as if realized the different technique unexpectedly on own initiative, is only this together turning bad luck into good techniquehost, but even if the passive influence, was very terrifying... ‘竟然也是异人…不……似乎还没有主动练成异术,只是这一道逢凶化吉术‘的宿主,但哪怕是被动影响,也很恐怖了… Aaron is looking at front Yang Kui, the complexion gradually becomes gloomy. 亚伦望着面前的杨魁,脸色逐渐变得阴沉下来。 Dares to affect him, must die! 敢影响他,就要死! Before had multi- showing mercy, at this time had multi- becoming angry out of shame! 之前有多手下留情,此时就有多恼羞成怒! His vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered many world, almost by young rookies getting by under false pretences! 他纵横诸多世界,差点就被一只小菜鸟给蒙混过关了! The circlet is somewhat looking at big brother white Xuan curiously, does not know why at the meeting of this personality big change the brothers, facing ti Imperial Court falcons and dogs, compete however the complexion number change. 小环有些好奇地望着白玄大哥,不知道为什么这位性情大变的会中兄弟,面对一倜朝廷鹰犬,竞然脸色数变。 ‚It is not good!’ ‘不好!’ Meanwhile, Yang Kui feels whole body absolutely terrified! 与此同时,杨魁则是感觉全身一阵毛骨悚然! He particularly trusts oneself intuition, therefore without hesitation, sets out to flash, hid behind the circlet. 他分外相信自己的直觉,因此毫不犹豫,起身一闪,躲到了小环背后。 Except for this direction, other directions are the blind alleys, cannot block opposite party one move! 除了这个方向,其它方向都是死路,挡不住对方一招! But the next quarter, Yang Kui knew itself to think extremely simply. 但下一刻,杨魁就知晓自己想得太过简单了。 Although escaped in the wink of an eye the circlet behind, obviously had the female of relations to work as shield with this with white Xuanda. 虽然瞬息之间逃到了小环身后,拿这个明显跟白玄大有关系的女子当挡箭牌。 But the next quarter, he as if appears at present a sun-blocking terrifying great crane. 但下一刻,他眼前就仿佛浮现出一只遮天蔽日的恐怖巨鹤。 The innumerable feathers of opposite party fall off, expose the pink skin, the innumerable muscles surge, as if must camouflage the entire sky! 对方的无数羽毛脱落,展露出粉红色的皮肤,无数筋肉涌动,仿佛要遮蔽住整个天空! Emergence flying upwards technique! 羽化飞升术! Not is only Yang Kui, the circlet flash consciousness falls into absent-minded. 不仅是杨魁,就连小环都一瞬间意识陷入恍惚。 The Aaron right hand wields gently, the body of circlet flew, leaves range that Yang Kui can control. 亚伦右手轻轻一挥,小环的身躯就飞了起来,离开杨魁所能掌控的范围。 At once, his footsteps point, the body just like moving to the shape trades the shadow to be the same, arrived in front of Yang Kui. 旋即,他脚步一点,身躯宛若移形换影一般,来到了杨魁面前。 Bang! 砰! The tiger demon refining up the body fist to strike conveniently, finally actually projected on the vacancy. 虎魔炼体拳随手一击,结果却打到了空处。 Appears same place a giant pothole. But in the pothole edge, Yang Kuilang du sways back and forth, on body upper eyelid completely by wound of blinding sputtering! 原地浮现出一个巨大的坑洞。而在坑洞边缘,杨魁狼椟地打滚,身上脸上满是被碎石子溅射的伤口! Not to... „ “不对…“ Aaron receives the fist, staring, if Yang Kui: Can restore... you from my emergence flying upwards fist intent quickly is not the host of turning bad luck into good technique is so merely simple!” 亚伦收拳,凝视若杨魁:“能这么快从我的羽化飞升拳意之中恢复…你绝不仅仅是逢凶化吉术的宿主那么简单!” What turning bad luck into good technique? „ On Yang Kui face brings a point to be at a loss. “什么逢凶化吉术?“杨魁脸上带着一点迷惘。 When his life experience entrust/winding building, moving year sees somebody off on wave only protects the training battalion, barely escape several times. 他身世委楼,动年时就波送人仅卫训练营,几次险死还生。 Until recently, obtains the huge chance. 直到最近,才获得天大机缘。 When in early said exercised martial arts, he with amazement discovered oneself lost the consciousness some time. 于早一曰练功之时,他骇然发现自己失去意识一段时间。 But during these days, his blood Kui hand cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds unexpectedly, even to made him feel the strange situation. 而在这段时间之中,他的血魁手修为居然突飞猛进,甚至到了令他都感到陌生的地步。 And, has not burst oneself! 并且,还丝毫不伤身! Gradually, when Yang Kui has a dream at night, he will dream of a scarlet Sun! 渐渐地,每当杨魁夜晚做梦之时,他都会梦见一轮赤红的太阳! What a pity, this dream is very fuzzy, he does not know that actually to have anything. 可惜,这个梦十分模糊,他也不知道究竟发生了什么。 Only knows oneself can through the view think that at that moment scarlet Sun, adjusts the condition, can practice the blood Kui hand not to burst oneself heartily! 只知道自己可以通过观想那一刻赤红太阳,调整状态,能尽情习练血魁手而不伤身! He has regarded as the biggest secret this, has not actually thought that the chieftain who today by a universe meeting, thinks on him has the different technique? 他一直将此视作自己最大的秘密,却没有想到,今日会被一个乾坤会的头目,认为他身上有着异术? Scarlet Sun that wait/etc is it possible that I dream, is the different technique?” “等等莫非我梦见的猩红太阳,就是异术?” In Yang Kuixin somewhat is surprised uncertain. 杨魁心中有些惊疑不定。 Turning bad luck into good technique is only your surface, after is camouflages me to have a look to rip open the camouflage but actually, on you actually to hide anything...” “逢凶化吉术只是你的表面,是一层伪装我倒要看看撕开伪装之后,你身上究竟隐藏着什么东西…” The Aaron expression excitedly, shouts one fiercely. Roar roar! 亚伦表情兴奋,猛地嘶吼一声。吼吼! In the middle of the roaring sound, a first more than ten meters high jet black demon tiger reappears! 咆哮声当中,一头十几米高的漆黑魔虎再现! This demon tiger whole body is covered with the white spur, all around black qi Cai Rao, but in these black qi, has spirit one after another to reappear faintly! 这魔虎浑身长满白色的骨刺,四周黑气蔡绕,而在这些黑气之中,又隐隐有一道又一道魂灵浮现! A terrifying pressure, brings compared with an awe-inspiring prowess more terrifying thing, sweeps away the four directions instantaneously. 一股恐怖的威压,带着比虎威更恐怖的东西,瞬间横扫四方。 Some elderly and infirm direct eyes one white, faints. 有些老弱妇孺直接眼睛一白,昏死过去。 Yang Kui just like hit by the heavy hammer, the head is murky, is unable to revolt. 杨魁宛若被重锤击中,脑袋昏昏沉沉,根本无法反抗。 He looks, if that- head receives- a 7 thought: „ Originally... extinguished the people of six grades of heads, 他望若那—头承-七一个念头:“原来…灭了六档头的人, Also is you! ” 也是你!” Critical moment! 关键时刻! When this is at a crucial moment! 在此千钧一发之际! Yang Kui appears at present suddenly a scarlet red Sun. 杨魁眼前忽然又浮现出一轮赤红色的太阳。 But on him, an obsolete silk chart burns down instantaneously. 而在他身上,一张老旧的绢布图瞬间焚烧起来。 This is his own true fortuitous encounter, goes out when one time, one volume of remnant charts of harvest. 这是他自己真正的奇遇,一次外出之时,收获的一卷残图。 At this time! 此时! This volume of remnant chart seamless self-ignitions, but in Yang Kuixin, automatic appeared turning bad luck into good techniqueinformation! 这卷残图无缝自燃,而杨魁心中,自动就浮现出了逢凶化吉术‘的信息! He realized the different technique unexpectedly instantaneously, becomes the strange people! 他竟然瞬间练成了异术,成为异人! Moreover, but also understands the usage of this different technique completely, has not paid the price, obtains the Inhuman symptom! 不仅如此,还完全懂得这门异术的用法,也没有付出代价,获得非人体征! Almost is the instinct is ordinary, Yang Kui grabs the straw to grasp probably, uses the different technique rapidly- even/including Xionghua!!! 几乎是本能一般,杨魁好像抓住救命稻草,飞速施展异术--连凶化吉!!! „Is murderer unexpectedly he?” Quickly, killed that demon tiger!” “凶手竟然是他?”“快,杀了那魔虎!” Black clothes health/guard spot, several series saw the black demon tiger, the complexion changes. 黑衣卫处,原本几个都统看到黑色魔虎,脸色就是一变。 Six grades of die of this demon's hand, who killed this demon, who may obtain to promote! „ “六档头死于此魔头之手,谁杀了这魔头,谁就有可能获得提拔!“ Has the Pingyang kings to bring up the rear, these did!” Fire!” “有平阳王压阵,这一把干了!”“射击!” - Team flintlock soldier was rallied and lines up in formation by them the aiming jet black demon tiger, opens fire outrageously! —队火枪兵被他们重整、列队瞄准漆黑魔虎,悍然开枪! Bang bang! 砰砰! A bullet hits. 一蓬枪子打来。 Although Aaron did not fear, but a brow wrinkle, making jet black Qi Prestige solidify like the wall, keeps off before the circlet did the universe meeting women and children, blocked this attack for them. 虽然亚伦不怕,但还是眉头一皱,让漆黑的气势凝固如墙,挡在小环等一干乾坤会妇孺之前,为他们拦下了这攻击。 „Do you court death?” “你们找死么?” His right hand to become claw, grasps fiercely forward: Black tiger from the heart!” 他右手成爪,猛地向前一抓:“黑虎掏心!” In the sky the giant demon tiger makes the similar movement. 天空中巨大的魔虎做出同样的动作。 Bang! 砰! The terrifying tiger claw has the potential of withstanding great pressure on fall, all around has according to ghost sorrow Nie, does lowly for the tiger. 恐怖的虎爪带着泰山压顶之势落下,四周有依鬼哀嗫,为虎作低。 These flintlock soldiers have not even escaped with enough time, was attracted the complete attention by the tiger claw, at present one black, falls to the ground loudly! 那些火枪兵甚至还未来得及逃跑,就被虎爪吸引走全部注意力,眼前一黑,轰然倒地! After falling to the ground, translucent ghosts appear, attach above the demon tiger, making this claw might increase. 在倒地之后,还有一条条半透明的冤魂出现,依附于魔虎之上,令这一爪威力更增。 What were we thinking before?” “我们之前在想什么?” This is not the manpower can demonic creature of enemy!” On that several series faces has the color of regret and hate, at once is cranked up the meat sauce by a claw. “这不是人力所能敌之魔物!”那几个都统脸上带着悔恨交加之色,旋即就被一爪拍成了肉酱。 But while this opportunity, Yang Kui has fled to the honey ship village that many cabin wire rope Heng Jiang continually become, not wins toward Pingyang king Nangong with the regulation southeastern battlefield approaches fast. 而趁着这个机会,杨魁已经逃往诸多船舱铁索横江连成的蜜家船村之中,向着平阳王南宫无胜与程东南的战场飞快靠近。 He sees very clearly, knows how regardless of oneself cannot escape this demon tiger to chase down. 他看得很清楚,知道自己无论如何也逃不过这魔虎追杀。 The only vitality, lies in the battlefield the strongest law level strange people- Nangong not wins! 唯一的生机,就在于战场中最强的法级异人-—南宫无胜! After realizingturning bad luck into good technique ‚, Yang Kui felt that oneself martial arts also breaks through one after another, blood Kui hand to an unprecedented boundary, if the most common movement increases. 当练成‘逢凶化吉术‘之后,杨魁感觉自己的武功也接连突破,血魁手到了一种前所未有之境,连带若最不起眼的身法都大增。 This is also the foundation that he can escape crazily! „ Not to... „ 这也是他能疯狂逃命的基础!“不对…“ Person who „ these bring death, just makes Yang Kui escape this is the strength of turning bad luck into good technique, even/including Xionghua did, die auspicious, the Allah corner/horn halo?! „ “这些送死的人,刚好让杨魁逃生这是逢凶化吉术的力量,连凶化吉,遇难成祥,真主角光环?!“ In Yang Kui behind, Aaron stares the big eye: He before obviously was only the host of this together different technique, how to realize suddenly? And does not have including a side effect, this not different technique study!! Only if...” 在杨魁身后,亚伦瞪大眼睛:“他之前明明只是这一道异术的宿主,怎么突然就练成了?并且连一点副作用都没有,这不异术学!!除非…” Aaron is not a fool. 亚伦并不是笨蛋。 Even, has the spirit essence instinct intuition and divination, he on the association to the gold finger core part of escaping, that contains some Scarlet Sun wills immediately, own gold finger main body! 甚至,有着灵性的本能直觉与占卜,他立即就联想到了逃脱的金手指核心部件,那蕴含着猩红太阳部分意志的,自己的金手指本体! Originally is you! „ “原来是你!“ His eye clearly greatly bright: You wear out iron shoes in hunting round, must come all... today not time-consumingly, since you appear before me, that gave up any idea of that leaves.” 他眼晴大亮:“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫…今日既然你出现在我面前,那就休想离开。” Roar roar! 吼吼! In Aaron sets firm resolve, his back demon tiger Qi Prestige changes again, has black qi to reappear, changes into the shape of wing. 就在亚伦下定决心之时,他背后的魔虎气势再次变化,有条条黑气浮现,化为翅膀之形。 From the demon tiger, turned into the desiring to fly high tiger! 从魔虎,变成了插翅虎! The tiger can the governing wind, regenerate the both wings inborn, then can soar! 虎天生能御风,再生双翅,则是可以一飞冲天! The Aaron status by the increase to the limit, seemed to be changed into strong winds instantaneously, shortly will catch up with Yang Kui. 亚伦的身份瞬间被增幅至极限,似乎化为了一道狂风,顷刻间追上了杨魁。 No mistake! „ “没有错!“ That thing certainly on you! „ He departs a claw fiercely, according to before Yang Kui's road which must be taken, blocks this youngster. “那个东西一定在你身上!“他猛地飞出一爪,按在杨魁的必经之路前,将这个少年拦下。 Aaron oneself am both hands hold the arm to be steep, falls in a black awning boat deck, the eye is taking a look at Yang Kui: Scarlet... haven't you awakened?” 亚伦本人则是双手抱着胳陡,落在一艘乌篷船的甲板上,眼睛打量着杨魁:“猩红…你还未觉醒么?” Scarlet Creator will originally close to chaos, even if part, similarly so. 猩红造物主的意志本来就接近混沌,哪怕是一部分,也同样如此。 What are you saying? „ “你在说什么?“ Yang Kui does not understand the meaning in the Aaron words containing, only feels confused. 杨魁根本不懂亚伦话语中所蕴含的意思,只觉得一头雾水。 But at the same time, in his heart the tyrannical meanings ascend, this made his eyeball change into scarlet. 但与此同时,他心中又有一股暴虐之意升腾而起,这令他的眼珠都化为了猩红。 Bang! 轰隆! In Aaron prepares first to begin. 就在亚伦准备抢先动手之时。 The deck under his body blasts out loudly. 他身下的甲板轰然炸开。 The shock-wave and flame of explosion submerge him, but will be resisted, compressed shortly and vanished by a jet black fierce tiger finally does not see 爆炸的冲击波与火光将他淹没,但顷刻间就被一头漆黑猛虎抵挡、压缩、最终消失不见 Fierce... turning bad luck into good different technique! Once the host encounters the danger, will turn bad luck into good automatically, encountered difficulty auspicious...” “厉害啊…逢凶化吉异术!一旦宿主遇到危险,就会自动逢凶化吉,遇难成祥…”“ Aaron shoulders both hands, Bo send/hair from the explosion goes out lossless: „ Is scarlet this you chooses to cope with my hidden trump? „ 亚伦背负双手,从爆炸中亳发无损地走出:“猩红这就是你选择对付我的底牌么?“ But you must know, accidental/surprised again many, was inferior its strength tyrannical it is powerful, sufficiently suppression all accidents/surprises!” “但你要知,意外再多,也不如本身实力强横本身实力强大,足以镇压一切意外!” Roar roar! 吼吼! Finishes speaking, the Aaron back demon tiger face upwards to roar, body spurs blast out, the proliferation had/left the countless eyes and that tiger wools just like living came general, the snake python same wriggled. 话音刚落,亚伦背后的魔虎仰天咆哮,身上一个又一个骨刺炸开,从中增生出无数眼睛、那一根根虎毛宛若活了过来一般,蛇蟒一样蠕动。 Even, its build is still increasing sharply and increasing sharply unceasingly! 甚至,它的体型还在不断激增、激增! In a flash, along with a tiger's roar, the ships of entire egg port is placed in left Yaoyou, just like encountering kept watch with the tsunami! 转瞬之间,伴随着一声虎啸,整个蛋家港的船只都在左摇右摆,宛若遭遇了观风与海啸! The graduated arm family members escaped panic-stricken, look at the demon tiger great resembles that Dingtian is setting up the place, the spirit and thought fall into confused in look around! 一个个衡家人惊慌失措地逃出,望着那一尊顶天立地的魔虎巨像,精神与思维都陷入了迷睐之中! Facing demon tiger Qi Prestige that rises suddenly again, Yang Kui should actually faint. 面对再次暴涨的魔虎气势,杨魁其实早就应该昏过去了。 But why does not know, more is close to the stupor the condition, his spirit is instead better. 但不知道为什么,越是接近昏迷的状态,他的精神反而越好。 Even to finally, him as if returned to the dream, saw that scarlet Sun! 甚至到了最后,他仿佛又回到了梦中,见到了那一轮猩红色的太阳! Yang Kui is with smile on the face, is hugging Sun in dream, fuses with Sun is one. 杨魁面带微笑,拥抱着梦中的太阳,与太阳融合为一。 In reality. 现实之中。 Yang Kui forehead appears a scarlet sun mark, blood vessel suddenly/violently Tu, just like Corona and sunlight, spread to the whole body from the forehead. 杨魁额头浮现出一个赤红的日轮印记,一根根血管暴突,宛若日冕与阳光,从额头向全身扩散。 Faint trace roaring flame is born from void, regarding Yang Kui, making his body float, just like a small-scale Sun. 一丝丝烈焰自虚空中诞生,围绕着杨魁,令他身躯悬浮而起,宛若一颗小型的太阳。 His both eyes are red, solar rune/symbol writing of forehead burns, has pinnacle crazy meaning. 他双目赤红,额头的太阳符文燃烧,带着一种极致的疯狂意味。 That fears some white Hailie will rebirths, according to day is a lunatic? Red, you disappointed me 那怕白害裂部分意志重生,也依日是个疯子么?得红,你太让我失望了 Aaron sighed. 亚伦叹息一声。 Bang! 轰隆! Yang Kui whole body blood vessel makes up, the unceasing basket moves, suddenly erupts to roar. 杨魁全身血管弥补,不断篮动,忽然爆发出一声斯吼。 „Is this what Zhongyi the technique?” “这是何种异术?” Nangong not wins the regulation southeast infiltrates a cabin, will take advantage to win the pursuit, suddenly saw the scenery of demon tiger roaring, on the face appeared the color of shock. 南宫无胜将程东南打入一处船舱,正要趁胜追击,忽然就看到了魔虎咆哮之景,脸上浮现出震撼之色。 This energy level? Only fears already and already...” “此种能级?只怕已经、已经…” The next quarter, he saw a huge scarlet light ball appears from the water surface above, as long as related, regardless of the cabin and river water, and even the person completely all change into exert the powder. 下一刻,他就看到了一颗巨大的猩红色光球自水面之上浮现,但凡涉及其中的,不论船舱、江水、乃至人都尽皆化为奋粉。 The scarlet light ball just like Sun, hits with the black fierce tiger in the same place, both sides have not known many moves in an instant. 猩红光球宛若太阳,与黑色猛虎撞在一起,双方刹那间不知道过了多少招。 Bang! 轰隆! With a loud sound, two person's shadows separate fast, a Sun is defeated and dispersed in a flash, changes into together the flowing light, escapes to the distant place, the place visited, is own direction! 伴随着一声巨响,两道人影飞快分开,其中一轮太阳转瞬溃散,化为一道流光,向远处逃去,所经之处,正好是自己的方向! Nangong victory is not too busy gives way to traffic, but moves aside as before, the half body by the solar ray ignition, was sent out a pitiful yell! 南宫无胜忙不迭地避让,但依旧躲闪不及,半边身体被太阳光线灼烧,发出一声惨叫!
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